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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1909, p. 4

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weaîýâjýs longest, Yof puretmtris A record of forty years of good paint rnalin_ behind it. /~EWIf 1 JL L lA.àS - H.l'E IIh~LARGES T SAfLE OF N î Pzljr rITIs'THE I/4RLD D--Opsite Post Office. Phone 66ý WH WANT VOUR 'SEED. We bave parchased a newv up-to-date Seed Cleaner and are'row prepared to handie, ail kinds of Clover and Grass Seeda cleaneci or uneleaned and te a the hilghes.t rarIxet price. WU~ WANT YOUR GRAîI We are aise in the market as usual for ali kinds of coarse Grain, such as Bariey, Buekwheat, Oa ts, Peas, Rye and Goosýe Wheat, ail of which we are prepared te store and buy at store- house up town, oar elevator at G. T. R. Station, or to bay if stored at the Publlc Elev'ator, Port Dariington, WE ARE STILL SELLINO COAL. Att $6.75 per ton a6t ifarbor & G. T. I. Station and 67.25 per ton deiivered to ail parts of the town.- Pea Coal $1.00 per ,'J ton less; 25 cents per ton off for Spot. Cash. Carrying iu baskets extra. We also have splendid Threshing Coai at $5.50 at Harbor or Station and .3.0 up town, Ustial lines in Wood, Charcoal, Cernent, Lumber, Shingles (me'&' arid wood,) Rex-llinthote and Asphait Roofing, Doors, * asti W.Inds and Mouldings. Speelai attention te pianing and rnatcfllng, rcaawing and dressing lumber.é LI .MITED, * KngSt., East, Bowmanvllle. Mason & Dale,-iBowmanville, Finest Furniture House 1eautifal; that'e the p.trpose and effeet cf our furniture. We have spcured Lucli mekes tiat net only oruate S home iu an attractive way, but te last; and yet with. al là the fiîaery, artistie touches and fluishes that characterize1 even the ceepst article we have, tic prices arc within ) (~ tic bounde cf every modeet purse. J Take sideboards-An asortment that bas no0eqal for varicty; the eerving the peishiig, the flisiing are of tic higiet type; tie woode are tic best seasoned, and r the constructions arc as firm as vices. Our priee cern. (NX mence at 812.00. 14 Undertakîug. le a special branch. et our business and aiways receives persenai atenindyo gt.W do not make any extra charge for distance.,iHampton I2 Branci, Phone 129 F. 1 ALAN- M. WILLIAMS, Phone 58 D OWMANVILLE. TIEkto Paint. ings bright and clean thil Spring. VWe havc tlie es.a most eco- rpailt far' you to tuse. P41if T, PREPARED, ~ he paint that BOWMANVILLr,, APR 15, 1909, HOI! FUR ORONO JUNE 11 DunRiAm OLI) Boys' GRAND, WELOME E (OME-COUNTIES' COUNCIL TO BE GUE1ýT8 ON SAME OCCASION. What pro mises to be a very enjoyable Red Letter Dav in the history of the Durham 01,i Boys' Association Is the Homeland Welcome -me and Re- Union at Orono on Frida., June Il. This earlier date has be3u chosen to enabfe the members,.of' the Couaties' Council to attend. A fuil report ci Monday eveniing's meeting ivili appear in Tiin BowmANVILLE K NÈws tomorrow. STANDING FIELD CR0? VONPEZ1TION il~ - ~1-~U*Vf~ -L-~ ~fl, ~ I _ The West Darbam Agricinîtural Socletv purposes holding a Standing Field Crop Competition during seasou of l9ý-9,1 OATS" being the croo decided on. Prlzee o!$15 GO,812.00, $8.0O and $5 00 will be awarded, Entries for competîtion must coeirt of net leFs th'tn fiçe Pcres Competition ËhalI be llmlted to members of the Agricultural Society ar d fields entered must sot be more than filteen miles from the town of i3owmanviUl Competitors allowe.d to enter lu only one Society and make but one entr'. -An, entry fee of one doA:ar will tie charged, The Oacario Deper-t ment of Agiriculture will furnish expert juadges. Entries muet be made not later than May 15th, 1909, with the Secretary, from whomblaukentr,îforms may he procured. Net lesa than tentlor more than twenty-flve entries must be made. prosident. Secretary, April 15-i9 1 .1Bowmanville. EXCELSIOR CLUB BANQUET, The Third Annual Banquet et the South Darlington Exceisior Club was held inlD. M. Tod's Parlers, Oshawa, Monday evening Apî'îl th. It was in- deed a fitting close te the season which hed j-ust ended, About fifty set dowa and enjoyed the splendid supper whicl was served in grand style. After par- takinig cf the good things the gathering was placed in the heands of Mr. George Annis, the president. Instrumental solos by Misses Ethel Kirby and Ferr MeIntyre and duet by Messrs. E. 0C Higginbothau and E. A. Eiliott. Vocal soles were rendered by Miss J. MoLean and 31r. 0. A. Gamsby, Orono, and and recitations by Miss M. Ashley and Mr. H. Pearce. nistory cf the Cl wes ably given by Mr. W. R. Piokeli. Toasts followed:1'The Vîsitors" proposed by the President; "0ur Club" by Mr. W. R. Pickeil; '"The Ladies" by Mr. E. F. Willoughby; "Our P resident" by Mr. H. F. Osborne. A heerty vote cf thanks wvas tendered to these who so ebly took part on the program and help. ed te inake the event the best in the history cf the Club. Letters were read by Miss A. Osborne, the secretary, froin absent members, ah cof whorm expressedl their regrets et their inebility te bî present, UEn BABY IiAU1 EczmA. irs F Clarke, Belmont, Man., writes:- "My baby had eezmna on ber ear. The sore was very beri and soth'4 seemed to hclp ber. Hcario mcremarkabie cures Dr. (7has4-'sOjgh» iimut had made we began u,,!n Lifrk n-d with the thîrd application tifc/'scre began te beal Tlic cure was , fho.rough and completc ud we give ail credit te Dr. Chase's Cintment." J. B. L, COLE, HAMPTON Is prepared te buy any quantity of îîowassed WOOL, course at 9c per lb., and fine et 10*- shpe.pnlinrs 60e te $1060; horse,ý bides QS.25 for No. 1, colt skius 60c to $1 20; bee! bides 7a Vaer ib.; tal- low 5ý1-,par lb; deacon caljskins Soc te 60c; veal skies 12î2 per lb,, trimmed; aise gocod Ncrtherui Spy a ples et $30 par barrel]. He cifers f-ar F aleýPE ID ROOFING -hest thig Il-. theimnarliet for rcoliig, corisidering the pri e afid labor of put- ting on. COWS-ene reneýred for $25; one to renew scon for 84S. ; Oïîe tborobred English Berkshire So+, 8 monthe 011, 73-acre farîn, five miles north of Oshawa. Terme easy J E L. COLE, butcher,ý 14-3w Hampton. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Ilampton, March 27. Conncil met thîs day. ail reembers present, Reeve Alex Wight in chair; minutes cf iast meeting were read avd confirmed. Commîunications were read froma The Pediar People, W Ta) 1er & Co; receivcd and tyled. From solicitors for Mr Beacom pressing for a Fe'ttlement for gravei;. Mesers Milison and Wood- !ey were appointed a committee to lu- vestigate. Frcm Countieb' clerk- aboutj rcfurtingte-wate- lirdw ttitn t 1 counties; resolution was passed. C N RuEe resiai-ed office cf P M and on motion S 1 Willliams was appolnted, J' Snowden and W Rowe applied fer per-j ,mission te build wire lences for bonus-i granted. The Treasurer acknowledzedi raceiptcf $2 frtreaE old ta J Luxton, Beeve was authorizBd te grant orders on the Treasurer as follnws: J Wither- idge, errcr lu taxes, $1 71; T Browu,j use of roadway 8; G Harvey, shcep1 demagots$4166; Mrs Lane, support et Fred $3;lil A Farrell, aid te Adaum1 fi mil y $5 99; W Wright keeping M1 Wyn*810 50; NI A James & Sons, print. Ing, $45 68; H Ellicît, saiary. $80; Trus- tees S S No 10, adyauca on teacher's saiary $100. Couricil adjourned. H 1±LIOTT, Township Clark, "Thv Wiil Be o In"l the evecling ch-, choir reuadered 'As Lt Bcgan te Dawu," MISS Ethel L. VanNest aïalnIrM. H. J.- Kuigbt takiug the solo parts, and "Christ je Rsee'" A duet "Forever witta the Lord" by Miss Jenele MeLeain and Mr. Knlght was ailso rendcred with much aceeptance. The sarvices at -St Johri's Church BEster Sunday were sung in the usuel attractive style. At Mlatins. Dyke's G'Te Deum" wais rendered ln a brlght mainuer and Turner~s beautiful anthem 'Chiist is Rîsen" wais splendidly suag, Mr W H Densem taikîug the sole,. The sermon by the Re-ztor, 11ev -W E Carroll, B A, on the Resurrection and promise cf ai future life was atteutlvely iistened te. 11ev B W Hindes, B A, assisted, and -at1he celebraïtfôoc cfthe llol Y 03 l- munion abo.ît 50 persous participated. At evensong the "Deus Mvisereatur" wae ýfeelingly renidered te D'anks bauti- fuI setting and the authema "Hosanna" Dy Granier was a fitting ending te the day 'd fatival music. Miss BeatrIce Tamblyn was thc soloist and her light soprano voice was greatly admimed lu the acthem, .Rov Hindes preaiched au aippropriate sermon. Lt was uoticed ths t the choir enteredthe chaucalsingmng their Processional Hyme ait each serv- les, au Innovation which the cengroga- -ien faviorably commented upo. BASEBALL MEETING( Au organizition meetinz oi the Bow-. manville Faisebaîl Oui, waie held in Dr. J.C. Davitt',i offie MoEedaiv evefning thje cloigofficers were- elecied: -Hon P4resident-W FSteeas; Hon Vice-Sl W SauderF-,Preldent-Gus BneuI;, ; Chas HAdesn Tearr-A Mclla;ciech aind trainer-Ai thur IMingaui.Arother rýeing z lh bebiithis soasoli, to appoint a ceip- tain cead -ra-îaiging cammittee. Brgaa Lre j; 11ev. W. Beni. Tucaier, B. A., B. D, of OJshawa, has accepted the invitation of the Quarterly Board cf the Norwond Methodist church te suceeed 11ev W H 1Adams, who ig leaving te take charge r0f a church in Toronto. 1 The Rev Il J Ha,-milton, B A, who has 1been fer many vears a missionary lu rJapan, will (D V) preach le St John's 3cburch on Sunday 7naxt, morulng and fevenIng. He willl also give an illus- )trated lecture In St John's church on tMonday e -euiug the lazlih mît ou thc rmisslouaary work lnJapan. The annueil Temperance Stinday tSchool Raliy under auspices of WC.T.U. rwlll 1le held in the Methodist Church ou iSuudaiy, April 18, at B p m. An ad- dreEs will be given by Mrs. Hislop eProvincial Organizer, a very gifted wemic. Rectaýtions and music b7 --members uf the ahos olcin Publie cordially invited. i. Ladies cf St. Paui'iscburch gave an elegant Eastcr Tes. Mondlaiy evcnlng whlch was vweli atteuded and greatly enj)yed. Tables were nioely laid and pleaslugly decorated with E&sterlilies, The supper, which was 8firet-class lu every respect, consistedl of meats, jallieb, saladg, pickles, bread &ed butter, varlous kincts o! cake, pie, etc., appetizinglv served by, attentive waitors, Proceede $46. Service was hegld le the Methcdlst Church Gocd Friday moruing when Rev. J. Gar1ùott, pastor, preached to a fairly large auience, Hie sermon was approprisite te the day and was much~ apprcciatcd Ïby those preseut. Mis Jennie MeoLean sang very swcetly ."There le a Green Hill Far Away," and Mrs. T, E. Corwiton, Toronto, sang with much acc--eptance a fine eqle, "e Was Despîsefil and Rejee!ed," from Haedel's Messiah. Longue 'meeting ia the Methodieit zhnrch Meuday eyening wasin l charge of Miss Ethel Morris and Mr. Milton Elliott, the subject beirg' "The Religious Lille cf Canada.' Atter devotînnal exercl5,es conducted by Presidant Loy- cli. Mlss Morris tcok the chair and the fo lowin g progra m was rcndcred: placeo duets b.' Misses Florence Allia aed Lena Horne, and Messrs. Crtighton tligginbotham and Elmar Ellilott; vocal solo, Miss Ethel L VauNest; Easter recitatien, Miss Bea Jones; and an addross on the, topie by Mayor J J. Magon. Rev, S. T. Bartiett hais been appoint ed by the General Ceuference Board as Gencral SecîeLary cf Suuday Scboois and Epivortîh Leagues of Canada in successiru o te 11evA. C Crews who le now editor ojf thec Methodist Suuday ISehoai publi"atons. 11ev, F. L. Faire- Jwell, B.A.. of the Torento Cnnference, bas beau aippoirited Associate Secretary for the work lying caste!f Lake Super- ;or, with Ite officii centre ait Toronto. lHe will have charge wlth Mr. Bartlett of ail the field work from Port Arthur te Ncwfoundlaed and the Bermudas. 11ev, J. A, Doyle le the secretary for western Canada Iawiih headquairters ait Riegins. Eseter services ln the Methodist cburch sundaiv wcre verv Interestiug anud he1pfulinad le keaplng wlth the sacredness o! the day. Paistor Garbutt Preacbed two excellent sermons. in the m,'ruing on the influence o! Christ'e reSurrec',-ion on the world, the churcb and the individual beart, and la the evenine-, 'If a man die shah heo live agaiu?' The choir rcndered the an theme "1Why seek ye the living among the dead," and "Halul Prince cf Light MINISTERS ,AND 013URCHES Hear Mrs Hyslop, the W. C, T. U organizer, at the T emperance Rall, Sunday ai ternoon. Mr 0 C Washington of Victoria U ni versity preached at, Leekard Sunday aflternoon for his father 11ev W 0 Wath: Ington. A memoril service will he beid li the Salvation Arrny Barracks nexi Sunday evening in memory of the latE Mrs Fishleigh. Sermons will be preached next Sun. day In ail the town churches in thE the Interest of the Lord's Day Alliance 1Special collections In aid cf the work, 11ev T W Jolliffe has been invited tc preach the anniversar.y sermon to tlE Kingston and Catarqul lodges in Grari ýy Ly Kt le i. Lo e at r. MI îm c1tl~d.-f-,-.v i, ~q --n-,r~h~~give entire satisfaction, Our suits are- made to--we-ar an-dkeep their shipe. You May core here with confidence that you wiil always get just what you want and at the right priec To give you some idea of our assortrnent of suite we have here for yoar Inspection, 300' Men's Suite ln sizes Up to 42. 250 Boys' Sui.s assorted sizes, 200 Overcoats, assorted sizes. It would be difficuit to find a better equipped eiothÎng department. We study to, please ' our customers and in go doing have èstablished a reputation for satistaction. SPEGIAL Our facilities for plaeing high elassed tallored garments at your disposai is equal to any of the large eity establishment. We are sole agents here for the 2Oth Century Brand Clothing. These are not ready.rnades buL"trietly -high clasrnade-to.order- garinen ts -finished -in -every respect equal tû the work of the very best tailoring establishménts. We have over 500 diff- ercut sampies you ean choose your suit or overcoat fromi It will pay yoix to corne here and OUR BOYS' GLOTHI'NGu wil b ofrel iteesttoyou, At this time you eau flnd here sEme very attractive littie su!its, roderately priced. 3 piece suits, 83.50, 84.00, $4.50, $5.00, 85.50, $6.00, 86.50, $7.00. 2 piece suite, $1.75, $2 00, 62.25, 2 50, 3.00, 3.50, 4 50, 5-00. Yon should sec our assortrnent of stiff and soÏt bats for men and youths. the leeding bhat manufacturers o! the worid. We've got the sinart hs.t for man as weil as the more conservative styles. lEnts from 50e to 82.50 ecd, They ccme fronr the swell young _____NEW SPRING VSIÂLSH GOODS Our splendid range of new wash goods le open for Inspection-. We have a large stock of prints in the dainty stripe designs also, small flgured effects absoiutely fast coîcrs. par yard 12ýe. Eaney wash musilusi in varlouï styles ani elorings will ive you geod satisfaction, as-, sorted lu floral patternls and stripe affects. Prices from 14e te 35e a yard. Our new spring waists are now ready. Corne and make your selction. Any style you may wish, We wiii be able to show sornething very pleasing lu iawn, net and silk, assorted WASH SUI TI'NGüâ Indien Head Suiting a very popalar sumumer dress fabrie, splendid washing- quallty, 8G Inches wide. Prices 20e and 25e a y.v McflurtY & OLmtel BIaIIVI A N'VILLEý. The Ladies Wear Linilted, Torento, was well rcpresented bere durinir the boidai3s, there belng ne lese than four members cf the staff wbo spent Good Friday la towu-Messrs. Reuben Cox, Carl Mayuard, 1Fred Gale and Robert Adams. WIHO 8SUFFER's Can -Find- &ure 1RëIief iii Dodd's Kidney Pis, MRS. J, OLIVER TBLLS 110W Fun LOST BERu PAINS AND WEAKNES5 WEEN EaIM UîsoTIE OLD RELIABLE KIt>- NEY BEMEDY. ELO:.N. Ont. April 12 (Speclail) - Womcn Wlie sufer, andtnere are tl'cus- ands of them in Canada, wili he ir with le teret the experience cf Mme . Oliver e! this place. She had euffe-red and tound a cure and ehe bas ne hesitation lii,3aying that cure le -Dodd's Kidney 1I êuffered for dover a year from Bachache and Falntlng Speils."1 Mrs Oliver etates, "I was always tired sud niervous and the leaiet exertion would a-ý,e me pereipire f mclv. My feet ard anles would well audI had a drag- g ýngsesatiion acrosi thelins.,.I sawj Dodd's RdnvPilleadvertised and bàught some Twcelve boxes cured m,321I Ail womea wb vvo suifer should use l4odd's -Kidnley Pille. TLep makei h~ailhy kiacys nd halthy kidrie" Fs are tefirst rmlecfheathfior womani. Thei jfemale organe dependaimetr-nt!rely miar, eau hopeý to be be-althv anud appv u 1ees hem- r ,ide'ys aPreCr -'gbt. 'l ie klde~suee ooas:;nilhelp or te Most auny womcn eau telilyou ont f! 1ier own experieuice thiat D9dd'sdney Piî:s are the cthe u. Warts are unsightly biemisýhes, and crne sare paInful grewtbs, holloway's Corn Cure will remeve tham. Brakeman Chas. J.'LReade, cf We3t Toronto, was eentenced te three inonthe la jeu eat Cobourg for criminel cairelese- nese lu connectlea with the Sandbenk wreck near Buraicton Station some moatha aga, and Sectign Froreman Baledon wae acquitted. Tbe concert given'in the Opera House Weduesdey evening under auspices et the Helperb' Society o! the Disciples' Church, waie largela' attended. The prcgram wae vcrv bigh clase, several selectlons belng taken from Grand -Oeae.Mrý4ttchard-on's singlng--ta cf power anud Leling, with purity cf tnue. Mdiss VanHome passes e a verv full, swe±ýt and flexible soprano voie ever which sic hais complete centrol.ý The reaidinge by Miss W cavar were artisti- cally present9d, the audien!e demaind- igseveral encore. Miss Luttrchi's performance ait the piaing grcaitly added te the cnjgymect of the cutertalument. OBITUARY, LIuS, WILLIAM FISHTLEIOII. Our cltiz3ns symnpathiz-e with Mr William Filshleiyh la the de-ath of b wifo, M-rs Maria Fiebleigli, who passed away ou Tacsday cvenitig et laiet week wcek ait ber home, Kiug St west, alter culy a f ew deve illess from pneumronie. Deceas3ýd',i miidon naime was Mqriai Turner, daughter e! the late Rogzer Turner cf Clairke Townehip. She wasý highlye res-pectocd by ail, a womae nt quietbhabi ts but a klndfricnd, au unseiflsh neiýghbor, and a truc wlfe aindmter Tae funcraIl took place Thursday a! ternooni service baîcg con- dneted bv Adýjt Braidburv o! the S9aion Armiy. Tho bearere were her tbýrcc sons and thirce sctn-ln-lpw. The floral' oferinge wcere very prctty cxpreesieg the5 s7vmpath,; cf relýatives aind fLian'ds. Stsldei ber sorrowiug busbaind she leaves three sons:MeersWilia iad Roger c'f Torento7, aind Th'eedore cf' O3'hawja, aud îhree duhtrMrs A flerbert Flaýtcher ai-d Mis Normau PlmeBo)wîan'ille, aid Mme D1b5, 'Toronto. STEE @PAINS Oc i 'nAQED are usiially due ta the teudency 0f the kîducys to weair eut-as age advainces, gilig rise te the aceumjriation Qf-peisous lu the blood ane sngecace umao achiug im 8 drheumatisru. Dr. Chasc's Ki Il -Liver Pills are partie- ularly prlz- iby aged peeple hecatue ther cn be reiied upon te lnvigorato tic action of the liver, kidneys audi bowels aind se remeve tce cause c! Daines aud aches. Mr. W. J. Jeffers, son of -Dr. and Mrý. Jeffers, Lindsa.v. and uephaii cf Sire W. R. Knlght, Bowmanvillc, has comi- pleted a trip round the world fie bee-ewy-lveear-ad hiehai -i em- vcry intercstlng experiences Durlug hie travele Mr. Jeifers carued hie liveli- hood by writirig ft r paipers and maga- zines and teck up vairieus manners and customs of Varions natives. He haq eow taiken a position ou The G3lobe, T oronto. &. M. Saixby. Ca ton, le sulng Hviy Ktnsnain, Hlamltnr', S G. Blaicks' k, of Toronto, and Fred B Phllp, Pr Iloïe, executors cf theestate ef the litd Will'iam Kînsman, te rescind an agree- meu1t for the putchaise of certain ml:i propertv ii Canton, and te set aside a, nîortgage la conuection wlth the agree- ment., Me seeks te recover 83.000 paid on tlîe purchage. aind te regain certailn notes. Saxby b ases Li-3i daim on -"taise and fraudualcut mlrerresectation'e la conuectlon with tce agreement. Those unhaippy persous wha suifer trom nemycusness and dyspepsia eh uld use Carter's Little Nerve Pille, wblých aret-d, xpcel fer eceLee uer- vans, d1' speptie suLffere3rs. Price 25 cents., $20 MEN'S S1JTS FR$14 Jos. Jefferv (&zSon, Star House, Bow.' meunvîle, l;avc bcd stul a great rush ïor their 82) meu's 9uitý ,,jr $14 cash that thcy deccided to-4eep the offcr open fer this mnithl r. t4y have a new ar- rivai cfcoh-~atflsulitngEe,-o inca aind boys-awhd inviite ear:y lnspec tIeni. Dae a eing of $6r00.ou»enyour 'orlne Suit tempt Yeu? 'If Sc eal a the tr oc M'EST END H-OUSE. ........... ............. ...... ........ ................ WEST END flOUS E. Ieu's and BOyS' lothinlg. We have the styles, the quaiitles and the assortrnents 'which go to make a flrst-ciass 1 and Mm K - mo 1 'l 4

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