P RÀCTICALLY everylhing in and about the homne eau be made t loock bright and uew and clean with the igbt paint, va-rnîsh'stain or enamel. The housewife and the honsehoider crin do much oaibis work with very litle expense and a great deal of pleasu~re. The:re is, however, one im- Portant thing ta reinerober- ise a finis/s zMatis,, ade e.,prcssIy for the work you want ta do., Do ual buy a product that is made for a vaiety of uses or surfaces. Sherwin-WiIiains Brighten Up 1'inishes a:c rmade for flnishing tables, chairs, ivalîs, floors, pipes, picture frames, s1iîclving and handreds of other articles and surfaces in and about the houme. Each s a specialty-made for a particular pl.rpose. Eacb corta'ns the essential qualities that irsure good results.-- Ail you need la remember is "Brigu1enUup Fnusncs.-- Corne inanad we will be gbad ta give you the particular paint or varnish inade eirpressly for the article or surface you wisbh o finish. Ask us about Eriçý,hten Up Finishes-wliat they wilf do andi howtovim-tàcm. Gtam Brighton UpbkItý e bookld% c site. Post Office. Phone 66 Aren' You issatisféed'? A REN'T you dissatisfied witli the appearance of your par- lor ? Aren't there times when you fairiy hate the room without knowîng why P Trouble is-it needs repapering. One of aur new dlesigns in the new Statinton Wall papers will Inake any room attractive, Satisfactory to any taste, We want you ta see them. No obligations ta purchase-as it wiil be a pleasure to ehow theni, Ask to see our new book 'Interior Decorator Phone 113 Bowmanville . TIOUSE FOR SALE-On the southt a .A..A. ide of King st reet. Bowmanville, six eooE taelegood lot. Apply to D. G. M. -TO- Via esten Caada.Whito Star Dominion Chicgo Jne 1V1IROYAL MAIL, STEAMSUIPS Vi Srna ndN.N.Co iaySit AURENTIC, MEGANTIC asidJune15Th Tile Serew, Twin Serew (Steamer Leaves Sarnia S380 pw "&'Largeticand ieat tamers on the St. Law- rennie route. Latest production o1 the ship- Wlinnipeg and returo......88200 oudr'ar;pssneelevator serving four Edmoenton and return 1.. ci~ eeCk8 iEvery eati oS cinfort and luýxUryof P'roportionorate rateýs taaterpoints seam-ý--ero. - ontreal (ueben erpo Canada. oUe 12, July 17 Aug. zl Alaska yuoli a.w î la uieiitlic -. J n1p, Jnly24 Aug. f13 -oiio . J Lin e 2 , jnýi l y 8 et Ex poio.Mani. Jaiy 3, Au.7Sti Ot1tawaýq ... Jv3y 10 Ang 14Sep. 1 The poplar teameînr CAA" alSoaLta Scbdule to arry ibree cass0 p isnes l lC,, e C nt f.nh e f8at t Mem r"T rates Th l r a carried on aliltaes Fuli information and ticets r il aur See ,0plans ami rates at local gnto JUrY & LQVELL, Fo p'L'soralnformaton aplyt GrndTixnk &1gnt. CotpLLy 'soffice e V.P. .Aet, om il M, A, JAMîýfES, Aet a a i I SHOPS GLOSED FRIDAY, JUNE 1* __________ CAmASTOR lA ,For Infants and chldren. The Kind You Bave Always Bought- Bears the BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 3, 1909. FARDIERS DAY JUNE 10. We wlsh it were wltbin Our Persuasive abiiity ta induce farmers everywhere- ta attend ail meetings 3f frmers'intitut's Ce-overation le ver-v desirable la order ta Offset the effects of aIl other combines formed against their interesîs. Lt le aimost imperat Ire that farmers and allier producers should combine, ta en- able tbem ta coilecti'. eiy Ilochalter their particular welf ire. M'est Durham Fermera' Institute meets ln the Colulcil Roem next Tbursday (June 10) ta elect efiicors for next year L: la expedient that real, live, practîcal farmers should be chosein for the active, practicai, bas ines interalats Accepting off ice and then doiig notbing tapramote the wei- fareolithe institution la wrong. -Ne belle% e every man, ln whatever caililng. sbotiid attend the meetiows of bis claes and take active Part. ht pa3s. No clase, ln this agriculturai country, should stivetmore diligently to learn ait about their business than the farm- err'. One fenture that fermera' Institutes mlgbt exploit more ihan has yet been done, is ta iutereet the boys and girls in the farma and ail of its interests A modern writer lateiy said such institu tions as farmers' insÏitutes can ronder the langer service by sbawing how ta organize our Échoois sa as ta keep the bo> s and girls studvlng longer, how ta LucreaFe their general'and ethical cul. ture. ana with this training of the m'in because of bis higber nature ta train hlm Intsupplying tcr himself aud btsl famiiy the langer needs whlch come with education. MINISTERS AND CRURCHES. Rev T. W. Jalliffe wili preach ai bath services lni the Methodist Church Suuday. Mrs. (Rev) John Garbutt willi rpresent Bawmanvilie Woman's Missioniry Society at the Branch meeltng at Lin!. sa"-Iext week, Rev. John Garbutt. ChRirman ai Bawmanyiiie District, left Mondayý for îueileviile wbere the Bay cf Quinte Conference ia lu session. The lay dtiie- gates Messrs C M. Cawlter. MaSor Mason and M, A. James are alsa lu attendance. aý;ý mblyn and Miss Arimour wil give an Af ternoon Tea on Wednièsdav afttrnoon, June 9tb, from 4 ta 6.30 a ciock, at Ratbskamory, hleecli Avenue, in aid cf the funds cf the Womau's Auxillarv o! St.Johli's Churcb. Ticek- ets 10 cents, Everycne weicame. Rev. F. W. K. Harr-is, B A,, a -radu- aie cf Knox College, Toronto, îoeii- knawn et Kendall where lie filicd thej puipIt of the Presbyterian Cburch in1 that place f ir somo montbs witb tnuch] eccaptance, was ordained sud iuducted1 irito the pastorate of Chaimers church, Mount Hlamilton, on Mas 25. This is a grawirtg congregatiori. and under the pastorale cf a bight ycunig man like Mr. -Harris will no dcubt increase in strengtb. Pastar lGerbutt'i second sermon on "Prayer" lu the Methodist church, Sun- day was very beipful Rev. 1!. H. P. Anderson, Hampton,- gave a good sermon la the et'eming fnam the words "The express image of His persan," Mrs. T. E. Knowlton sang' very Impres- sively "I1 know Be'd bMine" la the morn- iug, and Miss Ida M. Trewin sang lu a very sweet voice "lLead, Kindiv Llgbt" aI the eveuing service. Both soloa'were greatly sppreciated. The Cbristian Messenger bas the fol- lawlug ta say (f the pas'or at the Dis- ciples Church ln Ibis town: Rev Harold R. Weir of BawmanvIlle bas' been soected upon thevery wàrm recommen- dation of Prof Chas. T. Paul, cf Hiram, O., ta speak alt the Centenniai Conven- tion and ta demonstrate ta the teachers af the different depirtments ( f the Bible Schooi how ta teach missions lu the SundavY Schpoi. Ho will bave tweuîy- five or thirty minutes esch moralng lu the Pittsburg Conference for the differ- ent departments. It is hoped that some scheme cf regular misslonary iuwsrue- tion may grow eut of ibis feature of the convention. A very in.tresting program was pre- sned at the League lu the Metbodjît Cburcb Moûdav evening. Misses Aura Caldwell and Frances E. Coniey wene ln charge. Mn. E A Loveli, president, condncted -tbe devetional exorcises. The tapic, 'Pîllgrim's Progness" was enginleer, C 'etlar; Fsec'(on gin.Eýl enr, tS Murnar; prurser, Fi EThpsn ebief steward, ",J 0e" Tilsn; tewrd Firsîtnp ram Cbour' dpart FHope i To enable ail aur eltizens t atalen,. the 'Durham Old Bos s gatherlng s, Orano an Fridav 11, the merchants o Bowmanvllle bave agneed ta close theli places cf business durnug the afternoor Ail tawn aud country people pleast make a note of Ibis. OSHAWA Mn Freuk Smith, Toronto Univensity is home for holldays. Mrs (Rey) Tueker and son Albert ar, vlsiling lu Bellevilite- Mn W Couthard, Barrie, wes gus of bis mother even Sanday. Mrs Kerniacu, Baltimore, Md, is gues of ber faîhen, NMm Ed Carsweii. Prof W Swausea, Quiesn's University Kingstc.n, la výisilng bhis parents. Mesmrs W Cano and N Terwiiiegar Tomanto UnIierêÎity, are at home. Mrs S Aleomti and Ilitto daugliter 'Newcastle are guýestis cf ber father, MI Il Blamey. Mme W Clanke and Miss Flomenc( Cobourg, recently vIsItd Mr and Mr Jas Gregory. Mr Roy Craig c îf the Randoipl M( Donald Ce. Tomon-to, if! îlsItlug Mr au Mrs J os Craig, Mns G H Fedier bas returned frai vlsitiug ber deughen, Mme E B Nontd wood, Chatham. Miss l)ate Hylesd, New York CiV: is helidaying witli ber parents, Mr an Mrs Geo llyland.' Raes IH T Lewis, B A, sud W 'Tueken, B A B D are attendiug Cor ferencesat Belleville MiEh Gladys Murton bas been guet o! Mms Clinceb, Toronto, and attende tbe lÏaees et tbe ýWoadblnsl. Dr T G McKay la lu the clty on th Examinlng Board cf Ilie Dept. cf MeÈ leine o! tbe University cf Toronto. The Citizens Baud gave a concert à ithe Lake M oaday evenlng which wi athoroughly euloyed by a veny Iarg 1campauY. Mr and Mre G Faster. who bave bee staýi ug wili their daughter, Mrs Pereman, left Tuesday for a trip throug, the North Wsst. Mns. Mary Louise Marsh dled à tHauteville, Ontanbo, Saturday. Di ceased was a. siser cf aur veteran ton pemane lecluner, Edwerd Canswell t Mr and Mme R S MeLaughliu an femily are occlipîlng a cottageé Whitby Beach wbile extensive allerî tions are belnz maýde lu thebir torne., The Flower Mission held their laf meeting of I he season at Mr D M Ted P arlons Friday afteruoou. At the clos o! the meeting Mr Ted kindly serve dalnty rfehet ta the mombers. The Sous of Erigiand, lieadsd by Il Citizens' Baud andi marshalled by NI Win Paul, attendeci service lu Si George's Cburcli Suuday afternoor Rev J H Talbot conducted tbe aervic and appropria te mtusie was funnist.ed b the surplice choir, A gicom spread rinver the tawn samd. -!iighî wbeuit waïs leamned Ibat May Marris!. beiav.ed wife of Mn Alex Stari abci ounge daugbter cf Mr sud Mr Thos Morris, bad passed ta lier eward The cruntue surouuiding he ceatb were priual sad. Sne ha beau fl i %,nl 1 a ewdayï, but la spitei ail that medical akili could do ase uc cumbed She waa cf a bigbt and sy n pathetie nature whieh endeared ber t a large cIrcle cf tniends. She leave besides ber grief stiken husband aui pa rents a sou Douglas sud infant lwli daughlers, four brothers, Dr. Whilfielh Penny, Mlich, Dr James, Grimsby, ani Thomas and William, Alexander, Man and a sister Kate at home, wbo mouri ber eanly demies. The concert under auspices of Medeal St Church choir Thumsdav eveuxng wai weil attended. Rev W B Tueker vre sided. The choir gave two weli mer dered numbers, eue belng a patnioti( sang, "Oanada," composeci b7 the or gaulaI. Mm H Salrnend. A. vocal duel -The BaIlle Eve." by Messrs. Adami and Heul.ey was weli ecetved. Mise Mamie Naît -sang '"Bezuty Ei'es" b' Tosti, lu a deïar, sweet voice and waE beantily epplauded. Miss A HsapE gave a vialin saloansd was beard agaîxi in a duel wlth Mr, R Pate, bath numu bers receiving metited encres MisE Domohhy Heaven sang four songsanad susîained ber repulation as a soprani soloist o! unusual abllîry. MiEs< Ethel Kinby nendered a fine plana solo and Masters G and W Fleming gave a vaca duel sud respouded la ana encore. ThE orchiestra furniehed several seleetions The aeccôxpanists weme Misses Malalt French, Ethiel, Klnîby, Messrs Pull anc Saimend. ARE A FRIEND TO Tiff' ISHIMAN well mai, -'If nhave uy two cfdi'3a5mytome tnentîoiaudbv Mnr WllinamsyGu May be oue f mwitl g ne Ose thal y-our kidnevs are sckaud the cîber, thal DoLdd's îKidiey lla wllcur îuý Dodd'a Kiduey Puis bhavepovdir thousadcf css icver Can-aca tlhal t V. evor feu te cure iae P eaeo West i ~This is where you can gei erate prices. lb will pay you. to et the 2Oth Century Clothing and be welI dressed at very imùd" o see our range of samples foxi igiat weight Summer Suits. We want you ta compare our prices. We know that we have the beat clothîng proposition on the mnarket to day aDd want you 10 know it aise. MEN'S SUIl S Our splendid showing of new Spnîng suits will please you. We have the latest styles and e.ts, Corne and. be made happy with our special $10 00 suit for men and youîhs. It's wortli jour whhle to look any- way. M EN'S UN D E RYNER Summer underwear is a very impor tant item juet now. Our stock of light weight goods wil'soon be broken in sizes. We want you to get some of our special 'listes In Bal- brlggan at 75e and $1,00 per suit. BOYS, SUITS If you want ho ses a fine collecetion of boys' elothicg at very attractive- prices.we eau show yen a variety o! 'styles and pat- turne whieh would bc, difficuit ta beat eut. aide the larger citles. Seeing je believing, corne and sec, our prices are right. SWE ATERS -New sweaters in ahl the wanted eoleo.- plain and faney styles also white, good qualities at popular prices. OUIING HAIS 1 Warm weather haIs are now, in demeand you can find some very good outing hats iii the lighter shades aIse white, suitable foei - knockabout wear, 50e t, 1, 0 Ocd SUMMER DRESS GOODSS It would be diffleuit to flnd beneabouts a botter assortment of light weight summer dres fabries thanwe are now showing in Noveity Voiles and Satin fiuished weaves, We have a number of dresa ]engths in exclusive styles whiob cannot be duplieated and wthich will appeaL to any cone wiehîug a real natty gown. Cream lustre extra fine quality, -10 White silk and wool poplin, very nice inches wide, the always popular drese f abr*.c with brilliant finish, fine cended effect material for skirte or blouses, per yard.50c for stylish gowns, per yard $1 00 Cre ani erepe elotb nice, sof t ail wool Creani Serge, very fine quality, p~ure material with crepe finish sultable for ,wool, per yard 5Cc and 75e - blouses, dresses or separate skirts per yard 75e LINOULEUMS Floor Oiicloths and Linoleztms, this department îs now filled with the newest and best in ail w.idths from 18 inches to 4 yards. Our patterns are assorted lu pretty floral and block designs cn light and dark grounds. You can fiud here designts and coloringe which will1 be sure to xneet your wants. We import direct from the makers which means that our prices will stand the test o! comaparison with city prices. MNIc lU rt ry Co, Limited. s 0 DARLINGTON LEAGUE STANDING Ty n . .. ... ...2 O Mt Vernon .............. 1 1 Hampton ............. 1 2 tiowmauvillie...... .... 1 àTaunton..............O0 2 ODDFELLOWS ELECI OFFICERS, Florence Nigbtingale Lodge No 6( I.0.0 F., electel cificers for the Pecon halft3een Wednesday nlghl as follewi N G-Chas 11, Anderson; '1 P G-Dr. J. C. Devitt; Vie-G-E A Lovehl; H S-J J Magon d Fin. Sec-A.Hanry Aluin; Representatives ta Grand Lodg'e Ottawa-Davls Lut.tneli, W. J. Puni Aid. F. C. Pelhick. Representatives te District Lodgei Broihl-El. Osborne, Frank Bîi den. W. J. Jeffery, J. Roeengtt, M..ýê le James, a Refreshmenîs were servefi at Lu tneiPeé restaurant after adjoumument, 'ARE YOU SAViNO YOUR STREN ù T If exi'u ke cows, or rahr i y showing. Just se long as the consumer lu lange centres are willing ta, vay troi a lhree te flys cents Per pound more fo I Cnsamsry than dairv butter, jaFso 50 lo will Il bs ia your Interest ta, paîrcul: soma well msusged Creamery.-v habe reason th-e Orono CrCýeamery abeta do sec well1 for ils patronlsi * larelv becus1-e cf hedmadfj mande pma ni u teCaai ba wide expence i aaee age.Plain mnll tlmusa i abb aI pr lu rono, Newceasllý, P t Hope Bawmanvilie Fand Nwcv f Th OoioCeamýery sPcieyat LAWýN rMOW ERS. p - 4 Tfie aid reiable Is on deck again and 2 wouid soicit your patronage as lu the 2 past. 1 will guarantee te sharpen and 2 repsin youir Mower ta give entire, satIs. 0 faction. 1 bave the lateEt Impnoved Ideal Gninden coupled witli a very large expenieuce, you eau deaend on a good job, doue. Aise ail edge toaIs 66, gneund sucli as kuives, teissars, etc,, Sdi saws 8banpeued, and ail genenal jabbîug WB. doue wlth nleatneas and strengtb. Tbauklng vou ail for past patronage. The West End Smitby, King St., Bow- manvilie. 16 lm W H WILLIAMS. at A. - ~MONTRE:ýAL1 Lild Established 1817 »d nrs Om -0-. for î -au hiOffice, Montrea! l, JL A. MeULELLAN, ovr BOWNANrVILLE STATION, Go'JINGEAST GM>NG -WE5T7 1~~~~~~~~8 Mal.....85 .Ilxrs..4.4 m Llized ~~ P. Psegr..i4 i .49 , 7* e. 4 JXsYR & LOVEr. Town Agen s,8 LAWN MOWERKS SIIARPENED AND REPÂIRED. Doai't 'put off getting you LawZI Mower gbarpeuvd LQ't now, so ihat it wi b8 ready wheiý I çU needi. use the Idejj Lawn -UbWer Grind6r whicit bas giýven sueh goud-satie.faction In the past, A triai wili convinceý Ycnu cf its superiarlty over othes OrdeJrs promptly attended ta. BICYCLISTS TARE NOTiC.ý- I arndoin-ail kinde cf hI whs a dhave It put lu go«Jd nuunilng erder. MiY pnices are very modrate", i.-- BouL... 1 1 -E-nd p