YORCO0U RS E lu8 rtado BnleeswflI bring9 o ictrs If~ 1! tk. et onr old-establlah- Winertern egitaJeu. 4t .C ta- B rit i Amricaïln Businessoe Central Y. M. 0. A ]Bulinig, Trno 1uîdý ViccLe. it e.g nthe etert t,,tit~e~odeopritheusands of ef yourng peuPle. itcan hetp ju. Write er catlogue nter any i me. W. VI.. CIAW, Yenge & <lrrard te , Toccate Frotm St. 'John Vo Liverpool Fi-cm n RalliaI - eesigýan sals - A tep-6. - PI24 i cian ti Ar, ;ce May 1 Rates o! Puasage Flrst ecat $6-.50, $70 and $0acrigt Second '-ase $45, :i7 U, a e d -50 Tiird ?- . 57 i, 1-1a ei$3 i. A iJaieâ, AlanLinsAgen, l~wrn 'è ]e LIVERPOOL LaineEti Lakie Man ichba LUnes. Mar, 3 ý p-. 1) Apr 14l Piey I ey121 BoiIA Mý'NVILLE ,(A S i'. P1 E MAIL STEAMSIIPS LAIJRNTICMEGANTIC T p!rie Snc4- Twiu 'icrew Larat rtOfieýt Fteners nn the St. Lw- r',--r -ut , o, stt Proutrn off the >hia- builee art; uFe---ege,-5 eevatcr rerving four -dc-ksKvey Cta~ o'c -mfor'. ard luxuy (4f u-eettdy travel -ciii bc found un these Moi treal Quebeo Live'-aool ...a.a e May 8 J lne ut, illy 17 i etic 11g 15>-t, Jolie 1i0, jtly 24 to, ic M, ý1y 22, Jue 26, Juiy 81 2eaic......J2 ' ', Aveg. 7 .,uo.............r es2ýJ11 o;1 Tî te. 1) le Mr teaifet lta mr - ilN .ecaecL 4nrnt (aeà ýSe ýit; a i rete eýý ýt l al gete, r Cini c 'e of ýfiçrA, Io ai 9l mf.ratýio 0la.pp!ye t 0 M A, JAMýS, A et SRIS MlISTAICE. 1a a erai village iu Yorkshire 'V1a inLllitants greatly affpoited VIe use f VIe word "puttea," for i'put." -, Evan he chiltiren persiet- -cd ila puttiag it la tîcir caîposi-' - tion at scbcel. Tho master, oe 9day, w-s muel exasperateti by a boy agiusing the ýîffending word. Wbtmistake -las he matis, bos h e asîsti, after reatiiag hs comosiionaleuti. Oua_, bey put up lis lauti. Flcsic, le's goe an' put- et a 'puttea,' w-bsn le ought te put- tani 'put.' ) THE CLEANER THAI CLEANS £VERYTING FROM ANYTHIG Ihja r 1:cu ,r n eC 1~ag1- pentlesig iiusm c v-i nt e'- Ha vc Yo0 Trïed [9t? Ccc Ini!5C Twe Tins25a. .SN/-P(COMPANY', LICITED -- MONTREAL USSRLAIN' TE7A RTETLWO0A TIIIEF ARE 31ADE INTO BUT- Tells of the Rernarkable Cure S TO'NS AND CHAIIIIS. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lanelis a ýYr sefuni Net everylody cani replace lis )w-n tactb w-ban they va-,eut witI thoce latter usai by lis ýancestors, anti vcry faw peopIe,ý are fîortuniate enougî Vo have a priîvaVe gravayard la hs family froi-c wic o select m'ateniais forucar ivry veet but- tons anti waValalarm. MyrJose-pî F. Fe,,ra, tfic first eletti dmayor cff' neul, asi hoth t'Lesspnviegs hwecr ntiý talas ivautuge cf Vien.1 If a perse a inhendiaLthtIctal- ents cf ceichreatat neatons hw-y, aise canuot belise laIentanius lie Veth ? Anti if ra ni eastut pausses lnae hande cf aianmleuss for hselaeW f thVe hein, w-ly ne VIe loues '-i Tus ýc-seeslgc G RA N DMOýTHEVEE li ' - ýT EETUH. IV semi seo tRofýnolnlu's first ma ,w-ho tol ffcs ast montî. IL ceerme n-t oi o icallut am- euthy enibe.Thue iV je 3tIat hl is uigV- y et of bis gre'at, grainimotîahr, prcperhy munainl te 1ateet ÈSCien1tifiC dental styla, in! bis iwnnt nh uplae cof hlis o' Lest monewie on obiscit of w-ite dl' l'e bspOliebeti bons utn on coat anti vEýýt aAl C tVan- Wrougltin l er Case Hlad. UnFu-gone Four Opr- atosWithout Help. Wlaa ivomen apprend tînt cri- ticah periot inla hehn rliv-es lnew-a usý VIeý Larnacf lif, VIa thy do se wiV î eeling cf apeensnantiun- enanty for luii te tanner la ýwhil VIay puce Vthacrisis deter- mines Ie beattI cf Vîir patnhifa During Vstst osimnportant tinte lu VIe lifae cf a w-emau, lier wmoe aiti sîcuiti h; o V uiiup ant i treng-_ tIe-n hnsst L o meetVIun V-c family cloultlii n e i-ct o n het cf self. Tic lard w-rI anti w-rornies of houselolti curas shculti le avoitieti as fan as possible. But' w-leVIer sIc le ahle Vo do Vs on net, ne womanu couiti fal Vo tale VIe Veule treatteat offorati by Dr. Plhms ink, Fihîs, -vhl w- i buiti Up hb-alioti antifortify lier w-lholescytet, cnaliiuglbar VOpasl Vhils citicat paniiedwiVhafey.w 0 Wblnt Dr. iiieî'PlîtPitîs ;are cenr.anthy t1oig for seuff 0gwc N.at B. ns"Scüany-cars ugox, in VhIs very w-est fort. TIe doctor ln I ~NEWCASTLE. Mn. Jame-,s 1PhI receLit jyà,vît Cobourg fins Miss AIma DoglasiscediMise Wvinuie BnitaiBwimdnvihie. 1Mns. F. Pari-m isittfnionde in Pont Ferry. Mrs. ecaCnovta e Gonmb euig on usr stock.t Miss Gay JasoOsiluwa 1gb Sbo, us be, )au thmeIll. moula, Ilut lircccnag ýMrs. HayFýIice, Chaton, las Ic'en visiV-ing brsor. 'J. !R%.Fih er. SIc e cujrcJu t)evsi ea tives laMuiVna Misses Lîllhinni, iolttPlY, 07haw-aýrecalyvse. ns t MiesBrtie, Oie niEdua icadanti Mise Adamei, Toronto, speut Raster hitnsles Mr. andMs.R G. Martyn anti soun, Berlin, viiad1r futben, Mn. Jas. G. Rilkarti. Mrs. H. 1Iiunter, East To)routo, anti Miss MsmaBelleville, visi- ted Mrc.Hiue. Mn, Geo. R-. Joli is stihi suffering frcm ilhiiess. Mrs. E. H. MaLanlevisitinig 1er moheM. RgrToroatoLý. Mnr. and Ms .J. C-s ens- Vortaint a num-bar ofiad veryl Mn iMr . Jo.Rar eet- ly vstt ned tTetn Mrs, Lbmu , wid 4) f VslaVe- John Lyman, e'xp-i ed authVe f amily ensbues e varins acestors ;: Kor local retmsnit gave me "a!Y nne 5rccJ~ . pi tl baspoisedbos Uif buittons o ep and ha( decided that I maust Sbe w-as thc ecn wife <of bthe lata Vhs~~~~~ ~ ca!Imnmtraad[idroa prto fIwa eJohn Lyman w-beo as a young,, man spots hert -acb harn c th bve n elie. DurlingfIe a Ol ýd proprictary maicines in "C-a matria tht ws oce is rea- V-o ear ~ ndrwut f' our suc,- taiNw orI, lati fVefnmc grimobr' c e -cap. c-esiv eraics urngtb1 Nrt hrup &Lyman e ,-ec astPeand ly 1nc dcae that t is ins ie îian ro-ac TireannlVestrymeýetiýng cfStü. ible Ïfor. blit Lela)Se 1o4)cf!bis Fý bw it p y.ýi but ccraio I ccivc crn beeft ore'sducIw-as lidMonday toas it wo,, d be Éfor b!is imotber's. J but41,jt1,, n- ge -y obte sarlp and ahînte nl fsotdrain niceiag -cl.1Vw-swclated bis moulth.wrtna odiinasbfr u-fctory wîtl agodblnen LOATONISSERE. ing ail Vhsý time 1 w-stalingiugm- baud. M J. K. Alaw-as appoýint- dicine te build up my system, but c'd pee's are,. nero flonoiulu's chef magistrats is a withl no avaiL. I was raduced Vo a he miister's Waîý.den. Sdse part Hawaiian, coming froin a masseeo;nynre eeu--Thos. Montag, . W ag. af family cf rulers w-oss boues w-rs terîy brelan dow-n., My biood was I Af.Lake, Alex-. McLeod,Sepn DoV miigled after denth with the cf a light -ycllowish celer, and Iî Perrin. Clumn ay. Following Haw-aiîan was so far gene that I teck speliel Mrsý. Jane rawifc cf Vslb taVe tribal custom, they wera laid, after in w-l ylpfnasadAlexander Cra, formi)ierly cfOs- the, ifash had bean carcfully boiledjtonSu, WouId sea aaye. -,-ie tVsrcinec e and cc-pdoff,!ecreyaway in cannot bcgu Vo t pres 'al- sn-a 3aw 1r. CO.O.Lka- a ulicax ftý Ic family, the le-, ardand w-,enVt arougli in c itoOt., ia u ber 61,t y ûr ný cati(en cf whlicb w-as, and stîi leVo erc v -as opeey c-Arl5Lii r. G a iog wthý a cherisbcd secret know-n ouly tcorgdand toutIc ,l nV e pop eir atV Il on Vhsý mýembers cf the-famîly. TeFlvln.Tie,-n ie rgnta-, 1tryIfront EnlaCd, w-banshe w -,va s laainrule is that il is a familîy iiec riends I hegan tetae, r.thirey-ear ladstld.nN houe Voise Vhs b-oue f ths de- jîac iIPlladatrsne ate n. fercoascasmv honorablle way, but a terrible fm hte.Icntn eVl'hsyasaosc ii bar-Ius1and , iiy~~~-. dîgaei nemy steal thePi1o-evrimnI gaui oedt aitnOt I e boks r'radtIent up itmd-lacs, and in hs 1-end toundamil i 1 f jtrei nTacaArl cîe.onemore a w-eh w oman and-an- Shieleaves Vo rmoura ber!,-os hc fERN'S WELL STOCKED CAVE. 1oYIng VIe blassýiig cf sud goùd~ daughVers and oaneon heaith as I had 1net know-u for The llawaiiaa ide cf the Fera ya are. I n 0w aiways leeap VIs family bas a w-eh stecked cava Pille u ien ouetndafera ar 7ESRVN -TuE SIGLIT. where iying side by sida-. are hs day's w-rI tales thent for a fa w 'iembers cf the gencratîcus cf a days and they aiw-ays seen tot put viSudnCngsrmDal hun-dred years befors Honolulu was ne w hf a and cnergy iu my body. te Brilliant Light. thougît cie f, and whan sudh a tbing 1 sinceraly hope ni yexperience mray TIch folioveing rulas are-, em as a m>-ayor and city seal was a mat- l'e cf bnefit Vo somes other suffe-- Vor cfthsdm, dis tant future. ,-,- a-ended for the proservatVx-n cf Ile tifl'ea Yrn iedthe býnCs Dr. Williams' PinI Pille are sold cight, ,: Avoid a sudden chan,-ge ro vrecarried away from VIhe grass by ail dealers la medicines or wilî akt bilat io;avicI but' at miduiglit and put carefilly hacent hy mailut Z-0 cents a box or 1usfectf timnulants t rugr -l away beyond the reacb cf, pryîng six boxes for $2.5o b yaddrsssin afc h evussse;aot enemies. 1The Dr. Williams' Maedicine Co.,raadiýng while lying dowa, orwba CARRIED AWAY TEETH. Brockville, Ont.'mual rpyiciyabutd - whea VIe ayes feel tircd resýt V Wihpa Vhe ft or f he presaut hy ,viocing ui t obieets ut a ln i miayoî- cf Ionululu died bis te- FIRATES 017 TUE AIR. tac;pay special attention Vthe 1) p.-prnrvaA1vhi ana- ieoU1ttLebody; for that whcjh Vîcin ast nsigplace la VIa imuntain c(ave. Oas, cf VIe pahi- ,irnswasIs e y Joephi, w-le, aftar tVIs csremoay cf puttinig lis faînshuePs away invostigateti amoa Vhsramahas -cf bic auces- tons.it, was ttIsaît le currnia aw-ay -iVh lit lis graudmethen's t thVe came eeth thut uew- gleinm heintihie maustaclis as lae pute VIe, pravious q uestion anti i-nias on points of entier. Mayor Fera contes cf a nemarî- alla famIih..HIie gratifather was a w-ite ma, one cf VIe many w-le came Vo VIe Sandw-ich Islandis, mur- rieti-lIaw-aian women antiatiopteti VIsse islands as tîcin home. RING AS SPORTSMAN., Ras inaRsHueftiîne 'IIad naIRand ia Every Variety. TIare are vcry few- sports lu w-iI King Edw-arti las noV ut ona iteon anothar beau a Participant. He a luec tuhaaVe premier place us a Bnitiel >chtsmun, hs firetpoi tion n VI tur,dti bs W-ca, VIs pniz tes conatei) lal huntiug, me- Ie rnd _Natioaa Seele ninglum ison, w-aa300 et lavasomtims bau ihsii la a Rci s ofio di-u er -r 'nTi-cfw-c-Idwid neown lahi cia]Ia, at n etuisi enclaVr. Ne rnu ,lis lie luntiug axuedincl C d, a o LitsDainger of n RaId!)flonte Banik of EUgland!. TIc Bank cf Englanti bas at pe sentý £40,000,000 cf goid eoeinl its vnuats. Tîls is net a rcr a unbut iV bias noV often beau- exceedat. As n premîneat finan- cier naceutiy cuggete t Vat sce stepe eboukl le Vaa V o protect tha atin stresune-bousa from pocberaids ly teneigu dirigibles or, areroplanas, iV may ha iuterest- îng Vo estimats juet-w-bat VIe dang- an fro Vths scurnce l. Asý,sumîag Vth un airship migît fient over tIc Olti Lady cf Tîreati- needie street andi tIrow- eut a, bonî w-bld w oult wreccl VIe traenre taulte eln o f w-lut benefit wouldid IV lacoe clevator 1 Soveraîgas rua about fifffty-six Vo VIs pouni,avointipois, so that, roughly, tIe £40,000,000 la Vhe hubaI wouid weigh 320 tons. Zep- pain's airsbip, tIc- meet formidable tend tepro et tigeacra IcatI fr ty yar of agethaVe Ve cs fiftyycV hVI IccCTSE, morniug anti evuag,,ilwae s hot a ,býu eau hbeur it,: tollow Ils witI coid w-tar, Viat w-ilmul( le Vbm ghow- witI w-rm VI;,odprss should avoiti raadia nu, ncb by anti- ficial igt; ha guared us Vo dliet, anti aveitisitting uýp laaqt igî,t. ALAS, RO\V 'IRUE! "I often wouder," remilainl<çed Mr. Stuhh, in sohema raeflectio, "ifVI hast man cn sartbh i have tbe luet Word." "Of course le w-i, Jolin, " laugb- ed Mrs. StulI. "But wly are you se curai" "Because VIe lmet wcman wil give it te Iim." byt tan t .a ddirigil-les, flacsneyer - ytaeptei eo crry more tVlan USES I3ABY'S COWýN j26 puenes -Iota cmbîa$iTABLETS ONL1Y. neigît woubid pncably le no moe Vlan ,000 ound,-or V-o tons". IV jCà rl.aWM. Bell Flîan hanl's golti. Ouaeof VIat coudti ehvea yenne cf age, and w-ho net ossltale aw-ay!Moie Vlan any cf tein maraing Iïah £5,0,anti test airehecoudti ays aiaP tIent PBnly's(0wn net tal auns t -tîa fifth (cf sTahlets whlb iway hings Vînt amuca. 1prumptrahos f. Itio net lulk A puango2'var yinîg nenop'-luns tIe rs e nnyhingyoca may le cuit Vo avca acargo-carry- 1 lecp in VIe homeas gooti us îng cupity cfY250 pounds- rougi-B,' 0- aiîs~Tsu ly, £400l goti.I -u oe sntis of tarmthr 3,00 sd mches o gV w-ay sp-aljuwet a sarmnuy cf V1is w- m i £40,00,00 lu Va bau. mcie wbcynye :isV til t i- il tcure'0ai nstemamhoelrté0at A RESNBEASSURANCE Veti ohyig 'c.an aa Mne New-ed-Tîa ulyhanVo Solti by maocne deah orc my~ ~ ~ ui bapnstenis Vhs l Y mail ut25 cens a o VIegîtVît some djay I ay le a fro')ntThe Dr. Wi'ia'stMdi w-îtiow! due Cn, BrecHient. Nowei Dut -rrpet;Vlîat 5 c mli over anwbi laI ive. stîruos thave ocun plantreu mrouul- eut Vhe city anti new- parle lave l'leen laid eut. IV bac h-cen fouadt Vît noV evcry oit f tres w-hi Vîrîva in VIe L13ec Or-cf ate-nï, fer tochave mîuny eCrnmice lI ,aboveai le- pipes, undergrounid is Vhs ,wcnet cumnf trac, hecuseuita emahiJ qu Oite f it are daiy For 1apig unerground,, aceUpon trocs a yat as net beau sfice- ly) stdi V hcunderetocti. Tracs wiintgroW in very narrosv ,f-ùcs -laire tue hbuscs ae 11hgb; je cien wili tIcy Vînive if VIa pave- ment dccc (,snct let misn neanti but Vhs dmle Ic latiie cfIet tw-,( anti wlgow- w-lare a indo wraila illnV raso îea , ii rend a grea gr>like.Veti im ahon Vhsquie graîts f E hant an rop atie utn l h bares-cfEda-Va lrlr w-icI J lee w-t ifintyiîginas "Vhe Vanrc Ic NrV a" ancIenr- ing 7 tIre ihas hre are VIe mng- nificant lîiutcftVe Maielaan lu Utrecht, whicb uppeahtiVoVie French monarel, King Louis XIV. Tbose lhiadaus le commuati ldis lins ad Lindeus the Last, but the lm te sHurdler,. TIers is parliaps ne ctihar w-cl popuiated couutry ilu VIa w-rhd w-hlcli bas se maay well wectied Vcw-as a, s oliauti. Most cfthe strete sd grchts or canaIls have aveuescftres.Utrecht las Vw-c rows c treson eihIer sida of iVe quin anaIs. Its canai Ioule ara c-ontrucedas if in Vw-o steries. Tî omer story, alimost flash witI Vhsw w-terlevali jeud witI warc- b'ouses anti vaults, w-ile Vhs upperl etery las dwallings aud chope. BoVI lev-ais araelutdwiVI treýes, So many axeuescf tacsmal a DuiL cI t,,)wu eie-adi1g\' plE:-atant, C' peaialhy on alo dy. Tcliag tempaers Vhe glane cf VIe unin tIch vistus cf gac re refr-eishing Vo Vhs oye Thsaalundant gnotî luVbcki ppuitc twns ar .hghly aus s -ci sra- men;tal, It lerccgnid întfront a Jiyv.ienie point cf visw VIchy are> valuiable Vo Vhe citizenes 1 1u11Rolhanndthase usefuh services aira gratafnl-ly racognized andtihs] resarc ca-rfly euded by Vhe municpaliies. TIc ecost cftVIlsF cure par cap)tkiii luhVIsdifferent t-o-nsvaressomwlst.Lust yean, for eape Utrecht dcvotcd 21 cents (D tal>te ts tracs for sscI lulhitntai Tîs Hague 28 cents for~i cal fit 5,9,00 ciizens. It tals l"Duel ccents Vo oquIalau ugo hs sunaiceetof caring fer VIs, tracs eof ThesHagus w-as 19 ce-nts (Dutel) per capita, but sinca Vîttime many new tracs andi <'WhenIi was a boy," said theo t reactes bèai way Up tah econ< middle aged man, "we used to story of itUs tsal aeighborsi. It bas- corne across a peïartrceaoccasion -ýv rn orta n")ajr ly that had pears sQ hard' nrrow passagewa c Xaling couidn't bite 'em. Maybe you ve ruhtaad out îattVhe ak seen 'em.oaDue ecs the 0liy staircase th-% "Tbey were a chunky buit pear lbouse possesses. It ciosly resem- almost spherîcai in shape, aveybics a firs escape, as àit i on Vho dark green, and almost blackeyiOutside of thie buil-ding and iS celeIr and about the sce specific scarceïy ieîro Lhan anj 'ruai ýAdder. gr,,avitýy a ca tio, You Vre-W At Vtt1up cf u ldderisth Gne of those pears against a rock One and only room, a long narrowy and it might clip the rock but it bai lke Place ighted by one larg would have no effect on the pair, 1inow.Itis easy V tretch fror TPhase pears havei got îripn; tbcy Oaa Wali tt-o theother. se mtes1 alw'ays remained of just that same its width.T, iare is no frpae bardnass. There were ne apples for no chirnney mas- evar put in tho that we couid not bite inte, but house and no waterpie have avei those li- ard pears were proof aven been laid in iV. ,lI fact, ne,-)one h-ag against the teeth of our youth. attemptcd Vo live in it for I nsed to wondbr esometmes why à GREAT MANY YEARS IPAS-T. those pears grcw, watthay were Lodn ihtwlbebisad for 1n #a be ae of tham. t the city of wasted space," as a-ny yesterda'y pe vd one known wbe bas roameýýd ao "There they were in the 'sh, the estreets and sceea th)e uu tWo pieces of one pear, two henh -and unhuil upnland in otberwuss apheres of pear, loeking strangalycodddsrcs Ti bud fara. wu 'iin nMy mod I lad tiay, usess bu"-Se right min thG i-conýýtmidttdoffona of VIeiimo tffùseionabhe recoatructd VTITI~ t makeone rsidenial istricýts in Vsmto pear; and whenx-ainae ofr cbarely esc caping shooting the piece 1 tied lisi neaî' fwstdsae out of the dish onte Vfie tblein n)ý and tce lanes and squares in other repeated endeavors to pàntrtei aprts of VIe city whiich ev-n when, I say, 1I1hafnaly nianag J procand wihnigthave0,been to, shave a cuver cff this piec& 1 addcd Lute sbuilings on aither fait moraiiy certain, and when , sida oif them, are furtber VidenýcaS, bad tasted itarnligeuing doubt Wby the smiiest bouse mas note 1 éhthve wsi ïepi ivided between tble vwo residenceý,s was tasteIss. They were beyond Vhsi an arundit aongs te . ail question the rame id pears. rich convean s itVd n adWac- "Boiling and Stmaring had soft- enV stonrt Wet t i o unarga crxad t em a Iltte un the sufa tbsuêsîw -rs1t ù edttite +. M-1 L.-l .1 %ce, socIe-crs te spare on paril of their bu t neo~t mucli, aitu ucpite ailt in ou- hivas. ~mn.t V still reTflfined as hcy _______ bd levar lc-an, withut aste. Thay THE NUTTOI BIRDS w-ara Vhs euc-rs, ail rigît-the pcV- TuE IILTOBIIDS. rified peurs c f our youtb, and w-hile w-e couldn't eut tbom w-e smiled as TrappliP, 'Ikoîsi O nly IMeans<of w-e tbougît w-a lad selved ut iust Liveliboed of Iuliabîmauts. that long stndk-g mystery of s' 1s Soea Vima bcI a party cf Vwan- thay did witl them - tey can 'cm" yfveinterasted in nature study ýiAndLindred he~eformcd Vbm IC ATwEDIGS sýelves into a part'L, te malte a Scea J twreea Austruhia and !ý ( T imana undNwy es(omsF off the conet cf he lterplace, Nw esCre rmIda ýýsystVe Sydney Tims The custom vef tbrowiag a shiowair Oaec c, plthe y, on uis ictMurn ocf nec over newly wcddcouples said 1tIare arc hnd ecf Islande cornes te us from india and crigi- lu VI the lcuity meioned whicl natad ia VIe idea uiat ricesw-as an frm dsane olh e re emnbiem cf fecundity, says House- býarrea rocks, but on dloser exam- keeper. The Hindu bridegroom, at lination prove Vo ha fertile. tex.ri- hs close cf te marriage ceremeay,- tory, many cf the Island e big nga- throws tIh'ee lantifuls cf rice over ha-!bitsd' by w-itecomnis or hs bride, anti sIcî-eplies hy hrow- native anîd hiall caste peepie -hoý ing tIc came over him. With us, have occupied tbcmscixes for miany tue rie is thrown by outidrs years as trappers cf mutton birds The -"d shoa" custom le generai- fer expert Vo Tasmania and for îy suppýosed Vo corne from VIe fHe- tbcir ow-a concumption. The aver- brcw-e, and is supposed Vo bave or- age catch on ona lelanti is about 1r ,iiaaîî impliadti tth Ve parents cf 500,000 birds a year, ad the lu- tIcý bride gave up ail anthe;iVy over ceaie f rom Vils source urnouats Vo be. -cGsimas lad a long bctw-een £5,00 anti £6,000. custom, whîeb -perliaps tlay would The clark sliuued peoeaw-ho oc- noV wholly giie up aven now-, cf cupy Cape Barren Islad arc cf ail putting VIe0 bridegroom'c choc on sbades, frorn thc mare suggestion the pillow- VIe bridai bcd; and ia cf tint Vo purs black, andt hey hava Anglo-Saxon marriage VIe father beau cftVIls xarieguted ski'i celer Igava a sIca cf VIe bride Vo VIe fer nearly 100 years. There le a bîidagroorn, w-ho toucbad ber on saboci onrIl sect laad atten i id Ve Iead witb iV Vo remind bar w-ho sixt or cxany chl~rc, ti wus now- 1cr master. The wedtiîag tendcer beiag pait by thi&Ts igw-as ui.ed umo'ng Vhe ancicat ian Goveramen-it. , w'bld;- isfe t arwepiaiywihVeie conciece n rspet V Vcesun-tha VI deiveyOf a ring >confeýr- fertuatesby mrcly ixinande instri n utItîeI"anicdpweonhercpnad talng e frtlr touba t îcp tus ha -if w-anig E bu s tica acoua whn VIv bva in Ie in lu1îe Reua eousaiss arenauruivneuad~ l'Ve-, l itic ht1 bu awcuon the stnes nddo ptheriolV hrdfnarc arhf bula or ]asete uleof ýsn esmchz rifîes Ie very mens inchudng ulhatî-osi gannet, rn caîstom F guls, ottaelsou sar cth~ fil- î pa1cn, L, 1sd uto hrs. l Cpuhge Ieua-polt lI lurs Ilq1 :abidVehv out cuaîu aia-kh 1 luilders leasetidutencughlapt fron tVhse on etVo arCet su bouses as- !i>vley w-sled ani lafV leI-- Vw-cen VIetwoesiieucs Vs ,six faut cf sac V -e e ws enough Vo ut tetVîogai lesides a sre oi nylv ity cf-hsbï deni Ioulo rsi tinnandinwntasl e -V tIc bue oVI ngt f Vo Vcur CONNECTiODOR T AL IV le a me marsigps cession luticedtte Iù%-%esof Vhs large bous, for thy mue -cp 1V puinteti on VIe outsiÀýteatilv freeliÏ -curtains--ani wndx h so tînt itVrwil1 net solhVeapun ance cf Vhs otben bouses la tiie now-, Its casneoontý is, cf course, quite usecess, for a five f(-otw-tiroon witb ne haut on w-aVen le ila ,White- clapel l in cefer, yct VIe nanti Vhey w-ouid. lave Vo te -ouhti 1lez 111e Park Lana luins iguess naturnhlly Vhe Viuy lif)euc tadsiî anti unuseti anti is Da emnl, but. nous VIe' lacs undoubtati, w-bite eiepliant. Th-e sistans of VIe couvant lava res-erveti VIe nigît Vo w-alinlu t Vhs front door andti trougb V1Ie grounti floonr passage into VIe lune at Vheladw-bl iats into thair garden a t iint ey pieuse, but as,ý a i matter cf fu-,ttie1y oaly aviti them orves f VIepnivilege once a. y21-.4anti In Vbcy fls slow-iy aiongp I)vh Vw-os,ut Vo !kefp VIeriî cf w-nyjvîrjjowgb tboirpLrpenty seý1- cOrfngVofngiel aw TIc na nontle dstictly ughy vant avtetyneoeue lusever vaiu IV long uuVo al Ie igie 'LsingIVse ftourisewesal haiutercciu aoxmpf c ilul '1 con aii!Tbr'snet a coH ettiluei Im)eti. Iy anehe mn -iI issaneuhAi I j ~ i M ay 29 -1 LL u It Vu ny knew-n place in tIc ,w-crulONO' IA! -(!Ç wîea Iebird mules Iýqits jucet, au S l-,,fAI L ÎE CUtF, yjouug ontei lcsa lory ne STUCK IÎ N TRE F T-,1 ,doubt aheurin yst ergivabie lu Vh cova ettîir batcýhing place.' Muttn brds fiock on varions is- ladl Vie vicinity iu myraitis anti"It's Six, FeeA t IViarsdTityFe Ia egý,gs cf varions hirtis abounti De.ep andL(îisBeau Uusc isncb luge inumbens Vînat sîîp- loadc'ý f thet coîti a gtîcretifor Yas wViO .omàpnrntiveiy hlitle troubla. This spniing Vhe IltIario lubospi- It le saidti Vat numbers cf eggs talli orcf"Imlli oe from Vseislande fiadti tlir way ,in ion"w-as openstiLte)sudIcIof laVe market anti anc soitias duel Ie ighsen tuit wl ii eggs, w-bld thsy resemhle iu Sp- VIhe metropolis as cars Vopntrt pearance aud finvor. lVeits ta nesr -LiuVIe heant cf utuahoa NOW iE KOWS.London, opsteRtsPark, tVIl ittie use ije flanîcdtýIc ithen sida,, ftycéTliFlVlhidtie SidIe~y împesing soe8 eîtccabut îLe ow-ndmnsosare -ithsix AgedMua a Rs Yoth. feet, dapth VhirVy feept ant i u IegIV