fah t teia n, $jýC4to 7nte Sýte--BQWMÂNVILLEJ ONTARIO, Ei HILRSDAY UN E 3, 1909, oLumLV,,Nn.-2 .-JMS8 - ~ruimz~ -~ ~ -m An immense stoek-newest prices to suit ail classes of buyera. Curtains in several qualities. designsauad at Aiso Tapestry lit Linoleumis W e show, a bigjassortment of patterns from one up -to foui yards wide. No better value-anywhere, Couch, Johnston & Crydermnan. GROCR'SDUE BILLS TAKElN AS CASH. Town of AâBowmavile- COUZR0F REVISION NX O (TICE 15 RERLEBY GIVEN that is e first attinga cf the OCurt of Revisiou for Vie Town cf Bowmanvllle wll be helfi lu Ibe C0uaclîttGooni. owmanvllle, ou iJLL2 KLEPT FOR -SERVE-Lo 12Gcueasston 2, Bowmanviile. W -Lu"û. H -OUSE TO LE [-The dwelling -lt ituated on Concess ion Street, immediate Hoss.Bowmauvû!:e. 60 t SU WMER COTTAGE TO RENT- AtPort Bowmanville, Will rent by the montéi or for the season at s reasonable price. Aise two houses te rent ln town. Appy to A. M WILIASi, BuWMaU'dIe, 6-i pW'IAN03TUNED AND REPAIrREDlI TV ~il 43' , UJ~ u', ~J~F ita firat clasa odiin treasonable lms I have another square pan:) that wIIl bo eol A r3 T NTHIRTY P_ m. at a bargain. AI BERl K. COx, i ell Street, te he.ýar sud detem eihe several complaints or box 334, BoWMauville, 20-tf of rrr and oiiie5lons lu thse Assessment Holl for tide sald miriutipality for 1909.- Ainpersona havig b;usinesama the Court are requested te TTOUSE FOR SALE-Ou the seuil atted a afretd..-Ja lide of King Sreet, BewmauvfIie, aine JOHN LYLE, rooa .d bathroomnew Pease Fumae 91-2W Clek, Town cf Uowmauville. c over, quarter acre land, Apply te D. OG M. Dateod at Bowmsýnville the 25th day Of MaY 1909. JGALSSAITI, uowmanv!Ile. -t Spring Suggeestions.L areneeding at this season of the year tha we can supply you from our HËard- ware Department: IlàWn Rakes Charns LanShears Sprayers Garden Forks Mlk Pulls Lwn Mowers Milk Carna S Garden Spaties lnte Stone Garden Trowels Paints and 011e 14 PutyNetting Washing Machines. 5PORTING DS MNo need o! going out of tow for your s3porting ~ goocis ie. carr-y such a la rge sto)ck of She famaous Spaulding brand, We can suppilyv Base BalBats S i'Gards Catchr's ittaLacrosse Sticks ~ Ctchr' MaksTennis Rckiets ýi Pe!dzr' Gbo'ves - Tennis Balla fA ase Bal Guides Bodiy Protectors Ifwehvetwhatyuwn w ilg etÎ'i t *for yoîD u ishorýt ordor. Our stock Ï3 the iargs toJ4B. MARTYN, j BOWMANVILLE. AUOTION SALES» THURSI)AY, June a-Tlibere wIll be soiti at ber late resîdence, Cburch Street, Haydon. the furnUnre aud bouseholti effaetci-toh--ate-WrsUo-rothy Campý- bell. At the same time anti place the bouse aud landi wIll be offered for sale Terme for furuiture, cash; ra estate tterns made known on day of sale, Saleatt 80., See bille. LA W TOLE, aucti oneer. SATUROAY,'June 5 -Thc householti eet co f the tate Miss Elizabeth Petb. lckHampton,'wlll be sold at ber late' resideuce. aiso ai the same time anti placetbe bouse anti 1 acre of laund, comprising lot 18, at corner of Liberty Street on east side cf Saugog Boand as laid down accordinz e t plan cf village lots lu Hampton iregis1;tereti bv Lockhari Ormiston. Thsî la of the fiuest reoidenceslu Hamu3ton Sale at 1 p. m, Sue buis. ,L.A, W TaLE, auctioneer. Cornaereipple the feet anti make walk- iug a torture, Sot sure relief lu the shape of Hollowayi(s t.oru Cure iý -wltb- lu rachof ail. Grand EXMAURSION -TO- N IAGARA .FALLS, 1ONTARIO- Tllosday, JIIIIO 8th under auspices of the CO00F. By Grand Trunk Railway to Tor. auto. theucé b v Niagaýra Naigation, CompanVa palatial steaimrsta Qu eu- ston, thence by electrie fine ta Fails. TIME TABLE. Special rates anti regular train service as f0llows:. P la-c e Rates, AdîUIta: 'im Trenton2.1.0 Brighton .561 CDoibornne2262 NewtoaLYLle 2.1a 7 2 1Chlidren nlation twelve years o! ago ha' î fane, Ail tJIkes goit eusu e sud iuludfing, June 911h, by re3guýlar trains. Excrsonitsmay roturu. same day on any regtilar train, or by ny re- u ilar traïin the floi day (June 9b F lor funrthenrtiua applyty b i C, A4. LAPP, Sec'y i 12weBrïghtOIlý n,0itarlo. Cail -Special Attention To Their B igl Stock 0fflouse Furnishings.' Union Carpets from ..... 30c to 50e. Ail Wooli, 9 ply Carpets....---6'3e to 85(3, A Big range Union and ail Wool Sqares in al sizes. Crossiey's Tfapestry Carpets fromo 65e to 85c. (Jrossley's Best Windsor Carpet . .- ý-..... . 41.00 Crossley's Brussels Carpet for $1.00 worth. $1 25 Crossley's Best Oriental Velvet for .,.....12 -also- Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet, Sniyrna and Wilton Squares. 'Lace Cartalinse = Coucli1 Joblistoil & Gryderifian WALL PAPERS duced pries., this week. Thi$ ii8 an excepfional chance to buy good pape "r at littie cost, EW. Tt ALLEN Big. 2o ~ Gkt I BAY 0F QUINTE CONFERENCE. Coufereuice isý in session at BleIl First draft of stations show t caoe changes: W T Wickett, ShanuonvilI; J C Bell, Odessa; J W Bunner, iljton;" R -MeCulloch, President, Ma' i3St,, Pict.on; R Duke, Hallowell; turR Sanderson, Medcalf St,, Oshaw 7; Heniry Thomas, Ne-wtonville; J VU Robinsý, Blackstock; lieniry W Mannin , Whitby;, John A McCamius,Pickýeriug; ames, Moore, Claremont; R Burns,Grnak Anthony 1H11l, Scugog; R A DLvPSa grave; J W-To.ttenî, LittIe rtan Johnson, Oakwood; J C Lewvis, OmemeAf J N Clarry Cavan; W BTckr Nor- Wood; A J Terri!li , Tweed, VW7HPLeighi, Ivanhoe; H B Riowe, Eldora-do. TALK 0F THE TOWN. Crewds cf itizens have vîsitedi Stane' 1Hl1 West c>f town since onr armticleap pearedlast ek teling cfthe beutifu landscape outlook te ho obtained from,ý the sîdeéline running ouh It ispaig strango that we h1ave lîved in Bo)wmaztn- ville miore tlîau 30 yearsand 1nover heard cf the randview feintîthtp Misks Mabel Borland saýid te theIi editor' yesterday "I have for years takýen our visitera te that place te show them thfe heauties cf the view," Mr, T N. Rick- ard Fasys if yenx want to e soc that pictur- îesque valleýy from a ,%botter va-ýutage gon yenu shojuld go te a field on hïis farmi southý of Betreat Diry-MIr, F. H. Jonesa'. Stfli an-other cdaim is,3pt i in forfihe lovely sw epcounitry te ho seen from tho' hgetpeint on Mir. John Lane's favi formerly Ms Johni C. Rowe's. , hre renedoubt, Qothers claiminýg mnin t>URH1AM OLD Bo'ys ELECTED Onl'ICERS AND TÂLKED OP THE H-OME TRiF, The Dnrham Old Boys held thoir an- ual, meeting Monday eveuing at the' resid ence eof Mr. J. L. Hughes, Dundon- ahIdvne Toront!o, for the purposo cof eleCtiiîg ofeosandde(Ialing with anl invitution te visit the olceunty , x- tendod tet thrin through WNarden Pow.- ers, by thae (ctizeîîs cF Orono andi the cf thle memlbors TresonIt, îit was soonl evicI: it, tat Toronte umembers willý àttend in large numbers, The followîng officer.s were eleted: Hono>rary Presidets-Dr. John lies- kin, Mr. C. D. yiassey, Mr. Il. O'Hara, D)r. J. T, Gilmour, Toronto, zand Messrs, Thos. Paterson and M. A. James, Bowmanville; President-Mr. J. L. Huighes; First Vice-Presienýt-Dr, E. F. Bowie; Second Vice-President-Mr. W. Oraig; Third ice-ýPres*dont--Dr. DAIJ Goggin; Seoretary-Thos. Yellow- tees;: Assistant Seertary-- W, F. Maas;- Treasurer-J * D. Keachie, and the fol - lowinug naines were added te the Exee- lutive {ommnittee:; lDr. T. HIl Eflihtt7Dr. Trrbiloock, -MNesirs, R, D. ]Jairbairni, W.--.Elliott, Donald. G. M. Galbraith and V, W, Masen. DARLINGTON LEAGUE. Mt. Vernon 1, Hampten 0. Another fat Darlington League foot- ball gaine was played ab Eldad Annii- versary Mouday between Mt. Vernon and Hampton resulting in a victory for the former teain by a score of 1-0. Both aides had on their strengeat lino- upa and after the draw gaine in Bow- inanville on the 24th the excitmeiat rau high, The play was about even the firat bal! both ides maiking good plays bat nýe scoriiîg was dene, After t rest itra Mt. Vernon players .We Were mueli heavier than their oppone s, had a slight advantage lu kicking do n hli. Bilîs scored the only goal oun a well directed kick which Gibbon qas unablo te baudto. Hampton p layed a fast hall but were cheoked tee alose'àte allow thora te score. Geo. W. Jain , s refereed the gaine. A gaine is heinïý, arranged between these two teains to decido who shall have the Tournament Cup. Don't fail te seo this when it comes off. The teams were :-Mt. Ver- non-goal,' L. T. Pascoe; backs, H. Annis, J, Alexander; haîf backs, F. Smith, E, Bradley, A. Smith; forwards , Adams, H. Rogers, J. Baker (capt.) Hl. N. Bills, O. Wilbur. Hampton-goal,, T. Gibbon; backs, P, Brown, J. Carruthers; haif backs, R. Meontgomery, E. Horn (capt.), E. H. Colo ;ý forwards, W, Redman, A. Pûers, G. Montgomery, Chas. Ciarruthers, L. m'AWownC.z - OBITUARY NORmA&N F. RICE. Thia week we extend our hearfoît sympathly te Mr and Mrs Chas F Rice in the death cf their second son,. Norman Frederîck, who died on Friday May 28, ageâ 6 years and 3 months., The littie fellowj waa enly ill eue day from acute enteritis. The funerai teck place ou Sturdacly aftermoon service bein cn ducteti y 11ev John GarbutttLand 11ev T WJoife Two cousins, MUesars F J Homae; andFrank Kydd were tfhe baes Tho foral offerings wcro vcry pretty con- istiig f<w, ts from thé' teacher and p s ocf S)uth Ward Sohool, Mr an Mrs . oPlinonand frIr Harry Rice; Sp ayssd bouquets fromn the day sclhool; Mnl and Yrs John Rice, Ilntn M J Millar; and Mý'r C Gage and fam-ily, Toronto; Mr sud Mrs N HoeMrn ad Mrs F J Hloïne, AMrs J Hl Kyddl. ts litleý friend 'Helen Kuiglit, Mi-ss Hazý.el MNurdoif, Mrs Fred R. Foley sud MiaBarn1es., Sweet 1little dam ting, Looking for somecue, Bright as a sunbeamn, Purie as the dew, Anx7iouslylookiug, mother, for you, MnEs. (DeB.) LEITÇH,. Jmnie A MDwlth-e bloe wife cf Dr. H. D. Leitch, Toronîto, was the sýeconddaubtç*cfthe late 11ev. D. C. McDowoll, sud sîiator cf Mrs. 1T. BEiig. ginhothami, Bwavil She was hemn ilà Re1rptvile- June 19, 1857. Wbule yct s dhild shie uniteti witb the church aud helti fast ber profesisiO o teh endi. She was a bright girl, and evincing a dosire for a soutnd education wraa enrolled as aa atudent in Dutario Ladies' Coliege et Whitby, from which in due course ahe graduated wîth the M E L degree. She was"ctive in the work cf the dhurci wherever ber father was atationed, fre- quently acting as organiat or working in the Sunday Scliool as oppertunity offered, In the Chrîstmaastimie cf 1885'astwasi married te Dr. LiJtch and proved a lielp- mneet, indceed. For somne tim.e ber heýaltb lmd- beende'inn sd iclSkiil waýs poweless te restere lier. She died wit!b aýn nushakenl faith il' theprmssc God, lier of<reted rar , was -Lord Jesus-, coe sd takýe ehoe" lier leftte our ti ba cfeuewho livecd for their g(oot. On MaVy 25t!1 the tired pîlgrîmi laid dowiî ber load and e;ntered into 1er eternal reat. RODEEticK Le FtASUR The funeral of the tate Roderlek L. Fraser took place from bis late rest eoc,-8-TaYlor St-, Toronto, to &lount- Pleasant Cometery Tuesday aternoon. Deceased was a Corporal of G Company Royal Grenadiers, and the full strengh of the sald Company under Major oRyersou turned out ta pay their last recpects to their tate coinrade. Rev. H. R. Mockrldge. St. Thomas" Church, oficia ttebueadgave.Th floral tokeus were beautiful andi num- erous. vîz,, frosa G. Company, MIr Ail' bert Gooderman, The Daughters of the Empire Cliýapter, Mr. J. Nelson and many others. Deceased's wldow was formerly Milss Mary -Meader, second daughter cf3 Mr. Henry Meader, Bow- mauville. New11f e fora quarter. Milllet'î3Cern- pound rou Pille. Solti by B. M. Miîtch- ll&Ce. Dugse -'WEDDING BELLS. STAINTON-PYEM. The marriageof Miss Florence Helena P3je, yOUngpest daughter oif Mr. and Mrs John P1e, and Mr. Albert J Stain- ton took plae 5Wednesdlay et 2.80 p M lu the Methodist churcb, Ennîskillen. Rev. J a. eet B A , pastor of the cbuech, performe8II'dthe ceremony lu the presence ofa large number of relatives andi friende of the contractlng. part!es The churcb was beautifully decorated flowers, palme and ferns. 'The brld . o was given away' by ber uncle Mr. C. . , hc, wore an empire gown cf pale green eleune over green slik andi carrieti a bouquet cf ppieI carnations anti maidenhair feru, wearing a wreath of orange blossoms Miss Mary Souch, ccusin,wss flower girl, andi wore a dres etf pink nînil andi carrieti a busket cf white daisies. Miss Çussle Aunis, 'Tor- onto, cousin cf the groom, playeti the wedding marce.' A receptiou was bl-d later at the home of the bride's parents and a wedding supper served ta flitv or mnore rue8ts the tables being prettlly decerated wlth plul and white caraa- tions. The bapp couple Ileft bv eveniag train -midst a sho wer of confetti anti rice for ahones moon trip to western ciles,îl brdetraelinglua neatltç. o' J u . 1 ~Royal BankU 0F CANADA Pays Special Atnint + FIJMÎichelfl,ý :NO NEED to go or send to S Toronto or elsewhere to buy or Patent Medîcines When Yeu can proeure sme Sat eheaper prices Ini Bow- SR. M icel- o SThe Qu,,allty Drugegits All money, imade in 130W. manville And vieinity that ïis ®requîred te be expended for, 0 ®the necessities of lifa shoiuld be spent in the sme t ®become more loyal to local en- Sterprises and keep their mon- Ci ey in circulation for the gen- oral welfare We are , offring tD the pea- pie of BowmnanvillÏe and Blur- ® ronndingco00ry P atonMdiPrieg. aw A',3We buy Our goiodis WAIt Sdinary drug store te m-ake- ®whieh means such a great ~? ®Sa.vilng to youl. Seur Widows and circulars. Phione 92a Nigit CaIls 9,2 b Col 0CH Rogers, postmLater cf -Peter- bore, bas itendered hie resî1gnation teZ, take effect Dpeember 1, and ItÊ bas b BcceZpted at Ottaw.. He w1ll hoSuccemd- ed by7 A a Strat0 ton, bDthtr of J R, JELDAD'S GREAT ANý IPERFECT WATEuREOI TTEN'D- ANCE-ERUELLENT SaaaiO-,oon0 INSTRUCTI-E LECTJE- LivELY Spors- P.ROC0EEDS SATFS- FACTORY. j 11v. John Garhutt, Chiýuaianf Bowf. nmville District, was greeted by a fui, hlouse Sunday afeternioon w tithý as many out sidef,, the -confines of E1ldad hch being miadequate tto esiz(-e of teCrowd t1hat gathered to the ever popular SuýndIay sechool annliversary.TL it nlot striange thaut yea(r after year at this ainual, re- union ail ronds lead to lia There, must ho a cause. Why is it? Praise is in every mutýih of the two d-iscoPýUrsesý on Sunday-the afîternoo0ýfne being speCi- fically to the'0childreýn, Fee w 3pub1ice speakers can really elicýit the con 1ntrate attention of yoting cudrnfor ïore- than a few moments, but 11ev. Garbutt sustained their intlorestthroughiout. Mr.ý , Benuson Cryderman was again engaged to train the achool in silging for thi; aýnnivoxsary and the opinion expressed, was- that tbe children neyer sang bel ter. A nLmber of àdults very kindly ingiled with the ,seholaris aind helped to npr greatier confidence, The eveninig sermioi was greatlyapecad by the largo3 audinceCollections were- liberal, Homes in thie viciinity were taxed te nec- com~aepeople from a disJîtance -whoc staRyed for te-s -MondaIy was goîul pleasaint with1 a gentle wviind blowing fo ot-et The counitry lias ver-y rapdly u n ta vernal garh, tho growth hsaving very vigorous1 the previcenstn ao Old Sol shed bis genial raya just warm enough te inake the temperature aom - fortable, and the drive from town was exceedingly enjoyable. Our citizena many of thein drove out to Solina, thua sbowing their goodw iii toward-s the good people Who dlaim Eldad chureh as theirs. O.e thiDg, can truthfnlly ho raid cf Bow- ml'anville bulsiness m-en, they mnfa their- inteiuest i the couintry fýpeope by their pceosenceý at ah oevenus of ti chaýr ace r E dos thei(m good. (,o, to go ont aegcîTr. IL pte.B>thpqaies anndiloyuïde fix petro laý Iponirc, cnducte Bowanvllewhoperfornied theýýduty of cirn.It is not 4easy toeniiulz on a program cof over thfirty nuImber, but in a genoral way we msraccrdhl praise to the littie folk for the splenididt manner in whîch they sang, recitedl and beha-ved. It is net. easy to compare eone year %with another, but in the opinion of maythe,0seexorciseës have notbe botter in recent years. T[he good services ofe Mr. Rý 'i cKessock, the village teach. or, Mesdames B. G. Stevens and R. Scott and Miss Vers Baker were certain,- ly effective for considering the ages cufth reciters they acquitted themselvesro markably, well., The character ofth seloIctions was very suitable, tee. Mr. A. B. Cryderman, dirèctor, and Miss Mona Vice, erganiat, led the 8ch(ool in some eight anthems, every one of which iwas capitally rendered. A vocal solo was nicely given by Margueriteý Thomson. Miss Gertre nd Mstý Harold Pascoe sang a duet-vry prettily, their mother pling te cctnanmet Master Norman Vnet"rultdw the bouse" with is mothrgraï,,solo, with organ accompanimet -sVeetly playedý by his sister Doreeni. Misses Vernaanud Doreen VanNest sang a du3et ver y well, A number of boys with fiaga gave a paît- riotic dialogue, and somn>e girls with sashes, insevor. colors rccitcd "The {ibw - twe very-interesting numbers. Reci- tations were splendidly given by Mse Bessie and Mary eynolds. Elva Vice() Minnie Ordhard, Wilma VanNest, Anie williams, Gladys Brooks, Leta Viýe, Doreen and Olive Van'*Nest. Go praise is due te Willie Morris and Jc Brooks for their excellent recitatio,,, They were the only boys Who recited bute they both did credit to their clasa. Mr. B. G. Stevens, Supelijtendent, and Mr. Arthur L Pasce, Treasý,urer, presented the general and financial re- ports, respectively, showing the cidh.ool t, ho well oficered and the finanices Well, used. A short, happy address-ý by Ptor Anderson brought the aften ln rogrýara te a close by 4.30. Tea was served in theadong shed. Eldad ladies haVe ahigh rep-utatiîon for,ý good tzas and it was fully ssained (on this occasion. The menu and the service left practically notbhing te hoie sir-ed and, altho' >more prokthan was ianticipatedJ 1 lqa ow M mgr