GOING eEAST GsGWs SDaily, J jy&LOVELL, Towil Agents- J~~îî IO[CLRNG 1flELp S. B irax lu Ilopwder wlth f ull d.irections por pouad ........ 100 Dronm for Buffalo Mothe per bouie .. ................ 25e strong Axmmonia ..... ........0eo Reflnîed Turentne....,....10c FrfuePollh..-...,........ 250 Sulphur Faimgators............ 5c Formwalhelyde Famigators .. 85c Liquld Ulune mouds everything,, 10a Muiag........... ...... 5e China Cenent ..,. ...... ....., i,16 Moth Balle per poundl .......... 15a BedBilz Poleon.... ......-... 25e Roluna Creosote £or dlinfetng 25o Chamoeis skins [soiled] for csan- lng sliver and glass .......,... 15e PDackaze Dye (&Il color).... .5 and 10 GOillett'd Lve S tins for .......... 25e Spenges a&l prîces at ........... 6c Scrub Brushes ........... 2 for 5c Carpet Seap................. 15e ....rea ............... 15e Electro Silicon Silver Polieb 2 for 25e Chilorîde of Lime per package,,.. 6E Copperas, 6 Ibs for .,.........2bc JURY & LOVELL, The saf eatsatr Dru ggfets & Opieln WHVIE' WE TEST EYES JURY and LOVELL aisof: Cicago, New York, DetroIt 1Gradn ansd Toronto Optica leg *SlOUTriI PARK FOR SALE- The K)large brick, residencle containing min0e roonis, W-"th ûseven acresaf peasuee grounds and orubard. knewn as South Pr utbefor -a gentlema's reâidence or sununer home. Wil Bieil vcr y ce For furtherpartenulara apply ta HCTOS BITEBowanvfle Ont, or R. B. AMD, SeTemple Building, Toronto. 14 4W j -i s s -I 6 I -I if I Oardening. _adenlngtle -'ie bst- Spring -o exris nd il brln',gs ils reward e goad deai an the implemgnis uâsed. Spades. Baker,, ForkR. Boss, ~ Simvels, Trowels, Lewn Me' > etc We have eîeîylhing.te lelp yen i:ecept relu and sunsiine, Ths ta h ie reliable ki d-; eaui pn~full forc ies ur wrk ed le'i stand it; jon cen apare ousla ndth1'be efflc'ert,~ ilHave your wants supplied b>2 us t tMme jeu arc in lown, ISANDERSON, PEARCY CO'S ài PAINTS é lthis Spring are brioging salirfird c' ualomera te aur storodaly,1 W, e e Vll wecane von as eue a! Dur 1 custemers, Chas. L. Brown, Deaer lu ail sheif' hardware, etc Threa Doore East of Bennet buse, Bowmanville. o ~ *E4*IlIl~iIli<~E4*E~~Il I We eau holp you 'la your housecleaning by Supplyfig yGu wihartIle te make work easy. Cunt out this list and bring il with vou when you corne shopping- ,li&.t's the first belp-and bore are a few of thme aImer helpers: OdDthCeenser, ver titi.,.. 10c GleaL e,. Ctis for. 5 H an d y Arnonia (powder) 2 l'es 10e Hojusehol,,d ,, (iquid) bottle. .15,e ipoaper cake ...... ..e Sccurlog Soep, 2 bars for.,.î.2c Pow,,,dered Borax. box ........ !e Weashing soda, 10 lt)s,. S-'napp. nticeptie caner, 12 tins 25e rBv C rum................ 133 hieWash Bruthes,. .2,,,, 1042e Thia 16 a few articie-7tha ar fi i iaSring hou e. cý eamogDon't faîget to ring týie liai with you or phone you,ýr we nts te No. 44ý Seti& l'lia. FW1ANi1L L E Saturday May 8. Mr. li, Miller, P. M., New Park, gave, us a cal Saturday. Port Hope is stil wresiling it1h the small Pal aceounts. Four thunderstotmfl already lu April le a long record, aurely. Repeat il :-1' Shiloh'a Cure wIl lalwaya cure my coughe and ohd, Saine more new snbscriptlene have been reeived since last issue-' Wst end sheps are all oecupied now except thme former News office. Two new members j iined the Lawn Bowling Club Tueada-r evenlng. Reoads are LiuPa te-ribly MUddy state and deep mud holes are many, Soîl te much soaked by late heavy raine and Spring work is checked. iW. M. Ives bas received a shipinent of Alberta Barlev and cats for seed, Lawn mowers repaired and sharpened ai A. W. Pîckard'a lesit.hp Homeseekers' cimeap sntmmer excur- siens are anuounced by G T R ln ibis paper. P. F Collier, New York, founder o! Collierse Weekly, dropped dead FrIday night. Mr. Andrew Pennglon, contracter, la convaleaeing aler a siege of pnu monta. New you bave your nsw Spring Sit ait for soins new cabinet photos at Rays? studio. Mrs, Isaac Tabb recently vlsitbed ber sister Mrs. Bath, Wbitby, and other friends. Churcli sand other entvrtainments have gaihered ln many- herdaearned dollars letely, Mr. Albert Tait and-bride of Edmon. ton, Alta., have been guesta of hie uncle Mr, Archie Tait. A silver eup wlllbeput upý for corn- petitien ini the football gaines Meay 24th ut BowmanvIlle. Bowmanville mercbanti present a lot cf attreethe and Instructive advsrtis- monts. Read theni. riuneral carde left on desk lu P. O. [are for thme public te secs and shouid net. 'ba taken away byanybody. The football team play their tiret Mid land League gaine bore Saturday, May 8, Oshawa being thefr epponenta.1 Mr. Markus Marer's 55 years record in ene lins of business lu Bowmanvllle bas ne parrellel ta aur know-ledge. The familiar face of Dr. I. Young wiil be mucb missed arouzid town after an active 111e o! 08 years ln aur midst Thse base bail bovs heid thoîr tiret practice Satnrday atternean, A num- ber of new faces were seen an the field Mrs. Hv~slep, Dominion O ganizer for thme W C T U, won hlgh f avor by ber sarneat and convlnciog addresses while boe. What ls Bowinviile going te do wiihout Miss-Lut-trell, fegr -soune- years- aur leading pieniat and lnstructai In Business meü, why can't we have eJ belf holiday dsirliag the summer monâths? Il werks w811 lu ether towna, wby nat [n ours? A lady render ai -L'Original, Ont, writea te say how inueh sime apprecîits thia paper. Ulenry F Cope'as Eripou appeal te ber Mrs. Hirein W. Burk and twa chhtd-. ren are corrfortebly settled lu her newly acquired home on Centre St frel teuanted by Chief Jarvie. Mayor Porte, cf Picton, la o er-ing,ý two 400 day cloeims as prizel ta thePietan ree1dents wmQ bave thb bot kept lawins anid ~edensdurlog lthe aummôr. ,Gel te ehickens fenced ln befare the gaîdens are plantait. Chas. L. Brown bas poultry netiing slîongly mnade, evenly woven and well galvanized. Mount Vernon iutends euterlng a beamIn lutheDarlingt-on Football League. Timey will mke last ycer's teains stop soins ta capture lime silver- weare. A pregrain given by ehildren always ppeala te people. Thie Easter concerto of the Methodist SuridRy ýchqç'1 seiolare wfl5 very gro'atly praisci by those who, attended. Mr. Wlllaîd Caldwell bas rented thmeI stables and shede adjoinl-ng hie iivery stable Farinais dîiving ta town will fiod firab.class accommodIation for teiri hoîses et bimese stables, flasebell prospects are looklng brightrlîý or Manager Petmick already hasj elghtîen players slgned. Thse firat' garue will pîobably ho plsiyed liere or âfay 24 egall ut ot opç. Judgiog by the splendid efcinyôf a goodly number of girls and b,)- ,wbo, taoo part lu recent programe presented in town the musical reputatien aof110w. menville la nutliikeIy la iurne ~r At lime m2elIng cf tle Bowling Clubi Tuesday eveninZ tle foallwing akîps' tsveroý clcoîed: J. B Mitchell, J H. Me- M'-uitry, J. Daynau, Tua. L e",F.J Homev Major W. C, Klng, Dr. LB.'J. Ilaleaad R D. Devidacu, PHarry RîcaF. J.Beide. TIce'ub isla ~roseros coditon rdbngeal lymmios and Mvs, J. F Mlaynard, CempielifordcT ta D-r. Owen Clarence Wabsen.oug ost szon.1of-Mi 0, P. Walaon, Dedn~ Time mara wltl take plac early ', , Doý jour eves treub'e yeu? f1mvdo' reete iaI nowimý1ere ili Can;,adaeau 3,%i you ser more up to-datcai-id scicu-e fieoptcisericetan et Jury v tnd ur.înt l ablte salZ3fclaio an, r My, W.,iH. Reenlgk, Lindsay, was in towî2 lasIweek. Heavy fret Tuesday znight rmakingý te@ half an inch think. Repoat Il :-1 Shlohu Cure wlli always cure my congbs and colds Canned peas, corn and tematees, a fer 25e at F. A. Haddy's. General Booth inlends visillng Cen. ada ln Oclcbar. Brave isn'c he? Have a look et our Baby Carrnages and Go Carts. L Morris & Son. Miller's Grip Powde,.t Cure, Sold by R. Mý Mitcelel & Ce. Druggisls A large assortment of dahlia bulbe for sale by S. J. Ja.ckman. Phone 80 Mr. Alex Tea l shaviug a cernent waik laid fraontbis reeldence ta lime streel. Gel your bicycle overhauled and put lu goad runniug eider et A. W. Plck- ards. Sec our new Limages stock pattern In China. F. A. Haddy, China Hall Grecerg. A lot of nsw carpels aud linoleums just recelved et Coach, Johusten & Cry.- dermaa's. Mrs, Nesdbam, Orillia, sister cf Mr. Wý C. Grant of The Times, le a vieller te Part Hope. A fresh shîpinent af Maple Svrup jat arrived at Scott& Allln's. Itl ethe best lu the market Messrs. Fred and Arthur Trebilcock and Harold Meath, Taronte, were home over Suuday. Archie Tait wants aiR your butter tand eggs and wlll pay tle bigmest prie lu cash or liae. Mre. F. A. Hoar, Bar rie, is vliig her.mother Mia John Osborne, who hus been quite 111, RàemIngton 'i5ypewrier C.,Toronto gave us a cali lasi week, The Toronto Dally Star sonde 8561 copies evsry day te Durhamn caunty and1 2407 te Ontario Counutv.- For the fluasi stock 0f new dreas geode. Ilke and wash geeds eall aI Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. A svîlng tonte af genuine merlt is Jury & Loveli'a Beef lion sud Wine OnIySoc for a large bottle, -The R & O steamer Belleville expeets te leave Tarante for Montreal sud inter- mediate peints about May lot. Inztead of lime usual 5 Ibo, of tee as prIzes for the raîces tuedats arebig gîven aI Bowmanvlle May 24. Mi. Elme Blason, Dental College, Tarante, ie asslating Dr J. C. Deviti1 wlth bis large dental praclice. *îe Bowmenvllle RIfle Association already bas a inemb8rohipof ferty-stx, whicb looks 111e analler succastul season. Caunilîci Jas. Stanley saye ho can't gel laborcis te do an urgent piece o! culveit construction on Scugag îead. C. B. Frost, a well known member o! the fin ci Frost & Wood, Smth's Falls, died suddeniy, April 23, in bie 68th year. Peter Murdoch bas a foul supply of field and garden seeds; cail and select jourmanýgaol-and cern éeed, tle best we can buy. Thefies suphror spray in g for 8el pound at Jury & Lovetl'a, Gel Ibeir prîces on 100 poad lots before going> elsewhere. J.- J. Turner & Sons, Pelerbaro, have received the cantraet for decoratlng Part Hlope for lthe big Orange demon- stration on July 12t1. 1If You desire te jain lime Horlcultural aeîeiy leevesl,,with Jury & Laveli nrd timey wIll give yen the Sbciety's re- ceipi, Attend ta thls et once Mnr. J. D. Keachie contribobed four musical numbers at a grand concert et Bram pion AprIl 19. Few vacaliats lu Torcunto e ssIat aI mare functions lbhîi hoe, Mis, R. J. Dilworlb, assisted b7 Dr. F. Nietel, 'cellist, and Mis. A. M. BULigim, accampaniste, gave a recital lu île7Conservatary Music Hall Mondey everiing. W hy nal gel lime best qualIty in peints If you waîit satisfaction. Chas. L. Brown carnies the lainons Sanderan Perey Brand whieh bas staod the test for years. Mr, Itheel Welters Is in Bowmanvllle, Local Option camnes loto force lu Býow. manulle aturday, end I lfliIooking forward tb a wider field for bis ginger beor.- Guide, Mi. Main Mundav, Bewmanvl%: ,à been appointed baillif etflime FirsbD1v- isiari court of tle United Counies eto Northmumberland and Durhm, te sýuc- ce8d Mr. R J. Mallary. imad lieu giranaries robbed. One man- lad a waggron load ef grain takeýn. Couneiu bas offered $50 for the appre: iiênsion çf the guilty parties, ThIe Wall Papsi'ii ôï ibis Sprln& are' voiy pretly, P 0 Tîebiicck aimowing thme mosi attractive pelteins ele verv large range, wtth speciaibcsf Archie Tait'ti? Friday evenfng April 80ai 8 o,'cioctt et Mr. Meivihle P. %biîe's, Îj5 Nantan Ave., Taronte. Wimy are we bavIng s50 mucb high' wlnda and labo frosts this Spricg? le thse La-urier Governinent îsosbefor île se iregulariiee? A*re Sou gaixig te keep e gýaen 111e suuimeî ? Buy jour garden tesfrein Chas. L. Brown. Ho kospa limhe kind lIaI makea work eecy. Head tle edvertisnls, The busin- ess nen whoaedyerîses laebile ans- wla is doing liem oBt business and efforing lime bçst- bagaino, Sure /Wben you go shopping dontit slrnplî sa y "A porundof tee," because yaou cen aeeurô botter tee, more deliclaus tee. Il Y OUnny esk for "BALADA.' Principal Robent Gillies, Poil Hope, ettended lime banquet giren te tle represontatives cf, tle 'eDny Bank Bystemin u Toronto Fridey, 23r dLest. Mn. aud irs. F. H. Power and fanily, Oshawa, vlalled at Mr. Alex, Tayloî's. Concession Br, priai la goung la Guli Lake, Saskwlere he bas takion Up land Leave your orders for rase busimos, abrubs, vines and plants wilh us iiow. We eau save yen money on lisse lino jury & Loveil, Druggist5 end Opticiens Coîîeh. Johnualotn & Cr ý dernan, bey- iug Éecorel tle services Of a first cless -tuler, are naw meklng up genîlemsu's suite eq'salta Ilose mado b ý the beel dltailors and 25 per cent below cite Mi A J. Chesimer wilgive a denon- sirelion aIlie Titus Bewing Machine Darnlng Attechinenl lu Mu. A. L. Niçmoît ~or§BaurayMay lI, .Every lady lu Durham shau!d bave eue of these abor and linS savais, Yen WEIl gel a wonderful anoct 01 Pleasure out of a kodak If jeu have oe this sumnor. Caland ses Ihein et Jury & Lovell'a. Yen cau gel ucal good onca for $2, 8and 81 and Jury &, LovelI wil] teacl jou lcw taouse timt Nîi, A. L. Nîcimolîs made lots et ladies happi Selurday wilhhlie gîelt sale cf graoilewaîe. He ceicainly offered soms greal bargeins. -*'The biggest %av~ e" etd i.Niehlls. FIe uses e ý,,James Pepers exclusivcly 1luris, Lsivertis1ng SBosvmanvi'2o businesnen and ùothaiý titizgns wln wore not fevorrsd wýi invitations le lime celobration aiMenad Mis. W. J EFragg's Sîlver Ws-ddlng- te lime writlv couple and wislheinas,] jîyu ounad p'easani a Golden Wtdn MnIr. LNorman Jolliffe, sou cf~~y W, . J l:fe B. C. L, former o s- eemod pstCEaIBownanvlho M"("'o.o diai chureIbas baeaustudi ing mui- and vaýice culture ln New York ,ýCirv Af!toi filling sevoral engagement h piendid succs le bas beon eppla e ia't e eChurecf IlsPTritus o ~FUth Avec. Gatimam Iewspaper Mr. Walter J. S. Eiekard, oao .,ark Faim, Derliiglo*i, deIcliredat 3owanviieStation for . r, ohnFs .or a Ytîrýc-YearIold DurVan gr,ief4 b4er for wbicl le recelred about$1. liis abews aîîpposcd ta bs îlbte jst ualiy cf&u~in tise cshr.M, m.ckrd dýellrered saine veiy l-set'wo ssar-od Uiesieilm.Ntnc ssr 0 ciS cVabm fi aal a ToilaI Sýets foni$. V pe . A. Hs,&Ra-In Bowmasvile April 19, ta Mr, andi Lrs. Win. H eari, a son. TRimBLF.-In Bowrnanvilie Ap'U 22 te Mr. and Mi a. John Trimble, a son, ' AUISR 8EX'iiTH-LEVUTO-AVîleresidence of Mr. J. K. Cleverton, Hope. by Rev. J. F. Mtiars, AprIl i1t, Mr. Jaaeph Seîxith and Em- me Louzine Cleverton. ir bis Tlst year. MCoisICK-ln OrOnc, April lt, James ýMcüormiçjt, aged 74 years. Ros- At Patt Hope, on Fi tday, April 23 1909, Della 0. IRose, lu her 52nd yes.r. CRAWFORD-ma West Whltby, Aprit 15. Mat- the1w Orawiortlî, aged Si Jears. Tlw£BDII--At "Broadfild," Whltby, April 25 j ohn Tweedle, inobis 73rd year. MCINT0S-At Filmore. Sask,. April 16th Minnte Callender. wilfe af Mr. David Mel ntoslî. Tseoass-In Oibawa, Sunday April 25tb Reuben Thomas, mn bis 92nd year, Interred et Zion, Ont. WOODRUP- At St Catharines, on1 April 24, 190'). Lorne Woodruffî aged 68 years, formerly of Pickering. TAYLOR-Atý Whltby. April 76, Margaret Burns, beloved uife Ai Phllip Taylor, in the 79th, year of ber cage, TUCitER-At 61 Henry Street, Toronto, on Saturday, the 24th April, 1909, l»ev, Samuel Tucker, in hte 801h year, PaOO.EV---I Bowmanviile Mondety April 26 William Everett, yonnRe8st son of Mr. and Mro, Richard Pooley, aged 1. year, 5 menthe, 1BRAyÂiî-At Phtladelpbla, Ps., April 27, John B. Bryant. M A, in i hs Olt year; formerly of Broah lin. later principalofai Pckering Coltego andGaîlt Collegtate Instittte. BhooKitN-At 320 Seaton St, Tcronto. April 27. Martha Grace, widow of laie 11ev Robert Srooking, Cobourg, ýand inother of Misa Lucy W Broaktng, in ber 78th year IIAYCRir-At thearesideneo! ber sou, Mr W. J. Blayerai, Brooklin Ont, on Tnesday April 27,.190a. Jean Lawrie, ireflet of the late Mr, Thomas Haycraft cf Myrtie, ageti 88 ycars. Fanerai Friday at 2 30 p. mi. ta Groveside Cemetery. Whttby. ftlllge~ CompoUnd Iron Pilus, onlv 25 cents f or bu Gosel,. boUt b!y -Rl, Mitchell &Co. Druýggists. Lest We Forget E. R. BO0UNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tableis, Markers, etc., la Granite and Marbie BOWMANVILLE, ONT F L. 'I FUNFERAL DIRECTORS MORRIS d SON Most crniplete equtpmert .Snd aYand night cî.115 prGmpîi y attended tg, BOWMANWvLLE pHOAIEC q Il*- .94 Branches -. 011050 HAMPTON HMtUeýj TO RENT-Frame bouse eplyt 5Ma mainth. witb stable, on Odell street. Ap l o ,4. J'AmEs, -51-tf' HTORSE WAiqTED-Good genierel .Lpurpose horsc about 1300 Ibs. Jonos Guiti loinG vll.17-3 wt w OOL WANTED-Any quantity cûf wool wanted. Highest prIce pald. J... Gcoti, ýOL'tarl t t. ovimanyile, 17-awt IIJ USETO RENT--Iesirable brick oouse containîng saven roams on Wash- tagton Ave. at 56 50 per îonth. Apply té tlzv w C WA8SRINGTON, DtVI.StOn St, Bowmanvilte, 15 3w HOUSE FOR S&LE-On the 'South aide of King si ett. Bowmanvilta, SIX. rooxns, stable. , -d tri arlz tg1P; M âÂtIIRÀIIRg , 89nvîl. i f IRL WANTED- ro go to Teroiata Apply ta Box 7G, Bwmanvu lc.16 -2* I SED BARLEY AND OATI-Fcr so hw.For sale ini quantities ta suit purchaserd. W. M 1EfBewmauville. 16 2v ITO SE ýÂf i 111E ACRE8 TO &A.REN 1-In6lwmanv!1Ie on owhieh are 2.1 in ýis~8c, ma ist1y spies stable.wood- ~ Applv6-tf H OUSE 10 UET-The dwelling sltnated ai Cùoncess;ion Street. at present occupied by Mrs. Hiramn W. Burk, immnediate possession if requireti. Apply ta W. M. Hloasav, Bowmanvîlle. 50 tf BtUGGEi ANO BARNESS FOR and three goati second baud sets of single liarness. \Vilt sali1 very cheap if solda t once. Maý1y bc seen ai WILLAUD CALDWELL'S Livery; x iwnanvilla. 15 3w p UV1IPS-11aving had considerable L_ experience in the puip business 1 ain peparedto io d il kiotis of parip repaiing and tnstaling of new Uumpisat reasoaable prices. 1 hantile both waod and i roa pumps and wben waotn g one give ine a catI. .J. BIJTSON, Church St, Bomavil, lne 143. liii FAR %1 F0 itýALÈ -8250) Yoiri.v J- coma', " 0 cowe, pr. horocs, tool -, etc thruwn P i.î wti iproductive Mohîawk ,alley faimni f183 acre .zencui 00 uns bay, 110bisl,. pples iica'son. 1i grand mnalles about iheý buildings. Everytioieggoes forfi to 0Wprice of 560,10, easy terns to nigiot Party. l'or coin- p3le, details andi flidescni on cf the builIdng' i hhare tuý, feirorsec page 14 itrut's 'r'pril Bulletin." GOo y Finw e i. 2287, Ir A 17-1w Ne.,Mcîiy 1lrto ila E îos tcfzl 1îî iatr, za:d re;epy r R. . io. E.A. SROUTCO.,EnalCl ertt'a arroiFrm Dii,,,,UnbenîiJSlg, yraul WAYtTXL ATONC nusoi ~y ati aoer,îs. ne gar.mo SPure îflapie ýSyrupee S We have aur flrst ehipment cf ibis season's PURE MAPLE SYRUF, the klnd yen alwal s get ftem ua Whsfl we advertise pure Ssi up. We want yen te test Ite qualityse do not flau te get soute wlth yeur next order. Mîcï 1N1,sugar GLred 1let- We have the choleet of ail srnoked Meats. cured for aur ewn speelal trade., If Sou have flot used them, do seý and get the best, Choice Smoked Hams .......... 17e a lb, Skinned Backe ................. 20e a- lb, English Breakfast Bacon,.......... 20o a lb. Rell Bacon .................... 15e a lb. Pinl Hams ................ 15ie a lb. Frankfort Saugage ........... 2 Ibo for 20e. Bolonga Sausage .......... .10e a lb. We are offering the ficest Califoruf a Navel Oranges at the folIew- Ing prIee. 20e.......... .... 40e.............. Wc a doz Grape Fruit,................. .. 10e each. Lemone .............. 20o and 25e a doz. Pineapples...................... 25C eaeh 01* * Wall Paper Advice, COVER Up your dingy wall. Be cheerfnl. Snrround, yeur- self with pretty colare. Let indoors be just aas bright ouluide, Papur la cbeap enough-at tbis store. We* bave the widest sort of selection, and can get youx O elmosl anything ycu take a fancy te. OLovelypaper wiih ceilings and 18 inch frie-ze to match G for 10e per rail -in greens, browns and creams, suilable for O Sparlers, dining rooms or halle, Window alades in cream or- whbile, with or without r trimminge et 50u and 60o each, OWhite enamelled curtain pales with trimmingse con- ~ploie for 25c. 0' Room inouldings, plate rails to match aIl shades of .,W..ALLBN Bolkto a S' Wash goods îi lamsy Drillse 'Di New Dress me Ncew Lacesl Flouncings, Bic Embroiderle3, C( les,, ec New ShirtiîngE Pillow CotIons,' New Lac-,Cri Muslins, Ait Muý Muaiins, Orenn Table Napkins, wbite and grey( AT A. tsO'l Son's In Prints, Muslins, Ging- f - ucks, Zephyra, Vestuge, iaterials, SIlks and Salins, Insertions, Embroid cries dings, ail-over Laces and orset 'Cover Embroider- s, Sheelings, T'ckîngs, Towels, Towellings, etc. rtains, Curlain Nets and i3lins, Balcons,Mdrs tes, Quille, Table L rens, Collons ,'tc, Dinner sets et reduced prcea et F. A. Hïaddvsà. Obituaries are publIshed Ibis week on insIde pages. Miss Fox recently viislted ber sister at Port Whîtby. Fresl rellab'e garden aýnd field seede et F. A. Haddyle. Bey, R. A Delve, Blgcketock, bap, Invited te Segrraye. Order yotI5 pAnsUv piaula frein SI. J Jackmita plione 8e.1 Mis. W. A. Ga-;odw!u liaýs -go.ueiD Preston Springs Ontario,. Repeat Il :-1sùI0îOb'a rewll aiwaya cure may cangis tsud solde. Cigarettes smoked b-v boys are nails for their ceffins--Mîs klyslop. 1Bowmanvills Briefs aind Clarke Town- ship news are on an inuer page. Mia. Fleming bas 'relurnsd frein visiting at Dr. More's, Broolin, We bave aIl sizes and pi ices ,ofmat tresses and springî, L Morrla & Son, Mayor H. Rush, Poterboro, waa lu town Tbursday and honored os wlth e Cal. Haddy 's Ideal Tee is sîil lime stan- ard Ta bc bad onlv fYrn F. A Ladies' Spring ceals, aIl new, just opened eut at Coueh, Jebusten & Cry- derman's. If yen have neyer 1used Jury & Loveli's Furily Baking Powder yen bave nover used tue beat, Callinluand gel a semple free. Sylvester Band, Lindsay, W. H. oeu- iCk, conducter, las been engaged te fornis music et Uxbridige MaRy 24. We are selllng lotç; cf aur 25e tee, Ia it env wondcî? Il would be good value et à0e a lb). Ratçe van bied ît ait -L -1--l NOW 0