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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1909, p. 8

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I The Best Iavestment on Earth is Earth Jtselt Therefore Buy iLad fSnySothnj a e. * Alberta 0e,, The Sirloin of Canada and the Bread Basket of the Orient. We own and have for sale 100,000 acres of choice Farm La.nde in the Lethbridge district of Southern. Aberta at prices 1 ranging from 810.00 te $215.00 per acre on Easy Terms o! Payment. These lands wil produee f ront 30 to 60 buýshels cf winter wheat per acre, 25 to 40 bushels of spring wheat, 50 te 90 bushels of oats, 30 te 60 bushels of barIey -per acre. Now is the tîme to buy a Sanny Sonthern Alberta farm while tire course o! 5 pears undor 850.00 per acre. Buy a farnm nom for your sons and lay a foundatien for tiroir fuiture meaitir and comfort, ' You are under ne obligation if yen smk for information, sOirrite GUEO. Il. LAIN09 - Bowmanville, Ont, Lethbridge, Alta, Spring suggestions. These are only a few of the many articles you S are needing at this season of the year that we eau supply you from our Hard. (4 ware Depârtment: Lawn Rakes Churns Lairu Shears Sprayers S Garden Forks Milk Pails S Garden Spades Blue Stone ~4 Gardon Troirels Paints and Oiis Pouitry Nett-ingWashing MachineF;. 5SPORTINO OOODSt SNo need of going out 01 town for, yOUI' sporting Sgoods when -we carry suchl a large 3tocGk of ~the f amous Spauldiog braud. We eau supply: Base Balls4 Foet DBalles îý Base Bail Bats 1SLunGuards S Catciror's Mitts Lacreosse 8Sticks- Cstcher's Maska Tenis aeet Fiolder's Glev'ea Tennis Balle K fê Team Uniforms Fisiig Ouitfits (4 Base Bail Guides Body Protecters If we haven't what youlwant we will get it Sfor you in short order. OJur stock is the largest Sin town BOWMANVILLE. SEALED TENDEIISedreseei 10 tire ~-Jundersigned, and eidorsed 'Tender for sup lying Goal for the Domninion Building," 'aiii ha reeeived at tht, offie antiS 4.10 p. mn., on Thdired&y, July 15, 1909, for the supply of Goal lor thie Public Buildings throughout the Domin- 1013. Comibined'speciflcation and f orm of tender Can be obtalned on application at thie office. PersoLs tendering are notified thai tenders ieil lo t -cnadeeduniess made on- Ie- prluted forme eupp1hed, and etgued witb. their actuai ignature8. r- Eacli tender musi le accompankied by an accepted cheqiue un ae chartared bank, made payable Io the order of the Ilonourable the Miniter of Publie Worke, tenal f0 tan par et (10 p. c-) of the antount of thetender, wlich will ba forfeited if the person tanderiag deeline to enter into a eonitraet when caliaS upen to do so or fait to, complete the work eontraeted fer. If the tender ha not aceepted the cheque will L, rured Th- Departrhent doenot bind itisai! toaccept- le low est or any tender. By order NAPOLEON TESSIER, Dprtn-tent cf Public Workg, eacreary. Ottawa Jue 4, 1909, Newepapers will nt ha paid for tlei adrerti semen il they insert it wthout authorify front lite Department. 23-.2w HARRY WILKS, JR. WHITBY Me Sain MeLaugirlin o! OAiaîahia retedth le Colline cottage atheBy da- shore Park. -Prof. Duxirurs' reedt tt airful aile- g-ory of human stmengthrand meeknese Robert Louis Stoeeson meoto lu "CDr Jekyl mnd Me. Hyde' te a large audi- ence ah tire Otario Ladies' Colioge Frid&ynigit --Il m-ms -a-noat rea-listie- remdering (! tris inastempioce. Hie lîgirtor unbere were veey mceptabîs' gironu. Wiren going amas' frein home, or ah change of irabitat, ho le a mise man îirq numbers amonir lits belengingsaa irpttie of Dr. JJ. D. Keliog'e Dysenîtrs Cordial. Change of foud andi mater le soins stran-geplace miroro thiere - are-no- tioctors ceas brlng on an attack o! di- sen tes'. He thon hase standard remeti y et haud mitir mmci te copeitir tire dis-1 order, antifoermeti ire au sucese- !ully figirt tire abiment anti suirdue it, Work iras reaumed, tris reoirlui tire construction cf tire new publie building for tire county lown. Messrs Gay & Co o! Courtice, tire contractera, mîtir masons assifiting are lising tire lie beautiful tones Mr Fred L Fomke, M P for Sentir Ontario, auccoodet ins nmgl ng upon tire Govemument for adop- tion lnu hua instance as constituting a celer echeme tiraI shouiti make tire building one cf tire handeomeat stmue-i tures o5libied lu Canada. Tirey arei I i. i i DA.RLINQTON Mes A Gordicear anrd daugrter 11618n, Toronto, vtsited friende bre .... ,Mr and Mes John Trul 100k tiroir daugirter te Toronto for medîcai trotmont - - -. Miss Gertie Kennedy. Osirawa, and Mrs Fred Gaie and children, Whitby, vIsIted Mes T VanCamp .... Mr Tires VanCamp le recoverlnz from a serions, Ilines.... Mise Lillie Kerr, Ottawra. le visitlng Mrs Wallace D Downey..--MmUeo Foirer VIsIted hie daugirter Mes A Buirgees,.. Mr Ueo VanDyJke and family and Me E F Wileoughby attouded Eldad muni. vrsaey and îigisted frlend3. Yau hirdly reallas tint it [s medieice ihen taking Cmrter'a Little Livrr ilin; tirey are vervs mali; ne bad offeots; li troubles frein toipîd iÎrer are rolioved by tiroir use. ENFIELD Aunivrsmry services o! tire Metied- lot Sundmy Scirool willlbo he!d as fol- loirs. On Sunday, June 18, sermons wïli bc reaemod ah 2.30&mnd 7 p m b-Y Rev. John Garbutt, Boîmaurlle, chair- man cf tire District., Singtng by tire Choie and School and Miss E L Van- Neet, Bowmanvilie. On Mondas', June 141h, at 2.80 p in a progrant o! siuging, recîtatieus. dialogues, etc, wil be given 'by tire scireel andi an address by Mr F Toéer&od feor 4ï m.' ît 5 p m a a football match willi be piayed betireen Taunton and Mt Vernon-Enfiald, 85 te ire given tire îmnuing teain. At 8 p m a grand entortalument îli ire giron by Miss Reesor, soprano soloiat, Peter- bore. Me Fred R Foiey, olocutionlet, Bowmanvililo,-mnd Oshawa Masonie Quartette, Admission: tom and concert 85e; tom or concert enly 25c;;cIrlidren Worms cause fretlfunese and rob tire Infant of sloep, tire groat nourisher. Moher Gravei' Worm, Exterminater uitl lear tire stomacir and intestines and rostore healtirfulueo. MOUNT VERNON Thre Suuday Sehool mnlversars' ser- vicesirere very succesaf nI. Uev 1 Snell, Prince Albert. proaciedtwoir ex- cellent sermons Sundas' and tire slnging o! tire choir mas geed, Tire church wias Well filod nt botir services. Monday a laîn social iras heid attire homeocf Mr C W Souci midi iras largels' attended. Tire football gaine between Mt Vernon and Taunton iras keonly contested, neithrr ide being mile te score. An abundance o! refresirments irithI be creain ias served a! er -tire gaine by tire ladies. t iras nemrly ten o'clock before tire program starteti ihicir con- isted cf Instrumental duete by Misses Taylor- readings by Dr U W Slemon, Misses Irene Glaspeli and Georgie Lang- maid; vocal selosirs Misses Rubý Pascoe, SybiliJoireil, Ella Rogers, and Dr C W Slemon. Pastor J A Jeireil, B A, mest homo IroinsConference, actoti as chair- man. Preceeds about $65. To ire Ire froin sicir headacire, bill- louene@s, constipation, etc , use Caeter's Little Lirer Fille, Strictîs' vegetable They gonhly stimulate tire Ilier and !e tire stemmeir frein bile. SOLIN A_. 1Solina Thtituhe moota Tirmday' J une 10, aItirhe home e! Mes Wm Taylor, "Maple Cerners," et 2.80 p mn. Sub- joe: "Value andi Use o!fltggs," by Mes 0 Soucir; "Setting tire Table Attractive- Is'," bv Mre John Pascoe; "Salade" irs Mme Wm Westlake. Alil membore re- questoti te bel prosent. Eversone ba- vlted.- Millee's Gel p Powders Cure. Sold by B.M Mitchell & Co. Druggieta. Mes F J 13lemehl and daugirter, Tom- ente, have returnoti home afler a do- ligirîful vîsit mitir hem sister, Mrs H W Meredithr, Locust Lodge" .... Mr J G Laugmaiti andi Miss Myrtle Brooks 'Ifent1tireoweek-end et Belleville.'- ... Mr (eo H ogartir, B A, and wife, Whiîby, vsited AlfredtiHogarth ... Albert Bai- son bras net boon so elou ately ....Mr Algomnon Vice, Regina, iratihie tefI hanti taken off by being caugit lin ie maeilnery. He le nom lu tire hespital ah Begina -... Me anti Mme John Vire atended the fumerai o! her fatire, Mr John Clwi let Bethesea. ..Po J B Reynolds, wifo and fanîls', O A C, Gueiçr,attondeti e u nnversary and renemeti acquaitance.... Tire Sonso! Temporance Intonti holding an ice creains ocIaI on tire Immu o! Mr Alfreti Hogarth. -ana ixilie --sentir 'o!is lind, Tuestias evoniug, lune2, mien re- frosirmenle wmlii ir serveti on tire lawn, anti an oxce!ient progrmns li bho mon- dereti by home and outeide talent frein Leakard, Taunton ana Sentir Daring- ton. Tire orchestras miii furnisir music for tire occason. Tire lest gaine of tire Dariington -League will ire played betireen Mt Vernon anti Bowmanvllle -Garnc calleti-at 6 e'cleck, -A-s extensive repaira bave boom put on tire'Hall, tire trIonde îeuid ire pleasoti te have yonr patronage on thile occasfi. Admission 25e. Public cortilly Invitoti, Blake Raison, W P. The Reason why 1We Feel Tired The system ia overloaded with poison- ou@ waste matter, You expeet to bc tired when you have been working hard, for the activ- ities of thre muscles or brairi cause a 1breaking down of celle, or burning up, me night say, and after muile thre sys- HAYDON Me and Mes Wesley Tirompson, Bei- manilîlo, Sandayod at Me J Wrigirt'a ...Me Leo Niddery vlslted frionds lu Toronto on Sundmv ...MisesLillian Montgoneryhias tire quinses'. ...MOn- day merning Mr Theo Siemen 's tem becamo numanagoable and ran awiiy tirroivlug hlm frein the waggen. One wrieel passedl over iris body causiiig a dislocation o! the blp and somraI seveire bruies .... Mr Sherwood Rundie visitod iris brother Dr'Runtile, Brighrton, Oe day 1aI week ... . Mr and Mme J Proctor, Roland, Manitoba, visited relatives irere rcontly, MAPLE GROVE Sairbatir Sciroo) annlvorsary services will be hoid as follows: SundaY ]une 20ý sermons miii be preacired at 2 80 by Rer Il T Lewis, B A, paster o! Bimeoe St MetirodIst churcir. Oshawa, and, at 7 p'mby Rev H W Foley, B A, BD, Bobcaygeon. Singing by tire echool. CollectionIn aid cf chool funtis. Mon- day Eervices milire esumed at 280 p m when a prograin of inaing, rocihatlons, dialogues,eoIe, illi ie giron bv tire scireol aunJ mddessos by Rev il W Foley airdochers. Tom seeved at 4. o'cleck. Football match nt 4 80 betireen Bei- manville and Hampton. Admission: Jad0B tg 1 r-iLm NODm, CORINO AINNIVERSABIES Enfiold ...... ........Jlue 1U and14 Ebenezer ..........j une 18 mapleGoe....ln 20 and 21 Hampton.............. jl Haydou............... SHOPS CLOSED FRIDAY, JUINIlI. Te enable alour clîizens te attend tire Durhamn Oid Boss gatirmng aI Orono on Feldayl1-, tire merchants o! BowmanvIlle have mgreed te close tieri places o! business duing tire aflernoon. AIl tein and countery peopleo ploaso Makte a note o! tris. EBENEZER Annlversary rervices EbeDozer.,unday Sohool wlIi ho held as follome: Ou Sun. day June 13 sermons wmliibe preaohed at 10 M~ a m. 2 80 and 7 p m by Rey S T Bartiett, Toronto, Generai Secretary cf Sairbatir Scirools Music by seheel and choie, Lîbermi offeringe are sked for ln aid o! scirool-funde. Public coediliy lnvited, Miss Della W3 bomu iras8giroot o! Miss Leta Jackson..... Miss Ethel Gay.ls9 ýUreat e $5 .000 Worth of 5-tock at about HALF PRICE, The High C lass' Stock of -CoPpley, Noyes& Randali of ilamilton, Canada's most Up=To-Date, Clothing Manufactuirers, Slightly damaged by- Smoke and Water. The Fire was confined tG the Mlanufacturing Department, Ai!UV the.4L UI IO rce rr 1 Superintendent. Secretary. The poet'eexclamation: "0Q Lite! Il Lfeel the boundlng lu my veinîî," [s a j»yeus cae. _ersonE4than ureIy-ar neyer make It, in honesty to-themeves are among the mnst infortuuate. They do net live, but eaxist, for to live impies more than te be. To lve- Io te be weli1 and 9trong-to arise feeling equal te the ordlnary duties of the day, and te retire net oyercome -by them-to feel 1Ifle -bouuding In the veins. A medicîne has made thoîusandi Of peeple, men and women, well and strong. bas accom- plished a great work , bestowing the richest blessings, and that medicine il Hlood'a Sarsaparilla. Tihe weak,, run 7down or debilitated, from any cause 1should not faiîto take ft. It buids Up the whoie system, changes existence loto Ille. and makes life mote abound- ing We are glad te say these words lu Its favor te thre readers of our col- umuns. DAItLINGTON LEAQUE. Mt. Vernon 0, Taunton 0 Taunton sprun 1g comewhat of a sur- prise on Mt. Vernon Monday night by holding them dewu te a tie, Both aides are strong on the defence division, but they were off celer on the firlng lune More than once the bail iras brought irithin close ran~ge of the geai, but the defense cleared or the tihots went ide. Mt. Vernon had la gond chance te score once on a f cul 'kick iu front of Taun- Ltou's goal, buti the bail iras pastel out luto, centre ond itihe day iras svedl Washingten played a, strong game for Taunton and A Smith wss thre pick of Mt Versoit pfAyerp. Gao, W. James refereedtire came. The teams- Mt. Vernon--Goal, L T Pascoe; backs, J Alexander, H Annis; haîf backs, F Smith, S Werry, A Smith; forwards. M Dewell, B Bills; J Baker, C Wilbur, H Rogers.1 Taunton--Goal, N Brown; baeks, A D LangoMd, N S Washing:ton; half, backs, B Balson, C Stainton, G Flintoif; forwards, RZ Flintoif, D MeGre.-or, J Kivell. B Giaspel, A Cholwill. Thre best cure for Eczma la Milier's Compound. Iron Pil. 50 doses for a quarter. Sold by Rt.NM. Mitchell &Co. Druggisto. PROVIDENCE. Aunlversar-y services S unday irere very larzel y attended Rev T G Brown cf Beaverton, a former highly esteemed pastor, preached excellent sermons, esecaiy tire evenung discourse Sign y thre choir ias under leader. ship o! Mr WN J Bragg wltr Miss Ethel Bragg as organlet. Solos irere sang at the evening service by Miss Nellie R, Wight and.Mr Chas S. Allun. Plants and 0flairers added greatly te thre attrac- tlveues (f thesacwred ediflce.--Âltogeth- er thre day'>q services irere very profitable te ail. Instead cf the usuai tea a Ioa social iras hce1d Monday ertenlng for thre betrefit et thpc Scirool. Thre beautîful grounds of Mr. Alex Wigât, Reeve of Darlington, afforde 1 a fine place, for It Croirds .ssembled and- had- a--very -en- joyable eveaing. Table3, prettily dec. orated with fiewere and spread with an -abundance - meat,plckles, cakes, pies and ether toothsome thingsier served by attentIve waiteis. Eýveryone thruby eujoyed thie part cf thre eeigsprogram. Deliclous bce creamwias aise s-rved bv thre youug ladies. A goed program was presentea from the yerandah te sire audieLce seated on the lawu. Rer J. G. Brown presided. Morrlson's Orchestra dellght. ed all iriti Its- muste. Thre chairman gave a brief address followed by a piano duet, ',The Roaring of thre Lions, " iell rendered by Misses Nellie B. Wight and Ethel Bragg; rel atU~, "Tie freacher'ti Vacati in," MiFs Miejack- sloin; recitations, "Tire Arbitration" and Jean Blewett's For Ile Was Scotch and Se Was Sire."by Miss Ruth F. ý-L ew-H Ueo Power, Bommanville, teoo tire morning service ah Ebenezer and Mr David Young took tire eyening service ... Rev Jos Barnes mttendd the con- ferone ah Belleville, Tirçy make one feel as tirougir life îas irertir living. Teke oneof Carterti Littlo Liver Pille aiter emhIng; Il ml reliove dyspepsia, aid digestion, giro tone.and-vIgox-ttre-ytem------ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEETING. Tire annual meeting o! West Durhain Womon's Inatitute wiii bo hold in tire Sons o! Engiand Hall, Hampton, on Thursday June17 ah 280pin. Reports ill ie peeseuhed freontirhe presidont, Seoretmry, and Treasuror of tire paet yoar's merk. Election of efficers mn&] oeenerml iruslne3s mwiL ire trabxsaeted. Ail Branches arc requosted ho have tiri represeutatives present and ÉtIl umirbers are cordIalis' lnvited te attend. MRs, 0. N. Rusa, E. E HAYOEtr'r, Peesidont. Socretary-Treas. TYRONE Miss Etle Goodman la visiting her muet Mes Cinnamon, Lindsay. for a couple ef meoke-....Another ochogon- arian iras been removed by tire deatirof Me John Colil, s, irwo a!ltee a inger- Iner lmons passed away Friday 4h at tire mdvencect mgeor 88 years. Beroav- ed friends have tire sympmsiry cf tis eommunlty. ....Mr George Saudeeson, mife and familly, Holland, Manihobra. are risiting hor parents Me and Mrs Cherles Hooper . Congratulations loi Mm and Mrs Blaire Pollard on tire advett o! a young daugirter ...Rev Jesse Gibson gave a vers' iueld, preetîcal dis- course full of Information In tire interest o! tire Bible Society' Suuday evenlng iheu tire offiere for tire local brancr more electod as foliome: W R Cloinons, Presideut; P Wery, treasurer; A W Annis, Sacmetemy. ParEVNaION le WORTH irnirj, Wireu yen censider tire risk telfe. tire expense tire mnxloty wuieIr laInvelved lu an elsacir e! appendIcitis and a surgicai operation 1h la cortalnly irertir uhile te aroid 1h by keeplne tire liver and boiels r1eular iry uslng Dr. Cirases KIdues' Limr Pills, Deetors are o! tire opinion, tiraI appendiclhls cornes frein a negleet Ce keep lire limer andi boels in a irealtiry condition, HAMPTON. Master Wilbur Baley irai moturneti homÜe te Berlin af ter a stay e! tan or eleven menthe mitir frIende irere....,Mr Frma L Squale. Salem, preached very acceptably Sunday emeniug... The furniture, etc, of!thb, laIe Miss Pothlck mas solti Satumdey afctmnoon .... A nuin- ber frein hom o ck ln Mount Vernon anrveray Sunday ...Misa Brown, New Park, vielle,] Miss Elma Clark rocentis'.... M Tiras Rowe le movlng irisbarn; A Martin, foremmu-...Our osteeined pester Rer T H P Anidorson, retuenet f rom Conferonce Mondmy lu order to attend tire f unomal o! tire late -Joirn-Ceiwiil-Tveryone circuit. -ï .-Mr -mnd Mro, W 1 Clarke andi MmeBoireattondeti lire moddleg o! tiroir niece Miss Edua Dickinson, Hope. Report on anotire> page. ... Annuel meeting o! West Dur- iram Wonsen's Institute wmli ie ireit irere Thursdmy aftereoon. Ai liadies Inviteti ho attend, TRE DlOSE- IN TIME TIIAT SAVEDNINE Dodd's Kidney Pis cured Dan, M.eGee's Backache -L -t absolutoly untoucired as tirey irere iu anotirer section of tire promise, Messrs. Coppley, Neyes & Randali effectod a very favorable sottie-' ment witirte insurance Companies and decided te give nmorn f tire biggest bayers thre bonefit e! soute special values f rom tis uudamaged stock. We purchased about $5000 worth cf thie stock at betweon50 and 60e on tire dollar. Suite, 150 Boys' _Two pioce Suite, 7 à Raiucoats, 150 pairs Mene Pauts, 25 Stout Men'a Suite, 50 Wash Veste. Sale Starts Thursdayi June10 Ends Wednesday June 30, Three Weeks, ieavy Pire Los1ses. ClothIng Warehouse at Hamlton Damaged, Special despatr te tire Globe. HAMILTON, May 23-Thii et destructive fire thairas &%VisîtCeid this city during thre last couple o! yeare brokeoeut on Saturday after- neen1 about 3 o'clock lu a large addition that was recently built te tiroir clothing irouse by Coppley, Neyes & Bandait, Tirrougir quick and effective work Cirlef TenEyck aDd hie mon get it under co ntrol iu abont tirreo.quartorso!fan heur, but not before it had done botweon $30,000 and $40,000 damae. Thretess fuliy covered by ineurance. Tie groater part of tire damage wae causod by emoke and irator. Thrr was ne person in tire building at tire time the fire broke out, but iltgi thougirt that the gas under au trou heater iras left burning byza -werkman whien ho quit at noon, and that tis set fire te tire woodon table near it, Anseeon as a settiement irad been' offected iriti thre insurance companios ire rore right on f tire scone and securod our pick cf thie splendid, irlgh-class stock- of clotiring. It le ouly becanseofotits h!gh- clase ciraracter tirat we touired it at ail, as ire feel tirat It wili 't rlgirt in witir the Une o! goede tirat wo are carry iug. 1As ire did flot neod tis stock, It iras only the, tremendons eut luu prices tirat induced us te buy. We will flot mix thi u e ok mitir our: regular geods, but are keeping il by iteof in tireroicftire store and intend OLEARI LG OUT THE WBOLE LOT IN TLIREE WEE KS, Men's Suits 40 gogd, serviceablo Tweeds, ail colore, Regular $7.50, Pire Sale- Prie 8 4,45, 60 up-te-date Suite, Grey, Brownu and Mixed, Regular 810.00, Pire Sale Price $6,25. 50 Stylisir Tweed and Worsted Suite, ontt i lateet style, fancy pocket. fiaps, fancy cuifs, Peg-Top pants, witir loope fer boit and flap@eon hup. pockets. Regular $12.50, Pire Sale Price $7.25. 90 Beautiful Worsed ad fine Tweed Suit s, made and tailored in tue. very lateet style, liegular $t15.00, Pire Sale Price $10.90, 60 of thre beat made suite, superier te custom tailore' work, in ailthtie neir shades, Brown, Green,, Grey. Smioke, single and double etripesý, the noir shadoir stripes and cirecks. Single and double broaeted, beautifully lined and trimmed. Regular $20.00 arrd PS0) ire Sale Frice$19, Youths' Suits Sizes 33--,34 - 35 Long Pants 25 Suite, regular 86.50, Pire Sale Price--------$34 30 Suite, 10.00, dt...... 6.25 20 Suite, 12.50, 49 , ....... 7.25 15 Suite, " 18.00 and 15.00, 195.... Men's aincoats and Toppers 75 Men'e Raincoats, Grey, Pain, Green-Plain, Stripes and checks, Sizos 35 te 42. Regular 815.00, $12-00 aund 810.00, Pire Sale Iilice $7,6S, Stout Men's SURtS About 25 Suite, Dark Worsteds, lirard finish, for stout mon, wifli paut, same-w-ais-t ieasure -as- breast. Sizes- 408-41j, 42p, 44$ 46, 48 Regular $18.00, Pire Sale Price $121.95, regular $15 fer $10, Boys' 3 Piece Suits 50 Suite, cingle and double breast, ligirt and dark, Rogular b4.50, Fire Sale Price 82 '. 40 Suite single -and doube breiret, Grey, Broirn, Green, Regular $5.00, Pire Sale Prie 83.95, 25 Suite, single and double breazt, taleored tike Men's Suite, R egular $6,50, Pire Sale Prico 84,45., Boys, 2 Piece SURtS 25 Beys' 2 piece Suaite. light, modi4um, and dark, Regular $2 50, Pire S',ale Pri-e L5 50 Boys"ý 2 ploce Suite, 24 te 28, Norfeiko,

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