lwwwv~w~wy t' CHAPTER XXVII. fore yen cee rny bairn. What ci- Touced y a invsibe haddid wa due for Lov.'s sake, an the curtain stretcbed bebind theé 11hven mountain cbain lightly tremhied, "And Self baq struck -its blot by, imperceptible gradations tdfiag,"1 ho iînterrnpt, ,Emiiilin8 foides sook eut their density; lo-wn'yet very grave. '- the valiey a bed g* spar'row twit- 1, Yen mean'i" tered, o) n e of the feilside arms 'That I've seon the hîdde: an ariy bird bade ebrili farwi to- thieniglit, and wecome te "o lc ou ai-oa birb f nw ay tell that te Miarger,,-." ' She stooý) So onca more David Graham aside for him te o e iooked clown mbtl the h'oart of Mar- 'Wont yen eaetee, and 1)h-e gery Manesty's kingdom. niy tale?" ho askëe7d; but she sb!ooj by-and-by froin une of the upperbr e. Windows the blind was lift-ed, a 'N,1haneI'e eonh 'e, thin coluinn of bine smoke coilet on o'iU Bsds Ipo- fhem one of the cîimneys, the big 'my joy in oe1abi oe door opened, an.d a maid appea,'e- lasts longer. I"ýow, go, shec's il with mniop and pail. Stili ha ar-tee" riedi. Thieir day ms at le-ast 1be He fonind ber stiili tnigwber warmed heforo ho cais l i dstýun, e1 an a btbr oehn ngpec i nt t idt rsmgacarfcr suppoDýrt, th( On 1b1e-ete ignsof life ma br a id up.on ber heart as t(oug. tîplied. Upeýtairs, the casernent of int an ea,.rtto snbdue ite1tbrobs one of tbe roomay mnllion.ed win- natriiopaî,aanofsl dows was thrown open and Miss i reproacb, ernote him wbnhb Manst'sgrey b-ead appeared. 1mîsed the roses from bier cbeký Un,-conscionsly hoe srnile1 a greet-! and saw wbat sorrow and suspensE ing.had clone. Acrees the lawn a girl daintily "Havejiý ntigt syt e tripp'ed, a buncb of daffcdiis newly Margery 'C gatbredin er and.uereye ~ I-1--don't understand, David. searcbing the hilîside caught sight on t- of the figure croucbing on thoe You thonght I was at cea et le dge, and sbe wo.ndeIýred wbat ooi-1 board the Daniel V' ish feliow wae tempting Providence ,e. thus, nor knew tnat the "foolisb "Learning the lesson 1 wouidn't fellow" was tenderly breatbinglearn at borne, eh? Ah, my dear, bier naine. My decar, yenu Qee bow I have founc "Margery, Margery, My Mar- You ont, bew I know Ibat, daring, gery.") madcap scherne for your very own.- Ovor their breakfast Miss Mati-' "Forgive me, David-I wanted esty and Margery briefiy discussed, you to cee, an-d-- didn't tbink tbe3 the man wbom they ha-c seen on would bave teid yo.", Barf's ccaly si-de. "Tbey did net. Yen macle theni "lt'z just two weeks to-day, promise not te. But wben the end Auintie," Margery rernarked athcme they chee'-red yeour namo, and ,end4 of the meal, "two wek ic hn1ke. -DavIl"id-went away. Anotheri "The end. Wbat ees ail th's UCee2k May bring us news, don 't yulu ystery mean ? wby are -yen bore? tbink V' Ities only a fortnigiit cincce tbe "I hope se, dearie, I hope se, but anelsaie. the sea'ese teribly masterful, and1 "A we-ek was ail thiat the o)ri à t bas ne da)te-s. We chai' juet bave'1 would fliet. Wel leftb ler on h te wait its will. Some folks grum- otmfthse-abaslad hie about werk, but it's simply e us on the Irish coast. Oh, y mu chiid's play te the laber of wait- mnustn't look îike that, dear. Y-it ing. l'va ceeu rnany a weak wo- forg(i- that chips migbt ink, mat> macle migbty hy it and many didn't you i and the Daniel made a we(ak mat> saved" a splendid voyage." And ilu! even as sho spoke, bbc1 Irpressed by thb, calamity, sha lime of their waiting reachied itsi missedc the drift of bis words, and end. The gate cwnng upon its passionately besougbt bis forgive- hinges and clicked, a foot cruncb- naiets ed beaviiy on the path. Margery Forgîve yen, Margery; I've and bier aunt rose, and witb scare- cerne te bhank ye." hlanched faces gazed tbrongb. the hie"M dreain in the dark je evor," window. David Graiam was ho- e said. "L've seen witb mine own fore them, and tbey thougbt hima eyes in tbe daylight, and I've sort- on hecea bndrdeof ils aaved the sharns frein tho mako-be- oneyrawr i theb deso eseak, f lieves. I've be-on longing for goid, wor a wrd empthy, but wbenr and I'va had it al the tîme in David reacbod the step Mies Mat>- audne b hi intha esty was there te dernand of hum the Queen's image. l've been long- bis paesport. ing -for power, and that, tee, was "Wbat Word is it yen bringi" M'ne, the power of fair deaiing, che asked almeet fiercely. "I muet the power te miake the reugh way know wbethcr if's geod or had ho- smoother and iighten the beavy liurden of toiling lives. Deareet, it's a wonderful victory yeur wlis, littie bond and faitbfui heart baveý won. Saved my kingdom fer nme by cempelling me te look upon thleý "«After takind three acts ef life." botties of your wonderfül "A wondlerful vtictery," Margery mediineourbabywas repcated, "Wall, perhaps-but net, inedine, or bab was a wonderfui way, David. Lt was1 entirely well and needed the only way. Lt bas ail corne sel no more medicine. At six- clearly te me a trly. There is ne teen months of age she hope for any mat> until ho behelds weighed thirty pounds. the fruit of hie laber. Knewledge She ad riedleiht mnth eto the way and the end-witbeut Shehdcrideigtmonhs, that a mat> je living enly baif a niglit and day, and nothing life."' didlier good until we tried 1 Crossing thie T's and detting thre Scot'sEmulskn. "-MRS. l'a of this prenouncement a littHo E. C. SMITH, Villa Rica, latter in the day, Miss Manesty Ca. ~~causticaly observed-. eeoth senses that Providence bas beein 'ni niggardiy in. Net one in a thoni- cand met> over do cee; that'8 wby ce many of them are se Well catie- lied with earth and se cure of boa,- * von. If bbey'd put tiroir giasses en and book for a few of bumanîby's L à'gangrena seres, tbey'd ho thinking1 cifferently of their acres and thiri roal svd bs'ilds anking accounts, and tbey'd ho prce-l. -iv-. c1, l's wanting te do a bit cf cleaning up life, Four doctors had been he11t) akdter ae o îrie. Sci'rsEMULION the crown and the robe .they've seem,,ed te be, juet Ïthe thmg noïiver earnied.-Ac ifer yeu,,rcelf, needed, and it is jusî t11C e Daý id, it's a fineC bit of biundering bb:ng needed y thousanc s en' oicepliebed. Ynset eut ý.ý-'ig ee-e.tev estahlisbm i ýa lino, a otw f yuur à- n, ýd dý r0 And gai, a onthalothr l g Tins im a portion of a plain taik ! '- Andaýanas n tatothr lngte CIl e American people by James ~ deadday bb î'hhit lalo -1 . CllNecw York, in tbe Sa - -tire -un-derwo-d an<d tbbc hîr ý's m(ryEeigP?,o hl icppedIoterehigber branches; ad _2Eenn et o hld - tie bie haredwore n-witin hia bs subject being "Tire NewX CP O'WR1;e bile oid home? on tire top oL the bill, brief discussion cf tire, pnp and " C5'U PfYrWVOlOI. flong wido ti u door, and sbrained' bercar fo th soud.papor question, ohcerving, in cou- necliot> uibh thre proposed reinoval b"tcanna bho in>, ' she cried.1 of tire Amierican duby on wood puip, "Noibîing but a mirriklie couid have Icrad trat tire Cnnadiar's re, son tins: soul. W'aber pobrhnn hu'me . ines te Canada whcre bhey will browt hmha-ck seah 500t>. An' 1 "ILfyen Ynaees takofof tire dnty f:honile, tasorain n iake tiroir goode -for tire Cana-- yit-i' s ha-i n, tan'M awdut -ie'npupWe miglit as nel1 put an mn giere backýwnrd. lBritish dian market inbend cf bore." rot rhesnu o gc" Praieoxpoît duty on loge and pulp. Tint cptal went te Argentine, and we _ r Hum. or ite a u c i ni 1" Pr i wl hi g con f r Ya k e draiueC Canada f its enterpricng Tivim. hc d ied away, but ire' mi jte Canada. Last year we 3otingsbors. Factories fmd ite ireLITEIIARY NOTES, coTd n iedcrunch obuLaponsent nway a million corde cf pulp develo1red, a bariff Lougirt througir sha ir ovrhale, ad mcleas eie a d ireswib " tre ranhe wood, getbing oniy tirree or four Ottawa, and direct bradea estair- Trecmlte uovel-"The Porno-" my Lha b er vauldhave m d teinas t irey a-drte w isearer. heiranachlés million dollars. If made imb lisied-itir c oer cuntrie. But granate seed, - by Katiaîcne M et- 1hrrtnesa h etrd n te mîe e lr oe ftr rtnîg paper il wouild have sire led on, lix cd tirougi il, work- unît Ro-is one cf btherost dc- surance reduced, food macle rigirt, trocs and beireld hr, Cap'n Dani broug-Int at let bwenty-five million e d, svdndb~m sbr slgtli oesoiswhîcb have ap- an-n3 ganpukd ii btL hmi1is, or double tint for botter nails. To-day she I.as grewing in- eaed in a decacie is publisied in "Wehe"I od, aud waved a joyens signal. r ade. We have bewn wood long i dustries, an aggressivc yeng Lî_,ppinýcott's for 3iday. _L'ie t-e "L' gong e tketir tilerButDaid dselare ieîW,*eouifor Uncle Samn. Lt's make fLeigri brade, great transpertatie, aeCfuta higi r orer cf exc-euonce. *again." flung bis aime aî'ound lthe ,,_a.,paper for him instead" j iniug and agricultural projects. Maiery IoeteIicat uhre "Meaning good-hye' te tire mat>- w1om, id bried ce bard te flii iis WHAT MAY BE EXPECTED. Britishr capital is flowi ng in-last 1' I re Man in. Lower Ton 'an year John Bull sent ber more tin>"'file Cîrcular Staircase," cuinor age i'rnoire's lac, ad ksse be. "ndte day in Canada," enys twve iundred million dollars. bu~tes a breezily funny story aie "Ye. Hi ppinmeljemyTon wtbu awedie ase Mr. Colline, "it looks vcry much as "And now Canada, bax-ing learn- I Lady Godiva aI bc t pine" groateel shame. 'It xas n cowardiy into tirebone.if hscuewolbcflwd.MarnMatna brick. And 've paid. Tbere's eue BIoicig~ a gramipue Cap'n is orewoi eioed" cd Unebe Sami's close-fisted way of Mnie aatn avivîdîy pwr thing 1 want t-o say for, myseif and Dan trotted eii)tire door, and ofI ".ost ilreybin,' ire goc bardlgainsinnered l rik crn fui ciaracter study cntitied M . eiy eue. Tis is fer youi, and Mar- hmm Peila (1e-ianded tire news. ieilwlneryhoilnoib badagannrtr. We pas- Marsfra-m" ; Eisie igrabea gery, aud Bella, aud Cap'n Dan, "Hooray, booray," ire paab-ed e en lpoiyboad ire sed thre McKinley tariff to build np ciraractoriîaic taie of ire eù aouid eu-onuel'se. Thoughir is truc "Gb-n)y bc te God. Miss Margery's Unite_ irtatosý,,. Alrcacey, 1,reg Iomîr ewn industries. Canada bas sybeania Germane-" 'icsn tiraI I nced tire feliew ae a sirieid, liched tire dî"-il akcd hum fore an';'lier Peel-office, e fbas pub ev haebeivdw i lsooyt olr agt" n iu and wouid neifhrec enor hear my ait. T' Dne' et ai' adcpo iecruaino ur starve lber jutetire Uion. Anînexa- Thromas Antrirn, "Tire Lace ýs- mon, 1 hd aiways macle hm pro- saved--an '-atn'-bore we are." periodicals, and as we need bier tien is. wibb us, juet a topie for milid dcopper,"ý a choyer love so ry duce sampios of tire food thnt was Tire dPta-ils of the story David lurnier and wheat and other raw editorials w -on tirere are ne b *i"ieDp-ue"yRaWree being shipped. Tirose samiples, ilimseif filied in. Tis was pi.<îtcf matenis f reinlime te lime, in tr nre ras vrtire li19lb"Thex, isanoîer b aing i c 1.9 clear, muet bave heen alea; I've tire penance on whiciho insisbed, future-wbich. we cerbainiy shah - bas heen aimost an issue, and îe fiction. Zrnong Vie special articlets paîd for bons cf stuif tint tire mon 1tit, as far as possible, ire sionid! ire eau deftiy adjusb ber own laws s-tili a fine political hugairoo; while isasrn -- o SalWre bave neyer tasbed." bho lie instrument cf bis own hu-1 te mahe a puniebînent tint wiii fit te loosen tire purse strings in Lon- Vsaotengpprn",h 7re I Voe l"by the brilliant noveliet "How did yen corne te engageî miliation., A littie inter lire miid-' tire crime. Lt will sccm a grevions, don it is enough te cirent: 'H1elp! Onida, who died not long age. tire man," Margery inquired. 1iy callied Bella on ber share in tire! spiteful punisirmeiit le anyhedy in Tire Yankees are annexing us! "Tire Trichs cf Memory," by Viil- "Ho wae recommended te me bydra*. tire paper business, fuiniture a-nd But now Canada rcnlby behioxsi im Tobig are.W . Michael Strang" ""Thal's onOeof lie lbiîigs I can't jwoodenwa-re, lumber, leur mill- enly ceeformnof nnexation. Sl hiBakeClfTrowndgHowardned W. B "Michael Strang, nlways Micinell got ever, " ire assured bier; "wbeu ing or wbatevem industries tire going te annex Uncle Samn, nithoutBikCîodHwadndEli Strang," lie girl rnurmnr.ed; but Barney Rigg came witb iris coch-Iblows rnay fal apon. But lot a !malice, on a business basic, a-nd bias 1O. Jenes are tire i,,iLers repýrcsent- juetat int omet ci cagbta-nd buill ya rn about the Daniel yen Yankee go te Canada with b rendj several wnye te do il. Iir cre cd mn Lippincolt's uniquedpat sigit ef Cap'n Dan p lodding up tire kt>ew wiab it meaut, wirat biey in-,csympathiee insbead ef special in- quietly it can>bh made pleasant and 'ment, "Ways cf tire Heur. " PIfosceeý, pali and fiew te meet hum. t bndf-d te do with me-, and yet yenttseoLtbu o1iecc la r rfial.I h rfr t at ilmore Scott, Alice E. Allen, J. Now -aIl tire way frein Keswick alwdm owikbidyit ieLsici agbt te- take cariscf Lues, biere are tire hiily and tire B. E., Cern Waiker Hys n Dan had diligentiy einploycd tiolre'tp. Lt's, past nndersbandiug. bnecif in a irargnin. Let hun bandeuffg."jChriles L. O'Donnieh av credit- tlime in proparing a fitting greeîing Yen were alhways a airly bard oue, listen te lire Canacin side cf the3 Mr. Colline thon prececeste pase îa-hie verses in Ibis M-nu er. for tire two ladies, or, ne hoe hum- but" alter, and loch frein Canada at i revie-xy Canada's ma-w riisjTic"fnshn bc" esnpiýp'ied self ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ixree l u"rcii> i"y"sr mmyitrntd eue ewnn ocies beward tint coun- wiich lire Americans wouid lhike te j hy Wal-lnuts aWine>'asiten ncw bail." But wien Margery sLtieabdeeisn't caine ai try nti ewl idi i-hv uha het ib- 'iPg uoIr JeFý seized bis baud and actuahly hissed:preef )ýof huv. Wien I wae a lacs si.1 'intie -rsi Howil inti cL-baesnc n wirnt tmbr ndpag hme-ee ecio. ddeo :;bte Leed sorry for birneoif or asbestes. "Canada canbir mistrese ipnoîsMgaie nIW-b him, bis ced chreks fiamed crimnisn1use-c ( l te bhmuk ny moIrýer a nughly "c- o etinstainbiisyigo qarPiaepiu as bis bandanna and every frag- cruel ima1,' bib whaî; î'm gay setl SstIlering uutry.' wiof certin sitation," ire ensigeSqaPrldepma 'ment of bis speech hne-ehy deserted uP 1ueotira-t sire icked me ceai weeh A COSTLY SLAP. -witr te man hesîntion. Tint 's InEeyo'sMgze hum. ancea-b eften. Tire ways o h aiguctecto fttire niat cr1en bncedcae L>Eeyoys Mgzn e "Eh, Missy, wira- a beadpiece yen Lord are wonnecful, lnddie. vin ig ptreqetino baetra-troiprcciîy muet irc discuissed May, Eleanor Franklin Ega-n writeà bave gel." tinkini' tira-t yan e' these days51between tire two countries Mr. aI Ottawa instead of Washington." i rom tire FacrEaset of "TicreIegimne When tire sha-dows were a-ga well ia-w ho lîankin' Hum for Hie Colline accuses tire McKinley tariff Attention is next directed btirte in China"; a-nd hem aIde -'re -prc- ait, k - E, w'- 0 îH cf"cntin Cnad efmn da."estc-lisiment of subsidized sem skeIp,'dean-Ecentw the phasto'ordlinSCt8 ho engtheuing on tire and lire train c ofelpin' C nadtofnt apac " " tira-t began ils jeumney by tire grey ;demr ea-w are, wîd nec ta ntmums bile 1Arnericans were censiderîng sirp ines te Great Brita-r n sd afie ae ne«: rui e o Ga rnesiy C -ele and an' oýor p rtendin' tia-I we canut cIer c untries in the adju cîrent Europe, Soumth Am erica, M exico "Hea res. a m es o l ie- V e wonhd e-nd il on lie edgeoef Bran- tel mire fra, colid groud. iù, of tira-t tariff, "Canada, tire be-el and tire West Indies, whici "mn a lini," touls bis recohîeceiens o' grea sty barbr umbled reund thieamai' hec tie Lord fasies Hum- foreign custemer uny na-ien ias few years ias givon tie'Dominion matr, p-ta d peet f e"t curve, a-nd, baltiug a-VTire Bridgo, self abolt us at a-w. I wadn't; anywirere, was cul off, net depiiu- bn per cent. cf ttre Atlantic shrip- king cf instrumente"; hie arr1ia droped le eng eriower -ncli wiere fwoly tumimelt, I'd lel 'emj odiy, but withru knowing sr ping where cire bad pra-ctîcally Di1 o iei Tr arari' ïwac home."hHoytien addp:wneb and ù"PPric-on '" a inpsTe cPntierý11 tire littie skipper on tire phattorn1. <r* t le, a'n Dn, - alhere lie otue dd:neFrbo thienIeosevstra C-taa in silence tlioy cresse itieirier jentto eCa' an7 IImaelefotn.Tebcosrs h CndaPgey almp fSulel but wien tiey etruck lire Mill Field Da-vid cried; "d'ye bear tira-t ï Why, or lwelve despemate yea-rs cie near- is aranging preferential tarif prebleamte a picfreqe rivah Ei by-way, a-nd bebeld tire cnow-wiie sie'd rut> te b-hp lie-m up.- He iy sta-rved. Hec West wae litho dca-le with Britisir colenies a-ad tiratbras tirebag"cfmeaitly.Mariey flashr of tire ca-laa-cl beyond tire tbrew ha-ckhis boa-c and breke in- kuewn and fredt ca-ugirt lie firet foreign countries, ' He notes tira-tPobstey"Tc ileM t" green and facther hack tire tangle- te a- gleoful haîugî,, nd Belia's Lace wirent crope in Manitoba thon, hc. a- trea-ty wili France ha-s a-ready continues wîtir increasing intereeý,t. cf bra-he and thuchet and sîeep- relaxec its st dinpling mIet a cause ef tVire very riciruese of ils been naffected', and adds: taerle Hoyn Gimsden poised weod, a-nd a-wa-y in tiere car Mnilie Tiaha-uatgi wns Dav.id's "In buie, il is certain lia-I ia-ny Hoerrbe" JocepinC.Licoî a cf tire folle tire misty- mounta-in ewn,th firet cire ha-cl heard sit>O cf tire-ce sciemes wihl ho wemked cut lmolise,"Jsp C.Liý1 a orn , m m em ries tiat for y a rs Mich eltual sciredules, andt, tien co r ol k ng N ew E ngland y cl o- ira-cl ionblmee wlc n iee e bar iitr of our big ma-nufactureme ma-y findIied"sH Tine";wie bca-mo articula-te. of c..1nt t nie e ui1npfreg ba eRianer Hoyl Bram-,rda "e The "D'ye romember lirat mrning New, in thiir innocence, Rellia from Toronto, Ha-milIen anud eti'er Cn-igTo, i-isBxo wiren yeun an am boui ieadCp' ead-ltire vie-: grewing industrial centres ocer tbe Goin-' "Tire Fines ofdCap'i a, egi.le(, Yeth"a n ____________________tory as comuplet-e, amnd only te Mac-bre. Cndroslr-mfrc CIz . Trnpo> "Stma-ig1il -gery ha-lda-vd evevscljdtire gap, Wthha-ý hci.labor, and at h( indesrane weld. oHem mihes in Dow, n lrt Cehd ano"ofe - You anno posihly~* iraI mueýt e ihe here.ire cenld hall tre Cot ci othfer soap, w1rpwr r nrou. î ared a sehection c(f deiesa-sca- a ote ososipolaibiieofsaific. Týiat unIg ht dees tii, whole ccodebwnt-f;ete o irydollar-s aredi oima-gind.ELuis Pne b e r r e i n c r e h i b e h m i n tf o i ish n n a l t i . l m e - r b t u d e v e, l o p cn t b e -e - r y B bl e r w î i b e e i n c e r (A fJ n e tirh ae t cf tire yellow ged,lireldi yce Nithout iînjuflgr tain beesOnare an e eee, unmit" aAei h for a niihe, and t on r plae m~±~~îfr-~. a~rî. deiverv water-p3ower eetcc t -b Jos pin urr cou ri ues a pe n il, sefthy whispering-a boýut sixteen dlollars. Tirere is n"ieUkonCd" Vmo "Ne0e yoc) lit ri o nt yet. Yen Us, theii.Sunifght way. eetialponlPlant i nHo0e1aio,_nt-iepnildaw PoIwtihe directionus, tarie tiraI is sa-id te saveoneueth- h-sgecf etleanÀaea f IFarut rto 9i nd u utke lfrm uTil e vm- - salle, dollars a clay hy ruuning at"Littlo Stnies cfReaLi te" hy eomia.This dîtcoc0? n ,tiring-jeuma-do known. Tirelrnys m ai ta n s ir s y te n l r b u t et o y o f tie H a b a k k u k i3 s tilii te ireonigh ', ta k i nrg i s ec r re n t o n liC a l W s n l c e i e L e expla-ined. D-ticle na-me til<opek'an bereurdpctnne f wiuvtcor'sextreme .cobd, Dîi fs ntye. aufcuigas, aaac- ie rmagainIe cer(Icde analge- (Te ire ,ý ' ot cen i n d. xebI"esraid ienCnd cl-oiamk-l oleto c ei - fi a-ns s a secifl instnce. irs T e odcal iteate. Adres Eer Tire ord tirngabout i;a,-ing ieSaes-el otct et "rie aye 'is rend t Arer0ere men gel a- sta-t in ife veut yen frem inkeeping à ilSa~ aruabcr sncb1 tiroy do-it'l kolvw wben le stoîp. 'pe Or, Th~e Girl With the Nut Brown H-iiair and Dreamy- Eyes. 1 9ledeto0ge thber,(la p'n 1Da-n,1lonr.g'W RIGT A EICN long aý~vdaked. 3M NN O 'EIAS "Ay, we were going to -ee missy, un n yucridthe chinie--e iîol E2lover your shouieýr,an-' " J. Il COLLJINS sAîYS CANADA4 "And you sang 'J3io' as, thougb RASXý1i11P HA-ND. it was you wbo we-re the boy. Sing nagaiii, C811Dn, 1ig it again- just as y0n did then, "ing 'i, Davie. -Ay-wel 1lNe Sayst the Domiinion is in the yj ayif you want meý to."1 Position of aserand "Oh, neyer mmdný,- Davie begged, D~ao detecting besita tien ini the tonie, -1 9' ought n-ut to hveasked it. Yeonu "ilt Canada, JJcesain bas aP must be dog tîred." neiglabor to w'1omn ho baies paid scantý1 "Oh, it's flot that, Davie, i'atnio epast geneain e not that. Yeti se Ros a grand sie tîbe fact that s1-ýcje alady chanty when you vo et he'wnd ~a "ù miget1py gooçt ctstorer. '-a fLacs manned '),ru the voyage it be-: lebs pcpuiationi thanPenyana fore you, but I nover fancied it sOo tksaou smcheiu muhwhen I was making the home. rdcea ilAi n ot poýrt." mrî put tgter 3esta nd s S"No? What did you sing theni tidinorVpo'taecmn "The Doxology, hboy. ria; ad' There wa- no sting of jutent in~e retBianan enay the w rds.Y t tU cle Samn d c-es;'t r ezly kr o "d like to sing it noCa'nhor. 1' -rom time ttimo,'ln ,bî1iid- Dan»" 1 ing up bis own, shar' f th de cot>it>il "Sin- what?" eut, be bas stepped on lersubbe "The Doxology, pa Y-odhrtedrette and I togetiler," 5liO er, eibo,,wed lier out 0f t1ic way. Dan's face inmeîwth deligbt. Ri elc ahwvr enan 1Reverent1y ho too)k oil bis hat; excelle-nt stimulant in the end. foliowing,,uit, and the(tvjoMore t, han amything elso, it bas voices, one lusty with life, tho madc Miss Canaida what sbe is te- ether craked b,-y years of use, burst da.Hle has given ber a truly into tha nksgi. -, 1arantraining-hbut she isn't gra'ýltefuil to hirn. The best tbing '<Praise Gocd from wbcm ail blesq-. tb-at e--ver bappen to Canada was in gs-f, 3ou-r 1Uncle a-btshe didr't, Praise Hamum il ceatures here h-. tb-ink so at the Lime. New, bav-ingý low,1cýLft is bard scbools, she is in a Praise Fim abowe yo Heavenly psto to give a Lew lessons in re- host, turn, and is unquesulona-biy geing Pase, Fattuer, Son, and Holy to dio it." Gbost."