-------------------n gly'~ "-- - -- .1-ý -- 1,1--1 't 'E eigdto lliabout, se ashore, or te geV uanotîsur ship, I î stit slow an',ay tic tmore tianspeti across thc Andes anti the agrocf -th,-m in rwnyrn plain te Buueîue-s Ais>es anti suc- os es- niglu , i E s s a isussance, ceetieti in getting xork ut a place botE o measnd tho i osin, us tEe namet Lomas, aboutu2 miles fromn reulws ll. Hon'escr, a long B. A. Se, net lsuving anything te cocetchieiis a lucre tiangerous do on tEe follening Susitay, I n'ont antoefecH ewcanon thIlain_- aElnt eut to'sec my former emîployer anti gubhly. anti ho n'es ikiy eneugh me a fen otber ucquaintances. Howv- sbamsic, creep forsvusd. anti eut lever, most cf thora hati seuttereti. aýý nuertise in tEe ot'sor foiboî's ste Mr. C-- nuws stili there, anti mii. anti perhaps mark a fen n'wan.ted me to stuy ssitb hins, cf- 1r.bsities, '.u that peitapb 1 nus 'fering me $2.50 a daay, wnhcb, of ~s.TEe mute os-oerbuuled the course n'as tempting. but I didn't eirer"stbelP on the flreman's side, soc the sense of sacriflcing rny buci untidisc'1ýovereti a rogular ars-coal of puy, anti running the risi of being 1uor,1ises anti cutigels, s'.hicb, -sent to guýol flor desertiosî. The cf' couirse, n' as confis 'atet.d.Argenstine iRepublie is bbesseti nith Most ef my, timo nuaso"cupied a fine climule anti soil aisdiBueos onI tEe outward voyage in caniiking Aises is no eaen city. Cansada us 'tE brdedck anti the forecustielsheing boonetite n sîrsa -e lekboi of nîsich eakotd i le a tent, but it Eus neot tue îsaturab sier, tobc sevas prauet;icaiiy utivantages tisat Argentina lias.1 ns os. sssl.My heurs noie frins The chief drassbachis use tise ruther' 13 te6, sith trce uarters cf an slip-shot lun's, the diffiitlty to tEe lios- orhrekfu.tanti one bour average linitisîser cf icarning Spun-l fo iurIt îs tEe usual cas-ý isb, andth ie knifiîsg pr4openisities cmforrtLe carpeister to finish ut of somne cf tIse inlhab itanthr g ýllii1 anti ccioff ut 12 p.m. on the. latter objections is net se very ~Sutrys, but tise mate usa emos. Thoe are bati quartersj driver 'in a quiet wuy, anti it na nBuenos Ayîes aed Rosari, ianti tee ato e kii aferL huti jineti.! Otiscer ie in Los'de aisiLvr Tlosîosat ieesnecfr ci Bahia Blanca, abou.tiîbreue uvergrunsiiig utînttEe oot,&atitiys sail south frona Buenos Ayres cf curs, tes w t te umalis as yet n snsuli toss'î, but giosv- - isg apit41y, andti tI chiof n bout- exprtig port. We t~ in a car- j oc vhe :attEe se atsaiboti for I H li.. Te iome'uri soyage vn'as 'y. muter pca aitem iuîtil t'0 o Hyi icsS C k yscmo àt'a 0 benWfi-a u smmr j el en o jc<bc atuts asininte. Ifyourewek shp' hlo.ccclcsîsrtmatz, nu anrGoutilieyu p eieunE £hn o~ ia ma f na 1boiy\, ît a ý sample of te cok' efort. 'heygot no- th'Iing b3 it, of cus.Sailors, as 11 Voyage ofth urue, grumible when ab)oard,an get drunk, and stay, drunk, when "Luin er ashore. They certainly bati cause for complaint. Thetea andi coffee ByRiha~destaaySuttn, Ot. hat is shipped for the crew, is tea e U Rihad Vý;t iay Suto, ot. andi coffe e naine only. No, milk is allowed, and the sugar is of the 'coarso, brown variety and nfotý (Conc ifrom last week.) 'eno.ugh of it. The butter -anti the Wchad-been a week out, anti the 'marmaladie, toc, îs sufficiet. There oveahergetinghot whn oe sas meat eneugh of the sort, but rn,.oirning the, big Qreek camne rn- iL as often hiaif cooked, !tbough ro nsn1jg forwart with a nasty loeking fault of the poor Cbinamna, who uo the ieft, fore-ar.an. One of hai to cook -or two womèn anti îhe Arabs had tione it with a tljre ubj cidren besides the cre. hoe.The Greek laid up for a Anti, of course, they being quit- tiayor ~o, nd wcntto wrk seless, and a nuisance, must have ,again, and I, for one, thought-no hie best of e' orything. We had moeabout it. A w eek later, as three tiny loaves of bread a woek, hebosin anti 1 were sitting downi the rcst of the lime we hati to ýto ïbreakfast, w e heard a fearful makeouot with biscuit, the only ondof screarm, and curses. j1iarticle of footi that was not stint- ~zudscarcelv el.vbtat the cd, for the reason that no0 one was ~onns woe hman. I iekedlikely to cat too maay of them. ,L!hroýugh the port and saw the Greok The bosin anti I fareti btter than ;1nd1 the Ara4 close te the star- the sailors, but ours was noue too badbulwarks struggling,' both good or plentiful. Sailors arc gen- wJith knives in th-,ir ba.nds. The crally supp ose,1 by landsnien te bc GýUreek was trying to heave the othor a set of happy-go -lucky, generous oveboad. The stuttoring chap fellows, who, put in most of their antianoter erc n to brdgetime when at sva in dancing horn- dL-eck ch'ýipping off the rust (I neyer pipes anti sp)*i-nnîng yarns. For my baw a slip rust se rapitily). ThEe own part, I1a generaily too tireti fr e cme forwarti with a big to do anythiig 'but lie tiownin the ham rinteninig, he saiti, '10o stuffy littie ro anti reati. Tl' ~f ffiatenthe bot on." ow-dangers of a soai;fe are magnifit ýeer, hlpise i The mate haili by a great many, Lut utiiscom th cro frm the fbridge, asking frsae ignored. Sleep, for in- somonetepart themrj, but no one stance, is almost impossible while -tYe. Noth!ýing soulti have in the tropies. You must cithor -., lesei s Éter tfhan to have. ceeu stay in your stuffy bnunk anti sweat Ltbof them t 'ake thoir leave over or stretch 'Ont on the fore hlateh, ilhe sitie.loevr the first en- ýanti be continunaily .tiisturbeti by ginee'ir, who poal hati it in bis the moving about of the men on 1mmd1f that doaimc couldnYt shovel wt O. f course, want of space colsnmnaged te saàve their liv es is a p1ientîful cause cf the tiiscom- ~b etngbhnith re at oton boasi ship. We were a 1liing him away. The Arab fell monith getting to Monte Vicheo, 'conand rolleti about in agony, the oingest, wreÈchedest months (covered with bioDod, tiust' anti that I, ca n remember. The mono- --et.The- other--staggeraed for- tony-wa. s cnly broken- by a sight-of- warilanti felltiown. in the a]ley- 8t. Vincent, whicti appears te ho ý%say gasping, writhing anti curs- a barmen rock and nothing more, in nEnglish-as foreîgners gen anti sometiays Iter a look at the i erally do wben they are able. The suvaîl isianti of Fernando Novouha, Greek lad a, eut on the temple, andtihte lonehiest place on eatb, .1 a, rtab 1 through the caîf of bis lef t shoulti think. It was useti as a 3eg. It sceems that le hati laid in conviet prison by the Brazilian watfor the Amab, stabbing him goverament. It appears te be no,- from ibobinti as ho was eoming from thing but a small volcanie rock, 'lc'alley witb a tin cf (alleged) and scarcely fit for ceonvjets evon. eoýffoo,. ln the struggle, the Arab lloxev or, w hother one happoens te ha~ dahei orne of the mixture ho a,sailor or a passengoer, lanti in un th briti arm of the Greek, sight seemas te refresh one anti re- 5thtit was bard to say whieh news interest in life. Wc droppeti Lati the wrst of it. fiowcver, the anchor off Monte Vicher, anti the 'Arb wslit te work again in a Port tioctor camne alengsitie in a 'webut thle Grcek was laiti uJ government tender, anti 'e hliý aIlth rstof -the voyage to B. A. up in front cf him for inspection. ant snt e ospital. We mad.e a The C-eck was carricti from bis rog b f smuttu piarks for him filthu corner anti deposited, like a 'ute he poop, w-heme he panteti sack cf coals, in a prominent posi- wit bt nt paiei for mo.ny ticys, tion, se that ho coulti not he over- TIcspa u n the main dck untier looked by the tioctor, but that in- the poop w scerved for cro corruptible citizen cf Uruguaytiti butwasutlizeti by me as a car- net chose to, suc hîm. fie tolti the ipntr' sop. There was ne pro- skipper that 'se were ail "savo." periy fittetid capenter-shop, and ne So the sick man was lugged bac*k becse I ha t t make one cf two under the poop again. W e waited' panaresting on c'asks.j The docek twe daYs' for ortiers, and thon "aofiron, andti s lere svas ne l ,teamed up tho elhwspacieus lgtnor ventilatio but what was lise de la Plata to Bueos Ayres. affo rdeib hehtbwa v, Then began the bard toil of mecs- ft rvsfightf tlly bot. 0f course, ing and getting ready to discharge. iewould-ho sîrnor of the foliower Now, ensueti a fortnight of noise, cf' Maboinet seon began te osellitoil, sw ont and iust, onlivened by s ll.Ho was w aitede upon after lu. few dmunken rews t night. The a fashion hy one of bis tellow-stok-[ Greek was paid off andi sont te hos- crthe littie Belgian, svhich puz-1pitai, ai 1w as net punrishd for ~lodmebo.iuseI kew tat n- ils attempteti crime, nor was thc 'tolycus had no0love for hIim, î ther fellea, partly because justice i'began te think that ho was moe. wants a lot cf fissding ini South nelshthan the othoers, and ai- Aierican ropublie , anti partly bu- 'imei im for bis coaduct, mtil cause it nuîs toc expensive. it nas o net, -,ome time ufter, This n as net nsy flrst s isit te the ithe as uictly apprùpriating %rgentina,ý. Several îears agio 1 semeofhe reek's bebiengiog9s. a paitiof froma a Chilian ship in1 Île fIad Sîîff ered for Several Years btthec 01 eliable Kidney Re- suedy Gave Mini Quick- Relief. Kulvington, Sask., May 24th (Special).- "Yes, Dotitis Kidney Pilbs curet i ne of Baciache, anti 1. have recommended tbem te ethers Who lave also been cuet." Those are the n'ords of William Wright, a farmer svell knownebre. 'I ho- liove 1 inhoriteti my trouble," Mm. Wright continues. "At times, for several years it n'as vemy sevore. I ulso suffereti from Lumbago, anti in the momnitsg I hati a bitter taste in my mcuth anti nas troubleti nith dlizziness anti my skin-n'as dry anti hursh anti there n'as a sediment in my urine. "No treaiment I coulti finti gave me auy permanent relief till finally believirig that my kitincys wero the root cf my trouble, 1 determine t o tmy -Dodd's Kidnoy --Pilîs.- -Four boxes curet ime." Mmý. Wright svent ut bis trouble1 sensibly. He examineti bis symp-1 toms, anti they sso'et i Eithat Kiducy Diseuse n'as bis trouble. Do as much for yoursel.f, anti if yeurj symptonss point te disordereti ori ,diseaseti kidneys the cure iis easy.1 Dodd's Kiduey Pis n'ill do it.4 Thbey nover fail.-1 THE A NVIL. Isaiah 40: 8. Lust nigbt n'e stood besidateE hlucksmith's door Anti bo-a d that note witb s'. ich the ans il rings; Anti hammers there wn'aw unapon the floor 11 Wbicb seemeti wcmn ont, leot anti uselcss things. "Hon' many anvils have yon bat," saiti ne. "To n'unia anti butter ahl these hammers se b" "This only anvil have I bat," suiti buý; "The uns il n'ears the hammers ont yen kn.ov." lYpon the ansil of Ci'ýs nord to- day Faîl constant blon's.,from ube-. lievors' bauds; But, n'hilc the hunsmers svear tburn- selves awuy, In nîl its massive strengtb thel anvil stands.1 Whihe each successis-ugo its hum- mer hrirsgs With beastfnl strerugtb toeldict destructive.aas- Ahove the due the Anvil's message rings-1 '"The wosd of God 0hall nover pass awuy." Over twenty ycars ugo the above thonght appeareti in the religion:s press. As 1 coulti not gi e the ex- act w ortis, I have bncI to gis o, in nsy own way, that which mcmomyl fails te supply. If the anthor of the original verses is ,uill living, 1. shouiti ho gladt t have an introduc- tien. T. Watson. Ganthumst, Ont., 19.09. If yen wonld find ont what the w ild 'as os arc saying you shoniti'go te sea. salvs they nlereay es te ei frouxop romfildanhehards. 0at p-eon îg Vriitas iuzetleei f(r_ýanie on hae s,1,at 50 do o roi opl.tced nd ie o Bemaille Ot merebunts are quite capale ofJ ling ahi our requiroments, anti so ut icaonuhle pricos. Copyright, ]1969. A Boon for tEe Bilions. - lUver is a s ery sensitive organ a easily tioranged. WEeu teis ceci there is untiuc socretion cf bile à tEe neriti liquiti fbens ints tEes mach anti sours it.« It is a r distrussing ailment, anti maîsy proue Lu utL. InLtiis concitie:i mian fintis the bcst remetiy in P nseiee's Vogetable Pis, -wbicEf w urrantcd te speetiily correct disorder. There is no ebtter uite ciue in tEe enrtire bsst of piJI p parution s. MAPLE GROVE. Report of S. S. No. 6 Dairhingt for April. Numes in order of mei Sm. IV.--Ois-e Biciebi. Jr. IV.-Lloyd Snon'den, E ve Heekin. Jr. III. liber Snon'vdun.,, Higginson, Gertie Lymer, HosvE Woods, Cecil Jeffrey. Jr. Il.-Aura IRundle, Lena Il ginson, Charlie Aldn'orth, Pc, Ald'.orth, Lemne SteNen, F Burns,iRaynmondi Snovwde, Eh Pt. 11.-Mary Lordiff,Eer Holbbs, Ross Stesens, Xilie Lyns Sm. I.-Fred Stevens. J r. I.-(b) Alun Sundn, S phen IlJeff rev. Stella Jf 'rdWoods, CEunlie Ruile. Jr.I.(a) Gladys Aluni, B de [he les'ednty, ivntnroposegy. l'oi ternis anti particmhaî's, apply te M.] FL Pierey. secreta ry, cre of Faw- hec. & V/cis C. 3 u 22iSiL., Nen'Yenk, N. Y. ,,.... £f\' .è't A x A Vr% A i.tabisDuued 1873 77 Branchei per, "I'm somry te tbrouble ye for more mcney, but this is nme poor n'ife. anti kitidie." The skipper casb doubis on the woman's; mer- aiity anti odered bier off the sbip. TEeo Frenchman walioped this Pati- tiy, and another Paddiy tcok it ont cof the Fscncbman. The bosîn get gioionsly drunk and kept use an'ake ail night. At iast n'a got clear cf Hul with hlf the crcsv indisposeti, saileti round te Barry, anti w-re puiti off, and that is ail that is woth reluting about ber. 601 TO TUE ROOT 0F [US TROUBLE AIND DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUIIED W. WRIGILi'S BACRACHIE. AN INTERESTING BOOK1 "q SoneRilarson It Tînt Iatercst llC iI. II Ouir liaders. ManyBowmanvjlle people rocont- ly receiveti throngh the mail un in-! DISORDERS 0F THE STOMACII. Steestig bck, ntiau ateni The stomach, like ah the other pomusul of st leutis one to many orgasîs of the body, is subjeet net speculations. TEe book is the an- o'nîy 10 varionus forms, of erganie flua] catalogue of one cf the tiepart-1 trouble, but also to mnany kintis of meental stores anti mail eider. functional disorder, or neuroses,. houses. Befome going into a de- In these nervons disturbanees, of tuileti criticismr of it, lot us first the stemach, pain may ho just, as give credit n'heme credit is due, severe anti the list of symptoms anti say, withont hesitation, that jnst as long anti as trying as in tran, as un examnplo cof the printem'-s art, 1 organicjo aeadi s fe m it is ahovo reproaeh. The type i iss e o nti ie.the i oteim-a good. the setting is perfect, anti th e Tpossiblete ffcrivnc om vctm tert proofreading bas 4evitientiy beenu is etca sffring rom si oo tm- woll anti curefully performeti. The reibe loaperde caligfo.m srviees of expert Witers of nde me, atopoathi uulya vertiseusents have been umployeti htae touch ILsnly a some TIe illustmations are unmistakably wltastirgn wrkbrd genemaliy overtime, anti often ut reproductions of photographs, anti tnsks extremely distasteful te it every ativantage bas heu taken tbat' Small w soide, thon, that it soie- is knon'n te the photograpbur's art. times gees on strike. Beautiful women have -poseti for Wheu it docides te do, this, the these pictures, tiressut i n the gar- weapens il controis witb whicb te monts offered for sale.' Even a boyco'tt anti intimidate itho rest of suporficiai kno-wiedguetfthe pint-I hytmarnotefeet. u îng ntiengavig bsinss 'on timus cf normal beaitb n'o are rne enable eue te appreciate the im- more conscieus cf the tremendous ln.ese aeuntof ork equieticommotion anti toil geiug on in the anti the expeaise entaileti in the stomach than the passengers on a production of the book. sunuy dock are qonscius cf the Theexpense entaiied-- that i-; tE l ialeo tE ngine-r1,o1nbelon' point where our interest is testim1 hn h sora' a late-tht ad te qustin wichstoct ail it is going to for the pre- nuturally follcws-who pays for it, sent, it telephones the bmaîn te Vtha a 111 Lithographie anti photogra- e'ffect, n'iîids the imme&diate resait phie work is bigl prircet; mode s thut the n'hole -conscioasne,ýs s i cf sncb hantisome ajppearuancu and~ floodeti nitb the misery rcsulting perfect builti arc souarce ,anti charge from its rehelliein. well fer theur services, writo f TIhe visible, signs cf this reheilion ativortisements do net work cheap- are myriati. Among the most usuial ly. The quality cf paper that will of. themn may ho mneutieucti naus'11ea properly take the impreýstion cf a tuti vomiting, cuctations that are fine haîf toue is decidediy expen- tpmoe.times -se aciti that the very sîve, anti the pressn'erk anti book- tbroat is scnided, tissagreeuble son- biuding are-siot _ineons ý,idem ahie sutiens after -uuting, -that ranage items.-_ We presume n'e are jutified!from discomfort te agony,ý; and na- in ceming te the conclusýion that t lyi ie eea rn whfi mihent xpectutingof engI town condition" cf the syst.om. pense remhunt xecti. ofb iWlten it can be provedti hat this amplyremueratd. 1state cf aff airs is traceuble te abuse Another peint Worth eonsideriug 'cf Vhe stomacb, the teatment boe- ss that this book, e understand, cornes a comparativeîy simple mat- i net distrihutet ins the cty' w bor'erto; but in nsany cases cf se -caileti the firm dees business. Cusstom- "nervoas dyspopsia" the trouble ers in the city are attract eti y en- will ho a fanit of the ne,,rvosîs sys- tirely different means-b-y duily ad- etesoahsown tefn vertising anti the effering cf special stemof tEesmbut shiug itself rne price inducements ini some,-particu- sign cfatseue batssmply s1 ufrsg bar bine, the idea heinig, c (ourse, as aay ether ergan cf the bo.dy may. that if a person cernes to buy seime TEis diagnosis, hon'evor, wil heo f atrticle ut a bargaîn, ho o)r sho may lîttle eomfort te tEe patient so long hoe intncedt t maie more e(xtensive as his stomuch is matie the sieurs- purehuses at tEergur prices. Il s qiteeviiet, herfor, tâtoas caîprit for tEe guilty nervous Ii. s qite vidni. hâtsystem. it is the mail erdJer cs Wmrsho When tEe troubles arise, froým i expectet te mai0e the pblicain causes that canuho ousily controlleti. cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c thsae rfial.sc s imfproper food, hasty eut- In addition 'te E xpnecfpo ing, irreg-ular meals, insufficient ducing tbis bock, thie firm is le- mastication, tise cure lies largely cated in tihe business district of a in tise hantis of the patient bîmself. barge citi, wh-oe tihe expenses cf The small boy n'lc hourd bis fa- doing business are prohbably bigh- ther pronounce a enlogy on a er tban. any place i Canada, se statesaai, saiti, "Father says Mr. that their total relative expenso Blank bus intelligence, tact anti seems te hoe ultogethes- eut cf pr- horsesty anti aise abdominal cour- portion to tîtose of the ricEiant ae. 'Tisisa om fvlo a doin buines intee pros alont, and is tEe kicti that Another feature svo notice, in the hudb eprdwt ice book is that there are ofErgs uofhuti )i-Yh bempetiin'tbdssr a lot cf articles utin o , ut a to.YnbsCmusn specifieti price for the ssholeu. In other n'or'ts, poople are ind-ucedti t huy muny things they do net ssa-st PIIREN-OIOGI IINSTITUTE. in order te get eue cr tn'e they do - ssant. Is not the sending of this The, Auncricai' Institute of Pbren- book to us, as esdtsOf Boîw- el'sgy, ncorporateti 18636, by Spe-i mans'ille a reflection on ou' intel- ciai A-et of thc Nesw York Legisila- ligence, anti a ýstill greatoî' roflectica turc, n ill open its nexi session the ou ouir local pride andi publie p;i s~t Wednesduy in Septembeýr. Snb- We troglyatiisecarreaorsnetjeots emhraced: Pbrenebogy, Pby- tu taie the lluring picturo bock siognorîsy, Etbneiogy, Psyc hology, tee serlcusly. Our Bon'manville Plsysielogy, Anatoiny, Hygiene, I ______________________________________ BO0fiS TIIAT GO ON TRAÏIIP. 'Iey are Terrible Affairs Wbcae -They (ot-Gýoiiug. ---- sud AN~TTn~. Fer a fuli fiedged bog te go on as LLSTRIOUS VIIO AT tramp, as, it n'ore, wneiring stp ad- COBOUIRG. anti town tEe country, is nufortu- Ste- Mm. H. B. ,, ,edtroftenutely ne uncotamon experienro teo lestCadin Cvnete"a j the inhuhitauts cof certain districts are &Dai, Horticultnristn ,rmi ste rest antisoutE cf Irclanti. are Daryetc.. Treasurer of the On- bnt n -n a tai-frialau soiainibgabsoýrbs natoLr as a spongel tari ýffrtiultual ssocatin' as d.loujs.anît nîsn it ssweils up se thsut ar- in town yesterduy attcnding a meet- its lée-c is raiseti uEove that cf the are ing of the Committee on Agriesîl- hoi andti surrounding it, amati tEe tare of the Counties Council w'ho so ltiie-c , hos nvtb ed-are prepaming a report on efomes- auashci îoIisvtbe re- tratien of n'asto landis in Noît hum. Anti once q:tartuti thîcre is ne tel- borland sud Dusham-a 'sabject ef lin g nhen it is gcing te stop, or practical interest toe osery citizen. 1 wha t damage it is going te do. The IV nus Mm. Con'an's first visit te euene recortiet as bas ing taken place~ Coboarg anti Mayor H. Fieldi iindly ut Lismore.Ce. Gainway, covereti ;ndrove him amoandti cnn, which b h nsretis of acr'es cf fertile '.eil, rit geuiy dmrei.For several yeanisn"ýcSaIlhonetiup bouses. ivo ho n'as offiialiy connectodht hestock, and ti t eust oiie human ho. lyn Department cf Agriculture ut the sug. Purbiament Buildings, Toronto, antild 91 gi, r ar er îay aimest every brandi of agriculture boEg Isoke houmts fleur Adriicole, am t anti horticulture has fet the magie. andt tasellcti six miles aecro'sscouss- oi e euof -cee bailtiers cf Ontari . -i Buts'y Bay, tise waters cf nhich amîi Sta. ere stained black. It its course reti sla,aitue cf tise inhabîtants ier. A Pon'erfui Medicine.-TEe beai failissg te escupe i irn e,s'oeou ing piepertios in six essentiai osîs gîsifet inisfcte. son1 are concentrateti in os ery botilo of j /is tilb tf' Eeefrsc or. Dr. Thomas' Eçhectric Oii, formsssg the unt ies P!aew 1 îe uek teoneof tEe most henefieilh;simen-itsgesiE. ttmeRt 'Es, Thosaims a testify as to iUshucins', j thousuntis more eau certify ta ita s yow'thîcir lealth Vo it. ILS -bust. nis",hoor nan w ,onderful poser is net expr;-edt ho'n"nf~cyi E ie ,oby its cheapness. i oinamc nn .si uu ers leTaS tes posesse1,3,uti eu NO'lJTBL.etiefatl o igfilu ss a lv blocked, and theplace ,narrï-, iy cscapeti destrucotion. Ou ;thia-- Loccasion some fifty squaýre mile, e semi-liqnidpaesiuett ik ne ies.,s than thirty million tons, travelled eight miles. In 185" a lcg near iEnaghmor6@ swclleti up in a singlo day so that iit-re-ombîcti the head of a niouster, ;caulifion'er. Thon it erupteti nitli & noise liko thiunýder, spreading eut- wusds anti dosng enormeus damage. Lever Brothers, Toronto, w'îll send yen froc a cake of their fateus P la ntel toilot soap, if you mention titis pufer, WIIER PIRECEPT FAILS. "Jaýck, I'm grievedti t heur that yenu bav e, ately tolti joui' motînu' eeveral falveb-hots. Th'is eut. me te tho he,,mi nbeýy,"saiti ma th'er, sihsenpathos. "Ain,'y tell the t atv-een though it muyial bring sfeigte yoursclf. VW'Ill1 you pr'om!-isee iVeyws. Nony go -,,d sec 4oa is noiniatthe-duor. It4' le aboutthe,, ogicense, sy 'iii no ut homo. Tbatsagoih1: As a'1 i poit ntin E Thlohe day afmosParis denti1st evn pndtecou te a oehegne ptient "An wo, mr; ' s,' oqerr)it o LA .~XNADA -P u is a great convenience in handling the famnily funds. isoneil the namnes of two mnbers of the family, andi bath may make deposits or craw checks over their own individual signatures. This forni of account is particularly conVenient for those who Lve somne distance from town. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not doa so at once ? 11 Bowmnvile Brnch:A. N. Mc!XILLAN, BlakstckW. J. WiHiITE, Branches ais o at Newcastle, Newt onvinle, Orono, Oshawa, Whitby and Broolkljn.- -j W B WANT VOUR SEED. We have just purohased a new up-to-date Beed Cleaner au-d are ow prepared to handie ail kinds of Clover and Grass Beeda eLeaneci or uneleaned and to pay the hlghost marxet price. WB WANT VOUR GRAIN,' We are also lu the market as asual for ail klnds of coarse Grain, such as Barley, Bnokwheat, Oas, Pes, Rye and Gouomeâ Wheat, -ail of whieh we are prepared ta, store and buy at store- house up town, our eievator at G. T, R. Station, or to buy if tored at thé Publie Elevator, Port Darllngton. WB ARE STILL SIELLING COAL. At $6.75 per ton at Harb3r & G. T. R. Station and 07.25 per ton deliverbd toalal parts of the town. Pea Coal $1.00 per ton ls;, 25 cents per ton off for Spot Cash. Carrying ini baskets extra. We alsa have splendid Threohing Coal at M550 at liarbor or Station and 86.00 Up town. sl mtiUnes in Wood, Charcoal, Cernent, Lamber, Shingles (rnetal and wood,) Rex-?Fllntkote and Asphait Roofing, Doors, Sash, Blnds and-Mouidings. Spezial attention ta lnngad Matcliing, reaawing aud dressing lumber. LIMITED, KIng St., East, Bowmanville. ma_ rYe Cheap Furnîtuire May Look tiood bat lt's use that brings out the real quality. -If you nead FIIINI rURE Wi "()buy It'here where attractive appetu1raace ls matched by equally attract- iva honesty in construction. That auch furnîture la the cheapsat sou Swhil agree alter you have used l and learned its worth. I Cal and wec wilb gîve you a sample bottia u0 good furnlture pol- > tsi. ALAN Ë1M.9ÏWLAMS Phonn e 5-SWMNILE