t . f lrt ý,',sticîtor and (Jonveyancer.i ýonuy to, joan at esn bi rate.. 48-lyr. Wm. TENNANT, V. S., H ONOIARY GRADUVTF. 0F Ontario VeteipAy ColIei'e.Offlie 1 « rcfMr. WiIIirrn., fotî tiore store. Oalle &tbueîed day or iht. Phore 5'l. 10. B.ýJ.T1azlewaod. M.D.,OC.PJ LIOW ANyVILLE. * ONiT. (;0LD MEDALIST cf ,Tïrinity I1it ver8lty Toronrto; Fnrvearg Attendilm Ph% s!ianqao dstirgeon tMt. (Carmel Hospits Pittebusg. Ks, OCî ie and Reàidence WeIJIgton Rt Tet thove No., 15. iarimte, Solettort v riePublie WILLIAm W ViKK}ttsiil . G. Mi. (4Am;RAiTS (fý,rlner1y ot Boimanvifle) r. Yor-k St., Toronito. The practire formiely earlpd on by MAr- ttie ew tir-m. Mr.Galbra'thli iI e luBov mwvvilfe every Satuiday anti ala durbng thto ~,wtk il ri qulred 2 t We slici thtbusiress iof auat-r, En;-,;ersand others Who realize the adysbl i3,ty of aeiug tleir Patent busies txansacled hy 1e perts. Preliminsryadvice free. Char ges 'l'o',r.te. O urr Irventor's Advlaer sent upon request. Mlarion & Marion, New York Ii e iidg, Itiflui real-.and Washinýton. D.C.. U.S.A.. ~OL mIiîîng ights or the D o-ni--n, î ~~Mailî-b,, *S&ýar-te-wai. Attrer-a. thre v okoît Terricr -thre N)rrtb-W'et 'Perri t rie, andI ritlir 0. Xtmb'a tray re teasetifor- a 1er-m cf twe,;ev -aile s-crs at an &aoii,-r!t -Il tel el an acre. Nul More tiran 2.560tacreswl i be leased tonone atîpticar t AI)plietaimIn for- a teaae mmlt ire malle to the ""Ï" "' Su-Ageî jt n1 te distritela hiwbei liîglrîî apptied f(ir are sittrated 1- rvrr-eed îerritrr-y the tiad mositbe des criSer-t rs- etios. or figal , l titaoti f letîi âa. sud iii tt"air-eyed terr-tlory the tract aielned tor àcatîire sakaeil out. #aCh ap pili-ation rn t be acecrnpanied by a fr-e of $500 whIihmiti hi' re udet iIf riesriglirt airîtte' for are u' t avaitairle but flot otherwle. A - oyaty $thall Se paid ou tIre merctatIre entPnt o1 the mtucs t tire rate ofl ive Ceit s jer- to.. xver-y eiass.e of ecel minlrig hls wbich ar-e rt tel'ig Operatet i-leufr--làie lie diii, iet ggernt et omnIn ands iLlhaa Swor-î, 'Cle- m.-tIret eIT-rt AtX, 1t orîie lu acS ye..,. Tie b a, e wiiInpindatIrleevuol rntbýnkn -Iit vris- belt se ilree m icy ie eritelPur!- be ahaê"e ae-tarleuracerigts ay lie ,ordred irîec'.Al ,, for t ira woký;rk.gof lit mrir'e a-, Il, Cr ate (if t a-ar e. Forfu!I tiîrmrk, .ain tb'-tr'd be Pnaé-e ýl rire Sereîavv' uttire Ieparimsrrî ut tire Qnerue Oawa, or- t-rans- Agent .or tinS Agertu f DomîaIlon Lands, W. W. GORY, Depîty Iie ,er o!,lies Inte.-ner- N. D.- lnthorized parlilcatbon of!tilts ad- ,vertilementl -i nt ire pattefor. 5 - 6m uSynopsis of Canadian Northwvýesl, Land Rlegulalions A NI' r-crPin Un llire sole ireati o! a famnils-or ans- male o-er 18s-ers 01<, mnas- S-meetesi a q-tarter sectilOfo vi ab' r-ndtJduu rlatdil i i toba Se-kalcire«scu er Airerta 'hs applbcant mocst appear i per-- aol' ai îiee OonI,"ioîr.a'd- Agee!v or Soir Aget r-s- for-tire dstrîtI E-tirs- iýroxv maý Ire oîaie et à Y ageilt y. Op-r ertAin eonditlots, nySaie-,r ther. so., de--eSter, brother- or- itiar t e dit.g bometestie,- Pre-1xm-'ntirs' reeldeae opon and cttîtvatiOt, t!4tirslandi ut sacS o!flirea s-ers A Li ncestead-er- may live w-c-luis alite miles or- hi iroitesteuion a farm o0ft et ail s e ie 80olY is-taied ana oceupreti y irs-Sî or iey is faîier motter sein, daugirter irotirer-or FI-ter-, 1itrertain districti a iroate'tudec in gond sitadec.Iz ia- ae tequar-ter- sectiboa ai, g u riïe s-~ht reside six moîths tiseS ýoriix s-tirs fr in date of hiomestead entry <Inelot,jg tlbet m ereqrsqIed b 5c r tomneteatiptet andi cultîvaitefi; ty 'acesextr-a. îeA irmsteder wLo Ibas exhausted biis hm tadt r-tiist andi canîrot oirtaîlo a p-e et~il-i m-ny take' a purrehased Iomeîteat.In 0carýiýaI, (Iiutril, Prices 1.00 per acre. tîuttes-Mtiu.î ce tde six ar-îtlis tlasCihof Ibrea -acs Vuctuvate iftis acres ciel erect c bouse wo-rtb miooü'~.. 'W. W. CORY. Dsputy Mlitister of tih er-Ur N B -Unathor-ized pubicltation o! tjitis d- Veîtliaemeit meu oct ire paiti foc. 5S Sm Piatskr-~lsil againal hije iaw- l fi i hiiIis sbr-cam, can you eill cu'sme stse. Tient aiii ne1(fiai Its ifficu1itfr-a girl w-hla ou- c-,ged t e n lize 1irUw l', k-our un- CURREÎNT TOPICS. la four .-v Ïrs' tim.1e =we may be c.iUic to Say tuai îsl îng i onioint. L, May, penbaps, sciii ha looked up- cilA as a venturesorne praclice, and aionog thia gereral commý.unîity1 ma3î DROTI - an un] rt-i n n'ir-'roîrntie su: 1IULU bU1UIIiL-- Onie Suffered for Fifteen Vears,' tir Other 'for. Thir-1-n. irmraitting warfuare whosoe c- ,wer- meut be)(nwficiat, I>Yifd coua cites enl wo.kil tue fLashi;on anel achieved like resulta. As ani inel*deiil of the, Cam- paign there was a g.,eneral improv- ment ini the mater c- f cleaulinesa, There was a btrdisposition than 'T rT1~AT'-rTY IuI~J.'~I.uIE HI-<111114 DROWSIXESS. ittie ei'sus. -ut Beur gatroQI ,Seo par'silc -.eWrper 3dw 'fsyema en ao e«Wa te tubte a s w0 C~w MTAN&~ , ýo ' 'lK ED~*~ by lie imposition of seeePenal lies ou any one dotecbed in -evad- îug it, yet se great would ha the opporbunitias for- smnggliig, espaci- nlly in tie dur-k or iu miaty w-eu- tlîer, liaI il wuld. wiutdoýbl ho easy te )pi l h efalos radae. Tht air- geing suglrw-uid not, be bound as witb bis mnaritLimie pro- totype hto land ut a favorabLe spot on tlia. coast; hoe could travel far- inlund befone distmbarking. Ib seema impossibletoteenfer-ct any law as te machines being compelled te descend aI a frontier- andtbila implies tliaI cualoms lu lie main will have Wte ho bolisbed. Over lie vust fieldsanad w-ccd- landa of lie country w-be is tient o b prevent lia pr-cgr-tas uf lie air-- shipa h And if Iiey pas higi up lu lie skies w-ho could fiud uny valid objection tei sncb traffie 1 With privule gar-dons and buildings and with machines skîmmiug aloug a. few- feet aboya , hem lie, case may beý Ifferient, but w-ber-aeaurVialino ho dnuwn i1-How- eau au ueronaut disieguisi etw-een a field, a pur-k, and a garýnden'h Ten we- musI con- aider tiý,c<cae (Àf iulostd- groun 'w-hc le ia pubic ilandmitted on payeu, ci as cický]-et u"nd foot- balground1ýs, etc. Il w-lu 1obiloua y hoiposbe epevnaer-l travlers ,fr-cm ivnigover sncb aud nbcbirtghli spur-ýt wihout puymeutn. Stili Ibtis is ne ikoly teý- heom reLLy sericus qmatber. lb> la negoo mkiaig iuw-swih lieý ahilbyte can-' eminto ef- fc-t, -and ibiis lasontc f Élie grant-1 esbt di1fficuiespr-esnig efte the wud-eegaa ocf Lie air n yUie uc-rte ail lit difi ntunied my hasaýid budep 'dIe- t l 1,2on bcpossihii' fiig ii, ug te;heot thl a- reatersi. Ev en1 pur-ad biscuits wena catea by ignor- ant peasaut childr-en, w-ho expeni- enced ne iii a-ffect." This is al ver-y iutareatiug, but the sehe-neocf exter-mination for bic r-ts and safe- îy and encour-agenroent for ail olier for-ms of hîfe is bardly a novelIy. Arilsfor whieh the sanie claimsa are made hava, beau on lihe markt for somo lime and goed resulîs have beeu obîaiued fronilies.- Rats bave been kuQw-n te appear lu ltae old baunns, how-even, uflen a promisiug dean-np. They become w-ar-y of 'hie r-apsanaud ester-ie aa cunni-ng liaI seefls aimeal super- naitur-al. Tht cr-ying need laé for a systamalie campaigu of axtermin- ation luýw-ieh tht, whole human race sha l aite par-t. tan Fr ancisco bau1 lie estampIe wheu ils people none frigblened by tht bubenie plugue.. Il carried on new vigor ùte tire ner-es andi new cOalor tb the cheeks. Isa agirl 's, eaithti behosaerifietin ordor- liat s ainay pas iigh ut exai- - iatou lime? la bs er- future bappncs te- he iakýeti-for examntienïmarkýls,? Mirs. S. A. Beuey, 92 Char-lejtte st., Brantford, Ont., writes: ttMytiu- ter w-as atetingacool andtihle close confiDneent Ud applealion tb ber- e3chool w-or-k exIiauateýd ier- uer-vous ys 1cma so0tatlie suffýeea agreat deal w-thhadce and w-as ver-y nons-oua,. irritable and easily exeiteti. "I pr.ocuir-ed Dr. Cbaýse~s Nerve Food for ber- and -e ocun joticed mur-lied imprevemieuit lalier hat.Th i had- ach'es wer-ntir-ly nreti, ber colon ho-_ camle -btter and hen systei -a strengthned (land biiit 1uP. I con'siter Dr. Chase ' Nrv Fo a sp)lendcid mecdicino for There ,isla ntiing liko prjevnting Ïser:i- and -adtht er-vouasytnisr- at heatiyant li vtalily of 1tboi cetsa ox t ail tiealers or0 dmacon miontrales lie renar-kaile pow-er- cf Vine! te creare strengti and bniid up iea-lth fer- oki people aller aIl other meuna bave failed. As w-e have yelte leur-n of an eld pers-on w-be bas aven rtaken Vine! and bas net becu beunefile-d by il w-e unlîesitntingly uy le au.y fechle oid per-son lu Ibis Vow-u, 0co!müe and gel a. hotîle cf Vnland lyil. if, iduots yonne goc, w-e -il! etn y'our mouey. We mate tis off-en te show- ocr fui ,Jury-. & Love!!, Druggisls, Bowmuuviii_ýe' WHERIE 'TAXES BELONG Ced did net mate, thte-rI for- landierds; fHe made Il forthie use cf ail. Thercfoe tgor-eidots net belong ho lundiorda. Greý,und- r-cnt is lb-e price oýf a ling liaI balougs le ait, and te-eoodees iself beloug Vo al, ïaid sbontd ho used by lia gover-umeut for- the t enefit of ahl, and siouid net hol given to a favor-cd few, The land- lord himself should thrè-ngi luxa-ý tion puy rent for-thie land he uses, for th-oland he iota others use, and for- the land ha bhoida idie. Wben lie: governmneu f ails te l ax fr-cm hlm a fuir reut for lie land ho pea- stases, lb Ihen-hy perils bics lu piuder- the public reso-.whtu il lails le tax fro-m lini lie ground r-ont which he taxes -oea ils ton- unt, itl belpa lm us t r-ehLa fellow-- creulure. Whenîilfalsbtav fr-cm b-e holda 1dp, il mpieus1y gi-es' t(, hlm lie ver-yIbn7 ia od gave te ail, a -nd mkighsi is a mnaster cf God's hcuhesil ,0s mlaltes is mu-ber-f ielivescf those w-be muet ucdutseîc' boulies. IJutil landIor-da have ,-ýopulU lia taxes Iiey ougil ho puy, lter-e is ne hax that any eue oIteougit te puy. Wben lundiords do pay tise taxes tlsey ougit te, puy lire w-il I hoe ne aed cf any'ov o-taxes.To i luxy notiing but lit alecfln wouid 1liftI'a bur-dea fr-cm nswhe puslaud cîte use auld de11ne 'iju- licee lm iiho hela anUike Tien w-ýhy notl put taxes -be1ýr-e î1;1ey belong-A G.Bee. 1Ever'yboffykulow-a liaI othirp- pie mt itks TAKE MORlE SALT. Ëeaith aud good looks are in- separable, and in the exercise of methoda and remedies for the pr-e- servalion of outwarcl beauty it must net be forgotten ltaI a good diges- tion, rich blood and weli-knit flesti are essentiais Ili the formula (if beuuty.' We- wanl te say a word about sl as a facter in the build- ing or the bouse beautiful -in which the wornan beautifui resides The Russians are in the habit i beginning with a slice of bread spread with sait, This for- a r-chshi and the slimulating effecî il has on the gatric fuuctio.ýs. A sclution of sait und wuber- lakesiearly ia tie morning is un excellent tonie. One cause of Irish peasant beauty ia Iheý use of sait on potatoes eaten three limes a day in youth, resuiting ;n' complexions of red arnd white, won- derful strong huir- and perfecî health. Centuries ago Pliny counled the au*rain ie latcsot sae, vastly ireaste bs tyi fr-oery fil ~d--- r at pongh~îgwttlahiouterkiz teciniI a ae bu u we willtnt ou j sun and SuIt us the most life-giv- ing thinga ln lhe v. or-id. SalI basi an important w-or-k as eue Of tht vali'abie cnîtunsof slrong, ,oilthy bloed, undlanewv uaed medicaLiy as lb noverbhm be-en befont, w-bile its application lu mnas- sage ila assuret .uccess. Possibly Sait bonbons May dis- ,,place sugar eues in our social r-e- gime, and salI beiug preservubivo, il muy yel furuish lie elixîr of 11f e. BATH FOR '£tHE E YE. Iu case cf exiaustion of lie eyes on of simple inflammation f ew Ihingsaufferd more relief than the eye bath. No apocial. appliances ,are netded. Any amaîl cup of giasa cari ho used. lb should ho quite filied w-iIh w-aten us bol as the' oye eau heur and mach oye heid in :t for aI iat five minutes, lhe w-aber being tept as htot us en he borne. TiseHuas Tesled I.-Dr. Tio- mas-'Eclecttie 0R1 bas heen on lhe 1market upwards of tiny years and lui- liaI lime il bas pr-oved a, bless- iag hothbosands. Il la in higi laveor lireughonl Canada and its -~~ ~cia'-as-ared-ts-f c-me a-- - v1ossd Ihe ceas. Il bus neoeuail lie w-boit lisI of iniments. Il il w ere double the price il weul h acluap liniment. PlDING B, 'R PANE. aniLescent. Wiat la lcesensation of niding uin arpac' Il la peculiarly exhuauatuganýd uidtebogînuing, frms per-s(ons_, fuillof suppres- ced ~ ~ 'h uxiiret h ahn iscs more clanli. t au eexaton of Tis e raUterine T,,Dic, and, 1 '- ol aee cui toti e,.. dep~nd Lold I thn eree 4ô of sreg tro. i; Ne. 2, S for egIlosrtronIr ists o sen '5y iruggLm ts, "opr aeibýx erepail on rece ttof pr-te. -'roe apamphlet. A dre.S1 S: COOK MEWtoWI GTinONTO, ONT. {Jrse4,W-ader say a hundred feet, i7ou woul-d bh unconscious of any movemIent whatever but for the wind that fans your cheeks-and wvhisks off your hat if it be not held s.ecuirely. The operator punaj a lever, the aeroplane tilts to one aide and maltes a sharp turn to riglit or-left, 1 but you are flot jerked about iii your seat as you -would ho in an) au- tomobile, or even in a ruilwuy car. Now you are fucing about, to-ward ihe point of depurlure. The grounid far below, seems suddenly to be i'ushing, along at a tiîrifle speed, although the wind againat your fa-e has nol perceptibly chianiged. YVou 'are nwgoinig with tLhe wind. As youapproach the stýarting place thec onductor stops his motor whle the imachine is stîl'iÀhhi the air. 1t bas heen whiring ih deltein sund, but Tin your e- cilemîn you id -Jnot notice il until il ce-ased. The1 eolaedie dcwnwardi oh]-.iqnlyý, and aligbtis after a, glide ,of pr aahude feel. Althoug i. may descened ut the speed cf a m îUe 1a intet, there is c arn asneof aheck that it momet whn iltouches lthe ground, -r re V(:tC yOu thab Duý ise's Olontuent ïs a certain and aelu.cure fe sanie anti evory forirm of Itch;ng, b1eedingand protruding ples, the anatuehave-g,aranteecd il Ses tes- ttron i 1:zin 1thc dailv presg anti asiryourneig-,- go our mmnts- hamk je not cu-e(. Oca box, af ibSUE NO, 17-61, ff 1 eh]. e_ ..- - - 1-1 i i i k i ! i 1 j 1. . . , . - . - - - - i ÀL- - -VÀS-- 1 -r r- The conlvinorng powers of a testîmno- tlr adie t abg &l i!Sleepîuessilsa ainormai and ihealthy perieuce, butmoat v;eh to oe- na e-eny more cioarîy siîown manner-ocf filhc Thtb jacl sho1u!d Acondition whenil Ï,ocenîs at lhe pie tiilhav ms4 a tp ad may thn l thecas urM. Huga Erown. A brothier, Lemneýý1L bowni, of Avondale, attrt-iathee f ity authienii- nua bdiand heilo e vl ow ahnsadmlaa-N.B., r-catin i. te paper about lon, lies eeyhre eas lc tooai vreo-n.Bti mua dil r-ns I h ie laIJohn Costigan b)ei!ng cureti by "Fruit- boh ,e uli batha-ie alxvaya assotialed withi sleep. a-tives." Knewing the Senetor weuld ei-ri regulations haae cuti a-nmedicine wih ad Serre er-sons in perfect healti auJl t i b se a thwhicnro thtsexcellent sileupersa-dyuw -e lub uctd.Tt"rl f i uret i hm, Mr. LeucIBrewn triedr Oiyki(,-7L ron" u tt ir us heselie, Fruit-a-tive5." 'lhey cureti hlum cf pr-ead disearoN, dsry annnoa ily nîcuning of dr-owsiness; -they are nO c_'tid hronJ(Inigstonantid msiat-o ny millions of -dollar-s' vurh faciv mnally and physieally un- as aIsc h usto stu nhethox so he ur-ýg,,ti.bis broLher te rry thein. mthnie n ud adcnel they ar-e ini bed; then sleep t I bl-ceints aI once, and when il leaves intenatinal rontors r-o e be s~s~ -~ muci damage indir-ectly.- Experi- thon e h mor-ning lhey ar-e again rcapete, ud i sil weter ni-cc deinenstrates liaI lhey de- in fui] mental awaloeness.- xerulfrenliae ua rsai. he jserve ail tinut is cemning lieurem and There are tess fortunate persons cons h sbe-tcftt wer-aiipstiseamrfofitmaue who nover- have a complele and 'Lle iti ,pery sai-sfacîer-y night' r-est who ar-e cf th air above pnîva t, pr-eer-ty -' - .,' amcalconstuntly d-s;t-bey The, German offic-ers sîilli continue ar-e always ncdding, but when the hy wîciiawsmayho nferceduedheuad touches the pillow steep r- the registatuinadieuiiain~ ehleoIu ivsioneE--codes, and the nighl is, a successison cf aeriai ahie car-r-ed out. i.Y ud would ho, praclicubie. Whilecfroy lapses le sleep with tht lutere itenaionl r-nlir- ~thteuLiglish ieet la vastly ouperior inst ant relurn of semiconscion S- te tiaI of Gerau, e pey cf"ts. have heen fixed by,, naînral divis- ocuIinnol efon e gener-ul, with tht exception ioens of land and wbrsncb as thte n'E'hb ewe hîl i- oe t h einn fIi t a cait or rr-tenbaikîý, or clear-iy issps sear atcle, drowsiness la abriormal, deficd srip cf roud. ~ . ~Channel, and the Germun war- ves- and indicutes soracthing nrn huescf dmarc.tîo ar netcaaiy ~ ~ :~:;~-,31i- selamight lhopje tecoutrol h lhrin 'tht body cftht auffrer crosed y tosew h n ai t de Harian N Oc 2St 197 Icr-ssiîg f Iat arr-w snpe o abS habits. Thosý,e who ha - a 7 naeuad -lt-out inter--p Tiade-stlir-uuhiI l -li' nei Erln - tal uto te rqursof sep il-, ai0,-ti.nigIF ohes"id und the bur-ne, ps iij be -U) t h FIEug-'Fltht yea'rS al-d g-rew w rse My te mybuIlcuddcaepaouthafroo and earyeeig noLr- eau al-icial obstriietiona be (,,,ho was ur ofterrible lmdl9cestron rybt'p(aeiitl, non al retdso as te ho insur-mountable b)y Fut--lvs after auffering -for London. WVe simply r-iter-ate our- u ,unferlunavety, afler- tht la- 15 yens-s), rccrn-menL(de t eatry 1t1iies hle Ia hi ab ' Lun of digestion wears off, tht by ai-hiv onderful tablots. I bour'tht b1ea ef , h; trm tu 1 hiera, d rowsiness disappears, and then, do7zan boxe, antihveirt ib-ht th3 and liaI tht ermafficers miglît r-lieved of bis blurdien, the persea 1i o. aet ai l knds or- hearty foeti-wl suy h_ -iak fte er st8ipt i ers"gitik Wear'ethon euiled upoe 1 51-lwihou;,t distross and arn greatly lin- .lsud h1.mr . h1-gr,"it pbai ors>aanlmk an-e a oatvitl qeston.Arepruvet inl evcry way. "rîtatv-"w-ho narroW-ly escaptd drowuing ingý in tisaI way te diake up for thse a most ita queston.Arealso cureti the Chrlo Constipation aenonautfs te bee allowed te traverse, wbh wac s-o dittrese1lng in ,rr-uv-5'"whileunuder-goingmesin fehurtstyttdrwies.f e <Sig-ncd) IIUGH EROWN.' said us lhe came up sputLerinir' ot bno isoleaig these frontiera witheouh hiIdr-aîce, 50ü, a box., 6 ror $2.50; o, trial br 1, o'- e bd belimles, and gel tht seven or muaI hhey de an t fr-entier- 25'ý. At deaie,-s or rroui Iruta-ie,1Somehady's liki I-o loe a vallon- or tiglît heurs ci' continuons siee-, staios to epo-thheisîNe ~ Linriteti. Ottawa. I he nigger some o f the'se dptyls y Ihal he needs, bis duytime, and lie fo, nrme rmAny laws und rf-ula this hbore fcli'" Tihe rma eveuing drowsiness would disap- uponga regular evc-w-us in- vietildhoieiy jle.s a ver-y valu- pu- he could do mer-e and boîter infr awul ueurab-ed cf police. patroiling1 tht e h d - fr-k, and find life much mer-e en- ed. Those regar-ding passpor-Is,I air- i n extra swift flyr-s îîey could al army if by ttm. t n-jyable. allen imuigratioîî, und the like scldomn foilow- and catch up Irans- vada ,Eugiand. A stighl dr-owsiiness la oflen noticed woul be seiouly pset Bu a resors sine i wold fte beafter a iearly meul, because active n eud h se-îouly pse. Bu a~greacra aice l wold ftei be- - ~ "digestion dr-uws a greuter volume far mer-e seriotns matter- la tht col- psil ecue oifrainv n f blod le lie stomuch se tintthle lection of customs. Even 5uppos- ]te îhom lu lime. Tient cas he.rio 'IA r 'L ibrain ilaiîelatively pooriy auppliod. iiîg il w-rt nul possi'ble te cu.nvey idoubltint an intricate problem is~l uesuhr countries tis large cargoas cf gocds, and iler-einow coufrontiug us regaiding lie odnyifareadtessa 's neo good reuson wiy Ibis shouud amefndinig and makiug cfiîula,ltEnd"orse Vinolfa- The P. tale ltcuuamu!C ane"sna I e nsi'toi. XVith us tie alrdne net hie dont sons-e day, stili it would regulaîn liat Ir-affie w-iii comiecf Bd uiradSrnt of black coffee oflen drive1_s1 undobedly Iha possible tre curry uIs heliev-ýe wili soon ho darkculng %u-ay thtif mpulse te sleep-wiier par-cela cf 1i ond r se. lb hie air aboya our-imadaCotr uyod o'olfo odor.1my oli e i 'saci anu meunt eau he lta ___ Cn ak.physiotog-isîs te eernn Sometim-es we heur- of attueka cf ultroughu tie air- fr-et of dur-y il steepineas eccurring suddeniy ut would manifestly bave le hc aliow- Hope hia been exprcased over- a "At 75 yeari a u beum 5 certain per-iods cf lie day r-u cd equaiiy te lanci travelars. (oi- 1 nov r-ut kîller liat ha itou lIr-o- r-un-dowinard ucut ha, Iwa dis- lrgu i r inlervals. Thcec alo sldr-ugbu le rpîit an tsaduced. According te repent itlibas cour-aged. tdtlcnmuydigeiiamenrai, and lu sucli cases fer-eaumchnsae iey obe scesfil se o Ol ntenc arsiccins w iler-e is almost nîwaya seme poison tra sel hiyc ac i es a e iFra oI en uce sfin E-l andae d GeoI r-ly ta wee pr-srlit For- m thout at work lu lie i rvous centera- Ir-vl he cuid be employeci con- F ntbtlaE ln adGr-gaînîng l insre-ngn.A fied ad- usually a self-munufnetîîrcd poison tinuaiiy goiag te and fr-e over- tht many. Il is net a Poison but a vised mie ho try Vin! aying tlint which, because G ;q made lu hec ficalior, and se îr-ansporting lange virus that communicutes a fatal dia- iý w-as a ccd liear irc niedici«ne gront quantity, or because coustu- quanLities cf dutiahia gooda.- Li-, case oth ler-ts, drives them fr-cm seld ou a positive, guar-ante 0 uic r iue isae rve the cutom mut b enirey ili teirusul hunt an maes illulbenefit or meney iefýuridid. I e its rap'd eliminuhion, accumulates in lie c teus m~t a etiny duetit' uualbanIs ud alts hm ided ho do se and Ial' giad te the s 'shom. aa~y-with or w-e areu fa-ced w-lui a grr-cd lu fr-cm ten days te 1w-e weets. cuay liaI il built me up w-nderfui- An esseutial in tie Irealment )f second alternative, that al uer-l It wiil net barmn domeshie animais, iy. 1 gained lun tr-iît ull1 I suci cases is diet'ng. Meut sbould veasels muaI descend ut lie cas- and "once, w-be-ne tie Germuan gov- fell 11k-e a new man. I cousider- 'h given up foir n lime, ah loa, toma 1bouses te deelIanýo ein cr numeat ma<ce an expeniment wiîî Vînol tht, beat tonie in th-e or-idlIand tIhe only beveravro allow-ahîe is go. Ticughinluthe ordinary w-ny biscuita seuked lu tht virus, in al forrisdowny Pu." uchYon a -te-or-nshl,-on's Coi- it- arig-h-t , osible te enfeor-ceIbis' certain village, soea cftbese pr-e- 1 Torishi ou, P sta.e panionde In spring and sumnier "Crown Brand Syup ,s o-uld be more largely used by Severyone. It simplifies the inaking of dl n cions dishes to such an extent that hoeuse keeping becomes easier in everyway. Crown Brand Syrup eaten witTi bread. toast, biscuits, pudding, porridge or pastry, provides sustaining dishes that plaethe1 palate and don't overheat the body-dishies thait are plain, whoclesomie, easily prepared and easily digested and at tue saine tume very n i s-ý-hing. Wntyo)u try CROWN BRAND SYRUP? When yvou tnkof its pnrity, its whol-esomneieSS, of ail thle dainity and dlet-lihtful dishies you can make with it,-whlen you thiink of ils fine "hioney-cre-ani" fiavor ar-d'clear'goldeni colour, -and lîow it will save you trouble and bring variety to every meal-don't you think il worth your while to order eome. Chiîdren blirive on il. Aduits eujoy il, Fei, yor onviene Crown Brand Syrup j, put up i 2 5. 10 and 20 ait tigiri tins with liftA Ill-J. ýj The Edwardsburg Starch Co., ULkated LSTALIS HED C.88. 0 'Works- CARP)INAL,, Ont. OficsMOTRM, OONTO andiBANPR _7T hen you buy Paintcget the real ins It is ex travagant and foolish to buy and pay for paint, and lnstead of paint, get a mixture contaîning cheap adulterants. Pure paint-fle real tlîing-spreads casier, covers more sur-face (and, covers it better) and wears longer than aduiterated painit. Pure paint is far luore econonilcal to use, pure paint gives tne hand somest finish. Pure paint inaures your against paint "troubles", the cracking, the ileeling, scaling, etc. that cones froin the use Of rlipUrîleS. Ii£aulisk" liquid Final is pure pant-ma de fr-ou 70', pure whi Icad (TBrandram's flB. Genuine) 3oy% pure zinc white, pure linsc-ed cil, pure turpeutine and dryer. It will give you the greatesis satisfac1tion and save you euoney on your painit Hui. Madle by Bran&',arn-FHederîoni.imuited, in' 45 shades in addition to black and white. Corne ini for a color card. 3