~ IVEDICL ISPECION ing fromi adenoids, enlarged ton- 'àrg -'àproàseviustrtile re;L'ep MEICI H PI INSPECTION LsIh-, eu, i ohstUcted fhcrc 11> lrea,,,thilngg Fdaour PPtAunder, uiesit5d,,SrcueNY I E APUB4IVadeneids, etc,, the hild dees net gtenugh air, and the effect is Inteestig AdressGive by r. t mak a aturaliy bright chii< Tllý ,6vws Chn by r.dli an« intentive. Fromi lack of LI R COURSE Eastwod Before the Teachers' use thenos es not develop, i ~h riiar aiBn'ilee'ori1 brlng c esm,,ft koatpunr cd, sal~- lcJ( lea fbu. Tewoefacia1 kgueîreej ".t th reqest f th Exeatiercaes the chdétioeks aimst idie- cftheTreachers' ImnîateïcfPeterti. Te chest becomes und!eveep- j brouh, amte iseiona sortcd ecaseof the wantl pr 13 îtsh Ameîc~i and necec-sarîîy )ýinoplete e xpansio. From i ypeint eý,f îiev jsme cf tedsae0 uhci t a crii]af01cii ii h'y by a 1 dren are prtîAlarly )]yiiab,'e and air smpe perationhe whole thing a shjetwiehheohCosa brieeed. ivechildis c C e ct aj Y C .~ ti di g. T eo n to g s s th e ne y ce s i t y f or i d c a p e e r th a t h e ca n n ert h a vo e e p er a- et rs frst akeup te sc mdther credît be it raid, always stndmiý pai etthesujee. Iam i-e t ~edyte relîcie suffring wherever wi Ptc-) oeughIl are net Defeetsef vision net ouiy cause I3AUabrepast cf thecimes. itlwuld niet beadache inné cnsequintiy effeci be essbl fe us prhas~ e avetheeticality cf the chiid, bat the 5ICU&IU~C Ir, Yticth saine exteet as 1they havp.e dees keep increag until he has B .UàîÏzL- l t iei anycf tbe ,larger citiosbuat.eluv eel eas1h st it is net eniy patcblbthghlrefo i lss n ogees fborth CULLLj Ef lY desirable that SVweud ie a ien alivinghndicapped b Pit te the exteut, Sthe detetien ight(, aanertehimsell M rANDS vci e U oumec e etgcsdsaecf obstruet-iand imenavcete ether-sîhtber i ad ce,.hh, ie i tr uibetig !dfcieeosgtfactory, office or ethrbusiness. t~) înuaads uon tousads c heaingtabeculois, -c.1 Medcaliàispect iswaid easilydis- cf>'c 'ep15n n sdsel rnJoni bruiicoec.aer those cases. As ai raie, thu Wrt o aao-eEtray tMme ef er, ay he paereu of 1880 ,relief iasusre and the viiLÀon, instea1d eradSts , Tronto excuse for the ncinpc ionofcf 'gtting mwerse, imporvs. Do yu Yong H.SH.W, 890 thro îgh hae ben emethink it is fair te the chidrien that scheol, but during that pecd the they are, aiiwed te suife, mori grmrscf tabercalois, typhoîdi, ,teehestht h-ppls1r ________________________ iprhbea and erysipelas were iso1 ~ iaed. Youhav a sheo îa, nt puit in tIle bort possible con- !ch d u ae col0%dition fur the acquining of the knw;- cit)i ompels chîie-n to gr o U edewic tis desred tu impart Ill ~F1N~~ seoolitweuld ibe oniy faîr if semete"te mlS guaan~toe were given, that e Decaiharnmybedet wcreinetUt thre samne tuîne belfng efusi erigia ede CGIfELerdcdit e-e f di- aVaiety cf causes, oe u f mwhîc a loý-Q(1of o-is adeniids. The removai cf \whjchl 29STocronto, cas. efees a cure. In aimos ail cams 269 Coll~e St.,There is equsintatbfmi cfdoafnerss itis the ieary d&sens-! poie upoir2r-ures ù p many pears have elapsed, medicalr Brockkeepn'Shrb d1npcincfpbi eeisw]oecf nithe trouble that affords the(, Trt»swrîmig and klnded n ersa md tbiehe peeiemcftIatLe, ist chanceAcfoief tgpes with- Ti z au ci izieut sayni(g that andchiodar'ut ocanbet subj'Mcta 1Id!ipapa n u n il day wil wonder how ise cvcr Be(ter il igthac i knewledge mach on rt que4t. aiong withent it. Let as %Aook a lr a wqh nohe chi wih the advetages Take frst th de-credîly t CAiuC su y IR L ER ir!arHIv. 0 f- cetad-gi- ged hariag. AWhenhele Javes .1, ~tectien andsuppressin ueeHe s pr a,ta greaIter '-s,'r~nifs'î,to~ Princîi eus dýisess fyn e au rvoi dsdvnug han hbu e)lthebud2fecý- the spread cfî,threse, diseais y tîeigt Sseeelchidre, yn ~I l yr e c T hon there are the centagieus To los A Esate deie r cariet feverý whi-ch ils sceW diseuses, which, while net dan- Toabentài stceer, hee wrover mnvgerens te life, spread rapidiy ther wee vry hhu thro ugh seheols, but which, if de- (11H1 F' LWI(1~ARS uREcaes hi B eb a physician wiCu tected, are very easily stamped eut. '- OFFERED FeR SALE: - weirei epsdayt -f cor twc cd 1 have eniim.erate2d euiy afew cf are cactes,--L IL 9i, con'. 4 aidin,,sdwih and et-f ehint te diseases and icHîfimies thatl C ~ ~ 'fi n yoN tx ben,20 c. r, oa io cyafwd Ir. lu a orh,,nyrfý i îg t am, p'eny psot water, hcu aunncn o, ý 1,ieejd perarmitienssas spinalscaria- cin i ldmî,,NrîiSav,1 is 55 and M, ce ainsetad' aet heqledtare ryilîs. 'rec- o î. tieoî'adeatanig p acesiheng netan are cf the truc natuetceadcrin eeh ereia anC~~~~~ ter- 1uactasncnd G'rwt ttmbe* acrs'nou.ad agb e o ,banra npetoteevae l ortaMý nt subject j tc i id. ton trvo ~ ~ ~ ba hohotb aCsee cve aln esecu by ameicI ea ochirc, ctudesadtatteti I have mectioned ar are. Iam St' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lb cnmpeîyc ae.Gn amfrganrtm e a )sol Howos'ldpr- arei with n s he m ark wca Issy Farus conisteof go il may %mi mwelunste a bete deerm ntheir u aboîtsevn ils O'. tbouga rsîcîsstare by the chmica( l cidneto ieeae eosc ahcssi ?J ot svý, nulnjIl o ci, urcity scheels, ad in týhe large mai Set f fowl, ùt-r anLi sipreduuts. present, and byquestioeiing theP11ajrtofisac, nupte This 1) operr ls lbell ig sointecse E8tate 'of pl hi-sce l as psse mjrt c ntncs use'e ate William N hie. but ivero it kcnüwthere ivas mcd- by the pet otl« eeu For furtb-i,'cticulars appiy te A. E. cal inspection parents, weuid net Mdcliseto eiucu cRuiKsH ANR. ,Exscoter, aieThpolewu eir t Plainvil e, Oiitario. 18-4w bc, se hable te conceai these cases, kcatise.t he pope thxýsndc te ________ _____ ___particulailie if thcre nus a penalty pknew abou.Tthe s jtlîigsan ern - ~ -1909 for se deing. Wlîat appiios tei scar- ai.revgeno Thubect cf preron- ýp o@let fever, applies te iticasies, diph- tai higne Theîin eelveomirenut- Argyîe Je Co.i theria, mumps, nhooping ceaugh tlenie The necsîty cîinatd c Thon there is the subject of ta- ce he weuld en apmecited. TIME TABLE berculesis. lti ay affect the langs, liean Pdcate the creualeg tes Stearne- Argyie glands., etc. it ils an infectieus dis- iy aeu eîaini an Commeîcing Tnesday, May 25tI case, 1.e., it isdue te a bacîllasii.Ihv ehstto nsyn Every Tncaday and Frlday Boat leaves and that bacillus b' gbreathed irtiat medical inspection in schocils1 Newestmi .?So a ms. Retur Raemc 0 eîag r wuld net oaily make the _pee>pie' Bowmainiviiie 7 00' " 70o er swalloi d uay cause-tahercuilo- mrehiathfi hbutas oremer- Ohawa, 8,ce " Ce t'ris in uniecid Whore the iung is ir a , raemr Whumhy 845* 600 affectcd the bacilhis jruînd ienlthe ai. Childrc' raider 12 years, haiS face uu.b ili P h a- The ae a aeul iese Arriviîtg lu Toronto11.15 a mi gr spatu. etut en sec he dinab te tpaer ias (-carefunytiscnssed Re'ring, leaves Toronto, Venge StreEt wharf gmc thrua cidi a hi thctaers ei convwetion ad 510p ni scoel. If lho expecterates ce the a neser iwrecitd heemcdi- Wmi iob okT bt.11kcjr o hi1k (eiA at fleer, it dries, gees inte the aline91iseto vel eiv ufr at ioioin r'c ewccst1e and Rowmac the forni cf dust, may ho breat hed, îng, and a resolution was passed toukes a e goottea Ar swaj dcrisg the seasmn byur child, yeur brether or BmmnaYiînousiie, rig uenthe h el ntoS . sister, and taheruios i ay hbhu l duc dcaintetk tesb jcFr !t hbafcuie airefaly aisd Ipremptly and resait. The dry bauils is petenitject mute cenieratieii and te make at vey iow rai ot ' n ,jesPj j,î eahe.iid in Ibis u4iatm- Agents-A!Lake Neircastie; F C Pechlek 1ta hedsustomi.y.fde~ipotntm Bowmaviie%\ Henrry, Ohawa FHarbor D j 1 posîted ou,1 the t4asi, tubercu oqsrtm Bown, Oshws Tcwn; Aibrt IW Jackson lof teglards of the ;i ric my me- F~~~, T lthno Simiece Soret, TerMIt, sut. Whoc yoI, chidid muyhaveONE EXCEP1TION. rt> A:,;vie , ,,S. Co'Y. i ehreiayt int,-he jr nt sl i~ expos d eemfeto As a Prai' do't fro rae tubceuiossyi a vomi echie- The yoathful jPys; nie sese.A echild muay horu'wilavyefet fected jensehl-,ad so itecli-Bosulbby. nicai cuidccof the dises until pLte Klirn oud tlestme Amid life's whirls, EXCRSINS ecte cl uudicoved thaaGrllil b2irs 9solutionutfeuuhu'colia dropped jute 1 . bcuse cf our negleet it eeee i, sd -nepuîer in iMy tongue nunl M ,.,dewm L. sudm tlare Adpgmes Jradb ~ fbi rsîetal 'wc ecïng SI" P, $; Ne. 2, srrcs yinsnponntead teru rSd Wal cas s P~r bË" dtue .i hc vl e îe vnFeiids~pa e.d s cw th LA C ST R Of5fff~~ NT,' so; 1 ts vnnin ap bI '1flhEU UIa nd )f nuts 4,j tains t l IIlIVbmntS doesÉ con intn tep os îIl ls FanC d cnodwthont benefit andBuk U cicnsn1%irte bylans,,t ehîg i E1 orfuil lube frittabets nrc1y ereiKathec *A't firat, I tec>k Sive tublctsý a day," 1 but n 150 I rkeenii]y cc tlt everi Li P twc dasi r e urmi cl c an art tiemi t)en teulsh Iis ttimon-ill1.1 (Madame) Zeýnehile unevii. ang1let Tis is oenl Oie un mo rl nia the poi chinc pef t "mut--te"of b rneyer fuilte ceotiutînor inc- cx action cýf b ets.5e 1c 'box, ur 6give for $5,or trial bux ý25e, -Aýtdaer or seýnt cu ercept F price hie Fruit-a"-fser Cenadi - fine dc Mgzn"Gilson GCardunerï.teilS Afilci fab-le cf apeeo!cesa Ab gedrauda e edliou tuteBritish certain phaýs cf te pltcist-couple ation. Cie(ces îeaue L Tacrr fishac wnîer f h at e cf O'5Ld Miis- suammi ftors" alid Charllotte Pervkins Gil- dieu ŽN t mantels ho eue wc1mun teck(Ikcame Physýieý (- cf umany bt jaies with greater sue- tive cf on H\e ehuiier, iii LIUe- LI S led "T thie Gaue"The fic- tion ceausists cof "ipi ad the Go)shen Lwady," b-y !-Eve l3n Van Bere; the scn ins"tal-ment of Breatli "The Sky Ma," b>Huri' Kitchehi Webster; arud anei thler adyetuse of Just L"Jini' Pepperten _uof Osbkuzoo," your n( hy Rohbemt arr, dres Succ-ess ho fou] Magazine, 29-,31 East 22nd St., New yen wii York. ibeccus( The goý Everyhede's Jane fition is ruýthýr'l in their eýut of the rdîcri. lecuor AhJ- I arîd pi oItt imiaîntains the sta-ndard set by irritati: lion temeus prîzo stenies. iu "Along bbc Rippli 'îRver" rime teils cflove ccd ad ventahre and heroirm wVit il bei usual chearra nd a lit- île miore than fber iusual xigcr. Ac- cu Yo-aman Cnitlur tbe de- ligbtfui trýoub)les cf ,Johaniieillh1- mcc ut accbhlden's punty. "Wben HertsÀAre Tmm sshc calls il. Fer, lime gnin rieii extrava- ganilt hume1 Perer Eoro Browc s"Th SpetaclunSuji- secnd M t uuei .Bh'b's"h ~ u d n " h e L ~ t a m b e r L e m i"U str , f ]nmystory ndcx eume tha hantstho mmei'.Thene rc l lanii. ddes, Ecrhey'sNew Yor-k City. -TeWrdToDay" perJa Bofe, i'SetzrTenijoreiff; "'The Land cf Masace,"hi'Lewýis Ga,,ston Ler'; "heSti' f he Manehester oSbip Canal.," by J. Pau God; The Now emt Amiia 11-Argenie,h2i'lPeuh Ileinsh; "ASakepu (ianPrIlle- tien e lie He' Lud," i'Joh Olivr LaGerc; '~gnaco Zuoga, .yuur no making they wi its ene anci vit kil t] acd 1ha dry air Josep ,Street, tarrh hb oes -ýan tbc disc Ibreet. but nev frerinBc 1 bighIm Jury, guerent cm men pleuaia Bmeethe germs. jury c mplot isnhaleor, guarant mea, ce And Awaýy Thery Gallope. hr"by Will eigtnCr and "That eid'Gfi, ell RssilMcCaliam. Ther-ý, Iemib Janie Belf'ield, Maýzi( ruhrElsie Casseignýe Kin)g, Dlinton , Scoliard; -and 41Wal1 and in, Lippincott's oft ed humron,-)s departmient, con theunsagnrocpl ianainMgziefrJn ~.T. Wood. ae oew i3g'sae repodaedi sho Senis o wich te po go j ii fots te obin-, thEý Ting rug. r. iobert Know-. ntsiutesa hmeros sktch acites f Soh ani Ii amnt ae clerly e piceai. aticle on M. Roson lack Thereare aticleeby rn ttt St toies babe iiiasand oif Wyllare .' rineHaleandJiigis Mrse ao ad Gun fptoJneofaper icl Conu shibiaCncltripa "oftratgdgaer hoing ow pl ae sen s toies eia ap tyo troprsotheCathe , tone Parkadscriperof y aCthr e.lwseiewer. a," a -ecrpiolf' e Colubia Cano np [lyeo thYei repor onthe LCana- stonaei Par, ad apapr o as lture, ou areereetar- thse wealith, o orth geo l, sortsmen, awkadeve ayd me d thg nctisguisugappei- te yhol of t hepcontsents foand of genrav neret tou ireiin :the asp orting all- *es c the Duoumemron. o ie andyorneiat. IIthe Lreth- asou long as n avlecintarrh oilsp wil tc, oareayth iof iaîynwi akanisî n iler do te clsvatingthig wm of catarrh havegtaryen .r poer; [te.r otaal ~istenturaigging inýotocn ng the mous membr -aneo foear ýtro!it. ,-Tere nw yoar ife merable intme ii sapdyoaent iesyte&c schrg its l strength, i viger taity svra ,ere is teeremedyî tat ii a0ths H omei th1Atalbei 1ig rcf theglnd tsaner to ci e e s Aget-Muy Iput a hnglari Lady-", w ontnec i "NoI roan i Thofaîsiho A FitigTil for the 1Prize List cf Tic ,prize l o in fteCnde dlistihaitedl, ccd, as usuel, il, con- tains hnsm peim e eey- 7tbing CanijanP-S mak , orrowý, or mine. The Exhbition,.lîsyem whichbheginis August 28th cuand choses Septomber l3th, thus giving t-we fulliwreeks opjen te ce public, pro- issto hoe on al more magnificent scele than ee b-clore', and the prize lis jruample eyidence that the Pres1diid eni D ineetors of Cencda' GetFuir are determnined te -keep it in bbcle an cf Catnadien progrers. To ntiiion oýven tiie feetures cof spaVc wouhd ho a n impossibiliti'., Suffice it te rai' thet te the grand total of 5,0 in premiums, spec- jais ar e adddcin every ,depant- ment, acdcl tat ne effort om expenlse bas heen spured te secure special attractions iu k-ecpiag witb the gmctcst exhiibjtjou loniihe conitin- eut. To bà itho illion mar'k iiith metiter coatr dnc s hee'ce y aqr. D1r. J. , 01-1.,eetr' (Frerl Theý News, Mai'2. Recont viion:Mm. C. T. Millor home frem Toreonto; Misses Minet- tia andi MinnceLigh, Toronto ; Miss Annie Moore, et Mm. C. G. Ar"m- strong's; Mm. and Mns. Levi' Ed- wards in Coihorne; Mrs. J. B. Mutý ced andi Mis Betha, Gilmun, To- route, visiting ber lather, Mn. N.- F. Hall1; Mm. and Mrs. Sici Rutqex- lord, Tor'onto, ut bis lctber's, Dr. Jas. Rutherford; Miss Limbent and Miss Graham; of Lindsay' Public School, utthie Parsouage:Mm's. James Richards and (daughter, Olive, î'isitedlhemrensMr. and Mms. Joffrey, Port Penn-iy; Mrs. Vm. Joue un dauýgbtem, Miss Roherta Thomi-pýon, .T.CM. e Tomon)to, et Mm. WmVfr. Tbomjipso's; Mr. T. W Jackse(n lhomne froni Decatur, 111.:, Mr. l Ec,iarTbli-op- sen and bride- ccd Mm. ,nd' Mrr. Davidi Mcl!att, (Oshawcý, visitedJ thein aheMr1. Solosuon Harnm Mr. BRobent ElioLt ibas amrived froi Ecg., tnidi5 visiting hircusn, Mr, C. G;. Armstrong, ccd oth1er reaie;Mr. Neil Beuwick. Sec-re- tari' o! the Dominion Fire mmmu- uneCe., Toronto, and i Aile, isited I lus cousin, Mr. H. W. BPYcwickh; IMr. acd Mrs. Joseph R.iekuh', Hamilton, andi Miss Benrtie [ieýkahi', ITo rente, -v4sited their fathler, Mn. Cohhleflick, witlth feir daulghtîem, et Mr. J. M. Cbldc',Newceastle. Mr.E. P. I)oncaýster, Bowmani- \ ille., bushe dacgenousiy iii with maisculan rheum-atism andi pleurisi'. Hem uothen, Mns. Millen, has heen wîtbh ler. Mrs. Thomas Doncaster bas belau inj Toronto, consulting an oye spec- ijalist. jMr. Joseph Stephienson, Nw cati-c-TysO, Eng., bas heen hm sinîg lup popcsfor an appleý Il, jutis secton IorctaneUi. Mn1 . hi' ssge te bmjm bbcOreno As-j sec -ict1ionappe c H cw uetCf L Dorasor sn fors. Doncaster,- Mhieon hlviugpse 1i ir Memben cf XVIvevb1andpo Locige, SO.E. atteeisrcee bbc 1-oc chneSadi amrignee.Ts nches n de-VcIe flde assl Jaeî -ioslo .A cen Truve on Lake Outarjo) is likýely more pleuaînt itwo-day trip cabe enmjoyed hy eoleo!the MAiffland District than ail i across f'-om Cc- bourig or Port, Hepe te Charlotte, ccid a niýgbt in ohetr Choice o! twvo îbouts lm'ayiho 1 nade- tbhe North King, runcig daili',and th big ferry semrkena's Q tarie No 1, four tiea-weok. The(,steamer Neýrth King mcde hem first trp hts eUohoamrgc Chrot nondi.Maie 31..SE will Jante Cbourg ut 1.30 ccd Port Hop iut2.30 p.m. The Nrr Kingdu rig the par intor bas heen thoougblly overbuled accd wil againbho iin coilr-nmcndof (Capt.f Jarreil, (if Port Hocpe, eue, cf tute Mort popularma j )eslcethelke. j\ Ne. lemmocei unig n e arn ïeec- leaigCbur eccs aes sas hrsascdSt as ~ ~ ~ !ý sh10i atsumr srip tCe., Toreih'te-, xvii i sreth til icea weFT.eCs'cdFia frmtir distlict, muuniNewf- icste. sti e Teentsud riietu oni tmeccdutatun oe!Macane aie fer ssselaon eafrym00afo stptiket, th reglar os iund ta lr bigbookh aet o tbs ectiu ae .C.PehckL Bw mbil , auc Aiako, ew-"ýii ctie. Tis urds oice caojýý -dayu tcp et iteost e cc anc at vin cti'freucs er a ogr r- sher limotenut ne ernandosto-whenr a ml 1eek tjcke ojrouseci A Wif on Ian's 5ympath Are"yen"dcuaed Is you m aucte box aý tbay h;cibais yuub pai la lmeuy Lphs !icao i urde? I inow atý these nîcc tebdcx cutewoine- hav dfor s brs? Ius C tI b"or yen ccd; ywL bye forasia mui.cetoa Aiel "yenI need ode is te rite er afrc forots. I su, I sk-nvati e iraupyoan you wllhV uedfr2'bb oto Frdntaiiy Writ- ie frlm fu troat-i Levmie 1und 1eSnbng smal emnd o fmee a ck uf thecir femous Piantel fecjagi'."I'sanful nc, 'o sbloald inet rai' love' cakýe,"cor- rected his mtme."Yon sboid rai' 'like(.' Acdo înet Say 'awfujl' r-ýýaiý' \ u, ï] A d sa'gocci' in- sC) t nce'Now 'sec if yen ucen "but it rounds j1t us ,;if I uva1s talk- t- r WE WANT' YOUR SEED. W.e have just purchased a r>ew up-to-date Seed Cleaner and arc nov' prepared to handiaeil kindsr of Clover and Grass Beeds oleaned or uneleaned and to pay thie h1ghest marxet pricer WH~ WANT VOUR %lïAINPq WM are abce in the market es un uai for ail kinda of oare Grain, such as Barley, Buckwheat, 0atg, Peas, Rye and Gf-oos Wheat; al! of whieh we are reardto ,store anid.buy at s-tore- huma a> up tOu a eva tor (k . T iR. Station, or to buy iff atrdatit'le Public EeaoPort Drntn WM11E ARzE STILL L f ýLIN-O ýCO DA L. At $6.ý75 per ton mt farbIr & G. T. M ,Sttin and 87125 per ton de 1,reùt al frs ! he town., Pea Ccai $1.00J per tonies; 5 ien8 erton off for S7pot Cash. Carrying lu aýt ILarbor or station and $6.OO up townt LJastai nl>Wood, Cha-ýrioal, Cernnt Lumber, Shbnges (metami n wod) RexFlintkote, an'!shitRoigDos Sashb Rnd3 àand Moa1ldingsý. Speci*al attentinlto ýplaiing and rnateing, esa nd.midreessig lUmber. LIMITED CIn 1t, st Bwmacill0e.