Ing irrita'l ariCI bad The months of winte: i yuof moýre vitality thnI and brngbakatl&ievma r-s cvr Pt is a great tonie for weak'aidr ELe in Ls'er ose." You cannot do with i3 a recssi;îy and wiii banish that run-dov life. Send to LR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limii to-ayor urcase a boule from your local rgii or Dealer. PSYCHINE is sold everywheret5c. and $1.000 per bettie. YOUG~o A \ATRSPIDER. There was a great commotion in tiepn;evýery body bad been sur- prîsedby aqcricus pisenomenon. Thispieoeo looked just like a sivrblbble ,swimming about With ail tlise viger and appearance o-, life. Tise most singular thing cf aIl was tise bisie-like house it bad built ai, tise bottom cf tise pond. A fev Elmaî,l and inqnisitîve d1ra'gon fi2 catrpliaswho lhad beeû ecnter- piigenouigi teorktserway inte tlise ioshad Ces - ýer rtr and t1i* is wearing. A spiash up11)abeve told ee~n thiat tise creature isa reurn frem ,tis e bn.Thýe exýt jmemeniffl more lie a hull isa ver. Wisekrg itracsdtsbttm a Greal W'ater Betie,unbet nai bis uioslity n ogr sa up te it. "Whoand wisatre yoi" gro .(%j tcdý tlise beetie ingrnff tones" Tise, stranige vitor sisrank bacI,,, ini alarmi, for tisebeetie loda terib;!le, hoaiy creature. a spider," it anssvcred. "A spde Çonsense! Spiders live oni lawd. If they falli mie tise water, they are either drowned or eaten n iad myseif." "BtIlim net an -ordînary land "Neyer beard cf sucis a-crea "YononiyhavP e Lu nce atm sisted tisa spider,- "Yon cetain iy do iLk iea spde,"sadtise_ beetie, in.spe et- erely. "Bt ~our al eevredove "Myisary rea isa smart ticke by 1iic Iam abie e L)breatiseair obeienly."It is sej formed as te bes w ateLrpreef. On shore tise air ge'sts isron)gh tise hair te my skia. Then, wben I come down isere, tise mater presses round, and can't get i andoseimprisens tise air. " "Is ',tisat what makes you looki like a ubi i asked tise b eetI e. ",Ye,,s. I am always inclosed in air iinzin tise w ater. Tisatiis how "Pe-is y mtlsed is -mucis cev- got iambrunde1r imy wýing-casesl viinmy back. Wietise cisamberl want relenîisîg s tisairI 1risc, te tise Surface, uopen mfy wn-ae teý let tise air iii, tenshiut tisem ilg li-ke an idiolctiebube Whs h'ottom f is pndr "T'ïisi i ybuswsihIam huiy preparîn e ie itr will Ue11 yeu hsow I bi it. L , 1be- gani by standing between two ,to nes, anid spinning t1ireads round myiýscîf, attacising tise ends te tise atones. I conitinued spînining un- aau tise ibreads were as tisick as thlose cf a cocoon. isy vhîch time, a little ell was formed, shaped like D lait. Wisen tise hut was flnisised, 1 crawled eut ef it, leavia0 air ia- "Buit didn't tise air escape cvery t1lme yen M-nt ont by tise door l" aedtise criticai beetIe. "'Net a bit cf it. Fi' mucis toc amant for tisat. Tise door is ait tise bottom cf tiseisut. Air does not aink in Mater. Consequentiy, 1 am able te get ont cf my web isut by tise door, u hile tise air stays, "1 sry mucisd donh tlise t rut!is cf yonr asýsertionsi," id îL-ýItise beetie, flpigis isuge klegs te and fro'C. -j wouild take yen ite tise hutte 1e fo r orsef,oly yei n aecis haa ý,oneor ivo sm ý-îalldrgn1 caterpillrs svould L-)te ave 1a Tis e ~ocgaters -at once swa IE: cause ths eiter, Louise Classer 'Haie, expresses han opinion con- crning tisa rcsponsiisility cf imo(tisans seho teacis tisir csirnte l îip1 verses and tisus te occupy tisa frasi cf tiesa saven stages te the stage . Accuser article tisai Miii causa recd- anrs te think is entiihed "Tisa Use- leas Tnagady cf tisa Fanmer'S Wife, In tis William Atisanton Det Puy masc taiiilng accusatians cen dancng isegen,-enal differnce te ti-se sacrifice-s tuinougît seiiis tisa ec pspit thai aise, iasî,seidom Tise fa sii pagesr, as usiiel, snmptnuaisy iilustratacd. Mrs, Sim- ccix gives hinîs in tisa lateat mades, and tisa Paris latter coninýLails mucis of intaresi te wcmi.-Tise Delinea- lion, Buiterick Building, Nae York City, N. Y. Tisa îerny maunti cf May ushara iii sucasineanad floseers ccd equally acceptable as tise sarm dcys ced Icautiful. landscape ae tiste loess f nature, se iii tise May nuimber cf Buasy Man's prcva ta ita needens. [ni addition ta acveral ariginal articles cf menit anid intencat, tisa besi contributiens n tise laad.ngl peniedicais on Political and Cam'* menctal affaira, Systeusaced Busi: neas, Industry ced Worid Wide De- vclapmet appear. Tise mosi in- stiuctive ced entertaieing tisi iii iwýeîîty-fiva cf tise foremsi(ti maazne re peatdand tisa selecionsbavale1nmadea itha, hadsmlyil lutrac scn ýA GUARANTEF 0F- SAFETY Moa cftis "cetsin"syrups ced poix dans cdvertised te cure tisa illa cf' belles and youeg childran contii poisaceus opiates, andu overdose may kili tise child. Rab1 ' (ihx'a Tablets ana aýold snder tise gruarniteof c gcvartî.inse i acaysi iaý iai ey ccutain no opiae o iamsldrug.Tise, ay c h isi mus thab0SAut sayt e nefi bore ailasnts nigiagi dilrdened îiisci rbsics rs-. F.oeu tg, ivrH(bn. .S., scys:- aie stiptias ad aamairoubleancd 1 11 cy ay secsteatiing, and basvc fennd _i hau tisalesbt medicine kecîs c f for ibese troubles." Sohd oy madiciee dealers on by mci-ai 25 cents a bsox fron Tise Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., I rocissillýe, Cuit. GingrrCeekies Onea esplul ai sugar, anai cupful of molasses, ana cuplul af butter, tise ggs, one tailsaspeonfuýl cf ginger, ana tabla- spocuful cficiamon, one telle- spacafel cf soda dissolved in cnee querto lcupful of boiling seaten cee salispeon cf sai. Mix, tsi h-nead ie e adongisas stiff aeS nequircd te rail oui, then put cw'ay j(oser nii. Ie tise moreîng roll oui, j usig hitlour, if aeny et 91li l n iddcd baise in good, isot os-en. fieeý aoit f their flamons Piantolï is texedci cmi m tise arisat we- DRINJNG ESSES 0 ICE Fîl~- ssu dM crcadies are mu- in Holland for tishsnee c ui ýic gs un ecmeus seitis an envelope cf svaxe papn, shiis reveia tsa teruChC Dr stepeasnt ensaionci andigCvcOnmiacmiin îîalîg c. islatid"feu-a r boini uef si factre s exremiy smpl ;ntso castie,tiglanti, te Valpenaiso, [ ae ccs Oruscof tani c to- rends like a cspe in e sensation- nieai; jit doesn' tattn tke ycuir ai book cf aietuStonsacli t'rouble nigliti w ,itusonV Tise ve ssai ,perienced a secces- îcen Pisaneacistat cdi sjiii nte sioncf -iciet sonms sitcis î pen a 5o-caisi case cf Pp' i iireiydse liehaned tisen;i, Vo pepsu aîsd lici c e,t cic22-gra ,il cdd ta tise troubles ci tise capicin Tiriangulle and ste ilf iti it aîsd tishoe ca a senieus distîtrb miuts tisai'cis l la ,van tace cf ance tooS place e mong tise tmci msal At'~ tise tima -tise slîip isad bacc Tualu rneet an onIcntroue i îtisig for sesa2n sieký-a c isaîleýs ile i co isu taîien le i sirecis on tise occan, qnd-ix iepo suîg ieDgsiecgu par-atîcl wor a leobe i iig sd o voc citsi ýl4s fgs a iiiscpi-r esi Çiiîs ei1ciere11dg i cmStîisg, ,caes cubos weuecd.teste in niontis, -custîpctiai, paît' A smail steamr Pc , uc tetIse v isnlissbs, sîeeasaca(,s, balcising cf sel s aid aiisyVsoisus frein Ta - gas. Siliousiie, a ýiek beadcitelle iiti, adn gcd te(to'\hate toTa-inesses, dzitsand many hiti for £,000. n TessesissrajOtier similai s rsiuts. accepied, and isweiFaVori Hll s-es ,Our V apptite j'- fle icd no-I toseed te Tistu shere ,tise sueemýaî1slti;g tenîptatý I ubi e elcis gas t ivis is aliegcd te havc killed !bis' r lsic if ]oated citer eatiiig, mate, svas hisanded over Vo tise au- o otit b lits iSe a lp of ilsoritias. lecd coin cii _,niats, yît a icis _______up cen mid .1tisittIshebottentj q. - etf ail thi', tisane i-iliii,,scause- -A W a4îi's 5ympathy fernieitatice cf iufoote bd. Are you dscr'eIs yeur ciector's e- e to yeurself, :ciiter ycen cxi hiel- aheavy iiîîi iabd? Is yiýui.ciii i cîcol,tui nsoîissasgd hecyn iys_ lburditI kîoassilsas these erean te eicas bave - ul;:tisai tisaeietis,ýing realiy been disceunazge0,i, te; but learneti hesi'te 1su ,eeig. So bslnnîtt cure myscif. 1I want te rlitese Ycun ber- ce SagS ctpng is ferou saiani tiens. Wily rnet end te Pain and stop teqnl - . ain -havuwn doter's bill? Ifijndo Cis for you cend! is itiout lent cf diseemiont orrmis- wikl If Yeu willii tataS me. 1 Alyou need de 15t' write fer efe r box of tha emeiwhteh has boots riluteci AlintutinsaC "3 is aitiîîg lu ~ ~ ~_ 'l Sadst b-gt ava. Perhaps o thia )re boix wiî ur uiiolasnea se i Itu. i u te-l anatn fer otherS. If s so ah hahapy anti bus sciayoctasen itieDipc yen siil Lbe auL'r0d fejr (u ct of a po2stage st-smp>. Your ltesiti onfi- s ri entfialiy. Write to- !ay forimv fi-ce treat- 3 ment. MIlS. F. E CUItEA iL Windsor, ont, st'ciag toycriaice Put hi "nrth cys ce ise tb. I siilimat or snsa tîna WcsiingSolnicn-Fnsîy ise NEWCSToci10 hIANY WOMEwCEETH NINIA 'ILAE Mc. Samt Perrin is homne from nnrnI Thirteen Persons Thjurd Beom i *l i V coiardU[ tI'~3 L I ~ ~ he Beast W as lle. ang,1ruÎJid anýdÎal undown-i i ,hrdhisaie.__________________Alarge cheetbahmxfIknJJuroxn. oursit tgeter, nC Ces very Iftrs fl*McLen ctenîined. othe .jungles near Miprm iuch trouble for you? Are you fee- a few fnicuda on Satrda esnmg ti n desWako ul cendeDla ew M, A.3 - o 1 nerc Nô wofluer i 1 Clyou are, ilagwo !ec ndkieu ari r have tried you sorely and robbed Mn.r oe1. l Jeu j5 betsUdrU 1 ~Invtba .vang e fiuraged cusda panite 1your sysem bAs been able te re- again tkeii', seat o-u his imeat taywmug truiiesu-Mda al ~f agoo ton~c hch iilrevie yu w gon f i)i iec weak, aiig aaud Eutering a Melais hbut, tise beast Ad energy, PiSCHiNqwiio tiei. MssE aisLng and _Miss Greý-!unhappý iselageu cd b1le- p ucedupena asemnLilling hber s:-"THERE 15 LIFE 1IN EVERY DOE..grysvrrcet guesaof 2Miss lessnEaicfpgrls apn ng somen, and then aring asvcy a portiorc ,r tis t02egreatesi asedicine I ever use- Mseller. htsieedacse uzznesscia-d faint-.tie face and body.Tise Poor womnan uramnand lai3 mnh a swî isLfe aru rdaeigel;tsolý,1 e Jiervus ailmSotsseamed for several minues, but n-down peopl.Ther e m-a Abenew nrs,1f uffao .Yi oeback pains ced failure fistength tise terrified neiglibora c nuni Mnt PSYCHINE at lhs limCeoft icse:ea.11n spi. cf1sivec and motisens;tieral in sfcetcoagteoVoie w'n feelng, angur, etc, anti gve .yc.u new Plumisers are puttig in tisY sttia oetehi osne tia mm r. ce noutseaise taisgo g ted SadnaAv.,Toonofor a. sampic otrs-tmi r . ut~' f life, are ccu'aed usnally by jet iirgtisere ws a general stampede. residènce. povenîhed, watery blood. Dr. 1%PSil- sebrute went ont, savageîyat Tis rmais"fMisa"nes was Lama'Pink Pus for Pale People tecking ci;it camne acros, and hruis ere ufor buia! aiNeWton- have iseped im r omiente tise jea-me tisirteen perso-ýns sicre severely THfifARTF aEsnRAThN tEF',Y ï i:l c.ear.ofgood iseatichndjlsqstent' 'cuedfurcftie ucumbing te, Tis seole ac bs ompot isn aey otiser jmediciýý ne i tL ILir nuis euiy tise tiejboeane n ithe g sor(d.TiseaPilla ctuaiily makelop eai Cn Ye0tai i pt forwrd.tis Meisoistchucisspie. n, irricis, r.d nlodiii ene shiftiasflose yaraiiwcylý "Com alng, sad tise spider Mr.W .Pereia een il]. eîery Part cfdtise body, feeda isle ii npector, sui iot t.Tise firatý witi a kn aile. Mns,. Johnetenisas retunrd te starved naerves, strengtscsss cer; n-.1otdid net te:0, nid tisecieah Afeýw vigorous strekes broughtitie se c, acopnidby hn ece, o(rgan, and makes wcv,-ak girls and srn nMïn.Nocisteofca, themnVoutisemwab hut. Tise spideiriéss Maggie Wilmot. women bright and M-ah. Mrs. A.,vsoncngdte ead, it.Adoi dived cdown urder it, and danied upi PlesedLterupeot tisaitie mmluecuDrdaOn. ic '_ AMopisvllge os t ise thnough tiesefooriug by a %ut nr- beurs fitise Alfamiiý,y wsv ae msniigii lteeutc otito 'îer atce, tis haer the, t)ciname tabt tiigillArc eltagisinls tti ude te icyen knosv tise grea t b ;geu_,,,- on'y 'ý hit tise israecatepillas te oilo. Mrs MeNagistn basrctured nfit Dr. Wililims' Pink PFillabae in rcge oiebytieciatas Wisen te nnsuspcing eceatures!from isMe ity accompied bYp hanrScanto m.Fo is ieIsa îr oroisa tisen ssttis ebasai me. Front poougi tise1vuý o hte hcart. Wlisc tie ail-' got isde tdeyineceived a sisock. mne ch',rs(Dr.) ConiUely-. agirl I suffeiued foi (, eaknes edi-cr or' iati asdcl ie Tise intenior cf tise loit v sc tee ev .A.Cle iipdafainting speil.s w'as always docton- I ru's d up d isalHbore1:0tise a witl tisehb diesofflissmall green ltisonougisbred TarmvrtS hogteuieinbttddntussipme.As I seiti aones*nr-nri-pon seormas, and insecis cf eer ds Epeienalfrmaintasvta. e- gcwu e ide ed egrwoe.tise y eould pick Up."it ciption. lBefore is ey bcd time tei Mn. James Plise n., is nowsv dom- grublodrJEsemed uiterally mcde u- oid n) recover from tise sock cf Sncll afontabiy setîedin tsM olen-t icr. Sometimes&I w u d itq specacrle tise lîti tsie idene vaccted by 11ev. Boen s ian a ss aday snfoentd pournced on tise ue u ainanise 1 uirbsbî emia enfo nigsin ol o il ILDNT"A. in rcpid successionand bit ies raizd iti Eriqe sWnîght as, Upsqniir esiout1stcppsegt le slîoIeda onOhro h sbarplyin tise neck. cpan ie axpecr tier is èontdise way, ced nsy heaJ_ ri wisniAl)lvdalr l fte "ý at estmylardier is fulli," scigame o tsBoeavll uir o aptaas iovl s'to produce 'Deiftus liera Pnid. ,tisc utilespi exitis a tranqil Be!y 24Vb a1smotPcering'_ sensaion. I gresv Me IDos'tcicr 'cg."if yen have mleeasià laid tise ladies cf us Mn.John lit BA bii1c4ia-epic-tr--lt wumteedfltispa oansi- vietma ewu."Ifyou had beu cisoo1l mc'ter', B'miie racscnuto.Ic nt hisQ dread 1.w ce1to tfisfa i 1enr keak op.î le dststa- bigger iban nme, yon beantica, yce reî il andeveiiig int tocsefi scondion iser. Willias' i. u a ynhvet)nîý m sonld haie goabbicdnme up. Bout, Prclotpîpaci urcshereaced ta Lin"s Plias were broui I t î e acwsî 'i esa e as I iappen tu e lëbgga tisan you, Meafternn c tu Aetonv ille, gsv- tenionan beantkîgîiem haedonic with it. Tisane is tisth tisa reverse ta is e case." îng csntclonterotnes. fTisafrt igu cf benefit I noticd inug mr xsent iaccon- --- 1 ,,!1. "'W aisoný 1, a Ionug ea imen - vas aunumproement in Imy',appatte_. i ual harkieg beck te an unpieas BOOK FOR i uTIIIRS. cd Îlfanm isueai dhr rn ie ea geesrngr tse nt eauuc i eas j Wnseydle ner eed, ng. ~ cloen Jegan Vtu m r"g e ac;On ~ ~ Everymotier is nutur-ally cx-fie fM.Aal ensa. tise Lfing>spelîs disappaarcd ccd poin!s out 'a t a' denreaps cena- iOua fur plenvtrntat slce Tise WM. S. ct \%ed iastdaygrdoîî ina, brogisi te a (on tpento ea mîstake Atisi>ou ara aaer«te Lkecp le sees i iu ecd aftarnuetset ise Elm, cuealit-n f morenerfeIalstisthan nmaking. Vary fes peeie il this Lecalh. Tise Dr. William' Mcdi hospitaby ceteabntaIued y Min '"bcI eeron soydoefne.Tiisuswold cnaceigsbo t u eteli cine Co., have isa.ned a 0i%îC,.o EBtier. Tisecid:legato te tisa Oreno suai Dr. WiUlam' Pink Pilla haven fcnfaîts iss eed syhici s ouai-aa greet dccl of loe- elionlgava an initereeting te rdonc f, r me, ced titishey hare oul e ie"urep-cct.ýIo1 formation ce ina cane cofants(1ot.-I Sen cflastig !benefit i-aprocd Un'idleyorfadsNt- aed youneg ciildren, Mtia evany a- Mn. Williama Smith retured hnse ly tise facitha.:,t it is savaral yecar ing is c grienter . hindrance te" real tiser ougisi te knoîv. Tise Lois viiiPhm tie hospital ai Toronîto.Hae sinca tiscy resre y heahs and 1fnîandsisip. E nyoyiS hluman, la sent fre te nny mother wse,iso ciii îasuffecning frein Cancer cf tise steo- i have îernaiL:eýd st,_nfg -und ,HMan d tierefore, faultys serid ber rcame aud address teltuise ci. ei s-c"Dow't tisat eseny macn wio lr. si ians' Medici n , Brockr- Mr.Seldon, rcpreantiugtie, Dr Winanî' ic Pll1aa is nordinails oit sinivysii villa, Ont. Ma PyiEstatereTcuone, si-aovinwtis q. sillae est weak oriu couecetîc sith cufre fo'r ail tohe u t mue on;u;ncd ef w-h u ynet a lover - (Jr waiey llood, scb asnancoirect roai expeci toumecis hemhim. LITJIIA1Y ES. tise repaira noe ndervy Pli ts isuciau a rli,;saacssMny an engaugement i',bele! cf summen fnm mauy pentCs c saresicfbis s sitnmoe c- itus' donne c rpaas-ta, etc. S1dsc40d e niýgal, cnd whuas ilsctewd pages of Tisa Dalnae M; o' HaddedStna, " centsabo onsixoxs o rr2,50 ùcter all, fe Fi' se co pstnd it. fer June ALîce Lonnsberry sentes liLy i. Tisafurienal tck fplaencvis r.Wiians edcne on't o (s cf'0c einps snd MabaiOsgeed \Wighstdascribes Suie sain lhan 751?is car acd anvut knesede ed attisiments te "Brd CWaOgisi teu no."Fr andcd isgily nespectedresident anîea sisoiss 1iseuia asat tiose sehe ara going (te Europe ced!ef Clarke. .A uisualad ddaugis- IIiGIISTE S TRAGEDY. gs for tisose ivis ivîl siay ai hemký M. tan, Mrs. F. B. Lorcisin, survive Landon I{aads tells, mesi amusseg iser. Sailins Fîghit IWillh Kives on CRSIDt'~IN ly, cf 'Tisa lard Work cf àa For- Mn. Tam, Quinîco and son have Mele esl UE eign Tour." ratureed frem itiseNontiivest. Neore fIesi Tielu - ,fre, andwa tobehiýf ,,itiinSixy he isoryofthevoageofthe Tk turýour stoisîcls ci mey- %TisaSavais Stages totesaStage" fracueaed un Htelha isnd bithln sixty Tse isistory cftiseLvoyage c il eaueo, ua inte cq, b tuiles cf Mirmdestiiictien. banquel ato - alfoc1as-l e ilud__ , c MD o.- Resit of Treaýting." The î, ges we r e: MiîsF. UR. Fo- d ýsçstem. Iake n Whiby ollge;Miss XVard, B.ApneehcWaksE ioSer BomnvleMs Glila, AP _co$tperbx slioS.Owiljipeasesix roo Tiec peiinwske V,11iiu r. SoidCI ail1(jruggi At3or i ia (1dii ail thse cojntesta';nts showing spien m;pz cjr"e.Te( oo'odei Co. did abiiity. Thie mcdal was award Uornrll Wnso)ToronUo1vil ed to Miss Mabel Edisards, yonng- est daughiter of Mfr. Levi E.dwards Of ur tow. M. 11. lInoýx, t abriefadesi1wichhemiacoi iedthse fimport ance of- ýoungpo pie engagîig ini jliskndf oN choruse(s by tecilrntw jr-N A etsby Msss. Touo n I\isThocreto, -a club szs-inging -pNO 1 eIcic y ie o uI1gCgjis, two il- p sîrmetaldutsby Mrs. Gamsby' and Miss Langý, a duet by Miss Lg- THE CLEANER THlA T C FAN1JS erten and Master W. Egerton, tie former on the piano, thse latter with E VERYTHINO FROM N YTI thse bones; hum-orous choruses by I'dpartlcu'armerit Ischnlg h thse maie choir. Thea accompanists handa fetim dirt, grime, greaeît r weeMiss Limbert, Mrs. Gaus.sby paint, leaving them seft wleanixl and Miss§ M. Edwards. The orches- trîa b-cightened thse even-,inrg pro- Have Ven t rieci 11? os.dirgcswitn appropriate advrel1 i eaes n.iddsceetions. Proc;ýýed À,Ti8 uro is f sisrcollection $37. -- SAP CMPAN, LI~'0 A"D)OMINION" AGENCY. PCMPNYEALU D "Dominion" pianos3 have recent -_________________ ly been receiving some excellent - puhlicity at tisehands cf tise Mason ibernE Fat with piln cf1hiie & ie Piano Cc. in tne Tor nto cream.n apr.Tise Dom-ninion iis ajrece st eepe ii Trene ad tat ie - A uire for F1 rad ge reu.dy _ e,;iproven. Tihe fc.r ge iesn eagmn ft at Bowinanville bas beens s ry busY dgsieogn n eeirto of 1le and tise increased demasd uin tish(' t c ieboe.I hs in Toronto and sicinity _'stîrred up11)ad]ments iParme.lee's Ve'get1aie b, the eff orts cf t he(-Mase on &, 1ch Pllas ha,,e lenc if ound muse efc c- C'o. lias made it ac.sryt sptise, aisatirg 1the feveýr and td- s crs' department at t!Ueut-il -1, ing tise ague iin n few, days., tension te cope sxith tsed, maaod aýre many who areý subjeet Vo the Mlusic Tradea _Rcview for May. i ditrcaaing dieturisanceýs and Vo theý-se tisc is ne bette r preparainpo The longenr von let an accouinticurable as a meanis cf relief. rue tise longer itwiile 'p.baera ýon, catcis up wsti it. For EInfants and Clifidren. The Kinid You Have Always Boughtl Bears'tise Signatureof W-ITH S'TMAU EB.RIFS. '1V. C. T. V. MEDAL CONlESI. Strawbenî~ Russe. Dîssols e bail n package cf geisitîn ia oua hall pîiui Mks lichai I2iis crd~, Ontîna, tha cf sciai-. Add cee eîîp o~ sugan, Wieiiem cisc cap cf shieed barries. Sut us I iighitl1 eue hall piiît ci s ltipeed lise flitis cf a sei-ie~ ci M' d~h Con crealîs. Sens e eoid in alsenlet cupa. tc~10 bî tisa W. C. T. F. is ns beld Stnawbeiî Pu'scls Beil tegeihen J it Onono tetil '2Sîî. T5 -' Psesi a pini ci augan ced a quai i el satan dent, Mrs. Sannt~l Hnllday, ~5 ~ for fisc usuîsutes. W'lîatî cool add a s ery dean and e îopuehŽu-~v~ îîî~îî- tutti ci sliced benîtes eîsd a ccp ci uer Inougisi helema tise cudiane - ttîc stm-assbenry juice. Emeaze qcuckiy neal pumpose et esedai ceustasis, ced serse iii punch ginsmea. w isicîs sera iîeid in Vite iniemesi cf Suas isdîu3 Peffa Shico cee ccp- Tempemance ced Menai Beferos. îai tif cleatsed iserrias. Sejirîisia Pnajen sica offcmed by Res' W. iigisily isitis siisi'e sugar Lent dcii Liunbeît. Tisa caîstîstasta ivere :- I hcht esip cil isustet ansi ose r-up ol Miss Relia Slcajs "Flan Lan j sugar Vo e crecci, add iso cm;gs a ci Jars' Cider Miii.' j Seat w eh. Sue Vis o tups ci foin Miss Core Pryset 'Tise Briiel suis oea iîccpieg tee p jonful cf itifue Cep.' î'aising posider, ced e sisi te t-Y~ Miss Malal Fdwaid5 "Sas cci." j eueccs~ toixtuir' citer sels s Master Rosa Laug T~~C Boa on ena ccp il ae~t et:k F' us I tîsfijtî titi. Wiiu~î h i ~ su it- I Master Esencctt Thenae-'The pufis oui ou e disis itiRi 1s;r h iltis NO CAIJSE FOt (R COMPLAINTl-i. "I thougist yeu sai-d tbisbous dbal auext ra:zlacrge b lck yardl sdthse prespl",-~etea. Se 1 did," a n sve red tieagent. "But it is onuforfetdep by acüuai ]seasurement.' rtet cd tise p.t. "th orInar rc,ýi isc aythee An icebat consail attiere o' 150 m~1a an heu rif icxicis L ___