te $00ayear in advÏance-Ï; $L50 to United states. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, TII-URSDA-Y,' APRIL 2,2,1909. OL LV, No 16 M. A JAM ES &17,,Porttr .L iE~m ~ ~ I *F A H«addcy * China Hall Grocery Quality counts in Seeds. Get your seeds from F. A, Hladdy. FlowerGarden and Field Seeds in balk and in packages. Fresh and reliable. Canned Peas Corn and Tomatoes 3 for 25c, Oranges front 12o to 60c per dozen. * Grape, Fruit 4 -for 25e Choice Layer Fige 10e per lb. Toilet Sets at Bargain priee from. 81.50 np. See our stock patterin e ioe ia Yon eau select a flice Dinner Set in these goods for $20.00 CHOICE BUTTER AND EGGS WiANT-ED ChIna liait Grocery -- THE- Royal Banik 0F CANADA Pay5sSpecl--al Attention to) Savi ags Accounts. capital ph~1 Reserve Fund Total sets L F. J. Mitchell, rianager Bownanvllle Brandi. BANK 0F MONTREAL Estab1ished 1317 Total1 Assts 68,6,5 Savingri Bank Depart.-inent. hLead4Office, bMontreal J. A. MOGLELAýN, Manaer; owmavil le Branch, ~1M «orner 8110e Store The Burns' Price is Loweste New Farm Knockabouts. lu hnylng-for spriug ont alua was to secure good weaaing tioate for our customers. la nopraviaus vear dîdwe bux' se large a proportion of our stock les use first-delas leather suad g"od strong taread, and do not incor- porata card-hoard or ground ieather board ia the soies We contracted for gocd quantîtiep, snd Ihereby eecured close prîces and liberal discount. Wa bave aiso arranged with Mr. Tonkin 10 sali bis wbole ont-put o! baud rmade buckle and iaeed farru boots. Specials. Men'e besl grain Gaiters, searuless AUrons make. The 82 kind.. .89 Men's Il Split Blucher, Berlin make, good fitter aud srn.....i40 etrong. t-1he $2 lùnd.......-75 Wen's 011 leather Top Boos,. 82fo Thoea are flot beavy ara Bave the trousers. A tUn of water proof dubbln tbrown la. For Tender Feet Men's sof t mported klp Bluchera îhaipelv Iast, £ood jear sewin Seles, heavyý.................... .. -8325 The beighth of comfurt for outeide workere. Benda3 with thie fot, No pege to bother, Spring Our four windows tell the story o1 our eff ort to gatber for Vour inspection tlrn choicec, f the neweet styles and bcet values f5r adi-lts as weli as childron. ýNot et pour wearer ln the bunoh. Many Pr-etty Shoes at low prfices usuailv paid for olumsy shoeS, Main Four cî)rnlàîr~ AU OTÀON gSALESÇk SATURDAY. Aprl 2 -Mr, GeO. W, Brecwil, 'Tekmperarce Street', Bowmqp- vllieq WI fl &Hi iloz hie bZoLseho'dl furiture aud fuirnlelingts, Sale at i o'l ok.Se bîuis, L. 'A. W. TOLE, It's time to think of Spring Honse-cleaning, Wehave theB necessary requirement, for this wvork, such ias- and Whik 0axoerj. WAIl NGPO DERS ' Washinug Soda, Dtitch C-leanser, L'earline, Snap. Fuel fclapse Qualty ,Bowmanville. of e, New and .spi ng Shoes . The ho Woild a waýs Ibe pîin Waara ffaing tbe eboceet pl. ý k crastiont we were ,able to s fot ro tIb productions3 of tib hast-m akeso foolwaar, sucb as the S'OVEREIGN N vc T C TR QUEEN QUALITY The new Spring Footwcar represenls a rumber o!f Law shapes. lasîs aud colore, sncb as -tan.-ehot-a- Wie-Our- sboe prices art, theioweist fur firet-clase !ootwesr. If you need a tru-nk, b!g on suit case for your Sprlng trip cal andseeoui stock. We eau pleast you lu quality and puice.ý FR ED R. FOl(LEY Parlor Shoe Store, Bewmanville fl.~at fl,,u~.. ~ I At this time of the year W'aeu your blood le Impure, your llver le sluggish and 3'ou dou't fee!l luet Up to the mark. You Need a Touic and Blood MPÉuiIier. embod4es lta erqxe as a bloo3d purifier nand gnrtonic and NOW je îstbhe ime to usei. Price !P1.0(> per Bottie or fi BottieÉ4 for $500. &Co~ -:TEQrÂLT? yDRtujOGIB 'i W. C. T. UU RALLY. Ele aua uaySehool Temperance1 .ly under ausýpices OFf theW.C. T. 1 sheld Suuday aftcrnoon lin the Metýh-1 t, presidcd. Afrer anig"h nuyiof Tempaiprance is ahrn t f'fdbyte Sundmýay Schlooh Orcheehstra 1er ireciof IMr, Wesle KEli ,vith *Elmrer Elliott as raitpae ofrèed by Mr. John PueY, superin- retof thec Disciples SudyScbool1. ,eacripttire hessen was read b ),y 11ev. gh,1 Munroe, B.A , pastor of the Picrs- terian çburcb, Master Percy Mercer ig "He will hold me fast" scconrp anieýd the orgauIby Ibis sister Miss H1azel. Irer. Mrs., Hysiop, Dominion Organ- ra natiie of ScothLnd utn-ofor -it sixye'rs bas been n-orking in sueetOf the W CT.Uli the naiion oi f Canada, og*ve a neein in àhiti was the scn aga xeigof cilidren ,she dadesd ~snaath lareat eingin Clgay, utswbcbs~e ccted wasthatof ,es he also exb;bio'd a copyi of n-ritin,!g n-ich. was promdb ling -e" bepci thbsts.the, y 1 lisade ntra becauseas Ofv ceunt, beig a istr f Mr, J. R.. M-r Wm. Tie-luîI, suIipr indent oCf Methodiat Sunday Sebool, 8. WORTHY CITIZEN DI-ES Y OUNG PASSE S - YqUTESUD-_ DE NLY 0F HuART DI," ,SEÂs man without an auemy and a friand lverybody ha kuew, au honorable izensu-d a straigbt man ln business dprofessional life was Robert, Youuýg, r~,of this towu wboi passad frou tha ge of action te eternal rest early hirday iLnorning, April 17, agad 64 Ieesa1ad practisad as a vatejrina-ry '9POIn uBowmanivillaforSthirty-eight rssdejeyed thacofiene f tha rmui.-DÀy u a highderas a friaýnd handb aintîals:. As ïa horsemn hal zak ?i aprerulnat part luinhelpAIng ut-rodcàiie geodoi oses, For nsn'y Ire thfirm of Yug&Perey, Bew- ulal, )vas a famiiiliar sud as favor- ý kuowu as auty oCher business men WVest Durham. For some yars ha suffared greatly froua rbenmatism, il bis heart became affect cd as a rasult, was net in good healh for soe îks but attended te bis vatarinary Stice up te about saxveek. before hae 1.- A remaikable coiucidenca le that present Sanater Robait Baith n-as- fluet mnan to engage Dr. Young pro- sienally wbeu ha cama te Bewmau s, sud bis last profassional visit 'wae Wsverley Stables te attend teonu of iator Beitb's boisas. How mucb st Durhamn owcs tha late Dr. Young sncb umen as ha, who have takanl risk ef iutroduciug and placing at services of Our farmere geod hersa s, it le impossible to astimate, s a man lu the cemmuuity auxd in heome the influence of dcaascd xvas rys for god, sud iu bis capacity of 5and, father, friand sud neigbbor ha ~ u iasduties to menit highesPt meujîdatIonl, For saveral years ha ;beau RZecorder of Bon-iavilleî Ig. Ne. 9q, A. O. Ti. W., sud se ýJfuljl sud efcetybsha dons wver thaï the office will be flhld r diffieulty. The maurbers of the Ige turuad ont in goedly numbers ut fnal, uaaishallad by Mn. Gao. J.E fe.1t The fanerai toek place Monday sftar- noon from bis bita resideuca, Centra St. Rav, Hugb Munoa, pastor o! St. Paul's Cburch, of whicb daceassad bas beau a faithful mambar, couductad sarvica at the bouse sud grava, The pail-bearars wera Messrs. John McMurtry, P. M., James.Bcîtb, John MeClellan, Malcolma McTavish, C. M. Cawkcr sud John Percy. Ha leavas to mouru bis lose a widew, oua sen, Mn. Albert E. 'Young, sund-t.wo-d,ýchi-Al ' I-~,fnh ~1/ DnlNorval, snd Mrs. C. M. Scott, S9t. Thomas. Amoug tbc relatives who atteudad wero Mn, John, Young, Mina- siug, brother; Mn. sud Mus. Albert E. Young sud son Reavas, race ully of Ormsbown, Que ; Mr.Cohiu S.McDonald, INonval, sud Mr. sud Mrs. C. M. Scott, St- Themas. Tn-e broîberesud oua sistan of dacaased rasîdiug ut St, Louis de Gonzague, Que., wena unabla tbeb presaut at the funeral. lu tousad ansd theusauds of homes 3-inu cibleýs, to)wus sud villages - fIedoa a daLy of Ilood'a Sarsapa- rihla ara non, ing taken by eveury memnber o! tbe family. WVhy such w'idi and general u5se BeauIlooHd's Sarsparil liseprovd ita'U hI hIOBa ~iî eiia by iL6 n-naflefOts '3in cenigtesys- tcm bo! ail bum -rs, o x'rcomi. n g th al tinsd feelincrati napetit cieaug ceil lutwe es ,by acluai count. 8ideverywhere. 100 dosez ans dollar. À FINE ENTE RTAINMEN'ýT. l BETTE1R PUBLIC SýýIIOOlLs. the Opera flusein aid oF rthe organ t Honfthat w e setherend of ubi f undof St Job's chrcliwas agrea opînîoi u'ning int"o bue with Our iw succss. he atendnce vas arge may as",pese often in theýe columois ini coming frorn ew alad ithe prograînrgadb mroigconiditionis in PuliC was exceptionaîllyitrctn. Missshol taAers of îge qualifi- Nellie VWight 1and Rhýý;ï Manmrg oendcaiossh eengaged andi ,ýPt il.u th with a. finepin duet "The Roarig of proessîin. Mr. 'J. J. Tilley, Mod21 the Lions andreceived hearoty aplue.Shoo, us pector, beld a n-dl attendcd Mis Jsse etun, ornt, -aýs given cornference'in Beav-er-ton 1last week whe a veyhryrceto. 1rr ieudering ha was givan a hoarty -4~o bnk o of "Snhn u a"wsacuorded bis iddres8 at the close andit'j oto mnuch app aus lad rcspýqonding te the was unanimnously adoptedi: "Moved b jy recîl an "Clete. Cpt.A. eM- Dr. Gablogay, seconded by Editor J. T. Lauhli, vo nsd Miss rouCave: That we approve cof the 1plan tec Song" which lso dcmand1ed aulencoe. sehoLs. anld ne believe the lbra Mr. IL. J. Kigtsang "ig aidsgansno-bing di'stribnited will do omuch' Lament" snd receivedà a heartýy recaîLl t, o toenal uaio to ret'in ber besîw-t n-hich he resýýponded with "HeProes and teachesiltad of(À seeing fthem seek "broug, t don-n t1house"; soer Hak WesteGrniroice. ealso bolieve the cd tat tey nyer eardhlm ing ette, ne achme fr te support of Cniu Mýi sses- Lena ReueDrty adronainacol i. ll ost cetal u andA Helen Mitchell gav aw h edeedeefca to sad ofpp - hSe, pianýo trio "Overture fiýýonsWilimTeili, aensae beor unwilling t 4 en rleceivedl a double recaigving"om!_________ Dude sd "A wee bi1h) " Ms Eva J. Luttreil as p)iauiýst edree REPEATED EASTER CONCERTý,' part of!te rcrm oa elcinty different arists took n-ehwithte ni gvnalvy nia ouilfxor u ence and tboyu aîete hi ppeit iizn aeenoez ieoflih ion! verydcidl.cssndfrtcsspgrm reety Theseondpat cnsste o a umr- utit %va-s be childien n-h0o paýclked th oua ram enitle "M Lod inLivry"Opera 1buise far beyond itssetn n-ic ws ei utoneahmebe d-capacity iat thir ercpeatud enterts imut ing eXCu1eletl1y. The cast o)ff chara-cters Mna vnn. S uhsatena was~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~h asfloe odTiîee at .t audience that iwe b'ehiv -i h E.MLagliSp)iggoltt, an old f^m program gvenlgamin ex ,ice, thae l'y býutheIr, v.W . L.Mallory; 'OpkIns,wolbeaflbus. eayitnsth a footman, Mr. E. G. W. Bell; Buttons, moastisfigcenn ht n ol Herbert Fon-ler; Syhil Amberly, Miss deie-v rynme engslnil -Edith Hill1--rVLdaura iibd-U IRose ber friends, Misses Bertha Tamblyn ansd that on-ing tounfavorable arhe n- Auna Edsall. Thre play gave great dais- n xu ceuabet atcpr faction, and the trying part performnl ted rat pregramn, sud it n-as rpae by M. Mlloy asbbcoldbuthr ws c- y unanimous reciuest of the firat audli. ceptionally n-eh taken. Miss Hillier ce danced,ý ;'The Min-uet" with gracef iilpose 1The pregraml presented Mondaýy ceu sud movement accomipâuied 'by-> at g in-as -almo ixe s Lh ;ýae as last mwek McLaughlin. Two-new-co riu orce Mr. Fred R. Fohey n-ho îecîtedî excellently "Fort-igiu. WEDINGBELSers' Vu-w, of îitholdi's Statue of Libý er.. A vaîy prett-y waddiu3g teok pace u th m naof Mus, anat Glbet,-Lin- !wood," ntear Enniskihlen, Wdedy April ilth, at4 2 p. Il., wbeabar second daughýtev--, Alica Maud, was united iu mnarriage with Mr. Wnr. N4. Newby, Onilhis. The weddingnmarcb wae played by Miss Lottia McCuhloch, Eufield, cousin of the bride, sud aften the cane- meuny another' ceusin, Miss Pearl Mc- 0ullocb sang "O PerfeOt Loe." The bride was unattaudd ansd wss givan awsy by bar brother, Mr. Percy R. Gil- bart, Hanovar. The ceramony took place iu front of a bauk of plants sud flowars, in tbe bay windew, sud was perfermed by the brida'e uncla, Rev. R. McCnlloch, Omamea, presidant of the Bay of Quinte (Jonfavauca, assisted by Rex'. J. A. Jawell, B. A., Enuiskillan, The bride woe a princese dress o! cresansilk m ull n-itb bridai veil sud caîried a bouquet o! pale piuk carna- tions. Ovar fifty gueste sat down te tes, the tables being prettily decerated xvith pink sud white. The bride re- ceived many useful and beautiful pros- en3te. The groom's gift te the bride was a gold watcb sud chain. The happy coule left on the fiva o'clock train for theilr borne, noar -OrIlla -The bide's goiug away suit was dark green chiffon broadcheth with bat to match. The a-suranra--ngsn, con- platad its firet year April 10, sud is a remsrkably lnsty yearling. Its editorlal standard is commendably high sud exerts a wbolesouîe moral influence lu tbc realm. o! its activities. Its editor is Mr. W. R. Givens n-ho wiclde a facile peu sud keaps wchh abrest of the topics of the limes, Ha bias raceutly wrillen two able magazine articles, oua ou miii- tam-y traiuing lu echools and the othen on "Can dian Nexvspapans." Bo b are woerthy of-tira virile editor o! The Stan- dard. TESTIMONIAL 0F MERIT. ,boughIbs my a atatamnent that eeea it.tUaquail.ion nun g-oes tbrougb the world m 11h bis eyes openil etaliong lu ohserving Ibat thene le a great deai cf trutb iu it Benjamin Franklin once said: 1Eatte 0pieuse yoursalf, but diase te phease otbeis.'" a maxîm whlcb the prudent wihi nul onlý ponder but translata mbt practica, Wbile talklug 10ouo!cftihe cierke lu 'Tbe Mason Clotbiuw Compauy's store recentiy a cuetomar obsenved a Dur. ham boy naw resldiug in Toronte baing measnred for a suit of clothes, Oue cf hie oid school chume happened te comae In just than sud remarlted. IWeii, borna again and busi ng a suit, toc. Can't thase City tellowa fExi-ou np?',"I gue"sthey couldl," repliait bls friand, "but I boughtf my opring suit fromn Mr Mason las,' veau and il gave me such good- wesr th;at ha le getting my ordar again. 1'heu with Iteua made-to-measura site they doù'ý ecs et a rach as tailr.mde gîmatsyat they fit just as wel sud bave more styla t, theru." Mi. Andersoin, who was waitIng on tbe usîcxert~euprodaied afn wblc bvsalai cuntbad65 duphliestee order mesurmentforma, hbrdairs the firm hsd take)n the3 past six weers - for suil te Il uddanfl7 dawned upon, tha customer tho-ln whv Ibte men of Bon-anvllewere sncb fine iookiu men-beywer-e ail weariug TFa MÂ~~4f~LoTuN C~îPNYsuteHave YOU noîctEd ehE emart appearance tbhey pu-esent? ty.' cap!îvsurnmg tue audience n-îtlh is rendition, sudMci aster Percy Mercer sanga soe cy sn-eetly,acmpie hy issiserilaelon the pianoJ. The inigof ithe 1>1il arýy Ciss, thjeBes Pire 1Brigadeý>, su3dthusolo sd ues the ig dril, club swingiug suiddesra exaercîse evehied ctui- ieapas aud recails n-etc the order of the ocso seo that it teok just two heurs te i n of the. pregram. At the close Mr. W.. Trei , Superintendent of the Sunda.y Scheoh, n-ho bad beau assîduous in hehp..- ing te train the chilcn sud arranging i pheasant evcuing for env citizeus, bîiefiy tbatnkïed the audience for their preseuc sud iequested that ne eue retiraen-hil National Antl arn n-as being sung. Those n-ho assistcd lu training the childreu, deserve a n-be lot of praise for the cern - biued resuits of their laber ofloe They arc Misses Lillian sud-Jeunre Mc- Lean, Inez Masen, May Shaw-, Aura: Caldn-ell, Mis. Warnica, Messrs. T. H. Follick, T. E. Higginbothsm, Miss Wand1 snd Mis F. A. Baddy. The n-erk n-as n-cil doue sud their efforts n-ere cronud witb gratifyîng succeas. SPRING SITTMU4S MJo@, P-attlnEonl, Foreman of the Grand Jury of the H!gh Court o! Jus- tice at Cobourg, bas givea us a copy cf their praraentment ta Mr. Justice Brit. This Grand Jurv depiere the lesq thesa United Conues bave suslalned Iu the daatb of Ris Honor, the isa Judge Katcbum. Two cases bave beau brou - ht bafore ne of a a ri'degradIng character In wbich we find a very 10w stata o! mnoralIty alhowed to exiet, large- ly due to parents allow-lug minors to rua at la"ge aI nigbl XVe recommend Ibal both Ailfred Ambrose and Sarah Allen be deported as ndebirabies At the Ilouse o! Refuge we find evanvýtbhngl satlsfactoryv. At preseuttIhare ae8,- inmates. viz: 59 male3 and 2L famales. The Insane Asyium was found 'weil kept snd er/er3thing, satisfcctory. i prisonars, 15 maies and 1' famILe,, oea of!thb nmule prisonens haing insane IEvaiylhing was ia good order and quite 1satisactery. $20 MEN'S SUITS FOR $14 Jos. Jaffery & Sc.,Star HFouse, Bow- manviile, bave haa sticb/,,- great rush for Iheir 82,) meule ?s sgs for 8 14 cagh ttail tbey decided ÇO ke-p theo ffen open for Ihis mauth. ' Jihè bave a new ar- rivailt co s1éui ulsatînge for men sud boy-u inàvite eaaly inspec- tion, Doas a sîviUýg of $G 00 ou, you c Spring Suit temýpt yýou? If So cali at the Star Hlousa SPRING SHOW Bowmanvilie Spring Show wMii h teïd ar Dri 1 hert Urounde -satra May 8 Pnizaýs viih ha off ared fer lHenvy Draught staýIions and mares, Huckney, PoI.V n s Stadard iBred ù ?orBodsear stahiions, agnicultural mares, Fsud ragis- tered Bulle. Judg1iug 10 beg-in ut 1.13 p m, ýEutries my be made s p np 1 oý'cloek oudaY o! show. Admission 25û. A E CLE-mENs, J S MOJA Ëea"s1tho YhKiso vim Awys Roll, i& IIETAL PILISOR TIIOS. WIIITE, mi r ,, r Phone 5 03,900,000 04,600,000 $50'000,000 Aw '111 -tiu- wi 1 1 -1-r. -l --V, -i -V 14 1-2