TOPICS. i e 1 CURRENT PIS 1 Rice is classed amrsno' theathssn iJist OErSignature el Ses FPa>.Slmilo wrapper Beicw. CIU SLLeWStre. FORnTECOMLEXIV larra rSoicit o ne 58. eyacer BOWMAI'yILLE. 01M4T G LD MEDALIST of TOity Vz- irstToronto, pour yera tenh1 ahscin sSurgeon aiMt. GCame ope PiLttsburg, us. OS ce--ead Residence Welli-Rtosc Mt Tek BritrsSolictors, N otaries Public WILLIAM W ViCKEns D. G. M. GkALBRAITH fomryot Bosmanville> U7 York St., Toronto. Tbe ractici, formerly erricd on by Mr, Galbraith 1 Bowna)vile wl! be t onlnued by the new firm. Mr. Galbrafth will be ln Bow mas ville every Saturday ant i lo uringtha W1e solicittebsneso aufcuea ity o avn thir lPateQ1n buCss tasat l'y liprs reiiaydvc C ha !rg'eýs '-nodeaI.OtrIneto'sAvie sn uo Oent real and11 Washnîn,1C1 ... C02l' mi lng rlirhts of the Domiinin, - Mat4îoba, baslaehtewan, Aiberra. t]e Y nkon Terrltcry, the i.Zirth-W et Tenrl tories aud British , lumba. nsay be leases for .- lsrý cýf twenty -oee ears at au enui ,!rentai Of e ia acre. Net moe than 2.56o acrea wiil 1)e leaede te onse ppitait A&PPIcati ln for s lesse mat te Macde to the Agent or Sub-Aget of the ditict lun whlch the riglîts epplied for are sIît edý le^ sur se d tsrritqry the lat,! must be des crîted by etions. or I.,gal i uh djvisionq cf section, and iu unEurv1eyd terrîîory the tract apehes for abai be saeiout. Eset applivation mu-t bs acmpanied by a Cof $500, ubîcl i lli b- te unded If the righîs eiPliel for are n, t avaiabi bt net otherwlqe. k 4oYaitY stil te paît on the merebantable cAtPuit of the mine t the raýat, oi va ccýis jar oe hengopeisted i 'al frn ttisedîsîde agpenlt ul fmirieu Lents w 11ih ea~ounae ment t ,that eflert i etwat one lu ; 1 eil Thie i a , e , ilne' lute t!che aI iýii mniz grlt3 oni. utt h?les- ee m ay be perusit1; puL clise Miatver ailesuraeceiht may te cocceetnesay o h ukn the mie t he rate 'e 10 san ac' e. Fer f ulicufrmat ionuapî liuat;,in etud lie matde te the Serrctary et tue Dp ofmntn the Interjo taorr te suyilgent ,i oYýr tub Agent of DoIImiion Lends W. W. OORy, Deputy Meae f the tel. N. B.- Unautborized pubicatIon or Iis et- Tertisement wudîlt e epatt for. SYnopsis of anadian Northwest Land Legulations ANvrericn Rho, la thc suie beaciof a Afsully or any maie over 18 years oic! "'a y b' mestead a quarter sgetien of aveul abe limiln lain itluM itoba Sakatchewa c Cr Albrta '1 te appilaul muai appear l - 1per- *onttt Ori, on ania ge cyor tels -Agiy for tise istrict. Elltry by proxv msy ema'l a yagener, on cerztain ceudllilons, by fther, m îel, ,, hror culîs~allen f chels n rin -it f ibr ysr polclyrucuantior -0d y hlm or by bis fabr ithe o, sgts.bote r cr lu crtai disrict s omesi-adr lugeo and cliasIlyarsetra. eteat i ttsua anu btî pecmlj reAide isi mnha ýle si tlb e ynr, siteti!7 iiy cres aaderect a bue ti detiu mn is iIll col te atfo. G Mo "r21k ee os alte den is eli ren aiJ ge BROTHER IULU l UIUHI One Suffered for Fifteen Vears, the Other for Thirteesi. Th cn nviiîing powcrs of ak-, tmo ii wcre neyer mo-nre clearly soWi h-an lunthe ca,-se c f Mr. 1-ugliB wA brother, iLomuoliei rewn, cfAeul, N.B., r idii Voie papr abouitl Hon. John Costig'a.n bcýing,, cured by "Fruit- a-tives." I(unowîn.- th enoIr would conly enderse a mieaiýcinie «,vhiclihait cured i hm, M%. Lemnel Uro-ivutriod '"I4ruit-a-Itives" ,Tiey cured hlm eof Chronle Indigestion andt Constipati-on, 5o lie urgeit bis brother tel try tlein. ponciaia rmsr se ~proved In cvery w ay. 'Fruit-r-tiv"Oq archpelao nerlyoue-fifth cof the alto cured the CicronleContpto which was n itstrcssing inurny cisc." population uife no o-hn Signetd) HUIG BROWS.N. anid alway s tdisease is fonnd te 50c ia box-,, 6 for $250; a trial bo, 25e. t dei-ers or frote Fruît-a-tlves, p rova\,iil etg rlya-mong the LmtiOîtawa. consumonse ý-owethe S s unrdrice ________ Ths heLacei sys 'ee odin shressomie sevecity cars ago that amy bit rie o comerc, wiehbear thienamne cf Wilkes lanvd. is, decorated in mihîs -hy a proces that soeurs away together witb the husk ail the -surface layer of the Ini 1904 Bruce cf the Seottisb ex- seed. It becomes more dangerenus pedition discovered Coals lamd far as it gees stale.' The cured niec is sontb cf tle Atlantic, whose conît soake-d, steamed and driod, wbcn hli was cible te foilow for sevecity - th husk is easily soparatect uy tui, v IIFAIIII fends, and we find it indersed hy the inventer cf one cf the strictest diets evor proposed fer unhappy man. iýt gi-tesa shcktherefore, ubhen the Lcuo Laucet pre)peunidsi the quesion, AIs bon boni causedi by ecl anLdiiiae in a long anw r ht i s eibr is a motobje-,cinable Cdisease that af- fLiatsth pope f oiielceun- tries and that is sesaid ebe identi- cailà ithbe sleepingsickness cf the wet omest cf Aféra. IThemore eue ýreadusz abut iýt the mr n wîsb]es that -it ayn' ainapecr- quisitecf the Afras and the ori- entais. But boreî is ice trav.ellicig evenywbere te bise, and tue- case against Uncuned riel is -t ry ëtrng. The Lancet n àpeaking cf th e observation acflDr. enry Fra- ser and 'Dr. A. T Stantan, says : "These observon ivetiatdthe cocndtions under ubich two parties cf co olies, carefilly slco and ex- lamnined, wone wnkingii the virgin forestliving ici newcbuts and kept cinder the most hygieni e4cntions practicable, en-e party feeding on eursdPAndtheo ther crn uncured rîce. lthecus fsm ek beri1-eid.vopda ngtel- tebtwas qik~crdwhon the ~ie uton de fculred rice. j:e party fed on cnred rie-e ne- =Cied ià good bealtlv.' It is estimauted that in the Malayý ture trioste1o pa ir-cthe damage ,by the only ciewg tisýsue at lier fiand- namneiy, fbostissue: 1Laten, these fibîcus arnd thirke ted wails cf the langer arteries may hoe iiarderied still more hy a depesit cof lime frnom fthe blood. SThe arteriosýfcresis se common in old age is the resuit cf "n Car and TRIE COINSUMM1ATION. 11ev. 1 5 mnan is as oid1 as is arterieýs," was siism tiîme aoby a, F1rencli phyvsician,; alnd the saYiing, like se m-any ohr of the phrase loi ing Frencli, has a- good deal of truth in Èt and flot a lîttle. erirr 'Th er eis mn an011oldiny'ears bu oung in spirit, weearteries ar like iesesebited cian hardlydav feel the pulse~ lest he cruisJ,hch friable artery uin- der his-finger; yt these old people are active in mmd -7andi body, and seem of'-en mnucli younger than men of but two-thirds thcir years. Again, onie îmeets old and feeble folk, whose liv-es eem te flicker dangerous1y, ikieý1 a canidie flarne in a draft, whoe rteries are as soft and compreý,ssile as those of a child, In general, oe, the saying is true, and eseilyiii premature cld age i t will utsually be, found that khe arteries ar ne hrdxith fibrous tbickening, -if not alreýady more or less calcifieci. Hreigof the the arteries, usuall1y flo in ore or less degenecration of the ,noýrmal how this comes aot phyýsicians are net entirelyaged It is pro- bable that the cane ccurs first in the very mnuevessels, those --at run through thiIle wllîs of the larger ve.aei&s iinghenuitDbIo- for their nuihet When these are hardencd by1 the deposit of un- rous tizssue, theyv carrY less blood and carry it mr iowly, and so the nutrition 4-f 1the walls of the larger vesýsels ,is redýuccd. This lceads. te oftn and. then Na- to epesiitanoter egen ofth torur.lin uasmoIn en con ' Y and precisely at 4.1-5 p.m., as the nilln. hîg a.tetet-tonposn ntersgecf h yrnj rsueadto o-orchestra began te play the sedding ment account'fe.r tha rne on continn fAtrtc.S.t i-tatn o huai ie a marcb, the groom appeared and eux redici 902Km d'a1 vu'wil bae dnc mcb onkby7 thetek is position hecieatb the canch absence of beni-beni, a-1 01.1ue, cf the g nd f es nt yers IcVIIngr f bapp hi . exers ehevs ha apilende ludwic s joýiued hy tho great lif a-roeeoi 5srs en eosm.fle xx s jciuodl Souh Ve- îcuv cuse bvintn prane-not îmedîtey bthe bidwho lo-a veioed ii stle, ncued nce c- 10 baner f bos teingou the arm cf ber fteand plans hi he hirnomnarf te atnulau Acd ii te same yea)-r u1nckn nybtiietu,-b.iîîg a sion-er bouquet cridai djýise a. rii sitrstuwe otrcdtecas fSni icwsaily'ma ig wtoi oe , udrapod icicom rp thon the-cea cf utnent atenal.Oveî- migsthe hnidal veil agh ahi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,î1 tliakt rnt fwIsr-mlsada i atetpoth ok en one posoiug, witih hes cf the valoy. Site wa pr:ise ultimnate censumrs wh sw teilti' th1trtbcgsnba ed-osnn, r IeI cddby a iitte pgewhsa r ientaneigwt mRobent sentwandet the ightyý-tbird par- i factors.beor lor fd- çihebet bigloranonosleo- cnd avs efrebe. ge-oSii liant that ice i1' the hest o d inallel. Wtîithe'iast few mnhsTis et 1 te get itrdteriioscerymnlerosv-W b -woare cieac-ly of the OPin- Shuekieton bas, sedgced hindneds (et i,'n,- e i st-be bs M~rkuhr, MA., palt, cfMi ion that if is insipdeuOgi e emiles oeonthe ise South cf SC,ott '-,eserytiug el nwngodRpeA-h cnlsonc h îarilss, Penhaps' tbey wilont- fartiiest, hudh.xmns redeiyecycruoyAtiithe sinlsiious han tertain a greuten respect fer if cw -i acid the nipiur utws ovd.Tegoo r and clamer for if along with v-cal teitlnts may ho detected and sene the1 bride vaq 10i andfred or.ponhaps u-STID--""ested hy proper diet,adt helti pgMerinMer_ an fid on.ALOS ENATOAL. drugs and 2](Jregimen.-Youthý's Cem nt- lo treiway, a goed-fiiering.- Thr sGnrlSurprise at thei e CnOSSLEY-CLAP1RKE. Auartiaisth cninntsu- Great Numuber cf Porsons lu F01,1 91UBUCU-LLAR CRILDIEYN. A veny pretu- weddiug took place Antactia i th ccntientsur B9w-îuunvilie Who Praise Separate 8sohool>- for tîîhucuiar June 2nd, ut tbe home cf Mn. Geo. rouuding the south polo,' whîeh'this Booth's iiiîîey Pis. ebjhidrç,'en may bisestuhiished lnClarkewbou their oulv danghîter. year bas been nbriîîîantl eî uFýU by Ernest R. Shackleton.lie hba s disceveres) tic higi plateau !lyiuig nour the pole ans)taeosdtu aliueof f nom 8,000 te 10,000foo te a ponnemonothe 50mie pro t e l. The recent exlr ons have pro1ýves) tinciJurassie, Cutaceout and Tertiary tintes this rntott soutiýeruns) as halong9' heen suspeceted, hadivl a temnperate or even warmnen cimýate. The evide-nce aise points te the conlusion that thentu mas once a land couneetion -et-tv-e-n Antarctica1- ans) more nonfli- cru lands, ut lbasf with .South Ame riea. INorneuskived, in 1902 made a' sledge jcurnoy of 400 nilbes alecig the ousterc i-ade cf West Antareti- cu, -here the bols) King Oscar mountainsrise higi ahove the shor e hune. On the west ide cf the tsante ë lon-g na<,ýrrew stretc f munctain lai)Dr. Chancot ireyd'ew 'oat lanids ici10.Ini hn thiat tuis iadwhicbis tho uea"e' approuachcof Atantie sou iIte theI)e nonterc cotin nts ay be 'a greut pnisla putting otwr fr-onlthfeoe n coitnuentadl meIss anou front Wesýt Antan11ctica ry gaai dsoee~inci 92, soutb c se Wihielmýt" (*(Il tland ic, ia the sume- negienewbere iu Whks four ua~yfoudthie longSteteb cf4 Thegret terneTue, andt ly afe ffctaMnsb >7 lgltro - lhwre a is~,,,.. epat.Sol ic trcedcfee It's bnt a short tm sinco -thei fnst b 1ox Of Boh'Nidniey PillSa rus) chin beka uinary and kîhd- reasen for it is Beot's K,1idnleyPîlîs1 are a riew blond cf vegetýabe c i- 1-eietbuiga pcliraction on thle kidney tîssue thÉat brings quick beip. Mrs. P. S. Alcumbrack of Liberty St., Bowimauville,, Ont., suys: "My hack has) heen weak and tender for sume long timo. A heuvy, beaning smufll oýf it ans) extondes) arouns) my ,,ides and int mny sioulders. i -as se weak aaud languis) thut I, ýonîs) scarcely attend te the duties cf the bouse. i wenld bave te louve [mý bed several tintes eacb unight witb the frequonr-t secretions cf the kidneys andi affer would get up in the merning more' tired and doue eut than hefore going te hes). The furinea plaiuly told ocf tis(- sistrderucr state of the kiducys, it was highiy elorod u nd centaines) aquîty cf bickduhst sedimtent.1 iRbas)fo7nnd neele in".anly cf the muniyrm- diesIbas) tr;ied ans) on learing c-f Both's Kiduel(y Pilîs tbrugh a- frind I rours) bx t Jury"s Pbamac. beantlheir 1use, thley quikl rgnats)the Iunînany d (is-ý enor as)eau, ads) evey sm n oif ki ytroubl;;e. J wÏihlgludly, nocmmes) oojth's KdeyP i -ols)b daer.-Pnice 50 cents. The b. T. (oo '(C., td(., Fr E rie, Onit., Solon anuiÀnAgets. Egan)is ofs)for is !iýpatiet'icý fenvor. Ono day-ici chtsiwiln turnes) toeue osiis pupils, anav- orage Eugliby cf tm'elv. flic Unlion IJac-k V,'av igpouy î JAslcouls tiink,"rephies)Tom- my fLaf ti wLid wabloi." hi'liaclIpiu înl te nean tutuo. 'The mn e skel code specificuy! amee tretime poie o h et ployattendauce of aaeldrec etenthe agesof 6anýd 16 eans IR is the opion cf thA educutiona officiai]s t ']lte ociiy soluin cfi the prolei,,n is te set asiýde speciall sehools fer the use cf the tuhucular pupils. ucateds, uhe)voe1r y pn1t-îc govcies)iiwie silký, cary7ing a Ssaîîtins.11v.J. C. hMacyar ied the iýnpial kuot. Miss Lotitla Couy, ewastemade a chant- ing flom'en girl. WATSON-MAYNA1tD A .very pnetty m'ed-dicg wus soient- UýY)NT ERPRSINS O.' nizes) at Cihrist Cburch, Campbell-I A mucin who visites)1t0eBitisît fend, Wednesday, Junie 2, atb igh mnuseunt ut London. revcectly ii- ucon. w-heuMitasEt eedesf .qle ( nattensdant-: "aeerarhe LM.ans) Mmcs. 4ohnjýF.- no skull c1 f (Olive r tCnouwil 1 I aynr masunuites)i iciàmrriage hdave Iheec loing ail unound for te Dr w C. Watsou, the nrec- a skuhi cf Olver Cronw-ei." toV. 1ev. A. J. Rbois, iheating.ý "Neo, madant," ne Los)the t- Threwen aout si:e iites) tondýant-', "e'enover As) e" guestsabdadis) ecoremnoym'asit- "Rom' veny oddl1W sho ecldaîmes). 'ciosses) by a large nuiiher of spoc- <'hey bave a fine ue ini ticrmuse- tutons. The bride wýore creýan satin ui t utOxford." with poand s)silver trîmciîings, ----- ---- ---- ----__ v ith veil ans) orange hiossorns, S Mns. A. A. Muliolluns), mho per- formes)-the duties cfnmatron cf--hon-7 L s if 0 Fwo ôh1w%1 e ou, ise sare crem msatin .iti peuni toIureyenurMseif? nîcrmmîngs, ans) wbite picture b-- at. ZO C V &,113à;-à1 s Gladys a lynsundcsitecf tie This tetter teur WMho-neOSwoman got bride, actes)as bniusais) ans)ma Mid of livr complaint, bWlusneas, gowned lu pale bhnesatin M ih asi e"d terrby wsCk seadache. ovon e lace entpine conuÙ, ans) onea Sikue is te cere extent a habitlnge pictune hat. TAhe hî l at- Tht h selytruc - of bliuaea on 1cf hnoc ns niesai)can- an euiptia Se long as yen negect ohuquets e! roes. Mrs. May- tdealmut or Penely use meitiine te) nurd's go)wn wýas cf taupe satin itbl wiove the bowesh, ieoittrouble will persin ans) g+ ol)tnttig. Ti r-eturn again unit agans. ýg eoi Iýî\ -"l MNrs. Jas,. Motoiti,, Saunin, Simico', goo omasasites) y n. Cec wnte: I ave useitDr. y, nrd csfe irt f ieý cuplainti, bilieusulessaunit erie ik LvsCocain"msbau- aeiace ndt th oni hcnle fuuly rendered b-y Miss W1,iIson, To- mos,ýt effcive Éteatleut I ever uset. î~no iss Adia Nauearrcm' pro-! Tiey ocue te esysàteni trongh r ly ient the organ ans) M"eses.A. mmoethe ecue of pimns suit aches unit . Couihi ad R. N. MauIgles actý- mnake yu feel freýsiaud strog agin.1 A as usions. The Willing Woros Dr. C hasýe 's KinyLvnPils are alse 1icite hs u U eel(,lentfor stomacistrouibles." o!wisfebrdbshonauc Dr. Ciiasc's Kiiney-Livr _P% uIshae i enthler, bas) the curh eau- a direcýt aunit pcfeato c tehvrfydonae)frtiheocain liuns ni siaion.'teirc- rafatas serves)ntuthfe bepr ln ne-ryevry m and yeaa d- 1mas aisetastefuuy deconate) pet n them abnlsclniteiy. Onu pili h itrte--1 rd x.e' os dose, 2 cents sx, ut ailiearso an)csy,-mpsngiay Eitmmmtn, Btes& C., Trono. ces f eut glase nTie grount's' Eanth longs te sce that glorions tite Wbon. angels will be saying, "Maukind bas, heard the word su- blime And is the Lord obe iug." Wbat was cof old by pri-ophets seen Will y-et compete thevion And mon will say 'ulilo as The Savioun's greýat Commis- To sceeJeto' second birth -YHisi faiïtlTliF neës are, pleâdih; And everywbere througbout, the .eantb They &seRis cause proceeding. 'Tbe messeugers wbo swxiftly- mn, Rave been together baudod; And soon by them thoteý will ho - doue AIl that their Lord ixsm)amanded-,. The nations yieid te Ris control. Ris word romains uubroken. Soon will tbey say, "Toeeiry seoul The message lias b-cen spoen. 'The kingdoms cf this world,i the Lord, As Ris cwn rigbt, otainietb: As Kinig, hy ahl mankiud adoi'ed, The Lord our Saviou.- reïg-neýth.- -0 Lord,--may al Ty -evnt fc Tby migbty inspirationi; Aud mîay they boar witlieaes Scnmav mankind ofcfe-try.trihe, Thy ligbt and love oasesing To Thee ici grateful love acrih Ail houer, praiseaud besit T. WATSON,10Y JUNE WE D D1 NG S. STAPLETON-DICJINSON. One cf the prottiest and most de- lightffl oxents that em'rgni-ek Port Bitain or vicinity, tecuk 1place June 2u.d, at the residience cof [vir. Benjamin S. Dickinson, Reote cf Hope. The ûccasion was the mar- niage- of Edu-a, bis -only daugbter, t Mr. G. E, Blake Stapleton, Newx- castle. A hîmndnre i ouests huad nsernln.î' HIEuRY C. LCUST, 13LOOD PO1SONS ýara!Ie cms r-aetetuotsrosiieis Piyuptesr hIe bloot of thc victirn aud iunles ncirey radlcit f'romthe syster-artcas cîu compýlications. Beware of Miercury. ii ouly spp tse he smtns u E lIEiOI) cures ail hlood ciseases. YOUNG On MIDDLIE AGED MIEN..-impr udent acta or later ecae aeiue domn your svstem. Yen feel the symptom stolaling over yen. 1;lypyi cally. anu1. vitalty you are not tie man yen useit e o o r aoulit haWillyoa licoU thl danger sgas PEAl ý re yen a- citim? Havre yen lostIhope? Are yen intendingbmar? Ia P. E-1 7 y our hlood icen diseasedi Have yen any creakucas? 0cr Naw Itiarj s'rtEATMLNr w Ï11 cureayen. Wiat ihbas doue for otiers'itwill de for yený.Cositio Fre. Yo malter siho bat treatei yoîî. 'vrite for au honest epinien Frac ofChre Books Freï -Tic Golden Monitor,' (Iilustratedî ou t iseass of lMen. NO NAMES' USýED WITHOZUT WIITEN CNET PRIV ATI7, N- en on boxes or envelui. Everythiý,ns coufidentiaL Question libt anéA -e-t of etsn FREE FORHMEIEAT N. I Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St, Detroit, Midi. gift te the bride U as a tOny peht, peani n)aih ttt the bride s- r n cîeganiat for soee<tnéeatte tt lien valtiahie ans) acceptable son- vcsbypresenting berw-itb a -eut gaswater botte ns) mustard jug. cO)n Tuesýda.y ee-gDr.'Wat-oct ivas snnpiised 1by 1t1,'bne.tbre i o tise Masonie Onden wvho pjeseutes) hnim with a veny valuahhe chair. l)r. ans Ms. MWatson lefL Rase- ioeük on the alteýrnoon traint and will spend a tCree 1weeks' bocioymoon taking ic iîtie trip by boat te Du-' lut h.- rnald., LIND SAV ADATI, The ret homo -cf Dr. ans) Mns. Palîner, cranteoai. was the scene mi cwo baqppyoveais on Wednes- dale ultenoo, June2, ut 430 vheu Mis nu omi in Adain as nnited .ici marsmageto Mn.lujamues AUhwnt Lindsaycf(Victria,1B.C -,ïa14 Miss Crnue tachelAdainhon îs ter was jiîed ici wedlock t Mn RosyA. C. Jackson, cf Montreal. 11ev. F. J. Maxwell was [the ffci atiug au ut he dubl os eut.Onytsimeitreavs cf the coutî,1cticig, parties iereprýe- sent at tbe :eernemoiny. Th(, brides., of the heur areý botit nicces or Mrs. Dr)Paumjier auarr' eid inhit oeicgfor the -atadwliai oi Fnidý'ay on an xeded~npt lurope. On their rturcl ii(yvil takep their sdeîeiiictra grotiheoîenh Bothcbeete wiarte dC'ci ian Pci- an' ialw. RMb.rtîd is.Jak vil, ltee.oîemo np x PLOM S WITR EOSN ENGINE. CaptL. M. B. bo)we islavga enîcksouîg, Va),'pl ed wit a Ice. - eete enine Jt hanaxis ixthree i; g. Tic enk wii- uldo- difianiy rqir 1hontes aumi mo.The Iplýowiug andd hurowing ini proceodicig Pt the rate Af freiù WRY NO0T? 'Sayp ram'," queieCulitlY Tomn myToddles, "m'bat is a liisiii 'ngibLqudaimaebyBran'irami- 'i H-eindersan Liiried, is ail Hpaint-there is ro uduit- erants in ifte give if extra weight ta ticken it, or ta "cheap en"i in any way. Iis 70% Pure éwhite-ý leadi, 30% purIte -zinc wi You get doillar for dollar paint vle Cornin i for a color curd. . 2 t- h F i 4 j 1 -- - 1-0- (11ty liraitil 1 1 A ' - ,< 91- .. . 1 %"Oe y% F- -1- HlaiN.B., -Ot-2St1h, 190-7. * Three doctors todit me Ihat I at Ljiver Dîsease and mrions Stomiach Trouble. My etonmncl was very Wealt. I took thein medicines for thirteen - yeuss--nnrd ge-ers- My -brother- (who was cnrcd of terrible Indigestion by "Futatives" aflor suftcring for 15ybas, rco'mment d me 10 try these odrful lablts. îlbout-ht haîf a dozen boxes anuithave js finisied the simdh. 1 Iacal al kinits of hoarty focts' iithoutdistress and arngreatlylmi- JV NO NAMS SE WTO T WRiTTE", ' N COîNSENT double ai'cl. hn, oke ladteaclgwudeom we-1e au I as oftten âladUp for a wý%(e! i l ime.ySly tamtiy 1hysician told me an operationiws y n y h 1-bu1,dr 1 d f treseeaspecialisîs, lbut so fud u it i ene ws mone. I zommcncd tiruoî ldc!o sslitvtle bue1 Ilan rogues. One dey my bossasked me'why I was OIT vork soý_ u itd 1 Iîold him my condition. lieîad, ised me te cons ýuir lra. csm ý-dyI & S Kennedy, asbe hai takon Iramntfrom thcm ns fandi knew thywe quare and ekilîfu, l. Iwrole 'themi and ot gn r Y rv_'lTn D TRF ATUEN7. Mfy poreawsCaomcwhat slow anà uingtle flrst suonh's reatent n s socnewhsýt dlscouraged.HoerIon tnuýd treatinkent for Ilirea nnthalonger and M-as rewacde wih ~~ earn ¶12 s ~~~~~~week lu a achine fiiliét-alsfeeskc f orrliteteten -i- ,% 1 MlIP9 A nlq vouevem ultuit:u gut, ii-id. 1 ul 11 li 1 rý-- 1 Li i m ý-L ýL ýÀ.A ý 1