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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1909, p. 7

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YOUR 1* '~h rtlpirî o*- I I rs î'.'i îf tii!* a il *1,0*0, f ~Vj 1er terni fi kgue lied British Busine~ Central Y. M. C Md ty 7 Fp.sfirlr ~ NMaIy là Laite Chain ;uin %'ây i Bar 29 Ltke Mý,i ftbui. May 12 ritýefs ai (tvîmpxnie-rissi i gani dfurer in i ;- nialliit 5*it:amt et-eau geLior Ji. SIARP i'71 V.1 ge ss.. o;o.o B0%wMA;VrLLfI AGEN nS. ROVAL MAIL STEAMVsrlrIs LAURENTIC, MEGANTIC 'T if,e re e, T'. ii er' La gent antifi, caf Qtr-me,9 -n the St, Lw-ý r- iie r'tue.. Latest o odurtinr of the tijý build,îs' an; ms-nelüdvýt tr ,evig fouir îhikt B j Fvery .leWai o c mforc anti luxll,.y p)ie»eiit day travel witl fe fouad nte- etemel S., Moi treal Quebaec Lve nji Cana .... M 8)8, nn l, 'July i7 L, re! ie ' MaY i*5, itîn' Il), J111Y 24 lî'îl ls MSay 22, J Ut& 6, 341Y 31 Iligaiff..........Jui.y:1,A tg. 7 Ot îawa .... Day 29 JtJY 10 sung, 14 Vszî1cWo'"r ......... -... .... ......lugi eS Tbe pq ii ar »eainer 'CAN AIt» w fi ;, pnsj S . % lje Ille fis-t eear rO T A WA eiîd ibe c tout tâ»i ,li r-rDO aO co'liec a-S car.n steaMers i ic Se uff ]ai0 e vey atîcftie at u1t et tratep. Tliiîd cnalsacar ldonu ,il s e In a ' Se"' JlaisAaai driates at local ag- 1-3, or iotai a > 'S ofices. 11or s811information appy te '1 A J 4M E S' A ent. TOO MANY HOLIDAYS. The business men of the state of Oaxaca, Mex., have begun a cam- paign against the observance of so many hollidlays, of wbich 168 are ob- serve-,d in that state. In the city of 7te-ito there are 123 fcastdays in thie year, but, ewing to, the mnva- sin f so manyAmerican, British, French and Germar merchants, thîs bah b""..IU, now but fe-w more than 100 feast- days are observed. No truly great man neeýds a brass band to bherald bis coring. Suee7es, like misfortuues, selldom corne singly THF CI FANEFR THA',T PLEANs 'EV ERPiYT HING ùFIROM A NYI1-H!N G Have You Tfried it ? Ail Deaier-s. One Tin 5SZ fTWO TlaISs 5. SNAP COMPANY, LIMIITED nr. anti Mrs. Hector Stewart nec Ete Ba,ýttea( arivtiMorse, SaIin gooti lheaitI. The piano shipped froin boere reacbcti thero withouta elcrAch. Thc Ontario Uevernment bas la- cre-asodthetI salaries of thc County Sehool Inspectons, tlet of Mn. Albert Cticfl rech(ing $1,616 pe;r ennunu, an etivance cf $84. Plasteners are putting on firat cent con Mn. James ie's new bouse, rectoastuotdifrein* the Christian dhurcI loito a meodern dwclling, with wator works, bath roon, etc. Misses Elva Tuoker ant i ,Iieen Waticll were successful la pasming tor oxemsaet Normai Scîcýol, Peterboro, anti wceeawarded iiscbolarsbips entitiing tbcin te a feul course la Domeýstic Science et Ontario Agriculture] Coilege, Guelph, where tley aew are. A base bell teai was organizeti rIcre Fritiyey vcnlng. Nennly ehl the mombers cf thc atbiet-ie assc- iation wcre present. 1rsien1. H. Reidl uccupieti tI cbcair. Thc eleotion of c.ffioesresltei on. Preclet op Hny sident, p f. H. Reidi;Se-TesD.ei Colville; Manager, T. WV. J sn Captain, «ceo. Anmstneng.«rud Com.-Howarti MeomI, Sandy Somenvilie anti Geralti MeKeen. KIRBY. 31r. and 31rs. James Walsh, oin Leaving IKirby, are Ilunored by Their Vriends. Muel regret la feit et Kirby over thoremybVflWvr. ames bW-aIlïI ad family te reside in Bewman- ville. They have always teken an actuve part in dhurcI work, Mrs. Walsh bavirug filieti the office cf S. S. Superintenclent for a number of years. On Meuday cvening, Apnili 19t51, a large numben cf mombers c f Kinby Sunday soboolanic- gregation met in thc lasemient ofi the Metlotist dhurcI and took Mn. andi Mrs. Walsh completely by sur-, prise. The paston, Ber. W. Lin-I lent, oecupied the chair and caiied upon Mn. Isaac T. Chapurten te ad- dress tIc meeting andti maIe known the objeet cf the gatbening. Mn. F. M. Brne,,-lcormbo aud Mn î. John mie tI11-~e talt il 1f ) î ati ne-ttery as a sJel tkenofth estecn ani goi wii of to doonj COURSE ~(Frorn hew j tit ~Mn. James f aTlilett la visîting la r ceu ifi. 4. tli te city '.gus an.4t1. Cta. Mr. JohnI Maize, Garden 1Hill, wes inlatewn Fniclday. MedJaU ,L ContestFriday ,eveaing merca i 1Apr oil- ht. -lemnembn1)e r tIe date- M.Win. Bttnecentiy visited ;s ~ ~ hi Colg dauglter, Mrs. John Joli, A luudig.tcto. h Mrs. A. fierry, a3,fermer rezident bhas moved froin Peterboro to To- rente. Mrs. Samuel Gillies, Port Hope, visitei- at Air. J. P. Iviliimson s., Mnr. Daniel,-Halli 1 hmefrein 1ii:'Tonnoatrvsitinis iidaughter, ~INLSSDr. and Mrs, E. B. Co;wan and son, da, visîtýed lis fakJier, Mr. L. (-. Oowan. Mn. an143Ms. WiII Nichols, Port Britalu, visitedi 1er unclo, Mr. dy, 'La inyun ' Ldmond Cobbiediel. 1 t. I* thie sîart Mn. Richaici ktockin bas engaged pt?<>i'r Con ih»tp»Yeuto werk for M. X<. J. ilenIenc, logue Snttr a ay ftl.Nest Let N ewcastle, ciuing seig il. SisWMn. John Nowdeaî is seid te have rrard st», Toronto rcnted a blacksmith shop et IKen- dal, and opening eut business there. Mn. John Gibson mnoveti lbis stabie froin the front te the roar end cf le is lot-a cecided imprevement. Excavating the founclation andi O celarof Mnr. T. W. Somerville's uwridnce is c-mpletedL fluiaxt Liv»rpool Mn. andl Mrs. Noîan reenfielt Froîn irrom have movccl bore freinoottaIt- ist. Jehn LUalil iîng residence la thc South Watrd. A (y] 16 Agi 17 Durhamn Old Boys cf (ÀToýronto A Ti, âO SMay I have arrangedtic ci necuso te Orono Jue 1 oot World. <4 asageMn. Oco. i;,evIclson solId the colt $;0 and 0 accordlug te le recently bought frein Mn. Moses ý75tand 45f Cowan, te Mr. Dean, of Gardoen 630 anti $3. 5 1Hill. JamesThe Tuceo factory miii dam is e Agdnt, nfl~ being rebulit anti strengtbened wtl a cernent n'ai1 n ,rkmen are now engageti on the job. S Mr. W. f. Barrett bouglt tIc late Curts rsidnceantiis nc-_ building ,,it jute e fruit packing bouse Mr. Riobert Meton, sixth line, oeeof the grand od lpioncera of tlanic LnesClarIte, now in lis 96t1 year, wns M ci t ' c Uns, 1taken ill on Suuday lest. RRPOOL West! Miss Mabcl Brook, teacher, la ii k'.Mantnb Ma ~at ber homne la Bowmaaviile, and uts o Britaa' Ar, ber department cf the selool la Erierudclsd -,,Id by' ai! mcuiceïn ei ur -liS suffering frein lotpÂoi, ma;] et -50 cents a box or six boxes* causeti by ,te-pp)iag on aruynt. fer $250 frein tIcDr. Willicmis \Week ctiround np ick te !Medicine Ce., Breckville, Onît. single fane, plu-s 10e'., will le on ______ _____ 5Cu0in Tornto Setuî'ay. Cîy fricnds ca now sitBewmanvilîc' OBITUARY. ever Suday for $1.40. Editeniaiiy TeMciand Empire, Late William Jackson, Barrie. last Frn'ide,, pait elIg tnibute te Au ageti anti respecteti resideat a former dsigueeipanlianien- of lunisfil passeti an'ay en Goti ary represeatatîve Af'W. Durham, Friday morning et the home cf bis Hon. Ldward Blaike*'Ontuario bas abster, Mrs. Henry Wherram of tIc! neason te le prout-Àc this greet 14i1 cocasica. fie came to Cen- man,', it says. ada frein Englati nitl lis fatherns Wbît ly Fair grandu stand bas been family, n'lcn a young man,' he le- bought for $175 «ly, West Durhamn ing the secen-t-eldeat cf a faiuily of Agîscultural Society, anti wîll be eoveai chiltirent, fis fatlen, tIche tit omauic late Etiwand Jackson, liveti for Ed:ten W. J. WatEoun'was chair- meny years on the I2th conesc man of Oshawa Flower Mission William Jackson nil]leorneen- In concert anti delivereti a very ap- cdJ by the oltier res-idents cf Barrie proprilaie aticiesa, Commjnting on haviag -sPont the rnost cf bis lifLe in ithc laneficent work oý_f the mission tbis vicinity. Fer mauy yeuns hel The Viadicator refers tbusly te a livoti on Penetenuishene St., Bowranville boy: Mnr. 1). M. Ted n'hene ho n'as n'eu anti favorabiy 1S a tower cf strengil to the Se- ku-own, as ho ' as cf n particularly cîcty andthetI menIons focs very cýheenful dis-position r. For thc last i mach indebtcd 'te -hlm fer bis as- six yoars lias liveti ih is ais-sstance in nnkýing ius 3work effec- ten, HE lad net boenelle te lelpI1tiXO. birnself mnuch, but stlieli bore bis1 OshawaVidi ate,let Frlday, affliction with an eîiding boe in 1 gave ncearly a co)lurnu rport f tIc, -i biessed hercafir.(, At thc ripe!-Golden Xeddîng c ur onh cl cgcof 96 yeans lie passetipence cîttze'ns,, Mn. at ,Mnu afuily away. Thc body n'as laid tel M,ýaye r, giviug credit tefTic tates rcs-t 'tin the Union Cerntery on utan, for the saine. Eaton Suaday, thc fanerai son- Miss Lottie Penkins,, Oshanv', 'as, vioC hein g coriducteti by Bey. W. a recent visiter teO mavie A. Amos.-Barrie Examiner. Arben Day is Saturdeyt, My1 Lt is te le bopeti the netlrwil le favorabl.e te is proper obs):erv- RAKE A CHANGE. ance in îow anaud country. - - Oshan'a ilaclive te its industriel x New' Bnck for an Old One. Howv intereats for Bownaniville bais Icca it is Donc in Bow'naille. thoroughly blleti withi circulera setting forth tle ativantagýes that The bnck aches et rimnes -n'ith etýv-ffem- cluli feeling maklng you n'onny and 1 rostiess, sbarp pains shoot a(îrcss OSHIAWA ïNEW3S. tle rogion of thi sîdacys, it ie-- ony to -bond, stoop or lifti-Thc rub- (Oshaw'a ncn's continu eti on 8th bing of liniments or application e011 page.) piastens coca no goot i these cases, tbey do net meccltue cause. To e gt Mn. J. Gcyne spout îhe week-end id of tleso symptorna anti exolange in Orno . the bcd back foi a new anti stroagerj Mrs. J. S. Kyle viriteti reccatly ia 'une fellon' the exemple of thia Bon'- Toronto. inanville citizen. Mn. ferry Cskn Toronto, jMrs. B. Calcwlni, cf Kingston visiteti bis f ethor, Mn. 1M1an. ('anker, ýRd., Bon'manvillc, Ont., seys :-itown. "My daughten hatifrcqueatly coin-j Miss Lena Armstroag,Tor-onte, 1 ilaineti of c tieli, heavy pain acl'Sroas net-ly visiteti Mrs. Man.Can'er. thc sineli part of theIc a. 5181 Lateat reternus sIen'2,4ý07 Toronto "wouid become n'eak anti languiti Stars sent te Ontanie couinty daily. nth e leat (exention anti n'oelYad IMrs. W. J. Wahson ] n'a nTorontýo suiFfer nitlhictceeanti spelîs of rceuî,nly, ncnen'ingacîinac. dîzines. Shi Ittitrici sveal-Ms . J.E. imoody lazs noteImetite retadles butfouni lttIe or no jne -__________________ Pilawhil trcugî an aiets-j R ile htahsatIiz pisnee Causedi by sick stornach, ill- se1n gene. Tcpin'ta'y, reýýgu 1atîedcibile, siluggi, s h bowels, sIcstrngi mcl gnerliyand r'ervous stroain or ovcrwork, Se Pila." J 1) b Ders. Price the S sai. su reýsi remedy is 50ý, dot.lh . T. Be*oti Ce!('., LiFort Frc0nt.ý , Sole Can-- 1r 'an .;- W(It An egle ea lve t'ent day Zain-lul RnivesIhin Lt juat et tuis soason tînt Pin- pies,blotches, acres, scrofulous ailments, anti cruptions g enerally, mak6 ,theinselves i flt Zin Bel n'il l e fouat cf n'ondcrful use n'berever theore is -skia enup- tien or docp-seateti ulceration. Pimples, blotobes, ant irimitating rashes on the face anti cher parts oh the bodiy indicahe a distunlance cf the functicua cf the skia. 'Im- pure natter, whicI the Ilooti shoutti disclarge ly neana cf the skia, is alloect teomeain in the pores, the process cf '"exhalation" is inter- rupteti, anti just v. ore tic lad rmat- ter collecta,, thene pimples, ulcers, an-d sores qeickly uppear, ami tbc skia tissue suffoars.To lecernmý plete, thc treainient nust lecof tn'c kintis. Thc suffoner mny help te diminish thc suppiy of i-ipunritiýes by taking ne ich, gnensy ant inl- digestible fooda; lut, te remove the inpuritios themacîs os, the pores must le op-en-ot andthIe skia nueie beelthier by the vigonous ap- plctof Zen Bel, norn-,iji anti night, anti nasbing feuatynith sente pure soap. There is noue botter tIen the antiiseýptie ,Zen-ý Byul Medicinal anti Toilet Seaýïp. Zain-Bel lait atirnula-ea il-e 1funoe- tiens of the skia ly thepnda tion of ius reflueti herbai sl ca cuti thus reaches tic root cf the diseasa. Mn. Arthurn B. Griffan, cf 191 Pic- ton Street E., femilt-gn, says: "I n'es greatly troueleti nitb put- pies anti lotches bnealing eut on mv face. I tnieti anumber cf ne- nietiies, anti aisosepoally tiieteti, s-et the nimales anti hloche. ne-1 iaineti. Acting on the suggestion of a friend, I loga using Zain- Bel, anti nas nuel pleasueti te finti u improvomnt after severai ap-i plications. The itdhiug n'as allevi- eteti, anti the inflammation seanet less. As I1catinuedthetIcZai-Bel treatinent, tIe pimplea anti biotches becaine les» acre, thc itching n'as cureti altogether, ant iflamanu- tien lanileti. Iu thec course of e ahert tino every Ilcici anti pimple was renmovec." Zain--Bel is aise a sure cure for o-tlaceGrations, berna,ecezema, ring-ormPIîeiscuoti n'edts, fes- teriig Lsorc, blad 1eg, anti ail sItini iaju~esant dieess. t usaiseý a, cure ýfoýr pls rg ist nti Stores eennheeso t 0. e bex'I, or ps"f, renZanl u Ceo., Temo*utoc, uon receipi c nio TIIE LOWCATCLIER. Wlile îlee visitor tolt Ilohoa e ld nitiienthit tlilling imilcýesncthe cocachreta) oomtiefive- year-oldLonWella hitenet atten ively. As he conchideti sie ae "Diti you catcst% onen BOW 1NVL ~IF. Oiaoafter vstigwlihrela- GRO ING BOY --tivcs, acre.- Now ces h pring,M. W. H. Thomas bas returned A DGRWN GRS When birds wl i from S.Pu where she atteaded And every tree anVlanlt SProuts the funeraýl cf lber brother the late buds; F. N. Mý7ay. Nee D. îlîam' în Pis When every mai Miss Irene Swinyard is attending Nr.A r.wnimsPnkM15 Wilsonparade Congregation de'Notre Dame con- Io Give Them Healli About the town iný swell new duds. vent, Gloucester street, Ottavva. Ivir We. MtthwsOshawa, Mr. L. Roy Detenbeck, wbo bas anii Strcngth. wa-s iiiow last ek been with bis brother, Mr. GC. W. GrowMr. M.s a. Jonl s, lat1s-manager-Detenbeck, lias gone to Wladon Growing ba oys as D.Well1s-gis-<fBosmanville branlh cf Standardï a short visit, neudsue a onicas r.1illams B !anI,bas gene tou osnol 1 la.IMrs.- Ono. Taylor visited lber sis- Pink Pills to keep the bloc-clrich,1l, Kîg street bas rceîldits an- ter, Miss Emma Tbompson, To- red and pure and give thein heaith niua-l spriageaig an-c cot bet- ronto. and strength. Mrs. Edwaid Koci, Lter. Mr. Arthur Morris,- Toronto), of potdîsresat Prince's Lodge, Oina HoeN cstle, wjll the Ontario Windmhll Co., visited N. S., tele the great beneit berb the only lîcense-d botelia West bis cousin, Town CierIt Morris. littie son bas derived frein the use Durbamn after Ma, i. cf this worid famouB medicine. Mrs. o anleOdelosten Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Richardsonj Koc sae:"Al litl so, eg-fl- st. Paul's h.u next Su ea t visited Toronto and were guests cf Kiday be-iVy tle ' ' Cburch uadam.fMr. lHarper, Given-st. ma am bieen tb e wbaunel- lisl a.m. nar Mrs. Evans, who )bas been stay- ma am sice blooit h ie wi- r re.Prerbsmve ering with lber daughten, Mrs. J. S. noeaiys andicl loin childitb NeVcastle. Kyle, bas gene te ber home ia ne eergyand itti er ne apetie. r. Hl. J. Tutti, Provincial1 Fac- iMnaa fils velas showecd, very plainly tory Inspecter, visited Bowr-nan- Mrscn. Aln b a envstn tnrough bis skinanard le lad siv- ville factories MsrAlencentasly. ist eral serious attacks cf steomach aud bigPotcrs ob er sister, Mrs. j. S. Kyle, ieft for bowei trouble, and on one occasion -na . rw' seyaout Montana iastwe. bis* life Was dispaired Of by 't~wo cossiag LaIte Oataro in a puat. Mrs. J. A.Thoinison and Miss May doctors who were attending hium. BcwnanviiieConi will mýeet Medy bave retumned to Canan- Biis littie bhody ivas slowly wasting lVlond1ay eveninwg, Citizens attend. eque, with Mr. John May, who wil awa unilbe as otingmor BwmanVille SpIring 11orse Fair 1spend the summer with MIrs. Tbein-1 tban a skeleton. Hie was pevsh is on Saturd!ay May 8. Farm erasSona. -and fretful and a misery te blIif. attend. Clifford Andrews, agred 7, and llaviug read and heard se rnuch cf ILr s. J. A.Wyie Omemee, visi- ferry Gower, aged Il, were finied Dr. Viliais' Pink Pills I doter- ted bier sistef, Ms F. J. Manning. $5 éach'by Police Magistrate L. K. mmý ncd te try tbem la bis case, a--d- Miss bý E. f-laycraft was mn o-Munton, for breaking windows the alrgvfgthi te humfr a cou- iroA -to on businjess last Frïid)Y. property cf Thomas Gale. -pie cf iilmnda thcy crail oi- Chief Jarvis soLahrswnd Osbawa Wil1lbonored bya i it cd~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wedr ibhl.Tdyl 1 yTea Balyls ee-old f remï-,ion. CalsMurphy, Secre- fat aad eaitly le bic;heas aae like tary of Sae accompanîed by Mr., b art apetite, is ablelte piay Inspecter fio-%e coUdewnters' F. L. Fowke, M.P., on, Victoria ethr hlire, nd s rigt ndAssýoeiatioa, caile euoit tbe ïi,- u Bn- Day, and wili. address the young unreiinstead cf duil and lis-,- gdeTurgday, anýd seemed pleased mou of Southî Ontarie., leSs as beused to le. Dr. WilIi- wt heir efiieacy a ýnd equipinent. Ofcr ftci4bBgmn e armâ' Pink Pills have chang-ed fly Thec Statesma'n and the Bewx an- laOfiswf Aprel ato rrgietfer puny, sickly cbild, inte a rugg-d, ville News were ia great demnand iaganhawamAp.rteernt get.fol. hearty boy." lasI week, maniy extra copies b5e-A.GHedroTonoMar Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pis cured A.-g sold. iTroto Mjo this sickly boy because they werit We mitt"ý c te mntli te ltand1- Gierson, Major Dillon, Major down to the root cf theztirouble in sie 1a tcCp- Ios '~eSmith, Capt. Moore and Capt. bis blood. That is why they neyer was dejcoratod vly b aïe rSt mi feul. Ba" blo,,-cl laý the cause cf al Jobn's OrgaFudntr: ia. Mr. J. W. Borsbeny, cf Oshawa, commn dsasslik,'e ena-ema , M.Fan 1,Bine ~ecs~ writes on starting from' Les (bloodie-saneas) ecezemfa, paleness, bouîtupacarryîl cadte t Agols,"al.,'for' Vancoýuve7r, B. headaýces, indigestion, kiduey ,lohn's cehurceat ierta£inmut. CL, . : "Ihave been at Los ngeles trouble>, neualgia,-rbeumatimi and Gee. Chpsu - bat-Kîrby hep- for the past two me uI1ad-amý tIcl special ailï*ents tbat only grow- ing Andy Merrow witb bis bleek ,--now lene et tbe seaslidce enjoying i-ng girls and woasenfolkknew. Dr. i.ha rush. tb' oeyclmt n tcrfei vylis'Pink Pis don't bother iev saoou,0.D.-ad ey igs on eýYc-mesnoftbe efPacif ,with mere syivptoms, they cure 'dis- Lsace TuvelI, D.D,, are pastors, re-1 occan. The country is now looking eases tnulteboo. Te ^~etixeiy, cf G ïre St. and Wesley> fine. The oranges and lemons are don't cure for a day-tîey cure te ethodist churches, iarni-ton, ripe in the orclards, and the stay curecl. De net take any pill1s> vbicb are to unte uader theirfowransncpl trees are witeuttIcfui nao, Dr. ViI, joint pastorate. Bev. Coudh is a' beautiful.-Vinudicator. liam,'. Pink. Pills for Pale People-, DJarliagton boy. on th--wrapper arouus >acbox. Rcv.,Dr. Wiliiamson, HaIlt, - - TPTV C1T' Miss Oownn, A',bert Ce)llegecý Beolleville, vsiai tb er father'a Mn, e, Cewan., Mn. W. H., Stevenson, Oshaw% visited bis cousin, Mn. FredTuU Leskard. Mn. Charles Undcnwood, Toron,. te, visited olti friendsaet itedal- Cbarley ia still a baclýelor. Ia cennection witî thc visit of the Durînrra Oid Boys, et Ooo plans are now beiag perfecd i At4 give the visitons the tino -cf' thir lives at tIcheunla e lbd on4 Friday, Jane lltL-non Nws. Insplector Jameý,s L. _ fules;ajd at Orono tIe otbe,ýn nýit thiat it vas -15years Sinceplestle,"as l O1rono. wben le passeti tîrýo1ugl oý- u loati cf wood, wbicl hechp4 on the Stapies tarin, newv ownaed by Mn. Col. Staples. fie gave scmsp, amusiug remiai'sconces of tilosc early days. Ameng tchnre mpmen ocf the. Durlain ONld BeyS' Aýssociatiîon front CLan-ke oas lue montioaeýd Prof. John Squnir, Dep.-Chief StarlIc, Dr. G., h. Car- voth, Mn. W. F. Mena aaad Mn._14. Fielding.* Clark-e Council lspseieby-. iaw givung the Port HopeTeiehen Co. Ls., uilpowrandatbry fri time te turne and et al ime hereafter te erect, place end main tain p-oies. wires anti ail othe-r a essary applianees upon, truh under and aiong thc streets, hIghý1- ways and public pinces-ih ttheT-own- slip cf Clarke, for the purpose cf runnîng anti maintainîng sa.d 1unes. The ileeve, Couacillors andi iOfficrs -of the said Corporation tus . c position or eupen»ngceuiýmtti tu-4!1-ave .a.Lvucg ofp- tain 1~~ S-e rinipa cgcntlu agees a v lme 9Port r'ope t:leotieCe. fre c tIc nrgariizationi w -1t ', steinsý ectinwbilixitav-ay 1afany charge tleefrwchmyl the Provinces cf Saskatchewan enu - orGmnicplpre ,cddr Alberta.-j ii.g busiess hur so aiti Po-rt La addition to lis duties as Supefr-' -p Telephone Ce. intendent of Education, Dr. Gog- gin, hike mauy cf lis assistants in TELDISFA RT. thoso days, prormedtviow emn' s TH LAIS VG1,' n'ork by spentiing part cf the day WkrvrPrse aei nw as principal of the Territorial Non-,'hevr aianSgisrvî mal Scleol,_ instîtuto conductor Lt las the Cal. anti ebairman ef the Boardi of Ex- Prse ae ltma fii amînra.eutof aail 1cm nestorenss laia vury HONORED ABROAD. ticightful anti refneshing laýir Ia 1893 le n'as closon an louer-1dreasing. Besides posscssingtes any vice-presitieut of the Wolt's qualities it5 will positivoly macIe anyv Educationai Cougnesa e t Chicago, nencn's h1cm soft, luxuriant and.ý cut in lu1881901 n'as s be-presitient attractive. Jury & Loveli ,û'l 1k üf tbe bigler education section of' ant ilil retern our moeîf yenj1 tle Dominion Educational Associa- anc dissetiafieti. tien, anti presîient frein 1901 tei Juat rend thla: ueAfter îsn n 1901. lotile cf Panisicage o'lv For nany years le n'es a studeunt1 a botter growtl cof hein atiI f1u of toxt boks, for in Manitoba lie yeer IHein Restýoernpesn eue n'as eammbrof the text bok co)n- Aften tbe firast apiain nittees3 of thc Ativisory Bei cf dandru-f disappeencati ani iny1hai Tde(Icc;tion ýianti tIc Univcns--ity stppot faling , at tl bc B,.iarti of Stetiies. In t1Ic TerYri-reteitetsnuelco. tories, as Supeintentien't c lca onîecmeni or aise Sg tinhe n'as chief aiisr t ti tealyl ady fniondîýa, oti Ceenceil of Education luthe elco-Bcd,11 Mt. EHope Ave., Bce tien cof boeks. ton, N. . The, TerritorialGoemut ai in its report, afien le lad lit Be- TIhenc oeanu ae gina for thc East in 1902, thet le tobacco lui wîîî hthc nIcotine isJa- lad Icen "for tn'cnty yeers the1 duceti fron 234 tr)onoly 1 per cenit. greateat educa tional influence in Th, tebacco 15 clc'arer, but gooti for tIc West." xboknr(,uýan ekhatdsik(,- With Dr. Goggin on the txtbc nnosanine-ertlsnkr. committdc appeinteti in 1907 wene -__ assodiateti Prof. Alexander, Toron- ' A Woman's .Sym>pathy to University; Mosans. J jre .vou discouragefi? la you otQr"% Hughes, I.P.S.. Toronto; llcnry a b1l a hcavy fluatcal loafi? -18 your pain~ --, ik...-i df.,i I heavy Physical,1byrf3on? i kuon' ,w wat Scîcol, Toronto; John Waugh, D. Paci, I. JP. S., Wîitby; Daviti Young, prncipal Peblic Suhools2, Guelph; T. A. Creig, I. P. S., Kemptvlle; G. E. Brotierick, prin- cipal Moel Sclool, Lindsay>- W. Atlin, I. P. S., St. Thomas, anti N. W. C'ampbll, I. P. S., Seuil Grey. NEWCA_îSTLE. Miss Allie Middtleten les retuirti frein a trip te Collingn'ooti. . Men. Beginalti Bradiley, bkela homne fron G ait. j11 Mn 1.3i . Chaplin las sip piag ap iple te c le ltiland. Dr. Feuoiblas set onie MiaNnieHopr, Oreo,,mc- 'entiy vstt o ut r.Ce Il. Joli. j. F.AlcIoninle Mr ani Mrs rHci- , Mnrl c oL r aieit alsel I boon discoura'aed too; but lcarned 50w t*~ cure inysoif. 1v wLte oroiv our buýr- dons. Wny wlt end the paifi nIl s top thýA doctor's Mb?1? Ican do titi» for you and wilJ If Yeu wili assist me. Al ,ou aeed do la to wiefor ajfres box of thte rernedy whlit bas been piaeced In mny bands to Sbe given awa. erh1aps this oeebox will cure youins » oue se for others. If se, 1 ahail be Ilapipy and you wili Se cured for 2r, (thie ct of a postage stamp). Tour le-tters cld onfi-. ilentialiy. Write to-d'ay for xnyfrera- mlent. MES. IF. E CUIIEAH.WidOr.4t Artist-I will guaraintee, sir, t painlt YOU aska g ie os f your wife. CUstmrYu atd ht Éulli Up A eereNw Now, while your earning power is goôd, why4 not convert part of it int a Cash R'eserve that willj atex on, yiel a competence for old age ? You can easily do it by regu!arly depositing a part Of your inconle in Established 1873 Q C NA A77 Branches One Dollar andi upwarcls opens an account, and1 wiîh systemat PC, saving and Compound , Intereat, the fund wiIl rapidlv accuniulate.1 Begin to-day. 72 orna'ivZ-le ranXChA. N. iielilan BPI4t.NC"£S ALSO0 AT N W AT~ N W O VL~ SriLue 1r caei W. Y ange & Ce, e i Flui 1-labsai Thlîd clasa 5ý7. 0, East Ap. 17 Apr. ya May 1I LIV lai KtIrpr, Lake NEW TEXT BOOKS. Uxperience of Dr. D. J. Goggmn Editor. (The Toronto News.) The editer cf thc new tcxt books! i3 Dr. D. J. Goggin, fenanenly Supenintendent cf LÉducation for tIe Nortbwest Teritonies, and fîinm 1902 te 1G07 manager for the Canada Publishing Company, wlere le obtained an "nie knowledge of - printing, bindihug, prices and qualities cf worc, thlas provedi invaluale lah.,bis peetpo)sition., Ho, was bora l tIc4ceunty of Dunhai, eu atetiet hitby f Iig1 Seheel and Manite.11Lýba 1University, wbere bie pgmduateti with the de- grec cùf HA.fe afterwards ch- taineti the M.A. degree at Mani- toba and Victoria Universities. laý 1900 Tr'lnity University conferncdi upea thîs ail-round educetionist the lcnorary degr-ee of D. C. L. Ia Ontario le teught in rural Public, Modol and HigI Sehools et Cartwright, Mil rock, Whitby and Pont Hope. Removing te Miani- tobe,, le erganized iand developeti asystein cf training for ail grades oi tende,,rs, ad conducted a senies of institutos eace year. For many yasle wes a member of the, coun- chi cf the University cf IManitoba, and greduates' represcrtative on its Board of Studios; also ail exam-, iner for the.Universîty and the De- pertinent cf Education, and a ment- ber of St. John's CleeCouacil. TO TfHE NORTHWEST.- Frein Maitoba Dr. Geg-gia went te the Nortlwest Territonluis teo tale Là 1 i -- --l-w- - ý - -1 .. . -- ll- 1 - -T -1 -t-

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