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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1909, p. 1

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$1.0 ayeati advane; %1,50 to- United Statee. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIG, TllURSDAY, APRI 1425., 1909. VOLUME LV. No.,1 . -A. JAMES &ý SONPorieos Th~Jams Pper XJsitThity4vefurdre Ho-e~Wee --kly fflhII~LL z~i~ UuNt~ ~1LUDtET 7us ~UE~- I1erre g o tr The Burns' .Price is Lowest. New Farmr Ký-nockabouts, lubuing for spring aur atm was t Ut-a uegoodilwearIng boots for aur custoSers, lanon previa1 us vear did m~e buy so large a proportion of aur stock f rom high-class factorise. Such factor- iel use firt-class leather and gaod strong thread, and do nat Incar- porate3 card-board or ground leather boar d ln the solesý We contracted for goocd quantities, and thereby secured close 'rcsand liberal discunt.We a> hMe wh(tie eut-put af hand made hukeand laeed farm bgo's. Menrs beat grain Gaitera, seamiess Aurora make. Thse $2.)klud...- ý.8 9 Mena 011 Spit Blucher, Berlin make, goonrd fitter and streng .........6$1.40 Meu's heavy 011 Splt Blucher extra straug. Tise $2 kind ....... 175 Mena Oi leather Top Boots. .82 10 These are- net heavy anua save thse trousers. A tin of water proof dubbin throwu lu. For -Tender Feet Menes scf t lmported klp Bluchers saepeir last, good jear sewu efles, heavy.,,»......... .............. $825 Thse helgisti of comfort for outaide werbk(na. Bends wlth tise foot, No pege Fashionable Footwear. / Ourfour Indows tell thse story of aureffrtta atht'for volur inspection tie cfsc e asnewest styles aud best Ne ap a wýare liserbnc. Mauy rettycaos at 10w, pr ies isually maîuFouar corners. New Lanndry Opaned. flaving started a laundry business three doors east of JOs. Jeffery & Son's store 1 amn prepared, to do everything that pertains to up-to-date laundry work. I -flot only guarantee you, GOOD service but PROMPT service as well. YoulIl find me very low-pric- ed about it. Farnily ani bachelors washings a specialty. Goods called for and d-- livercd. MAil YOUNG. Bownianville 14 6w ft BANK 0F MONTREAL Established 1817 Oapital -614,4009,000 Boat 8 12,0000,000 Total-Assets $183,169,159 1 -o- Savings Bank Department. lieaiJ Office, MontreaI J. A. MeULELLAN, Manager. Bowmanville Brai. 94 LAWN MOWE4RS" SIIARPENED AND RE PAI RED. Il(GetSrn oi Do't put off gettiug -your Lawn Mawer aharpened. Do it nov, se lisat it wIii ho ready7 when you need it. 1 use the Ideal Lwn Mower Grinder whlch has givea such good satiofaction In thse past. A triai wli conrince you af its suPerlority over aClera. Ordars promptl.y attended ta. BICYZL1STS TAKE NOTICE. I arn doIug ail hinàqd b h- rc CI re5puing. Brlng 7our wheeil înand have It putlu gocd ruumnug order. My pýrices are ver-, Moderate, AI W. PJCKARK Cornier Kig9 OtaloStees At thls time of the year when yaur hload 19 Impure, jour liver la sluggish and sou don't feel, mat up to the mark. You Need a Tonlo and Blood Purifier. L'a 8I logO llIDD fgoll 0oIldf blooid pur-ifier3 and general taule anud NOW ta sthe tim3 ta use it or 6i Bottieps for,$5.00, Rop k A-chl ilLI Ca.,t ' -. TH QUA I) umI Ma oriy1r pveiibitiou ....8. Agaîn, lu 1898, a vote of the men of the prevince wss poiied in tisa Dominion pie biscite, fiera isthie resu t: - For prohibition.............. 154,498 Againsu prohibition ....,...,#...115,284 Majority for prohibitio,..,. 39,214 Once more theîe was a po,4lei 1902, ou a direct preiiibitory law, 'snbm)itted by tise Provincial Legilaîic, unier conditions requiî-ing 1er ita rat ificti-on au almost impossible vote wvîicl i waa net obtained. Nevertiielasa the i oie theon cast on the question stood asfoova For proibition.......,.. 199,749 Agaist prhibiticu . .,.103,548 Majoriiy for prohibition, ... 96,201 Cooid there be any more compiete evideuce cf tihe' oundness o! public opinion, and its prepareduess for thor- ough-goiug legisiation ? Every yesr adds to the ovilonce. n the ots olled on ILocal Option by-laws. On JaInuary 4tl1î cf gtie present ofathere was i-oîing l a ighîty-four municipalities ud tse ag- For Local Option by-laws ........27,269 A gaîct Local Option by-lws, ... 18,4291 1Mjorit for ...... ...... 8,840 Yet, in tise lace cf tîsis overwlîelming evidence, the Ontario Legialature goes bsckward iustead of lorward, in ramper- suce legislation.- Witbcct auy public demand. withiout any vesson excepting the protection cf tise i uor tra-ffic atgaist public opinion, the Goverxmeut lire- duccadinto the Legisiahure tthe ibree- flîtha requirement, taking sway from tue people the riglit cf msjority vole ou the liquor question, sud cresting a condition cf affaira whicis forces the liquor traffic ujýon pvcteshiug communities sud pre- vertn these ,,ossîucustsions Lhiaviug eitiier the bnaifsacf the proiitioni for which Lhhy have voiefi, or tie educahitng aectcf thai prohlibition ichweuld stili.î wbat mkes al this rgrs osil It is nhiglesa t1iau the pish sud an- Illen, bake y omlnsnihîy wi b'elicres îi u eilthingasuitede uaiorder bose bt ise p'Ilace is not iin iackis wi-sdom. SILVER WEDDING WViat is there u the ishe o! hife Hall as deligbtlîîl as a wifc When friandship, love, sud years combine To stsmp tise marrisge-boud divine. naAeGauMEe-InDarlilugtcuar b..eIdence or thse briWe'a parent-, A rîlk3, 18-4. byRIev. W. 8. Hughes. (inovle)Mr. Win. J. Bragg and Miss SarahbTzmen. .econd daughter of Mr. John Soimers, ibots cf Darliugtost. Orer a buuldred relatives sud frieuds foregatiîeved at the liospitabie residauce of Mr. sud Mia., W. J. Bragg, Provi- dence, te u nite in ,tise ceiebration of tise twenty-fifth auuiversary cf their mar- riage. To take by surprise a iiouseiiold sud augmeut its nunmbers by a century ratiier upsets the usuail ormnalitieis. To say the berne was crowded la a mild way cf expressing it. To the ladies feul the uas cf lcrnisbîug the aupper, wbich weut ou contiuuousiy Iroin 6 30 te 10.30 p. m. in relflvs of aqscore. Annetiesof the. later partahkevaivere keeisly'wiîeted for* doîng royal justice te tise susptueus feassi provided, but tiscre was abundance for al sud te apare. -Mr. Arthsur Powers, Warden, per-. forlued the loîîctîons cf Cîsairman. Mr, J. Frank. Osborue read thîs address. 31r. and Mkrs. W. J. Bragg. DEAR FsssavNis:-Alcw us te assure you tIsai or invasion cf your hieme is one0 cf peace sud begohuen cf respect sud love. We are here ho-night, s cempany of relatives, friendsansd neighbovs, te uire in celebrating thbe twesshy-filtiî annivevsary o! your waddîug, day sud to exhend our hîeariy congratulations. Your presence on occasions cf tiss nature aimong your neîgbbors i la cii anu- bered; ycur geuerosity te Christians, char- itable sud benerolent causes lias bacoîsse proverbial, and everybody kuows of yor abondant isospitsiity. W e rejoice with youin the blessing, cf hîealth irbich yen sud youv famiy have enjoyed sud lu tise uIeasore cf succes -hich bas crownedl youv efforts iu tisie accumult ion of thsinga atransd fondi'y exres is ish (ht yo may long bespaired bte enJoy the ing o! ou aildreu îin scheA(iastic wr sdteiredsestaiwtbtheis. v cI hliey;ara sin sumaking filuýTis faru oe k!; wieyko for tils soc;iIisy asud prsetsasa anible aoseu c (e'Yde o-tis ýhappyocain try fakie g*ýilu cf the rmau. M. pressons u tIe adress sudon hebliaif o! Mra. B ansd iiiefhat TWe-ýO CAýRTW,ýRIGIIT BOYS. -__ __________ It Il alwars apie-aaure tca ho able te TH E BAR ,AN repart tetisepeeple o! .Durhapa -hien any of tise aid girls or bGoys co!tise couuty dis1tiiguisisthemelves Il l is era! ore with espacial pnideth-,weannc . ,,W that tise nuew Publiceis(,hlo ofl aers that iI are toe aissned by tlie Educatioýu De- partineut for Outai a'fbeeau rpr ed by Dr. D. J. Goggn, -anild iý Durhbam boy, r egnvse»iuatngt- " fç township.fisaterwstslteJh Goggi eue o! tise leang mes otltisat township for Many yesrs. Dr. ogu afther receiviung a g(ood edicationP, bec;unea Principal 0f tisa odalSol ii Por-,t Hope. H nceddso ed lisai position tisat tise6 scisools ý-n Part Hiope C ware rankad ang tc isehaet lu ntanlo1ý. 1 Wheu tise Provinice a Mof th estah lisisad a Normal Schüol lu Wi1nuipeg cipal. Afierivaàrds hlie a v pois tL Superintendeut -'o! E1d11Catsa lu tise Norths Weat Tevrririas sud was la'rgely). % raspousiblafo ýr tise es-tabî lhunlt o!tha educaionastTnus lu aakatcisawau, Aewyers, ago ha retanned te hie native province as Manaeý r a!tise Can- ada Publishiug Ooampany i arC îo Wheu tiseFHon. Dr.PyesMinister o! Education, decided te issue aaseNiýüresTheCcause. o! readers, sud te havüemu edited lu. ha owu departmaut, ha phaose Dr. Bv favar of «I ogias tise subeat quaicilifi.ed for - tise posî-tsou o! Ed!tor. Tisis chaice wnývs a guarantes that tise eadrs euld hoForý well adaptad for ehildreu'a uîse, ht Poae they would po,9ssse h i iteùr ale sud that tiey would deveiop a stron1g TeTetes patniotiaus sud true moRral sentiments. Ch, Teùithýen toi-yBelougs le WVe congratulate De, Goggiu on tIseOsuda, ias pr:vse elten used now, asnd auccesshlehlas achieved. Aste al etiegetsdpardounable pride.iu wrlght boy sudsa feremoaýDteductio uLt, cc,-uthv's prgies. ugriculture, Inspecter Jamuis L, Hughes, waa oa iîe inîs, w airod ontrctons. tisa cemmittee associated witis Dr, sun commiermc e eormîous strîdes have Goggin lu tise preparationi of thi restd- beau sud are beiug made. There is au ara. On anotiser page %ve republisis ara cf progi-essansd pîosperity lu store frein the Toronto Newaanar at;sclegivsng for tise present ganeraion o! Canadians a fuer sketch o! Dr. Ge1ggiu's iaeseeras tisai las vnt beau aqualled by any coutry an educator snd publiciat. lu tihe wocid. To pirofi hy il sud te ____________niaise tisa besi possible use cf ik, it is essaîshial tisai every Canadisu sheuid realize sud perfortu ha personal duty. THE SITUATION IN 0NTARJO, But individuell oppertuniîy euhailsia lu diridusi raspousibiiity, sud it is te tiss Local Option cernes it forPce ui ow peint we wish to drsw speciai attention. msanille nazi Sahurdaýy 1ay I o ih msy W'ie propose ho prîni s sevies aI 8ev- net lie sinisa this--week te re-îviatiem eteiscsliaparrgvyu iisory of the votes fear sud against pr o- this apace,fortisa purpoýse o! dicecting bibiticu lu tise pas 5yarTsaPo-tise Considevation o!fo1r readers, te a few car lu a vacant issue ad poinits ofOr social sud business hIfe A maýJority(cf tisheople o!tisePrr- hari hs inlîdiiuairaspeusibiiity lias inca o!fOn r are uv- the pro er- hàororoe, ad to show isbtct!tatsfci ~oia ig t-,:-,ît baefits tise cos-onmunity wil iàquor. Tisera is ne rom r , douýbt as redoond te tisa benefit of tise iîsdividual ho ibis lacuDusostsiosofl k bave snd -vice versa. Loyulhy te or country beau made, crer sud over ugalu. 11 cas-ied te uts logical conclusion wili impel On January 3rd, 1894, there wss taken- us.te hcalaso loyal teOucrv owu sud ccc a vote o! the electors cf Ontarie sud cf uaiglibors. Loyaity teour country wiii the womeu wlsose namnes are on tise lslp ivake Canada a greater sud s hetier municipal voher's liai, ou thsa questions of1Catinad o nouterytcwn win total proiition sud tise resuit ws s tnaa Loyalty t u oh ilhl foliows: temaire 1h a botter puace hu liva iin, sud For rohbiton ~,,,,,,.,..192489basiefit av.euy individual in tise coîuiwi'îî- Against prohibition,......... .110"720 iy j HOUSE 0F QUALI-TY HIEADQUAIITERS FORi FAMILY RICQUIR-4 MENIS IN OLOTHIING LîIsi, Fixin CARPETS, OImTAINSý, ETC. We take pleaeure lu cailing our raad. er'atention ta the an ýuocullcemu 1made by Messrs Candix, Johýuston and Oryderman in this issue. lose ea-. ing a.nd decoration being tliseoer or the day, tisey invite the attenîtion cùf ail housekeepers te their very large soc of Carpets, Carpet Squares, Linole,,ums and Ourtains lna alof which theycar what is beyoud question thse largest autd finest stock held by any isouse in West Durham, if flot in these United Cour,- ties. They buy theseý goods direct frem- thse maniufactu,,rera, betis foreign aud! deînestic, heuce we are satisfied that no lieuse can or, dees give better value , But net only do they- carry a finestc cf house furnishîngs, but they hv aise a superb stock cf Dresa Goocdsa sud Ladies' Coata, -snch ns can be sean L but few stores outside the larger cities, They have also a flne sto;ck af new ready-to-wear clething for mens and boys, made up lu thse iatest styles, and thse patterns are this season's. To meat the wîshes e! those who prefer ta select clatis and have their suits made ta order they have sacured thse services o! a tirnt- clasa cutter sud are uow prepared ta maire up suits aijual ta those made suywhere and at very ressouable prices. They invite an early inspection of these liues of geode., coudh dhnstu & rydrn Cail Special Attention To T-heir Big14 Stoc-k 0f buse Furnishiingýs. Union Carpets from. ........ ,...30,cto 5e Best Imperia] ,3 ply for... - -1-$110 A Big range 'Union and alol Sqjuares ii, al sizes. Crossley's rfapestry eCarpetýs fronai 65eto 85e. Croýsgley's B3est Windsor Carpets . ...$1.00 Orossley a Brussels Carpet for 1O worth $1 25 Cro-ssley's Best Ofina eve .... ..$25 Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet, Smyrna and Wilton Lace Curtinlse An immense stock-newest des'gns and at prices to suit ail classes if buyers. Also Tapestry Curtains in several qualities. ln Linoleumis We show a big assortment of patterns from one up to foui yards wide, No better value aDywhere, CocOhnIston & Cryde, rmia. GROCERUS, DUE BILLS TÂKEN US CASHI.« CANADIAN GIRL NURSES A fiue tribute ivas paid ho Canadian gir la by Mr. E. F. Stevens, hospitai architeet, Boston, irben addressiug the tisird annual couference olf the Csuadisu Hospitaîl Association aitishe Pas liament buildings in Toronto. "Oua can scarceiy observad Mr. Stevens, '1without fidig Caa ian res in cbarge. lu oua b oa- piha I vait 1 I oticed a Brisb fî-nie iu supvîneuduthow ibhis wansd sue LOId vise ilat about ninsîty pCvent o! tise nurss wee Osadissa," Certain ;t i thait il aver-.y Cnda îuiyla -which Durhîsus Coun1ty bas,.Sevn tia enfe ecr sys that if hss Canadianyoui wmu r "sakn go n"lut)[( usvca"enbi, ul iciwi 2 anadian yuvgmn bave bheaoingi'n ,tise same!land for a long pi d; ) î May yen hand in baud still tread The busy round of liue each day Until tha evening shadea draw near, That mark theending of the way. le cemmnon when theboede puri- fyinig and ensiching, for then thebld f ails to give the digestive organe the stimulus necess-zary for the proper peýr- foriümnceof thir functions, Hojod'saaa rilapre-emuinentli themdcn ta tke. Itmae the bood pur ad ricli, and streuigthene ail thedgesýtive organe., 111have used Hom erpril a aringme4clu and flnd it excellent. fMy brcherln- ù- sedl it for MatcDes oïl hie face and was pelrectly Bere. a% o beau rouledelce, ÂiL Âsai _______________________________________________'I --- - 1 3 1 tu L'ilu eviuUlluu. Ili ulim vuuv-ý 1 a ýScure. npputlueb 01 tlie i 9 11 m 1 t - h"e-&Igo-aerluiz 1 to-v- - j i word lu this series we may have occasion to c -riticise rather, severely tise actions ef CRYSTAL WEDDING sýome cf 0cr townspeel)le, but -sve wishi it to, ba understood that it la meant lu the MR. ND Muts. JOHN1 LAWRIE SIJRPRISEI) kIdfliest 8pirit. Many people do things FIENHA IES5YO feoi-n sheer tbeughtlessuess which are THiEnt MARRiÂGE &ND Psu- really uprefitable to themselves snd SNF IUOTGAS harmfui te the cemmunity, sud we be- ETDwT UTG SS lieve it wili culy lie uccessary te eaul their attention tothie lacis for them ta acknow- Another of those exceadiugly joyona iadge the justice of ccv criticisms, ît wedding celebrations wss participated wiii be a pleascre te pay just tribute te in by a large cempauy af relatives, many cubera who have given sucli insttars friendsansd ueighbara Monday evening serius tocgt, sd wo shw a at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. John N. sperituglnine ndeosalheiapublic Lswrie, whese l5th snuiversary r1ghtly doinga fell on Sunday 25tli. It was a well. that is wertby of Bownîvilie. Thay piaîîned invasion af their home -a g1en. ise show a marLihed anut of lisard corn- ninu, surprise party. The comipaisy mounse in Lhat theýy realize&the saNi redavose at Mr' Gus, Bousals cof meoney and, time w vhich resuît1s from and mat after 8 o'clock marched iii pro-. theiir local putrictisini. Oui speciai refer- cession with well-filied baskets ta place ence is, te the folly cf soea folks wbeo! ofthe celebration. That tise bride sud have devaicped the habit of deîeg their groom were surpriaed thare can be no buyîng and selling away fi-cm Bewmau- doubt, but it tocir ouly a few words ville as conti-asted with the wisdcrn c f from tise genal lader to convince tisem those who do ah i pssible business with that it was a e4ce u'l friendiy lu-. their friandls sud neigbbors. We balleva vasion of the quiete« thair home. the fermer te bc uuwise and ouprofitable, Mr. 0. M. Cawke, us soon as, ail were wbile thc latter is wise snd profitable, comfertably settled, bpeiied the rors and in this series we shall endeavor te by explaiuing the cause o! tisheirprs show reason for the faiîh that is inus. auce aud tisen read this addre8sz: if these seruscnettcs put a few o! euv Mr. and Mrs Join 1V. Lawerie rnisguided citizens ini tbe way cf sav- Rapresessting your many friand-s, wea îng moeay for themselves sud at tise have gathered lu your comfortable sanie tirne benefitting Bewuianvile, we home this eveniug ta congratulate you shahl feel aiuply repaid for ccv tfeubie. on hsviug srrived at the fifteenth mile- copyr'ighst, 1.99atone in your ivedded life, Fortune __________________________ha4 sudead smied beuîguediy ou yen durîug these yeaî-s. Healtis aud iappi- thanked ail for the splendid silver wed- ness, prosperity sud comfort have been ding present. lie ramnarled that the your portion, sud we can assure yen respect sud gcod m iii that pvcmpted the that yen ass are ricinlutise possession action and presence of se mauy friends cf a very large circle o! true friands, te corne beie te night is valued even who have beau drawn ta respect aud more thari their valcabie present or the admire you for the sterling qualities of fisttering words cf the address. genaine cîsaructer, whicb. yen have A run o!spechsconracîaov, always manifasted. We asir yen ta A rond f seecesconratlatryaccept tisis Ont Glass, etc,, as a siigist veminiscent, optiinistic and cuiogstîc, recogaitioýn of ti respect snd admira-. l oleowed, in which, 'wero rnany words of tien aud vie veuid close by expressing appreciation cf tihe bride, groom sud tise Lope that yen, and yaurs muay live their ciever family. Revs. John Gar- long ta enjoy its use, sud that lu years boit, W. Libert and H. S. Spence, te coma it may recalA tise friands o! ta- B. D., vepresented the cievgy; Mayor day. May tise "Giver of alGod Mason, Peeve Tole sud Messrs. Levi continue to keep sud besas yon, ;ïs oui? Mer-is snd, T. H. Kniglit ceuveycdeasrnaat and sucere desire. Bownîanville's greetings. Messrs. John Sigîsad on beissîf af Oompa1iY, D. Hoar, John Wight, W. G. Rundle, O. M. OAwxEIir, ME SDAME Fýs S nux S. S& Bragg, George A. Stephiens, W. BATTLI:,, JOHN LYLE, JR-, R. DusiAs, A. R. Cleinens, R. H. Soucc, sud Joseph TAIT,- Langmaid spoke for their ueighborsansd Mra. Archibaid Tait sud Mrs. Romain Mrs Sam. Halliday, Orcue, a former Dumas presented Mrs. Lawrie with a teacher in the section, spolie of tire good very isandsome cnt glass frnit dish, oid days of the long ago. cream Pithr uar - bowl sud dozen Congratu atory messages ee eiè Limoges-brea-and--bute-iss-- ,romn Mr. S. E. Bragg, Winnipeg, sud Lswrie, ou beaai!o! bis wife made a Rer.T. . Jolîfe, eîîtfvo Kinato antabia response thauksug ail for their wereT.W. lifeensa at fo su Kgutonexpressions of respect, sud-fortise valu- whee iespetpatldfhlsws gitsa ccompauying tham. Happy preachied te the delosnSuay speeches were made by Ex-Mayor Tait, Hundreds more who hknow Mvr Brag George Pearson, A. L. Nicholis, F. 0. iutioîately and 1010 w onld gladly h-gve Vaustone, John Poster, James Smitis participated iu this happy event were sud Albert H. Tait, (Edmontoni, Alta.) net lsvored witis au invitation wha la liera ou has weddiug tour, 5Tise Iu marriage ivitis its hioly bond, evening was aocially apeut in gaines Where love makes ail the burdens liglît, sud other pastimes tillIil p. m. wviea is wlîeve we se 111e at its best- refrasismens were served sud ail souglit The very ciods are cnly bright. their homes lu ths ma' heurs ayant the twal, 10 v-

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