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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1909, p. 2

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Cenuin Vtoev nseisi Ql nes eusr auEUgz CART7g ,TLE , m LOSNS C, VER FOR~TlPOLV I!WI Puwe Ieiy tlab1 t emso P Oi 8aA'KY G EADAT OF __0Barri, olceitorand ove ya n rfiBea k f îl ilok, Ktusg Store etl nweredI day or nilght. Phone 5. 10.1 BOWMAVIIAE. * ON T. G LD EDLITof Trlrlty LUs ph ivcerity, Torontto; Four, r, ttendInj Pyiianaud ,IligKeon akt. OArwel ospit&; rlttabui-lg, K.., m,, ce ,trd rei,îçence Welll' gtonS t Teit 1 LoîsitNý.e.b, BdrtrsSoIietors. Nataries Publie WPýILLIAM 'W V CESD. G. M.(4,LBRAIT5 ' foriarly of Bowmanvilbe> 77 v r k S. o-n The praties frmcrly earried on by Mr. eIbjrslhhBomn le willbe ontinued by tise 1new irmI. Mr' Ga braitis wili be la Bow mavleeery qatu, daly Rsud siso durlng tthe waekIf tqulsd.22-tf Wesliit ttc business of Manufacturers, tgeeanaud otters who realize thue ativisatul- ity ou, u;ngtl rPatent business transacteti l'y npr Preliminaryntivice free. Chargesý indrt.Our lnventor's A dvis;er sent ,,rn reus.Marion & Marlion, Ncýtw York Ife ldg, Meni relîal -.andi Wasiaznton, ....U.. j"' OLmlilu'g rightgtsof the Pomîsulon, Li Mastit a tsskatchewan. Alberra. tise 11,kon Territ",ry, the Norhi-Vsest Terri fnsant i tiish Olumia, snay ic leaseti for a M Cet f Vtwuuut-one years st an anima-lirentai 0f *1 an scieo. Net îeorc Ilsan 2.560 acres wil bu iaiei t on >îîlaist Ap)alnfor a lease mutbe tmade to tise or01bge th Ie district lii wbich tîe i) ppitifor are sitnated. tsurvey --d trritory tise landi musiticetdcs crei bA y setions. or tItrai kub divisions of secti,ï 8s sud -,nunu'ourveyed lerritcry tise tract aplet ot shah Ibc staket cut. -,(.il àappulatien cmut bu, accompaniud by a fCeuor $50o, whlcîh wili te relunded if tise rights appiei for sree nt aviilatile tut net otiserwlse. A i(oyslty sUIsI bu paiti on thse merchantable cytutul f tise mi',c attise rte of rive CeU5s pur tous. H verybessie cf ceal i mlsslg rilrts wiicti are nobets:g oi pei atedi shah ,furuidshuhedistrict fesofciDominion Launds with asvsworn s-tate- Me, t t tlisaI effecl uet leass une ii cacti ye-ar Tlise ; Issue wll include lise ceaI iïmlrtL, rigýhts ouIy, buit tise Iessue may bu -per mittati t) pur- abuýse %,baitever avatlable surface irigliss ay u conidereti neesssary for the sNo, kinsg of thse minýe ah lie rate of f10, an acre. For fu information apuiaton shoud bu made ho tise Seeruary 0fithe Peparîmnrt uf tise 1 seror Ottawa, or te auîy Agent or Sub Âg*ct 0, f Doinio,n Landis W. W. CORY, Deputy Mi'ritcr of ise luserior. N. n3- Unautisorizeti publication of ibis ad- Vuutiemeat wl-s-3tep-d-si. -6m Synopsjs of Carnadian Northwest laid -eguilatiîons ANYrecn Iaba isi he soie head ofa famîliIy or alnycimaie over î8 years oid, ab',e1 lbons1ilon la iLd 4n) M t Loba Saek atehe w an orf A iberta Th pilstuiate a pfm- soi) at ise Domnivion Lalnsis Âgce y or Sura Age' (Y for the distric t. E'ty by proxv rniy be maie ai a y aIges)ey, onil esrtainîcondidous, b)y !athe-, ni the3r.F , i.da'sghter, brother or Elarer c cl'Ie d Ïiing boýnieteder. VUutLe'-Six mni,'rsd u pon sund Cnvatibon çcf u ihiad eaecf i' rea yearsi A homenel[ade lr-ay lîviwtia-3 ite miles of bJý in bonete id on s arm cf Matlea, t 8o ereF bIeýIy i wn'd sa oeeopd b h hlmr by hii flIter mother sn daughte-r'brothier oir sIeter fi!ertindistrict, %a1-1o.e.t lade!r ls good Ctanui-g may re-em lt s quare",*ecti i,g Jie hîshoesa.Pi ice ,$500 pl.,r a (rre ]YIe- tresd gix moutt l ip e 'hcf ix ti He ierq ired t ar oeadpaet A hu'stederwf o l ,iaxiasuite(i is h nue sta iit an a nuo t iaiu a1 -e esuit tui rad i uitlis ae îch o" !s seyear. çsiivt licres sud e la hbouse 111t $ltOelet,. W.W ;fRY Arm i ing tnwavind (in.eueo 'lien we caî l aca a brck w They ar dicusiugthe questi*on of national forestry in EÏngland,ýi and anl enthusiabti-ý advecate cf the scbomc writes te The Spectator that there ýsbould be an orgauized departm-ent as there is in Frjance aunO Germnany. Hie canuet s,ýe wby ý1îJ-natnafrest should pay on ,e side cf the chamnel and net oni the ochr, and holelae oeitr es'tîn11g fexper ýýi 1e:es icf bismoii teo pro)ve the v al1Cue cftrcc plaatîug. plancd sinet'honsauida cfors- cf the grolund be.fere paightl plants ite grss r bharo arable fiidte poil cf ,xvhuicb wascb that ounly the hardeatworingman ýouiI make a haro livinig ont of it. But, hbad as thîi s oil wa, any cf the, tree(s grew tweutLy te thirty in1ch1es in height in ita year. Iu an- othier place, where cuitivation cof the lanüd was imnpo-ssible, lie plnte Ld Si'tka aspruce, and during the 1ast yearý i somne cf these trocs îbave mado a growth cf tbre-e or four fo.0 still another experimeut the writler says: "I boewed a, poor, i]l-placed fielid Witb acojrna about tbirtyyar ago, runining tHef accrus iii withi theý plow, and it i s now a promnising Wood. People langli at this as, a means f makug a iing, but a staite, wbich dl snet de i na diffren poitiu.1 plant becanse, ifamse ie, Land 1I lie teSec tlhe tbings yeng. We, shonld remcmr- ber tba a woo is, its owu cultiva- tor and findis its owu raanurc, its owi n moîsture evePn in the, bettest summors, <and frmaniý'yeyars re- q uires hittie lho. It is obviens that thie state couic] do mnch. botter thian the inidividuüal and aise that it xol a:ve acted wisely if it bad trid Ute prevent waste. We arere fortunate, in this country hecause the problem of conservation was pressýed upon us while the country was comparative- ly younig, but already enormont damage bas been donc and weuc Snet only te coniserve the oldà but te eofnag Lire new F -h asu Aos tla Euglisb corresponident shwit is posible teow tm- ber e avantgo.This cnb oi hy piaeonrwomay thUS assist in th: work cf cenevain and the governument shouldbeae te accomplisb mucil on the lan'd that it roserves. West End streets in Londoni, ac- cording te a veracious correspon- dent, neow present the fashion cf nnwashed faces. It is net duc, to any cuit or the teaching tbat net te wasb is bygienie, somo alleged ex- perts baving been known te ohd that the nmodern civiliztcl person bathes- toc mucli for bis physicai weil-being. This ncw fashion bas been inaugurated by men wbo bave net quite meney enongli Vo main- tain the tuotor and champagne stan!dard, but -wlio desire te hoe as- soulated wîth thoýse wo d. The thing that is witin 'thileir moeans is; teu hook as mnucb as possible like, motoniats whuî have jnst returnedi fromi a long trip and bave net lbad - timc, to romnove their stains 4)f1 travel. Whe'n nerely ging un -' waashed doos net give the funl de-_ ,ired effect the illusion is beighit- end y the application cf a smuidge of grea-sn ovroee oye or on1th neseI. ,Accompanyiiig the facial beauty mrarks-there is an affected !caped walk>, scb as afflictsaa persan whe bas juat cmerged from a prolonged sitting posture in any sort of vehicle. Ail this, wbich is described as the, "latest London craze," is not entirely ne' in conception, so far' as disehin ,ith regard te mot- cring gees. e'e ad fashionsi akin te it in this conntry evon sinco, bapa the mn baveset affecd the ityface fealtur, bIut ,Il'wca autocaps jus asother er, ct îndiatoweakessOf the stoma- achnewrves wihconitrol the desir i:or fod. IL is asure sîgn -t'hat thigetie rg 1Sala Eve pEVEN YE'Il TIen Shie Took "Frut-a-tives" And Is Now Wal. Aru.prior, Ont., Nov. 27,19. 1 was an iuvalid for, soeý-i aer- fraom fearful Womnb Trouble. 1 hait falling womnb, wth constant piiiin tise back nýýnd front of my bodiy aniý( ail iown my legs. Thc-re was a heavy diahage ndtIÈh i mae me weak, alceplos5 restiessanti mîsrable.Ote w as obuged 0 haia etifr a mn flij ut a tune. 1 vi wa treatetiý by s, vcra} tiocýtorS, but tiieirtuatment did me no permanent goond. A few montihsago, I vas persutaded ftry 'Frult-.a-tives." I took lcsevral boxes, and fromn the outset of thIisý tTeasjtmnt 1I was better, the constia- tion ivas cuired, and the dieýharge lessened. 1 took, for the paiefleas, sýev- eral bottIes cfo the Iron Mixture as recommrended in the "'Fruit-a-tives" byook, but 1 feel that it was I'Fruit-a- tives" alone that cured me. (Mrs.) Eliza Lev&scIle. Take Mrs. Levesque's adv'ice. Take "Pruit-a-itives" and cure yourself. 50a a box, 6 for $2.50; trial box 25C. At dealers or from FYutlt-a-ýtives Limnited, fin-d boys a&nd y -oung moen tehib of whose, ambition is te look like prize -fighters. From top te t bottom of the social ladder there are more real life imitations than cau be found in the combined repertoires of the mimies of the vaudeville stage. London, however, has al- ways bee-n uoted for extremes lu its "'latest crazes." SXfRPSOIN'S SIEGH W iil Not Resist the PullingDon Influence of na Kidney AligBe The strougest so!an oýr wma Ith, a back conýstantl ach)Iig finidday exitene astuggle. 1It s thke sameic withuriarytroubles, Booý,th's I*duey P ilîs cure these ailmùents. î1owmanville people prove this statement. Mrs. James Brown of Liberty St., Bcwmauville, Ont., says: "For more than a year rny son Allan had, sî:ftered- with mauy symptoms cf kidney trouble and could fiud ne- thing to relieve him. Ris back -,as so -wenk that ho could not turn in bcd, ho was weakeued geuerally, sharp pains would shoot tbroughi the small of the back and in the region cf the kidneys. The urine v as highly colored and contained a cuantity of brick dust sediment. Ileadaches of a most miscrable na- tuewere almost coustaut aud usu- allyaccmpaiedby speýls cf dizzi- ncss and faintne(ss. Doctors had faied e huethi m. lie was grow- in wrsIad ha-d ]lest imuchi of his woigt. Both KiueyPis were relief.Ribakegntstnth eu and the pa Ii sori had goneIC. Thein headachnes ,anlld dizzy spelîs alsoi- appeared. Thýe urine cerdand hE-ia stronger and-hetter-tha-n-~e'o_ I eau thank only, Booth's Kidney Pills for the quick and permanent cure g'ven him." FSold hy dealers. Price 50 cents. The'R.' T. Booth Ce., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.' ORONO. (From The Ne ws). Mrs. R. C. Cowau visitcd friends in the city. Miss Rnby Tborntou visited friends in Bewmavile.- Mrs. Bessie llawkey, Tyrone, visited bher ýson, Mr. Raymond Davey. Mrs. (Rov.) C. Adams and twoý cildren, Bethany, visitod ber par-1 entsi, Mr. and Mys. Ed. Cobbholdic--k.i MisViola Jackson v Jiied ,br [11h11, c 1îedonhis bohrm lw Mr î. Wes !'iI hc-Sto i recentay l Will i 'iam andoher friend lere secure workina market gardon. Mr.A. . Tm-e, anungtnwas Mr. m. rmstongwasin Ber- lindepsiingtrot n pivtfs pkecrx o Jeepi uEn,ùSe ar.aCI Port Hlope, a t a speclil meeuting the: Our 'croam cohIlectors are again oýn their rounds, and while condi- tions ,mayv neýt at preseit be fav- orable fo t large cream supply, we are le xiuste do what ivoe au tcî supp]y t!uedtrnîand for quality creamery ')býutter. When starting business hast sea- son, v,3we were determnined toeaen a good re-putlation, net ouly for our- selves, but fo-r our butter. We thoen- spared ne efforts te make the prodnct wort.hy cf the namne. As a result cf this we fuel confident qimlity crearmery butter will1 this seas On commaiiindl a preium on th CanadJianiinaýrkets. This, cf courvse, wàill behýp te keep up thepies'-, cf \Vb.en commiencing 1hast \year wc rdiedgood pneus ý'for the' 0es ; i onlook was fhyra polit te) firmn pricos, altiouigli ad- vaïucesý on hast year's figuires !a scarceiy looked for, If yen re milkingces and havenet a go,-d, sweet creaahi éity tradJe,ye wilTI ,fnd ut te your own initeres"ts t patrenize the Oreno Creamery. IN TOUkCH WITII HlM1. Prov. 8: 31. May w ho kpt la toucli with men; For thlis our Spirits crave-; That w, maýy tell in vale amnd gleýn 0f Thy great te savo. May we bu kept in touch witb mon And sektbeir highest gccd; May we pre)motoe by veicu and peu Love for true brotherb.ocd. MayL, ýwe ho -kept in ftouch 1witb mon That we thoir %wortfb nay kncw, And blp j)and loe ad elcr tbeým Tbey vfint dand weary ow May w e b-e kept iin toucb ith mon May hey romls in fiehd ndfeul T'le wrt of love rci May\ wc e ho ept into[cýh 1wib mca'l ý,Wb.uilitý'hs adark anidlog May ývit 1he ours te oorthem tho May wehoke t ntocli witbmY Thtthythrough us nmay fid lu- oonn ;ïflame(and ins doen Thaýt PuTon )ar ,goodandkid T. WatLson Y. Grnhrt, Ont., M)09. Bank notes worth about a u~ each are circnhated in it. Cnocred sash ribbons andgae and t insel rîbbons are te o ockII oewthas an im.portant and nei -,L-t îuexesicitem cf tho su',ýmimerj Many c Uilwitstis sum- mer Yw-ihh ho made ihotevnse mnch as acoharbai] e te oft puritan cohiar cf ingri-au ho put arouud(. lu thedinytIýits theýrecme flaunel weaýve cf -silli and ,ool blondJ that mnakes up the loveliost ivai-s and negligees for e-arhy sumnmer >The high turndowu linon'or lace, collar is still worn, butit is net the latest. The popular coîhar noîv is the low Dutch collar, se charmn ingly girlisb, but se trying te eider womcun. The revival cf ribbon trimrming bias hreugbt many new and attrac- tive ways cf iumig ftho garniture-s, buit noue morepeuha tan Ithie sashies and gris ('1e1Ceau scarcehly Cali tthe neow saprin)g co 11rs1g41y; sdift color"s al cf tbeml, buLt net th'e frgie ase shaes e se-d b)te tru te invari- Butterfly ieehy as conme inIte Mis Sy iEuiskillen, Visited hiis sister,Mr.DF. ash Messs. . HoperandM. L. T Travele brught ome finie bas ~ ktt , over threedozen1cas ioi Mr. . Hckinisbandling reis o Glvers bsBowXmanvilie, btentp oýnin1depot, a job* i-+H+kJi~'f4+I5 much more te blis tastfe than trail- TNISADFNIS ing the plough!. FNISADFNI Picncdte otetha anoldOroo feels are higher on the street boy, Mr. F.E. Rutherford, ila among the suiccessful second year Buttons grow larger and dressier students cf 4tle Ontario Veterinery day by day.1 College, Toronto, Long lace veils will hoc used 'te The Mille uher business drape> the bats. changedhandis Tedyweeký, wbeu Amkbogthelice' linger-ielare the the new poreo Mr. C. Staplernes chemises. teck charge. 11lillcniu on For trimming the ingrefek the business with ill ,tpry as bis Irish crochet takes he ied. assistant. M'any-cf the atatv rmi." The Method1ist ogrg inwere sowa touch cf )I. orSilver. delighted Sund(ay wos'k with two well S-1ome, cf the newligrehe rendered solos hy Miss Laura slighit touches cf colored emhinro]id Braigg, Prýovidenice. At the moruing' ery. service "Take iup tby Cross," aud, No matter w bore the frockc fastenls iLn the e\ning i-"Ris eye is on the'the skirt and hodice are to)gether. Sparrow." is Bragg is posscsscd Fringe fcf-every description is te cf a sweet vouie and sang with good ho worn a great deal upon the, new c4lect. bats. There lvas a £amîily gathering L ace is much used. In many cases Sunday, April, 2,5, at Mrs. R. Mc- aLlmst haif the gown wili be cf lace. Leods, n hoer f lir brthdy. tockings sbould correspond with Thods posnt wncre:f Mir. antd Mr, îthebelt,, parasol, -or other acces- John Hallad family, Newcasti, sýories. Mr. and MrszJmes MýeMulen and' Se' far as hunes of coats or dressess famiiyC nie, Mr. aud .Mrs, arwl' coucerned, there is liýttle Joseph H-allMae, and Misses c'ihange. Minnie and Rbo1,da, at berne. Ilu the most styiish cfIthe spring The XV. M. Auixiliary met Monday, shees the wide ribhon will ho used May 3, witb the uewly elected as lacing. oficers in their places. Mrs. J. E., The separato coat wili have al Richards was, appointed auditor, groater vogue this summer than à l and Mrs. Rolfe, President, Mrs. S.bas for years. Cutteil Vice Pres. cf theoMision Stockings match every variety of Baud. Sevcral(cf the herahds cf the' shoe and aIl the more f ashionable previcus year gave brief sketches of c 'f the dreas shades. goodwor beig due ou nol Fruits are becoming as popular missicuaries on their varions fields! as lhoos n hexge h cf lahor. Miss Viola Jackson sangi grape 15 noticeabl,, aise. Tory sweetly "A\ Song of Trust, The Cotton materials have heen wit Mis Lmbet . PlushedAsomewhat into the hack- Mrs. L1imbergaera accompanist. g roun' d fer the preseýnt bhy the ncxv Mrs Liniý-r[ý,ae avery interesting """'u" account cf lthe ork carried on in; %2Band hs erges.nsico othe MeD)ouga,,l Orpbanage in Bakbshl osiuu Alberta., place in the wordrohe cf Mme. Orono Lod(ge A F. & A. M., No. Mcde. As summoer advances. gray 325, at rgýli Communication or mauve takes its place. regularForemnost amoug the bags is the Tburda1, Aril 9th elctedbroze ag, which comes in logi- 'oficers, 'as, follows: Worsbipfull cally enough witb the craze for Master, S. Cttoîl; Past W. M., T. lbronze shoes and bronze hoîts.' tW. Jackson ; Senior Wardeu, W. G. Crepy weaves are grewiug in Rundel; Juniior Warden, W. H. favor. Tbey have appearoed net on- Chapmau; Chaplain, M. M. Tueker, 1 lyiu cetton and hasle tbreads but M.D. ; Treasure-r, John Wnddell; bave extended te wools ad silks. Secrc(tary, Thous Smith. At the Two cf the prettiestshaesof close cf tbolodgpe -a short fprogramme i mIier r rotadmrl was ýendr-,( Di. covill, W.ýoft silver, and alezan, a cbestnut H lirmnand ssfho,.a Thi p . . .5 tIhe lrm for seversi y*ars, $ô hereafter ne of il- N ,E RVOU, PJS D EB LIT Y Thouanti cfyoen anidltde aged msen a e anssuaIly swept to a pVrmuatr gavethrougb IEARlsY INDISuiRFiTIOI, S, ExcissT. AN 117000DISeAS£S. If yuu have any oýf thec ei'es, wiî dark rcicsunider Ibetu, ieak back, kidneys ri là. palpitation cf the heart, bastiful, dreanes sud lusses, - carewrn epre;ion, pool, memnory. lifeins,., distrustf, isi energy asti strength, tired i mrniugs, restless nigbls, esg able moods. wealc imanhood, premature decay, boue paina alxi loose. sore tbroat etc. bioedof th vic su odfuuetrei . y',laedfout au teniiy affect the futurïe -"rto.feae fMruy tolys.pessti OUR "NEWMETHOD TREATM' 1 aon eu ur mke inan of you. Under 10.s flucnce the braiii bcume-s activeC, tbe 1bioc ,d uie so tGau 1 ýpimrpies, bloteises, aud( ulcers disappear. the neres becotue stlrng a stsIet, s int ler- t; vousnes's, bashfulness and despondency vanisb. the eye becomes brigb1t, the face fuit aud clear, enerzy returus to the body, and thse moral, physical, and vital sýystemaý are ivg craîrd ail drains cease-no more vital waste fro'n the system, nontletý quack8 and fakýirs ý rob you of your liard earned dollars. We wiII cure you or ne puy. No moetter wlio bas treated von. write for an bonest orilniofl bFree R i E Di Ei of Charge. BOOKS FRSE-'Tlie 'Golden Monitor" (lltstcd) fashion latJy. Th,,-mo)st brillianit specime-ns ef )tinyfoeg butr flics arn.posse uner glass an md used for penýdanitsour hatpins. in order,adpasmtrerp trmngiay be fojunld in ah the;1 modisb colora and in the îeahic peari, Jet ad rstm!feca St. pe(1Itrsurgpososestlhe han- that cf Peter tie Gm-eat. lIt woighab s WOK niGrmenand women thrcughouit the Dominion find thaat Zaan-Buk ii the greatest boon they can haire as a healer2 of accidental cuts, burns, and bruises, as well as skin diseases, Mr. I. 0. Purohase, conductor on thal Toronto Street Railway, tells how this great herbai balm benefited him when h. met with his accident. the live w)i 5In tise stas( the rceun - - - -- - ---ta the top i DANIIGERSa 0F 1NECLLECTINY O c fincra by t EVRnela acut or sors-, lssh comnpi. wevr tivial il, may aappear. 'Nrs, B. E. Bd cilol337,Pren lky cbier Avenue, S.BonIfuce,,Wýiilpgc oas liads amIail sort,01 o 1esec ine Jhadl-p of bier left IbauJ. S'lethuill wcould g et rigýt isi uamdt, btluin. ts hn aný ordinsry salVe. Tbese. bhowever, ispd ïIt wao dli net bave tise desireti effeci, asud, wscst asc tilnger began Io feu;ter, I1isa i.'te cal lu a doctor, wo 1l-ueed il. Dýesp-ite hi2 carel isoweVer, Il again eterd u ise oinuets.lnents, sud other preparations to iring about ay relief.We weru bOld cf acasei siiato my owo e vciicti am 'l adi effect s cure wisme verytbYing cisc isadfaibetI. anti we> tiserefco, dcdeite gie=Za-'!k atia.: lo ueceded afe tssteow hewiso of tIhis step,. Tise bodp-oigan nlmainw- reisctisd lise pain bc'eln ct.l unider tifirL vweeks ram frIcmnn.~ Zami-Bi- thselinr rvaqutaoi, a ire, and thea rape was caught idard.Pureisehld an ta uIYI lz i:haud vspullad mp c f tise car, Tisera it was the r paplled thronagh hi: ,tise foceecf t.i ovlng Car, ,%CerIsted taelzhcklng extouait 'et tess-rlug sevZrzil pieces ci mid se2d t-ie vry1 !1ilitiug .Dto tisIs ffet, M sys gpnwar o!ZsmBusd ie boannd the igasl ZmBk 'ýmOzt !riYt5 is ayl ý 'itm CDhel hepain. Tua vere r!tssed, sud aew skýin a ss egin- nlug te formover tise top.,Eseti d%-y and i îan n o bckaginat worLk h the had as Sound asu ecrTa look L-, It you xvoud neyer Wenw it had been setgo il tom sud i acerated, "I1 de onttisunk tiosrainanythlug equri zam-Bak as a htealr of akin iwha ans sd diseasea WHAT YOU 8HOULD -SM ZAM-B <F011. Zanbui ursd isPZs kiseryti. bssts, 5$5,~tes fsandu uces tnsos, 1or Puce, as SPECIAL NOTICE. Owiîsg 10Dr. Rer-. ga n being deceaseti, Dr. J. D. Kennedy, MediÀcai Director, bias araso;ciated withý ý,,j -u, u 'u 1-w ý- ilomp -_ 1 ý - Is . 1 'l a H- 1 L,5

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