~~~1 YQUR COURSE, iii Sherttha,,d or Busiess willI brlng you heai resultg If taken at 0cr old-establish- cd aIld tboýrough1y rellable' setiool. Win ier terma begins Jan. Ath. Cata- logue frese British Amnerican Business College Central Y M. C. A Ballding, Toronto. C[N1RAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STANDS ready te belp Youing men Sand wtcoa tewln independence and success,. it bas gîven tihe start t. ihoussa open thoosacds cf of yeung pe ple Il can help yen. WrIte fer catalogue Enter ans' timne. W. Ml. SHIAW, Vetige & Gerrard Sts , Toronto 269 Coliege St., Toronto, provide 8 oupeIrior Pourses in 2Bookkeepnz S')ho r t h'and. T.vpewrltipg sand klndred sobjetel'aIl particulars on o n r r,, q e s t .k I d e hhîrtha d Inslrch e' Pincia Arg l te a msz h p Co CommancPg1e da, a y l ut E 1e.yT 2e11y1H, F F. WRIatGea T, Ncwestl C'I0 m.ruet i rincare7l Whiîbley 845 60pCo ArlgStemTo rgyo 1.5 e 5 Ctor naes gTrntYues e Streye2t h a Xvery Teskat -P.ooids eot a g r a CopNew catie (Î. obaim. ed f ro r e 0o gn BoaIlowl te - n ew tear 3wna villea 'e ce; OShiacdW l , 0 iee tikts regod 84 er5y nr 60th 0es FrChi liaeleun dref12 y an r l y ac a: lvii IDy wr Tes nt.1.5 Betr:own, lsh orontoAibne rt waf Foo T znion. 12 Sicoe treet, T20erreto, vire,. ArgyleOshaw a. WhCo y $5.0.Tist C. P. R. Atlantic LUnes. To LIVERPOOL 'From May 7 Emprescf Irelard Mday 15 Lakse Champlain May 21 Enipress.o- Britatu May 7 f4ay 29 Lake Matiituba May 12 Jonc 1lh Empre;' of Irelaud May 21 Jue 14 Lake Erie May 2q RRetesvers' rnderate. Lake Erie and Chaml!lal&atid DMatitoha cary second and th Ird la's ostly. Caii ori rearest agent Or S SHARP, 71 Frage St., Toonto. BOWMANVILLE AGlEN rs. Whîbte Star: Do liilion LUne ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LAURENTIC, MrýOANT1C T; IleoScre '. Twin Screw Largesi ancdfirest stcatnrs --n the St. L,w- reiice roule L itest prodretie c f the ahit. boî erar;pas'engera elevutQr .erN,..g foin dek èy detat o' c(i mfort and luxu'y present d.iy travel aSifibc feua.d ,unthe.3e stea mers. Morteal QuebeceLiverDaol Can arts....Ma) 8 , 3 e 012, .luly 17 Laureiitie May 15, .111e 19, July 24 D1offl;ion May 22, june 26, July si mîegatic ............... July 3, Aug 7 Oitaw11a ...MaY'29, Jiîly 10 A uz. 14 v aooîve...........Joue 5 The polo ar steamer CANAoAl" iý .laI sali sheililed toecarryilîre classes t pseg-swhIi le hIle fast steamer 0v TrAV A"sotd the cr mfo table steamer DO' INý ION' S one ciass cabiîî steamers (calle4ce Sec- o i (la.s] are vers' attractive, at matierate r^ates,. TiAr ciass car. led on aIl s eamers See lltis ai d rates i local age ts, o: Cor4aîiy 's offices 1Ie alinformation appiy tg M A, JAMES, Aet I igrbi (li bi>............ ....SCY 24 Prtna.................... 1e '2 HeC~ý (c10............. IN iAN1)1ABOUT WASHINGTON. 'Mr. Chasl.'McCullough, of Ham- iltoa-a Bow'mani ille Boy-Writes Iîîtcrestingly of a Visit luo the United States Capital. The Prime Minister of Canada liai termeni Ottawva "'Tic Washington cf flic North." May flie iriter not lic pcrrniffed te designate the Capital of flihUnt c lites "Tht Ottawa cf flchent"? Tic fno espitalsý are alike in sonie usys, but uike uinofliers. Washington sud Ottaus, posscss charins pecuiia, Lue ese. Tileut flous scrcncly f h o tomac and tir Auscostea, liere tic lovely Ottawra and fie lovcly Rideaiu. ýTic hills éucircle Washingfon su ad flic meun- tains makc a sulîset af Ottawa glonjous. National fnnds, (fifty ml- lions of dollars receutly appropri- af cd) liave made Washington "ai] glonions, influa," sud in oun eus ecomarncal xvay ne are contribuf- ing'aationally, sornthiug, at auy rate, f0 flic adornmeuf cf Ottawa, Bofl i ctieýs are fie panadises of poli' ficians, sud tflic sfsmping grounds ,o' genflemen skill-ed lu tlic genfle art of flic "loibby." But ire didin't go te Was.hingt on te stndy flic isys cf flic polifician, -or f0 trace re- semilances-or differcaces befucca tno capitais. Wc ucut biccauseire nere "played ouf," suan dd "a chiange." L e a v iung -lamil to, n onà flic h23rd o] April, ue ianded iu Washingt on fie fcllouing day, d-tnaining lanflie aanificent noir Union Station. Tri sec flic treos, not only la' fullicaf, but flic iris sud dognood lu full bloom, iras a ucîcome siglif fo us fline sisifors-flie docton, flic cap- f ain sud your correspondent. A short wslk tirougi flic grounds of tic, C1ptol brouglif us te oun liofel (Coaigresa Hall>, niere me reuaaiued micli contenfeni guests for -foui' pleasaut days. Affer diinýg, ire paid a visit to flic gardons about tie Capitol1, sud tic splendid collection of tropical plants, alirnis sud palms under glass, lanflic Botaulcal Garden. Au inspection ofscouac cf flic mnany public monuments f0 stateýs- mon, %uarricrs, sages, peets, sud philantliropisf s occupied a portion of our timo sund iuapresscd Lns iif flic greaf instructional value af- fachiug f0 fliese memenfos of flic greaf mcnand ionien of preceding gencerations. We ini Canada, mill do iroll fo remember lui endnriug bronze, sud manIe, our fondýations o" lieroic menld uho didsuch greati fliugs for fis, lanad of ours. No l people a afford te, be laidifferentý tote ir pasf, and "inaof flic ISerthern Zone" leasf of all. I shahl nom saddress myscif f0 somre impressions of Washingtcn sud ifs people. The civility of flic street-raihiray couducfer impressed us most fsv- ,orably. Iu flic respect our oua trainuacu have sometiing f0 learn. On flicoflier liaud, ive icre greatly 'surprised, whilst taking flic frolley fo-Mounît Vernon (Washiagton's oldi liome), te sec fli coceductor order fliree colened mca te l!cave flic fere part cf flic car, go t teicrean cnd sud reqîvest white mca fa taie fie inocre exalted scafs. Reinanking fis ns peculiar, su Americsn frie-nd en- ligitencd ns. "Jii Croir Lau" ol- tains lu Virginia sud nef lunflic District of Columba-. We had juaf loft flic District sud ent-ercd Virginia. If snytliing couid giadd 'n fie icant of oee ouging fer flic returu cf spi Riuc ock -Creci Park, Wasliingtoa, la fliat fhin-. liere the liand cf man lias supplemcente-d fiat of Nature, and gisen te tic visiter a tract cf mo-sf clirmiug cisra,"tcr, sud cf princely proýpor- tiens. The drivcusy s, inany miles in extent, are perfect. A scrt oc' siafe is Iroken fnroiicd undo:r great pressure sund by action cf nain sud use becemes iu dueccaurse an. enduning cement. Iu comipany uithlvMr. John B. S-ionian, Jr., foundror ffte Lay- mii s Missioiy Moveief (tiat inut spîcudîd contribuîtion te tie vnrha'vî (n-cet follan c i' sîru t eeting iiOx~' gmt1 poîpie gai o I te ~ ciii cîmcv'onpenclç ,l1 . Tic Ad box - w oîî't tet-get tic i ;vvntiiv,îd, c' [bore i ou are. ni îî it p]îi ing, b~ g uni foî' 'tue, - 'Bu 'lin-I loti,' uiulst n e vi t'i'O n Wa. îingtoîv 'md lis pre.ecta aoc a a cumin1 î~m'. By gced fer- une. ne ocevipicd soafs just oppo- 1 1 Trhere will theni be leas weak Iunge and consumption ln later life. DidI youcver f hink of it lu fhis sy? It is tic ueglectcd cough and cold that. lcada fo the _dreadlful hnng dis- caises sooner or later. Prom repeatcd attacks tic lunigs are wealcened sud there cornes pueurnonia or consumption with their dreadfnlly fatal resulits. Because it is preparcd ftom linseed, tnrpentine and otier simple but won- derfully effective ingredieuts, Dr. Cliaac 's Syrup of Liuscoed and Turpen- inc la partieularly suitable as a treat- ment for children's coughs sud colds. Croup, bronchitis and even whooping eougli yields to fhe influence of fis greaf medicine. .Mrs. John ChiesneyIunerkip, Ont, irrites:- "Dr. Cliase's Syrup of Lin-1 scd and Tupetie urcd mylitfle girl of wopigcough uhen fthe doc- toi'ha ive hber-] nsd since then r,e n , waak flufi lieus sa freaf,- vvv<f fr cogisandcolde. If lu tÏho b'st~~~~~ rndpot-r ve se. Thrai e ctigund- i3em0u5 site ic(, President sud Mrs. Taft, sund it iras rcfreshing te sec tic flioonuglily cntinsiasfic manner in mhidi flic big man inflie box -ap- preciaf cd fia big man on, tlie stage. Noue surpassed flic President in lis liand-c]aps, insistent fliat flic play- ers again aud again come beforc flic curtain fo receiveflic conîren- dations of fthc audience. Anofier big man was nef only seen, but met, ln a hlsf hour's falk, by us. Big, I said,. not lu bnlk, but lu ability, sud in flic import- ance, of lis charge. The British Aýmbassador, flic lion. James Bryce, i.s a nman amý,agsf mca. Ie lad won his way to th0ecýteens uf flic citizens (tlie fbnughfful eues auy- w-sy) of flie United States, by hus Amervoan Commoneaîlh sud es- tablislied iimself lu tlieir confi- dences during his residence, la Washington. "Canada," said Mr. Bryce, "keeps me prctty bnsy doua liere." And ire readily assented. "You ouglif te have- added to yonr staff cd seecretaries, a Canadian," fie u%ýriter vcnfnred. Mr. Bryeliardly dIenîc.d ic ueecessify of sucli a man on his staff. Af any rate, lic re- £erred mosf uarmly ftefthc groufli sud development of Canada, sud iras good enougi te refer appre- ciatingly to fie Canadian Club Movemnent as a unique feafure of our national life. This enablcd us toeL concenitratýe upon ibis far-seeing diplmafourguus,-and c am away feeling fliat -our iunvitation te hlm to visif flic Canadian Club at liamilton aexf fali or ujuter, m'auld realize itself lu ils pre-nrce amongst us again flic presence cof fthe only represenfafive cf lis Bni- tanic Majcstylu fie United States, wlo seemis toelisve apprecisfed tbis neir nation o f ours iu auy real enougli way to corne overaow and again te gef really acqnaiutcd uitli us sud niti our land of potenfi- alities aimost limîtîcîs. Of curse, ue visited tie Corcor- an Art theey fi Capitol sud that faultlcs!s fabie of înan'.s ingenu- ity. flic Library of Congress. But of fliesesec pagessu ad seocf tic Standard Cuide Book. Mr. iNsbitt, a fvicud of tFe Si- mans. told us a brief, but cloquent, steory of an Indian chÏef uic liad becs shown flirougli flic Library. Ha iad visited fie varions lhalls, apartmcnts, etc, etc., of a build- ing beautiful bcy.oud my power of but neyer a word said lic. 'Coming ouf sud psssing doua fli, massivec stone stops, lic turned, lookcd over his shoulder. ucdded fis licad to- ward fie building, sud said, "1Man. make fliat l" Pages of eloquent appreciation couldn't equal fiat simple contributfion f0 fie ideal transformned iuvfo uarhle and embel- lisiied by the gifted lu art. Atnd, oh! The ladies wilil, we trust, nef lie siocked te know that flic "Mrry Widon s" "'alistent," su, far as Washington sud Phls- doîephia are conceriied. At cliurcli witfl flie Slemnans, uc conld acfnally sec fie preacher withýoat standing up ounfliclacks of flic peus. As a Bcunavillc boy, 1 couldn't leave W'ashingtonî withouf seeiug flic McGilI Building. Tic elevator carried ime toeflic7ti or 8ahflfoor, uliere I aliglited snd leisurely nslked fronv floon te floor aloug ballwsys of mosaic sud psst office affen offrce, ecdioee cf w'hicb nas oocupied by fhrivirg business peo- ple. Askiug a lcsseec ulat lic flich tghfeli building and the landi w ene worfli, lie uas't neally aile fo ssy' off-lin ud, as values liad i sea s cry rsidly of late iu the CaPi- tai. Pr'essing hlm for an opinie a, lie thengit a quarter of a million nould not be nide of f'ile mark. Thinking that I miglif le persoual- iy iuterested lu its sale, lic ex1ai- bifed s deep interest in liig per- nafted to naie anoffer, shoukditI be offered for sale. I denied fie soft impeachiment most 'refefully, aud persuaded hlîn te fie belief tiaf 1 b slut a curious fourisf, uho lappeued f0 be ftac fonty-second oosn fflihe lato big-heartcd snd appror la tive James H. McGill, sornefivle cf flic goodly fowin of Bowmanville. wmidi toue lmia ay le sheni for ns Pis, precieus blood To cicanse uîs froni allu. No ment of ocura lin ad i; We felt our heurts te danker lie Tia Efliipian"ýs skin; But yct fie mord aîost piaiialy caid Tiaf -is naost preclous blood mac shecd Toclciause us fnom aîl sin. He deti fo us Hrnel eveal; He cernes our vucuuad-d heart7s to licai, And maie vuc pure mwithia,; Remet cd must betic, deepeat stain Becase feLa o f Qed irassdamn Te cleanse nsi,,f om allu. We vicu fie î dmal Hic own rdtimr î 1905, ciglit in 1906, ses ounvin 107' irouh ils rihteosnesu ad flinlu1908. luncccne stance, alonte, oser forty bushels of banlcy ucre W o graselt fnýriabie;udgnon n iu1905 as flic pieduot of euele Wegrptii rtsbmeand seed plaufed lu fhe spring cf' 1903. grand,0f ail tic scected strains, tle onie And ing ivuleire efoe Hm shich is kueivu as -CO. A. C Nuna-1 Ho clanse roial i.ber 9-V" has made flic best 'record. I Ileclane foi alTi. Infso. a cdicf flic last tue ycars if lias Granhurs, On., 109.actuaily gîven better rn-mita fhall Grauînra, Oc., 109.thc Maudsclicari vaniety in yieid ücf - ------~.----grain, in freedona froua nusf, sad WORK TUÂT WEAKENS. in bJoti leugti sud streagfl of stran in flac experiments af tie Colege, Bootlî's Kiditey Pffis Rave Dont, u is utiaopnsîe et flirougliont Ontario. Thc grain Jsm Grecat Service for People Who quite casiiy distinuîisicd frein fiati Work luniBosvmanville. cf tic Maniscicuri t anley. Many Bosemanville people nork From oeepeund lots of flic 0. A. evets' day lu sonie strali nunsatur- C. Number 21 barley sont along wltli ai position. bendiug constantly over tir oetier vanietios toe ]xperimctal a desk, iding ou joifing wagons or Union applicants iu caci cf flic past cars, bendiug oser leaîy heusc flirýe -y cars. sevenal tionssaid aven, lifting, vncachiug, puling, ail busiseis cf flus bas'iey ivere grewn fliese strains tenid te n car, iveaken' in Ontario la 1908. One farmaer lu andi injure tl-e kidneys unfitlichy Huron Couuty lianiesteni nine hun- fol behind in iiir nork cf flter- dreni busiels of flic O. A. C. Nemben ing flac poisonîs froua fli bloni. 21 bariey in 1908, uhicli ias flac Beotli's Kidnuey Pils cure sick kid- f laîrd cnop prodnrcd from one pounni neya, put noir strcngfh la bani of seed sowin lutic spring cf !1906. backs, Boumi ianýville cures prove if. Farmers uic lad kepf tic iariey if. pure liani a lange loal demaund for Thos. Browna, of Centre S.,Bei- secd this sprng from Ithiin eigi- mausille, Ont., says: "I believe ioring farmers, sud luncerne in- Picoti's Kiduey Pilla fo lbe a rcmedy stances nealizeni asligli as $1.50 of exceptionsi ment lun quickiy ne- per busiel. Tic demand for seenif gulatiug flic kiducys. I had suffer- next ycar tvilîlkels' le mono gcnv cri n'lfl mans' syiaptoms of kiduey oral, as tic barley uli li e letton trouble sud liani fien sa nuaben of mess-n. If la quife probable fiat ina differeut 'nemedies uitliout asucli s vcrv client fîe tuis baricy stili relief. Tic urine uasa ighly colon- ho groin more extensiveiy flan cd sud containeni a quautify of se- any otion vanriety ln Outario. dnient of sanni-like nature. The IMPROVEMEINT 0F FARM CROPSt kidney secref ýis wîceld lecome in- BY M EANS 0F CËO~S FER- nugulan sud 'frequenîtif I would TLZTO.i contract s s ilgit cod. wihli saILZTdN very offen. Booth's Kiduey Pilla Besides thlic ici-k u eletion for more aniverfised iGa Jury's Pliarma- tic improvernent of iss'iey sud oflier cy; I commeuced thii use sud farua ciopa, flic College las m-anie found thflimte Icuefit me. The tueuty-five distinct crasses hctncent urine quiciiycieared and fie kidi- leadiug vanieties cf barley, oas, ney secret ions svere neguisteni. spring îvleaf, iinfen inheat, sud Boofi's Kîduey Pilla also helpeni]field pes,, withinathe pacf scvciî my nlieuuatisni sud 1 feel fiat I cana cars. About forfy fliousanni lylnid consieufiontiy recunîsim-sni flicm as plants, b&cides oehIusidreni and au ideai remedy." ses citeen plots of hybrida, ireret Sold by Dealers. Pnice 50 cents. ___________________ The R. T. Bootii Co., Ltd., Fontb Erie, Ont., Soie Canadian Agents. Y~cîic osbyhv BREAK T ENTLY.bterocahn but fie&decfor's '.iie usachteer fol sud omcouýragiug. "'At hast, my dcar m," le scaid, gnaspiîng thei psfict's nenvlcss 1isud, "atf basf, I am lhappy tfo day, thai ycum are complefely ont cffdn "Nen isi c f a rolapeee"ý f à 1f 13i. Haîftic incof the vorld cre A dlcos drikad starg foed. Fragrant, nuritinsaand econoinical, This excellent Cocoa maîtais the yst'finiiirobust healh, aJ eable itto re'sist Soid Dy ('trcers"a o tocuynýe la >M, .andj 4lb Tins Lecaevi n Oa' fwa llfti~ t,,tt17 gv'esm n lefîe E'npenivnîa i Dopant- ,nont in 1908, l -eointc-re-týicg sud imaportantf r'sunfs areext:11 fneai thome hi-minis d'uîiug (lix ccvrir'g se astu . C. A. ZAV,,ITZ. Prescsbulletin freua flic Outrio Agriottîturai Coliege, Guelph, Can- LIUE UA'NOTE. June numiler cf Scribniers' Ma- gazine c-outaias vivany iufneeating pictures. Tlic: o, are four beanti- itI fuil pages lu celer repnesentiîg 'Days a Fishing"-Tron>t, Black Basa, Salmonx, auni Muskaliongýe. limoela ises a veny eliaborately il- ustnaicd articleon bagnes iy Frank L'oî'e, whliccensiders in ou-e cf -lac cry gîcat portrait paivaters of lie world. 1-1., Q. Dîigif, st-lic nas vonîuded in flic rn-cent Revolîvtien n Tuvikoî. lias a inst entertainiui. lescniption ef "A- 'r tiIitI V-illage" whicre lie litaes, near Constanti- nople. Froua [is village lie -s going iy boat fteflic City te sec j lie figliting n-lonle iras lit iy a speut bî,llet. Janmes Fard Rhodes, the dl4tinuisled listorisu, n rites an appreeiaficu cffite groaf n'enk 'f Edward Gibbon, fie anfimîr cf 'Tiche 1elne acedBail. ' 1-ltpi- tunes l*ii as fli' "geafcst tuederia itonlîn.' iý' fiera"co)ntcfi- mcns n eehît ý1, ien cfi ls hIltry n lie fn'euy y ars wseli i eee ot if laoî ffe a oe fli rature. n lodes folieus if nlfli lie cenrsa f' flic trsincd lis- enrian, anni lie rcuïi la nreýnai-- aile, ufcnetaitiug sud vaînable paper. J. Launence Lýanguli a- con- iîa'vmthis paprs >ýon prcsemst-day xiite pi-chieras ýý', i itie cf rie cliPr bcf, nic- ictle ef c ta 1 iugm i uc a ûie pi-uc il e r It If Iy cures alsceat"-men byovrrnn d removing the efiects cf former indiseci lts anecxcesscs. It stops ail drains aod quicnlir rc',tores the victirn temhcatt-rre .tended- a )clthvcand happymnwith py ical ma tai ced tierve povcer complcte. For over2oyeba ra s. 1K. & K. have treated with the greetest succoas ail djiseases 01 men and womien. If yen have aryseccret diacase that lsaa ýsrr ncd smenace - or lbaltla cc. sit expenirnt on ycu. Ve guaranteeto cure NERVOIJS DEBILITY, BLO0O11DISEASES> STiICTiRE, VIIOEE i<IONEY AND BLAME0DL EASES . 1' atI. %7an Fres. If ueabie te cail!, ,vr't for t questiona Blank for Home Treatmentv. TO Wianieeg n eae T00oronto n 2.0I0retaî $4250 an13, 2sîhe p1,i24pSEPaTio. T7ck2t gondl te return within 60 days . coing dite. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ,wiîlî bedliinz, can ba, trauredat amio&e r ai, h:ug local agent. Early application muaI be made ASK FOR HOMEMEEKERS' PAMPHLET coeîsining rates and full informtioan. Applytoneareýtc P.R. Aente, ieR.L.Tiompîun, Di.t. Pam .Act.. Toronto. GIILY DIRECT LUNE fil CUUfS OF CA.-S C.B ENT. Agent, great clearneýss,. Chiarles Scri"s onsý, New York. 'Sir," said ý ýte rce law.yç r, lido you, ou1yvroLP stl, uar thils is' not youIlr ladrtn "" b eSt"'sa fi. cool reply'. 'osifý i'.sembile ,yourîrin l" Icn' say if dloes.""r'Do yen ýtaikc yourj oati thaf this wiig d~~tc resemble yours ?"'Ycs."o hou dIo yon kuow 1l Cus caa't write." To.pro"etey th tïD., Ch""es )intri.- "cc'ti and a~1t -a( cl 11;'dinan Cpr o 1g ila 'or shtte t--'c l.Yneu ui e IMlPROVEMEINT 0ONZFAUX~ CROPS. BAIRLEY IN ONTAIJO. The barley crop in Ontario lias in- creased in market -value fromiJ $4,812,194 to $12,ikbO,689 during the past ten years, according to the lat- È.: est reports of the Ontario Bureau of Industries. In the saine period, Fo nansadObirn the arca devoted to barley increased from 438,784 to 766,891 acres. The IO average annual yield of barley peil- - acre for the last ten years was 22.5 per cent, greater than that of the ,j ten years. previous. These largej -u acreare undoubtedlv duefa eteor anfrA-coAn-s siderable exten,to the introductioni Bears th"0M~ of the Mandscheuri variety by the Ontario Agricultural College, and to the distribution of the saine through the medium of the Experi- mental Union. ofadleLotlrsntk MANDSCHEURI BARLEY.OimMopienorM1nH.at, ý One hundred and fourteen namedi eoT NARCOTIC. varieties of barley have been grown in the Ex[pcrimental t>ePartment ati the College for at lcast five years o in succession, and some of them ~ Ja have been grown in ecd of twenty 4"f= years. In the spring of 1889, oneAde&d pound of the Mandsclieuri barle,,p whicli was obfained from Russia, ira" sed - was souwn on1 a small plot in f lieEx,ý- perirnental Department te bc- tested eI with sixty other varieties. Tt pro- 1 Aperect Remedy for Co-nclipa- duced comparatively stiff lstraw and rion, Sour' StornachDîarrhoea, gave a large yield of brlywh.îih Wrnovjsosfvrs -asof -goo-d feedingqaliY, being tess and Lo ss 0F SLzEEE fairly thin. in the hull and plump FCiýesgaueo in the grain. If lias continued to aSiueSinti o give good results, the average for twenty years being 69.8 busheis of ~yrx grain por acrel, in the experimental plots. Siali quantities of flie mandsch- euri barley have licou disfributed in each of flic past flfteen, years f0 those farmers wlio applied for flie EXCOPY GF'VJEAPI n experiment wîth barley in conne- TEOWfiaMAY ~5 * tion with fthc Experimental Union. Ilo these one-pound lots so dis- tributed there are now about 567,- 000 acres of the Mandscheuri bariey - ___ ________________ grown in Ontario annually. The in- troduction of thus variefy lias had a ironderful influence on the barleyV production of this Province ry 0. A. C. NUMBER 21 BAIRLEY. In the spring of 1903, 9,972 select- ced grains cf tlie Mandscheuri ba.rlcy ORaKNND KRA irere planted by hand at equal dist- ances aparf in the Experimental__ NE V U Depart-menf af the uollcge. Wlien NE V U thc plants were ripe they were care- fully examincd, and thirfy-three of the most promising eues were select- ed, liarvested and ttireislied separ- Rca~ n nictosaeti as afely. In 1904, thirty-thre separ- j Excesomoe sanaw col sucng fha areother ate lots of barley wcre grown fromI dis-cases combine.t Me see the viGtctl t the plants selecfed ini the year pie - m vicions habits on -ýerv basnd- tielow viou. Frm tht ti f oward on-pîiuîuod face dark cireled eyca, stoopin viou. Fom hattim foiar, o- rmstunted Iev elonent, abliul, nelýan. ly the bcsf strains were, grown iný-jl~c~ 'dtîl ero flic tests as foilows: FourteeT n in b lizgt his existence.Our treatu nt posïïtive- IIALF THEi TOIL o! household work'is takep away when Sunlrght Soap la brought Into the home. Frtouhlycoar ln a ~ý n dok ulght la th rno T e Ono al both tFoweai shoouflcl desi. Mr.Ediorthehou gslafe, tho miors cealîs for copy lsd sthe m lo bist"lffrof corenentand fiaosot o fr ding, y tîngs abut rois aes long deferred ia the filling aud so I close My letter. CHRiLES !-. MeCULLOUGII. CLEAN 'SIN G. I. J ohn 1: 7. VWJe give aIl glory to ftle name 01 Hum who in ail meekness camýe Our hardened hearts to win; He, will unto flie ufmost save Because Hiuscîf 1Re freely gave To cleanse us from all sin. To save frorn death tlic fallen race In ail His rici r.edeemning grace Hie did tic Mork begin;- When ire condemned before Hlm stoo&I Located in Our Own OffIce Buildfnzý