110 l amu e o. Int a CryIngpaf utee aiepolu ofbttr oL bterad1ar..ve Wheubro'-n, dd athicenin add 1)a pi e cf butter theszefa i aiutandpeu ovr flc aoun teonsdrudgery beC)mcea __________________________the ___"0 rewben Sunlight helpa cf ~easi mîecdcd en. Rememnbëi - u mmliisouîrfoi rcference---the fol- cet and ln hi h sp oonof bofng pwderhaSfà ate f sda, nd pinl f s lt. tik cf lery aftereing onions Itouou1 igbly t an nchinLtickthesnll l ee ntire!l ' i rmoved. ness Cn insqures bak ina Sur îlkshel beadded te the brsigonthle top witb hl y1 cohfaewaiedlndtiswl GingerSponge-Take11h, of ge! l- in akngstrc fr tach den s\rpfu ggs, lb. of bt-hLi re'spinfoesad alump of aicato ugr,4 n suigar te thfie boiled starch). This of ai olil ofsuxawillil mke the pinafores j1ro11More folcarbof nunat s, asiyand aIse leaes a lbeatifuil fourtabesponfus efmui, an a~gloss on theli. fleuir, ginigersa, ald 1cinnamon ~together in a baislin. Plaete miik wîgn n lohi e ae butter-, alsod(a apa'adwpgthfrnurbeoep- syrup, nd inte ting ,on fuiticreiam illrs anil hettuntil it is dîsslved iThe add Othe fleur, etc. Add t'L he eggs,î cyhgipls htw o )cbaten, List, znd stir 1allot- inemak ller When1)it is nece;siry te dea gethe fortwen miutes PouI-widows in ap wealtlîer,- use -a ino welrase eis ndbk îte eh tdspirit, and you mn mderte oen.wili polish the- windowïs in haif the novl avorypudin ~'anbe ad tieasthe ,spjýîrteaprteand as eliws:Buter a ie-dishoe lîies fthe supereuois moUitureas th ottoii Vwitb sml, lS thn sesIt«i. thinslies cfsoftCanaiane ), in ii lieu of ay f hepatent :ma- satavd tiugc aoi sel lasb caynn ad pîchcfcaboat c wrmd ;! in frût cf tfli'c ibefore sod;ýa. Rpettili dish is full, an tisued Ti hsth1efeto pouroun eniongh mik ncariy te'Lonsdrbyhnstening the epojera- c oteýr. Place in het even for abou haifan eur whn itsil beometien cof polishing the knives. piUffy and bro wn Sete bot.lIfbefore plucking a feul it is Marialde-akefourorngs placed in a basin cf beîlîng wnter twoswet ues ad ee enin.wilth a.pece of soda about the size Aftc wiingdea theskis, ut f a walnut, for a minute or two, the etfeathers wiil corne eut easily, no upine in srds Rmoeph matter 1hewý' old the fowl may be, pîsan pae h~pup Ili an ad rthe ficsh w il i dhoteneiand c a r ;Èhi iii i e1e , a Ž n r u n e -i n t w î t(,Ile. -i', i o 1' s o I l et t sand nîinxt "ay wbailen wtha aofissr. n hou unul rm is tnder. lb.t san fnoir , nod tenad' 1h.oflssa roerknf cn e.se,1h sugr fr ech lutof at.r uedwici i"s tebecutiad te irc and hou agai nil itfsets-1naajeily,itafeuntnerlswt a P*(Boil enpiceciof mto ud ilbe sutffiiet stronýg for i i- afe simig adsatan hreing 1it, or.seissoirs wmay be 1used ,, uIi or to)ur large carrots eut in muailcoprtvcae cubes. Whcn donc remeove the meat Wheu bciling .iehsin the cep- adbrown in the even. Cream part per, in which there is a pleutiful eif the carrets for a side dish and suppy of soda, it-is apt to givc the lente the rest in the liquor, which ycsdisleoa it. To rn ac ut makes delicieus sonp. If preferrd, tidseiealtl lei u a lttl cram ay e adedte hefnl cf w ater and- add this tote somîp, uith butter and fleur for copperbfettn in the cloywhnthes thickening. Scason te taste. The ins e fn heusuabwca, weu they carrots take awvay tbe strong taste witlefudt e euiul of the mutton. Whli the proccss of cocking New "Rani and Eggs. "-Sixbaoiseswalkowtafr slices hreïad, one cnp cf bot white ànseayw l koïl;tfrl sauce, one cnp ceoked ham chop- ~~ ~sns edmhv to ped fiue, a few grains of cayenne, 1u alscat~ sw îh a oneteapoofulcf emo juce,5i the bacon ou your broiler placed-i fresh eggs, parsley or crcss. Stamp a ot r a dripina en nnd t 'it1 in_ out six rounds of bmcad from thea ht devn forfitewpamies.Th suces scoe txth a smaîî cutter,fadrisofnthpnnurg .And ruiscore tumcuturs frmngathe crispncss and delicacy whîiich wý\e case uith a narrow rim; spread with il like.çsar pi, ii býutter and brown in the louer.oven dih 1naî"nIal tad ut t cf gajs'range. Add the lemnon juice, neany fi cf u'ter lThen; whU1 caiyenne, and bain to the sauce and tecus1týard is haif ceked alittie make hot,; flîl the cases with the catrsgrslol 'esftdvr milixture. Po-achthe cggs until nia L iib oudta hspo -tin ifilmi is foî,mcd ovci the îclk, es lepst ronth utarld thn it skimmer pince an eggniey hletssrrndgwtr abov e the hani in each case. Gara- prevents it f romi cooking te fast ish vwith parslev or cress. adlo-hehnejcmn ap arance E COOMIAL ESSPT,ýý, ax oided. ECONMICL DSSETS. Children soen learui to euljoy- Coffee Creani. Ome and oehi cleauîug their tecth, and arc apt) clipfuls of hoet cofice, one-haîf u-i te be rath-er over vig. eu than fuis cf crcam or milk, one table- otheruise inattentive te duty. AI- spoonfl coffgraniilated inti,t- -s1ena- oug-h-ds -et vider cf tlre ezegs tY a stif i fotbÎ, ! blinef opisdbyt wendj"erful suecnnqd dd ue EaSofusqaliie tmat bis compoundud osr- x<anilla. Arrage ou suowdiftnid ci.'Unitlie tas the bnfco WORTHKNOW~~G. onderfllOu. Se fmiia i c-ry- eue with it that it is izied ns n If the bauds are rubbed on a husckeld micinue exerycherc. TUIE TATE D GLBRT morning, at hs ae esdnc, 7 Dundas St., \Woodstock, ofcaie Uilbert, Ouperintendeut cf the piano department of the Karu-IVier- rispiano Co.'s works The deathi Occupred very snddenly, and camne au a sevre shock te the imany W, ends he had made duing lhsis e- sdceIl-,thlîis cty ur.Glbert serions nature, and ton retiîg Wn- das inornine te prepare brealumasti for some frîeuds who were leavî\7ng on theý street car. Att-er cverytîugi wns prepared shet weiit np te Mr. Gîlbert's room ai-d fouud him dead in bcd. Hîeart failuire was the cause ei' dcnth. r.Gml-bcrt uns boru îu Devon shrEng., 5G cr g.lecm te CUanada 47 yasaowuth hîs paets hela,,,y,",, ngup t1i resîdcuece in 3wmavil.Mr. Gil- bert had zbee -(a resîdeut cf Wood- stock or twoand on-baîf years, comîu herefrom ochester, LN.-Y - lielevesa iFe,the sons nnd one dauaghter, te) whom the deepest sympaithy cf tiri friends wmhl be extended. Mr. Glbert ua a Methelidîst in religin, adan Ui fllw.le wns stragbtfrxvrd nd hoestin bis delnsand m Lld i nig esteemn by aIl whýo kneý,w hlmi. l'le furmerail tok paeWenes- dlaye moraiug fron ibis late resi- de-uc te he9.45 GT.trin fo Bewmqanville, weain1terment -teck pla-e. A shor ervice at tha Cohiebl- dick.i.î locl OddfîiýowýS urhdt te station il)a bedy. The foral ri- *ithwhic Mr Ojîoit as eld b hîls 1muv riens h al err GolUtting, Featberstou auiid enie. Tuiesday;ý. night the Oddfcllo-ws, about ii t in nuimber. marchcd in n body to 4r. Gilhcrt's late 1resi1 dec, w hcre serv ides were cnut cd 1),\tise chaplains cf thé weledj- Ou an-alojef1heromins ýýat o charge b hebaers mcFeee cJhstJe, TY. Fre Gle, Woo-ji Tock, RI{ary Glet,_brthr. r ý-a-d rs T.oPieronR.d M. lIa Patron,Tosreto, atnedofthe feal. Thýie ererstweestC.rM JehlJo esa T. C. Jcweli, . Hom, ptor cf athretet hdist Chrch Ghnoeoafthapsu, te feurtec yeard sonhcf Mire. R. F. Ma-\1 t rel, w theconveedteti the se- retestcfna heiug acc]ý idnt. Thc lad th ,ockngodshtias rac- theci t rget at hois home, 49 iontaveue, XViCsmounithe mýcd hiain the barl h ring 1to 1 ) rem e eteybstrucie i- t te prmIrodteifleheexploded, the bul-r loret elterg bis sthe, nnd iecesa bethe stoc becoming odhedpoin tioe oeftheyc. e asfonnd iy garen witbherifeay 2ti by bs. Aodin pcation inore-uigteare ahioi c te lefty, te meliee t pssure of ,,-pte bavn. s eiir- ceiedb3liftew ihth jrd a 'le X rays. 'ig Ealworiginy2,thha' You cannt posuiy have a bterCco han KA d Aiio drnb ada 0ann ecoNoicaL. This excellent Cocu,- aitisthe System iirî l1oblst ealth, n eablepS it to e ésist SOMd by Mrues and Stormepers la JIb. and !-Mb Tins 1~ HRSE ROUTES. MIUCKLE WILKS, the famonau trot lugý sao.the prnpFrtv (efThomqs Hylian"I. Ceadlmuo, will serV6 mares fer theé qsasa ~lw Monday, hMav 17 wllpreçîeea to Tempaera.ce House, Janevlll. utht; then ta bis own stable, lot 2i, con B Carýtwrigbt, untI 1. ri-I ay 4 fternooniý. w heu h3 will -proceed ta Tm~erncehot.elBlackstock. night iEe310 L E 0. IL4A C INNE3M', 4117 t he re TG Thma s H inn d, C qd ius wblr-r ~. criedayMai19 wi 'aýU o bisü own ~al ot 21, cn 1,Catrif o JohnFrsestn u.nn;tee te Ricard Uwkes', T rone,, n!lAht. Tudato Richaýrd Ashton'Li, dia, noon;-thuce te tue emernc Co e ureon, night. Friday te emp re .S h)te, Dlac..-.l,.i LaýdIrmsue Ti- D~tr.iog Attch menit larcr meneing -taius, table Lnoni - , bing te o ýdareti -' '---'~ Worth doillars ln everýv home, Fîý,q [en tne needie et ay sewýinz machine. witti hjop te icoltitheocklnad the atah onthetbneetle ùet1tour ma- chine you eau d D more anti beýtter da-l"în iug in tonImutes 'hal, in eur b bianti, iU drning catten iwfoal, sIIk Lonor sewinT Cotton The finîplest. ani ee esiIy ti ne tUchmfent ever nveneti.Price P5 ets. Aat Pot ope, Ont. 83ai-, EWCA S VI, ]y iidhe sister, Miss Gibson, WilasGrove. Mdiss Ev,,a Riekard receni-tLy iisit'ed Miss AlIma Pollard, Bowmanlille. Mmrs. (Dr.) Butler, Tomeoi îisiting me(latîveshre MisL.ilsnToýronto, reccntly visited Ms.Win. Bms Mrs JoieFig îisited Mrs. G 'Wrkba hgnu-,on ,Edgar Os- borne' -Avdsiee stret î A W Cri t o 20 Rex. A-. M. IRuinau2MmlAy A Celwel ateudcdDistieetng btig hun DISTRICT NEWS Gleancd from Our Exehlaniges. Mr. John Darcy, Pr Perry, took first prize with hiis hoirse at Ux- bridge in th(, fhigh stepping class. Mr. H. Douibt, Port Ferry, bas commenced building a ncw bouse 1 1 e v. h a s. A an i a d a u g h t c- r , sacJ. Welr ueePort err , hassoldhî usns eW. A. Boyc a neds loc!ating in the is HOlinr JuilgeMeCrinmmen, Whitby, has given jnidgmcnt in the Mi rtle church subscription case. In use Ce ver 30 crhn on h sgaueo Exp)eréimentsth trLle 'owith and e.JL ndang-er thea lcalth of contacns either Opipu, Mrhn e te ac substance.is geis its,. _urne.I etosWri and alyecisns.I Ure iaroe nd Wn Colle0 it reiees Tethin Toblscre Cntiat anq Flatiency. 1Lb apsimi1ates theFoord, regaates tiho Stomacli and Bwlgiving h.-- rfeahyand nauralslep, The Children'ýs PnceTh other's Friend CENUWNE ALWAY TeKiRd loil EHaVe lwA, ys Bollght bi Use For Over 30 ears. 1oz c- ~AUfý CoMPANV 7mURv TRe7.NW7IO ~iu nihm.thence te is w tb. mntil the fhloingWcdinesday, 'Termsj MiAi DEN HALL. (81,19) [144811 the- imapuimt:dà Clydobe i tl ln wili serve mares fer Ithe tesson eof 09a big own tbelal Gae ' ri june 24 19 6, imnport r oý, im SCeîlan sire le }3',rür's 1P 4ie. Cîusrnapet proprieýtor. V m BAIrRABR.LL, M41nag.--r PRIDE 0F AfL, ihei pure brcd lm- prirted CI ' edstiao rtsLltomîwill Serve- mares for hesasn sf ý1owF: W sed&t, ,Ma- 19. uîlluav" his own stable Hanîean osd te Ed theDce ta ê Las's lt ,con 6 ,ight Tu-saprocfed l Wesleý Glâ.5pell'.'*,i L'unn oot; thenfce i cisewnstaleH2miton wbere howilii ren)i... until tbe foilowing Wednesda'.ý Pridýe of Al is brown in colnr aid ws, imprt& fî-m'~ctlnd i 907 bvTI-JH Hassard. Mllîbrook. Rois a beau'itiu all.rounld ecot being up te a good s z-; 'With P C'eb-e t of,.qa Jiltv bavlng gratio, f#,ýet aii l ers and tue ver, 0081 action, with îmach chamipinblood Iun hl@ te as * r, 13 Joie e, aagr TH E 1ACIN 10 -U l1MS)81tho pure bred 1 1rre & dS tale Sra-DLbo EU nraperrty (f R. Youug Etate wtil malt iý tieseco c 19 9 asbalw~ od 'tenoMai, )w wll Ic'ive his icwnj stible sf4 qproceed te 0riental btl N.~caui, il Tu--aynon.Tue ds, qie-no rcedte lZobeit NMartin',. lot, 17, f!mt1. fCIarke, înight. Wed caR ca prcer5ýd te MoecowAr's. lot 17 con,4,nooni; tnceteTemperance1 hotlI, Oru.uo, rlgiut; TkureAly te T. J r. Co!e's Boîhesn, neon-), thence te A 1 J ouh~,Tîaenght; 1Friday u Wm i Euisk-Iev, no-n; theue, ta Te3mperances Herel IHamptoD, ih;i Siauurda, Ltahi,; own staibte uitilithu !ohlwin Medayafzernm.on. Th.- Macoîoh i .mgrad, ig heqvy, thfc. boss w:b theb-t cf feet ana legs ..pludi clse ction, atd looks ever inch a bOtu herse Termm$5 SA04MO 'AGlUE [13818-'ý1, tbs, ert, iq!1 ti uD iisnAshburn. wiu- lier afIusi pr ze nd swelloqtakCq ktai BewVmani'îlle Ft:r 193- 9, w1l l ake tht.i E fi dant prcec taDizgoirv Fu'.Eî's1 limaley' Seh onon: bccbte( s StainDtOu', iT antn, Dnigt ¶uedy prcced t W. epb rn's,K,îdjron JohnDvdse'sAbburni, andirml u'tl Tbu1-rday noan, ihonce ta Rala hetel,rni-ht Fiidav, mturn tehisr ewu stable Enifîelti, and remnain until the rol1owuig Movday. Baron Notagu" is brojwn in caler. RIs sire wmts Drum- wio e ped!gree s hoiret long lino of successfui show andi brecdilag herses that ihie breeti bas produced. Teries $15 %Y' J ORms-îrom. Manager, Kn- field. holding that Mr. Derby mnnst pay bis subscrîptîen. Dr. R. B. Harris, formerly e>f Blackstock, who bias be-en attendmug the London hospitals in Londor, England, for the past six nîonths, bhas-returned te Port Ferry. The Sixteenth Annual Conven- tion of Wbhitby Dis-trict Epworth Leagne wn s held in the Methedist, chnrýcb1 , Port Pemrùy, Fridny. The k-encriaI hecretary ci Ef pwerth 1,eagues, Rev. S. T. BrteiÈétt, was ehief speaker. Lindsay EHortic' u1lural Sio-îi.ty is distributing about 250 pack.ages of aster seeds to thebool ciid1ren -ef thîe town wlth th intei n cfhold- ing an aster show l Sptmbr Bowmanvlle weuld do well te fol- [lew suit. Mr. S.,R._W Wekett, ef Toronte, a1cornipaniîeotby bis son, FDr. Mer- l1ey Wickett, MisIdan Wickett, and Miss AîinaWrrn came do-,% tet Brocklin in ir otrca-r onMon- [dayaud ispeut the day amo-en a few Mrs. Weste, Witby, as re- meved 'Jro11 inear tlhe agicultural greunds te the reside e lias pu1rchased froni mU. Wm. Hcaslip, of Bowmnanývîl lc., iocn onB'yron Afiter aniles of somne years, Mm'. Jas.Garîne f ,Nilb)rook, passed awl'ay, 'Mny 21, at tie a-ge of 75 yearsý. 'The late Mr. Gardiner tuas fcr yea.rs one oIF the Most ac- tive luinber merchants and, saw- mill mnen of the district, beth lu Milbrook and Manvers. The. resîdence, barns and other outbuildings of Mr. Robt. Morgan, eue mile s'est of Pontypool, were, destro-yed -on the 2Oth byv fire. Fire1 started in he kîtchenpart cf itue îiited aud bui-nedI to the goumd first. Buildin]gs uuedfr$110 grcss. Thýe cont1ents wýereaie - P. Burk, B. Jabad P. Fse spenlt the 24>tll of Mny trout fIsh!ng ucari nniskiileni. The boys weut, bh train te, Bnrkeiýton juncotion and thnwniked fouir Miles a-cross coun- try te, the fisbing pond. Then en- countered many bills, but they ever- came theni ah, and vw'cre at unet sucssful inirabn the fisbing resent. The party aiste have captured iii the neig-Iborbood of one hundred and fifty speckled beauties, but it would be hest te swaiîow this with a pincb ef saît. Wbithy Gazette : On Menüday Mm -E W. Evans, wbile driving perilous annd dangemeus runnaway. The huckJ le onee of the lre cauglit fas' iniihtrret and in t'We'effrt te p)ull it loote the bine breke. The teain toek advnntage of theo wanit of cont ýroll te de some terrifie muilnng, and! the Escape of Messrs.. Elvans nnid W. R.Hi, who were iu the ri, -was mîneucflous. The, ber5es final y cae te n stand in a bog into wbîcb PortHopeGuid: Mr. and Mrs. Jame Masieand Miss Scrimger, Tootreturued home Tuesday, hîaingbe-n he gu,-cstsl of Mr, and Mr. ha.Masýsie . Mr S. Jas. Mas- sie sagin the Pre-shyterian and M4etlîo)dist Chu rehes, on Sunday and as- usmal deilightcd both audiences whbc swveet soprano voice. on Vicýtoria Day they with et-bers el:î- jeyed n fisbing expedition te, Eliza- bhvîeand capturcd n fine lot of Ill,, specied beauties. BABY'S OWN TABLETS -CURE ALIL MIINOR TROUBLES he stemach, thec bowels, or cnt-i tîng teth is respomîsible for most1 î~ he lisand sniffen-ijg lthat a[- or tese roubesauJi at thesae mmeI_ it is ithe sfs. emte l'i e)pîte (orpîsnu otbg' ~tff ms Js 13rnr, S P -L FashIii10 FADS AND FNIS Beits should match the skirt, The ý,fashionable seawcnan u a sýiigie letter. The smartest stockinýgs ae em- bidereiît iself tonies. Meodal-liensý with amnga adorn eme of the lkhosier.y. Ponge ad îugh sils Im ail The mtcuay teswl evidentlycontnuec through the sum- Taffeta sik is tack again after any moqnths of erîforced retire- ment. There will be man sonie gra hats worrthis spring b)y eJi,ldrl men. 1The dretirtie, m (eif crochet lace, is a p;-etty finish, to tLe dressy blouse. Soie ef the sepacrate guimpýýs areu tied clown with ribbonis -te the Nvaist lune.- The niew jacket is on thie Louis SXVI. sty le, but it, ismuhsaer Long 1Unes of kbuns areill iaj great, faver, and many -of tlhem wl be seen.on the laet models. Insets of Irish crochet, whether l arpe(or small, area favoritéý trim- Among he taiored it s th coas re net uit as lon1g as they- wee at wiîter. fee !th led ats are im- mc nyon the Io-wer side, hic 1Sk-îiýrbnsire nearly/alsred hihadds te the long ilinedefet uf the season. Tepicturesque Van fly'ke eolltr and cuiffs arc seen on iisoiýe of the, mre orat fteor!)i gewns-È'1. it m probaible thaï ithe ,taste, for sotcebraid is te i e for a long wile yet. Dagg rs of 1tortoise si~ , sUddAe v'ith diamonds, arýe am igiie(o, popular hair onmns For Infants amîd Ohi1dren. Th c Kind YOu Hve lay ouh B3ears the JIJST LIKE A WOMAN. Alie i a earlitle il oaou ~~~~, ~ ~ i oboi o~se fta uaitr RnldCeone ludy asedews br literoeig hiru t h ý-L MARY S APRON. "Mary, your apron grcwouna tree. Yes it did 1" mepeated seven- y ear old JInmie, iaughing at biýs smstm'srcpeacfullook. "I saw yiotber make 1i',"' snid Mary tnkug p eu corer f the daiuy muhin pronnndluoking ahL ilaefly "Testuifit i iade c11,4f grexvon il jltle irc thaLt lok jstke mcc. 'Aunt ý- E hebas abokfull. of~ ~ ~ ý pitucsabutit Cm aud sec ' an taing 'Mary by the hand, Jimmie (-trctted eut te the piazýza hbete Aunt, Ethel was sewing. "Aunit Ethel, did -the stuif my aonis made, cf grow- on a iittle trec like a rose -bush 2' asked Mary, eagierly. Aunt Ethel teok hold cf the mus- lin apren, aud then noukied smiiug- ly. "Ycs, my dear,"se nd your apren is mtade of cotton, aud cýotton grews on a plant. Lt is i the fruit of a plant." "Well, I didu'tkow cleitb gm-ew 2' said the iittle girl. .1I xiîl tell yen aboutL it," said Aunt Ethel, lifting Mary inte bher lap. "Then wh-'en yen earabout cetton celeth auJl cotton tbre(ad yen wilukuowjustwhat, it ncn. "Deoes tre grow, to l" "Se," sai&A-_\unt Ethel,hodn up the apron, "this ciotbis mi nade of hurdreds of fine tbreads,. Se ionm sqec the tbread is really made Irst "Teillber about thie coîtený- planit," said Jîmmie. "Sonîieday,"7weiton)11Auintthl ' yen nnd Jimmnie wiîl go te1 SouthJ Camolina; aunstadeofie of e grass yen will see fielda of cetton. ,If it be ii JuLy' , a I h the cotten- plants will show a round fruit i about, as big as a waluiu. luAîu- gust, wlîen this fruit bas ripened, it bursts open, and thien- eut conie lot ely white-flufis cf linit. Aud this whbite lint is cotton. '.,It is nîl pieked, frcm the: plant ad cicaued, andtlc the Liwh-ite strands are spun i'îte thre-ad, and then the thre-fad is wo-vecu no ltb, and yonr inrotbei- buîys th1e cloth aud culs Mary c-ut an apron aud sess it witb- finie uottýon'thmread, and bere it is." "There 1" said Jmi. I Iold you that youýr apron grew poii a Iittle trce." "Who picks the cotton 11,intlnk 'id MarJ Aunt Ethel. aIbo st gondeimy ete lowu froriinutEtbei'uîn. 'er- haps she wvill set cuitsm oto-- Bunt EAutEhlsok eed 'No,he ad , i;t bstob Smo il, a 1M gea Jalofsun1 , 1 1 1