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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1909, p. 5

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G, Oll«1E AET G-ieiNGW EBT Mail .8.5 ar. ±Epres,,,..4,40 a.M j~Pr e6 080 . ILX r..1... * . 51 ed ý.,81p.rn. rsenger .... 148 ;P111 Local. .69 , -8ie d .......7.44 Jar&LovEL, Town Agents, Brax ln ficee powder wlth fual direCtions M rPOnIBÉ . ...10C, Doom for Buffalo Moths per Il boule ............... :... 250 Strong Ammonia ...... ... ....10c 11ehined Turpentine, ........... Oc Furniture Pollsh .............. 250 Suýiiphur Fumigators............. bc Formaldelyde Farnigatora ... 85c Liquid Glue roends everything. 10e Muceilage ............... ..... 5c O.hina Cernent .........,.......15e Moth Balis per prnlna .......... 153 Bed Bug Polaon .............. 25e Soluable Creosote for dislnfectlng 25e Chamois akins [solied] for dean. lng silver and glass ......... 15e PaekaRe Dye (ail colors) .... .5 and 10 GOillett's Ly e 8 tins for.......... Wc Spanges ail prIces at ............ e Scrub Brushes ....... ý.. ... 2 for lic arpet Soap ................. 150 1-7lver Soap ...................15be Electro Silicon Slver Pollsh 2 for 25e Chiorîde of Lime per package .... bc Co"ppras, 6 Ibo for............250 JU1RY & LO VE L L The safe satlsfactory Druggists & Optielanis WMEN WE TEST EYES ITt5 DONE PROPERLY JURY and LOVELL Grdates of: Chicalgo, New York, Detroi anad Toronto Optiorsi Coleger, -)iM -Hvn hdconsideorabie .8. expeinluthe pump business I1 am ! repardto do al kinds of pumnp re pairing and Iistaling of new pumrps at reasouabie prices., T han rdie both wood and iron punip s and wiien wtigone give me a cai. 3, BUTSON. OhUurCh St, flowmanville, p houe 143. lif Rallier a queer statement, but if Sou figure tbe greater wear a , ou would get out of that kitehen t flior, not ta spaak of the cleanli- risbeauty and genarai conveu- lence you wouid certainiy corne rîgt down and get a eari o -îThen the pantry thelviee, the bak orcli, the barn, the who]le ouE,-;r part or all, how mueti bettr tby wold look, how e gî7e,aiid how mach iabor would ' qa haved,if they were painted wiîhi Lery oPInts 'Xe have just receeved Our V epinshpment, and we invite In uspection. just look around jor "lae and count up t ose shabby 'pl'acas It wil pay sou to paiînt them, but Yeu must be car t efai te gos gond palots, and you eau get them from Chas. L. Brown, Deaernaal shei f hardware, etc Three Doors East o!f Beunett Ecuse, Bowmanville. Hous~Cloan CDIlý9 At"IIll BO0WMÂ-NVI;LLE, APR. 22. 19,09 W. R. Kuigit recants' vlsited friends la LludEay. Mr. Walter Geuno, Norwoed, recet1s' visiteS friands lare. Repeat il :-1Shillih's Cure wlli always cure my 'cougha aud colda." Mis e lman. Toronto, ta vlsling ber faîher, Mn. B. Baîlman. Mr anS Mrs. J. C. Dudley' reoeuly vIsiteS Ils brother at Coîhorne. Miss9 Vena Siamon, Haydon, is vieltlng lier cousin Miss Grace Trawin. Hava a look aI eus' Baby Carniages sud Go Carte. L Morris & Sou. Miss Bethune, Toronto, was guest of Miss Ediîh Riler aI " Ravenscralg" Mr. Chas. Adams cf Tod's Bakers', race ntl.y vsitedionda luUxbrlýdga. 1ev. H. Mnnroa, B A.. atteudad the Preshytors' meeting as W hxty Tuasdav. Mliss Ronseil attended the summer millnery opeaings lu Toronto Mondas'. Miss Jean Adams has nelnrnad from visiting Mrs. S. B. Bradshaw. Toronto, Mn. Thos. Lana, Omkwood, lias beau visitiug lis unele, Mr. S, Pollard, Reg- Istnar, Mrs Hyslop, W C T U organizer, was guesî of M iss M. ýE. J oness whlle lu town. Mrs E W Pat'tason was lu Toronto Mondas' attenaiug tumman milfiaery oeaunge. A. L. Nicliolis le laviug anoîler big hargaîn day Saturday Sea Ilst cf moenas savers on last page. Dr. R. R. Smala, Evoretl sud Miss Lîlhian Smala, Castiabon, recently vis- iteS aI Ileir homo at Providence. Bewmanvilie Wemen's Instltute wll meet nazI Saturdsv at S p m in the Couacil Reom. Ail ladies InviteS, Mr. G. R. Marlîn. B.A,, tho now ScIence Master cf Bowmanvlle Higli Sehool euterad upon lis dalles Tuesday, Mr anS Mrs. W. A. Wlndatt, Win- alpeg, Man., ara visiting hie mother Mrs. Rd. WIndatt anSdeChar relatives. A lot af new carpetesuad linoleums juie recelved aI Couh, Johustcu & Crs'- derman'e. Messrs. Fred W. Allun anal Jacob GanS, Scugog Road, lad sead grain stolen fram 110fr barns Monday nigît. Miss Edith Qulgg, Fanelen F alls, wbo was in the Pos1 Office lu thîs town for some lime, las gene te Brandon, Man. Mombers o! Florence 'Nightingale Lodga, No 66, I1O O F, wlll attend service in St Paul's dhurai Sundas' May 2.'11 Mn Jas Bal7amy pnreliased froni Mrs Ialla O'Connor, the house and lot op- posite Henry sI seool. pnîce, $290- Whitby Gazette. Mrs. ESwmnd Wlklis. Highland Fanas, Courtice, recently visitad han aister Mrs S. Ne'soa, Peterbero'. sud ellar friands lu Otenahea, The engagement Is aunounead oci MIes Eva J. Luttrel, Bowmanlle, and Mr. J. C. Hodge. Toronto, The mar- rlage will Imita place lu June, 1ev R. MeCulloch, Omamea; aif-. Mrs. George MeCullocli,- Lindss', at- tendeS the weddinz yesterdav ofai-,rd-ce at EnuiskLillen.-Lin(dsay .Post. one C1 the anccess f niBowmanvlle boys, Mr. Chas. R. MeCullough, Hamil- ton, faller cf Canaduan Clubs. leaves temonrow for a vieiltet Wasington, D. C. Mr, and Mru William Garfat, Port Hope, annunetle engagement o! blair deughtar EdibI Belle, te Mn H arvey Wesley, Mitchell. Ph B The marrlage wifll aite place _uietlvy Apnil j2811i. Friands of Mn Alick Lyla of theia Royal' Bank, Cornwall, wore aerry te lesca ibvat lc al te undargo an operation for appandieltîs on Tlursdav. Lý,test re- ports ramy ha e Seding wall. Compare Ibis paper wlthotellri -demI 1papers. Yen wanî the hlggeslt value poaible for your munev. '£be hast ta tle cheapost Ti islathe besl anS the ,cleapeet. New Euhsenibers in Canada ,jean gel Ibils papen le end cf 1909 for li0c. ~R , 1-.Pactee sen ta sone cf our Averv apprezaliv0 DêiRerfi as waa nieÉ wotly luehand. la reuewtag lier subscriptlon le awrile.a; "Wa have tishen jour papar sa mauv jeans, I do nel know 10w I could do wltheuî il for the home uws, 11ev, T. Waiton Jolliffe was 85ffh Grand Master of the Grand Lofigeofn Ontanie ladependenl Order et Oldfe!.- iows anS on Apnit 28 la te ha presentad w1tli a FlGrUand Masîar'd Jawel hy the rn Lodgms. the presanlation te ba made lu Flonence Nightingale Lofige, Il wlllha aveny great errer cf jidg- ment te consîrnel a new wmter tank o31 SIlver St. The rigît place for il Is fui Ilie6oonîli ast corner cof the Eqnarel toheat adCilru 'W e Invite local news items, Pa eistOreoeJune Il. bo1 eyGae èe Order wedding eards froni usAbouil Several dogs hava beau poisoned, PrJ the chief ingredil H1eavs frost last wee k around lie. thee active prÎnciple, Vlslting cards of your cholce. Calliandto Goinsr te Europe? See M. A. James. n nethfna, Dinnar sets at redueed prices at F. A. Haddy's. , Repeat it :1"Shlloh's Cre will always cure my ooughe sud ld" Mr jamea L Hughes contributes another Story of Solina this weak. Mrs. jas. Gifilan reoentlv vlsited lier 8on, Dr. Ga. iGlifilan, Uxbrldge. MISS y inate Grant, Toronta, las been vlsiting har cousin Mrs F. H. Mason. Wa hava ail sizes and prices Cf mat. tresses and sprlnigs, L M orris & Son. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Temple, Torouto, ..4~oue, wera racent guests of-Mr. W. Fý Allen,Isue wh esm Sea our new Limoges stockr pattern lu China. F. A. Haddy, China Hall ulOUs,[0. Grocery. efovr v Mies Ethel Spencer, Newcastle, spent nfl everv% hon tha week-end with Mrs James Brown. Liberty St.Nohspae Misses Jessie Bingham and Mamie Bancroft, Woodviile, are vlstlngUncla ý0Au Thos. Bingham Arehie Tait wants ail jour butter and eggs and will pay the hlghest price ln cash or trade, Mali Yonug, the, new West End Stock Food of ail kîindi at Mu: doch'F. laundrymau, ls glvlug good satisfacticn, 11TOllet Sets frem S$19u. utaF.' Trica J Hava yen trlad hlm? 1' Trict Mr. H. -Mi Allen, Toronto, lias been PIIRDIE guet c lis cusi ExMajr W ~' IdsiFence-the hast in the market- PL 1ie, a Allen, Beacei Avenue... A frali lt c fnehoE-g e aIbs Coma te Bowmanvllle May 24. Thera etAfe Muroofineblls.'Pa FÎ wîha pati a fsprsler u Freali rellsb'e garden rand field ed BE thrpatclars next week. IFred Dob "UY Miss Evelyn Bounsal is horne f 1er aI FA. Hddyh.PENN spending the wlntar wlth lier aunt Mrs Newcastle and Ororno news appears Mrj WM.P A. MeKay, Linden Valley. oa an muner page. 2 'N Major Phllip Rowe is now Command- Canned peas, cora, and toniatcos, S1reS T A51 ing Officar of 461h Royal Ragiment. for 25e &t F. A. H-add3 's. fluailis. Raad report of annual meeting on au- Repeat It :-"Bbtloli'o Cuenil alwa:,VpyE 11,0C other page. cure my ceuglis sudocuide. We are sellng lots of our 25a tes. Z Ion Ladies' Aid adâress cf weleo-ma ev Leiay woudar? It would ha goodtinl rhî me appears alsewhere, Hope, and value ati80o a In. Have yein tried ît at Healthi articles appearinge avers waek TAiT-Mý Arche Tal'ù? la thîs jiurnal are instructive,;j t th~eresid rayen golug te keap a garden Ihis The largast assortuxent cf oardeu ddnglitero summel? Bus' jour gardon bools from tools ln town wiflha found at Rice & Co's Abr Chas. L . Brown. Ha keeps the kind NîtWnvi- that makes worz eatiy. Cal and get a free sa mple bottie Of denece oS il Doi nw-cllatfie &Co s ndFuraiiture Polsh.' L.' Morris & Son 1 4. by 5ev gat a cler card cf the Sherwin-Wl- Haddy's Ideal Toi is stili the stan- au,1' seem3 -ýý iams Pint, the paint that sticks andî dard. To ha had cniv from F. A. sud Mr W1 gives hast satisfaction.%I Haddy. Mr. Rowland M. Cale bas a 4 Tr ni Ladies' Sprlng coatz, aIl uew, just '.R steer that tippcd the seule at 2t50 lbs' opened out at Candi, jelinston & ury- aged 61 yea Ho expeets te put 500 lbs noe r L lm darman's. MICHAEI then hl i Ilha the biggest steer lu A fresh shipment of NMaple Svrup jut W Mic-hael Canada. arrived aI Scottî & Aliu'ss t e h hst yOuNc-1 AUl the latest stries lu Spriug Rat@, l the marketI lngVÇ Caps, Ties andî Shirts ut M. Mayers's For the fimeSt Stock ofuaW draBS geodS,1 beliPethic Wa have a 1la byats we are runnlng slks aud wash goeds ca!I at (Jencli,i JACEMAN- cfff at hall prioV/Cati and gel a bar. JolinEton & Cryderman'e, aul01" gain. Couneillor Jas. Stanley saîs ha can't LN.I Excursion tu Vashington, .D C, hy gel lahoers t,, do an urgent1 place cf1t, a IlT11%ad Lehlgh Valley Railways cuivert construction ouncuo road. Gorril for] Fziday, this week, leavlug Toronto at Who Is an honcît min? Ha f who wlli KENT-A e i 0pm.Return lare from Toronto pay whaî ha owes or m-kea eten1cS oeab 25,effort 10 dose -0. R DruLi. leader, , jaNDrs j r MR hvs D, Fairbatra vroposes le how do son stand tu this test? 1 1Hoby Anu, establish -a hraneh cof lis Toronto huai. liard and soit corna hoth iyiaid l t 1'7 years, nesg in Bowmanvlia eandidlis oiter IS Hollowav's Corn Cura, whli le ei ntire'v LAMBRTN bain- considared hy1 the Manufacturars& sala te use, and certain aml s12iis aors Commnittea. ji its action, Coucli, Johnston & Crydarmazt have Mfr Frank Kaigh-t wholas n- me I ,ay. bro seCured tha servIces-Difa -first-cliase -ex- îurned 'flom a trtp t!r ' !pe a hemed 49 yea periancad entter and Invite Iheir friands lnierestt cf',Enys D Faiýrbatro Ce Tor- I te leave their erdars new. Satisfaction ente, upeai Sundas' v4lh îi: faEhar M, iman, aged 2 guaranlaed. Thos. Eniglit. HFRN--Al Gai sour lawn mowar sharpened laines Ster now. Mr W,. 1H. Wiliams, hlaek-smu,t ____ 8ilyears. t 16 p-repared-t-- pt our machina in - LGUÇ first cnsas ordar. Mowers calied fi-, oura~csthe TîKndHaHatr ty cuI5i !e'Ai ï,ud dliverad. licattre h_ or Mr John Eliett, B.A., Principal ce of C ,c A iw7adva owmanvlhie Ligh Sehool. wss eleced W ETINiBAC vifce president cf the M aîhematîcal aidWRSLGMAC Science Departmanl of the Provincial Tercliers' As2oiation. At the Oi1awra Opera Rlousa on Fri- That juveatie "£ver reads,yay day, Aprîl 23, Art. Edmonds, (The Monlîtt steady" ire brigade Ihat g7ava an ex. Peeketlarculeb) fealbcrweiîgit Chami- hihillon drill lu the Opera Hous%, pion cf Canada, will wrestle, catch as bronglit te the mnde cf mauy tha for. cafvhoa, William Seimfeather- mmm mer Seul WaYd Englue, weight champion cf Seotiand, Elinonds ____ M"bëirs, îErneet ýBrown sud Will Tcdg- Is$e br th~e tan 5 ïe heaiheu, F hau, who have., beau Irapplng on the,-'î marsbes, hsa broke up theifr camp e nd 5Oîlvr ie u,. ~.JliQ j ,f report a varv favorable traplvn o er or lih pna aa seenefi ver iftymuskats.e lock, and splendi'd moving pietuires secued ver ift musrat.w'l fIll out the avenlng's enÀtartaînment. jThe Wall Papers tor Ibis Spring are the most attractive patterns Ha has a Branche verv large range, with speclal boclks cf sel-ect deelgns. Giva hlm a cal]. Brwmanvilae Is havlag ifs ahanec t j Bowmanville Sprlng Show will ha6siekluess tblls Spng. Thiis due te theG~R 1-1 h odn the Drill S'led Grounds, Satur- lacd that dung tha wlnter t'he blood foma dity, May 8. Liheral pizas wîi ha bacumes impure on acco, uaitf ha.... offered for stallieus and bulîs. Enquiro hearty fooded ataa, This cýauses that EEO Ifor particulars from tha Secreary, John tlrad, weary, ail-zone, dcn'lcare.t S. Mooreralt, Town Treasurer'a ffc, work feeling, whieh Is Opaaa ucar Bowanvllaie this lime cf 3er, The nad f Bowmmnviile. Spring nmidicine seams t-to3 uvra.jJ U Thae heaposl teamte use is nol the The cleanslng, bieod-purif.ling action, bn Ioes picfi Yn eau.>"hur tes a flitw .cf -M-t1-el's-uraprîtaomonw A- prompt Lhandingcf frigîs anS thE aî èmr f orme ycavu-r asbeau mua'nIumieSy boI akngalectnatte, a"re tr mie IIon 1Mmv ý25, re" h i-,ýî have tngar1'inî4saîesSmroî'TAsti; ird eO thisweliknow stemer trielv uNte' 1'onthy hctctaIile..tI Poutry S D- t R.R. ave E.A. TrOUTCil- no Ci rp uae dat, aSl1 fsýc e cnito o l,1r ,oaec 'utatd ' Ïdre wDi e O u thi rut-avt j urd'Lecet~mrdrmUocrTy5ir.,yrcasNY W . E. tu Oýbawa, 'Aprj1 i1, b 5Mr and Mrs -la Oshawa, A priîl 5, 40 Mr, and Mrs daughter. IBowmanville. April 18, to Mr and IF ice, a son. ;-Near OCurtice, April 18, tu iMr and laacoca, a son, '-in Oshawa, A pril 12, 10 -Mr and Mrs ney, a daugliter. -In Newcestle A prit in, to Mr an.d 'euary, a dao'gbier. -At Er field, àvrl' 7, thewif or 5Mr, 5MIon, of a dagtr 5-11 Kington. ai;" 135 Kirg St, Apral1 Ipi W S a ,d Mria Hugbe, , a daughter. MAURIEi> i-AncErna-In Toronto, April 5, by bker, Frances Liltani Archer, Port dThomas James Simipson, Ctarke. dATTIIEWs-At Edmounuo, Aprit Sth, ience of tl-e brtde's Parents, 24 Mac treet, by 51ev A S TutlIý, Maie. only Of Mr and Mrs Johbn Maithews, and lait, folmerly or BowmanvtIlle. -GflLBET-In Darling1i, iii. che iresi- he bride'smother. 1LInwood7 Aprii vRobert McCulloch uncle of the bride. ýy 51ev J A Jewell, El A, M0isAiee ,od dai-gh'ier nI ie lafe Wi Glberi n. N Newby, Orillia. At Port Ilçpe, Aprti 1, This fllack, L-lIn at Whitby, Zmpril i111h, Wm S, aged 6 4yeays, - inu llampýton, Aprit 13, Miss Eliza- iek, aged 75 yearsj. M-Iu Bowma'-vftte. April l4th, infan3t of M1r Fred Jaekmau, ibe Townphip of Hamilton, Aprîl arlin Lang. ïsged34,years. ý-lu Neweastle, Aprill1th, Wti!tam rmer1y o! Sottua. aged 91 years. it Myrtle, Aprit Pitb. Susan Jane beloved wif e cf James KeLt, aged 69 Rs-NQar Leski-d.' Cla Y e, April luth. idaughter cf 'lnuel Soaunder'., aged, ' Pure flapieSrp S We have Our -firqst shlpment of this seasouls PURE MAPLE e SYRUP, the kînd vou always get from 'us when we advertise pure SSsrup. Wa want yen te test îUs quality so do neot rlUtegat soeawltli your next order. e~ Whava the chlocast cf ail smaked Meats, cured for oýUr ow specia trade. If yen hava neýt used themn, do so and gate, hast Choi<ce Smoked Hams............ 17e alb liknned Base .s................. 20C a lb. Eugliý1i Breakfafit Bacon . ......... 20e a Ilb Rll Bacon ...... .............. 15o a lb. P'icnle Rais ....................15eà a lb.,q Frankifort Saugaga,. .......2DIso for 20e, Bolonga Sausage......,..1ealb. ~y We are offerlng the finest Cailf ornia Naval Oranges althte fcilow- ý IngprIes.20e............. 40e ...... ...... LOc a dcz Grapa Fruit................ ..10e each. À Lamons ................ 20 and 25pa dca. Pirieapples ...................... 25C each Bananas ..............25c a dez, Highest Price ?aid for alFam roduce. P,UT U LF, HONE GROERArch le lai *Wall Paper eAdvc 1IlP Cw COVER up ,ýp7'caur dingy wall. bechleerfuL.Sronyo- self with pretty colors. Let inïdoors be just as riglit aL the shunshine, whetlier fl is Etunihine or ra& outBide. Paper is cheap enough -at this store. We have the widest sort of selectiçn, andeugt o~ alrnast anything yen take a faney toý, Loveiy paper with ceilings and 18 inch frieze to xLatc,'h Sfor 10e par roil in greens, browns and creams, utbl o * parlers, dining roorns or halls. Window shades in cream or zwhita, with orwihu *~trimmings at 50c and 60o eaeb. 'White enanaelied urtain poles with trimmIngs 11 i I plate for 25c. * Boom mGud.,ings, plate rails ta match al ahades o paper. * Bru 20 W ,, T Rb mi; _qBeoks-e-'rI -lu Bow rnîanvitiCe A prît 17Care, dangliter cf MvJohn L-amls,i, aged ______________________________________ i t. Mienn,.Apr!il t 7hredericit te fMrs W Ilflihmas, Oshawa, o, be.ovcd wile o!A Ir oe 22 î cars, t 3 Beverley Si. Torto, A pi S er, formerty of Bowmg,çle an Interred am aatawa. Lw Ave, West TorontAï. liiainLouiise, jonug9e-tdihe au1d Harm Icti ntoug, Wbitby, tri. Icrct iNcwbon%,1ilc. os We orgeîAT E. R. ONAL Degigner and Dester ln tlnat, Tabltq, Markers, etc , ini r' Giranite aud Marbie ! .OWMANVILLE, ONT 'J~~~~ ri ;Amll EUT R Sunday --ud nishitis îtWAN PED- lro go te Tornto ~'~ gencri houSewcrIe, Appiýy to Box , Wsgaei rns uinGn IIRLV ND A Fn aeD 111S, Dacýýs Zephyrs Vesti g ,vrrtved hum Alberta aiGilbet's L. etc. For sale in quantitîes bu suit i ____________ W. M ivRE, 5wavic12' Rl TO R-,ENT-De3irabl3hrlek N:-ew Dress materiais. Silks and Satira. 'Sc endair.iug saven mrnmson Wash. ',aiý$ ,5 0 par mon0th. Appiy to RAi' DItol)viin ilowanlàe. N-'ew L&aces, Insýertions, Embroiýdarias 153w FlUnc-ings, lleadings, ali-over Laces and R ANI l> ,TEF YACRE"iTO -Ebr are C e C r-m ro1r ZT-Tu EHowm vil ou whieh are Ae e5 Crt orEm oid- )PIe treci!, vnst s es, stable, ~o-~s t > well. Appvo . W ood-t If rquied. W. L tdon Concession Street. ai present eN irs i lram '%V, Surit, Immediate Pliow Cottons, 'fOwe7i, Tcweliings, etc. LE ANO1llird lAlV'5E WFOR swr3 N I) 11RNleFORNew LsesCur-tîns, Carlain Nets'-and Ë E-Twvo goud second baudl buggies Musiue, Art Muilins, Saleens, Madrase Vill suIt vem y Ceap if soId at once, lioLd I seCon aud FLset ie, uslins, Cretonnes, Quilîs, Table TLîinns o ~ ~ ~ 1 at3wLs CLWL bv 5L T ahie JaýPuk-1ns, Lonsdale Cmr s RFOR SALE-On ti'e sonî huea g. otoe ec of King Street, 13owmanvitll ni ne dbatlîroom, mmcivPease Furuace, ......... -- ni, Stable, ait ccxnvem.îeoces under ý7iCaes rýracre land Apply bo 1). 0 sC.j Ne Corets nS.Crlet j, Bwmauville. s-sWiî-er GaaHasr.Velre FOR SlALE-lis acres mers i rlige andlCias barmitelwest of Ftbenezerclitreli, Coic ai diiuesgary onîb.uldingc, an mguecid it. e .o! e i lo, (I on ealLy term3 of ptyme.4t Ap. re)"-tses lu 1AmECs iJUETîCE or 10 iPARK FOR SALEU- V; hs ricideulc ci.1lg are, -VAnT DAT ýc onca Sl 1, 1oeail, On, o empe Btlîup Toouo. 4 r a1',ey7ý- an1'xC u c1, 1One .cou ex ertaSad mBni cna lu ~~~~c Dai ucl yivflCn r':n.b nI Jadighr'sb deis n 7 mv gm~rt~ted RyalPorte SockanA[ IL

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