Log ftcr ït isprcae PocA-i t. nuercnt lep ru1 nnu! crMi e A stîi es 1t Ouce m- prfcmov-fttgsoue Cr ï3xange i' fel t, oe st, smooth rJ texts- r betc,',' ' l.t.anf50llixxodre elasity c'f Sv-s, =nno " shnînk, .(in anet inlateng;. Iook for the Penatco ael,' adueatec D URiiAMZ11' UN T BOYSI Prof J.B. Reynolds, GueIjpa. B. A.,i The editor cf this journal beiongs te th1at iasoffpensonuoheieves in Sayinig the eipfui xxond c cer inenur tbemertononscondiict of boys 4~l irls pubie m n cd wp o mon ch ile tbey ai-e cliv tebhoen- ecnaec ac inspjircd te stili fueofet ini el doin cnd Servo tiea!oonesand hoquets for Uonce ho eoane itliting jmu t no whlestnisof Soia aeope ims ut Le pmiciOucr rendns, wei take great pleasrei giviug a sketch of the cruco f a well- known anci sucegOl Solna Loyý vvbo bas made a pronoceýcisces i0.'his cîsoson profesFsin that ucf teaýýcher. Having met Prof. J. B P(iýcynolds cf 'the Depa.Lniteu c Enghish iu the Ontario giuluc Coilege at Guolph in Torontone cently, xve obtaineci frein hum tàe daaof this sketch. Prof. Reynolds is a son of tIte late Mr. Josephi iRynoluis, of Darling- ton, a must acceptable local preacb- er ameong the, Bible Chitians dn hig many years of bis actvelf, adwas hemn on the farm nu0w Oc clupîod by Mn. Chas. T. Lpngmaid, sonu 'th of Solina, on CnsmsDay. (Dec. '2à) 1867.1 About I1873 Mr.i Joseph Rec-ynolds and f aily moved te thie farmn opposite Eidad churc!h now'ý Me by Mn. Aý. L'. P o whee n.J.b. Rey'noIids atteunded Sol«ina pulic seool, tili Janulary 1885, whereh began attendanoe at Oshawia ii ,,hsehool, and in July of tha lyerh secnred a second-class techr' ertificate, Grade A. Hie cniedte attend the high schooll a Vyea1r lonlger and ini8B6nratnim lae tToronto University, stand- iig-thIird on thie Unixversity listcf honors-.ý.ý in i-ýthiematics. Next year he atendedic the University, 1886-87, and in Janoary, 1888, began toach- ngthe public sehool at Enfield and remnained there for three years giv- ing,17 excellent satisfaction and 'was mochi thought of by popils and peo- id, alike. In 1889 hie re--entered the iJnivorsity and was gnaduated in 183with irst-lass honors in Ph y- sisarecoýrdi troiy that did humi It wonld nelit be e.xpeeted that a man whoIl,)had establisbed such an eniberedordl as a tudeiit and tcerwouId remain long without a good opening, 50o in September, l89,ie'ireceived theappointiinent of Denof Roidn- at the Ontario AgriultraiColloge, which posi- ion he e id for twe and a haîf yeaus, honthie increasing work cf teýachýing Iin Physies and English c-sifed theapointment cf an as- sîstanýt. xvii relieved hum cf the residetiýn1c1 du'aies. iFor ten 4years from ay,!896, te May, 1906, Prof. Rcn Lds b i carge cf the work in the two depjantinents cf instruction, 1Physi1cs and En',jglish, but by'1906 the wuork Ii the both departinents were seaaoand ihe chose the work in WieProf. Reynolds n as in chýarge cfr tho departmnent of Phy- YVou can rm mthe cajse esri hores anci revtaïize the Vwaste nar- vs ystem by usino Or. ChaGs-e Nerve Food. .Iind yen are hraendwith norveuq prestrtien'getin thesunine, broath tho eshair, rest -antd ueD.Cus -,v Fo adni awil; o ol u yeln nsust be patien ndpestet seme . toue wî nrveuLs prsrte ln )q f the bost doctors we ecood get faii;ý, od te hp ber, She gradllly be- 2 cae weso a7 wrso, eeldnt sleep and lest erIrg nd intoresu't in lu'e. "Frin he irstbexcf hisprepara- tien my wif e uswentcdmpo- ment and newShi(, mleoy n A PRI1L SUBOPO L ,R E POR TSI S. S. NO. 7 CLARIKE. Report foi-r ct of Aprii. Namnes in ondor cf ment: UV.Cics-Winîo Frscytb, Ger- 111.-Fîie RaidjVera Frcy 1PeanFarrow, C-oneHioc Mlîson4, Heor-mn Millon Js. 11. Viletefaioxvaryl, Mr- jou-Se Patue, da MarionWd sie sinsttuted YtUe 1c"yimport- ds crut brautces cf inxesain. Jr.1C H. Annie RWdicg. ~Afarsme years of colcid î~e bu. Wl. heldoa Moffat, Elsie intectiga ichoconcluded that a-L otan ae oetoD decr fruits mibcbeshippe(if-n iteHros Ontarie te the 'Western Proxinaces Jr. I-WVahite Dviciso, Lovirni by fniht. Accndieglk in soptein fia"Mcees. ber, 1904, lie collec eu o nca S.Pt. I1-Haize! iuHrnue sHfai- lo-ucs of penchcsgraperso t n ise otam uieuoersu shipped tbe'lhy)f- eigb oWi o benrtMoft peg and pveunaly followed ,t; e ne 'jr., Pt.I.-atrCsli î'î'r. Abter sir te edgnstdaystran- Te-na 31ay Fergnuon teacher. sit the fuitai-ai' d i prfctcon- diior, the pacesseiig nthe open inaîket st tho saine pnieas I£EWTDNI 1LLE. the best Californ fiapec(hsý, anc-id t ise' Cost of transportation v-aslttie Sr-. IV.-Exa Mthl 127, Han- mno thar tbiid cf the xrs iP3e 105. isi Bragg 99, charges, b x hiclî means fruit hcini s Pexuwalden 89, Violet Miii- preiooly been slipped te the-son 82. Wcest. As a Cesuitcfthisexpni Jr. IV. Fie-b.n Zoa1;and 122.Ela montitioL St. Cathaines Frit ragg 10,9, Allie Nobitt42. Gcrowers Crcpann baie forCwdedlî Sr. III. Aldnich BJacset 93 ttue Wes_\uýt sixt3 to sexenjj;ie eorge Staplotin o7, C110 Staple- COC J pld~ f rit e ach year uince, t'on26, James Nes-bitt23. i)e ioe h value cf bis labors Jr. III.-Percy Cowan 59, George ii fruit transportation. licCuilough 56, Mlauci Bassett 52, The second branch of work te Frank Gilmer 31, Manjonie MeKen- wiuicb Pof. IRcyolcis gaveo attn- ie B, Sain.Smith 5. týien -was larim draiising. Jon190e bis S,-. il.-Frank Nesbitt, 57, I cipartinet undertook to iéit atmoud Staplaen 5p, Normn Inu faim that necded drainage, te sur Cllough 48, Olixe Stapie-ton 47, ve t he part te hoe draineci, and te 1 Everett Joncts 38, Eva Stark 32, preparo a vorking plan by xvhich Nola Holdaway 26, Loua Whittk- the fAriner miglît procecite lay the ,e-r 18, Aithon Fenwick 7, Fioss.ie drains.; atauMalun an immdiate de- Gibbs (absent). randi ai-sr e rthe serv ice, wh Tb r. Il Roy Sgmith 311 Retta Rob- bas been steadul.x ano-,uu c'en 55000. ;n, e , ,ï9qý8Ext at JBanner 21, Magge 1 se1 'tat ct pi-e1iat,( ebai-o, that Celotîun -19, George Holmen 14, e be ahucudrec i applications are cii_____ 'Uic for this seasons Nork, hBsde i.- egular dotî.iesPrf.ITMPO Reni~bas gix on reattent:io te il teaching. At tI-tu n-I eor f(Aio oimcffamp- tional i det'Confononce hlu onPblcooo orAni.Nanies last,, year at igrao heLk b i c-ir fmn couducteci c Ladies' Bible (asniiSi-. II.: Ernest. Wiudatt, Evelyn bas aise beau inviteci te codOuct a-V bit,, Onsilie Char-ke. BbeClece et the Converntion cf tihe Jr. IL. : Frances Clctxxorthy, DoiinCounceil cf Young \Vo- MerleCGr3 dormais, Wiliie: Gay, mon',s Christian Associations te ho Cracio Huillier, -Roy Stepheus, H-1ow- la. ~ ~ Ji 1aMha ToCiOli, ,, -ti--j% . 5, tisus show ing that te-Christianj ' ,- training and example cof godi3 par- S r. Pt. II. lHaroldi Sater, Lorne ents in the homo basi bonne cend i5 Hastiuigs, Milton Averiy, Joey Eci- continoing te bear fruit tbrongli bis gerton, Miorley Hastings, Wilie active life. This is another xeniflcc-tý W.ecatt, EmmnaPetley, lIai-y tien of a statement made by a Edgeciton. speaker ro"ently i0 a- public ine S- P.E:Mrjie ueMr ing in Boivranville that the plaun, i-on SehuWienie. V/ai-c, Clif- wbeiesomne te'acbing andi influenceiLr' egioW ie oeHn for goci cf the homes cf the people 1G d Allie. Alhert Gay, Jesse Joues, known as Biblo Chn-istians in this XlMaiiWhbite. coutr dnig to as cntu . ba Ijr. Pt. i. :EdaCr3 derman, eeauimportant factonr in shpn ele ou i Peteî s, Aithon tholiios ud urhencg ucc~aini W-annacett, Clifford Allia, Colin cburh, ductioaltemos-ocoStepheus, Shirley Uay. andcii her heefiUen1t xxork lhc3-ond al cmuain Prof. . I. Reo ETILEEN JOHNS, teachent. noicsis i aproduot cf eon('f thioc'e bornes. I E 1 iS ULLE N. It is a Liver PiII. *Many of the ailmnts that inca bas te contcn d xitb baie their enigin rue a ciN- oîgan, pecuiiariy sserbet h distunhane-es that corne frei-n irrg Ian habits or iack of cane' in oating great many livon regulators noîv presseci on the attentýion cf suffer- ors. 0f these there i's noise super- ion to Parmelee's Vegetable PuiIs. T!ir op (-ieration tbougb gentie is effective, anci the most delicate cao uise them. - 'Ji Robet Ityîuldstar1wghu clthy ani propenos 'tooshs frinaldcrness te a gfi11 an--i h.ig noteIw for rifia'croà. ,1th anynbor. Mn Reaels . a rn ilust iuTnihcoal n icu Mn. Vu. oyaicis, Ceokstownu Report cf Enniskîllen Public Shoi fr April, names in erder of ForhCIiass: Elsie Oke, Elgia Bel, ou l Barton, AncieMeore,1 Ettie Brunt, ster StexensL, Leslie Robbinsç, Tenjo ýSharip, -Mbry vBri, Miltn Sadersn ' 1oy Plowrighit> Ronld Hl all, Greýta Sib ThiirdCls:Cc Brunt, Marion Orchiard, Marion Virtr,-L, Willie Moorey, Clia Brunt, Florence Bruntd, Sltia Smîth, Rebort Bar- to n, Leta Okle, Robert Preston, HIelent Wenr, Adam Sharp, Greta McTpDonImd, Edina Monntjoy, Milton Second CIass: Eia Pascoe, EdncMon mdaciGortile Sander- smlitbl, Peari hapSadie Craig, Gordn Wrry n Cale lw riglit o'qual, elenSmii. Pt. ecod: abo Montjy, oy, Mo Gii , Lor noe G iri,,.il, rancis YOu canno't possibly have a betteýr Cocoa than A eilu rink ald a s;-s tari rv Good, Fragrant, nutritionls and economical. This cxcellent Cocoa mainutains the system iin robUst health and nables it to resist useet jycu alay-de al your woark inla hll the Werry, Freuidie Preston, Roy Me- Donald, Wilbert Smith. First, Sr. : Melville Grviffi, jack Smith. First Jr,.: Evandesn Laura Virtue, Aima Wry Gordon Pres- ton Gertie Oe Average attenda-nýe, . Miss E. L. RLOSE, Teac(her. TYROINESCOL Report of S. S. 18, I)atrliný,gton, (T3rone> for the month oif April. Namnes in order of menît: Senio)rRo Form V.: Lorne Saunders, Lion- el ByamMaelW ignt. Sr. 11Ï. Aibert Morris, Lewis, Philip, Lor-nePhi. Jr. IV. : Eelima Staplers, Harold Skinner, Percy M1cCoy, Garnet, McCoy. Sr, I.: JhJHi, ac Phare, CeeuEam aben) NORABRHATaer Junior Roomi: Jr III. : Otho Stailei, Wiliie Lindsay, Myrtie Moore, Maggie Higgins, Roma Phare (absent). Jr. IL.:lgin Hliggins, Lorne McCoy, Cedric Congdon, Ro y Lin- iey, George Rahm, Harold Ciemens, Berta H-awkey (absent(. Pt. IL : Ila rouldiSu im ersford, Go(rdon Farrell. I. B.: Freddie Lnday mCaiei Adnum. j1. .:Ireue Werry, WaiterT Raihi, Mary Richardsý, FnBcn Lotie Acnuin, Dora ýAcini, WINNJFRED CURRPAN,ý OIIOlNO PUBLICSCOL 1SENIOR DIVISION. V. Ciass-Muniei fi, Ruth Armstrong, Edua Smith, Esm Hooper. Edivard-s, Mar'enie Cols ui, IRita Carv'etb. (1)-Milton Tucker, Mildi-en SmtStanley Seynour, Constance iDegnoot. JINTERMEDIATE. Jr. IV.-Lenora Williarnson, Helen Armsstrong , ad Milton Staples (equal), Gladys Richards cani Wýihfred Ogden, Lornzo Gains hy. Thi>rd Chass-Part .s,- Cecil Alun, Geralci Carveth, Poecy Winte(r, Harold Barxxeii. Part B. Joe Armastroný,g, Dore,- thy Richards,, DorisGrsyRe Ble n etýJt. MyBar1-weil, Johunie Wiisn Villda Ogdeu. PRJMARY. Il Cass-.ed Pearsonl, 1Harold Seym11our, viola Moise, Hazel /ah Part Il. Sadie Peanso, Kt Willîamson, EttieVlseRu Sr. Part I.-Hilda Gams, Fre O'gden i, Annie V/iuten,(en) Rutherford Poilai-c, Floyd Cuttil. Jr. Pt. I.-EBoieina Mose ]0- lie Rlichards (e-von), Irene V/bhite, Ernie Ogden, Fre-ddiePakn Fiist-Eî-a Pearson, Rsln Pol- lard, Mary Skeiding, Georgýe Skeid-1 ing (even), Isabel Occien.1 Gracions ',Lord, wve comle befuee For Thon art our Shielci and Sun: Fervently our hoants adore Thee Fýor the victonies tnuth bas won. Weethedrkes omeitbd And in efctpaeThnke est Whee he liight xvas 14e in nising t(Je th bckly pcopled plainis, Earnest. hoarts to-day are prizing What Thy precieus xoid ceutains, Thoso wuofoît thein îut ýtewaknoss Thon diat trngton orthe stnife V/hilei rsfu oead nene T-hbey l orh'.ue ocf life. Thon hast this gro-at wrkdiecei Botter 'fanilthaýnwoscate And by canedvn pootc AI Thy srat aeydel But, Tby vfnathficnes ar pieadîn Fretgreater things thanthse HasFto, Lord, the tim ,w prayî, Wbon mÈnnk-ind Thy tuhshJahl B i n g , t hi , e n a i on s te o b e y T be o Le, t the Savi ur reign alo ne0. T. WATSON. GrathoetOnt., 1909. W'HY THTE SALESMAN SUTC- CEEDED. He xtas na in appeanance. Hie hacid ignity of beni3ng'. He Usec"i tc1i1 it0dcnghm gant manner. lie heiieved in bis propostiîoýn. Ho, neyer disgusted bis prospect xvith gnoss fiattery. He knew ail the fine peints cf bis own good"'. He nover offendeci théa prospect by undue famiiiarity. Ho neyer attacked bis competi- tor's goocis. Ho nover ndc leci irspc' ideas ancimtlos He made a canefÀul preiimina-yl stliîdy cf his prospeant's ;case. Horeliýeci ouonuei arguýment baei oufaets, and net on luiff. Hoi uecr -gdtlest in a forcestcf cl isind cuid stick 'te se Ho b adi oct heen eut with "the boa'the- uigbt hefure, sbewiog the effeets. ile aever taîkoci too inucb. He gave bis prospect c chance toe x- plain bis, neecis andi position, Hoeculci answen questions andi obj1c.ions intelli 11, lv noucieýPlx ced convincingly. Hofl dici net try te close bis pros- pect hefore ho bhaciwonked umo tea peint cf conviction. fie nwven lest bis norvo because the prospect prose-nted sncb au un- ,iel'ding front, aud Odid net forget tiiet batties ci-e won hy bard rallies at the finish. lie kneiw bis business when ho mcdo the cpproach; taîkedci ean- cnt husisinests afte-n he-got in, mcde 'It bis businoss te ,filht ail the way thncougb, anci do bans beforo ho Ou)I for Toothacýte. There is no pain seacute -,i ddistressing as tooItbhh. Vhnyou bave sean- n ecomci a visitor apply ]Dr. Thoms Ececti Ouaccodig te dieton I "yen wil finciimei afe (,el 1i ef. 1t touches the neorve with sootinýg effee-t ianci the pain do- parts atvo nce. That, it will oase toothacbixeýo is anothei(r fine quality cf th-is, Ou, shoxing thie many uses I WHITE ANTS RE-ACIT EINGLAND Taiken Junte the Couîtry lu Btrnehes of Bananes. The mest destructive aid voraci- eus inseot on eantb bas obtaineci a footholci in Luglanci This is the whita. *ante, gins,,- _____Whbose. avge scarccy a ting PARUISIA SAGE but smetal ndstoneispoof.Ris -- oýHjr nyoI ,,j riginal homeis iCSuh fica, Pîrs ni onYoîrllad ndKepswher odvus a village (of lbots) It There. et a me-ai, anci depopulates a, dis- trict ru a dIay, the inhabitants fiy- Wbat's the use of beiag balci 1 iug beforehum as frein tpe piague. W at sense isethenre i,,-doîlihbr"cyCepJusm he o eachociEngiauci is aliowping your bair te tom gnal oucwat cf a mystery, but thIeý De()you wiat te lo(kok dhfr iunsst generally rceiveci theory is yeur urne Give up tlie tbought;that the balana n i reponsibIe. d ago wîi-emrne ailteeSMon., bggue brcught over in the bueusý 1Look after jour hair. Pariienojfuit, bave heen bctched out li Sage wiii kili the, dandýrlgff gerins, thle udrrudceihars in Lon-n and is the onhy prepeation, su fer ldonuanci esehr, wmborenmclu of ase kaitat is guarenteeci te it is rifcclyriJîpoueci, auc Ibteý de c0. inecsiniavtuenreihave sînce Man or rioan, ne mater he bendusemnaec a oer th2 od yenl are, Parisien Sage iiieuty miake yen look yeîrnger. Thei nost recent explit wcs tbe V/by neut go te Jury & Loelixso fGr.iodon Hl all, near anci get a largeohette te day, it Snolu tersdneof;S eiy costs 50 cents, anci ycur rnyTheodone D )frd. The cnt aie back if itfdoes net cure dandrvuffi,ncrd Acventhe eusieýln, non- stop faiiing bainCor itebing ofthe I ciorit wehl nig untenable for scalp. it iil i ake- yur lbain lux- un bns. A epr, 1 lurient, bnigbt anci heautifuiand it: was cahiec i, foucihefau mii- is thios efresing, phemnnt lion if thein iin tue gi-coubouse, andi iavigorating bain n-sig lne itb ceuntress myniccs in made. eth rats of the poiss The niobbei ne-wisnhowte c ïï PàM l " .',¾-, E i El uamLP r~i ~ piague of the saine inseets at Lead- business in 1908 was coniducted wt gatei , Durhamn, by means of a, the enormous loss of £82,03 eces- spo.cial toxie solution, sîmilar me- sitating the wiping out of the ent'irýe thods have not heen invariably suc- reserve and "renewal" funu-l.s. cessful elsewhere. 0f the total undivided profits of Aithough nothi -ng officiai bas ýap- £1,699,907 with which the Lly be- peared as yet reganding the Invas~- gan the year 1908, it is left with ion, it is known that the Board only £807,307 in the shape of its cf Agriculture takes a somewhat "cinsrnefund." The compay'ý1Ys serions view of the matter. In- earnings in 1908 were oniy 46,9ýý0 deed, it is fairiy seif-evident thatasgint1,485 r107ad any great increase in the numri £1 95 90 in 1906. The shj'rnkage is ofcolonies xviii have to be met by- the enforueýýment of "an insect alien wito t prallel in, the hitoy f act of a simailar nature te that whichi German shiippinig. nas useil 50 effectiveiy sane 3year's Notw,,ithstanding the naituriie of age against the Colorado potato LloGyd's report, its rs ciosed a beotie and the Hossian fly.-Pear-fe points higher ta ekpe soni's Weokly. Iviousiy. The Lloydwasthemos active of the Gormian linos te tak1ie np the fight xihte uadfor, LOSS IN GERMAN SRIPPING. the "blie nbo"of te tinte and bnîlt four ship)s of theKie North German Lloyd's Shrinkage Wilheim 1IL class for thiat proo Uîîparallceled ia its Jlistory. q________ German b)usiness mon Eare stag- Even the tadpole can bi oast ofî his gered by the annual report of -thej social position, hav ing bceen borti in North German Lloyd, which shows the swim. Chiidren delght to use it. Po(lmiýLjng Shoes with "2?-in yz" is childI's piay. No more stickyý, mussy, ba2rdsing propositions but anin atnosbr finish, waterý,proof an zd praet h LoÉtensand preservesý thelete at the saine time. 25C., UD ' ' ' - - S ýl , - - U 1 'l') -, -- - Mý...;ý-1 - - lýl8rl- ý , - - lý 41 1 - 1 ý i ý ý- , 1 -11,11-li i 98 ý.-4 '?'ý - ý ýg"' - ýv%:rY WaY, WLIY cion, 1 la paiii-1, Dui il ir isail ri glit 111 elrerv ÇI.on5t -liz 1 U- -ýj Ail' . Lev- 2NI Ierv, Mary l'av lu regarLt To a 1 Lý -ý-1 -t --t