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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1909, p. 2

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Or, The Giln Wl! Lode ad shr.iller grows thi chru, oce maieVo)lent the sea. >SiliUdeily the. brig mavkes a heavy luc; as she rises her bulwarks scoopi into the Llood, and David is credoff bis feet, regards himself 's loýst, but clings with might and mý_ain to the windlass an.d again fi(ds itho deck beneath himn. Jm pressed at last by the peril of his ouloMOVed, too, by a desýolat- sng, sýen1Soof loneilnes; he conisent to a-iretreat', wt fh&lymakoe thopae of tdo dýck, and brings te under the 'break of the poop. B"ehliidhilm Goliath .1magnîiicOnt1y c',ers, calmi, (censolous of bis owiý- atrngt, ai placing adi hi1scnf delc ncol tteMan to bildý, up th< desairngand give laigto thoso wý ,,ho ar.e majýdo for fllowing. Horor row wih ihetemipcst. lldldby 4tho P Oone arn capdaround a rail, hie l-atches ail thomvements in fltb3 grim bat- tie. Not yet is the brand ot f Cain upon bhis brow I So the niglit drags on and evcr the Dainiel flounder-s thtrouigh the smothe.(r, groanin-g, rollnptn 11ornIing ediscovecd her sudn befor the ind uder alf-clad David stilli had no t ihougIIt of sleep, bu Uowtat toot!Ic oifthe nigh 11b d fe oyeddto th' dac1ims ojf hneand the rene(ýWed appeals f Goiath, and wünt below fo a snack and a change of clotb- ing. "A storm, d'ye caii it, Maister David ; why, this is 'nowt but the wind we've aw been whistling for. X"ohnd a grand mun, a bit toc mucIh west, rncbbe, bit whnt's it atewe'il soon noc that off. Afot'brig, sbo'sasdysa bone an w atmir can yec ask for1 Storm, d'ye cali it 1" and tlhe men burat into a roar of scorfliuh te na lanndsma's gale, ani' if yo ivv'ent mmd, 'it'il blow the cap,Ï offyour hi. On eck once more hie worked bis w.ay bacl, by short tacks to uhe statlion hoe had held through the nig, tok counsel with Goliath, andc was assured that the tempest waqis nt worth mention as coin- pared with some that the, skipper had won through. "Ill own-been a bit worried- 'bout brig," Goliath roared la bis car, somne of bis xords being snip- ped off and blown away to leeward. "Got too little freeboard-bow gears held-miracle."j "Can't you lighten-bit, Casson -heave some-cargo overboard. Do what-likS's long-keep afloat." "Too late-took hatches off- theso seas coming aboard-down like a stono. Nover fear-ail do-- best." With a nod and a smile, Goliath scranibled up the tiited stoeps, and I 'have taken Scott's Em"îuLsiom for six weeks adhave found it a won- dîerful -remedy. Mefre I took the Emulsion 1 had no appetite; was weak; had lost nearly fifty pounds of flesh, and now I eat well and arn gaining every day. I find Scott's Emrulsion to be very easily digested and a good -food for ail weak 'À LTe StLornachl,-,s SAc. ý7 ',,-The Lîver Slugý,,gish The Bowels Clogged, The 1 1 11CBlood AemamAE I Th Skin Sallow fro,,m a Greek word ' meaning "w-,ant of blood," is of th the ut Brow o's~atwo kinds, prïmnry and secondary. \ :. ure ola eThe, primary anemm-iasare soed )reamy Eyes. .a&S because as yet mledical science bas Ts idYnHv ia ~~ri.n. i ~~~~ not discveredtheir direct cause, u sooroe30yr _____________________ ASaL ganL, 0 , iineisteurem uand until ti is donoý it is neýces- a sary te recugîiiîzc ndtrCat thiein o eo 'mn 1fe, fought '.as nuIltefud ute h nmiwihEprîenststtil re]cf the merch n rîelsr,1 nyasii ç,no ~~do fight. ovor ~ Pl-ps.ed ly by Thomas Beecham2, S.Ha4s L1as ", nlad s real olnly ta smti cf semrnfns n1CidrnE Y Twice Death l ai-d bisbudupon Sod bai Orggiîs C nd mU. S. Ameriae. ;na boxýezs25 cents, nwiil bho caieud scndiyinstead, cf Sthe brig and am tfoedbnj_________________ ________________ Pin1ry Sdown into tLhose depthLls ween -- ________ - ..The principal forma of primary 21Î the lest navies cf the wo)rld are lY-'Bu DVid siencd um mt an-land it isàta net t David that thîsanlemiia are chiorosis, peorniclous Csoî is a arles s d ing. Twice îagaîin ho saapped lber o B) uteion'ct of homiage la enldeî-ed. anemia, and lukmi.Chiorosis gnDos n etî Il timne-worn ropes s thoýugh> they L'Hon much 1lgeýr will sho Imat 1 They are a bout te enter the 1 generaily attack-ýs young girls ibu the otisnittrOIm we,,but un-îes c)f flimsy placktbread "NeLýFt more'n an hu. boats when Capiý'n Dan, heoomesj earytes Itintvrywl utactsgosis and sreadber slisflapîng, ith And s ailreacy i"censcieus cf la grav-Ie omission in underst-ood, but seoins te b a cen- dalaseeisuss - rilr rcaogtewn. "Ay, we can 1bave bler this Min- thoir congratulahitns, and annests ditien cf poor biood formation na- Cle teiVý Vnti ls And amÂd Pm11 the strsýss nd tumuloit, ute, if you like."> tht departuro wvith. a steutonian then titan cf blood destruction. Its Cle trlee etîu 8 their baiudis b aniu d bedes "ot Just yet, Casson. ' ve a ry- treatinent la' simple, consisting la and Flatuiency. It assîmi ssg ortenin omay- 1 vast, there, avast; lay by, fresh air, good food, aud the ad- stmaieh and we, giv Danel id her batmid wen ovr mee eac-othr agin, nl you lubbers. Wýhat're you dneam- ministration cf some form cof iron.T CulrnsPnacea-] ~~~~~~~~~o, thculetdw ai ayi n otg on te1ring on?7 Yeu've forgot somebody. The nesuits are prompt, and Wl(fl 'peacefuilly sleepinlg la1 bis buuIk maiy tke msage te and. B Ect- Threecer for Mssy-thiree a littît care a perfect state cf health r.5N i torbor ad nw"cheers for Mis-Hp ip, hip-" may be established."1 CHAPTEIR XXVI. "gtarJT you bid a me,-ý And with ýa beor lfor Margery~ Perniclous anemia lsanaother "Davie, boy." mont andl'Il bail the ladjs. Ao.Maetthe crow cfthe Daniel matter. Tt qttfacks; aduits, both lr ti Cintup in.thecre, ahoy, tumbe aloug, ail l ae.bave of thofir sbip. men and wemenl, amc is alost ai- s "Dvieboy. ye.Sainilcdsonyou ay ish Iding bemv'v i pon the wri-,-thiu sa 1faa. Thovictima cf this Clnk hupcaa.tht he]l eeher i bie fttwu, es ow htgli pois8ed on tht idge, forin cf anemia ae ef>n cothe Roiuotntly mvid oeued ind tholn cm onhn Bre now cait lwinto- the valiey ofi lu flesh and look robuat. Further- i~~~I eysadpeedbiklutc h ig 1 tn y in the jolly boat buymut greeni, the- twe boats lie re-ý,their symptoma are in mauy shaowdeea f is erh ntoth ad hld be lr offthteig; and you, ofttint f opec aiscases mistaken ifor those cf kidney JerryDudgen, iok teth t 11lu nd wait, sentinois bu- thteplace cf or heart trouble, paralysis, diseuse f~1f~ < hlured f'c"le igh. gh. Lieiy uowan'the. rost cf death. This ila deference, te the of tht erand se on, until an 505 a lnk 1upe01. e under thl t-Poep." beart-deop pleading cf Goiiath. examination c tht ýbiood establish-J.t, i ý«ý inuia trice hoie wms eut on the floor, Nimbly they, nespond te the cmii. "T ca't louve my old brig wbile ep a danss thundenstruck, speech paraiyzed by. Looking way over tht wste cf she floati-, Master David. Tms Lekmaeusitnly"wbonUse Fo C thesihtof htsqat igrecrou- wtes, ytseeiug acthing, David stand hy lber as long as sho shows hinod" T hs cndtionte ned ,"eCÎT ei iytl mons aeau h'sowymvs1- dhut eoebe pr It ,won't ho for long." hlood ceýflîs are getydiminisbed. bulgig eyo. Am ail ht tie~ teexpetltgneup. Grimy faced,I Stealthily, ich by inch, tht Th,- couirse cfIck ialagrt that susmodc, mealliethrob ai- teirgamontsdnippn utnibuto water ise round beJr, unprotesting- demi like that c oncosme _________________ pitto aiugthtpiukigilen e he igt-ing'srfant,, tbey b~ sho yields te their lune. Lower mia, and calis for abouit the same aiyasou ht mgV h litlsi i or tiaiged with awov. and iower, amud iowc1(r stblL. At treatmuent-cemplt r'est ll edMac Matthew, c f Edmonten, Ail U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~'l "CpuDnLe oe1 o "yld, avýid begins-hs atttwutchers behid b ler quiv-j good air and fod, pienty cf sun-tarevmtu brantMs.R il gasped, wheu thie sbock bad spent lips are bot aud dry, bis volcetbrd, on from stem e teasa thougnh ie udteamnitain C. ow itf. buýt fiim-"my lads, I'vo, a word for,'o h frttn she feela t ho sont forin cf arsenic. Ms ~l~ ono naie "'Ay, Davie, it's me." ou hefore we bld good-bye te the! tbrob cf four, "And after that, a Secondary anemia can miwaya heî foresthtnW.hC. T ist, ligio u "But bow-" D , messagl-, and a promise.j mighty crash cf ïending timber, as truced te some definite cause, such udesl h ohda .uc "T've been aboard ail the tino, Tht, old hig's at thteud cf lor tht peut-up fore, ciged xithin the srpd a fboo nmaApril 25th. heen quartered aft; that's oeeof voyagmuig, and noue cf us crin telil *boid, hunsta tht dock, tht auap cf w ouud, nesuitiug iu aconditicu of Mn. Poney Doncaster bas ne- the neasons the cail doo's hotu, whut's going te happea eut therea nîven sara, rattie cf cordage, rip so-called meute anembu, tht losa turred te Toronto from Gowguuelu, locke-d on yen, But this is't th-e 1lu tht hoats. It muy ha, please and flap cf tearng sali, a madden-Ifrcm hemorniîuges from tht lunga whrt heexvas sent hy the Toronto tin fo exlanifbu' Yo'v aIGed w shil il f s 'mn d sis mn swnl Two tîuy ln tuberculosis, or the dopletuon cf 01h00 cf the Pulic Works Dept., lot) to er, a lot te fongive me fo)r!thnougit mIý ay he, enly a par, bouts ulone uonthbo bsoin cf the thtcodfo snn. Ottawai. but ýnet Dow. You must hurry ou Mý ýy m.,-,essge la fr the folksari t. Tht poison lu the systern reseit- Eo.A M rin, ewste dokm'wo must a'say." hm ilT I cn't* give it te them- (Te ho coutiud.> ing fron cancer onruoeiaspoce Euainlsnosm "Aay ?" mysoýiif, yoU must do lt-for mue-____ss causes anomia by biccd destruction, the Methodiat chtrch bore Sundriy, "Ay. Canno.,t you hborn'b"tocf yen whom the waters w hile wounds or hiborrhages causeland in the afternoon ut Leskard, CIank, thump, cBn.srn.DCO DOLYZUlPKi yhodls. exclhauiug with Rov. W." L iet I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i aiCpn a n__l ttpol0*ncotne OLD C UR-E RREZM.More than limuf tht hieod la thteogauain eMs lr j-L' tht pumnpa, by.Thowiiîxsi iw teice, stîung niiuud nid body eau ba ot w*thout douth Tinkoraîd'0îd 4s usE nd b,lowu itatîf eut but tht brbg's ieak- fiel, it evortopa the clu h -ý' CIh uve fteaueoscrssiig We hsocr uaon passing thýeýir ia-xmnt [ug liko a colandler." su "eltht peepl ie luT1toidwhbb Zmw ,bis vmkdwen hithentoWhn l_, hoalthy porson, fron ai mn Grade A (eeeoiud Cas Cortilu- "IBut she'il float?"plce the only folks aeaot i ca a aid hrel ite1xot onfreapo th e eut-e) at Normai S4eh;oci. I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~L "Dvel!n ors io h hu Ih David Grahan _Lthcy ke wndn htila tht ond thtdoc- systen .innediuteiy sets te work MnA..Gabyelrtdbi Daniel 'il ho fathons deep." 'us noiug n botter thuan a puppy to atton-di1ug Mrs. J. p. St. te bring tht bieod brick te ts non-srvt-scdbitdyoTu- *"Sinking 1 Oh, Qed, holp me!1" uth hiirdod eiyos. Teifl thon that:1De.mis, cf.30 Thompacu Street, mal amouat, tht coudition cf meute day, Aprii 13. Hie tips ththemn Tt wus net tht wuii cf heiplesa for two yeans hibveda for gold and Wiunipeg, sul ' i ertor u*na gnudualiy yielding day by ui 225 pounda. A. A. xvas troated *drfead; it was tht, cry cf nonorse, power, and, like tht fool hoe was, wms nothin.g ut Zum Buk,_ýk couid day as tht body makes up its icas. -by bis famiiy te un eld fashioued muid Dan uudenstood. lho theugbt these moette bt desir- crme.Ttrsl hea h bnnl uanoîio h ornrplo -ugý,,i.rng troat. Clank, tbunp, eiank. ed than houer and love mnd the fan seoiug w au of this practi- eausod hy a diet deficient bu hlood- W. L. Meyens, <i well know resiý- "Hearnken, Duvie, them pumpa pouce cf ight dealing. Tell thom tioner, and haviug boonIýD compietely building mriterils, or by lufenion dont cf Orcue uearly 50 yeurs ugo, -are caliing us. We're net on our that hefore---tbe eud-Duvid's eyes cuned by ZanI Bukl, Mns. St. Denis cooking,_sncb as the habituai fny- died Marrh 27th, uit bis home ut bea ena; hen's ht out bftwcn opuedbecusethemoncfgives honxpeio fo fr the bouýefit ng of meat.-Youth'ls Compion. Moyens Falls, a tow wiich lho aud-and-and aur Frther's chant the, Daniel wene friitlful, and that cfehrsieosfouuded la the Stute cf Wushiug- in heaven. But wo must tumble up when-the end came-ho wris son- Seay:"ctm smtd uSC EDCcS ssu~ec n .L -md if wereueeded we crin orin nyoeSe ide cf my face and noso. At Those who suffer frein siek berid- Tael foî on a ad"Griny oyes are ned-nimmod new, finît My nose fecit acre, similar te aches should correct evory hmoit ec ontoisitome;7iss Mnit Haticas, disheveiled, lho nount- and the inrinnerslbock upon i hm aws totfeswe aigabu n vi i uicein hch egTnno thm;M.An cd te tht dock, glmnced aiong its threugb a mfit. w*caond ad tonion teatis, heyand cw ire llinikeiyt ho febowedbroie Gerny, ilumulton, ut'homle; tiu Mn. Oscar Rolfe, Oshawa, at tiylength and beheld, net the "Tbhat ila my message; it la b ur ukig it wiôuid piss away in a by au attack. ThEyý should mîse home; Miss Edna Hall, Newcastle, tr-onnr cf sbipwneek but the beo- keepin"g; yen mnustn't fail ne. Now iday or se, b;nt te my surprise it e vercome ovony onnemu f the tIa-n -of ou.lFein htpupaony cushiahhaive my promise;*it'S got worse,. Ti(enese thon ibecaessemwihexsa f rsiinnIvitbhonergrandinother, Mns. R. pLmnlo. e wihe-stý adMcLeod; Master Robbit Sheniff, tht dia cfDisinrily dis- teodotoe itt pro- swoien md ard, andI tunnod 1 'ýîriesngtlienevony partanducb cordant, thIe ran arma neeked ilu mise TmaL dbroke. Tu the i ipunpisb rd, s woib us part cf tht cf oethe saine. Tu fuet, to hudTernto, xisit-inis gradmothon, ýthein seeketa, heatiug time te their I1f.Wto,' -ýadMfat swmya foi, lackdye strun resece f DetbI mcdo itý, un- choek on (-î-1that aierc mlfae.As treta int1e ttha adbsMs.Wto; n idilat don tht Shadew cf Deareamth nuw tt1ieuedeeopd pmbe ,udahes, but tdaor t o bII tsmw, ibig infthn n spunLted frenthe aponita and gse I.Yutnsutdob e ldjnieabok nthnttska<htgnnl oih T h t-Truou i fte', n V along t he scuppens-. _Ail other souud iyenmutut eut e. 2H lti crak l;ncesand ledoff in tempt lto deuthat, they s t et U TFotno is,.M RshMr.'W wris car-i gifiedi, ail othen nov- eu bs aud l pssienate apippenaIl ke,:beviug :ýMy frieat oedsnmntl oe esies mI ter;seniny t i ntýE.ýv. oe utomey ment precise, uuflunnied-, thtenove- -"Ien utht dock ocf this siuk- naw md acre. Ibiïs cnito e- wîth drulga, but ruthMisdepeBerupo uet cf intelligent effort. iag siip Igveycu my pledge."vo e, ted, on miy genermi benilth, and T pure in, exercise, andI sufficient cf Quinte poit; ise enh tract f Danil, barly ~adeDnt with the shunt and ngouy cf betomme -_veryibl. T ccuîd got ne uneasunea of like churacter, Ont cfanILyMcobofPrHpe trc ftht stoi nromaius. Tht greed, doue with.tho uightnane cf sleeýp at night .because cf tht mnr- tht ,greatoat esseutiais lu treatment vîsmctu1g their un qIe, Mn. Thos. nigbt cf black fury bus nelted te SelIf-seekiug. Tf 'm spaned, thetattio n 1aud thti pain,, andI my face wili hojý a caneful soiecticu cf theMcmbMnDeotRcee, the mernaof radiant pouce, Yet Graham shipa shah sail riguinuntIonwus ilu sncb a sbockiug condition diet.N.Mr, Alfitd l-s.'MofentIfamlYork tht pumpa are thnchbing, tht Iii tht old flag." 1thut for twe mnoutha T did net go M.Afo .Mnot e ok soe stroeans are floediug tht scup- Ho buas madol bis vow uoeiu. eut cf tht blouse.- I applied remue- SHOW UNH-EALTHY CONDITION with bis futhnMn. Rbn Mo-j pers, and youdon are tht bouts. ment; Mosans. Hmnroir ld ncpr and' Hastily, DavidtVi Tdes te tht rail Oncle more hoe bas pledged bis ays,i ditswhh wene supposed1t c Tefigrnis tee het hiF. idr hio antI looks aloug tht rail. A few entered into a bond wth Tino und'good for akin disenses, but lu vain. mrTh flgor rusteethatIbainhed1-. PSteenTonte, lI<lu hcne; Mn.iý mr nhsadtedcsil eTruth. Like eveny ma who busiMy dector ise treated me, but moot8 u thnprsc h H. 1tvueObwgetc woyenae state bystfauli on;Mn. W. A. GHeur srdne "oidthisbuepa b upae if Adiin rn n tii mintae fttGHuy you' go thee rpair yo nakd îoa. -rarant nuritins na San Buik is a sure cure for enta, RfinePre Pian fw ouit n d for 0' eoo a.This excellent Cceoa lacenations, umaeczema, ring-.Mitchell,Lifford, for, a l<igiure. O MAVLL' fIT 'No loliatb's auger Suiddenly maians the system in robnst worim, poîsnd weîinds, fsteriu ing MnJmrs !yer antI f nmiiy peut bluzed Up, antI hoshutod bis ne- 1health, and enabe!s it ED res!St jsorts, badlkg, aal akin injuies ltht winter n l eboil.Tbeyhave! AsundCui 0£atoStatu- e nilis e. - piy. -No; a Scrap e' toivw UWeudwnr'Ë?s extreme ccold. mimd dsae.It is aaise ure fer rtnn to Osae, Ss.dneoï MIHI Bqet la veCsavod ber, 0o11y-a reiit ies. Dnugg;ists antI aonesaetny- mn. Roy Keestudet utnî 1j scnp e' tow- mIy pou o o b ig, where sou rit 50p. ra beuor poatiot-enînay Cee, A asaitaut Bosucsa0vWinpisce Y of thtit my honny bnig." ~~frretfroun ZtBkCe., Toronto, wîthDr. MEinoy. Itows obuftfosaurt ei "Hab mnbuh. The dayon LuePt cf price. You are waned Telst foot 'sas buiow "yff jusîî,Au amitendmontpas maee lui ma cmewhen e l bu Gt gantcheap ,antI hunnfil imita- centre of Mn.uGorage YCuopc'sIn mC . rt ï1 !u1motnin atI f'or tha'bi ouc ls. Sh b rcesmid Storekeepers tiens somes arepreseuted asiby tht wind sp!ten. Tt'l bea crinny dy1ir f- i l I. n -b ILcjust as geod." Mn. Albert TaitantI bide , uvw s cu'o pteb et 'sBoglt, zand, V, 1 ia bei I lns bee -nnsd nerbsrr nisprin sne t nfu g Srnps. -It sPean. It cures DLarroeaandWin Lg Troubles, cureý,s ConsIaIo îlates the V0Ged, regulates tise ing lsealthy aud lnatural sl-eep). Tiàe MohrsFrieud, )ver30 Yarc ,ïi Jy A --jTNW OK Togreat Utermne Ton c mdanÉ 2~9~o ysafe effectuai Mcnorthly Igulatoron which \vom n CI M depecoi Sold ini thrce de a .i~ostrength o i 1, o 10 degrees stron,,er $3, o for special, cases, e5 per box. Iod by ail druggieso i prepali on seecit cf Free pamsphlet.A deci Tuý. Cae~ '~IDa ~ CeTwnro, J(former y , Wcizdsoe W .ingandTrewnuc$3T2.0 2.00.; goP â tL raturamrit 4, 0 dUE ,18 2 wiULY 13i, 1 a aseUG . , 24 GEPt. 7, 2 oal agîpena 42 andinaplio t o n mustpr bcnin.1 jcl,1n3 TS ORISTSLEEKER' G CARSNLU c o n ia i s i n a n e s a n d E u h i n f o r o r i o n . Apoly lo neareut CP.R. Agni n toRe. L.Tlpsn Disi. Pass. Aîi.. Torante. ofBow lamai 111e, Th11of WshingýoftnD.C. efr te eua t s msjnd, owapi. leg- coud receivte te eust Whes tearnedmtet 'sa uet ad bve r. Loscombue, I. c., o o~f f BowmanviUel , i a f Le saex teo etn the clase t other municipa;iti's. 'fe ahibstor cetis act es br JIcký tom foditimesand theuth riiig ols receîving tintheohequetaw was! denied ote muicîrl crprtin A nficaryo, sbut -acroain 1endure d lyain h term abl , t ey r time te im nde ent cang SCOTT A&PF:WNIE i2sW g S W. Ts~

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