Or-, The Girl With the Nuit Br,,own Hair an-d Dreamy Eyes. CHAPTER XXIV, ilead rigidly erect, hands ight- ly clasped behind him, vision rivet- edl traiglit abead, David pace3 a mid the tangie of the bowe, and _41 týhe darkness so',ight with agoný cf soul for ligbt. Tochi dying father he had madE apromnise of fidelity-and he waE uee n the high seas, a prisonex L nU frs Wn ship! To ;agey Manesty lie had ]igte is, troth-and now lie wa, treatedý as anmoral rentegade and îlhe se,ýa flung itself as'ound him on Lser and! Unieasily he iooked about him un1Ce'Lit of bis ground, and Go- liab, ho adsharcd lis watch, jtef i th poop to meet hirnwiL!i an clffer of food and sleep. Indiff er entilie consented, and staggered aft to-wards the captain's cabie, but halted when the skipper hastily sepped in front of him., "I mayn't let you go there, sir." "Tfhere," lie scpeated-"where?' "To mny cabin, I'm sorry, but- !,ut l'Il have to ask you to put up witb t' fo'c's'le-else how'il you etyour bparings and-and see things as they aret" Stinging, bruising,- the words heat one byon upon bis intelli- gene Rage again swept into his heairt. Suddentiy bis arm sitot for- ,war'd, an*d Goliath, giant though Lüe was, fell beneatb the blow. Be- fure, the skipper could regain his feDavid was speeding aft. Fra moment,, however, David, haid abauidoned bis design on the rab;in. The issue now was not one (À accommodation but of autliority. Turnýing bis back on the skipper her gripped the rail cf the poop and called for the first man on whom bis giance fell. "Blair, come here." The ma-iriner shooli bis head. -cyehar me, iNed Blairt Come Lair dug b'is hands deep into his pkt aiid iulied away forward. Anrly avid watched bita join the re,ýst of 'thýcecr4w wbo lad gath- erdin a knot abaft the foremast. 1ien lie ïfollowed and insisted cn obeienedeclared that Cassou was nuo longer the, skipper, and commiianded theni to put the siti] abut. Emibarrassed, witb lowered 1ii, a& tumuit of longing in tbeir hearf s, tbey crowded before bita and 'iistened, but not a band was lifted, not a foot stirred. "D'y e hear me?1" David cried ganad stamped furiously upon the eck."You, Blair, and y7ou, AtkLinson-and ail the rest. This hýý mn slip, it is my mouey that pays you; get about your work and we a r rouind for port, any port you ie olong as this monstrous farce %,?. ened it the thing yen vi ilu hat mke oi afraid l Tben let you)r fears go; l'Il say no more iibout' it. l'Il believe that you've i heen led into mischief by those wbî tenght to b ave known better, and there shAaIl ho nu punisbrûent fo ýou nor suffering for those who are ýdear to Yeu. Now then -at once." -We eau oaniy tak' tV captain's erdle r S.' uYu must take Mine. Casson's csisda nd I'm captain uow." S;tiil tbey stood their ground. One after anether lie appeaied te theta by namnd1 in eacb case, the respons,1e was fhuug at bitawith chiliing sameness. They coukd 'eanly tak' t' captain's orders.' Re offered theta rewards; they conid "oanly tak' t' captain's or- g1ers1." He, threatenedtbe sternest pena iî lties of the law. but again they Ffhehte,,rcd behind Goliath's author- ity. Fi!»naity, he sought the mate ndý offered bita the command, but lieubiien-Tickle -deciared that he'd &,ven bis word to stand by Goli- at. lreafter David struggled no More ý,. At a sign frota the skipper, Jacki Corn1e toucbed bita-on the arm, andwt>? broken utterance offered iiiia hbopitality of the fo'c's'he. lJacdwenicdto the verge of col- laps,, exbiaustcd too by hunger, Paid offefed no further resistance nnd iïamieddown theia.dd1erý. Thi, towa s part of tbe JFact self on a <iscovo-ry-,lie fortbwith' annoujnced it to JacI Currie, wlio was taking bis trick at the tiller, and instautly bis atom of vain giory was brusbod away. "Beggin'. your pardon. Cap'n," Jack responded, "but 1 ca't say 1 sec, owt surprîsin' in it. It's oanly humait natur'. Bless you, men chunner aboot Number Yan, bit wid, most fwolk Number Yan's nivver contontit wid itscelf." 'Eow do you make that out, Jack t" Goliastb had earned more tban one lesson fromthetb qucer ohd - - R tan. _____________ Weel, Cap', you cau liegin aI- jut sufficieknt I-o tale I-le edgo off mainsi. T' Mclistcî,r hitascîf wene bis appetite. ývanna& ii content tvid t' New Jeru- R fe wcs Ierribiy sleepy -wbat bcd saleni tlll I{e'd mcd sure I-bat cxv thappened te I-be sip-the f o'c's'îe'ý t' poor, sic na'cked, heavy laden dwas spincing round-be wouid 5sec!nmen an' womcc deon hene cd have1 dabout I-bat bread by-cnd-by-mnec a chance o' shanin it wid Hita. 'y wbe wenked for wcges- desenxed Tlicre yeu'ne on t' noyais.1 Now beItonr fane Ihan Ihat-Wbat did corne doon tili t' tops'ls; fadders ce Jack say-iie dowe-yes, -certain- an' înuddens nivver eujy owt un- îS y. less tI-eir childen bave t' lîon's S Iges o'hhlabcIbI-shane. An' afI-er I-hem ycu -corne Ier'n a batrnock," Jace rotacrk- tili t' hairus who mcc have -beir Al ed, as boe spread a rough blanketl bit dolhies I-o cuddlc, an' dandie, ioverlia "a bunk's casier I-o man- anr'I-hein ralibits an' guinea-pîgs, d age an' c lot warmer. It's wun- I-o fend for., Why, abhI-cl you we'nej ,n nerful hoe mucc heat I-bese woodec aw muccli nteresI-ed in cI-ber ftvolk wals manage pte store np. NoceoI-bat ln cw t' warld I-een'snoI- 1, c' your new-fcngled mron slips for eefo c o s n ev c nie. Wodnwal7re ile grecu shuhIy I-o macifacter main,TnIs î, sirts Godaimibty cd 'cm wby we've aw fungitI-e cor ccc Lt bI-h Bitther, this- ty yad- consarns iian' îarewatc-hin' Mais- deini', I-hoýpuoon bit bin's csieep I-or David, au' wonde.nin' wbethen dawriddy-." bhell wectiîen t' point conrue ,ThaI- mcrniig I-be cnew of I-be ashore. " ýy Daniel were granI-edý a minor holu "An' wbich is it gcing I-o le day. But for tI- ake cf Dcvid's Jack; whlaI- d'ye I-link; bow is I-be sliniber, al discordant, 'eche nais- cruise going to ecd t" ing occpaios (en suspended, "Wbat do- I think? Cap'n," I-be ship bcam.e farn more silent lecning on I-le tiller xithb beI- I I-an I-beirnepressible sec.-NeTt un- bands I-be old maci peered earnesI-- Stil I-be noonI-ide suc wcs wcnming iy icI-oI-be skippe's face-"Cap'n, I-be wat-ers cnd splesbing I-Iota with iyen cind whaI- lappened wiec I-be patdhes cf silver acd gohd did ho haddie focnd ocbt I-at iestead off [awckcn. TIc mec wene aI- dinuen, hiocesI-t mat vewcre gittin' bag- cead for a wbulQ, I-rough sleep- wcsh. le set for a wbiie liuddled 1--dimmed eyes, lie lcy tIill ccd up in t' fo'c's'le an' I-len le sent S watched Ihem. A couple cif wood- for you an' mado yen show bit acw ben k,,ids were plcced on I-be ficor, I-' sbip's stores; an' afI-er I-bat yen onze conI-ining inieat,I-be cI-ber ia. lid I-c Iell bita bec ing I-is bcd boiling cf DotaI-ces, ccd round gene on, an' wliaI washappecin' ýthese ti-hescions were gaI-bened,ion cxv t', cI-ber Grahata boa-I-s. cc.ad icI-oI-hein capccivu s deptias1 Weel, whon lie eft ycu, 1 heerd bita ecch oncc dipped fer hitaseýif.sy tihi hitaseif, 'Tbey wactit I-o eSenso, reviving, lie casI- a cuni- I-eha1 me an' I wad'i"- isten.' Nec, e eus glance icI-o I-ho smoking tubs, I-len, y,, mmnd wbat followed. 7xrocdened whi I-be potatooes sliould'you offered bita some cf I-bat sofI- d lie so decply coloned, and remanked Ilteck you'd laid ine 'specichly for I-bat in I-ho pnocess cf cooking I-be ita, au' ho wadri'I bave it, but mecI- bcd ccqcired a mabogcny said, says bie, 'I'se I-cl' wbat I-le bue ile I-laI- cf sait junk when kepI- crcýw's gittin'. An' sech he's I-oc long. But titis must- le fresh messod ferrari wid us-be's niadea emeat, for I-le Daniel wcs fnot yet your pop h-Ily groucd widoot exin I-wo d'ays out. 1 ny quesIions-be's spantotv pickcd' He turned bis attention I-oI-be et bis, juel au' bis duif an' bis mec, eotcd I-bat Barney Rigg cf- sceuse. an' hast cecI- I liecnd bita fectIed c vegetanian diet, was sur- yadde-rn' Iihl hitaseif cuay yonder, nprised I-c find Sandy LitI- dining Off an' sayic', 'Tliey wcnI-it I- elcl me a mixture cf 'whicli slip's biscuiti an, 1 wcd't lui-en,' an' af-en I-bat, nfornmed tI-blis, scw a lolk cf dis- q' wonden I wocder-I wonder, gusI- ixxep itîto I-he face cf Jack oh, if I cnly knew. '" 'Currie, as lie strnggled witb bis AbrupIiy I-be beltasman ceased. Cpotioni.of' meat, sew Jack casI- it limpaI-ienI-ly I-licskipper wciI-ed thbe P> ail away into I-le refuse buclet. rsmto fbss-rcdwe Wide cawake cou', ho slung bita- oId Jack manifesI-ed ne disposition Sself over I-ho ledge ccd became one o blgie esly ad m cf I-be group. Ris gannents-he "inoige, e Iestiy adibit 's hd septjus aslieboadedthe "I've nowI- main I-o say," Jacki brig-w ene creased ccd frowsy, bis doggedly rcplied, h ain tossed ile ted disonden, bis "X\ell, cf alI-be cggravcI-ing old imien stili wiid. "Wbat is I-laI- stuff '" ho demand- Porpss nbw bI bu Scd, pcinting I-oI-le tub cf meat. I-bat opinion 1 asked you for?' Per- ,- " ati"Jc une oi 4] aps you'Il scy I-bat much." dw'ays be depecded on for c word IIinCpn-la-w'lhe I i- an emiengeny-"why,- htsa lit main wicd au' waI-I-r, cn' a a sait juck." biht's utess ýcexvas spnoa. afworo -a "Sait jueiliehorepea-ed, inace- motenin'nepeie -i n. cents full cf doubt-'scht junk, mteiga exliv, h, a ccd I-ho voyage only bogue] skipper boucced cway I-e bis calte. a Wberc's Cassoît,,send bita bore - Jack braced hitaseif I-e I-e swing 0 ttI-cilbita ionmust-laefresh meatcf I-be tiller. d I-bat 1 cnden it. fiow fan is alI-bis "Opinion," he gnunI-ed; "fasb, r foolicg I-olic cannied i' I-ey're tliings I reekon cowt on. a IfTbey'ne I-o cheap an' I-be vanna "fwe get fresi meat, it'hl have dîvil for miseief- an' wrcugncss. I- i u f sccw"Bne Bit I'se like Maister David-I won- Rigg broke lui. "Tbeen's ceaI iden an' wonder an' wond-onr." freshueis aboot aeyI-hîng on t' Everno tuch-at fateful taorreit Graaniboas ce. e s-cn co I-roc, days bacd, wboî le cwokol, Itips ou salI- horse an' we e'ei cmfrota ulumber ccd harced-bat ret 1 on salI- borse. An' even I-be juek's leasI ccc cf I-be ceunI-s ini Ihic in- goce, hart afore it xvcs sbown the dietrncntcagainsI bita was solidly h What- Barney scys is gospel," tiuc, condtioncf caslestentalr 1Jack Cutnie assured bita; "you'dinterrogationofîleahsalferi ccntv nivx'er isten I-ila word fra aeyi-bargtmisen.lHmccc ati bie licow -on ns, Maister Daxid, bit oal',ttj w rout irbis me. ccd, luv-bei mcdo your manager your go lie- rultihsnaendinh, t Iwoen, or ion 'd bave keneed t aw eyes cf I-be world, witb bis sanc- ylcng sic. Mappen ycu've licou tien. But leyecd I-bat point, tiene - I-iche' w e fcred btter an' îeap- is ne clearuascf vision. For pen yeun moucys pcid for decentor tIhneo dcis bt-clu cnd seul bavai JsufbtcimlInlceII-a'grcpedc for illumtination, ccd ccxv, thr.intwcnîe feri tsalotiustoad cf ligbI-,ti-be gloont is be- I-b yor. er-oliat afct iing piled about bita, fold upon fold, th I-acyuts Tîcr" pt' ornI-icgtel Ierrer indtead cf perception. çYou n cari dog wadn't cal it."---_ _- One fleeIicg, borrified hock into thbe oxcited, expectant faces cnowd- ing about bita in I-be slanI-ing sent- - tic iigbI-. TIe i-the o rk slpped fromi lis fingens accd ciaItered on I-hie boards. Up I-be ladden a file i cf jÎerseyedtIans swifthy sýcnamblcd, cdDavid was coe abonicti. Tbemanccd1is1 Pausiig In bis narow ahk since.lie va fri d the aerl cabin lie bas nvrallowed imseiýilf teý pass the forwa,,rd hateb - lie Jeans upo-n the wnd assad gazes from sea to sky and ail around. (To ho coutinued.) (ÂLARY As those ccnvkteý_Ïzd by the Law, 0ur hearts w re filhed withl soletr-1an ,ce Whec we at firs itic-ysaw The Sacred C'ross cf Cclx any. To endI-hoearnesof our cight, On us therei hc redemptioe's And thcn there e te us a siglit 0f lita Who Dedou Cclx ary. Tbe deepcst dc-pths in buman crime,, The centrai, point cf endicss time, Thie intacît bear- cf love sublime, Were cheariy seeu on Calvary. Thc "Word made Fiesb t1' fe came te take The condemui1atien for our sake; Hie did a fulli aotenment make, WhenHe was sîcain on Cclvary. Hiaseif for us,,fie freely gave, That Hie frota.r death our seuls Imiglit sav, To breakii- rnirsof I-be grave, Hie died for us on Ccivany. Wlen sulent is the v oice cf soug9, Wben deary itemas the path and long. Te make our faïCI and courage strong, We look agai te Calvary. And wben I-le Savicur cotaes again To ccli fis own wiI-b limta t reigu, 'In glonieus light Hie will explain Wbat caused lTis decI-l on Cal- Vary. T. WATSON. Gravenbunst, nti.,1909. ALHOST SNAINL There is (leneral1 Surprise ai h Great Nîbo f Porions in Bowmnvilo Who Praise Booth9s Kidney PUIS. It's but a sbont titae since I-le fîrst box cf Beotli's Kidney Pilhs Wlct a work this stranger bas accemplished. Dozens cf residents lienefited and cuned cf lame, weak acd acbîng backs, crincny and kid- ney I-roubles. It is remcrkcbhe: I-le reascu for it is Bootli's Kidnoy Pui-s are a new blond cf xegetcble lu- gredients, baving a peculiar action on I-be kidney I-issue that bnings quick IcI-p. Mrs. P. S. Alcumibrack cf Liberty SI-., Bowmranviilet',, Ont., says : 'My back lad benea and tender for s('Me long timie. A becvy, bcaning down pain liad settled accress I-be smaîl cf it and exI-ended around my sides and into, my shoulders. I was se weck and languid that I conld scarcely attend te the dutiesi cf the lieuse. Ixvouid bav e te leave m-. bed several titaes ecd nighit witli ýbe frequent secretiens cfI-be' kiducys and after would get up in t-he morning more tired and donc eut than before going te bed, The urine p-hainly tohd cf the disordered state cf I-le kidnoe s, it ivas higbiy celoned cnd contcined a quaetity cf brick dust sediment. I bcd focnd ne relief in any cf the many reine- dies I bad tnicd and on lcarning cf Bootb's 1-Kidney Pilîs tbrough a friend, 1 procuniýed a box at Jury's Pbanîîacy. 1I began their use, I-bey quickly eghae the urinary dis- endors anid ecb: and eveny sytaptota cf kidne,.y toule will gladly recemmcndBot' Kidcey Pis. 8Sold by daes Price 50 cents. The R. T. B',ootb Ce., Ltd., Fort Er'ie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. AN EFASTER GIIEETIN-\G. John 20: 13-20. The nisen Lord adoring, Like those xxlio see fis face, May you be n!pward secaring Te mctcble,_s bcigbts cf grace. Tbat ri£en life pussessiïag, Whicb sanctifies your aita, May yen lie made a blessing To those wblo love I-is came. T. WATSON. GranI-hurst, Oct., 1909. CURES IDGSIN Take your sour stomaca-or may- be you eall it Indigestion, Dyspop- sin, Gastritis or Catarrh of Sto- mach; it doesn't niatter-take your stomacli trouble riglit with you te your Pharmacist and ask bim Ito open a 50-cent case of Pape's Dia pepsin and lot you eat one 2gra*n Triangule and sec if within 1iva minutes there is left any trace of your stomnadl misery. The correct nane for your trou bic is Food Fermentation- foj d souring; the Digestive orgaus bo- come wcak, there is lack of gnst.ic juide; your food is only haîf dige ýt ed, and you becomne affected wîtha loss of appetite, pressure and fu'i ness after ýeating, vomniting, nausca, beartburc, griping in bowels, 'Lea derness in thc pit of stomacli, ca taste in mouth, constipation, pai> in limbs, siceplessuese, belching of gas, bilicusness, sick headache, ncrvousuess, dizziccss and many other similar symptotas. 'If your appetite is fickle, and no- thing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you feel bioated after eatiug, or your food lies like a lump cf head on your stcimsch, you eau make upyour m]cd that at the bottom of-aIl this thereii but one cause- fermentation cf undigested food. Prove to yourself, after your next mea], that yo ýur stomacl i is as good ar anry: fItbq thère is nothing rea,ýly wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear cf discomfort or mis- ery. Almost instant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter cf how se-an yen take a lîttle Diapep- sin. ORONO., (From the News.) Messrs. fi.fi. Reid, T. W. Jack- son, Fred Tamblyn, A. WV. Car- v etb, Col. Staples and William Beacota were in thle city on busi- nesrecoixtly. Misses Elva Tueker and Leta Noble, are home, frota Normali sehool. Mr. Daniel Hall spent Easter e'îth bis daugliter, Mrs. Smith, To- ronto. Mr. Richard Beer bas bcd an at- tack of rlieumatism. Mrs. Joues and daughter, Bertha, are expected liere May 24tb. Miss Vina Cornisb lias returned f rota xisiting aI- Newtonville and Newcastle. .Mr. Isaac Winter's two-year old child is recovericg f rom pneýumonia. Miss Rhoda McLeod is home from lier sister's, Mrs. James MeuMulien. Miss Frances Carvotb, Torouto, is visiting ber uncle, A. W. Carvetb. Mr. John fiancock, Toronto, for- merly with Dr. McElroy, was in the village, lately. Mrs. Levi Fdwards is back from Toronto, and Miss Lena Edwards is visiting Mrs. Greenfield, To- route. Mr. James CutteIl and daughter, Miss Alma, whe spent I-be winter bore,- bave returned te Pottervilie, Micb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobson are at Hiuntsville, wbere I-bey will speud a few days ou route te' Souris, Man., xvbere tliey expec- te locatýe. Mr. Samuel Batten, son of Mn. Wm. Batten, bas been iii at his home lu Torento witb theumatista. 'He is expected liere at 'bis fatlior's for a visit. Mr. William SI-nIt iwalked ýoven frem theý fa»rn last weck the first time since bis narrow escape frota instant death wbhe falling a tree some weeks ago. Mr. Fred. Honey, son cf Coun- ciller J. G. Houey, wbo is travel- ling for a British Colum-bia wbole- sale Dry Geodi flouse, was in Van- couver hast Sunday and I-ho pre- cee-ding Suuday in Calgary. Hie is cer taiuiy beceming acquainted witb evcny paît cf the Canadian West. Mr. A. J.- Staples sold lis driver te Mr. J. W. Knigbt, Bowmanvihe. Mr., Thomas Vinson, Toronto, an old' Orone boy, lia', left for Cal- gary. Mr. Arthbur Farrow lias moved te Henry Keliy's farta, stI con., Pe-Agl he onais hegarmer>ts that wilI Lest si orrqieet tthis seasen, ýf tlhe year, Youiir dry coodjs cdaer or eents' furish-Ier will show you IPeu-Angle Underwear- D UILAM2- OLD BOYS. ýOrone ilg e Cak ou ship Organizinqg to Givc TThbi a Glreat Whoc A meeting wcs heiri in I-beCo- cil Chamber, Monday Cveniln, Apnil 5th, cchled I-o disuss Iho pro- poscri visit cf I-le Durhata Old Bi I-o Orono lu June coxI-, CouecýihIor J. G. fioney occupieri I-ech, wiI-h Mn. T. Smithi, acting as Sco I-ary. Mn. C. G. Armstrong stcted that ho bcd inviteri I-e Torocto( Old Boys te como bore ccd I-be ini- vitation lied been receiveri wiI-i. becnI-y ccd unanimous approvel by- I-ho membons aethI-e Durhama OIt Boys cunucI banquet. Ho thonýj neari lot-ensfromth -e Presdent aced SecreI-cry, James L. Hughes, ced Thos. Yellcw'leeî, staI-ing I-laI- somo SaI-urday in June wcuid le Ib mnosI- cccxeniecI- day for I-bene union (as I-bat day was a hlafholi- day i late ciI-y) anri funthors-c-c I-liaI- I-ey would visit Oroco ced disuss I-le prognata with I-becoa mitI-ce bore aI- an ecnly date. Ge et-cl discussion followed, i-rc which I-be fehloxving commitees- wenc appointeri: ManagingCoa mit-ee- Wanden A. A. PwrT. Smiith, Doîpli Henry; Enitertain- taet Commit-ee - C. G. Am strong, IH. H. Reiri,XesThn- ton; Transportation Cmi--e Wm. Armstrong, J. R. Ceonen.r J. E. Richards. AI- I-e nexI-nctn which xvil leccallerily I-ho chair- mac cf Itbe Ententainment Cern- mittee I-le complote prograta, calculated I-o gîx-e I-le Old Bovs tI-be tI-ecf I-hein lives, will le outlceri. - Oreno News. TH1E SEC P[J of G REAITNESS The Cultivation of GreatQaite%5 Ter and Mind in Secret. "The pcth of I-ho jusI- is as the Your place in iifo aysee tt sbicing ligit I-bat sbiueI- more lie a lowly oee; but the sizo cf4yonr cnd more un-o Ilie perfect day."- life dees net depend on your st. Prov. iv., 18. atien; you wonid lie juIst smab Pictunes fade: bocks turc te if the caprice cf fortune cas ,yo dust, but lives iveo on forever., The up on I-le sI-eps cf 'a thro-e e seul cf a single mac bas sud p'os- would ho just as great if it-hedye sibilities I-bat it ccc projecI- itsehf te I-lie mosI- obscure place on carth.!ý I-rough ahi time, toutcli practicahly The essentiai things cf ]life lie ail lives and fill ahi eterniity with, wiI-hic I-le rcach cf al; the oe ifs force. Beside I-le poteetiahities moents of gneatness are neyer ite (f cne efo cl cI-lier powers sink I-hings unattaicable by I-lems- tinte insignificacce. This is I-be howiy. fruitage cfI-be Irav ail cf I-le ages The man witbin yen d epenéd, - t ccd clI-be works cf our bauds are on gee-gaws on feathens, neýt on but. I-le dusI- on its petals. baggagc or furniture, coI- on raik Few taay write bocks or' paint or station, but on large heartc- great pictures, but ahi must- lite cess, bonesty, sinceni-y ccd leva I-hein livos ccd 'wiI-l us ail it lies Iienonf purpese, breadtb cf sma te determine wh eI-ler I-bey shah tbhy ccd simpicîi-y. be greaI- or stacîl, high as beaven The glory cf I-be great lifeïzo iIa in their towering inspiraI-ion or it speaks I-o us all; sudh a lifi ,- dc-ep as I-be grave in I-hein dnkrk cne cf I-be prophets cf liigb beavn. warning. This is I-be great w crk, TbhoniosI- bigh is not sulent so ln jusI- te live cnighI-, ccd te find ,îIlie, as I-les-e lives speak. fio I-ey unendicg hf e by living I-bekiud c' f 1move us te shame vwith ouý r ptti- life that cancot end. ncss, ,wiitli ur sI-iviegs aI-r op T'be great books, picturvs, -son- hooancd fading xvei;hIb. taons, oratorios cf cli I-be ages are WIIAT A CALL L15 HEIR jusI- bunian lives;dll our, writings, Iîay aside pretenses accdmoe- compesitions, and sayings are but- iesý, te cease I-o edvole dis- refiections cf I-be ligbt of groatness gise low cita wiI-b iofI-y prs in personalities; every ecdurnig in- anI-oblues-si s spiration ruses in seme living seul. Thecre wene great ives inii he, W at yeu are is always more I-o long agc; aed there are truhygra I-be wcnh I-ban cli thaI- yen eau say I lîxes close te Oun Own dayl'- es -ba on sing; I-be one is intelligible ccd lift- thetaselves in sheengetiees possible only by I-heo cIher. and nohility I-e leadership cckd brai- WE FORGET THIS SO EASILY; ing thetaseives wiI-h simnpliciI-y ccd we Ial cf living I-o de great thingi; bumiliI-y, in ehevation ccd I-bnougb we seeta I-o think I-laI- greaI-cess is treniendous crises hehp us on. Cen, wholly a matI-en cf exalI-ed circuni- there ho anytbing muchbebtterdI-an stance or exceptional -opportuni- I-o make theui known I-c cutr chu- f y, possible only I-o I-le few ccd de-1 dren acd I-o follcw I-hein haws 0r nied I-o I-e mcny because it is cvi- > slvs? dent I-bat net cll cc h kings, orj Let net I-be lower self,siIfu cenquerors, berces sI-crring ounI-be ccd dreadî11,ng I-cil ccd Inii sy - front pages or martyrs dying aI- I-e us: Tbe wcy cf Kreatnes,ýs is only ) sI-aIe. for I-be chosen few; hocotetxith The truly great are large cf' beicg jusI- about wheI- you are. 1LI- beant, lofI-y cf aspiration, gecer- netI-baI- saine self, seekieg I-o tnîckË- eus ef seul long before I-bey tacet yon, say: SekI-be great place. : lift- I-ho panticulan duI-y on cnisis I-laI- your empty self I-o higli place ccd reveais I-hein exisI-ing gncatness I-o men will call yen great. Tiec great I-ho public gaze;I-bey anc great be- sIreca is grecI-, whoI-her it flous fore I-bey tacet I-be great occasion; in quieI-ness or is sweeping cli- I-be greatesI- renmcin great, cf heant stadles before it on bearîng lip and soul afI-er sncb an occasion. on its bosota. The -great hfe sne The position dees net make I-be less in obscuriI-yI-han whien I-ho man;I-be mac but magnifies I-ho times ccii its neserves te I-hein id position. HENRY F. COPE Prof. John Sqncin beaves Paris, France, for Scotland May ist, cnd iii spend c couple cf mecI-hs thene. He- eipec-s I-o roI-cru home ecnhy iii July. Mr. Hanny Quinney, DarlingI-on, bcd c iglît sI-noIe cf panahysis w heu driving home froni Iho uta Iion, ced cannies bis arn in c sling. Mn. Robent AUlic ect I-o Vin- ginia for bis hecitI and lias bcd steedy employment since. lHe ex- pects te returu home lu June. Dr, Dickey was np f romi New York cttcncîung bis sale aI- NewI-ocville. Good aItendance, ccd herses ccd catI-le brought good pricos. The hbeavy windstcrm on Wedees- day uuroofed a barnaI- Amos Ccli- bhdcl's, ccd one conI-le Boit farta owned by Mn. Thomnas CoeaI-at. The wînd-talîl toxver aI- George Smaitli's, Stcnkvilie, was I-elesccped acd numenous fentes blown dewn. W. M. Auxiicny cf -MethodisI- eburch beld tI-c annuel eh«ection on thbe Oth i iss. New officens: Pros., Mn .R. Moment; 1sf Vice, Mrs. '(Rev ) W. Limbent; 2cd Vice, Mvi. Ed. Ccbbledick; 3rd Vice, Mrs. Miller; Cor. Sec., Miss Tour- Je; liec. Sec., Miss R. A. Walsh; Trocs., Mns. Luxcn. Ladies of tht PnesbyI-erian dhurcît gave an excellent bot supper li -o Towne-Hall. A fciriy gocd aItend- enco. AfI-en suppor an icI-esIicg programme was given. Solos wx re, recdened by Miss Anypie Thotapson, Miss Ruby Thonrn ad Mn. W. A. Cbapman. Miss Sadie McKcy gave a couple cf recitations I-bat were wehl received, ccd I-be churcb choir rendored a selectioc. A short cddness was aIse given by itev i. A. McKeern, Mn. Geo. Pollcîd oficiated as dliairman. Procoeds, $70.