1-~~ o ean, sSwbutsreln Aay 'stworny butrIeagthensl AmyvAýnsin -1t te sebool togel surebox. Threver n oudit, e udnegrs, fo chiidîren'ýs feet, puigtag ie ap-f ro)gl,m ad irthe gronti eLucho in a2uifle cromd on oï torstop), but Poil!y and AmJy knem wa'ple!"-auer place. 1-txw ëeecret; thoy n ortlud anyic Juist be itb sctoeoswx be(autiful miieud(oir, hoionging mileadotir -ýranl abromt Ulites in th!e 1bottom andLIbIine alon!g tho edgo1g, ad y the bi greir an ide-uh o AAncildthsbush it bouse, nd ner it'tbey almay, itheir dnnr.The(re iras oniy tro)uble. Thie bush ivus jusi a tkie bit 'tee ýiraulite shado et bathl. If Poily's baud mas in haoAmy Ann's pink sunI ne xsin the sun. "Wisbme could build a ini our ou 1"said Poily. "Wy, se ive can 1" cried Aîno, ooing br bonnet exci ly. 'Lt's m e do itI Tireo! 'a, g wthrihleteypanned il ù u i.L AftonPr boAmy Aina ro ed eîftensspade, unü uet offfor ithe moýodi. There1 ,found two baby eim-trees, and1 &Ilug them u'p m iitb the w-ou roots aal. They planted li*tIe trocs Iby ihoir pluybousîý Amy A -nn's on anc side o! tiho bu and Poiiy's on ti he otho-r. '7 41dî'd net know thaýt tbey marck( ing A!)rIen day, for it lad n( been houý.rd o! thon. Se tbey ne. singbing nor speeches; oniy 1itie 'eroen ihat iived in theolq bu-sh kept suying, -Cbirp i Chir And ber nine children poked t] little brown heads ovor the edgE t.he ncst, and said, "Chirp 0' The littie trocs greir und gr -Jdi Pelly and Amy Ann. T gýot te le yeung ladies, thon r, die-gedladisand thon oid lad Nohoy caladtbem Poily and b -An nor;they more Grani Wbie ndGruodma Grant. radaWhite lîved a longi fromi Gruodmu Grant and the n dem and île'1o ld sehoibouse., aIe di1d ne-t forget them, and ih mwas neoniy tInt ber lutieIý liked se raus the story o!î teli-tic lm-traes and the r utie mns. Se mIen Gran< WVhite menit te visit Gruodma Gr bhe lad te taka Amy mitb ber. Yen s-houid bave smon loirhaj the tire gruodmolibers more! I -you sbouid have sean irlat fun hi Amy and uitile Poily bad togeth .And hem île firsi thing they al aste igo demni-i ie le raa to look ut tbe hile eims. y"ut toy more not utile eirns lger! Tbey were tau, beauti treas ý, an1d tbey beid eut their i gonarms te eacbotiser oxer !jtile brook. Wltis it ,bat suys 'Cli chr '"asked the hile gij Tbcy iooke-d up, and sair a li wren's nest in île inca. ",Perbaps these are thec grai ahýil din o! thce'enen that ived ilbe eIdýer bush," suidi the g-al choy. bes tre xil ae th ai bar- thoý they tiny the e - over had the 'p i'. 5heur all -ci Pho3 niîd- lies. Amy way bua- 'But hare the nino dou raut ýppy And olr 1 did lýoi any iful ang tle rp, ris., ,ttie nd- 1 in or e c *an \,le tanton tileuroau step o;- U- S )f1Ul iI!\ý 11a ý l 'ic1- Lt -l. Oi Vard uhnked cIthe 0111- Cif, the3 steps that lie beiow, and!cnl mtuff taraest-a dray dosin as to the charac- cers and expresýsed bis continued rîcl i wth maîgadfull wLih erof _tir i, nIie e neeti h -,irn. Il uiL kïhicb wehe etalibdw- o evcbecause it lbas otber day-s husband he wîfe who înspîrd brineet nthaeise i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ no-n~ h tp htlebeoet rt hs rsa Major Preston miloved, seconded are shrouded in -mystery. Yet we fairer 3'et to hac. ber epitaph: by Lt.-Col. Ward, that congratu- y are ail conscious that we(tndo HENRY F. CGPE. lations be extended to Major J. P. _________________________ iere reiýsts my soue;no pair 1{ow e on bis appeintment ta the ytthrougb life e, ommand of the 46th Regiment, and y110W NAPOLEON 011V V TENDuke of WcIlington dd' know Soe equI lived as výlc did; expressing the confidence of the eAT WATE P l fg . wbatever to do about it. At lit Alike Ye haedpepc asirife, officers in bimi. Major Rowe made tbey caught one of b reth,- kew nerwjit.'lii seb4c . a suitable repiy. (By James L. Hughes, Toý,ronlto.) and tbey examlined un ail over._A CbaieyBic an Jiii Iugie~iutlast th'ey found a litti-e ',oie at thie Another happiiy bareaved bus- ýy hale Bce ndJiü atback of bis neck where the bar- band wýas content ta confine biïs IAWKING NtACIINES. on a great-pine stump that lay up nmer was jointed, and after thýey feeling to two words, but they 'ecr-0 aar ufrrsaeiohn u rroated on the roadside juit-, south found that 'oie the I-ingiisb mowed very cloquent cf wbiat be had su!- Ctrl ufrr r ohn u of the sebool bouse at Sauina, West the Frenchmen down L ke hay. Now, fercd. Thcy ,_ru these: "Pacem Haw'king, Spitting anid Blowing Durham. Old Mr. Hancock was Char les, don't it stanid ta reasun babet-Ile bas peace." MadlcasanAtriy doing bis duty ta his country by that the Hinglish inust ha fine There was no sncb reticec performing lis statute labor to re- shots ta get their bullets into tle however, about the widowc r who Is it- possible that in these days pair t he road. It was a bot June litti oeTe ee ol ae oreîrtd bswde iewben cleanliness and sanitary ru- day. The oid gentleman said, -"It vwipped Naipalecul, if they 'adn't thus: f(rm is being preacbed in the i4 agalo the iaw te perspire, when found thejointin' of hehario "chrebces, sebools and at, public you'Ia workin' foýr'the Queen," and Cbariey did net accept the stery We lived one andi twenty year gatherîngs, that tbousands of pee- te edentiy did oct wisb te break as authentie hist iry, but of ecour1se As plan and if together; pie will continue te sufer front telaw. lie leaned a goed deal 1 did, as it s0 eariy proed ay 1I couid net stay tber langer bore, ctarlrh en there is an absoIlute- -on the long handie o! bis shovel, contention te be correct. Sbc's gene, I knîw not whitherl 1,, certain remedy always on ban-iId. and tried te avoîd perspiring. . Hyomei (pronouneed H-igb-o-rne) Soemrea b e]iîstened 'te bre Sml n Cheaariie- u i nw ~ rts is a pleasant, medicated afnd anti- an e tohe iewie y-ASipeadCepMdcr- Bt i1 ow1& r,Î- an i m e;sav e pr praioha etold simple, cbeap and effective mdi (I speak it net te fr) septic airP. Broatho it lu and it wil usý1 storiso osaireand ern orathn t b e Oe f ail the wovmen rin the ord urectarrb, It will stop foui us- oreso Dvoý,jIr ad or-There is ne medicino se effecti-,e a I s'eear I',d n'er coume at be.1etwtr eyes, and erusts in twaii1, and wo evrei istened. regniator of the digestive systeinias BtIàupoeTh' saedao t ls. H.aW. Wiloo ono Cbariey's father bad cerne !rom Parmeleo's VogetaePis. They ori te loesa thundr t, Walace"Wurgilon, ofJoysones the United State, ndChalbac are simplee tatS.,Walceu," 0iL ay:"Ys a high opinion of ever lthing ini thiat ae s goet bey are cbieap, they-Foint ratý lmefr ho eau bbere, and thei r Methouglht Ihe1 brveyvoc ieare greaMfriz sQ Hymsi fo cantry, and a correspending peeor bnfca ato iiprv hi ending teciouds suner. the reasen that Mr.Wlobaha opinion of evorytning Engiisb. On efialcto wlprvthr catarrh for several years and trîod tbissaie bt Jue dy w mae rconmendation. Thoýy are the Î tissaneho Jue aywe mdemediciBne of tbe pool'ma and tiiese Tbero is a lote!maig if very several rernedies and doctors, but the temporature stili botter by a irbo ish 'ite escapie doctors' bis little poetry-, in the[oioin qua- îiotbing bas reliived the trouble fac-icsin bu h opara-t I' va to icno ikHoe.Rs rul sfo ivo hdiscityionbthe toldersco hewii de ixvel in giving tbem a triai,.train penne- yanttddsos-lk ymi i rul sfo fie abita fte n d Eid o-thelate hsan:pains aecross tbe oys ad a burning *gan. THOUGHTtesERdINnMISEdY or buskiness in bis throat.Soe Cbariey saîd the soidiers o! tbe TOGHfloI ISRRY. Hre lies m ni! ie, times much difficuity in breatbig, United States could shoot mucb .1'be ofeiereoprao w'eas ithe ho's genle on bigh; the glands in bis eycs and noso better than those o! England, and middi !br iowe ite If I sain I was sorry siroilen and the diseuse made bim I suid the Engiisb saidiers conl i g obntyesaid te h omothe eor- I tee sbouîd lie. Iitertliy ick al over. He cannot easiiy beut the, Yankee marksmen. rigt h odace !teo--say enough in praise o! Hy13onei, Hie said, "hoe knew lots more than cbestra, "Why does that man bit The following 'aritbmetical epi- and there is notbîng that can give 1. did about shiotng," wbieb ivas ait the woman witb bis stick?1" ahsosmit ubegdor, trrlefoctrhtanhÎ quite true, for even as a boy o!f 'fie is not bitting at lber," re-tabhosw tasumresrtbtrreifectrbtants tbirteen, ho was a remfarkahly fine pliid bis mnother. "Kecp quiet." cof creature the busband must have! remedy, whicb ire boartiiy rccom- shot. Many a time I bave set a 'Wei.i, thon, iat is she bhoilerin' been during bis wý,edded , ears: mend.'> coppr o th fene -acrss te s fo V'A complete fi3onei outfit, con- ,Ioppefr on thieyfen liacras ue e or We irere net one, but sureiy ten, îisting of a streng, bard ruhher roadfro Chi ly, ad h eold1 and the irife I sigb for; pocket inhaler and a hottie o! Hyo- bitit inotims ut ! tn wth ~For while my botter bal! iras one, si-ii, cests only $1.00, and extra, builet !rem the old-fasbioned, Ion, t i er was but a cyphber. botties, if afterwards needed, cost smali-boro r'fie lis ahe a hrought îvîtb bun,, wben ho camie For Infants anld Chlfdren.wudsîoysemus oniy 50 cents cacb. Jury Loveli from the United States. l1118 kid un ii ning sou t fpa,, ýiýiý,iqh ,it asadvgurtec t adoe Hoirever, eveni if Cbariey couid IefIi ~ IV IaSBl!hi smc ntc , i neiap ci s dctsd asspitefiLness but thee r any Hyovcmei also cures, Astbma, Bren- eaiybatm boing, 1 cauld Beurs the f etitrsiu xnpe !this citis Coughs, Colds and Jnfant's takaslngaîda bdash.Our Signature of ruhe gi kndcfhue. loe1 rop dicsso flily degenerated into lis an enimatie oneon ohn0ott "I(î 'a teyca'tl" '"I say thcy A cant L'Iknw btterl" g"No TOBUSINESS. WELL INFORMLED. Theo nam a mx eensNt you on', nithr 1 Atiengh Te Sranor o te pepie bor, -"NooneshouIld drink virater'that Mr. Hancck rested and -said iwit1ilTh Sracrstlo tlie!o . is iews oibfoohm Iasn'*t heen bailed fer a t leaýst an fin emhasi: astskeep cbickenî so it i vJo, ho did Nttdie. b our." 'Carles, VuouTt'-m(rail wrong.ar a e Jae srigbt. The EngjIýr; Is f.are astusDey kecps sore C!.'cm.fis obsensNt vrbîn Yuaeapyiin r tic botshooters in ili h woid-OvrtuP'--1 1 7'" ol ele. "Dd e eerbartelcft~ A W n nS ympa'thy io We ol hm 'e adhoud ndr 1djr Cone g c e tiîir mon1s Plan to read aout i. theo meante deicatewome- aeAdbe fyumnto hsppr doetor's bh? t tanie Ptin l-fo eni,,Lngr, abou it Th Frnch'en ae h' m î~~ w~U ssît me. and~~II kuoci un doio, and ho wau!d j ými ue o'I asdnes Il edfer 2c-tece Sa 1. icet oanbe cbtsei tho ge np an go on îgbin s~t~rJ~î Y ur ~ttrs ei COlO- Nof mle Iiawy r bjctc t - et longin 4ýfin Aing o tt a nt a i i du t Içi h-i n t- g( pý h( cc a( argin o as ad hoba lo vyur mok rte for Rgs ie seler p/OietIc mrdî ! tIc mato Cardaîîdnîetn ii cod. Tereais Fîvhostd apas quostioningbo'e h'~ plcJ'Fra1-vCg'idi4 i foi- tIc pi l g f po iin 5lriyo ir ri MJSERYIN STOACII.46T11 ROYýAL EGMET W-yne strti i-t dyandMaorJ. .I!v oe Coil. trouble and Idgso dieted stomach gets tllc husi gruin- Lungely Attendcd, il o ' lDeadWou1d be ]igt f VIe Kniew les. Give-it a good eut,î thon take Thanuimengoofcn ! -Ueîlc I-Pape's Diapepsin in start eI di- i6th Royal Rogiment, Durhamn, f' gostiye juices îokig.Tbre xiii heid ut Queen's hIntol, Par-t Hope, N\ othiig 'of Mornlino', be ne dyspopsia or bibigo! Oas on Goed Fniday. or ci uctatiaus oqudîe0edfood; Major J. P. foie, in the chair; TYa iogbIw l thnugb the la ývast 11flgt !> step),,aud ýthnat these ne feelisig Ie lup oî) ed iLiut.Coi. Ward; Major Proston; v uey L1tha shdo,1 cfd01 tb1I ili oa, nrmil, fei bose bfe te thesoac " ea1urD1k urenîajr Turner; Major fea naevi."Pi xxii. 4. mor. t cnne-t bc' t hs ~t1 e2 hadaceeand Dizziesad erçng aptains o, tsn aîel Nolife ges fan 'iboujt dnglitstopthat ibis brkafa- Iooýd nlnetfrmna),pio, takr Leacl-, Siînrar,,adD b itisreachiag eut jot euIc ho- jent is The final p1atform.-trl ut ihnnensoo" î1tn-s MLugln iip on.we do mcii t (,- Ur atton-1If mccoldbut scismaig aosDappi o+ ny5 îmLong, foie, hIyodi e uic o th dtie o ou poset f m culdbu be or fit socIcets for a lanrge c aut ay dnug ris _and lHeur atterded. apt. lîe, u-t the great ctof deuthi iiot ndblivetaiuslfeba-tore bere, udn'l elîeethe Siar 'as Fecretry. nove fanfree usand ts pnt~n J ame rcinloista orese lnge j iaît bsti'ut cas cf PrigstinoMaor Pos-tn mî'ed sccnde '.os eystry îkius a thouan lfelesbeonthn ealmoidaniUpset Stouiific ýminutes, hy Capt. biaiker, that mess coin- quston shie tsaprocotol îe eod iIla uitprmie e Thora e ntigee ettnt ittLee punchuse Mess fui-nturc and thoo m loe itis u -t reelionusit rouid eu grxfiatin itatake Oas from tutciadceause jc, ndiuci eofilcens' nacia and canteen, on mIneg %u m ýih an-goy ilrbnhmudma is tmciaditsieand leb c imnav.Cri biîibutîebavs rudi iucdideinoadner o-prpn o asmltinto Icmnticenrmittees îwere adopted. mo- se i betnstoeàeyinlvl biood ail yaur !oo tc aie as a» Major Preston uoa Leut fir iov. Frirhyaa ue u l h d wsmen gîefimos-tlsound, bcaithy smcbwould do moîlre appointed auditLons. c1re st eeyligase, but!i poignan;-t, ihen the heurt seemi il.or to Comnmit-tocs appainted for the tbe oxp reince o! î le ra ce for thon- cmapty and mords o! consolation as Wbeu Diapeps;in rol urse eu ~~ suoo yeans bus net taken frein îîily maonres, tion tie graves by mc ris ositie ti order, MesCp.IylMaoKig tdeuilt l dread non made its mys or u sad îLecemoýtenios hy our cleans u1p-uod t o feel like Capt. Smart, Lieut. Pbiip. tery cleanZ. If religion is the guid-J citios seem te turn ail life te gloom 1eutiseg iren v-oiî,cothe table, RegimnîtaI-Capi. Deyoli, Cupi. ing light o! bumanity mby bas its and aven thcir inwsd e dura no-t and ihat loti eut viii o ou gooti. Farrelil, Lient. Long. shude? ~~for us again. Yet ihat mouid ho1 Misery is i.aiting for yen as ieoiinel int ue - Ycîle hadw 1,4,Oi valley moredsiat than ibis îorid as0 oidt' biniangD- Major Pros-ton moi or,,secondcd have bungd. Fit lhbas rbe VTOTDAH pepsin. Tell youruggist hut yen y Cupt. Smnart, that stops le talon it o! More than but! s terrons aud mueT EAH rt Pape's Dappsnhoause tehave the "aet"corrected -)Y( lv htbsgoxnsrgrinte Suppos-e me Ineir ibis te le ab- ou îant ta le tboronghiy cuned - ta sgrlnt oiein1uso that the -fb iiiappeur preper- te.censci ounssi o! a lornIdisie by! soiuteiy the lait stage o! existence; o! IndigestirIn. iy on the reorsus a Royal fegi- lov racesil iura bidtlouî upos iat 0nouecoet out inm--- -ment; ttl ofi (Lrs uppear on ail Lresibseshdoxino blive ad s ndtiai m nieai domd LADWDOES occasions dressed i ere-a 1,Inoma tibaiau r oîn arene le ss toJe t frver, monIld net ibis -ho - ied. ousbecause. tbeyflue eneon o-le boebîs x'nbd h Ot o u @i Sieu ptuh bd Afier a bniefdsusina mto ias The botter me knom île life tn eulcur fairest lbepe, and i, deul rm outy ruoar. iaspssadeaopfin ib Goeru imentissu o! sesand amniings ir)w h ave île grenier iii our con- voý see the promise o! life thait is Ont, nîiglît imag-ine thut mIen 8, for future regimental use,1 ithe bae -TI r htwed e.yet wmentI living, becaune it las the inos- man bus ho-en lbrtdfrein exIen Major King moi cd, seconded hy Aln n snao .o dlongs a rge t- siy hliiy o!lngerdhi!e. tubanli e m8sheish ie e ould ho Lieut. Heur, ibat if Lieut. F. 1-. 'as na ni1 elne uretdb bt a ed ate hniv content to lei ber no's-t in pouce Morris goos mitb the Bislo e i ody. -chose this lifo bookiug np and lieiping al mithont panpetnating her littie ibis yoar, the ragimeot affihiate mas aý SOMBER SUPERSTITIONS ahout us te the lifo thalu trends up- Jw caînesses on ber tambstone; aud mitl National Rifle Association -o! iu hc omttd u ned ol ardi? We cauo!lave faith tInat 3et ail mon do neit talke this ra- England. themece o! demeî,ns o! île under life doos net mock us,.i hat the pro- lionai and charitable vici. Genuine regret iras expressed ai littic wurld. The pang o!fet s e rss o! the paît &Ives promuise o!. Sncb un un!ong,,,ixîg Iuîbaud mas jrotiroment o! Lt. -Coi. H. A. Wand, lflag lone îl1e fear o! wilt imay liebcle,lefuture. We eau -tale o acI day 1 the nian 'ebo ladîthesýe linos en-ao onmtno!MjrPson ýrool fore it is tLhe depe pin o! part- as a stop i0 thýe gno-t sîoep o! stops graven over bis i-e spouse: se (ý,ýcdd y Caphu. Smunt,'ibis ne- and iig.- upiard. We cao afford te trust j sLion iras ordered te ha placed their Our to-moroîs are amns id- our higiiest bepes. We c iaot afford Ilene lies a memtani, ne man cao oun minutes : 's aie -don from us. ELad neirday i"; s ..t ola l edo!orena! oyi,"That tlîis meeting desine r x one a noir life. The fac-t o! oea i fections and holieve that un infinite That rosis in pece Iathough she pness its regret ut. île-netiremnent lit- gives confidence tînttihore mil ho» affection is ncflected in ib. ived unquiet. o! Lt.-Coi. Wurd !îom île command lem unethon; shahl not the. fact o! oneJ We.lcao mle tIc most oo! te-day fi-er husbuud prays If ly lion grave of île 46ih negiment af-ton Iavinglj îlte life aiso give promise o! anotherfrî-îro aydnaý niit- yumijboen conoected idi it for lover' ibo- Hw -rea wold e ech igh if1ly more e! ns. We cao mule it pes- youlil geutly tread, for if av aked fonîy yeas as un offilcon, duningt me knei nothing o! the cmný sibl o l othen lives te, have she'ib milk. ihicb urne le filied tle offices o! ig te rnerning, and ibis is jusi île dnon lrgeî hope, caonmalo ibis day fuir- the varions grades milh eveny suc- e! death, ibut me nover ourselveslor for somo, and se give hintb ta After ail, ibis gaod lady maY net cass and finaiiy communded île ne- Am cieariy secO us nniomnu.hp u osbiiyo p u haie lad a spitefuýl if a too gunru- giment." -- -n-.4f-. W. 4_ - l oing and living for tibm. W\i/, usi,-,,,,, : x-, , ,aifle, n n~ -~ Established 1873 0F CAIJ4ADz 77 Branc. ia great convenionÎnce in handlîng thie faniîriyfud.J îpne the names of tira members o! the !amily, and o1am at dp.t or draw chocks over their, own individual signatures, This forai of account is particularly convecient fortoe h L-ve soame distance from toma. Yen-, can ÎOpon aSavi7; ccont ith OeDollar. yne do so ut once?' doosa' t mant ber te do it ail t THECH NCL T i'ý 1 Stimýe.Hoappreetatos ber heaut and bier cbar-m and ber gif t foon toi taining; but she ougbt ta o b i OPPORTUNITY T7UTCo MES -te take the irbeel in an oegny ONCEîN ALIFEIME. Wiy didn't ho ask about i ONCE N 11 l'l" q î'ý_1F. Why did!n't ha see w bat ehe had te bring te the domnestic partnerý- ship? men Who Donit Ask One PartiQu- Wby? laî' Quetion ut the Right For Astbýma and Catarrbi.-ITtis Tirne. Oeo o! theche!recammendais o' Dr. Thomas, i' Edleetrie Ou that 't Funny hem people aiways tLhink can ho used' internaliy witb as mrucbf afterward o!fix at be(y sbauld kih ave1 success as it can outwardi,. S! A i£ý anmtbmon the brilsîde.acrigt ietosxiigv !11-e was 1bo1unid duiqikfori. mmda. rle. M any.,suffr cbuýrcb ui t thie foThe hkaiej!ro hs imnshaveu dro- oddly enlougb, iras geînig up. lie! in- the 0:1 and bave sont tezti- - H-i 1 You'rr geing the irrong iïmoniLis. way 1" caliod the cburcbgoer. ----~ The huekslider yeiied back, but CZAIRIINA'S COST1UMES. bis ansirer iras lest. "Say, " ho demandôed ,o! the Wears Plain Dresses Excîpt ut cburchgoer the ncxt day, "dîd you Reu uatos heur wbat I said V'1"a uetos "'No."Y According te a irriter in the -Weill, it's too good te maste. Giri's Own, Paper, thleCaia Yu said 1Iwiras going the vreng takes n nîcrejsi tievrlna e may. 1 said yen seemc(d Lte io lohs nd ibou)gli ercosue ing downhill pretty fait yurseif." ae-e!fcours wmue anïd o! cx - That's the pathetie part e! it., pensive m&torials, tboy nover hv This story illustrutes the opportu- any tbing remarkahle distîictive nity that cernes once in a lifetimne. about thcm, for thc very reason, that 1There are bundreds o! thousands! she cures se uitile about thLmttr of men kickîng thoînseives hecause She dees mucb o! 1cr owo shopping.L itoy fuiied te ask one purticulur in Paris, but sho deoes it hy proxy.- question ut the rigbt tirno, and 1 ad souson oneu or the ladies in they Inair tbey're. nover geiog te atnoscmisoo ehyi get the chance te mnake good noir. Pari egin s andber hu an A number e! reaily good mon Prshrgwsan e af n marry--ivos te tho ceontrary net- ail the other lîttie details appre- witbstanding, Wbien un engage- burit o h adoco n(Ï ment is announeed there is aiways press,.bu many tirnes wbe:n thecy a kind o! fina-ciai investigation rabthie Czarina s7he disciards over teacups, but it's nothing teIom mi,th th expression, "ned thýe inquisition that bas gene, hefore. that is pefciloveiy and xr Prosectie paa mlai ots ut Fency, but, it iud nover do fer bis gliseýs and turros thein on themeuai. more mni whe aspires te spend th,! Fer evýeryday irear ber gei s reit o! bis !l,iiua perspiring effort 1are aillOf the piainesi, but, o! te keep up tbo femýjinino iuxury ho' course, there are occasions vIen is hidding in. she must mear legal roboý,. fLi: Is ho able ta support a ivif e foi, cout costume is a mangnifkeeat mucb is bis salarî i What are bis creat,,ion o! the richeit satin, elali- ïVusopects ifloixdoos he stand with lorately trimmed îitî heu-vy -- tepresident o! bis company? 1hroidery. Masses o! the emhroi- Son-in-lai hopeful to hc puts bis ery are used, irbile the corsage isý bost foot farmard îîtb a porsist- laden witî jeweiied trmming. The once that threatens te give binaa buttons wbich trim this cour-tcs onesided dog gait for ail tirne te i tumne are oach ene o! tbom îvoirtILI)a cmc. IHo ubmnits te imnpertinent, srnaii fortune. They consist Lo! a qjuestions as to ihether he, las any1 largo pearn in a wondor!uliy Lartis,- one dependent on hirn or net. fie, tic settùng. The Czarina's- pouis, - almcst confesses that hoe bas turnedi'e'hiel ibe xvoars mîth thîs costumei,ý e'ver a nei leaf and got rid o! aill are famous the îorid ovor. dopendonts. O! course papa means Somotimos she meurs drop car- îged mother or oid muid sister. nso ace ers hc Son-in-law just saves himself by ingi o! matbead por, mllae cateliing on in the nick o! time. voryvalahieund bersdg coir He listonis te t1,e tbriliing history and"ekaead osg ra o! papa's superbýîuman îi.ruggîe te, monts, aise e!, pearis, are alimoît decoruto the stem on îbicb thepiees h zrn sam~ doios lese o f giribood h idibntetme cerneý,s fcrbe iopes te- pluck is supported. Thete take off ber court cotuede mûore ho heurs o! the folderoii and:ln ov ri sahre e funny-dos that baie been lavisl'ed iber. Sho always profeýri gonos on ber the surer ho is that if ha that are light in meight. 1Manry o4 nisses gotting her ho xviii lose the h er drosses are, o! the lingerie >nize beauty in the rosebud gardon. order, consisting o! lace and fine 1Meekly ho ansixers ail questions. cambrie. i.urgeiy ho lies about the promise Yet on the other band, sheba if a raise. flumhly ho reports bis muny bouse geins and eloaks oi îunk account-plus. Timidiy ho I velvet, trimmed mita rare laces. confesses bis smoking and drinks' Perhaps, o! ail bier jewels, shfc pre- ninus. fors a long string o! monderfuil Mamma-mayhe comas in and taiN, pearis, wbich sho meurs vory otn him that; she bus tried te rear ber Thc string is so long that sbe cý-i