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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1909, p. 8

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SýENSATIO)NAL The, mosit rernarkable special offeýring 1la Gr1ianite WaV6eeVer nýide Bowrnanville, A big purehas jut ffete atanext-"ra 10w price mak1ý!zes these extraordinary prices poissible 10now, au listed below. When.yon examine the goods thernelvesý yo wil find them them greateet -value yon have ever seen. CetMiecorne early . We think' we have enougli te last the sale, but firsi crn, irst served, and yen g.,et your ehoice of aill the bargains. SAÀTU RDA Y, A PRI'.L 24thý'ý, N IC' UÙLLS eBARGAIN DAY. 0 ranuite Sauce Pans, regular 25e- and: 3e,sale price ......... .... 15c Is Stew Pans, ; 2, ian...5e,....... 15e Wash Basins, "Il 5eand 3e, ......... 150 flippers, ci 25ec, ..........150 Preserving Ketties, regular 25e, "...... .....150 "Milk Pans, regular 25c to 40e, ..,......., 150 SPudding Pans, regular 25o to 35c, .........150 Fry Pans, regular 25o te 35c, ........ 1,5c Pie Plates, regular 10e and 15c, " . . .S Basting Spoons, regular foc, .......S Wîre Gravy Strainer, regular 10c, 5e Seap Shakers, regular 10e, S lothes LUnes, regular 25e, 5 Tea 1Straners, regular ào *.... frU Ooatilangers, l .. ..5 Faber's H. B. flrawing Peneil, regular 5,a " ...2 for 5c Exereise Books, regular 3e,, 3 for 5o CaptTaeks, regular 5o a pkg.,, for 50 Ironing Wax, regular lie, .,.. 2 for 50 Table Spoons, "Rogers," regular 25oecd, " . .2fr25e Desser t Spoons, "Rogers," regular 20oe ach, " . . .10(3 2 lu 1 Shoe Dressing, " Or 15e Paýrler Matches, ". . .3fOrl Oc lasTumblers, reguar , i... .2_r 5e Vietr Fleur if torsih .. . 101, Old uteiCeer, ..... .0 Bon ami, 8eDirD ýissaý ;ls ;-, lie, wt eu i 'ak ýo frÈrhaadyAmo nia oder of. .8 landek Knt 0g.hteSteve Po0eo8ish Abeenth;The abseve stry is ou&ed a arsah .25Weohave. 1; goetds Tie rcs ael ,r rýOiglt, ing s s alew ant aeeptdu ;b3î,0 mýneringthcscls w e abi mkesopinposîr f o Mrch tnme in ode 0fun a- WO,e ars at 9e rofperulb., Ment: Sr IVap'û-uaSnibfamsIaifa a 0: honn 6et S M sMan u w _E r . o wing to s ckne s n . o th 8.0 dunig a onsiarble pszrt3d lC.ierOistr lofer orm Zsal:PIOI OFN o! -sch N o cwas preseza -ber thiJg luThCOLEkatchrf, pay.ýcr, m se A. i cale~,_ Herb e cnserru' haprceapyhor ofpt- MU&s b Compe- im-.dialcrer b t lig on.!O it 0ýmùîsî .... Mis ra Pi 5 Os-eae îenwed Ur $25;ana t nes i &oe. D Mor for$18 " uoabre Maiss Mary ogatkastch n si r ï shawa, U eme e Cs . Dugs i'scoe bas seeured the services nf Mr A ~st as nefonemau ...Keap ln mmddn nimrsary JasI Sanday la Ma.... Mr and 'Ams No: man E Wright ami daughter Myrtie, Blackslock, Mn NomnS and Irs M A James and Miss Flareuce VanNast, BnWMan71llie, visited Pet W Wermî,'.... Mr John Van- Neet wi;h Mise Abbia VanNest risited hia dnughtor, Mrs fD Montzomar-.. 8istere will entertaina aIDivision Ibis. wook, Le' thýýre ho a grand rals.... RLOm J A» Jeweil, Enniskillea, prenchad hight ecincational sermons liane Sundav ....BEG Stevens and RC0 Seott spent! Esster with relatives at Mapla and brne..MuEsas-Aura -Rundie, Mapla Grave, and Stella Penlound, CourIlee, vIsitod at J T Bnndic's .M..aster Wl 11he Lammîman, Oshawa, spent hie h)lidays re- ..Seeding operalion have br, but are slow.... Mr James L Hugh'b Sau-,clna storv appoars on an înner pagze. Anothen wil appean next week, Zian Ladites' Aid entertalnment aiea appears au anothar page. ,signature 4 cf014~V.~<«4 The fllewing information willi intcrest those whmo purpaso attendlng a normal sehool. The session fer 1909-10 will begin on Tucsdau, Sept 21st fanrIliose who, are requlnad ta pase tha examination in the preserbed ower scirool subjacte. Fortha who have the necessary ceîfct4from approed schoole In the iawsehoji ubjects and for those who have aircad v Cmuxît an a thirdaineas certifleate the session wlllÀ bezin on For studants who havaeliad no pnav- ious professianal training the scesian will and an Friday'Jane Ï17. For ihose wlia have attanded n modal sahoal and alncady hoUd thîrd class centificatea the teimmwPti7ho shorter, A-ppicat»i'on for admission is ta ha made mb the DepuIs' Miais -mo! Educa- tMen, Tanonto, ans' lime befo. e Sept 1 on a forum to bha btained freni hlm, No one w-ii hae admilled who wlli ual he.Llealeghmea yenso! age -befoeo Sept î5t, 1909. ails! -l - ai! = ==s=rin S1tepaiing Pidne.t ureg. .P, is br1gten[ng ail around and the f~f1 ~" mpuwsé3 s ta make houmes and Z ¶Im~~an Ç rsa fen2.ýS bigt. 'Thie le lilihi /1 baondeeoy X ou.nt-on!y M&e thtmmi SpLek and span, but f5 O avsae yeur propents and make it more ai'nable. Painte-u e ahie ad and lin. L Beed ci, Yen are sure of the Ii l'il ) bc qna'.'eS whcn you use PrisaiPîts f llU We are sole agents Ili Bu- avlefr~i eebae rn a IL Î5we have ordercd a larger stock than i va ti Sra aw6 expect E' anbir1zsh oau paias. V13 1211~~~i' aints ar Lis t ainLs îlu ailc o osw' aecifrntr ok 11 Iiniii . 121 e rsoz c aItan alom e~ w Cr.a~r l b i I g I flnwa&vrvrw v VS A flfl mn A mmi-. I DUVVRAN W4YILIE. APRJ. .22 AU9 COMING AMNN1YRSARIBS Eidad................ May 27 and 80 Proyidence .................. June 6 ENFIELD Mr J S Aghton, P M, was in Toronto recently ...Miss Peari MCuI1oh ta visiting at LIndsay ... .e8v R McCul- loch, Omemee, reeentiy visîted at Uri D Meculoc's.. , , A baby girl arrived1 at Mr F T Ashton's Saturday April 17 ...Mr E Pascoe and wite recentiy vis- ited his mothor nt Kinsale who 18 now recovering nieely.v ...A pleasing sur. prise and presentation was macle Satur- day evenIng at the homne of Councillor WY Ormniston, Robin Hill Farin, East Whitby, when friends and neighbors assembled and prcscnted Kra Ormiston with a beautiful rattan rachlng chair and Mr Ormiston with a handeanie Morris chair, sccompanied by a euio. glstie addreés regretting their removai and wishing themn prosperit y and long life in their ncw, home at Brookln where they intend to reireL. After a sumptuous repast and every one had doncse untce to the edibles Mir J McKen.- szie was arpointed chairmnn hu explain- cd the object of their meeting aftcr whlch Mr Richard Pascoe remid the ad- dress. Mr Ormiston re-ýp-ondel vers' leella.sly and snItablv tbianking the HIAYDON Epworth League Prcsident-AnniE Creeper; leHt Vic-Rt-ilda Siemon; 2nd Vice Theron Moetuntjoy; Brd Vce-Mil. ton Sienion, 4thViat A Avenr Sth Vica-Vena Mouintjoy; Socretary-Len , Siemon; Trcjiaue-L Grahan%; Orga- nist-Ethei Ashton. There ara many forme of nervous de. bity lu ma tht yleld ta the use al Cartan's Irï)n Pflle. Those who are troubied withnovous weakness, nîght sweats, etc., hoL0,jad try theni. Mrs John Wright visited with frlends la Oshawa. ... Miss Eva Pascoc, Bowý manvîlle visited at Mr Jas Moorc'.... .Mr and Mr RSiemon rccently vis!. ted friends lu Peterboo... -Mr Wm Woodley, 'has raturned home aftenrlel.1 ing hie brother 8 Woodley..Several farmars have commenced seeding ... At the annuai meeting on Wadneeday eveningý the following officens were eletd:- S ':ýSrSpt. and Bible Clasu Teacher-W Hl Creeper; Secnetamyand Lîbranlan-Tharon Mounjoai; Asitaut Miltan Slemon;, Treasurer - Theo Slemon; Infant Cis Teaeher-Mises A Creeper, R Slanion and Mn R Carter- Onganst-1iild a Siemon. Backache lE aimost Immediateli ne. lleved by weanlng anc of Cartenre Smart Wead and Balladona Backace Plastens Tryv and be !re froîn pain. Prie 25e. TYRONE 3 i f t frianda for the kinduase ehewa te çard hlm and Mme Ommistan, 'Hoe sta - Milllon'sGr p lowderH Cue odb ed thein for the kindnass shawn them lnaR. M >11 &l Ce. Druggistts the pastInlu thoir bereacomeuts and Frank Pundie, wl!e and Master misfortunes. Short speeches worc madc Freddie, Part Penny, visited hem mothen by Mr nnd Mrs W Parvis. Cohumbus; Mrs S11usanVinrtua Sunday ...J H Mm nnd Mrs Thos Bradley, Oshawa; Muttonr hed a gennal pumpose Messrs jJ MKui an bRpasece herse neaýr To'ronto hastt weck... Mn andi thers, let he ta tIat binds", May, Kiage1ten. gave an cutertalumeat was hýeantily sang aud tho c i fsîaneopticu iow, oving pictunes dlpesa. -and illustra1tcd sa ngshathe Sons' Hall Hcw CROUP meDa nnzu if thorea lThunsday-v orng ,2 S'uaday Qehool nus'warlnguse m. hne' Syup o!fehlars wioie -i.practîca next week Lintezedan<fTuzpentiae a zud preveut afor rsr sr icesluMas'... Ed the2 terrible ssugl o ir ll ttenue a!empsen ard lfrnil--arernavlng unteb for breath. if yen u rn-i otbing ,oi il a rnear Enieilin.. .MmAdMrs 01ii the etruggle eomas cuse the chud d aul Curtis werc 3 I Home" teD a 'aura ta vomit and tbea uso Dr Cbaee'e beto!fmrlende hrda'.. isMaud a,! LInseediand rpnie mpVîtue le with fîdelu 'nportFry.. a lu eal doses tao eut feutîis'MisElla l'ados l letgler auntj attaches. Tisgra meioine ii w N ns JlBreck, ,wavîl . e brochiie.eurg coupaudLeague offleorýs e]ectued Fnidas' eýveniGg denfully effectivenilropl dare.: rsidenlt-Miss EthelCumrtis8; iI ____________ Vice-MISS Etta Goma;2-A -vice- HAMPTON.Miss Faec Ceinces; Brd Vice-Miss Mande Curtis; 4th Vice- Mn WII Staples; - 5tli vice -ü> Mies ad Virtue; Secretany Next mee3tïing af the WomeËn's insti- -Miss Mabel Wfig4ht; Treasurar-Mn tuto wili beha lcd Thureda', àMas' 6, at Leslie Thompu; Fonwand Movementf the home o! Mrs C. N Ruse1, Subjects: Treasurer-M,ýise MillilaHill. "*Milk, Ils cane and uses.'>- Dispaeal cf Biekle's Antl-ConsuimptiveSynupneedi Garbnga," "Fiowcns," ta bc discuBssd no recemmendatian. To ail who anae by Mrs J1 T Coe, Mmeri Rabbins and fa~illar v7ith . il et peake for lit, Miss E.Daidge.goll. Aloc,,, toiir«ý , L- .1o-c - C, -ý1_- ' r _ - - . ;..--__-_-ue tneatmetdto ý. tue new eaf, iuLeîvenyv memben and ceughis and ail affections of the attend and bring a fnviend. Iliroat has uequcstionably e3îaebl1G!ncdt Dyspepsia lu it-a wonst forma will yleld itssplace amang the venr bezc miflnes te thie useo! CatersUidle Naneve Pîil anscl isaa. Ifvan ive I a trial aidecd y Carten'a Lilîle Liver Plill e u o ill tînt regret lt, ïYou wii1' find il They net oniyraieepresant distkress 25 cEntý, wehl in,_-st0d. but tnenthcnbbc tomaliend digesý- Miss Eli eil Phielk, Pau aid and OR NTO "thlhiy nepectod resident o! Ibis pae wvas lu hem usuni hcalîb up te onda'1%iss Miaule Thampen lla Trmeta pil 12dm atteading le lier attcxsdiug hon anut bMme GaFitzerald, hkousehold dulies lu the marning as wvho bas be(cu vers' ek ...Mies Stella nenai but wae was takion III bafera ncoo. BlckuaU aovilie, sent Ease MWedica.liaid wase alled lu and ail 'tht Sunda i ....,D it Lnmi was possible donc te relleve bien suffer and wife h- !ava notýluend froin Europe ing'. Sha paqssd away Tuedas' cveu- and recentîs' risitad wihhie brother log. The funaral Fridas' te Beîheeda Rlussell . ... Mre ',Dr) Eigýan Allia and cemetcnv wass angely altended.. Hon two chidnen, Toronto, are visitlng hie paston Rer T Il P Anderson hlad a fathar, Mn S Ail n.,..Miss Helen Goode short service at the honse and offiriatcd and Missellad Blackburn atlended thei at the interment. Mise Pctýhlck wits a Tencliane' Provincial Convention la conpIstent mamben a! the, Mathodil Tomantoe... Mr W H Woods eaid a ehurcli and a puncluai attendant at horse ta Mn Williams, hersa bayer.. the proaching service and wiii ho grat- Mn Roy Truli who loft liera for the West IV missed... Mrs Wm Green wns taken about twa wecke ago, met with-a son- 111 Fnîdas' night; sema bao t lime ai ans accident. Ha, la company wlth twa itlng. Mise Wilkinson. Canton, allier young mcafrein liea, rode in a raturnad home mest wook afler a plane- freigpht car and lad charge et soma cal- ant vieil wilh the Misses Horn.... Mrs tie and horses. Whounenaria Winni-t Johin Kensiake ie mary 10w, not expe3cted peg lthe train stoppad ana bridge te survive miany days,. Mn George Roy, wishing'ta echop sema ica fromn the Power, Bowmanvilia, preached hera car te close the door, jamped oi ia the Sunday memiag; owiag te the wat dark an.d fe11 about forty feet la the weatlier the conzregation wAe emoali; rond helow. Hel was taken te the' lias. the sermon wne fine, and we wara tld plai at Winnipeg. Oae anie and that the musie was the hest for, weeks. scararnbs,,worebnekau, -and ha was- Onis' the organisl and leader wene pros- brulscd and otherwise Inj treil. Latest eut; wae thie a pufl ta the organiet and, accouaIs arc favorable for bie receveny. leader orna jIka on the chioir? .. Ram THE HuART A GREATr WOitKFI. J A Jeweii, B A, Eniîskilien, preached Wliat a wender le the heant. Day Rand an excellent sermon) liena Sundas' niglit. nigltit worbe away pumping, tons of Coma again. . . . Mnrer >,3) T H P Ander- bloondIlinaugli the body and naeer ties san was taken qulte ti1 Saturdas' niglit or weans out seloneasîîte ssuppîîed and edini ad hd teha ummoed.with icli, mcd bload suai as le formcd Soaiebalter aIt tne o! wringix...A bir Dr. Chase's Narva Food. Whic meeting of Hampton Beaver Football .ed. upisa ntiiut te Club was held iu Lake View Hotel preo h oytebatrnw Satudayeveing Aprl I. Te fi- and robuilde Ils awu wasted celle and loigofficere were etad: Presîdent nean-hlthimstng. Kasîke, Seareary-Weeley Redman; Treasuren-Norman Daidga. The EùNNISKILLEN. boys are looking farwara te a succese fui seasan. THE!Y FIXED UP TilE POSTIASTER Dodd's Kidney PiIls Cured l-its Lumbago- and Sciatica. THAT WAs THani YBAÂS AGO AND Hi 18 STILL CURED-WHY YeU SHOULD TRtY Donu'ýs Kxnunv PxuL FiRSl ELLIWmON, TRINITY BAY, *N'LD , A p î 9 S p e c l a l]- T la I D o d d ' s i d ney P ille ul nis nelioeveSitc n Lumbago, but cura it once and for ai!', 1s thc exporlanceof !Mr. Afed Cmaw, postmaster hare. 'Yee" tha posimastan sai s la talling hIe storm, *lit î3 lîrea 3cars since I was cured a! Lumbazo and Si in Dodd'is Kidncy Pille did il and 1 ain harpy te sas' tha cure is penrmanent. "I lad pains la mv hack, criampe ln mv musclas, eloitng pains e crase nis loins and I o fief found il liard la gaI any rosi at night, and when I diii my sloop was nuncfeshiag. 1 wns medi- cni1'y n-ttondad, but wltliout gcttiag nny Ircuefit, and aI mest 1 was persnaded le try Dod "3 Kidnuey Piîle, 1I eed six Ne'riy Ver'cr yDddoKdc Piletie ftmn smligaiefe. 1if ý i ue Dod àd's iâÎnes' FOIa fet yen wlll nleyer need ta Ins' ',n eth ISc3," They-a a-scure ail diseases' e! Ihe ki 51s and ail diseases tint are cauSed by siL kiduc3s Easer Visitors: frsr T Cruikshank, Paerbona, a nfiMr Rose Jewahl aI lie Pansenage; The Misses MoGili, Janet- ville, witli Miss C Sandarson; Messrs Frank and. Roand V':rtuo, Taranto, ai homo sccoampaaled by thoir friend, Mnr Hlrerat Jelnelcm-;Mise Laia Ranton viitiag fiends In Havelnck; Mise E L Rosaelias returncd fom a vrrepîasant vieti l Patarbone and Hastings.. Mn and Mre F W Lee Mns J W Virtua, Mrs Chaos iesud-Enla recatly- vislted friande ln Tenante. - -.Our citii zens are serry ta lose Mrs John Martia frani cur midst. Sha bas& bean a rosi- dent o1 Ibis pince for a nuinher o! years, aad lier galimannor lias won lier mans' frianda. Before lier dapanture sIc wns lenderad a faraweill accempan. led by a enîtabla adIracs and benutiful leather suitcase. . .. The. service Easter Sundlay crening wns la the liande o! the W. M. S. Thea presideal, Mne (Rer) 1 A Jan-cî, pncsldad, Ad- dresses and papars ware gîmea by Mesdames H J Wcerrv, C Pasaoe, Lae audCawli'g. Mss jewalsang R- unrection eMoEL)" l inen usual p!peasing manner. Tk'a diiel by 'MesdJames Hi Werny and W Stainlen waeu thor-oughI9 enj)yod. The choir aise9 officialed and woeaaI ihr eiryn'bet M Fred Smithi, Eafield, rentyvieited ,wltnheho parant. ,,. A beantîfu baby linsy canme ta, bnîgliten tIrhe lama e ofMn ud iMme Hoîberýt Vlauto 'das' ,,..Misses Pcourl R mn taon d 1I oreuý'ce Pilya a0dMn Aibent tStaintan vst~ ln eînl Surtm9,av.The Misses BansUouir. Woams tî%eýa letrengîli and dr ine tlhe rietaliio!fe'iiidren,' Streug. then tbein by uslag Moîlier Graves'î Worm Elemmn tantedr!ve ont île THOSI $20 SUITS FOR $14. Tiare are varions reasone wLiy the beetdressed mena tuaibIs'wt ain made clothes Oale hat fe cines taiiornag es blishmemtihes ea gel exclusive Pa ern.>ba Jcifcry&W Son, ion instance ImpQrinhasuit leagîlie,î fno two alike, an aI customer hasaîï distinction la dr whleh the man Whio wears factony-madeClathes aîwaysý aks. Besides, the Patterns are newcr -this sensen's weaves, and la thal height o! style. Juet lhave a' look tînougli the S-ar House stock and sec' for yOursalî. OSIA.WA à MrsGeo Hezalwood visited la Tarante tthis week, Y Ernest Johaston was guet af Mn Ryden 8 whlle In town, s Miss Mille, Tarante, was guaSt Of MISS ËSykes white in town, MieTeastaes amniî,l s visitlng Mios Irene Dyer. Mn. Ga. Dixon, Toranta, was recant guet ef Mn. Jack Bran ton. ,Mme Rebt Dala, Taranto, visit ed han tfather, Mn S Banker, reccntly, 9 Mrs Chas Mundî and daughtcr, Lois, are vislting relativei ia Elora Mr. Harvey Hagerman sent Sunday with hie parents in Pont Hope, Mns J Doreen and fami y. Tonante, ara visiting han mothen Mres -tainton, Mies Alacan V. Kays, Bowmnville, le visiting hcr sistar, Mns W J Webster. Miss Jean Tod, Bownxanvilîe, was reccat guest af hem cousin, Miss Ina Tod. Mise Uichandeon, Edmonton, Aima, has been neF,wlng aid aqanacs MiseFîi ranance'qBIni 3n, Ci L C , lWhi ît - by, vlsited MssEdith Hladr)centiy. Mm.Adame haIisene te Regîna', Sask ., emu ho lins purehaeed the Stan Mr s EdI M Henrv and lifle ean are vlsitirg- ber iter, Miss May Mackle, New Yonk Citi-. 1 Mn, E. J. GClenny, M4nager Bank of Montrea, Wrowreecetly risited-,is pare3nte hao Rey Bnot eatrUniversity, Torontio, le ponigatwe wueks' holi- day with is parents, 51n Fnaoik CLac has gaee b; Picton te fil a position if thecý Branch of the Standard, Bank thecre. Evangelistiarservices anc haing con- tinued in Simenie St Church thila weekr conduetedl by Pastor Lewis. Caninthian and Ph-oenix lodges, 100F, ,will attend service la the Christian Church at 3 80 p mi next Suniay when R'sv D M M1h911 wil proaçli Victoria Colege, Toronto, lis b confer the Degraeaof Doctar of Divinity où Rev Thos 'Manning, Windsor, a former hIighly ;renacted pastor ni the SimCCca St MthaietChurch. Rerc D 'M Mhciave a Monst intancet- ingM and isrcierepart Oe!the Laýy- en ieianany ongress bald lun Toronto rcently, at the Medcalf St Chuýrcb aSundas'eveaiag, MnIrnnLd Mme T H MeMIliaaan ad Mrs Mille are spending somae weeks st the Dansv;ile Sanitanluin Mn McMilan'a many fm'iends ana pleaEefi taknow that hie health le graatly lmproved. Mn John Stacy, contracter, whiie suipernamnding the removai a! a build- ing lu Tonento, wns stnuck by a !alling scantiing breaklng two houes lu hie ight hand and snstalning internai- injurias. Rer J H Talbot, B A, and the sur.- pllezd choir o! St Geomge's chunch, assisted by Mn Gea Dîxen, Toronto, cenducted an E aster Choral service in Al Saints Chunch Whitby, Friday avefling - Mn. and Mrs. John Banc celebnatad thair golden wedding an Apnil 13, when their eilidran, grand chiidran and a numben a! friands aseemblad tg off er congratulations. Thes' have heen res- ideats a! Oshawa fan aven font v ye 1are, An'adcinessaod punses o! goid wera preanted. musie supphied by the Or- chestra and a splendid supper secred, Theliose was decomatad [nu shadas -of goid. The annuai concert of the Fl ower Mission gi ;en lu the Opera Hanse Mvon- day eveanng was langely'atteruded. The local talent were ail favorites and weme as foilowe: vocal solos, Mre W A Hare and Mn R Henderson, which wene heartils' applauded; piano duate, Misses Haze! Ellie and May Dillon. and Misses Edith Holiand and Ethel Klrby, were well neccived; Mn Ernest Jahneton,1 vyiolinist, Uronto,--wwaha& s jtrefi Iurned frem studylng lu Gammany, appearad bore for the firet time and madc a most favorable impression. He le a vo)ung artist who plays in a mas- tenly stîle, hie sc'ctions boing greatly enjeoyed, and lie rcspended ta repeated encoee; &In Stuart Piggott, humaniet, Taranto, pleased the audieacc with hie comie songe, etc, hishast numInr being - rhe Impensonation off Hanny Lnudhn;"* Mies Mille, Tarante, Misses Jessie Raa and Hazel E'lis and Mr Ed J Pull acted as accompantsts ln an efficient manne r. Mha Pleas'jre ha e w has n ii ockirg alýter his 2570 acre farm. Life as anew pleasur'e for the writer of ti s' letter and we shalh lot, hlm explaila why lu bis owa wer&s: 'II could ot oÉ 1 a day's Work to cv My ife before 1 ea sn r (hiase 's -Nerve uooddKinyL-r Pille",'writes Mn1L, nai11le% Canhoro,'Ilaldimand C,., Ot,,'u thesemdine seemed te exvaetly% suit nu'y case and h !ave dne odersfo mie, Inýstea1d o(ed gl ier r painl and suiffeiýring, iei u wc to ~ ad Iappocite ood hmhealii îîThs mnus -grat picasure fatrO m, for, Iav tw ho al dred andfCt cee farm anïia(l a rge socktolokatr th11 hVwe erLe me adIke iC ,~ ii cure ots' Ur. hases ~orvePo ermra lCu eo f ei fet eosrct ro YoueOwn aI Morse? If You. are thinklng o! buying a new set of harness this Sprlng caîl on us before gaing cIsc. where. We are sure we -can Satisfy yoti as ta quality, durabiiiîy, appearance, higliaclass work- manship and price that cannot be found any other place in this district. We have what you want in any line of ho-se furniehing-whipg, combe, brushes, sweat pads, blankets, etc. Harness repairing and cleaning wi1l be given our special attention and aise neatiy and quaicky attcnded ta,. Don't paso us by when you ara con- sidering harness values. j*e B, MARTYN, PHONE 3o, BOWMANVILLE'ý ProgessBrand Clothinlg T HE C L OTr1 NN0F Q U FL T Y NID S TY"IL, .ONE CF OUR NEW MODELS PROGRESS BRAND Clothitîg i no' tand in every soe.~nrje It handled hy every clothier who would if licuid. 111e seld oniy ta independent dealers, 'wha are nder ne financiai obligation ta the makers and who eau stop carrying "1Progrese BrPnd1" at any lima, These deniers, who have the warld'e ni arketà la choose frcom soit1 'Progress Brand" Clothing because they knuw il le the beet thal they offer 10 their custoiners, The wearer, tee, who le net iooking for credit or cansiderations &.bar than the bast gar mente,-thal bis bard-cash cn an hy1 le arxioutslo find. just snob a dealer. MEN'S SUITs The greateet assortment and beet vailue ever shawn uin mavii~ BOYS' SUITS 'An endieseî variety o! styles and colore and at ail pricees. HAT$S All Ihat le new lu soIt and mliff bats $1,50 ta $300,, CA P$ The uew Bull deg cap, in green, bnown, tnn, gray and bl,c 50e and 75Q - BATT- ANDO BALI -GIVEN 1ER EWITH EËACH BOY'S SUIT Grocers' Due B.Is taken as cash The flason Clothi*ng Cü. Sale agents for P,,,rog"ress Brand C"loth«n"g, Buy Tour «%URNIT'URF: NOWV We have a very hceavy stck ai present o! the very e,0 Jbesî furnc ualgrdsDdeuofe e aie snob asrwe uhave nolver b) eenri ableitaoffeýr before as"e Smuet maIre room forSpiggde soon la arrive, Corne and examine aur stock an)d get prIces bof orepiog yonr arder, We feel1 confident we eau p!lease yet n ii style, finish and price.i dou0ye ou eborteet notice; Furniture j ' coveringe awaylustck aI lawest passible ptices. Unelkiîag i a special brauch of our busin.-ss and ?> (( iwy ecie personal attention da-y or iglt. WID do niaI make aýny extrachrgePfor distance. Han1iPtQo »V Brauch, P o129 FJ", AVýLAN M.W[VILL1A MS fýI Ahne 1

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