I n~.Tflrvr r. tflfl fl *flflfl t BOWMVAN~VILL, AFrn22, iPUL. IMR. AND Mita. MAnKXs MAYER, 3T- MOUNI, BOWk VLE CELEBRA TE ký_ COMPLETION OP A HALP.CEN, TURY aO' HAPPY-MAR'- J U ' A RIED LIrE. MÂV-COLLCU-In Bow manville, A pril- I f Y ur H use eeds aintng J Igtb, ib59,at the Manse, by Rev. John gIih If Y -ur lous Nees Pantin PrebyteiaiiMiniterMr.Mrkug Mayeran Lise . \VpP. i arîjCh, daugliter of Mr John Collacutt, -1I your bouse, or barn, or buildings o! any Flort, need pasnsngdent pu it ff.Now-hms prg-istheIt t&kes a bal! century ta M'arry cern- licet paint. A buildng tI-ot l eipceîdh pletety two heauts A appywdlc tewaerdamp, Sun and gu cm' iioui, y er Is a oug peiad of love makiug. Youngý a uligthat is alluv-cd ta go tulp ai:' teqd rr poulykai xay fancs that love aud courtrhip taîd. is rmch better business tlu saveU heb.id are assolted aslv wlth brawu hair sud you, hae ;ka buy a new one. And b tides thix, wli round rosy cheeks, but the golden pantdbulins r mc~ lasise t ne nid,',- marriage 19 a part cf love of which the bringtea [ruuch highae hprie, i y siuu lsan t "eil , br1d I eay Is only the faretaste-the than dingy, unpainted buildngs. thresbold. Youth îs the tassel sud To arrve ai the rost uf paining, flgure- the numnber aiZen flower cf love; --ge le the fui! corn, of square feet a gallon wil1 cuver, and liso long il willIl ripe and mature lun the ear. Beautiful last, nul wvhat the paint ruots a gallon. Don't simnply le the monalg of love witb its bores ai figure tvhat ilcerosa t paît your bouse or, har, but da535tiat are ta coims; but grandlv vohat it costs ta keep i painted year in and year out. beautifuli is the leveutide of mnsrtal love S. Wy. P. la honesîly made of the b-esi rzw mtinais Y with lus glad remeinbrances and is obta3nable, and wPi1 prove mure ccono't- rainbow-side turned towart beaven as irîai arnds utisfZcîuory to the rnan.wlïo pays wellas toearth. It i3 ablessed occasion îhehllhuehehadm]ien cdax1r,( ý,A-when the golden weddtng day cirries or thse su ralied 'cctp s *Nwtth it muchaof joy. sweet memrles, ready7-rýtd pint.thankfuluess, sud la celebrated amidat aîe ,,gcs fc Se f",fritends, aeighbbrs, chldrenansd grand- ~ ~ W i JhiŽ rEuuPrýepit chlidren. -2 .WF)eln.;,.od1Ou Manday at their bains on West- aevs ~gtd tua'- mouat wbere they bave lived for about Cu s "ncforty years, Mr. snd Mrs. Markue Mayer cetebrated their Golden \ eddîng iu w~ss ys.the compauy o their famiiv sud a iew frieude. A citizeus' committes had ______planed ta surprise theru on ibis occasion _____ and spend the eveniug. but laet Ila _________________-Mr@. Maser was takien suddeu!y ii and1 __________ ws b, rely strong eouhta houp fora U1 ý eshort tume ou Muudoe. Mr. Ma3 er bad alto been coufurdta the bouse wtth bronchitis, ta the event was ce'ebrated' necessarily vers, quietiy. ________________________lu 1853 rltr Mayer came frain Ger- mauv sud settied Inl Bownianville. On April 19, 18,-9, te was mari led ta Mis Elizabeth Collacutt, lier s0er Haunah, niow Mlrq, Cade bcbg the bridesaaald, I sud Mr. David Lowe, groomemnan. R eoThe former was prssent aul this eo. occasIon but the latter died saine opoiepost Office. phflon e 066 'larsego. -Fcnr sons sud tbree Oppositedaugliters &re tLs issue ai the union. Ofteethere survive MrIs. Fred Roblin, ________________________________________________________Hamilton; Iiums Fîcrence Mayer, at home; Mr. Marhus Mayer, liarDese- aker,sud Mr O.tta Mayer, Bowinau* H'TTflAPTI1 F i le, alcf whoxnwaeopreseut n h ýoà0 K E HE 1 A P 'l _- A ïGo& & e Wedding. OthoIýrs present were ---------------------------~ , the two soxis iu-law, Mr. Fred Robtixi, Hi miltieu, snd Mr. mimau Roenigk sud ______________________________________ family, town. Four slsters sud two Propely seected brthers cf! Mrs. Maîer were present: Wall Paper wvlll go Mrs IDavid Forbes, vho wittbfber bus- far;ber lu makixig"the band, celebratod theýrgoden wedding gý EïEter Mouday April 12 ai their home, home beautiful and dt. TIhomas; Mns. M. W. Wiliain,(Kate) attractive thun aur, St. Thomnas; Murs Grace Davs Word other foru o! decora. 5tcà Mrs. Hauuah Cade, Woadstoek; 'Mu. snd NMus. ichard Coilacu t, Des Lon -Moines, Iowa; Mr. Robert Collacutt, Darlîington. We carry a cana- Whea the campany had assembled pIste lineofa the latest -Mr. Fred Roblil read this address: decoratiye designes in DEAnZ FATHIOR AND MOIHE Wall Paper, fuither. P GRAIîDFATIIER AND GRAN.DMOTUER: moewe can tell o We your cbildrcu sud grand- 110W ta appiy them children, lest gratefal ai beiug able ta 50 as te get tlle f i bcapreseut wlth -ou to-day ai the cela ful bratbn aI the iiftietb anivsrsarv of benfito! he.5t- viur woding. Wcrds cau scarcely ex tractiv-e value. oui- prosse ta cu both il-e love sud appreci., prices are grestly d-«- ation lu whicb sou are beld by us. You have basa sa cnxpletely touud Up lu versifled and are re- rur lîves tram their begiuxiiog, that we inarkabiy reasonabl., iIel, that on tbis occasion, any 11111e Ask te ses Stauntou'sEffort whieb we have made te ittingly new bok o intriar ceiebrate it, le iudeed but poorly ex- decoution.pra'sed lu word or act.. Darlng the. fty ycara wbl -h have been allatai ta sou o! mauried lie, en have had msuy caresud troubles, with wblch we haye Paperhan g i -n g, b;-euclosely asociated sud lu wbicb k. Cisciixg, White- ton bave had cur d epest sympatbv. washngpainingscc Yûu have aIea had many pîsasures aud jcys whteh we have been permitted ta qdoue as risual, share wth sou. Loaling back aoveu chiaS time ue feel mtia God bas been merciful unio sou sud ta us lu spariug Phone 113 or calIl ou you se meuvs eare. It le cur sîncere desirc sud bearticît wlsb that manv _crs maas'tili ho adde itaethera, and D 1, J-~WA would awk 3,u ta please aeeepi -this1 14 D l1< I 1N GpurIe o! goîd as a eligbt loken ai aur a g love aud asteami for you., Interor D ciraor B wmGnll0Sigucd by CUILLIREN AND GEANDCUILDIOEN.É Two purees cach cantatang ,- 25 lu ______________________________________________________ oad were presented ta Mr, sud Mus. Mayerg resptettvely. ________________________________________________ 1ev. Hugb Muuoo, B,, A., their pastar, road tte followtng adduess: ,j WB WANT YOUR SEED. DEAR MR. AND Mus. MATR:- We have jae purchaseti a -new up-ta-date Seed Cleaner We came to-night representlng the and re ow repredta handle ail kinds of Claver and Grass larger coaupaay, who had planned ta and re nw prpare surprise ycu with uuuted expreston2 Seeds cleaned or uucieaned and ta pay the higbest markiet At congratulations au ibIs the filtieth prio. nnversary a! sout wedding day. 1 j M, uc. . Farson made th isersoiRa- Weabsrcontitns av ben vr Tse l &O teamen eleileexpaets umberaelinonds 'Who bad iuteuad ci lab m, Tisa tunocormn sde cf atlavefTront o ontrealsuddinter - snpÉrlug thean ut wit)gtte tiLr es week b a good record for Apuli. A rnediatpoints about iMay iIaiMt.udMrMa- er, wc rýi uercut1 dowpau 0 ra wa Ce atnatA gtaod fobalprcic Ltshd îed by tss mmiîe comdùiuin. bndgy nP!Zht thore wSS Tuesoay nigisiabout tii'ph.ayes MisG e !at a an mpopt. 7uea s, ý1adWedncsday rinî rnîîgot. etp-eic hisladdrers ou bbsa i Laitrsuaînngbjbobs peeseteh.sde. MAandrai rRing ln with :oY and gladness, this 1 brlght and happy day, tBaniBh ail care and sadness, and wlpe 1 the tears away; ,Let gratLude fifl every heart, with pr1s our bosoins glow, As we rci that blithesome day. of. Ifitty years &go. The burdens and the strain you've borne thro' ail the changing y cars 'You've had sour dass of hopefulness, anon your doubts and fars; But bravels' bave yN ou fought your way, o'd5rcoming every foe, With eve upon the goal Sou set, of fi! ty years aLgo. We're here togreet you by our words and gladden w!ith aur smiles, i And cheer yeu ini the pilgrimage along1 the weary miles; Wlth trust in God, and whose v ou are, fromr whom ail blessings flow, &fakes Racred memories of tho day of fi! ty yecars ago. Our praYer in that you may bc kept stIli in Ris faithini keeping. Your da.ys on earth abound with îov, and 1 few yur nights and weepin g, And wheu at ls st the ties of earth are rudeiv rent ar.d rIven. Beyond the turmoil and the tears, for ,you there's Home and Heaven. THo0s. YELLOWLEES Toronto, April l7tà, '1909. MINISTERS AND CIUIRCIES. At the Methodist churcb, Norwood, Easter Sundav 0,v.C W, Barrett dis- cussed "The Mlode Young Mlan," which he handled lna av able manner. Rev. Dr. Grîay-l, 4jo l here thls week in the lnterest 'o1- Knaux College, Tor- onto, preached excellent sermons in St. Paul'a Presbytertan church 8undzy. E'litor 1. 1H. Dobbln of The Daily Revtew, Peterboro, wIll deliver au address before St , Luke's Bible Css Tuesday evening on "When I Was'a BEoy." Rev. W. A. Bunner had qulte an la- teresting meeting at Edea last week, when tweaty new niembers were recoiv- ed into fuîl membersbip- Colborne En- terprise Miks jessie Bethiuu8, Toronto. who sa"g at St J obi's church concert Fr1- da.v evenlng 'sang very ple'isingly at the Sundav evening service, "Oae Sweetly, Solemn Thonght," that wasj fnlly appreclsted py the congregatton. The Waman'r3 Missloaary Society of the BQwmauille District- wll 'meet lui conveationla the Mlethodist Church, New Imported mnslins wîth wide satin stripe,' white ground and very pretty floral designs throughout, very fine cjualities, will wash splendidly. Special per yad ......0 ............. 14 Dress Goods Colored cashmere, ail pure woùil, extra fine quality, unfading dye, assorted shadIes, per yard... . ....................... 50e lmported Frunella cloth, very superior finish,ý extra fine quality, elosely and evenly woven, very desirable for ladies gowns or skirts, per yard................. 1O Satin Directoire, the new <ress satin, drapes perfectly, ricli, soft finish, double width, per yr ..... .......$1.00 We ian guarantee. perfect satisfaction in our 2Oth CENTURY garments. Il you have neyer worn a 2Oth CENTURY suit let ue convinee you that we ean give you a perfc-,t fit without the usual worry of fitting and re- fitting. We eau givô you a suit finish, la:ý upýto-date style, Prices from 814.00 to 3.Ç S-pring9 Hats for tien Men's dryadsiit hats, new antd u 'p-to-date Spring Eshapes, beat English fur feit, colors black, 'brown, grey and green, extra. light weight. We have alarge asaortrnent of sizes and styles at popular prices. Men's and Boys'Caps"- In a complete Yrange of newest tweeds and iu navy and bla2k serge, stylish shapes, weil finished,' Prices ......-... ,25c to 75e eaehU A new ahipiunt of enibroiderîcs hasjust corne to hand. Now irs your opportunity 1o get some dainty designs at very reasonable prices, We purchased this lot from a wholesaler who was anxious te reduce his s-,ock. We fixed the price to suit ourselves and intend to pass thena on to you Rt mucli less than regalar values. The lot consists of fine Swiss embroderies, insertions to match, baby sets, corset corer and allover embroideries, BOIAIIvI ~NVIL LE. Urono, ou Wectaesday Apr1 28tx, moru- J. S.McConnachie, W. Brook, 1. Cau,; tng session ta open at 10.30 o'cloek ,foLael, ueRongl.W HJ E aiternoon at 2ocak collectionaî,t each D;usltan, Ted. Joueq, W. Sott. A. Tait, 11cw LtuUIJUj iJU. romsstb session., Dr. G. C, Bonm astle, Dr S. C. Hiltii- iIÂ Theannual examinatIon of thýî pro- Lawry Cryderman Miss Eva J.,Lut-' 711S bationers o!the Bay of Quinte Couler. trell. organist, teadered lier resignation llaving startefi a lauudry T'FQJoRs. ence of the Methodist Church took place which was accepted. A hearty vote of business three doors east of b unabl to in Peterboro thia week. Ilev. J. W. thanks rna'ed bv, W. W Tamblyn and Jos, Jeffery & Son's store 1 wood l011 Lewis, Pieton, presided, asFisted by seconded by W J. Jones were given 8 room hbons, R5v. Dr. Marvin and 11ev. G. W Hien- miss Luttreli and the choir sud ail arn prepared to do everythiog big set vala Eteronchurch off icers for their work during that pera s te up-odt Aprll Bullet! 'fle maris friends ia Bowmanviile af the year. laundry -work. I not only Dept 2287, Ut Rey. B. H. Rayclea, A M, a former guarantec yen GOOD service TOW popular par ai o the DitEiptes Church but PROMPT service as well. TW hors, wlll bE pieased ta leara tbat ho Is MR. SLEMAN4 AT DUNDASYo'lfnmevylw-r- returning ta Ontario ta become pastor o'lfdmevr lw-rc Esi of a London cburch, A Buffa!o puper MJh .SeaJ. h h ed about it. The1 exeu says "Forest Ave Chureh bas never br o hn Be ma ar., premsth hxad a more talented, consecrated and fathe fth crat L.aymen's Missionary Family and 'bachelors deceaseli are ovable miaister ta its historv and we Movemeat, gave au address la Knox washings a specialty. Occupied by are lath to give hlm. up. Under hie cburch tast Sunday evenlug at the reg- Goods called for and de- For artie ninistry mast substauttal progress bas ua evc.M.Sea 5avr a livered. premises or ti been made in evsry departnt of cess ful business man In WashlngtoL,, tarins eau be churcb work. D C. Sanie tirne aga..lhe, with a coin. pan y af sixty business meni, at their lAl UUN i1-t 11ev Jon Grbui prachd Sudayawaexpense. visited the various f orelgn flornianc by request af Che Lord s Day missîonary fields ta get a firet-band Bowmanville 14 6 w 4 Alliance on Sabbath Observance, bis kaowledge a! their conditions. Mr. - îotc rernarks beiug p'-rtinent and timely. Sleman was so we]1 satitfied in regard M4rs. Hyslop, Organizer, gave a very to the suceetssof mission work that ho H excellent address in the evening an consdr htI Ipasamas IT HEL l W.C.1TU. work thr-oughaout the Damîn- tsa '1l tM57 ,iITATE OF on wic aslttmnd a erIttn-ltelligente t s that missions ae D0 ou io, hc wslit3Yýý o ey ite.faire. Hie addrees was listened ta ilh tively bi' the large aulec I re. marked intsrestbS a large cougregatto nNE Thnbud HIyslop addressed a m2eetinýg ai the H1e is a man of weaith iu character and W.C.T.U workers and athere MNlonday Ilu EKERHeS' EXCURSIaObsinesSi ,NTTCE afternoon givIngauother fine Laddrs. moe.H spa lkabuiess an t mani. He presents. his subject c1early VIIdJJ1auipers -1-r a4ddrqesqeherg Wce'ç mebppre- aud forribly, arranging bis facti as lhe! ginttheE cltdandElle Will find a Waritmwcl- wùuld Items ina a business proposition AilRail via jChicagol deeaylof coated, b ler retv.rn, UcHba ,»tconvinolng syefrfe1iftb d y po coueyeth ixprseln tathe asMay 4th sigried Soliit The annrual esrvmeeting o aCI St a he mosi s1- te,@for-Le 'eompay. Lt, [oh'e hurh ws hld pri 12 11v, eaie~ w dree iaesîgaua tat he 'a Rail and otJ onay motaiWlln Wrer aspesented trtumphls t hedrrpnesô ilnuUVp..'0 ~articula bMiss MScOtt, sotga eor.sider- world,His ebut a yngmpn Pil,Ms uà.sat tor qbis sainofa! mane7 onib ta ohe wîth a kindly huzmle manner, with Wiane and, retur $32,00, lie01 iy statut( Orgaa f'Und Mr, . WJJues, People',i great pOWers for U eitiluese wh!lïl arC ig n 2r.Afdta--ke WardeD, rsae a report sh,ýniug enriched by a stroag w.ise personaitv Edmontoni and return $42,50I. 'AfMay, 19¶'09,k eceipte cf -$884.72 expendituve S~ which will make hlm oans of the wortd' he alnc $5 19Laie' idreor geaes bneico3. oaddtresse"l Tickets good for 60 days. ne Ia'ti,3 ul Showve a cuierbsuin g0yen taute1 eetngfor inen ia the Y, m. C. ,f rpotonttrtstaohe oit, o adths, rga fu 1. alance oan1bad î147 62. rome u t W, fcerooaaadailwia prso orpe ~fmcr wr r-letd sfoiwsV, .hOfid hlm at theýse 'sert te feeli h nWetr and.nt aeb dds annr. rand rmpk ,ant xiated Mareh iu llory, BeCor'e îardeu;hArcie Tait, Te Trusta a ervlek La e!de egatefjS to0S nE î Ne1 11e 1f ora q a rter, ManrsCi-JR L V L ,~~ ~~~l re: Wi WV. Tamniï'i, T. H Sry nd paund IranPt, Rai1byR, . Mtch S;d,ýjinen~ 0-j AZri Coor, f1, FORSALE-On the soutit IlRing Street. Bowmanvlîe, six leo0l)dlot. Apply lu D. 0. M. Bowmanville. t f ALE--265 Acres; Machinery; $1600- The owner of Ibis big fane, mun il; clens 40 tons hay; 500 corda )f standing tomber; tronc brook; se, haro 52x8o, good ontbiulditgs; abe farmusg machineryandtoffis 1600 lakes ail. Set page 35. Stronit's tn, copy fret. E. A. Htrcut o., niversity Block, Syracuse, X, Y. PROPERTY FOR SALI.' L'ATE op JOHN GAuD, ators of lise wll of JohnGat 'Offerisg for sale lise hisomýlcad 1 on Sengeg Street Whiels weVre lise deceasesi at tht lime of 1515 ýularsuaPP!y to lise wî dow on tise m ieuderslgned solicitor, Es arranged. D. B. SîssrSO, Soliior. ;e to Creditors. MATTER OF THEJ3s~ JOHN GA UD, orf thle ow mle ithe Out'y fD - 15 HREByGIVENTPar. C't 8 f Chtap 12.9, R. S., 0,, t1997, Sl' havia0g daims ordmax -mat, It !tise aïd JOHNGAD '!o dieli on or aisoutl le iwe-.ty- 17eisrnary, 1909, are rqieito preîsaid, or deliVer bth'le undce- ýor, for Tise Trusts and Gýaaia,lee aitcd, or ti thse undersigutie S olicit rç tise tin-t dny of! ay, îo 9, their ,à ts,înýwmes adsdreAses with nan writisg'of tieircinoam tieir aecounts and tise nture of 1 '-f an») held by tisem dniy vert- notice tisai adfe~ I "l4e:tdY taid excut rwill pnol.ed 50 , Isets of tise saisidceanseliSllmg iitled thereto, lhavi,, regard ouiy sof -Iich they blk liheu isame le said exeecutor willî tc e ablec tie SsuSdsciboi t.i T. P. CfrMngr ofr ise sai xc r 5s w1th a sugar bw , a Miîk jug fram ! ... ....*........ ...... Mrs. Wi111am1s, a pie huile tram Mrs. Cade, and a ;sugar spoon and gold I. piee fromn Mrs. ForbeF; a-l theseî pîses sreo!silver Witb gold liaings or0,mine Mîr.Richard Collttt. a gold piece. Te 0erfa 1y !Buf- f ala sent a very biaudsame gold Fet onsistlng V! tray, sugar bowi and mLl ,pitcher;gMrs. W. Meflom1drSt. Thomnas, a souvenr spon; Mr. Robt. O'Hara. h San Francisco, Cal., a beautiful go!d draps and Mr. W. W., Shaw, New York It Pays to Stop Here. The. n House of Satisfaetiou, ,City, a beautifuily bound Bible suitably Inscribed. Mr. Mayer made very pleasing and s-aitable replies acknowledging the tbeautiful gits -,resecteCi ta bimEef and A number a torsaicdongratulation L wvers read frain friendsata a distance;- among othere from âMescre,. John anid Dpring Hesiery in reliable grades are ready for yoair inspection, Ouir prices are sueli Ed. Mayer, Buffalo, 1N-Y.; Mr. Thos as taiake satisfactory selectionS an easy matter. Womnîe's ful fashioned imparted plainan Yeltawlees, Taroato; Mrs. Rober t ae aheelseadcto ael lc adclr u steita mrldrdand O'Hara, San Frauiesco, Cal; Mrs. Fred oenor d sig n d Cton b e inyarckianed when yenuhave seen oau rlldeplany. Lewis (ue Mldred Mayer) and Mr oW. D ot miss ins opportny bfulception iae. hnyi av enorpeilds W. Shaw. New York Cîty. isopruitofectonlvie. The rest o! the eveuing was Epsat lu a social way sud al] uited la wishing for the bride and groom etiîl many y eare ______________________________________________ aI bealth sud happinese. Huadrede ai oltizene wauld gladly have psrticipated la this golden we d ding eveut had con.dit ions' been favor -________________________M_____ ablo,1 for Mr. sud Mrs. Mayer have the respect and gaad-wil ai a very wide circe 0 f acqualntances. Possibyiy Mr if e wlt jus9t what is new and what May er lias been longer coutinuously linaltelalghne hwl ws od e_________ business lu Bowmanvllle tban any other al IaÏu lùjoso nws o'N w S ï man now actlvely sû engaged, bavlng botter apportunity. than now for laoking been over 55 years at the service of thetrogarstcainwm lisprtsadTei otntonsabubyngaut public as hatter sud 1furrier. trul u tc fnwmsis rnsadTeîpratpit bu uigasi To MRND nsite. MYER, ginghanis, W. have a complete assortulent are style, fit and finish tagether with a cou- ON THE OCCASION OF' THEIR GOLDEN of uew and seasonable geeds, Maderately fidence in wearing qualities of the materiaL, ----- ----- ... Mctlurtry&CoUmtd