WEMNVLE JUNE 3.,9q Fobl boots ai Foiey's. %VHEN WE EST EYESDînner sets et reduced prices aidd's u.,A IT I D N R O E L I ~ M iss V iolet D udley l vis ting friand s 4eg i e lfu lo e s a o ' i SDN RPRY in Col borne. Saturday. 4 ,i JURY and LOVELL I Mrs. Robonts, Breekiu, recentiy vis- Brightoen Up with P. C. Trebiicock's V_ Ited~~~~~ Purd or.Wl Pre.1e Ila i Syrup. GOduts 1içcg, New York, Detroit Mies Beatrice Coyie, Coiborne, reeent- E â.TniCabjwel Lirdnte o oot!plolCleo ly ied frind here. Wal er. okn aba, gi Ire. clbn Reid h" beeu vlsing Mrs. Send thîs paper to absent friends-25e $e havig Po d rS1tP ie kînd fien alwaîs gt f0o1 uhs whaon avriep Chasi anCbug te end of 1909. UteinSo lasg fmu- h 4arneycu Coburg o»rderr. Sil»We lent You te; test Its queiîy En do nlot altgetmewt The Mrits of Our MsH.WMtcllPrtophs Tny a Merny Wldow Sundae et Tod's your nexIt leIorcer beeu gueet of Miss C. S. Adair. bce Crean Parlon. Pareete VId S 4 a D re d 1 Ias M.rs WL GfldPort Hope, re- Mr. C M, Blce's article la [nil of!e _ý < ica i L awn Mowers icenily vlsîted Mrs. J.A. Jolinstox. speculatten. Beed IL, mrte hi an ebietie<hlet falso e etcurgff~ ~ Thygv eun ai-1Mr. and Mre. Wm Hisiop, and Mis Canned pelas, cern andla teeoSbo e n u rade. If yeu have net used thema, do and Tbe gvegeuie ats- Olive Hlslop retienbly vislted relatives for 25e ait F. A. Haddy foo. moe whl Chic moe Bre------1ea b atinand will stand miore iHWuty ave a look ai oui- Baby Carniages pnfor inWnty a1!hns an fl-r Skinned Bache----------------20e.a.lb I- w car and tear, rough Usage, Mn. and Mre. J. T. Henwood, Port and Go Carte. L Mori &-lghn Son. Engilsh Bekfast Baon-----20eb !;nd more service teste titan Hope. recently vIbIed et Mn. R. D. M iller's Grlp Powders Cure. Soid by RolBco ..... any other makes. Davldson'e. The M.l Micel&G.Duges ae ........ 3difetvanieties cf asters-ai the Pe.l M.Mthl Ro rglos md o-we ame. ........... ......... aJ b tise30dffeet M!89 Glana Coiwiil, WhItby, recently Th ----- .a....wde Frank fort Saugage----------2.... fo 20e, veybest---thle sea old orie, et S. J. visited ber sisten, Mre. W. R. Wlliamns. Roa rp ra fTra.Bolonga Sausage ......._...0.e. b Jaekman's~ < Baddy 's Ideai Tee is stili thse stan- rut Mr, Jacob Poliard le vlslting hie sister dard To e hled enly from F. A F r s Mns. Ditchbenn, Carbondale, 'P&., wlîo Haddy. lantI odhlWe are offerlng tise fir.est Califonnia Navel orane tts ~lw is nt lugoo heabhSOe Our new Limoges stock pettenn Tolet Sets fromn $1.50 [up. at F, A4, WAELYSABE AE ng pnices. Mn. Luther Stainten, Oehtwa, wae lu Chine. F. A. Baddy, China Hall Haddy's. WVRESTB SSA S. r Grpea . ru.t--------------10 each........ necent guesi ef lits cousin, MrB, F. A. Grecery.Spca ttrsfWaiPent Ho.RbtBlhmdew pi- LadlesSprîn coats ait ew. jut 0. rebilccks. ou. Leeotne....mae.......20eLoulond.....e2a0adoz. Ms PeTer E.nwo Pîglnbace" ee Lpaies' Sntlt Cceai, I j ue C. nbiceke dld sales from, hia Waveley Stables et .....e.----------- for. 2.... tefanerai on Tusa fle itrs elbegardon and field seede Montreel Herse Show. The gay hlgh 2eedz Mre, (Dr.) Leiteis, Torno Orhetr ai A.d' HeCam air ddyeo. stepping prize Baîckney vair "Tessîng Highe@t Prle e Paid foDre ail rm rdu __________ Montreal staff, was ruesi cf Mn' A,.h mugie. Mre Btrlan end isEctiae-V MndtMneei u to- GO y , ~/'7MuLean, Port Ferry, Vieio-ia Day. Mite Aimaan James Colubue le',20 end Mrstn fHiud ToVn. MeureFashdath, bWvntîeyi Wand he-rc"T Î,Mns. (Rey.) T.- W. Jeiliffe aund Mr. iug a f6w weeke' with hon cousine at isu Oîrid 00 Toroplnte . Cedana 2eteGrdo twrt s. :îw hi iÏ.ïV~î$:j,,Regineld Joliffe speni Victoria Da Lorn Villa. l hî aiad ai.JXkme' hoo8. rmnd hand th4 agzegat sales Tyo Fo es Mowers hoiidays with friends lu Cenningion. MYLrne Tises. N0hl le Car 6pen ý elant o peu bet~ 2f at pordozeart, welî up0ttw i t laoo Mrs. D. 0.Cnossiey and Misse l tendine bbc funenel of tise late lIre FunbuPllan h.-' L.e sMorri &dý Son an o Sales are weiay atrctv Cnessloy, Witby, have beau viuiting Tses. Snew, untr PoiPte8wo FZ sefsapnn. Te Mre. J. Atreeas vebeesQtfrslbyS ' PpM. Jenies and other friendsehere, ses tcs ýe rbno w A lerge aeeoc ieut of dahlia bulbe end even tiow with thoeo bwo very resl siaeng. Te Mies Effle Bond, Oshawa, and Mrs, B. aiyssu-n, BurbarIlz5 wonderbenny et 'S. fo aeb . j. Jackman. phono sol Supanion pains gone, there are thnee cr-oss bars, girte and shaf te are J. Barris Toronto, wene recent 1guosie j, .jaekmane. ,W a- i ie nIpcse a te adoi em !hgss o s3trenglt of ondinary mowere cfmisi- esn, M, n r. Nr a Arcisie Tait wante ait our butter tresses end pinga, L Mors&Son te lic seen, aduble lyie wigs ad Jaes and eggs andI wiii pay the bighost pnîco New -yen have yennwSnn utBOReN* per head of population le ailsr sInl pa e su e pigsi NI oM2n. , toM.audMs leo lanne lu o e Footbls.si pde and ail eporbing studio. ffenbet Brown, asn iron 1"ltes for cylinders and Poebn hr I XYeuret ugonds at Troblcock'â Wall Parer and Ri- H F . Wlr la la Torento aited WnEolD-~At22ýlibert stPly ments,Englan Canada.__ __ __ __ en-Arl1,tewf fm.Sde .We ni baon. Cr obe h and sG Sinr Trno Sbetionary depot, IDg tise June meeting cf the Disciples' fonmenly o! Bownsanviîîe, Canada, e son Fcr preervignwi ietm.I l' k e s backu ae double i te an M n Rd . m e , Trhata , Tr v an Ice C eam Soda f nomn Tode Church, .E k II Dn a e i e Îagy bu p i sc ae low an titekes. it a1thsomi atIMrsRd ]me~ eh wwee fountelin. Thoy are nefresblug duning -A lot Of neW carpets andI linoleums PBLOUEDix-A Elm G-rovu Flan quallty good, provemients they ceai ne more reclent gueste e! their sisten, Mns. Gao tise warm weabher. juet necelved et Concs, Johaîton & Crs- Rev. J, ]El Meore, assistec May 2e.;eu inea 0,i~, n 5. J o tia ifnor mowers. Tyo- Mthl.Miss M. C. Munroe, Roa -ieci derma's., Mr. Penny Prouse anSd Mies Onystal. eldest atpnsd hn o. Glorpie Royal Vicori daugicte sr. Mn. gen te Six, toi o!e Lutt Bn!-2ean 1 When~ ~ ~ ~~~~Me Rd. Foute an. Taasr gooH ospital, Montreel, vîsited honr brothier Mrs. J. K. Galbraithis l offoning for da tain.r , .Di.oho iteBr-wn ie o bmnw e u q Wor e n yn buey o- L r i e t p n b iltl e i h n R t u i u r o sale by boder bier tw o bouses on K ing W m s n M n e z î ts e i e c ! M .for Pines by tie dozen or. case. F e i ForbesiLhi n M w r y u g el elste, Miè s. J. Osborme, w iere se ho pies M edîcel i nP ecton lu Publie eh o e Street. S e adv . J. J, GrN-abem L Nc! Ay bthe r - eai e w of M r.R u ar ai y a m cit ne uiy g ara tec . e re i strei , J e1 freeVitr 1 an article on au tuner page demand- When rou vieil Tod's Ice Cream Par- . Wc on Nesteton, aoc n a iss à nua, Laun Reev Fle Ju 8fo ie itnlng caneful censîdoration. ion ask for a "Teddy Bear i3undae." - Madigau. Manarvile, Dunfenin., SUA VUA Basebail Club concert. Hîgis cloe Frtesns tc o e rs od, ', e is deilos Chas. L Brown, artiste have beeu etigaged In Bert RFnhfnssekfedesod, o btar dou 'a la ROW-iiMITi5f-B Rev tcg1MAnej: Bysgar 110W before anotiera. Harvey, ShpalySaosadHrl Blsuws od ela oe, Mr$. Mad,l ugliten of Mr. an c! Mrs S m ico s Deailer ini aIl sboli hardware, etc Hidi, Jyisto & rdra'.Ysedy tending theddn ou I shw EM -55oTrF rTisrepe Doors East or Bennett H4ue Mn Tises G, Nolis. Buffalo, N. Y, Penn boa le poor ecenemy-use "SA- hon twe d4ugsters. i Tr1.o iPz.-u Enniskillen, May 26 by hes been vlaittne Mn, W. M. Ives, Cen' &ADA" and yen will uipproclato the ex. Mn. R. B. Coliacotb, Salem, and Mn r n. Alcý4e, J l tatn and Fltoence flelen, Ai îe adsye Bowmanville. ire St. Ho addressed the praver-meet- colant quaities e! bighgrade boa, J. G. Langmeid, Zuon, are attendlng iugbter Ct3"ý1 Mr. JTohn Pye, botisof Eunuskillen, A11ockery a »ae L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ing lu the lIethodit Chureis Thursdey A governmet repo rt tatos tiai tiseý C nferençe ai Belleville,st l , evenirg . a i-rage c et p r um aeo fe tie bou ge e! ffear, the S beppe ley Sisterp, tie col B V N A o t H p , M y Sh e as leD n e andK T o 9e Set s ai redu e r c e Mrs. Silas Trewin, Enniekilien, and refuge at Coboung, le 68e per woek,. ebrated Englisit Inatrumenîaliitb lu the. o! JEANA W, r HoeBmlevanSrh,,fe_ doattended tise weddiug or tiseir Anehie Tait wants yen te try hies newiy Mn. Elmer Elîlott officleteù es orgin- cearly belovedwiSeO oAlexand!er Gn:orlnn5 Î4 Butter, Eggs and Potatoce waubed JIandsorcousie M is s Dix n nd Mr.c Se o , at- re poure andgeo sl îrp~OeaBueJn '8h oiu-in oshwI My 15,My ciuln Mie ix ndMnPruso enivdpur atIgonnîne nieple syrup. ist in St Paul's cburch Sunida lu tho ne s so o!M.AbrRYuga.,et o Little Bnitaîn. Se many gond articles and district absence o! Mis Temblyn who was ii nm S. ç o-Q ~~ot~ " ar Slvester Bros , Lindsay, have fonmed news items appoan on inuer pages of Mr nd Mra. A Vntue, Quieensbor 1 , Fn -In Bowurnvlle, M1ay 2INrmn_ ahall million dollar caruital stock cern- tbiiî parer tisai every page ehouid bc Were lu town Mondav. Mn Vintue now "s:çlean, on M.sudMshsF i _________________________ any lu Xvlnnipeg 1e manufacture rend. Mis Pterd vieiting teGowgea ceutr. EITHarsil52 pna vnetTrnohCiaFaI.rcr :brehin mahne' epi nt gi Miss MýcGilvary an Fis ireelaud PtrMunrdochh as a full enpply Ma - 25 Jsnie A, McDowell, heloveci wiSe o! Dr-, Tak im wetpeep lu nx ore e cultural implements. andI Mn, Wilbnr Md. Trewin, Toronto, fieldI and gardoni seeds; caii vatI belec-t L.Ù.Teuis, ged 52 yeans, passwhctsenyen autchoc or Lindsay bas strong growîng pains wero gueste e! Mr. J. T. Trewin over sour mauoanIcr edtebetW GaeSphli!!daben!MnnIM. not-an 500 u wate a o theu thoce davs. Tise lateet symptoni o! Sundey. con bus. . W. Locksaut, aged 19 yean'.. way w've popard fortise internai expansion Ie the decision of tise Miss MentI Etumerson, Buffalo, N Y , Zien L-adies' Aid will belîoinjttà, an. WILLIAMS-APntHpJnltae!5 SpnnganI Smmn boebrda citizens et a mas meetingr te enlerge recentîy vieîîçd ber sister Miss Emmer- nuai social et Mn J 0J d]5nl'.Jh WfimEq Itemn ILti rý,1len', woenecyears,, F>orence Inene, youngecSt dangbter o! Me',wmn~ hildren's- theclelt nttt n rc ,m h 1 ail3 sorts of shee wanî s weîî pro- hoolgaeisiueat rc y-son, wisese broken arm, is neeovering D, 0. & P. Co baudý' basben.ivgge.Bnlan vidlc1fr.antI One the~ way e masîi o y Watch fe; date,. Rý &ýsd hi .J. M eKay, K. C, of Sanit Ste M ariel Senator Robi B oush le showing tbnee W e are selling l ots o! Our 25 te." L t W er e aiways do thinge was eupoinîed jnior juige for tcknae-Wetserall, Loudeboro le it any wonder? Il would be, goodE ,BUNAL di~ .) r A c 'adDramoree h aacvcue i;)o ti ek Designer anc! Dealer in Oby tbe detis e! ie labo judge Ketchi- Ne wlli sentI ibis paper te a new sub- Concis, Johusten- & Crj dorien, ai- Monuments, Tablets, Makes, etc., in'- Mr@d DrEi butn f i h Se , aaceens how tranit wand Arhi ThbelX e Mrs~~~~~~~~~ Elz utn lii t oo -crcer anywhere in Canada te Jeu 1, lng secured the services of e firet clees Gaieao!Hr ait bier 8slt birtbday May 12 whc -e9110, for 25c-iess than theo postage cuiter, are now maiting Up gentlem-sn's8 BOWMANVILLE, ONT lffmly Mn. preconanIit et . W.e lor ol-y e alce if seut by jeu uits eqai to those made by the beet This~ TuS-af life l ee esng t aisho birtisdey a Peter Murdoch bias a car o! "ildeal city tailore andI 25 per cent baiow citr 1P N R L~a Bi"e Petn hwavn ga e one' cemilng iu vexi week; leave Pnîcelu Banv people wbo desîne te read the vOnr ordler for l 1)0nw; get il et tise West Dhamen Parios nîiueII . R ISd31 gie t d poun e to oeiew on Reins hisch tto o u e upie anu nîl Meeting will bc heldi n lu hbb Most cmpete eqnpment - ge t~i Jun Revow c Revews bich Mr Fred D). Cherry, Schenectadyeuci Room, Bowmanvilio, on Thurs- udysc ngs ai P-obýaM____ Nilal Sor W .l ason.le anaSda ann'atca prob bent an s mrea l a t r ine on N Y . bas sent s a copy cf ts ~ ~ d ar, june 1, et 2 80 p. n. A ,i m er, - PI»rdmPt] attended te, Mn 1 COeLu MCNaughton e! Port BOE cf Ontario."> R&e Union et Orono on Friday. June IL ________ ________ ~ ,lb !_______________________ huiasne ny!aýe bs becu appointed Collecter cf Joland Ro-openlng of Tod's Ice Cr0 ni Parlor Durhsam residents are expected te ue o î~~~~~~~Sre PreopeneerPrtHoety laeofM Thý>etp o eseon ylre eeu tPr oel 1c !M Satncday evoning after belng onlaie thelr own~ hampers,bu ebrsoKig- vanetvfo seeeion bu btte -W. oodwh reigod n ccunt andI newiy docorated. Orchestra lui tiseD. O. B. Association wll bo served shoes fer your money. Of fil iseaitb, Mr, MeNiugbtoni entened attondance. Cerne antI enjoy thse music with luncheon and boa. Inspecter -ajs.7dzLao Biervle's ape g We'l gel yeur buainess, If uruon is duties on Juno aatec raiHge iiicu. ingto "Tie Fr 7. 25elt traele' 2 Ea,. . yoie eiy ucans aot e- Wm. Richards, Peterbero, was Mr S De C-aik, CPrr VarhsOd1rann nIts e bing tise best, suces your moaey dcone .rn aus eca ve.e Clarkn stnghe, Chsrry ns (RVaW___________________ nersy, c ecc bas 0Pa ndesge Tranin and doze Laos 15c, c2to fos .....o..... c n buy. aller fiaiiing frein Liverpool. Bie lied C. Washintn e lcMs hs jcliinrs'n Sl ecrd)y inleîetda - We'ne ready te show yen becu vusîtÎtig hie daugister at Toi quay, 11-tn June, nie, Soc. lhac. ~cae uS tS'.rg 10dz ,i,'bLkCto o li ~tt t i uubve aIeabeebenjoylnga visit here. 01Biaviëi1,i ___________________________________ dela Galbraith, aý oilowg soî MtBossie-live Et Port Hope and Garden Th comte uOhreootesot e quarter alire more or ises, lot nuirber I 1111Hil, resPectiYeiY. Bis body was fondL he 0omte ncag !toSot i enoki . h ohsd fKn and buried in England, on the 24th are zecalvlng pralse on ail three in ~h ci Etedadivh sge (caix,- F'r d p e sidf s for the way In whlch they conduet- ilg r ,,e roomns and a bathroom wth new Fesse Fr1R.F1e2a a reeont letter te the editor fTOM ed the dffferent events throughout the Yunae o lo k-!e Uoner COuth, aidef Mr. Sydney W. Wreford, PlYmOuth, da.They ketthlnge moving sI h Parlo Shoe Store, Bownian Ville EDgland, ho expresses hisý pleasure on t;mne. > oOequartier aere more or le8s bein, lut I heuces Trustees of rural ocbDole are remlnd- C PR ta es t1gSttelýetng six roo s doiiebiin-4 1 o 1 ed hal y tethe Fore8try 6Bo3 hood Joysof MapieSugar Maklng." Department, 0 A C. GuelPh, theY maY From Montreal From 1 -Tlie >ald parcels will hýe sold separately and! CUIIN ANIVRSBIS e syshobouhtsoe lleedma~eget, free of charge, seedlinge, of the . the puiehbiers miust Fear-,h title attheirowni COIGANu:VgAIIS R as ho Loudon a'ore alg. butl th orway -re pue white plue, white and Queblec Liverpoo;l exýpenpe. The Vendcr is net to be beudt sugar~~~~~~~~prdc In tradtn or yerai.bu h lesrcked e not mn ber posseto-u cedar (evergreens), white aleh. black June 4th Empress of Ireland produeaArcso -Mou-,t Vernioa ...........une 6 and 7 real "maple" flavor was Dlot in IL, Mr r. locust Manitoba maple, catalpa and june 12 Lake EýIe Sion. adohr aduar fsiecot iprovïdencee.......... ... une 6 and 7 Wre!ord sent regarde te Mr. A. B Frhrn te avuasoteeut ple Grove---------...lTane 20 and 21 Whitingand other Bowmanville friends. tuliv trea or wbi!ewood for plantIng fil June 18 Kmpregs oi Brtan June 4 obtained from. the underaigned. -their scheel grounds A liberal p e2f; Lakres Maofbeau JDn G ABRIH ....d............. June 13 and 14 Among the gueste who attended the co f these thls sprln g would, bea~f J8y1 aeOapan Jue2 )GMGLRI Laydon ........ ............. July 1 blrthday party gîven by lIrs. E. Jeflery many ci the yards whlch are now bare 'o 1,77 York Street, H', p.............. uly 1 on ber 79tb anniversary-Vctoria Day of adorumentEi ESS 22 31W Tno 1-were Mr-. and Mre. S, H Jefferv and ïat GtiBoad0frnbok ir8t cabin sg0.o8oa.nd upward. S, o nd cabin AIIT yIf@ ARXWILKS, JR. ODuheMry n rW . Mr.es B C. le vieiting her inother and ether i O0,., ciass cabin steamers 4i.50 tE5.0 Li1UN S L ITgonto Mr, E_ Jvffrvs URw!ton r relaU've bçro alter au gbgonçe of thiree 'Ii L! 1a' Epess$l.6Lk ot 1 TWO FJRST-CLASSFATMS to be sold by f and Mrs, T. E' BardY. WMb'; Mt. years in the west, She ii home for a To oo o frtinfoi*mation slýy l Auction te close E tate of Late Wm. Noble. On BREE FLOM HE EeT, andMrs J.W. Wadgu, son- Tholba, ,ýARPRY W,ÇILRS, JR., (1004), 15 a sud, daughter GraceIgl. Th et trtharuudtesfhr aeto.t.R.gntr.J.5ap 7Ync _,rgh va ith star, standing 15 a gups s had a very p easant titre and wor >hc 1h tb'iroughl erjos 26 Cre orn hand D LSiigh, ",eiging 1100 ibi;; lie le Mrs. .Jeffery was the rcipient of many speaks well of. Capt Holland also re- BOWMANVILLE GEnNrs. S ATu a June 26LKP.M the sire oI 11.arzy Wilks, 2.31, Hazel pretty rememnbrances in honor ut the porte that a succezeful busineds le being The ft Il nig 2'arepîs of Land will be sold by Wtiket, 2,31, and Gmsy8, 2.he Miel Te n ua eeig0fBwmn carried on by three Bawmanville boys TW ILCBUG Wilkin 2rurok Messr Evar Wil,2.0,Muie en Auelsi.n a!t the ci' the5 Gre)en Race at Port Bope last BrnhWomen'e InstItute was hjeici Ofl' mtinufeerturing sash, doors, etc. PAUCEc. ,200 4rres-Lot, number Si in îLe ,witer Situdayntb0oueiUoo. lepotsth c fo the of the Townshîip of Raidim... swiner Saturday lntheOo ncil bm teprt 6,ffert oflles Nofteumberlaneits fro , Thefolowig sieshav ben tad fo th yer wre resnttb the Ilc pod lf- ever, Florence Irene, y<iungest 00 aces Frame house,.two barns, sheds andl -Mf the Progeny of "Barry Wi1ks" locally retary -Trea sure r and adopted. Afte rl hedut o!' Nothmbrlnd sotan r i of!M and Mrs John Williarms, stable s, 4 acre orehar d, eî e igsra thgnribsnsaae nMl-ard auhtr MrpentY of water. God farm for grain, stock A. J Boen eld arete T WBob i uses, prepared by Mrs. G W. Soper or, oe paseed away Tueeday mDrn- and dairy. j. 00e sold hore te T. W. . ob- ed oioed dicusin îght Deceased young lady had by hec Ai1eSem r C~ENISO lt .-,to for e er00 was a flored auda discussiod . 4 rind whor "ll lau wt rf u dS . L iW E C fiLI G$ co S -e nu be SI findII '35 do t paero ocers pre. restng dentov- morâ hcr ipstonmd iotû Deorl le1.13 Tn ibi Famae abeut 3CeesL paetshv teherf Ls m th !T LiVNPOL h y bald e o mbr ü2 acres SIea.dce A J.Bwen sod are te J oet.r.E B Uin W .elctd Vic Prs thçfetn umeonl Ionde iri*thi herofcf1 i T ,.............I r V foneca i ag rc osbn ers.~~~~~~~~scn gfft aiubr als acres dsusd TcLAýVE ESI I 1s C~ to g for Mrerou E.1Dd Blam n Mreet Spalin ofn P~ re ~ . L ~ ~ epra.................. .... .. J e 26 wIlstatc-iý aiatsee i les fror tIr o a(lratç.......E, ...... ...Jl 17 ERS:i , oo tire zt sae ci aitY.- i{din or$M1 is3 rSGB.iciceilý- nd à cc à. Tab 1tae To tLSil SMOi '-P m. 30l mars_ baac 0ene ymriae er Din seaoýdso d e!10ilrbe t Ben-ý0 16-f rcieoi N ean in Agenc ewanvli 'IlW 1lSilcau 20yds EmrId ,Insertions or EdgIng, reg. a5 yd'or ....,............ Lace Carlains, extra Epecial Values froni 30o a, pa.Ir to $6 00 a pair. Ladies' fine mualins blouses [Star Brand]J elegant früm 81.00 le $2,75. Ladies' Whitewear [Star Brand] fine goods in Corset covere. Lrawes, Xight .,Gc-wns, Underskirts, nû bell value in the brade. ter Lad Ies' Veste, long, short, or no0 eleeves frot» ]Oc te 75c. Balgur.e cf onr Ladlbes' Spring Ceaie and Suit~s at reduceci prices toeclear [Northway Garmente. Special values in Ladies' Tallor-Made K -.s tN»\crth way Garmenîs] We have the finest assornient o! Dress Good, wie bave ever showin. %Ve kIndi ry .nvîte your inspection, New 'Lies;. hbIrts, soke, ILt, cape. Grocee duebi'le taken as"csb lia t,,