Rice & eo. opposite post Office. Phone 66 * China Hall Orocery *S Seeds. S r edi . Quaity ceunts in Seeda, Get Veur seeds f romn F. A. * Haddy. FlowerGarden and Field Seeds in baik an d in *paclkages Fresh and reliable'. Canned Peas Cern andi Tomatees 8 for 25c.E 4. Oranges froim 12e te 60c per, dozen. * Grape Fruit 4 fer 25c, ____Choice Layer Figs 10e per lb.E TId-SéTs ut flargain prîee frm. .5uFînp.4 * Dinner Sets at Bargains pries frem .6 00 up.E 4. Bee our etcec pattera ln nen' Limoges China. QCups and Saucers $3 50 per dez c Yen cau select a n'ec1 Dinner Set in these geods for 620.00 * CHOICE BUTTER AND EGGS WA NTED : ~,A.HADDY,+ *~Cina Hall Orocery I IVOW JWe hvavery havystock at present of thveryJ~ betfurnicure la ail grades andi can ofier you bargains your odr efe ofdn we ecan pieuse you in style, finish a nd price. e~ I Uphe]stering donc on shortest notice., Furniture coverings always la stock at loweBt possible prices. I Undertaklng is a speciai branch of our busin 2ss an i Jalwnays reeives persenal attention day or night. We el ma Pli exta hrg29rdstne.Hmpo Brno hnae ay xracare9o isaceFa.t ALAIN M.W L1A 4ie9 Phone 58 BOWMAN VILLE. WE WAINT YOUR SEED. We have jus' purchased a nen' up-to date Seed C]eaner and are now preparel te handle ail kinde of Ciover and Grass Seeds cleaned or uneieaned a id te, pay the hlghest marxet pries. WE WANT YOUR GRAIN We, are aise la the market as usual for aIl kinds cf coarse, Grain, such as Barley, Buckn'heat, Oats, Peau, Bye and Goose Wheat, aIl cf which we are, prepared te store and buy at store- heuse up tewn, our elevator at G. T. R. Station, or te buy if stored at the Public Elevater, Port Darliagten. WE ARE STILL .5ELLING COALD At $6.75 per ton at Harber & G. T. R. Station and 87.25 per ton delivered te ail parts of the towa. Pea Ceai $1.00 per ton ]osa; 25 cents par ton, off- for Spot Cash. Carrying in basketsextra, We aIse have splendid Threshîng Ceaiat $5.50 at liarlor or Station aad 6,00 up town. Uo.alhUes in Wood, Charceai, Cernent, Lumber, Shingles (metai and woed,) Rex-Flintkote and Asphaît Roefing, Doors Sash, BiEads and Mouldiags. Special attention te pianing and U meatchng, resawing and dressing lumber.P- Klngs:t., East, Beanville. Port Hope bas lately been supplylng Caaths Susîgro t e, Cobourg, nithiIa fir quota of lumates. Charles Sleep, uar- rested aI Port Hope, came np before fIe Houer, Jutige Bensou, anti nas sentenLeelte i mouîhs in the Central Prisoni, lFraI i lhh, Port Hope, n'as sent tio' te aulfer six m ntýs on a dlruni u ki i ' er1y charge. Cobarg n'lll sonhe a great raihwus' centra. Acta te incorporate Cobourg, Port Hope andi veok EhectîloRail- n'as' Cr art he Cobourg Radical Rail- wvaY nere passeti bv lIse Ontario LeZîs atura Remerniber ahh huces lead tb C2obourg tnciud(ing Ise G T R Ferry. Thesewn'h thIhen sev l plant anti S Fon'elh's pen"f tr xtensions iii1 Sleepy 1Hellon' "ake Up."ý i I I TEACUIERS FOR BOYS Ous (f 0ntarlho's most suceessful sdnu cators, who taught a Public sehool liv several veais and bas had n'dse ppor tn1ni'v for testîig the n'erk cf bundredý of other Public Schooi teachera since expresses his opinion on a recent edi torial appeaning ln Ibis paper in ih( follon'lng article te wbieh we gladij accord apace: It was wlth mucb plessure thzt1 reat inluyeur îPEue cf Mareh il. yen editorlal "An Apr.etl for Male Teaeb err,.'* Thesa remarks mie very tlmelv, While ne reasenable pcrson wenhé ) tecry the palnstakiog andi coascientlom and capab'e norlr cf multitudes cf ou: properly claîmedt iat an efficient n'c i nana toacher le lnfîiltely better than au incapab!e man 1taacber, 3et if boshi the rEbooi are te learn te sec things frona the masculine point cf lsn'-t( learu courage anti houer and honesty and igh-mindedn4css as a rloht-thinking mati understands and practices thesB qualltes-thay must leara tbem from s, Surong man. Andt Iis ls thte Important thlig:flot what amount cf knowlsdge the ber May acquire, me machs as the qualitles ùf charac.er he devalops. But If capable men are te be secureti for eur schocis, the, mut be pait mû,rethau laborers in the dltch. MINISTERS AND CIIURCIIES. Sacramnent service at th e Methodist. cburch nexi Sundaî, Rer. W T. Bunt, pastor cf thse lip- tist Chureh at Sprlugfnrd, bas accepteti the unanimons eail of the Essex and Woodeleo churches anti wil hae with shem fer Suûday May 9. The newhy-eiected ocubers cf thse Methodist Epn'orth League are: Hon., Presidet-Rev, J Garbuit; President -Mr. E. A. Levell. 2ad Vice-Miss M. Cryderman; Brà ;aMs A. Polard; 4th Vce-Mr. Hobart Knîght; 5th Vice -Mies L. McLean: Secretary-Mr. M. Bradley; Cor. Secretary-Miss F. E. Cne:Treasurer-M liMlIcoî Ellott; Orgait-Mlli Aura Caldwell;ý Con. ven-er cf Floral Commte-Miss Grace Tr wln. Gocd prcgram andi reception of rien members nexi Monday eveaing. Came, OBITUARVI M P.s. TRomÂS HAYCRAPT, BaL;)alL-' Mrs. Jean Lawrle h-Iyrafe, isilct cf the late Mr TIses H 13 craf t e! Myrtîs, Ont., (wbe fer miny seurs rejided lu Darlington) dled on Tuesday,, April 27, aItar a few days iliness, la ter 88,,h, sar. Deceaseti nas bfora in Gladde:â Dili, Lanarksbire. Scotland. and n'as a dughtcr cf the lat3 Mr. James Lawrle, who came te luis country wlîh bis faut ilv and settled near Bowmarîville, 0f a fami!_y cf aine eblîdren Ibers la non' oniy eue anrviving member-1Mr WM Lawrle, Salema, near Ben'mrnvhie. She livedt t a greater age than ans, i! bier brothers andi sisters; if she hadti i d te Mav 13, ase would have celebrated ber 8,h birtlsday, Rer late Isbn predeceaseti her five sears eýgo last january. Shace bis deatis abs bas made ber home wlttihber obtîdren, sçending ber closing days aitise resîdence of ber son. Mr. W. Jlla3-cunît, Reeve of Whttby Township,, wbere after a fen' dtiy.' Ihîniess abs parssd te tho ren'ard cf a faithfut Cistian life, Doceascd was for mans' years a member cf the Bible Christian Chut ch, and aiter tise Union, cf the Methodiat chancIs She heavea two dauagbters', MrN, Rchird BligIsI. Mýrtle Station, anti Miss E E, Ha3craft of the e ditorial staf!Ie journal, and ore sin, Mr. , .J a' craft, Broolilin, -The luncral wilh tahe I place Fias'atev'noon te Gzoveide I cemeters', eonth cf Ilrooklirs, It is net death te die t To leave this weair rat And wiîh, the sainteti cnoe n àl4gh To at b'orne Witt God' Jeans, Thon Prince c! Life, Lihe 'Iheotise euqeiuh srf Toceg lhTe nhgs gave a sketch cf bisý eductienal c:ireer which wll be found on au tnside page cf thîs paper. Bon'mauvihle degs have beeau-poison- ed, fourcf thena Wesee by The Guide that the much prized bull terrier cf Mr. G H. Ralston, Port Hope, n'as poli-orîed, on Saturday. Inside a= are speclally newsy this weok, uret Topies discusses air- shUps and what effeet ther mîtv have ta social problenas. Henrv Clope'.3 sermon- ette lî verv gond reading. J. H.I Collins' talk on Canada on an iuer page shexs'd be îead by every' American reader. Mr. Collins camB orer bers from Nen' York and bas talk- ed plr.ly te U S people aine. 1Mr. Robert Hon'.. C. E., Chief- Mun- Iipal Inspecter , CanaiIan F ire Under- Wilson, assistant, n'sre ia tewn hast Thursday making an inspection. Friends cf Mr. W. H. MeCallurn, Ciers: cf Hope, and Secretar-v cf Port Hope Fair. wilI be sorry te learn that he bas beau very iii, but under Dr. L. B. Pen'er's care li>e la non' eonvalescing Kimbail M. Merrison, a Bon'manlle Ber, n'rlts eryinstructive letter te Oronc News, decribing hon' from a Birminghamn, Ais., 12th fijor cf a sky Fcraper a 17-stores' steel buÈdhng ls erected. The uinth amnuai meeting and con- vention cf thse Canadian A.qsociation for the Prevention o! Consumption and other forms of tuberculosis is to be htid hn Hamllton on Weduesday aud Thurs- day, Mas 19 and 20 next. Lindsay' Oddfellon's paraded ta ehurch hast Suudav 150 strcng, their ouhy Lade being a buttonhihe bouquet cf carnation nd smnilax. 1ev, J, P. Wilson,BA. pastor cf Cambridge Methelst ehuch, 1preached a me3t sîcquent an'l aperop riate sermon. Mr. là. BrImmeIl la Noblei Grand of LInda Lodge No 100 Mr. John Kerr, wbo bas lived all bis lite seutis-sast cf Brooklîn, fell S@ feet f rom a lben t at a barn raisiu g on Mr- Wm Smitb's farn a'st seuth cf Brookla station and died through the night. ÏRis eldest soun'was kilhed on the railroad atî bildhand a Ion' years &go. Great s3 impatby 's fett for the bareaved famlfly. We cong-ratulate Ehmo Sigson' on ýpasslog bis final exama at the Rla LIllege of Dental Surgeoniz, Toronto, a receilIng the degres cf Doetor cf Den- t tal Surgery. It Wll now be Dit. Elmo J W. SIsson. Dr. J. C. Devltt bas been fortunate ln seouring the services cf Dr. Sîsson, n'ho brings wlth hlm the lateêt t unethods ln dental aurzery. 'Dr. Sisson ( .5 ne stranger to Bowmmnylile citiz7,ns, s and n'en'elcome hlm te our tewn «ns sa g profeesional ma,. 1The thlrty-nlnth annu'Jl report o! thle -e aoyal Bank of Canada bas been pubr $ àieo in a very attractive bock forma iýs des the, dîfferent statemeuts, natues ef directors, officers and abareholders tatI photos cf a number of their -officesI fi u-lifferent ceuntries, the book contains p ý-7lme VAluable information cf the S'atis-I il 'es of tha Dominion cf Canada. 0O er Iàf one hundred branches are ln eperation, c bhers being two or more branches la d every province of the Dominion.t EPWORTH. LEAGUE EXCURSION Elc für Scattle ! Rer, S. . BartletI, GenEral Epworth League Secre:.ary, .30 Tmperance St., Toronto, wrltes us tIsaI the excursion via G. T. R. anti oher Arncs te the ehghth Intearn; lp Con- ve!mi aI Seattle Jaly 7 te 12, promises tlbe one of greaten y atFopos are god for a rspraseatnll.,vzFCanati&n delegation, Be dtiares tc heur frona eý-ierýonewnho thInks cf gotng onrithis helpfuh trp. Alprlaasa acos", rouIa, pregram, ete , wlhl h sent on avfllcation. Canadian Epworth Leigue sîficlal train wifl lenve TDoate aI ,t8 aia Jane 80, anti arrive aIt icaîthte Jais' 7. Round trip lare $71.lO ct, lg i ChcgDenver, Cclorado, Sa li Lat, Ciy, Portlandi, relurulngLviaVnov ejr, Winpgor other route ccodn te choies. Ahaska.-YukoL-Pachfls Exi positIon n'iIl e heýltiat' Sou41tIl lue1 1e OctJ16 A tnp te(is C"hg nit kininei sirts.checeof route home, anti pecll prviieea nf,)rtietisliculd mLtIbisa epun rexcurýrsinWrite 'L.r ST.artîtfor fldr t ay, af ou th wi Jc ol bl I ~OWMANV1LE, APR 2, 1909. romo, Kirby LAnd Nwatenw r Fielings buaet Two hbundrüd ilquer Ilcenses will be Finance Mînteit ctci a iI ntr speech shows kt illion and a hialf sinr- Acou fLcaadOhew plus and no change in the tarriff. Apper-olun aoIr pcIae.d(hk-w The T. Eaton Coas een awarded Drill ln Schools! by jas L Hughes o n the tender for ten years for the new another page invluts, attention just*now. Public school readers at 39c a set of live Large ftrn Cana ro9.8 for, sale books The old price n'as $1.15 which bY S J, Jackmanz, or Phone S81 was later cut down to 49c. The largest asort Ç;fat of garden ________ tools in townwIlbe fou ýat Rice &Co>os A notable meeting of surviving firsb Caland getRafr-ee sample battis of parliamentarians- of Canada is being held Furniture, Pllh. L. Morris & Son toa.lon. Edward Blakce, I.C., who ,Lad[es wlll be esp-cially intereste l l is living in retirement in Toronto, 110w the demonstration at Nicholly' Saturdar. 75 years of age, is a prnminent mnember Patronîze homne sports May 21th. cf the old guard, Lord Strathcona, Sir The committee are arranglng for a big Mackenzie Boivell, Sir Richard Cart- time here wrig-ht, Sir Charles Tupper, Hon. James Mrs Roger fit a higbly esteemed Young and other v enerable politicians cf resident of Hope Toewnshlp, died at faine have been invited. They are to ho ÏCanton Sunday last. guests of the Canadian Club of Otta-wa, Cameras to rent for 10o a day at Jury & Lovell's. They wviIl develop and The Laymnen's Missionary Congress in n h pcue fryu Toironto will have an echo in the Autumn inWa ---Ugton, Il C. ent-Taft, Master Reginald Jolliffe ia still suifer- bas consented te open the national Con- lia-er-byfo I gress with an address. Followiine this Dr. Tîlley has lanced it three times. fifty C. S. cities will hold mneetings, te Members of Florence Nightlugale culminate in a Great Nat-linal Congress Lodge, No 66, I1O 0 F, wili attend service ln St Paul'ti ehurch Sund&y in Chîicago îîext Aprîl and Sir Andrew May 2. Fraser is te be asked te take part Messrs. N'. W. Rowell, K.C., Mr John Dr G. C. Bonnycastle bas been eleet- B. Soma, J., ttededa conference cf ed preçident of the Board of Direetors 13. lemn, J., ttenedof the Royal College cf Dental Surgeons, the International Executive V ommittee Toronto. in New York April 13Teiorfiedthtw wl ed Ontrios yunoanc enrgeic on rethls very newsc l3cal newspaper te end Ontaio' yong ad eergtie on reof 190j9 to any nsw subseriber in Can %da going west ihe spring rush cf settiers for Only 50 cr.ts te the West is now fuliy on. Trains to Toronto la gr 'wtng los leaps aLd thewnest are crowded with immigrantsbouds-16,00 00te be spent lu new going tebomestcads oýir purchased fa.ii buildings lnuJ ý9 9 -Plry the City don't lands. Pron thooth , other tailasimprove faetr or rel-y. are going inte Westerni Canada. and monii The biegeîs, da, cf sports yt heid ftt who are i touelil with the rush of setler BowmFnvl;Hle w!ibe on May 21th-base from the United ptts place the figumres bal' and !footb3ll gmes orning and cf imimigrants who will cross the inter- afternoon bees rgces,, national boundary te find homes in Cati- Peter murdohlbauâ a car cf "Usilai ada,,during the season of 1909, at 7,000 e "eongla exwekle'e or more. Ail settiers who talie up land your (,rdtr for it on' get it at the are welcome in Western Canada, but the station reduced iii priues farmers wvho go in frein the Ujnited States We note wltli pleasure that our friend are generally better equipped as to money, Mr. Rhs s D. Falrbalrn, a BDW'many Ille machinery and kîiowledge cf grain grow-'-boy. has been eleeted on the Execu-tiver îng and are, therefore listed among the cf Toronto Canadlan Club. vobfuUnthifiLOlp lfliIS -: Û . %-Kîal ited the -eI eountry.ublhHnschnnl weadereuand ToronitonNews 'dQA LITY " REASON When its a question of stylish clothes consuit us we bave witheut doubt the largest and best assortment cf fashionable suiting samples te ehoose from. We know the latest cuts în È%de .We- are confident our clothing department can supply your needs ne matter hon' particular yen inay be. Corne and get our priees and look at our styles, The NeW Shirts ForWrhn Sits Men an Bo s reWe have a large assortnient cf e' H ere. working shirts, These are made te -a and we can recomrnend them. There are Bright in their newness we have the lat- deveral styles anld makes but you caa depend estand best styles made by leuding manu- cfl WL it we show yen. faeturers,,. These are stylish celer combina- Rernember satisfaction is our Motte, tiens, stripes, checks la endiesa varîety. Pricms 7c, $1,0,61 25, and $1,50 each. Prices 50r,,,75c, $100O each. m5ach DressG~ds Our assertrnent of Black Dress Fabries this seasen wili ne doubt interest yeu. We ha ve a very choice range ef imperted mattrials, plain and fancy' voiles, lustre, seliel, esta mine, endora, Henrietta, cheviet and serges, Price 50o to 81.25 a yd. Lace CrtiI, able Clothes, Non' is the time te get yo ur nen' lace Siightly jinperfect lot. A very fine cel- eurtains. We have a large range of new pat- lection of 2x2 yds, 2x2ýj-yds, 2x3 yds, and terns imperted direct te us. We can ofher sorne extra large sizes. You will be repaid yen better values than ever befere. fer leoking through th!s assormment. Extra Prices 500 to 4.50 a pair. geod values. Priced for qaick seling, MclltIurtry & %Co, iitd eBCIAHWAMPeNV 1-L-LE, Are yen a judge cf uaiple svrup? irchie Tait n'unIs vou te Irs bis newly arrived, pure anti g6nuîne vsaple syrup. West Durham boys must bave things nle anti modem. Port Hope Times says: "Alti Garnett Is engageti lu put- ting iu a nen' anti bautseme front for J. L Wesîaway's store. The structure is fast 'îssumIug a modern uppearance, Tn'o Coiborne hoîsi keeperi; appeared before Police Magistrale H. F. Hohhaad, Cobourg, April 19. Gse Shafer pheadeti 'nilItv te kegping liquor for sale andi was fineti $35 and 84 20 c9sîs. George Teaedaîs pleadeti guilty ta a simîhar flence-secouti offenss-and n'as flned $50 anti $ 20 costs. Mr. Thos. Thomas. Colerado Springs, Coio,,iluviaitinaLpbisfister Mrs James Ve5h5. Salema, a! ter an absence cf ferty- .riv years. He fanda thq ton'n andi e,?pîs considerablv-changoti. fen'tam- ilar plnces or people beiug founti herc. Mr. Thomas bas prcsperecl. Hs should coe back to Bon'manvhhe te spenti bis eusining Sears. We wers greatîs' surpriseti hast Sat- rdiy Le recelve tiie Information cf the leath cf Mr. W. H. Ives. a former n'ell- nown District Depuity Mcf be A O.U W , 'itb n'hom we hpaeasa itimately !quaintatII(r-oeal ar.Oniv a ýw da.Ys, prevfiualy ho n'ree us ex. )rssing bis appreselationa e our paper, anr services te thse Grand Lotige antid lis church,1 anti cencluded n'iîh theseI VordE:.'Ilon,-,uatulateoyon aise ontLz) ork that bas been aceomp)ihed by Dûu r,Vrpasterli fficals. Remembezr ne te Rer-, Mr. Grbutt anti R(v. T. W. Mifif, carfmr pastor, aud any ntter of my acquaintances. I wish 7on an,', ý ours prosperîts' anti avers' Iesing."j For Infanls andi Childtr.n The Kind You HaveAlways Bought Bear t'he 'MAKE TH EEùHOM E AITRACTIîîVE, Properly selected Wall Paper wMl go farther ia making' hie home beautiful and, attractive than any other form e! decora. tien, Pltelne cfthe, ]atest decerative desigus la Pal aper, futther. ooew aa tell VOU soa oget thse fill binttof their ut.-I ircievalue. 0cr prce are gre3t ly di tersifi reasenable. A-kte see Stauatoai's iew book on'intero decorafioin, ro Paperhan g i a g, k alsemiL ing, whi te- svashing, painting,ete, donc as nrala] Phono 113 or eau ou I~~~~~~~~ 1neirDcrtrBiîinii Garnients Wi Staiid The Teste _____ erW EST END 11011E o Here, aifato 'LOOR HERE!I binng man yOll cannot get away froi Sound solid 201H CENTURY They aie made, to -I. I L