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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1909, p. 8

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e~The BeBt Investn ILaâinds in The SirloIn of Ce E0 SWe ewn and have for m Ein the Lethbridge diE ranging frem E Easy 1 These lands will produ Ewheat per acre, 25 t< bushels of oats, 30 Now is the time te buy Ethey eau ho hadCH the course ef 5 yeasr Enow for your sons ani wealth and comfort-, aajk for informatio n,i E EO. rn, LAINOJ The Alberta Rý ment on Earth is Uherefore Buy SllnnyS ànada and the B if the Orient. sale 100,000 acres o!fceh !strict of Seuthern Albi $10.00 te $8215.00 per rms of Paymet ,ee froîi 30 to 60 bi 3o 40 bushels o! spring v )te 60 bushels o! barît Fa Sanny Southern Ail B&P. No lands wili bc sunder $50.00 per acre. d iay a foundatien for You are under ne obi se write - Bowm.- teaity Exchange,1 .ethbridgye, Aita, p. MOUNT VERNON STARKVILLE. The anniversary services of Mt Ver- The annuai meeting of Starkville nozn Snndav Schooi will h held as fol- Branch Women'e edo lowo; On Suuday, June 6th, sermons Saturdav, May I.tb, when thirty-three wlll beý preached at 10.30 a. m, and 7 members and others attended, The p m bv Rev 1 Snel. Prince Abert chie! business transacted was reeeiving Colection la aid o! Sunday 'School o! the reports fer the Pust year an d alec- Wude 1usie by the choir at bolli se"r- tien o! officers, whlhreenited as fol- vices. On Menday, June 7th, a lawn lows: Presldent-Mrs. J. J, RTeid, soaliw1l l h heïd at the home of Mr C Clarke; Vice President-Mrs John Miii- W Souc-h, At 6 p m a match game o! ligan, Starkville; Sec.Treas.Miss E £ooDtbaillbeween Taunton audéMt Ver- S. Cuwan, Oreno; District Director- .non tuame will ho rlayed. after which Mrs, John Mullixan; representatives te refreshments and tee cream wlll be annual meetlng-Mrs. John Raeid, MIrs sarved bv the ladies o! the cengregation John Mulligan, Mrs. Gee. Rutherford la be !ollewed by a firet-lus . pregram and Miss Edith S. Cowan, given by local and foreiga talent. Dr. J. D. Kelleg's Dysentry Cordial Admission 20c, blîdrenM1e. Everybody lg compeunded specially te combat dys corne and enjoy a treat. - eutry, choiera morbus, and ail Inflam- P. STONIR, J. A. JEWELL, B. A., matery disorders that change of fond or fiupt, Paster. water may *et np la the etemmeli and intestine-i These complainte are more commea la summer than la wlnter, but they are net cenfined te the warm menthe, as undue laxses o! the bowels May seize a mau at tîme. Sncb a suif- ~nIr11erer wilii fiud speedy relief la this Cor. Il'Ofen Say They have neyer hati be tter satisf action-bet-- ter service than we give thýem.-- As the weil known Postum acivertisement says "There's a Reason" The Reason Is that we MUST GIVE SATISFACTION OR else = v arc the lflost i~sfied G r o c e r y steore in town. Bring the gootis back if_ they are not just right. LSCOTT & LI rLAWN MWR SUARPENED ANO REPÂIRED, Den't put Off gettIng yVOur Lawn Mower sharpeued Do it new, se that il wil be ready when yen need il. 1 use the Ideal Lawu Mower GrInder whtch bas giVen snch good satisfaction ln Ihe past A trial wili couvince yen of ils snporiority ever others. Orders prornptly attouded te. jBICYÇLISTS TAKE NOTICE, 1 ara ding ail kinds o! bi. c-,cle ropairlng. Bring your wheel la and have it put Ia good mrn Ing order. 3[y prises are very mioderato. A. .PCA~ DARLINGTON Vslors:-Mrs j Oke, Toronto, wti Mrs Jue Wlîbenidge; Leslie sud Mabol Cox, Bowmauvillie. aI Jue Metealî't3; Frank Riekard, Newcastle, aI George Peance'd; Fred Trul. Oshawa, wilb fnIeude; Misa Stela Blackburn, Union- vlle, ut heme; Howard sud Muriel Power, Providence, and J Power, Ton. ente, with fieude, Mn sud Mns Oke, Oshawa, w1th Mise Magzie Oie; Frank sud AlvIn Terry Ia Toronto ... Succes fui auaivensary servies wene beld hene Sunday. 11ev Jos Bannes oucnpied the chair ai hoth services sud gave a short but practIcai address ln the aflerneen Rtor whieh l 1i !gh M B- ~A, Iproacied mi 6aruest and effective mlon. Theýi:soetWase aslested l n1he &irî oidaceQuartette sud 61ýj--;OwrTr3uo.Mn E F Willeugi- by gave a readtng, Mn F L Fewke, M P, Oshawa, epeke la tie evoln, Ibis dIscourse belng tberoiy enjayed. Ebonezer assIsiad wlîh a duet, Ueiiec- lion $14 jFORTIFIRD &T FIFTY; Dr. Williams" Pink PUIS Bring llealtli and Strengtb te Wouien at a Critcal Time, ri w wemeun eaci lie ageofo!fifty withoît ouduning muci suffering sud anxietv, Reiweon lie years o!f fnty- five sud fi!ty beatih ecomes fiekle, sud sente wakueases arise witb nieumnatie attacke, pains la lie bikacd suchies, frequeut headaches, nerveus aliments aud deprossion o! spirite. T'ha secret e! gond health beîween feriy-flve sud ifty depende upon lhe blond suppiv. If! 111e hept ich, red sud pare, gond beslth will ho tie resait, sud womeu wlll pase Ibis crimcal stage lna aaety. Dr. Williams' Pini Pilis ielp wemen o!mature veans as neo then medicine eau, for Ibey mako Iha tich, rad blond liaI means godlieslih, sud blings relie!fnom euffertag. Mis. C. Donaver, Newcastle, N B ,esay s: "About twe yeane ago 1 was grealiv rua dewu aud very misenabie 1 did net kuow wiat waawroug , itime. I washandly able te drag myself about, had severo headaches sud neappelite. I feit su wîelcied liai I baidiy cansd wbelhen I llved ornont. I bad efien nead o! whal Dr. Williiam' Pink Pille had doue for othens aud I decideil te Iry them, sud 1 eau now truih!ully say I !euud them ail ihey are recommouded te ba. Undan thelr uie my bealkh gradnslly cernme back; 1 coulil eat hetter, sheop beton sud fait strenger ia evory wav. sud befere long I was enjeylng as gond beaili as even I iad doue,"t Dr. Wiliiismb'PFini Pills cure bv geing te lie rotof ethle trouble ia lieblod. Tbev actuali,, make new hlood. Tial le wiy lioy cure sncb troubleas erien- matipm, nonnaîgla, indigestion, klduey trouble,',headache-i., sideacies sud baakacies, sud tie aliments e! growing, girls sud wemen ci imature yeans, Soid hy ail Medicine doeq,rsor bv mail aI 50C a bex ýon six boxes ler$2-0 !rem 'lieo Dr Williams' Mdcue(oBreekyllie, Ont, drivina~h'i - Mt a TV , r fo me nei,omTornottiEldasi anniver- sany ..~.. _John Hughes, wi!e sud son VICTORIA DAY AT ENNISKILLEI'I Teddy sud Mise Irono Argue, Tenante, spent thie holiday aI H Argue'a ...... M Annl'veraary services of Mthedist Rebbins aud wlfe, Taunton, visited A Sunday Seheol May 23 were a splendid Hogat,.... Mrs Blewt sud daugiter, succeas being !avored witb fine weatber, Port Hope, v1siled at H W Meedlti's,. gool cougnegatiens, flue sermens. sîng- . .Mis Wallen Vice wae la Toronto... Ing, oie. Boti services wene ield iu Mies Loua Wehher, Enfleld, at W N ie Pnesb,îenien chanci whliehwa Pascee's ... Mns WChas Werny sud ulcely deeonated witi fio)w'ere sud planta Audrey yislted ah Ked non.... -Mis John and w!ts fLlle4 a_î e @nvice. 1ev A Vice vislled her fathen near Tyroee... . -"n C M Bice, Denver, Col, bas; written an-j M Irwin, B3 A, B D, thie popnu , - atilefor Ibis paper wbillh willi o! Newcastle circuit, dellghted all wlthOfle bis dîseurses, hein g soy timeiy snd appoar noîl week. lnleetng, The seool, under direction Aunivonsary Eervices e! Eldad Suuday of Dr C W Slemon with Mie H J Wenry Sebeel willl h old as followe: Suudsv as organisi, providefi ahundauce o! Msy 80 sermons wlillho preacied by music. Ou Menday afternoon an ex. 11ev John Gaîhuil, cialîman o! Bow-É collent tes was served by lie ladies tisaI mauvîlle District at 2 80 sud 7 p m.1 was gneatly eujoead, Ia lie eveuîng a Singlng in the aiflernoon hy lie sehool1 'fine program was renderod, 11ev 1 A and choir undor the leadership o! Mn Aj Jewell, poster, pnesldlng. Mies Fier- B Cryderman. Collection aI each serv-1 once O'Brien. elecuttouisî, Ontario ice lu aid o! achool lunde., Ou Meuday Ladies' College, Wiitby, gneatly pleased May 31 a good program will ha givea lien audience hy lie vanieus nimbons sa ceuitiug o! music, songo, necîtatione, pleasingly pneaeuted. Miss Reesor, oIc, by tie echeel eommencing aI 2 p m, selisit o! Petenhoro, aise deligbted ail afier wbich a Danlingion Leagua Foot- wti ber saeclions o! soug. A maie bail game wilIl hoptayed batween quartette !rom Petenhoro ielped lu Hampton sud Mt Vernon leame. Game !urulsblng thile îuîeretng progîam. ealled ai4o'clock. Tea will ho aeryed1 The aanlvensany thnoîghout was very !rom 5o'clock. Grand letirewill ho salisfactorv and muci eredit la due the gaven lu tie eveuing by 11ev A a' Brace, Superînteudenî, Mn James Staluton, B D, Richmend Hill, at 8 e'cloc;t. Sub- sud al ethons wbe asssted iu maklug jept-'Kalm, Kool, Kounage Keunts."1 ils asucces, Proceeda $105, Suitablo music will aiso eagiven. Ad-j mission: Tes and lecture 85c; lecturej TYRONS enly 20e, tes enly 25e; eblidren net1 membena o! sehool, tea lfic, lecture 10a. - 11Ev T Hî P ANDERSON, l'aster; B G 11ev 1 Snell, Prince Albert, a fermer STEVENS,Supernendeî;NORMAN REYN. junior pastor, will oetupy tie pulpit OLDS. h'OCnOlanY. hors Sunday monng, 11ev B S Sper-co goeas l Prince Aihert ....Seldom bave the S S anniversany services hoon mono suceessfai han tiose o! Sunday 23rd wiaa a prehtiiy decorated churdi, large ceugnegatieus, excellent sermons, sweel mnusic sud genoroug coliectleus aud auheeiptions ail centributed te inl. teresi of lie occasion. Proceede ever $60-..Guenal rognatislefait ai lie nemeval o! Mn John Sander& sud f amuly le Bowmanvihle. Useftlclizeus, kiud neigibors sud frieuds they will ho greatlv rnissed lu Ibis cemrnanity ... Our football club was again suceessful wheu thev piayad Hampton Thareday sconlng 1 te 0. Koep up jour record, beys, sud wia tie silvar cap Ibis soason .... W H Moone bas opened up hie Ice cream panir, **.*.Holiday visitons: Jamnes sud Chare Virtue, John sud Miaule Lindsay, Emily Goodman, Mande Curtis, J H Hickesud wi!e sud William Frîth , Tornto; Mia Bannai (Cade, Woodslock: F MeLsugilin-'sud Frankia Heulden, Oshawa; Mn Ed Chanuon, Lindsay; Wlnie BihI, Port Credit; Samuel Bingham', John CollacuIt, Aima Pollard, JesseoBagham, Aima Wght, Mary Congdon, G A Watts, wife sud family, Bowmanviile; Misa Jackson, Millbrook; Hugi McCullough, H Argue sud wife, Poutw pool: Mrs A Wybonu sud Dolla, Countice; Miss &itedge, Salem; Mn and Mis Heny Hooper sud daîghter Ima, Drum; Raymond Davey, wifa eand f!amily, Ornoe are Discouiraged Becaa off lrinering wea[znnsrs anci nervous clerangements there îr. new hope and cure. If your systcm la weak and rua down, your biood thin and watery and your nervous system exhausted ehoose a treatment sueli as Dr. Chase 's Nerva Food, whiehlias neyer been equaled as a means of building up health, strength and vigor. That Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is par- ticularly Suecessful in the cure ef ail- ments and ûlierangements from- which women sufer most is attested by such letters as this from Mns. D. D. Burgor, Ileather Brae, Alta., who wrî-eq: " Mrs, Armstrong, my niece, haut great weakniess, heart trouble and indigestion. lu fart she wns rua dlown ini evcry way and had lost ail hope of ever gett1iapg welI again. She had been in poor be1it for over four years after the birtli of lier first ehid, The persistent use of Dr. Chase 's Nerve Food lias pros ca of mýarvelJous benefit ta ber. Slhe feels reiweii aow, la iooking fine andl lesli- ing, up so that one wouid hardly believe lier the aume pe-rson."1 50 ents a Gý boxes for $.0 at al Cealersor Edmýanson, Bates k e. Toronto, -w i Farth Jtself , ýread Basket db ice Farm Lande )erta at prices acre on ,shels of winter viieat, 50 to, 90 ey per acre. berta fariu while eobtainable ln *. Buy a farm rtheir future [gation if you Box 254, sis Cte MSt Paul, Bare; ged Whfis ste, M Lroset ai, Que, gs ndc febi rente, witb bis mother; James Rob- m, wlfe and son James at Fenoicu il-; Cccii Cewan, Uppen Canada Col- go. Toronto. at home; Mrs Wood!ord id dangitens, Phliadeiphia. Ps, with )r father, F Patte;, Rey Feeker w1îh s eister lu BIerlin; A E Menace, wlîe dfamily Wiih bis parente la Tnorol f&ý Pattnsd wife. ennt, whhe MAPLE GROVE Mr E B Steen, Toronto, visited aI K GeorgeTrtmble's. ... . Mrand MrsGeorgi Stephensona ami Mr'and Mrs Normai Thiekson and Kathleen vislîod at M Jochn Snewdon'a .... Mr and Mre Millori Wilkins and farutly. Oehawa, recanti. vlslted at Mr A J Bickell'a. No eue know8 botter Ihan these wli have used Carter's Little Liver Pili iwbat relief lhoy have glven wheu takei for dyspepsia, dizziacss, pain ln Ih aide, constipation and disordere, Stomacli, EBENEZER Anniversary ervices EbeDezer Sanda. Schoel will ha held as fellews: On Sur day June 13 sermons will ba preache aI 10 30 a m, 2380 and 7 p m by 11ev S1 Bartîct, Toronto, General Seeretaryc Sabbatb Schoole. Music by sehool an( choir. Liberai offerîngs are asked foi lu aid of echool-funds. Public cordiali, invited. Their gentie action and goed effee on the sysern really make Ihemn a per. fect lutIle pill They please these wht use them. Carter's Little Liver PIIIi may wel ha tormed "PERFEcTiONq" ENNISKILLE N. Miss Greta VauNet, tewn, epeut the holiday witb Miss 11azel Pascoe . ... Mr and, Mrs F W Le. vlelted Mr E Harrie. St Catharines ....- Miss E Hancock who bas been visitiag ber siter Mrs Levi BrunI, left lasI week for Rochester, N Y, te vieil ber brothers ...Merril] Jeweil and Fred VauNest, tewn, were holiday visitersata the Parsonage.. We cengratulate Mr John Orchard os acqnIring sncb a cbeap proporty as the Barclay astate, AIl disorders caused by a bilions 6tate e! the systemn can he curod hy usIng Carter's Little Liver Pilla, No pain, griplag or discorn!ort attondlag Iheir use. Try them, PROVIDENCE. Sunday June 6 Bey J G Brown, B A, a fermer popular junior pastor ou the T-yrone circuit, new o! Beaverton, will preacli annIversary sermons aI 2.30 and 7.30 p M. AppreprIale zmusic. Liberal collectIonsî are selicited fer S S Fnnd A new feature o r Menday le aunounced. A lawn supper will hoe erved at lie home o! R'eeve Aloi Wight !rom 4 p m 011 ail are satisjfied. Program musical and llterary wiIi foilow, Merrison'é Orchestra, Ebenezar Quartette and oCher clever tlent will coatribute. Tickets 25e, cblîdren 15e. Se poster@. Holiday visitors: Misses Bilda Rundle, Hamptoin, and Maggio Allun, Bowman- ville,, witix Wre A J Gay; Rupert orrow- Torante, Geo Morrow wife and Velma aud Mena Merrow, Oshawa, aI H Gayse; Misses Bertha Allan, Bow- masuville, with Mrs Cephas Hundie; MISS Birdie Dean, Toronte, at home; Jne H Hicks and wi!e, Teronto, atiJ Short's-; Miss3 Florence Osborne, Clarke, aI home.,. Mr James Ceurtice and wlfe SPent Victoria Day lu Newcastle with their grand-dangbîer Mrs (11ev) C W Barroîl, Bastings ...Miss Ruby and Kennelli, Courtice attended the auniver. srry at fyrone Sunday ......, A number from here aîîended lia Base Lino an- ulversary Sunday .... Miss Mary Cent- lice bolldayed at Mrs Win Courtlce's. A GROWING BUSINESS dr Possibly no other business In Bow- go manville bias increased as much durIng an the lest year than that ut A. L. Nichoils, ar "The 'Fair." There 19 a reason-ler, rd ha keepe heusehold necessities that tyevery family needs: 2nd, ho selle on a fair-profit basis; Srd, ho advertises lib- ho eraliy in the James Paperc; 4th, ha li keeps faith with the public, adver- en tlsing cla [me ban always carried out hota the latter; and 5th, ho makes a friend edOf every customer by bis urbanity, obhiging manner and the geod bargaine ho gives, lJnder seh favorable con- ditions It Is ne wonder that his business bas more than doubled within a, brIo! period, _____ ay n. ENFIELD ed cf Recent visitors: Mie M Healey, Tor- ad ente, at home; Miss Burroughs visitait tui Toronto; Albert Niddery and Mrs J orHepburn at Brook; Mrs 0 Nichois and children, Indien Head, Sask, et Mr D McCuliech's; W Gray, Toronto. gucet et ef A Ormiston; Thos Pasece, wife and ,-MIES M Pasce, Hampton, et B Paseesi '0 ...... Mrs 8 Bray la under the doetor'a 11 care at Braeside ..~.. Wesley Knapp recentiy eoid some herses for the 0200 mark. UEÂLTiIY LITTLE CIIILDiREN A mether should net expect that lber * hildren wili escape ail the 111e te which babyhood and childhood are subjeet, Mbut she can do much te lessen their Isaverity and make baby's battle for heaith easlYwen. Baby's Own Tabiets should be kept in every nome whore there are littie enes. They are mothar's aever ready help and Babv's best frIend i he action of the Tablet8 le gentie but thorougli. They cure colle, indîgestion, constipation,,diarrhoea, allay the irrita- tien at teething time, destroy Worms 0and pramote healthy, naturel sleop.t 7And the mether bas the guarantee of ai government analyet that this meiclinef centains neo plate or narcetie. Sold by medicîne deniers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine àMedicine Ce , Brockville, Ont, p ARE YOU SAVING YUUR STRENGTH P b If SOU keep cows, or rather Ir yeu b expert cows to keep you, they ehould n be given, eveuy chance te make a good showing. Just se long as the consumers a in large centres are willing te vapy from w three te lûe cents per pound more for ai Creamery than dairy butter, just sa long a: will It beln yeur intereat tepatrenise ti some Weil managed Creamery. Vd The reasen the Oreno Creamery le C, able te do 80 well for its patrons le ai largely because cf the dernand, for its N Qult"creamery butter which cern- pi mande a preminum on the Canadian fa mIarket. The Ozone -Creameri-la 4seked- first -N by a wide experience ln management, il] together with the beet market cennie- fa tiens which enable it ta eiloute advant- ci ege. Plain monthiy etatements are s: alwass promptly issued, accompanied ln by cheques on the Standard Bank pay. w able at par ln Orone, Newcastle. Port cf Hope, Bowmanville and Newtenvilîe. fa The Orone Creamery seicits sour pat. d4 ronage, Rg Gi tl Cr Langmaîd le building a new ai Eldad ............... Mav 80 ani Meunt Vernon.......... lune 6 ai Providence ......... ... June 6 ar Maple Grove ......... lune 20 ani cEnflid.............. June 13 an I3aydon ..................... Jui Hamptona............-------- Je t OSHAWA Mre R 8 Hamîlu has a new McLau lin auto. Mr Roborts ef the Dominion Bi lias beau trans!erred te Cobourg. Mr. Fred Bull and wife have gene a two menthe' trp te the Pacifie Ce, F W Cowan ami wi!e atlouded races ai the Woodbine, Toronto, Sai day. Warts are dIs!iguromeats that appear wheu treated with Holewi cern Cure Oshawa Bailway Ce bas împroi the car service by lie addition eo handsorne new car, Thousande e! methers eau tostify the virtue o! Moîher's Worm Exteri nator, because ther knew from exp ience hoew use! aiIila. Misses 1luella sut Iva Eversen a friand, MISS Morton o! Campbeifo; sttended VIctoria Day celebraîlon Ontario Ladies' College, Wbiîby, 11ev Tuokar, Toronto, visitsd lis s( 11ev W B Tuoker, B A, B D, ever i week-end sud assistedaibahemerali service lu Medeal! St Churci Suaday, J W Boreberry and wife, their uie -MIE& Nash- and Miss Richardson ha returueil rom theirip te Caliform snd -other places. Wo are eonry learu thas Mr Borsborry le ceafined ils reem liavIng undergone au Oper Lien J W Hopkins, Toronto, Provinci Field Secreîary of the Y M C A wî the local commilttee of whleh F W Et la ciairîn, ceuductedl a meat sueces fal canvase for subscrîptIons for i establishment o! a brandi ef the YEC in lown, oven 815,000belng subsonîhea One commanda bicfeaturae ofIbis ean paîgn le that aven 1200 pensons contrIl ztod le the fuud. Plane fer a $150c building have beau prepaned and soi oral sites centnally located are lu vie,@ ad il le expeeted thrat work wili 500 he commeaced. au the erection e! tii nu:bh needed Institution. FOa BÂBY's SKHz TRocrsLEs. Thor nre times la the life neariy ef everyv chil when Dr. Cbse'e Olîlment proves It sefa blessing. The tender skia ebafe and ie Irritsted hy the ci thiag. Olten Limes baby eczma di elopes from thi ery cause, la a dozen ways Dr Chase's Olulment eau be used le 8001] nd preveut euifenlng of!hli 111e oe No trealmont la si woil sulted fer thi urpose and noue la soenearrely salis rctory. Mrs Win White diad aI ber home oi Nassan 5k May-18th-after -a iingerinl 11ess whlch was berne witi Christi rtitude. She wss beloved hy a lang fincle o! friands who eîpreseed thel; impatbv lu the heauliful floral off or IgaS sent, whieb iaciuded a handsona fresth fnm the Ledis'Aid ad W M Lç dMedcsîf St chunel ef whil h e was à aith!nl niemben, The funensi Thurs, lay was largely altteded, her paster ev W B Tueker, effieiatiug. The pst )carera were meoas Bassett, Baie, Bunt, Irose. Keliew and D Poilard. Besidek te busband saba baves oeeson Freden. k, te moun the bass o! a devoted wlfe kd mother. Tiose atteudiug !nom a stance ware ber brothers, 11ev W 'Illott and mn A Ellioti, muekeka; messrs C Ellioti, Brooblin, sud T Elioît, eswIck; air and airs J Funsov, air A id Mrs N Elliett, Toronto, RÉev and ira W T WicketI, Seugog. CONSTIPATION ANI) HEADACES, Mre LMorew, Braeebridge, Ont , wriies 'or yaars I was tnoubled almeet con- tautly with constipationand nover gel nything te do me lie lastiug geed that as beeu ebtained frotta Dr. Chase's iduoy-LIver Pilla, Net only have ley cured constipation but bave aise ntlrely cured the headaches fromt 21ich 1i sed te suifer terrIbly and have provect e hoqlsI:b lu yery way.", Holiday visitera: Mrs Wni and Vers oldge, Toronto, aud L Noble, !;rrte, Mr McEchreu's; Mrs E Bale and MI.? Everson ln the eity: W E O'Brien at me; R Fursey and wife lu Hamupton; Grey aid wl!e la Celumbii;Mn aud s 11 and Sidney Monroe, Toronto, itb Ibeir daugliter, Mrs Glea Heniry;-, se G Jones ln Brockvi:le; Mn Lloyd, oroute, witb Roy Bannaitt, H Sauders d wl!e, Toronto, wltth hon sister, Mns lhaîley; MrsKlng and Mise Palmrne, orente, with themr parents; Mosas cheson and Richards und Miss H 'nn Toronto, gnests o! Miss M lame; Misses Jewell, Toronte, aud B lnuel,. Barrie, at their auut'e, Mne E awkins; Edith Duthie, Tononto, wIth F.Your, New Suit and Furnîshings, forte eS Holiday Season, la11 We have a lot o! new suite just in for the liday Season. T1.hey ar8 te te something different- te anything yen have seon. The styles aredier ra- ont and so are the colore., As we caler te the men'u and boys' temade only o! course we can de it mucli botter than anyono else, and then oui' ai assortment le 50 largo that we eau suit any TÂSTE and any pre Lbh Our mien's $10.00, 012-50, $15.00, and $18.00 suite cainot be uii ss equalled. We would like yen te corne in and see theni, The suits wiil ýe do the rosI, cHen's Hats. î We have a lot of new soft and stiff haIs, $1.50, $2.00, 2.5ü,3.0 tv- Boys'Suàt. W. DU Two and threo piece suite just arrived, sme Tory ni! ty. Bfow;ni el worsted suits, îwo piece, $2.50,-$2.75, 83,0, Ilres piece , $%.95, $8,50, $4.00, $5.00 te $8.50. e C ,d Nvew Shirts, s Cern, tan, bine. green, stripe, check and spot, 75e, 81.00, $, and $1,50, I Batan ail gi-ven with each fBoyý's Suit 1s el1 ze or a lounging plaee b \\ be delightfuiiy origina - muiet partake o!tte i orientaIl insanie way, t ~Our full lins o! now, ndp-te- date f tunture are waiting for your in- 1 pection. Uow about a now coucli We have a lino aI 67 that cannot be surpassed, S Undortaking receIvos prompt and persenal attention day 'x or niglit and we'do flot make auy extra charge for distanc, ALAN IIONESS Phone 58 BOWMANVILLEO parents; M J Wenrv sud wife, Tyrene, aud Mande %,urtio. Tornto, aI Mis Wm McLaug-bllu'is; W Gnose, wi!e and dangiter Murmel, sud Florence Gnose, Tenante, witi thein parents; Ethel Roerets, Sînalford, wth Ireue Grey; FMauelJ awie nsoWCn porontowi! Fr O jMaewin sud WonmpTeantwea sud cidren. Tenanto, witlî ler ftlio, E Bennett; Erie PiillIps. Toonto, witb bis grndfsilien, T H MoMillan; Miss Barnoîl, Toronto, wlth ber aunt, Mrs A Jacebi; Miss Kate Pellow, Toroute, with ber cousin Miss E Hennin,-; Mrs Fonsytie, Toronto, with Mis W Minard; Robin Boit, Coîbonne, itiiibie fathor, Dr Boit; Fred Bale, Toronto, with bis parents; 0 Bewden, Toronto, wiîh bis father; Hl j Bannas, Toronto, at Mrs W R Bond's- Alec Clarke aud wife, Ton- onto, wîdshone motion, Mis Wm Keeler; Misa Annle Colo, Toronto, with Mies M Bassoit; Mis Fax sud Mis W Fltziger- nId sud son, Tenonto, wti thein father, W H Wilson;> 0 Hezziewood, wifo snd Helen, Torento, wti bis motion; R Dolllng, Toronto, wilhbis parents, LAW N IMO-ýWERS.% The old rellable la ondock again sud would solicit yeur patronage as lu lie pasl . I will guarantes te sharpon sud repain jour Mowen te give antIme satis- faction. 1 hava tie laleEt improvod Ideal rGnder conpled witb -a very largo expenieuce, yeu eau deacail-on a good job doue. Aise aIl edge bools gyreund sucb as knives sciesone, etc,, aaws shanpened, sud al general jobbing doue wlli nUealuessansuetreugli, ThanEking jeu ahi fer past patronage. The West Endl Smithy, Klug sI., Bw manvîlle 163m W B WILLIA-MS.i SUITS FOR IEN. JosJoffor-Y & SeiP are mak4ng a spe- clallv e! finat l ace gusrantadi3 uitz for mou sud beys ai vv,,ry 1 pncs-î- aud bIne worsled siizs le'r 814 Ite -Satisfaction guagreeed la style j workmanship. ,I at The Star Bouse, Bowmauviibe, and ses the nialernal We suPply ail lie wanls e! mca la goalsf' finishingo et pnicos for lie timos. J Jeifory & Son. ATJOTION 'SALNS WEDNOtSDAY, Jane 2-There will he seid athber'laIe reaidence, Hampton,. lie household, furaltune sud affects of Ihe late Mns. William Cox. Sale at 1.80 p m. Sesebilis, L A, W.- TOLE-, auctioneer. THuRsDAF, June 3--Tiere wll h o sldi aI ber laie resideuce, Chuici Street, Hayden, lie funnilure and houseboli effeete o! lie laIe Mrs Donolhy Camp- ball. At Ihe same lImesud plae the housesud laud will ho offered for- sala Terme for furnaîuro, cash,> rosi estate torme made kuewn nu day ef sale. Sale att 80. See billVe. LA W TOLE, auciioen. SÂTURDAY, JUne 5 -The houseiold' offets o! lie late Mise Eizabeth Polis. iek,Hfamptou, wiliI1-0 sold aI ien ,lai- resideuce.,aise aI '--o same limeaîaud place the lieseasd L acre ocilsad, comprlsing Io, 13, aI corner o! Liberty Street ou eatsl a3 ideo!Scuigcg Rond as laid down acoîiuglePlan o village lots l ian pîu megitoad 'v Leekhnît Ormisïtn, Tu2s le eue e! tie fineelsiduc in Hamptoa, Sale at i p. M. Se. bille. L.', &,W. ToLE, suclioneen. li

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