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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1909, p. 8

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=TICI Royal Bank j JNCORPORATED 1869. Pays Special Attention- to m Savings Accouints. 'B Capital paid up Reserve Fund Total Assets $3,900,000 $4,600,000 $50,000,000 I F e J. Mitchell, C( Ilanager Bowmanville Brancb, ui .~t] SPR ING CLEANýING v It's time to thrnk of Spring A H1ouse leaning. We have the VI] Bi eesayrequirements for this vil work, such as-& BRUSHES whitewash, K a 1 s o. Scrub Bruabaes. goe~S o m BROG S lth a851 1n 9, m lArd Wbisk C eau ers, li SASComfort, Sunlight, L'le. h th, buoy, Surprise, Fels-Nap- rD GI iel t'à P"' !ASBING IIIRnII è ? Waahing Sodi. Duthcli Ceanser, Pearlije, Snap. I IBTAUïLISOI Thal t 048 11Qtuallty 1 muHs. IIE u'ne rau Phone 57 niy Grocer, p-j ~II New Spring Shoes Tise Shois Wotld niwav s blossoma ouI witlx uew styles lu bbc aprng We are offeing the ehoiceal Sprng abois cmetions wa were abia 10 select fîom tisa productions eoflise basi makes o! !ooiwear, snch as bise QUEEN QUALITY The new prg Footwear sepresente a =ube of naw shapes, lasti and colore, sucli as tan, cliocalate and wine. Our shoe prices arb the loweat-for first-elase footwear. Il you need a trunk, bag or suit case for -your SprIng trip eal Sand see our stock. We canipleasi, you in quaiity and prIke. FRDR. FOL EY Parior Shoe Store, Bowmanyile LN EXT HO IRSEEKERS' EXURSIORS [AlRail V'ia ch:cagoj Ua.y 4th [via Rail and Boati Steamer lea-VeS Sarnla 3 30 P- M, 113Y l9th. Edmo-ýntoriand return 4,0 Tickvets good for 60 days. Proprtioaterates to other points. iu WesýternCanada, FuI) nomainand tces rmany GrndTrunk -A--ablt JURY & LOVELL,ý C .&T. A et.~Bwavla HAYDON Mr John Grahamn and wife, Bowman- vile, Sundaied at homne ...... Mrs T G Colwlll and Mr aud NMrs S Vanstone, WVhithy. wltli their motlierMrs D Camp- bell, wh e 19crItIoally fil ...... Mr and ifre JE, Elilott and Miss Annie Mount- oy, CJadrans, visited friands here...... Erapare for our annual tea and concert Juiy 1 ...Miss Ells Saunders apeat Suaday witli lir sister, Mrs Theo Siemon. Coutitless have been the cures work- ed by Holloway's Corn Cure. It bas a power of Ias own niot foruit lu othen preparations. SOLIN A. Considerable siokuesprevails la ibis section-Mrs J W Brooks le reeeivlng medical attendauce; Mrs James Camer-. onhas congestion 0f'the.lunws; Albert Baison le under the weather; Mrs W C iVerry is sufferlng froua a sevane cold. and several others are enmplaîntug of feeling unwell ...,. A good openinz hlie for a good biacksnxitli jàsi now... Mr Wiii Taylor le lmproving hbsproperty In the village. 11Perfectly Trustwortliy" is the char- etar of Bickla's Anti-ConsumptIve Syrup. It eau be used wiih the utruost confidenice that it will do whatiaclaimed [or it. Is I sure in ils effects, as tbe use o! It wii demnustrate and tan be reid upon la drivre a coid ont of the 3 sem more effecslvely than auy -other medlcine. Trv it ani be convlnced 1aIth Id wbat ih la laimed to be, Miss Eva Oýborne, Bowmanvhlla, le rIitiug Mrs W R Courtice ...Miss Florence Badgley, Whitbv; Ladies' Col- age, Sundayed witli Mrs Barnes ai the aýrsouage ...Miss Velmà Morrow, )shuawa, speut ibhe week-end with Mrs Ja ....Mrs Brimacomabe, Bowman- îUe, spent Suuday wlth Mra Jno 8 ýrooka. . .. Mr Wm Courtice, Bowman- îlle, spant a few days wiib friands here ..A numben from liera attended the unenai of Rer Samuel Tueker, Toronto ... Quarterly meeting service will be eld ai MapL Grove church Runday mornIug,....Miss Mabelle Waiters lias me te Indianflead, Sask. She ar-i Ived safely aud enjoled thetartp veny lncb, NEcEssARY FOR THE FAMILY, If oaithle to be maintaiued tiaere muet i athland la every home a medicîne i eau be poalttivaiy eiad upon to 3gulate tbe liver, kidInays and bowels, W. Chase's KilIney LIver PilIlabave, ovç4 tbeir nigli tg 9finet nlâce la thie ýen aJarea Iy d enepûs. on luthgea ms oflî o!moes, HAMPTON. Next meetingI 1will be 1- .etthe 'FiOman ' 8mati- 0houp , Thursdar. May' 6, ai Mï-Iîïl - c f Mme3C. N Ruse, Subjccts: -4, ils cnransd uses." -'Dlsposai o! hi' brs J T Cola, Mrs Levi Rabbins and Mies EDoidgwe.Aise election o! omeera for theanew year. Lot every memben attend sud nning a fieud. Palpitation o! the beani, uenvousuess, IremblIngs, nervous headache, cold handsa nd feet, nvailu nthe back sud ter forme of weakaess are neileved hi' Carter'a mon Pilla, made sjecially tom the blood, narras and complexion. Mir Edgar Hrnm visiied tba Queeu Ciiy lai week ....- F Olver.Newiouyiile, viloted hie motber sud sMster necenlly ...Mr William II Gouge, Coleraine, ;Îinuosota, su oid re3ideut o! ibis pisa, risited ai -Mn J T Colc's reeenly ...Mn MI Robblus la makiug extensive Improv- meute onils baru, Mn Jos Clatwortlny, contre.ct6r ...Mn Lewis Cryderman sud mothen vsited friands ai Orono Sunday .... Sick record: bine Wm Green le lma proving lowly; bina J Keralake le ne botter; Mn C J Kerslake bas beau quile II but la necovemlng; Mn Wm Allia le slightly botter; birs (Rer) T H P Audar sou la able t10 ha raund agaîn a flan beg ilînees,. - Miss Loitie Horn la learniug tbe dreasmakiug lu iowu ....Mr Mark Hauuam la ie uew assistant lu Posl Office lie. If you've got any business, thora Mark 3sou will find, To ladies wil ha axceodingli' klud; He'illnol keep voa wmting, prompt ha will1 be, To prove my assertion just drop lu and ses.. Weddiug balla bave basanlaiging ibis week. Congratulations .... Miss Gaulee Martin, Toonto, ai home ...., -Mme W H Rogers bas raturued after speudlng the wluten wilh friands in Peterboro.... Hampton S 8 will bold auulvansary as usual Dominion Day. FRIBND'SADYICE Ancf Dodd's Kidniey Pis soon cured lits Backache Row MALCOLM MOKINNON POUND COis- PLETE AND PERMANE NT RELIEF FR055 meT KIDNEY AND STOMAÇH TROUJBLES. SHUISACADIE, CAPE BRETON 'Co., NS, Apr. 26, (Speciai)-,ýfferlugwilthback. ache so much liaI hje could not womk, 'Malcî)luaMeKnnon, s well iLnowun eai- dent o! Ibis place, took a friands adrico sud used Dodd~s Kiduai' Pilla. Tise re- suIt is tsai ha lai bacis ai work sud bis hsckacbe le ail gonu. "Yes," lie enys, la apeakiug o! bis case "I wraa troublud wiih hachache, dais 10 wet Icai and haî d wark. Il got mu se- vare ai last 1 waa qulte anable tu do My work. "It wasa Iroagi a freud'a adrice I tarted to use Dadd's Kiduer Pilla, sud 1 waa soon aware bbaî iai' inere dolng me good. My' back was easier sud I isad lese pali urinslug. "As Dodd 's Kiduai-ý' lsl hd doue me so mach good I eîTisoughLt1Iwoaid tri' Dodd'aspapss rblais aud I did 80 wi usarveloas ciffeci. Two boxes set my stomacis riglit." W,' iii Dcdd'd KFduci' Pilla to keepmi' Kidneys Weil adteblooG purze ud Dad's ysppsi Talit bput tise stmCislh apsotstiehd n- -eives lie uoumlamenî it ïnaedî you vare assurad o! i C firsitinoesntaso Aietls I i. I 1 ENNISKILLEN. Beyn and birs Thos Snowden, Janet- Villa, weme renem ing old acquaintances liera recently......Mrn d bine H M Coilacuti sud Master Lancelot Phare, Tynona, Suadayed ai Mn Wm Trewina *. ... Mr sud bine George Argue enter- iaiued the older marrcd people ta a six ù'clock dinuer oua eveuing recenily. lernuiscessces were-the or..... Mn Ganuai Saudaeon, Cartwright, vlelted at hie moither's.... Qsnsrterly meeting next Sundai' ai Enfleld, ..Our auniver. sary will be on Victoria D..y as usual ...MerrIIIJi3well. Bowmanville.,was home Suaday,.... One o! our rising Young mon, Mr. Garuet Chapmaa,, Ioee ibis wcak ta Clnuaton to attend Queen's Collage. For any case o! aervouenese, sleep- lessuesa, waak atomacb, indigestion, dynpepoîs, tny Carter's Little Narre Pila. Relief le sure. The oaly narre medicîne for the pnice la market. OSHAWA 6haWauonanoilier pae5 13r B F'Noti, Northi Bay., wa*!e homeI bven the week-end. c'hnêe oif a road roller. Mn Wm liollaad, Toronto, QrînId, wth bie famllv- apent1 z i I Tynna................ May' 2q Eldad...... ........ May 27 sud 30 Providence..............»*Jane 6 Maple Grove .......... lune 20 sud 21 Baydon..................... Juli' 1 Hampton-------------------....Jssly 1 Ahl cases oi waak hach, risoamatisua, willi fiad relief hi' wesiag ona o! Car- le's Smarti Wood and Belladuns Back- ache Pîatrs, Prica 25 cents, Tri' TAUJNTON The boys o! thia vlclniî.y held a meet- ing lu Tauncon Union Hall Mondai' eveniug, ApnIl 19tli, for the purpose of orgauizing a foot hall lesa. The foi- IuwIug weme eleeted: Proldani-W J Laugmnald; lI Vice-J W Brooks; 2ad Vire-Wm ýLeacb; Srd Vica-F Sprv; Suecretay-F B Giaspel; Trais-O N Stainten; Manager-J W Balson;- Caplain-N Washington; Selection Com-J W Baleon, N WVasisington, D McGragor, A D Langmald and L B Balson. The tesa la uow roady te book gatues for tise comIug season, sud as lliey hava a namban o! uaw minu ibs season thsy axpeot lu he cousIdenabli' sîrougar lissa Iast syar. Worms lu oilidmea, if thai' ha net atteuded to, causa convulsions sud oflan deatbh biotier Graveb' Worm Exter- minaon will protecl the cblldren froin thiese dIstiressing amflelns Mn ud inaMark F. Sualil speut Soucis,Apnîîi1, by Ray AD Richard, Mïs'sà Alîca Olvan, Brookla, wa a neceai guaitio!flier ester Mme Jas Read. Mn A Ellicti, Mushoka, vlsited is Beta bin Wm Whilte over Sunday, me VYicIer Huai. Tornto, le viiting ber>sotber bine (Rer) MeCullougis Mr n d Mn@ Chas Chadd wene Sunday guebs sof bMr Fred Cbadd, Font Hope. MnI W Cana, Toronto Uulw;ersiiy, viaiicd bis uncla Mn Wm Cola ovar tAte wveek-end. Mr F Edican Cana won the Rogers' PnizeîluEnghlihai Queeu'3 University', Kingston. Mrs E B Williamsàn la dlagata froua Simeca Se W M 8S b the District Conven- tion at Orono. Milss Eva Staulick lias nturnel f roua Torcnto wbere ahe bas beau sttaudiug1 Buainess College. 1Mr n d binaJas Hrm, Cole st Paul,1 were lu town Waduesday attending tise fanerai of bis fallian, tisa late Jas Hern. ero W B Tuoker, B A, B D, atteudod lise funeral of ils uncla the laie Rer Samuel Tacher, la Toronteou Tuesday. J A White- Biera o! Pickering. le nagetlsting wlýlt the Councîl for par- clisse o! the Saywoll f actory building for a pork-packlng establishment. Misses RI ng have sold their haudsome1 residauca, Wostmouut, 10 Dr W Glaes, Haltburton, wlio wili locale bjrs lu thea near faune. Mr Gilos Ilas brtiar o! Mn Chas Gilas, Corntlahan sud Phoenix Ludges o! Oddfellows baaded by Oshawa baud and msresalled by Bru Tisas Knox, atteudad service ln Christian Chunch Sundai' flemnoon. Ecniptune leseon was nead Dy BCEOler, pastor, sltar which a very excaleulaud appropnîsta sermon was premcised hi' Rev D M Mihaîl, ,M A, o! thie Baptiat chanci. A quartette was beautItlallj nedrad hi' MesessHender- son, Brown, Heuloy snd Psu), sud a solo hi' Mn J Green o! Brad!ord, Medcalf Si Leagua Tuesday et'eulug was Iu chsarge o! Misionari' Dept. Miss Banni gracefalli' preslded over ibis la - etructîve aud' interastlug progmsm: piano duel, Misses Pearl sud I.Shea Oroskem; vocal solo, Mr A Callans; reci- talion, Miss Bemnica goyue-; paper "Tise ueed sud importance o! mlBssonary work la lie Northi West" by Mr W E Souch; vocal duel, Misses Annie sud Lizzie Goldeboro; piano solo, Miss Ethel Kit-hi. Meeting clased with Mizpais bonediction Mn Ed J Pnil gave a radital la tia P-sea-byten'ainCisrch Mondai' 10 miro- daUce biiîs Dorothy Haren, s verv talenled papi], tise pdsissEtor a! a veny sweei soprzano volce ot gaod range, wbicb aebe isa aden perfect cousmol, lsklng ber bIgis notes without ai' apparent effort. Ber enuclation la faultlasia sud fexpression parliculanli' gocd, whis ara comhinsd witis a pleas- iug, mannen.Re6r firsi numban was "A Dreau," wlilci broî-gist fonih Aeati' ppolsuse. As an encore se gave "'Comîug TAr' the Blye" Hem next1 number waa 'Gool Bye" by Toati, whlcb dermmnded a doabao encore, to whlcli nesaresponded wlth "Kilnry" sud "Ave Maria," tise latter witb ongan accompanimeul. Wisan oue considane that se la ouI' sîxteen.yemns a! mga lier einglugilamarvelloas, Mn. Puý'll gavýe two well-randemed <frgan solos sud acted as aiccompani t lu au efficient manuer. Others conibuting to Ibis ex-celleHnt pnogram weme Mms e Vauresa, Mr R Rendenson and lie Masanie Quartett, al belng wall ecived, Mn Pul s1- e- ha caurlustrloniis van' sacasaful_ ovaulug. The clirch wîs mode t tied)oax5, TrahyI' hiwâa srare trocat. bolli o! Foreman, Alta. Probailouerao!o Statuler District Maîhodisi Churcli wera tu tpwu lasi week wrltiag -,ou Conference Examina. dlons, Thcsy pneaeated ta bina Samuel E. Souci a Lcaulifui eut glass barri' set, sudý an addresaR expressive cf ibeir ap. preclation o!flier kinduase dunIng them stay. Stettiar Land Office ls mucli toc amaîl, Land-haakere bave ta ha lai la oueat ai sime while s great body o! appllcants stand oulsidoerery day waiiing for tbair tara Rare Iles style o! mdvi liai appears Ini ranchIng counirlez: Tise Trofoil Horse Round-up,,wilatari ou Mai' 9th, Soutb o! the Bauîd Bille. If cattleDien wIll send lu stray branda they wîlli ha held lu thea Round-up ai $5 a bead, Ladies sud gentlmau wbo take MlI-i len's Compound Iron Pilla alwaya grow1 voungen lu aupomnance sud spirite So!d hi' R. Mf. Mitchell & Ce. Dnugglsls, OSJiAWÀL BOYS OUT WEST. We are lwayes plaased to nota the sucoso! y3oung mon who go le thse West sud ie cuber parla cfibheworid ta make a namÉe and a f rtune fonrIlicua salves. The foiiowlng article froua The ,S'uurb,c n lvq sai King lEdward, bia., under hegàd,ugo! "Bu;iness Changea," re!jns taMn E J. Gregory, son o! Mn. James Gregory o! Ibis lowa Mesane Arthur 1. Bond and Onville Bond are sons o!f rr, W. R. Bond, Royal Street, th, former bclng employed lu S J. Tomeus' grocari' store hure for a uum- western enterprise tAte firua o! Gregory & Co., bas purcbased fiea large groceni' sud hardware stock of Leunox & Ce., ai King Edwand, sud lu coeshort moulli bas demonatnated wiai cab3 doue underý propen management sud an earnuasidesire ta pluselise customers. The aboya firua bave a lange ganeral store lu, Frobishser, Sask., 150 miles eoutb-weast of Brandon on the Estevgru brandi o!flise C. P. R. sud wili Pïe large qanttîes o! butter, egg8ansd poultry totaielr local alore,.ilius lasur- Ing ils belug f re.lifroua the countri' sud ai the Iowcst pnices, as lie suppîr ai Frobishear exceede tho demand. White Mn. Grecory wili only ha seen occasion- all v asr, ing Edwand, lhe local mnau- gar la A J. Bond, who li aseociaied wltb hlm bis brothier, O. W. C. Bond, The former gentleman lias had mani' years o! experienco lu Iislina, sud aloug with Mna. Bond, wili maka bIs home for Ihe present over the store. Ther7 are aleady mach pleaaed wltli hoth t-" district aud thea nesidents, sud would ha aorny woee7aycailed apon ta ratura ta _Frobieber. The poat office la nnw locatad la lihe groceri' store, E. J. Gregory being lise postuaaalcr sud A. J. Bond thea s8ssat. The Bond Brotbers -are graudeona cf Mn. JDhu James, Bwarhe Dmethc, »ThQ iii ii ai A11n wayS Bîînht Mr W i Ittla7ba raturuad bomne fromTont ael hospital not munch lmproved lu heat .....,.. Mna Besie Hawkey bas nettznned froua a pleaat viait with frian u Gelphi...Misa Ethel Hooper recenily visited ln Bow- mauvlle RerW C Washiugt on, Bowmanvîllesuplied tlie pulpit for Rey T W Jcelliffe Sunday morning.... W R Clemeus aud wife atteudad Mn and bina W J Brg'Oiver weddlng at ProvidencepFrIday.Quarterly sac- ramentai service will be lield at Beth- 'aa un av May 2nd; Qiiarteriy board business mý,etig at the saine place the followiug Monday . .. .A large nimber of youag fruitIrises ara beiag plauted la tbis yiciniiibtis aprng ..,..Come sud enjoy the musical aeveuiug ai League Fnidai'. T1o0HAVEC A BEAUTIFUL SKiN. About aa sixili of aillthe waate matter dis- cliarged froua the huruar body passes oui Ilirougli the pores of t he skia. If the skia le cbha kept beautiful the pores muai ha kept la a hoalihy condition by batblug sund hi use of Dr. Cbsse's Olulment whicli overcoeiae irritation of the skina sd cures epimplaes, 3empions sud the maUy forma of eczema. TYPE WRITINU CONTEST RISULTS IN A DEAD HEAT 'The annual !typawniting contest for the Scbool Cbamploushlp of Amenica, whicb was la.ied on Saturdar. April 10. ai the Normal ý.Sehool, Providence, R. I, resualted lu a dead hat for the firai ibrae contestanits and bad to ha declded ou the fraction of a word a minute. The couteet Ila adfor thlnv mnutes and razulted as foilows: Miss'Manul Link- an, Springfield. Mass., 54,8 words a min- utcý; ;M1Es Cornne Bourden, Toronto Ont., 54.2 wPords a minute;,Miss Fler- ecc Wilson. Passale, N. J ., 54 06 wcnds a minuta. There wene five othen con- testants from Varions parts of the UnItad Statas. Miss Bourdon received ber training lua the Remington Busineass Collage ai the banda of Mr Chas. E. Smith and Miss Elle Scott, ithe wlnner of laat icar's Sehool Championshtp. Miss Rosa L Frits, New York, sud Mn Leslie fi. Coombea, Toronto, for- mer puplls oïï Mt Smaih, came lu firai and second respectivoly la tho Inter- national Champlouehlp. New lufe for a quarter, Milierla Com- pouad Iron Pilla, Sold by R. , M.Ailol- ell & Co. Dnugglste.I ISTETTLg, ÂLËflI.TA Mr nd u rs Mark Souci speut Good Frlday at Mr Joa CoIe's, Red Deer. Noting shows the amount of inaffie lu Sittler-4these-ilays-mora-than-the- number of canloade of frelgbt coming lu. Thuredai' fiftinue cars arnived loaded wlth freight o!ail descriptions, Is Your Back tlhe Weakest PoJnt? Does It piay out fire3t Nhen you have etendy work te do. 'Under these circumstanes a yu clin be pretty sure that thse kidueys are weak and disordered and that thse back pains are really hidney pains. Othecr symiptornis are deposits in, the krine àftefr staniàn-, pain and sm-arting wlsen passing water,' frequent desire to, urinate, aiso hcadache, dryness andI h1arshusess of the skia and pains ini the, limbs and body. Backache soon disappears when Dr. Chase's XRîdney-Liver PIl are ubaed and kidney disease is thorougisly cured by this treatment, Mr. Geo, Tryon, Westport, Leeds Co., Ont., writes:-"For two years I wa3 eornpleteiy laid Up with lame back and eould neither walk or ride. 1 tried nsany medicines and flic doctor 's treat- ment did not lielp me. "A iniond told me about Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilla and tbis medicine eompletely cured me.a I have hacl .a lame back or kidney trouble since and mny cure bas been tise menus of selling many b"xes of Dr. (ibase 's Kieney-Lîv- cm Pills." One pili a dose,' 25 cent s a box at ail dealers or Edmnson, Bates &Co., Toronto. SÂttyRDAY, MAY 15-Ezcsntors o! the laie bina Peter Barclay, Enlkilian, wili offen for sale on the premises, ber laie nesideuce and 191- acres o! land souta o! the village. 4Sea bille for full description aud taruas" Sale ai 2 p m. L A W TOLa, auciloneen, Saturdai', May 5-Mrs. J. Mitchell wihll offer for sale ou the Market Square a Bowmanvllle. aIl of han bousehold furnitumeanad furnalunLs. At thae same time and place thora wlll ha sold a quantltv o! bigli cisa fumai- turc, bed noom sets, extension dluiug room table. nefrîgerator, mattresgeia, epninga, etc. Sale 1 p. m. L. A. W, Tale. auctioneer. Rossmouat scribe wnltes Port Hope Times: Mre. W, J.- Clamons, Bowman- villa, vistig lier cousin, bina. W. T. Marsalal, lia@ neiurned home afier a yery pleaaani urne liera. NQTIÇe TQ UÂlRMERS ÈEavlng nanted the stables and shede adjoiung tbe Central LiverY Stable I amn prepared to !urni-lh § 4".' accommodation and catrsle herses sud riga llu Inmi' change. A special man lias been ongagad te take charge cf tbis wonk sud firet class service 1a guar- aleed. Specti raies by the monili, 17-4w BowmanvIhle. $20t~rT $ R1 Wa hava ceriainly provcd orr aim to the titl l fL&VDERS OF MEN'S CLOTHING IN BOWMANVILLE;, this season. it fa the splendid values, lte altogaîlian new, smart styles, ana the imsflao assontutent, giviug our whole trne and attention to titis onle IuDe oi business, and aeliing ofly "WUIAT WE KNOW" ta beTHIt1GL RELIABLE GOO DS that has placed us in Miis position. Meu's Suits. Tweeds-Worsteds Sergas-cîteviots. Blue-Black Gren-Brown -Grey-Drab Single or Double Plain on Fançy 84-85 to $22,00 Boys,. Suits. Grey- Green--Bnown Plain or Mixaci Single-- Double breasI NORFOLK Thre-Piece Two-Piee $1,95 10 8.50 Men's Ilats. Black-Brown Grey-Gý,'reen smahi--siapes Larga-Sýhapes 1 tiff-soýt SoMto 8 u0.50 Stiff I 050 R 3.0 Sizes :1te 7 Boy's New Sumnmer Sweaters Justin. A splendid showlng o! Boy's Sweaters lin summner weighta. luIlte latest con ilions o! colore. Brown sud green, red and black.roy~ianda blacbueanrAcSet~L5 Bat -and Bai Given free with each boy's sutit. 4 I ~ -- - -~ - Jos. Jaffeny & ou, Stan Bouse, Bow- manvîlle, bave lad sachla grisai rush for theln 820m n'a suit for $14 cash tisai they docîde to ho tha offer open, for thie monili. The ha va a uew an- ria cf oob ostflsuitiugs for menan sdboys- n inra 8eanly inspec- tlon. Doas asas g o! $6 00 on your Sprng Suit tmt 9If go Cali at the Star House, SPRINGSHOW Bowmanville Spring Show wil ha held ai Drill Shed Grounds Salurday Mai'S Prizas wîlli haoffet-ad for Heavi' Draught stallions sud mares, Rachney, Pont', sud Standard Brad on Roadater simulions, agnîcuituaa mares, sud magie- temed Balla. Judging 10 hagia ai i110 p m. Enirlea my ha made up lu 12 o'cioch on day o! show. Admission 25c. A E CLzmaNs, J 3 MOOnCuÂni, Presideut. Sceo:atary-Tnemsumrer. HIGH SOHOOL NOTES Tise amnual meeting o! teil11gh Sehool Atilotie Socialy was ba!d FnIdai' April LIS, whan thea foiloiîng offilcers wers electcd: Presidant-bin A R Cam- anon, B A- Fonua nepnaseutatrves: I V aud IIf-kIanseu J Bradlci'; Il-Fred Cryderman; I-Robert Wilson; Sac- Treas-Charile Bounsal, It wae decid- cd to play' football, tho !ollowlug officers balng elected: Ciplalu-Mausen Brad- lv;' Managing Com-Mauaen Bradley, ran Burown n anme - eatin- ThdelsG einden fopled wi>ýth anrani' lane earienceou cndmedo amws ah aresodo gara oabd.g douewll neasa sud sîrands T Sni ou ail r piv ptroniage.- TAtal WestndrSmitsy, Rint.,a Bow- m b dile.'oaleg ol Tas haenWstDraa gnal blna Soclati' purpoessndiu aStanngh Tefkn Yeu, OT& In1.rlie opronge.e The 0WstlEha awrde. uina Stfor cmaillonme osito e la hm The m emrso!tiseranicullul Socie aadet faRds euthldmuiguaStabingor Bowmaavlila Competiore allao ana 19t[9, 11Au ent e o nudllar 85wihl ha chaaïTied.Onlarloepanir eudasEtitnismut ha madeofnot lstae fibea May 51h, 109, tis tialSecrcmtry pnocuedeNteas insstanon bcmore tisan fiweny-leentframuaha madao Bwapnhl -29,t trà.oweasvlle Thne tlason Clothing Co. 1il namain unbroken--'will fot ena oaly years o! wear *111 remove it., h spra covars hast, look& hast, wears longesi. Il adde ai finent whererer il is nsed. Priam Paains ara guananieed to ha pure. If Il wbat wa dlaim them to ho you get- your money W. H.IDUS;tE Phone 74 Bow, tihe price o! ýtclion !remi .aw long wili unbroken ?à arailon wili -e painting? ý, nast ha an- ,al cost. >aconomical Iwbieh WMI LA or Saale- ads funthisat, n air o! re- îey are flot- back. SoId n Ianlle, I I ~ L::i~iIih~~i _ *:~ == THOSE $20 SUITS FOR $14. Tisrane avaniDus noasos8 wiY tise bastdnessed men iuvariab;éWear bailon- made clollies Olbe is teb ai s final clasa taiiuning e.tehlisa eut thet' eau gai exclusive pat era . Jos Jaffary & Sun, fon instance/i ont ln sait langthe, no twc alîke, s ch cusiomer lias a distinctIon lu di 3whlch tbisauaaWho wesrs factori' ada eloties alwas lacha. Beaidea, tise patteras ana newer --thie soasonac weavas, sud lu ,the haigil o! style. Juat hava a look lisoagli lie Stan Hoase stock sud sce for y oursal. Ladies, use, Ti- tus SewiagMachine Daruing Attaci meut for mencing i aockinge, lace car- talus, table Iîneu, undan iWear - any - tliig ta ho darncd Worth dollars lu crn' home. Fils criub lie edie oh uv aawiug maCLiuýf witib hýooip 1told ti- 'osa ocking sudibe atticimet outis neeie o --un mna- chine yoýu eau d) o orsud'be-tter £dam-' ing lu ian minutes tissu in tour bhy bzad, aasiug dsJrniLg colloùn, wol lk, Ilueanor "salug cotta. The Fsimpleal sud mo~cash' adjastied atcmn avenr Invaated, Cmli ai Nichll' Store Satundai' and iseeeontrtl B 'ICYCLES FOR SALE-Two -ood JLOsecond baud bicycles for sale. Both a bigh grade, wbeels and i n good repair; fitteC with the Morrow ccaîter braktes. 1f ïntereste,- inqutre at 5TÂuzoNAN Officee. 151? ITIOUSE F OR SALE-On the south £:L eilde of King Street. Bowmanvlle, n"ine rooms and bathroom, new Pease Frae Electrie ltgbt, stable, ail convenîencs nde cover, quarter acre land. Appiy te D. GI M.l GALBRAXIE, Bow rananvtle.5- TOWN PROPERTY FOR SL deceased arecfeigfrsl u oeta and premises onmi Scugeg Street wîýhbwr occuplue by tlïQdeceaea at Ithe urne of bis death. For parucul,,,rs ajqpiy 10tohe iïovon h;io OTICE 13 JEREBY GfVEN ta ohinna eNEoRzLMEIGo h Compq:arny w 111 e heti ld t he offcee0ftheéon pany at Portu Dar lington, iown of omnii on1 -oda", 1hi t1 d ay o? J unel99a t 1,hte LhOur of FOUR ! COC in theafw nonf ur the' C7ctono Dir.eLtors for the sald Oomrsany fo ensig rsuuu d traination 0f uch utu aï maty Core before the ime-eting. J. A MCLULAVSeertry, Dated at BunnvPApîl 283.0 Snappy New For and i mllr9durw ..Fwv à-w- i i . =-. -, . WZI -- iz ýW 1 ýe7- ý . 1 Quuuay wxu uà;à ialumNa 1 î. fr.- %fý m W. 1 -T -f- u r L 1-ub"(Iay wlun ror-b U - i . - - - -r- T

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