Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1909, p. 4

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I Poultry Netting- If sea wanti te save 3 curs gair- den get Poultry Netting righl awa-v lb wili pas furs iolelmans limes oves. We bçe afl wld.hs utlo rcs Lawn Mowers. We want ta attract a great- or nuniber cf people who believe in attractive homes ta sec our lire of Mowers New Norka and Perfection Better than ever in Quaaity and decidedly botter Value. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. * FAr preservig-now is the time. It Miay seein early but prices are low and *quality od 4i. FPines at- 0-1f. 1e4, -araL lfi& -If you4 want pines do them naow. Get Our prices for Pines by the dozen or case. Fresh * Rhabarb dally. * SUGAR SU&AR 4 Buy sugar now before another ad- vanre 4 * GEAIS -GEAIS AU csizes and styles.* * Crockery & Glass2>are, Dinner Fnd Toilet Sets at reduced prices, * Butter, EgnLs and Potatoes wanted.4 Cliina Hall Gracery - =A Slaughfter Sale 0F UP=TO DATE BOOTS and SIIOES. SFor 2 Weeks. For 2 Weeks. *Alsboes in the store, Doily Varden and Foot Rite in- j luded $5.00 Boots for S4 39 $4 50 Boots for $3,83 4.0Boots for 83.39 $3.50 Boots for 82.99 - 8.0Boots for 8244161.50 Boots for 81.99 Also a lot of man's working boots f rom $2.00 to $3.00 fcr $1,79. Now these are bargains and we bave all sizes a.nd remember the price while tbey hast $1579. *Remember this sale ie over the 24th of May. Now ile the *time to buy. Every pair a bargain. Caîl and sec for youreIlf. Reid &Pearn Opposite ]Balmoral Hotel. *4 46 ýb 5 4ý45 * Boononîloal Paints. ei Firet eost is net the price o! j'- 1 aint.How long will It afiord perfect protection f rom W the weather ? Bow long will E~ C the film remain unbrokeu ? llow mnch preparation wl be required before painting ? 4 These questions must be an- swered before yau hnow* the real cost, On every count the most economical paint ta use is Z V Prism Paints. Itfrea tough, elastic film which wil remain uubroken-will not crack orscsale- 11 onyyears o! Wear wîlh remove it. It epreads furthest, ~ coversbeet, looks beet, wears longeai. lb adds an air of re- finement wherever it ie used. M'er l",iiI 1,- Priom Paints are guralteed to be pure. If tbey are notEl < what we dlaim them to be you get youir moncy back. Sold OC11i 4 1. oly by .1 CPCP, rtm . H. D st n rriî 9~ BOWMNVILUIMAY27, 1909.1 Dr. R. NI. Masou is the ncw memiber of the Ontario Legislature in E. Victoria. Jue Bargain Day-Any present sub- scribes wishing te send this papes te a friend anywhere in Canada for balance of 1909 eau do se for 25c. Me pay the postage, too. THE PRESS The B aldimnandc Advocate, published by Mr. Geo. Reeves ai. Osynga, Ont., is the best ail-routnd local np.wqpaper kuown te us considering the size of its towu- 11W.>seuls. It is well-printcd, well- patronized by business men, and chock full cf local news and country correspond- ence. Such a live publisher uiay well claimi that bis paper is "caLcerly lookod for iu cvery household." The ouly feat- ure about it that we don't admire is the letter composing its hcading. IISTERS AND CHURCHES. E -eryoue eordIlly invited ta the Leagueg meeting ina the Methodist churcb nexi Monday evening. Subject t'Fil- gritn's Progress." Goed musinai pro- gramn. 11ev, John Garbutt will preach on "Piayer" at the mornlng service In tbe Methodisi church Sunday. Mss T. E. Knowlton will sing ai bbc marning service and Mifss Ida M. Trewiu ln the 5 veniiig Rev H. S. Spence, B. A., B Di Tv. raue, occupiez! Bey. John Garbntt'a paipt unday evenin-- andi preached au excellent sermon troam Il 'Imo*thy, 4 10. Mss. T. F. Knowltou, i3iss Ida Trewln snd Mrs. Cullan, Torante. aslFted the choir, the- latter sling the familiars olo,1 Fear Ye Net, () IeraeL' in sweet Set cienrs voice. Tise cbarch wag ery prettiiv decorated wlib flowering plants, sud eut fiawers zhat &,l4edgioatlv ta its appecrance,' Lodge Welington -Ne -19, -Sans of Englaue, parsded ta Disciples Cburch Sunday morning ueasly a - uudred stroug under command of Chief -E. Jas- vis snd looked attractive lu bright blue regaila with ced and white roses. Itev. HI, R. Weir pre ached a vers appropriate sermon on 11k ldç lty," euforcing seferal whoý.esome fessons. He Set alilai ease b] teiing bis heurers that alhbu ;h be f , Yaotkee ho le prend cf the f aet that bis ancostoce came tram England and ho ftoibat 9il truc Sors cf Englaud are bis brothers. The choir lauteibed a splendid servica cf sang, Choir Diceetor R. M. Mtitchell singing a solo very ulcely. On ctusnlng te the S. O. E. Hall votes of thanks were passed ta the, ch ir, trustees aund fi>wes commttea. The fijral dscoratlanswere Veryin eai. Mile'S Compound Iran Plille, only 25 cnsfor 50 rioses. Sold by R. M. Mlitchell & Co. Druc'giBts. DARLINGTON FOOTBALL LEAGUE. Tyrane 1-Hampton 0 The best gamne set was the papular verdict a! ter the gaine Thursda -V niglit between Tyrone anri Hamupton on the iattes'a grounds. The beys wlth the blue and white tram Tyrone nreugbt oves lb air etrongest teani with a nani- ber o! loyal Eupporters. Bampton haî aise loAt slesp gelting out their best players for bbe battis, When it wss hnawn that Dr J C Devitt was going te referes lite game ail levers of soccer foctbail knew tbat bnth teame wouid haue te play tbc grime aeccrdlng ta the suies as the players would gsi their '"calls. " As a reatit lbwss the cieanest and one cf the fastes, games that had been played sinee the orgacization o! ihe lengue The, play lu the frst balt was of the sud ta end vacieiy, but ne scoriug was doue owing to the elrang defense on bath teame, The second periad was simillas ta the fiýst unthi about seven mnutes befare til e whsn tho Hampton gealkseper sud ans of the backs mlsjudged the play aud tben Tyroue's aid reliable loti wing man, Sid. Bear, raehed luai a 2 80 clip aud scoreri. Hampton dug lu harder than ever te even the score, tutaitl was not fertbceming. the game euding wItb the play lu Tr roue's section. Edgar Hern was a tewes of strengtb te the borne ieam and played the gaine of bis lie, For the wluuors Frank Werry played au, -always looked well afier the forwasds sud checking Iu fine style. After thegamo thevlsiting teaiu and the Bowm anville players, whe, 1 y the way,, wsro oui gveiiiug a line on the 1'yroe ansd Hampton teains, wese ban- quetted b.>'thecyeuug ladies lu bbe Sons.' Hall. The teamà, Ti roue: goal, n Scott; backé, F Moore, n Couc; bai! hacke, forwsrds. S Hoar, P Clerheus, N Colla- cuit, P Werry, L Thonipsen, iiaupton: goal, T Gibbon: backs, F Rrnwn, A TrImble: bhah! backs, E Hemn, (Capt); R Montgomery, H Cale; fer- wards, W Redman, G Montgomery, L Brown, N Boidgo, Chas Carruthers. Befare Butter and Lard Were Known Bave you avec woudered what the aucieuts diri without buttes, lard, suet and other animai fats with whIch we are famîliar and use mach lu cohling lun Ibese isa-calied modern limes? The-y didu't have butter-butter là a compas- atively modern produc-but tbey had Ol've Oil, sud they were bettes cff for It, too. The uow ulversal use of animai fats le a hardiy te ho commeuderi practice,î as ibere ls foreves preseut the strain aud taiut of dieease ienail these animal preduet3, while wiih liye o1-s ustural ail E xtracted J'rom saiigbly. nutrîtiaus edîble fruit, Ihere le never any fear e! contamination, Olive OU1 posiblvely replace ad snet, butter, etc., lu ail caoklng needi aud le ual as cîpensivo lu the end. lu f ae, if ' >ou buy asemany dollarb' worth of O'ive 011 as yau do butter sud other animal fats, you wou'd finr itl go mucb furiher, and your general bealik would 'e obttes for h, JuY & Loveli are now impartling direct froni the Famo(us Olive donscif.Francefa yery fine01 wblicb ibey soi"ln ai 60cents 'a pound, he>' wilf vcyuwba ten1 ent t 'esdiýg ng sapile ta rvcisf qusllty ta ou7 MeCrimmou. Mssud Mss AI! Biggiubetham sud famiuir, Mlton, wlth bis brother, T E IHhggubitham. Marrnay R Anderson. Deora, Miss D Thonipson, Madoc, sud Haroldi Gasuer, Loudon, st Chas H Andersou's, Ms sud Mrs H Goodman and family, Miss Leila Higgiubatbam and Gardon Mitchell, Taronte, at A Michell's Mrs W J Ward sud ulece, Miss Susie Dech, Owen Sound, sud Miss Edra Grigg, Taooto, at Ms John Gsigg's. Misses McGunuis and Stella Mason and Mr Ernest Seatt. Toronto, sud Miss Ediih James,Oshawa , at Mayos Mssau'e, 1Misses Anale Coulter, Macle Rebder. sud Cassis Hawkins 'sud Ms Rupert Hlamlyu o! Toronto University are Misses Nellie Patîluson, Nele Ball, Nita Devmin, Marie Luttroîl, Carnie Hawk1inF, Lena Keys, Ada Tyler sud Olive Varce ai their homes. Mss Normpn Callan %nd daughter, Norma sud Ms Frih asu r Masd Mss Geo Calisu snd dé.ughier Viola, Toron. ta, with the atters f athes, Ms W IRabbins. IMessrs, Elson Hughes, Hlerechl IDarch. Harolri Heal, Ailred Penningtau, Ed. andi Chas Weekes, Fsank Knlgbt, Ballon Morsow, Arthur Trebllcack, J. Hloward Perey sud Fred Pattînson,, Tarante, ai home, EtiensIriiiiflVlTilAwYsBu Signat7r West' End Iiouse Place to Buy Your Warm Weather b 1 Victoria Day Visi tors Miss Ethel Brittain., Toronto, at home,! Marshall Bell, Taranto, wlth frlend, J Wright, Stratford, wlth his mQther. Mr John Ries, Cilton, with hie motber, Mr S W Randers, Toronto, with friends. Mr Sam Ferguson, Colborne, wlth friende. RusseIl Blngham, Bastings, wlth hie parents. Sid. Ohartran, Brantford, wlth-his malher. T EBKNowiton, Toronto, at !Mijr W C King's. Miss Mao Ritchie, Winnipeg, at W. C Colr&'#. Miss Muriel Maxsom, Lindsay, at JT Ilooper's, Mr. and Mrs Thos Purdy, Coîborne, at W M Ives'. Dr Geo E GhIfilan, Uzbridge, wlth bis mother. Mr and MrssW Bamlyn, Cilton, at bis father s'. Mr and Mrs Fred Greenfisld, Tor&nta, wIth frioude, Mr and Mrs L Darcb, Toronto, at Mr D Darch't'. Mr -and Mrs T Pishligh, Oshawa, wlth relatives. Miss Edith Greenawav, Port Hope. witb relatives Miýs E A. Allin, Mý A, Lindsay, with MISS Luttrel, Mr and Mrs. H. Andrews, Toconte, at B. R Bird's. E. Jeffer v. larnlton, witb bis niece, Mrs. M. M Liniton. Miss Falthful, Toronto, wlth Miss LeahBHutchinsan. SMiss Ida M and WIibur M Tcewin, Toreonta, at home. Frai Gale and Robt Adamns, Toronto, at Mrs Jas Gales. Mr and Mss W F Maas, Toronto, at ms Geo PeareoL's. SMFc3tt, Capbelfrd,atM Ri- ard Briniacombe's. Mis3 Julia Sinclair, Toronto, with ber sister, Mss A Christie. Ms Thas Puley, Woodviiie, wlth hie brother, Mr Philip Puley. R -EIilott and Maitland McDonald, Toronto, at J Gbn Lyie's. Miss L, Buxtoen, Toronta, with ber cousin, Misa Kate ijickeli.- Mss& W W Horsey and d aughter Hilda, Oshawa, at Mr R Allen's. Mièises Millie Horne and Lola Downs, Straîford, ait hehr homes Mr Barry Baezerville, Toronto, witb hie sisier, Mrs John Curtis, MISS Fleda Slute, Toronto, wltb ber cousin, MISS Marie Poleton. jas. McDýonald, ing Edward Drug Store, Toronto,, wlth trienda Mr and Mss Chas. H. Fletcher, Tor- onto, with bis brother Herbert. Messrs W E Petblck, Bert Thomison anti wife, Torcnte, at W Scett's. Mr. and Mss Oscar W. LaBelle asud son, Peterbos, with bis parents. Mr and MsThmsElilott, Toronto, with hid brotheýr, Principal Elilott. Ms and Mrs O S Pahiard, Toronto, wlth bis father, Registrar 8 Pollard. Misses Sadie Baguehi snd Florence Long, Toronto, at Mr W Bagnsil's. Misses Ethel Todgbam and Margaret Shea, Toronto, at W J Todgham'd. Miss Aiheen Hughes, Lindsay, IS VIS- itiiag ai Mrs IL.W. Burk's, Prospect St. Mrs H -A. L. Anderson aud children, St Mari s, at ber father's, John Wight. Mrs T A Brown snd son Charles, Ottawa, wlth ber sister, Mrs H W Burk. Narman Edger sani wlfe and Miss E na Edgor, Toronto, with their p arents Mr. Clase C. Washington, Victoria University, Toronta, Isleroe for halî. dais. Mrs (Dr) F C. Tsebilcock and MrssH F. Butchesen, Toronto, at P. C Trebil. cock's, Mrs W Willis, Toronto, witbhber daughter, Mss W Maynard aud ather 1riends. Ms and MrssA Sharpe and dauzhter and Evereti Potier, Toronto, at Dr L Potter's. Mr Fred D Cherrl and daugbter Dorotby, Schenectady, N Y, with bis mother PricimJ udMrs S B Jeffrey snd dsugbter âMary,Trron-o,> wiih bis, mother. Miss Leta sud Carl Maynard aud Ms, ®rr Wilcox, Toronto, ai Ms. Oea. E. Maynsrd's.1 MIr John Barris, J. P?, wlfe and son Artbar with thels daugbbec, Mrs. Joôhn Klskpatrick. Misses Ada Seccombe, J Vokes, andi lem MIE Mr horo- Mil ville. ix Rope MiE wat e MIE Lindi It's no longer nocessary te pay extravagent prices f)r etylish clothing. Study your own interest and wear 20tli Century Brand Clotbing. There je scarcely a man but what apprechates chothing of good quality for the simple reason that they look better, wear better and prove satisfactory tbroughout. If yeu bave 'net ceeu our range of 2th Century samples you're isshng something. Perbaps you are neot fully convinced o! our abilîty te fit yen. Welcorne in and let us taik the matter over. Every 2tb Century Garment le Guaranteed. Hats, ISit Men's negligee shirts in a great assort- Our new straw bats wlll please you be, ment of styles and patterns, ail sizes. You cause they are the very latest ebapes and the can rely on any of on.r shirts. They are made prices wihl fit as wehl as the bat. to wear and give comfort te the wearer. Mcflurtry & CO, Limited, se Muriel Gould lu Colborne. is Milldred Johusien lu Oshawa- rWalter ihI with frienris lu Peter- s j R Finkie with frieuds lu Belle. ,Thos Sherin witb bis sîster lu Pori is Arvihia Cox wlth friends lu Tees- er, se E M Brimmehi wlbb relatives lu T ,n B Tansonwhth A inda lu Peterbare. Ms sud lIrs A Tait witb relatives iu Port Hope. Miases Ethel and Elva Power with Tarante frlends. >Mis Lewis Jallew suri Miss Ella WIth f iende lu Pelerboro Misses boule sud Marlou MeBougal with relatives lu Cobourg. Dr. Eme W Sieson speut Sanday wibh frIends lu Port Hope. Mr sud Mss Harold Pearu with rela- tives la Prince Edward County, Mlisses Mao sud Edna H Bottrel wlth tbels sister, Mss J B Tueker, Oshawa. Mr sud Mrs F C Vaustone sud daugb. ber wlth his maiber, Mrs J C Vaustaus, Terouto. Mc, E G. W. Bel], aecantanttt the Bank o! Mouireal, speni VICipria Day lu m'otreal. Messrs Byscan dChas Baddy, Ts ototeasd Miss Loua Baddy witb friands lu Peterbare. Mce 1, Paterson sud Mise E E Ha: - craf I with the former'a ukece, Mss P Laing, Newtonyille. CASTOR 1NA Tý R Kind You Hvav AWajs Bougb B3ears the - l IlSMI RIFLE ASSOCIATION SHOOT The Ioliowlng scores ware made at the ~ abu fintgso± kl ae lio utta Saturday aftersicon.- ;;ýSds, 20ô 50 60 F HMorris ...*.**,"". 30 80 12 29 ,L McLaughlin ....,.80 82 29 W CKl .......0 29 '18 G J Rowe........81 82 24 W oar ...... .......82 Si 24- Sld Morris ....._. 80 2b 2 R JLowns,..........21 31 28 Lau »apon .... Emiavrnrd-.:..........830 283 Chas Rowe ........... 23 238 18 Chas Lowe4js........... 22 17 ?2 P Eii .................2 23 2à 1 Ed Proutt 22 18 IlWPasl, ..... 15 19 -TO- Western craaa Via Chicago june ist and Ir h, Via Sarniaand N. N. Co. My3s anid June 15th. (Steamer Leaves Sarnia B8 3(jp ) Winnipe.-and return ,.. ,, 58. Edmontan and return ......... Proportionate rates ta othl r points Alaska Vukon Pacific Lowý retsf, or rounidtrDilnui GrandTrunk Agent'ý, JURY & e, LU SEED CORN J~it rceiedat the-Mhil, Hampton, a consigment q! very chalce seed corn of eadlug varieties. CHIAS. IHORN. Hampton, May 5, 1909. 18-Bw PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR Ce. ANINUAL MEETING. he annual GENERAL MEETINGof the Srtockholders of the Port Dariington Harbor esm.n will Se held ai the office of the Com. paya ort Darlington, town of Bowmanvlile o.Y-t0n M"dy th1e 7thday ofIJune,1909 attt-e hour of FOUR O'COO .n the afternoon fur the election of Directors for the sait! Company for ensuing3 car and transaction of sucS business as may corne before the meeting. J. A, MCOLELLAN, Secretary. Dated at Bowmanville, ApriS, 1909. 17-1w T he Buyers' UiUde The finms whose names are represented lu aur advertislng columns are worthy of the con- fidence Of eeýr persn who has mouey ta spend The fact- that they advertise stamp, thom as enterpiisWng, progrHss- lys men cf b a~,acredit to their town, and deservlng cf patronage. Ouir advertisîng columus comprise a Bu-ers' Guide to fair da g good ................................... ............. Needs, 1 Elzabe VF Fi Li ýL -1-, Perhaps you have flot yet purchased your new muslindress and inany other requireme nts which wlll be necessary beforeyou can face the boa weather which je sure to be here. We have a very complete stock of summer materials at prices which wiII enable yoa to choose withsatisf action. Corne and se ue even if you don't buy. Nenw Sunmmer Dre9s abrics, Beautiful dress muslis with floral effects on white ground with wide satin stripe extreme- ly pretty for summer wear these are exclusive designs. Yon will find a good assortment of colore ail very pretty effeCte Fer yad...........12je -SU It ingls8 Striped Wash Suitings in Lineni shade with colored stripes, very stylish material suitable for blouses or dresses, fast colore. Per yard.., .e. .. . ...e... 15e. Indian Head suiting the always popular sunmer suiting. Will laundry perfectly, WO have two qualities. Fer yard .......... 20e and 25c. White-Blelts, New wash b ehîs in £suorted stYles with peari buekies, ahi sizes, very special value, .... .a........., m....25e each Tourist Frilling0. 50 boxes tourst friffing, about 3 yds ln eacli box, -nice quality, washable, per box 15e iNeâw Neckwear. -AIL the latest -neckwear novelties you eau.- bave your choice of very pretty styles in stock colla rs, silk and satin bows prices 25e to_ ...........0.. ..... ceach Hose1 Women's faucy hose mostly black with openwork and handsonie embroidered pat- terns, différent desîgils per pair.......... 35e 2Oth Century Clothi*ng,,

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