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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1909, p. 5

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____________________________Football boots et Foley's. & IQueen weather came for Vitoria Day. k WIIE W E EST YES ow M A vIL ~ STÂ~ o' otlet Sets ,from $1.50 up , at F. A . IT IS,,DON PROPRLY mal p.m. ..i 48 Vpape to absent friends-25e JURY and LOVELL 7~mr atfl Pure flapiýue SyZp ILocal..... 649 Mle..,...4 Special patterasof Wall Paper at P. hc-l' nd n ti adaeo!Chicago, New York, Dtroit tma1....... 9.58 P.M .Telcc'.tu e asd wt anca Toronto Opleal Clegs Dally. Freh relable rdenand feld sedaXe have our flrst shîpment cf ibis season'i PUE MPL _____________________et___P. A. L. Twn gens. SYUP, the kind Sou always get from us wben we avriepr ____________________________ J~1Y atF. A Hajy'#.Syrup. We want you toret Ils qualitlsQ sodoeflot lail t, e oewt BOWMANVILLE, MAT 27. 1909 Bowmanville talent was manch in de- Yeur etodr The eris o Ou ________________________mand Victoria Day. Stale's iî-top Invites you to theIV id S .ga t r d J ~ t, Lawn Mowers L cal a dP'ersonal icaeivlw t eas onOadW. atles We have the eholeest of ail E moked Meats, eured frO!Of Lo and Cfor 2.5oe .A ady eor n omte, special trade. If you have flot used them, do so and gtthbet They gîve genuille Satis- Mle' rpPwesCrSi yTeot at o~rmd J Choice Smoked Hams .... ....~..... 17p, al. faâctlon and will stand more Mrs Lett, Oshawa, spent Satiurday H. M. Mitchell & Co Drlgglsts. i e SkInned Baeks................... 20e alb waear and tear, rough usage, with Mrs JOs R Pyc. HvMlo tou ayCangsfron' Royal cr a'pe English Breakfast Bacon .,....... 20o alb Hav alok e cirBay CrragsHoll Bacon............ ..15ealb and more service tests than Mrs. E. Jeffery eelebrated ber 79th and Go Carts. L Moerls & Son.q cf Tartar ciPlenle Hama.......... ......15ealb ayohr makes. birtbday Monday May 24th. A large assortment ofdhlabu a rnfotS1rge..... 241 o an t7,Cail and get a free sampie bottie. o! for sale by S.- LJ a]hiaeb80. jMade jrom Fralorta Sauage .............. bsfo10ce Furniture Polish. L. Morris & So Haddy's Ideul Tea Is stili the ston- Grapc3 UR Rtev. John Garbutt attended the dard. To be had onîy from F. A. r s- r iý J. ~Sprlng Horse Show at Cannington Haddy. eacofn h ietClfrl ae rno Miss Margaret Climie bas been visit- opencd out at Couch, Johnston & Cry- Dînner sets nt reduced prices at F. A. NOticeo o Br s,25 ens;Martae20............. 40 ..,.......... roa do her unele Mr. George Sanderson, derman's. ffaddv's I 50 cents; D»eaths, 50 cents, eaok lan.r ig priFrs... ............ ......... ..10oce eae Cobre ses tei vren *wet erion. Whon oax'ds are Lemons................ 20o and 25e a diz Col~orne Asters stoeks~verbena, swoet Brighten up with P. C. Trbleok' ited at this ornte.. insertion firocPiepp MM.a. Mran.dCndar elbraSdalysu, BrbnWfrwndebery t . WiiPaer.BUN ...............................................................................................................................................a5 oci the 25th annlversary of their wedding J. Jackman 's. IBnns..........2eadz onVcoiaDy o aotta lw oe yuacJDoom Mlis the Buffalo Moth. 25e at JAXES--Im Buwmanvlc,,May 2th, to MYfr i Victoria- Day. i rîciie Paidfr l Farmil iyi ? Rd CL Bw'adt ury & Lovell 'o.janld Mrs Norman il Jmsa aghte. Mrs. Charle opeToronto, sa5ong te buy ca rwsadt hvliND-Ifl ShaaMy 4,t CidTUE bvstn er so M. h resr, eo t pg.We ha&Il sizes and prices o! mat- H n 0d, aMy 4son.i3fIt' rF a-' isiingMr.Chanes oopr, fl tis age trssesandspnngs L Mrri & on.STOIE-In Oshawa, My26th, to Mr. and 6 V C,~~~0 P. R, Ticket Agent R. J. Craig, Prof. Z ivitz's letton on Farm Crops ou Now o aeyornwSnigsi rs lc tolti duhc5 Cobur, atededth lachonon . . asiterpaeor some nwcbntpoo tHy McLRAN-In Cote, St. Paul, Quebec, May 16 .,,. /Y" obongattnde thluchen o S,. 1n mer age -studio. nwcbntpb sa aste Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeaniformerlyofOsbawa, ayO=.Laurentie e otr.Our Cern Cure China. F.oAeddnd China a adaughter. ni iliMiss Bea Jouess, Deseronto,. aseisted guaranteod te gîve you satisfaction, daor uew Limoges stoeik pattern GoDssÂ-At Riverside, Saskatchewan, May MayorzFobes Mo ersata LageOWtetatmetal LapaJuru&eovlntenChntaF.A.ment, hiaiHllCamp,-o rJndury 0 A oLoveil.e js blîford Frlday eveniiig. Archie Tait wants ail sour butter Groecry. Carie IM, Sugden), a son. Mrs John Gnigg and granddaughten, and eggs and wilI pay the highest prIce A lot of new carpets and linoleums MAAISB»B aeself sharpening. The Muriel Doccl, arc viltlng ber daugbten ln cash on traite. just recoived at Couch, Jobnaton & Cry- BELLAmY-WA NoL-At Oromo May l9th, by crossootalls girtpadsnnd ail pon'i.gLoftns Uellany and Ada Grace, agtro double' the weight and Mn, W. M Ives and Mr. Thos, Brown gonds at Trebilcock's Wall Paper and 30 different varieties of asters-aIl the Mr, J, Wannan, &illof Clarke. "Strength et ordinary mowers spent the 244h wlth the latter's Elster, Stationary dopot, vony bet-the sa3ne old Drico, at S. J. 1 . and ail cylinder wings are o!f rW .FeHsn er ido. lenry F Cope's weekly sermonottos Jcka'L ITTLE-At INCholIs Hospital, l'eterboro ~ ,~ ri'i malealeirn ndne o cst Womeu as Teachers la au editoniai are read by very many. This week A fresh shipment o! Maple Svru jiS Ma 2, ameLLtte f Cane ownhl, ge (rom the port o! a venile wrter.. Every. Faith la consIdered. arrived at Scott & AlIln's. Ittlethe best 82 yeara. ___ay2th ane irn ltsfr yidr n n the market. GILBERT-In Woodqtoeay2tDil mon P1te~fo cyindrs nd body interested, read It on an innflo New lîfo for a quarter. Miller s Com- Gilbert ln his i7th year. Intenned at Bowuan- knife backe arc double the page. pound mron Pil. Sold by R. M. Mitch- Hear the Shoppenley Sisters, the cel ville May 26. thlknes. ithailthee i- Sufl'wcs l My ae vrv are bu cl & e, rugist. brated Engliish Istrumontalistb ln the RIRKLÀiç-At Port Hope, Apnîl n.sge3 OUR sales this sesson bave fan exceed ou proDvements they cost no more we recelved a fairlv good-sized nue last For the finest stock o! aew dress goodo, Oaeil L la Kirkland. Yifn o !Wla taineor week by mail !romi Mrs. R. Sinclair, ilîke and wash goods cali ait Coucli, Yout' last yoar's straw bat wiil bho PEAra-Suddenîy at 8 Taylor St.,Tno expectations which speak o volumes for the Whn nen ou uyaTalr-OowaeJhstn& rdemn'.made te olk le ewby a 10e package Ma n! Rderick L. Frser, nhis 2onan, quaUt ira.1 Pli plaiaoTaylor-lth -r-A I-WIM&1aiapay&sspeciiaten o no oper's Hat Bleach. Jury & Lveli S on-awaiMn, H. Meader, Bowmanv Pcf papers wc handle, and having, the goa Foxboes L&wnMoweyuuýgelr and Mns. A. Mitchell, BowmanvIile, left te the undetaklng business. He makos AeyBajde~I al vune ieSpha [rxyougeaudghtero a machine fuiiy gnaranteüd. -for Buffalo te visit fionde la tho City- ne extra change for dhtanco. Armbie Tait wants you te try bis nowly mr. and Mns. J. A, MeClellan, of the B3ank o stock, saves the inconvenience of waitingwic Coiborne "yn9erprîse. Providence aunivensany wîîî be heîd arrived, pure and gonuine maplo syrup. montreal, la her Srd yecar,orcster em oapecte Canadian National Exhibition Fnize on Sunday June- 6 followed by a lawn Arc yen geing to keep agadnts_________________ Ch as La Bro wn List for 1909 laerceeived. Send to Dr. suppen on Monday. Particulans Inter. tummer B-yom grdntelsfo We stil have unbrokcn fines of ail the bte J.,0, Orr, Cits Hall, Toronto, for a copy. Peter Murdoch bas a full supply o!f C aL.own.k Ho keops the kind Let We Forget Three Docrs East af Bennett Hanse, Mn, and Mr@. C. Rchder bave roturno u aglan ense, h etw Peter Murdoch bas a car o! "IdealE.RBUNAL De rp oCninai ho weeyu angladcr edteb tw onc"ur ngi etwek ev Designer and Dealer n atreadago soteto hae ei j Bowmanville. M. e ra tte Cncînnt, ho ovion w erenbus. siiylt o u 5 e Fo" ernfor la now e;ie the Monuments, Tablets, Markere, etc., in ' Room Mouldings Windew Shade _____________,_'Taare_________loAssociation.aitea.vstation necluced lu prico.BGrManViadMrle OTCranPis t_________________ the Ameican Foundryme on itoi 'r tay odr lwudb good W hy net get the best quaiity ln paints _____________ONTand______________ Mn. John Orohard bourht the Baclà5 value et 80o a lo. Have you trie dit et watsifcioCa.L ZwMw@N3W% ý prDoperty. Enniskillen, 20 acres on wbich Anchie Tait'c3? I o tstsato.Ca.L are ous andbar, fo, $80.Brown carnies the famous Sanderson a S_% MWe wll ondthispapr t a nw sb- erey Brand which bas stond the te st ~i ndso i e W. Slemon bought the village rcidnc rïber anywbere la Canada te Jan 1, feoner. =JEAMICTR West Durham. Farmers' InstîLàte aloene If sent by you Wav e T AL Idy un 0 $,ad 5-asta topstgiîisNlleB Hlo!Bwnave 1 ýL. MVORRIS & SON I ~ W . AL ,~ktr annuai meeting wiii be hcld lu the Thsi attewahrt u cam- is onlOeof the Government lecturrst oicpeeeqimt Room Bewmanvihislalle, te oethThurs.y a Woln's Institutes lu Western OntaniMstemleeeuimn Council at 280 .m . AIl onmcmr- ena. Wc have gond nes for as iow as Sunday and night catis e'$,adwc wiii toaeh you te use tbem Oreno people Place a low eSuimatL, prcmpfly attendecl ta. Talce a peep lu nexi tîme yoju bers and others arrange te attend. freE. Jury &Loveîl. the monals of Duirham Old Boys wben BOWMAPJVIL.LE PHONES la -4 pas-w teryo wntshesor Regular meeting of Bowmanville Gtthchcesfnolubonth they arrange a horserace toe ntertain Bace RN APO not-andi sec ia what a masterful Women's Instîtute wIll bce held la the3 garderis arc plaated., Chas. L., Brow _________________ wv we've prepared for the CaclRo nStra a 9a has poultry netting strongiy made, A u ihu eji at o Spnig an Sumen ses tade 8 p m Every member partlcularly ne- eveniy wovcn and well galvanlzed. tour e! England and the Coaiàeut. wili NRLSRVN ATD Me'e wme~s cilrc'i- quested te attend., ElectIon o! officers learu sexnething to thcir advantago by' ;EN aiMore shoc wns whdepo ad eca'bsns l diio ete Headaches caused by êmc strain anec caîing at Junv & Lovell's, the 'aeam- vll.Appiy tobrs Jcha McClelian. Bawman. _________________________________-~ vided for, and aene the way we regulan program. Jurcy & roel eex yprspengleses. shp aent. vile.191 Jury & LodoveilgsarencexperndsMsluJohyeltestingsJust six menths a! ton the fiat sEd was COODGENERAL SERVAT. a-asd hne brother Mr-. Thos Elliett and wife. Ton- aud whea they test cyca it ls doue prdp- turned the Provincial Steel Ce.. Ce. G e at once. Light work, Apply to SM Prnia n Ms onElltbsoly. M t.Ad, Mla, ue iBwiaNlile 0 ou~~~~ete, and Editor and Mrs. M. A. James rbug ihaslni lu fil 0t weno invlted zeusts ef Rev Dr. J. J. Re3erve Friday Jane l18 for the Vircr bourg, bwith a cplendid painflys. .N eMlamise tBwm ie Haro and the Facuity o! Ontanlo Ladies'Basebali Club concert. High clasastidban cicopatnst Haean h Fcly fOtai ade'Wednesday.. BOOM WAN' rED-At Pant Baw- - Colege the Victoria Day artists have boon engaged ln Bort Mr.Ah' Tait's eIîpid de mab ilie for surmmer months, unfurn- oigeWit, larveyv, Sbepperley Sîstors and Hanold 'ised -ppy t Drawer B, Bcwmanviîle.T *1s e k a cerexuenie reponted lsewbere.c. livery wagon, fine herse, brase mounted 1 fTts ~ e k a Mn, J. W. Alexander bas mon at liarness and goed-looklng Robt, Relaes wonk cleariug away the canth and Possibly ne Canadian peet cf to-day in cimmand makcs one of Bownlanvjle'ls rYOUSE FOR SALE-On the South ehXo ctyas e aide of King s t re et. BowmnanvIlle SIX ceaunn Up the greunads at1 The Ever- le witing se muehgo per l.e atest attraeOtius. n am, stable, gaad ici, Apply ta D. G.M. gren"Gadno E onsisaloatTWatson, Granithurst. Three of hie r 55 3-t krrk late Gandecnse thn3 atihs te e m ea utisIse Tee MnChas. 1IL McCullough, Ramilton, GÂLsAIE, Bowm&nvIlle.ý0; - ne netdene s ead te cuy, the camp, te us direct frcm the author. wrlie3 fa two-0111 etno nt OUSE AN( T_1 T EE ACREIS TOW' a SR neu reln ago wii bo i ocg outlu euh olntn rdemn age about a rneceat visît te Washington, il RENT-In 'leon uhich are miui Furudlg il alokn batf o tlJhnson &iCre ! rat l, aie H ]o visited the MeGiII Building 25 large apleresotysestbeod Mn Hl L Simipson, who for soma yar gsear ed O v and tells about it. bouse, goa Weili. ýpl te o W. TLf bas beca Local Manager of the Bell c uer, arc now mahing up gentlem8nS5i ,îîqi q ~îi i Telehon Ce. a StCatanîes as uiteequi t thso uad b he eot Prof. J. B. Reynalds, B. A., Ontario [repon C o.. tStÇtvhere asite etv otsu ermacenbthbee ct iculttu'5l College, Guelph, will give -1OUSE r-o LET-The dwcllng tç ~~~~~~W au ~~~address on "Business Methode lau lutdo ecsie tet ipee Tht ess eteny age j il g itobsineso, Mn imy0n for Pifees. Agrclun a h etigolh Ws cuied hy Mrs.Hiram W. Burk, immediate _1nc", a bun t bottaier filteoe t ue glutr'a h tng of thaeltfizalfs Wesittr u Jm~ ~ ~ ~ oessio n if ilure. Apply te W. M. 7Î doz. Lailes' Beits, traveller's samples Eg Ie elel, buborgefiteleyar aa àfa0hf1, e0cu15sev.Bamaviio ý-à îct -0ýi i3 gFa0 m iu4 Ge rgetvstttrandt'm é 1àcQdoz.l Lueties FaaCk3 cI sttonehoidsyoro. , b0ed shoo3s foIr youn nieaey. successful uraployee of thls Comnpany, a~afflfllbefore, Squineo rnsey Tuesday Suo e9th - TI For Sale t. dr :25e and 35c, 2 for,,....... We'il ge ycU! business, if an3d bis resignatieui was accepted with mornanud answcred te a change o! i esdt--ýwihig'rneI4Sae.Sru' 0dz aieIb-e otnhspano ,yifre n a arrnest about ge't- sincere nregret. -Telephoize Gazette. bcinig drunk and, disordeniy on Victoria Alta cenîorate haoTeftPy tigtho bort once yeur moriey Me. Siiup)son will ba remembonod by Day. They were fined 83 and Costa or fi ver Consîisaîlaan essenliai su w ev tllulltrae iof Real ryeg, Z20c a pair, 2 pair for....... eau bai'. aur citizàus havlng boeenmanager e! 86.95 eacb. Oshawa and Newcastle deeas-s Taiçe ouly fresh tea, ana dmiefe;ea 'We'ro ready te show you the Bowmauvilie Branch for some time. suppliod the firewuter that caused the> euiy ln the Feaied ioad packecs of the ~ E A. 5jTR0VU 0l.,Book ~ 20ysEbodrIsrin rEgnrg when yen rcady te look. A iniscelaneeus shower was gîron by trouble. "Salada" Tes Cempany. On acceunt Wrdsî.g" -1__- î 0 d Ebcdr, netosyrEgn Mrs T A Brown and Mis s Nancar nw Tow c eunceil old a special meeting 0 t eiiu to gh a 1ui i - _ _ _ _ _ - ~ T ~ E1 e a y o .... . ~ 5 at the home e! the formner, last Thursday te consîdor Mn. Rhys D. Fainbairuà's "BSalada" will go as fan as a pcrunm sud SU tIMER COTA- b r. tternoon In hoeuno! Miss Ethel Maly- proposai te remoeve- the glovo factors murtrooohrtes ~nthfr or rthe s, ason at a reasonaiie - I_ , -ef ibeCo-ân eijapeil ANI. F lenard, bride eleet who ts te be mridbr u ohu eiîewsdu. Oshawa la te bave a YMC Ar. îlso two hanses te rat Iii iown. Arply te II I values from30a on Jane 2ad. About forty young ladies The $500 nemoval expensos asked stuek rangements have se fan pnococded thatM ILtl5fowavle2ifprt $Oa 1Palonhô StreBomanili ad a fow married ladies wene presenit, la the threst cf seme members, pros- 400 meu bave slgnlficd thcir willignose pIANOisTUNED AND IIEPAIBEL)par Pro hcSoe omn I Myad a hencpbn fper"ncfvral,"eoe.te hacome mombons, plans for a $15.000 1amn prepared to lune your piano and putLite' 1 PISnslues[arBadeegt many pretty and useful presents includ- Mn. J. J. Tiloy addrcssing Victoria bidnhaeenpoprdabg luir cs oniî treoalepricea !Dg linon, pictures, granite. and othorcutytahnem asedteoe- banquet was held on Mouday oveniug 1 have a',oter square pian:) thta-il hbc sold ri$10to2.5 kitehe utensils, aise some veny pretty sîuty tCe reng on orhe pup s-ur nparatory te a canvas f or subscip- ai a bargain. ALBsETIlP. COX, Odeil Street, ai'W tea[trBrd]fn gos l China aniog whh wer o__ ups ad teos _p__î_g nd-ating ilo - tie ns towands abuildinig, Bawmanriie T UEFRSL-o h ot %îe'Wieer[ta rn]fn o saucenr rm the six pretty girl assiet- respect ls shewn uow as formerly for ogmnhaaeteeonwhte1-OSOnhesthCrtcoe, T1 T sîAkL~l piste was exepiacea ocoasiontng tarse Fertlliz.ns- Came ean~y sud gel a "Ji'-'"'.U h ILY INcWîS............... Qnality daye' delav for repsirs at St John, Nid suppîy. MC7LELLAN e o.,Llitd.Toronto Daily Star, in towa.ý Not mucb siekuors or neuli weather Kisig St , Bad, Bowmaavillie. P) Sm Teronto Daily St;ý, n aceuuf,, wasexperianeod. P.-sicngerswerewellTeCutis on1 wî eta Family Re:rïAd and Weekly Sta'ýý. eH ohedahe na plntyof ho.som MIbcdW ýÏ"a%rmern' _vca ....... H ITEd POodd 411 hnha d Worxdwhoayen;Cbr ofdyJuei-h1Ti lsbuheWeiSu.......... îLe ,Tuiisian" and the crew. ' Mn animporat etnga rsry Coni- Weiy i .......... inOCr, s~sis diigtedwith Canada sudvuenion m lo me thor thsiehitanGrdn...... Bowanvlie thnk Bom~nii svery fias towa aI ek n aeit osieaint eCrsta ead..... Holaa rihti u.g ai a iwiil h ~îetaiof thelacuste landin the tioFr a ar....... lOel t d w1luliisccnnry unies. omeJ unl............ 2.50 signature ___ : nIAUIw SI LInieL w

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