i $00a year in advance; $1,50 to U-nted States. BOWMÂNVILLE. ONTARIO, THUIRSDA Y, JUNE 24, 1909, VOL-UME LV. No. 25 M. A. JAMES & SONSl, Poreos tuurn JZZ3IflEZ~ R I 1- -'J J 1~' I w TuriL~~ ~-w- IJNEZ THE________ 0F CANADA SCapital pasid Up S4,600,0, l otal Assets', $53,000,0 ,00 000 000 FJ. Mitchell, Îi'Ianager Bowmanviloe Branch. IBANK 0F ,MONTRE4AL tUapital -611,4009000 Rest e812,000,000 S3avings Bank I J, A. ~IcULELLAN, Il Manager, Bowmaurtlle Brandi,11 14 ,A sn qg in ParisGre-W are solit- It's your tiver. Halif your daiiy tls inZ the best brand of Engiish Parle are due te a disordered liver. Head- Greýen at 25e a lb Sedure your stock ache, indigestion, yellow sain, si- now yhl ou can go, it at this iow pation-ait are eadly and safely, tired pri.ce, Jury & Lovell. by using our hiver and Stomach Tonte. ~UtS FR E Jury & Lovel, UITS FR MEN.Thls ta a good time to go to Eligland. ~JosThffr&Soaren~inga ~ Join our party satiing Juiy 2. A very mean oy sCcs guay re suis fo ate. AI' charges paid, fnot coena 'Up" mon nd oysat vry twprics-backfaor 5yon tobe bothered with. GalI and and blue wfisted si for 814 ta $16, get particulairs. Jury & Lov'ett, Satifaeion gurapeednustyle and workmanshlp, Cali at The Star House, MiIIer's rou PRis and Worm Powders Bowmanvillo, and sec the matertai. 18c a box; Compouud Hypaphosphttes, We suppiy à&Éthe wants of men lu gents' regular $1 09 size for 50c; Best Ktdney furuishings at prices for trio Urnes J Pifis 25e; Beat hiver Pilla, 2 boxes for jeffery & Son. 253. Cait and get our prices oni any. thing la the drug linoe Paris 'Green, LA~ N 0 ERSr% 25r a lb. JUry & Loyell. LAW N M é-"iý- 0. RnUVR PRrUq OR A T. The old rlilable ta on deck again and wouid solicit your patronage, as iu the past. 1 wilt guýantee to sharpen and repair your Momwer to give entire Satie- faction. 1 have the Waest lrnpraved Ideal Grinder coupled with a very large experience, ou eau deaLend on a n.nnd ah dans An a]] n-a t na groundl sncb as kuivea, ceors, etc., saws bharpened, aud ail gene-ral jabbbug doue wtth neatuossansd strengih. Tbaukiug pou aIl, for past patronage. The West End Smthy, King St., Bow- manville. 16 lm W H WILLIAMS, i{e OFmouci gImdllfim Do net be deceiedbth0e a t hat yen cau buy yoir Patentd îcînecheaper elsewlire Save Your Railway Fare. Save Your incidentai Expenses and -boy fremn us at prices such as theý following: Bee f, Iron aud Win e $,0for 5ne Canadian flair Dye 50me for 37e Dodd's Kidney Pulis 5-3 for *.00) Hood's Sarsapartlla $i.()a-fOr 790. MiteheIlls Plick Ieon Blood Pisý [5- or $1 00 Miler'ls Worm Powders 25 for 1 7e These are only a few of the imany on whiuh Save Y(uu Money BE WI-E--DE AL WITH U'js. TilE IE'S A R E A s N. od'k M. MIïtchell Tii, qaaiy - gisaupP-as 0rruateOtiin etsee corVreetty asud m sn r ge. C p aON E 9' a NiGHT ,CALLS, q2 o ___ 1~'~ Goal wt't1 be Sold during month of June, at 4.75 delivered, or 86.25 at sta- tion or hbarbor, wtth 25e per to offr cash, naking the cash price deltvered 16.50, and a, station or harbor 6.0 The McCl-elan Cc., Ltd., 23-3w BawmaniBie. Dominion Day and Fourih of juJ.y excursions ta, port of Rochester, Newv Yark, gotng per steamer "North Kbn.g" Wednesday June 301h sud Friday July sud; Steimor "aps"Tu~a.Ji lai sud Saturday July 3rd. Tickets good to netumun util ]uly 6thk Fane for round trip $2 25. Leave Cobourg 1 30 p m, beave Port Hope 28opm. Retulîin- Ing Steamers *"N1orili Kinz"'aud -Cas- plan" louve Charlotte, N Y, dabty at 900 a m. For tickets and fuît informatiou apPiy ta M A JAMEs, Steam~ship Ticket Agent. BREED )PR-lOM TrIS BRai'T. HARRY WILKS, JIR., (1004), Ioaa brigbt, buy wiih star, standing 15-8 bauds htgh, weighiag 1100 Ibo; bcIeol the sire oft Harrv Wls 2.31, Hazel Wilks, 2.31, Eva Wtblks, 2 26, Muriel Witiks, 2 18à, sud Gumy,ý the wlnuer i! the Green Race ai Port Hope tuai wbiter. The followrIng sales have been ýmade of haiepnog-euy of "Haimry Witks" loeatty speaktug:, A. J, Bowen sold mare ta.)T. W. Rob- ertsontfor 2$300, A. J. Bowcu setd horse ta J. W, At.- doua for$25 A. J. oe sold are to Roýbe-ri Oylo r800 Gea. Pol lard sobd hotsecteo ûwe suýd Mumya tonr 325. J, F. MeMillan sotid mare ta'OC.G. Armstrong f o $0 James Wod eold horse ta James Geo.Robiso sald are te )1, jH. Beueit for $200.B Dubg seson of 1909 wilt h3 erBo- Terma , 00 onu o A.A, Aussu, Mapte Ave.," O1IRnO, MSs. HuNRY MANN, BOWMAN-VILLLR, A f ter aiUesU900Of SImo Wekls Mrs. Elleri E -utton, retint Of the bte Hairy Mannu, Es9q, dbe e La e redeuee, Churcli St, on Sunclay Jausne 20 lu her 82nd yeatr. DecoepBd was boru uti BrsutNortolk, Eugland, Fib 10,! 1827, and "'as a dauKhter 0f tho bate Roqbe"rt sud EizbehSutton 0 f Bar. distgn flaui, Suilf ik, EngiftAd. o cu7 i e t Canada With hmrparents when north of Bo-anilto', until bho namr- nage w lilth brate busbaud Thsiy thonn3rsbded ut 'Raby H ed n 1lake s3hore, south-west o! toa, untL bL'is de- cease wlien sho move7d tZ0twri.Tho tuners!sEcrvice oru Tuesd ay was ccn-l ducted by Rer, W. E Carrait, B A,!, rctor of St John's GChurch 'fho paît. bearers wero Rev R HirdLa, NMajor A E McLamughlÎu, A A SaUeup, E Y Joues. The final offerinzîwm ervrhaudsome Mr Stuley Manun, gr ndsol, Torouito, twGosn Moesans Alfrcd Maun-, "Rab;' Heud, aud lFnauk H Mana, Windsor, aýUl nd ine auglite3r NMiss JJ Nie a at lhome, mouru th@ bos a ,f a d2votedi 0 Gibscun assed away at lier homo on Higli St Woduàeslar v bugJuno 16., mr2 Gibson Lad beontsi- for three monhs udWhIle havirg suiffred in- teuselv during lier iiiness the end came peaeefully It eaui truly hoatâd 0of Ier that she waes mhome-maker and a de,- voted wilo and ïîotg umother. She wil bo -keeuly miSsed Lu1lier ho mo, as'YIin the chuirch circles bu whieh shmco0ed Beides lier husbaud se ve!he failiabug Eebrn:Chiï! 9T. re, Pa; Milardi J, Round H , Alberta- Mrs WPIlOka, GourtiUe Mrm Ric"hard COkje, Watscauae, Saský twa sieters sud 0ue brother, Mlrs Chas McKinnon,Ene Pa. Mns Joýhn Pnfud orie sud ThomaslH Kirk-patrick, Lbrl Kasss, aito survive,. hofuseurai hih washeld fmmthelate h4ome Pntidý'javltionoon Juce 18 was con- dutEdI by Rev H F IVir sudBe Ha W Poley, B A. sud was langety t ateadod by neghbors su-d friads. dtgry. A vemy sad su suddendenta ccurned cu Thibrsdy fmnonwlon Johnm Heu- rv Bm emeSuddenip e -xD>irefl wlie siUp îotn l î o u e lithe o ffl c of VtI. G GoersL-iVs-rv. Dcese bas beena Pg rtsufforerforyoars tem rheumaism, sd h lalroug t tatitî toucodlie he rpovtug faýtal, Ho wyaa s mnyopo dwî h p CaRnada Fumnîtune Cerpany ,ý, o auy y earsiuS been emplovýsd:eas bus driver with Mm Glover- Ho wqad the etdest so)u a!the -ats Samuel Brima-, combe, anting nsd was in bts 60th~ yeaR5 Deeeased la survived by, bis widoýw, 1e - su d oeedanghtem. wia deepty moumu thlbsof a kind iusband sudç toving fither. The fuserai service, Suuday atternoori was c9unducted by Rev. H. Muumco, b. A. pastor o! lie were Measars. John MeMurtryi, Dunca)n Beith. Mlark Munday, JosePph Jefferuy, and Johln and Thomas Percv,. There were mauy beautifai flcrat offerra of roses, carnatilbus, etc., exZpressive of the k,,ind svumpathy of num-erous3 friends, among them betng a heurt froma the famiy-. wrcath, Mr aud M.rns, W La Belle, Peterboro, sprays fromi Mr and M0 J Oe LaBeite, towr, and Mr sud Mrs W,ý T. Greenway, Port Hfope, and maýny others. Among the relative-s and friendS present were. two Oisters, Mr" H Moo-re, rldeMiss Brimaco2mbe, Oohawa, ad tobrothera,Wila r.f Oehawa, and jamesMo Torountc; Wm Downey, cousin, lira. E Mlanntnîg, RE H. McCaw andi Mra John Ctter udtm -lY, Osbawa:, Wm. Greeuwa.V Mon- treal; W T iGreenaway and Pou Lea %V, Port Hlope;, J T Greenawav, Hamlltou; Mr ad Mr Tho McGt> LEat*fi*Ul[en, There wa4 algsu a -large atteudacek of We have been lutimately acquaintod wit'i deceased fon aven tbtrty years sud at-ways found hlm very obltglug, stnIïtty upight sud tallifut to bis trust, Wbi G BIDWEL, Col BOR ', Tlîe, ranks of our old stlr-hs pasi the traditional three-score-an-teni- are dimiuîshing quickly in obediènce te, tbe law cf nature, the tast te disappear,Ï Mvir Wm. G. Bîdwiil, being oeeof the mnost promineut. Ho had rounded theý patriarchat period of eighty-fivo years, aInd -was dîstinguished for activity suad energ-y in the succesafut mAaaemtent o! bis three-huudred acre farm a.few ýmiles e-sat of Coîborne aud reaching itbe shtore o! Laýke Ontario. Untîl oýnly ëa yean, ago ho hdt icplow sud tcother ap- dies ncdonatte. bis caIiug. The want cf hlp )on the fa-rim sud fo)r the dai necessîtated efforts ýýon i is part whîch eroteemuci fr'amacof bis years sud se hnsted clth-e %woakness wLýh ifally proved fatal. On Eassir SundIaylhe aitendeod his chùcere, and reatiziug that it would hî Io bisLast, ppruiyafioraassociinwith t1e mIeIWbersIp et fully svuy er.He caým, fe bre from ln d -wth 1bis iparenits in 80 remauin;ing cniuosyaithoc homreste;Id. H w reecasdby !bis 181sdlater by a daulghtel>, Mrs. George McKys. H issurvvedbyaso grndagieMisAnnie Mc KyeC-sV.ho lives a i e homesýtcad.-Ho a a et~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n an-r-"l oia aue u a highly respecied for bis many kindly traits cf ciaracter. Iu politica hio sieod "rmy wih he Coservative party, sd ~ eigion wýpsas swarr-n member oethéie à' 1iprch ciEgtand sud as punctual as pojùaibiMe with bhis family avaited himself of # services. Personally, ho a oun u/hnigfrieud asud' in memor0y wo bs asud aeai Libefneat;ase is gîadoMr, W. E. iwio f Torouto. The %tlendancai.ticreside e eaed >t tcdcsesodfred.The romains wvercoottowed '-y msu-,y truty sympathizing n1eigibor1s te tice place cf interment, Triniy OhucIcemiýýery, Coîborne, ser- viesbiu el udn ud by Rer MrMaLenin adrauc11ie in ic churci. Ti atbearerS were ersAde Swfain, jDougald BPetLamy, D. F. B3radd, S'heriffPr Nto, N DSetiuer nsd Georg Keyc.-Oolorne Xpresi. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL NeAR ZIONl Mn, J. G, Laugî-muid's tna, lot 28, cou 5, la ta ho the acone of Zion Ladieis' Abd strawberry fesGtival mcxt ixeTuoday aveutng-Junne 29tb Mi Vernon sud TIaurltienfoatball tourna witliplay, ai 6 ,)'ct7ck, the wluuers to receive $5. stiýawberrlesansd cream, cakes, otc, wttt bo served tu alinudauce. Excellent program by outside talent and iDoîminion OrgnBaud. Admion 25e caud 10e. lImtoxotd vmbe mo Mrs. JG.anmdredu; Uns. Gta eSoretary. TWS OLDEST YERCRAIUT plcMm Mari,1na Muer, 1baller and fumrier, findbng the Infirmities of adran- 'in 8 ours coming on apace lias decidedi te re-tire f cm business sud ta affeiug evorthbgil bis store ton sale at LteeuduS redUotonSfer cash. This wili 91,e parents wîth boS s ta damte' an unusual opporlunity ta buy mauy things hat ail mos sud boys requbre TbefUr gooda sate wili aif ord a grand chance te provide something needfau ai VVS7 ail a.*S' 010 Lt/t JJVs SYL LOL ti11 g-ea rosi vg up-businessi sale begins on Stumday July Snd. 4ARMERBS'INSTIT-UTE ANIMAL. Air AT A iL-, a N, ur, r>uq' CIhat West DurL,ým farmers have un- fhndd alIn "jthle olilerff -f--the Fams'Institute iste beconclusion reacbed, becausantuy- about a dozen far.mers of the 154 pensonalty uotifiad by the secmeiany were ai the unnual -melt- tsg on Juno loti Pmeatdeut Baker presidod H G Heuar, the diligent sud ever faithful secnetanv, gave a surumarized report of the yoear's mneetings mosi af whbeh wero entinsiastie sud gaueralty instructive Tio finan- cla! Ctement showed au increasod balance as tolows: $33,50, grants $49 90, excur-ton $82 65, othier sources $7 15, with balance ut $30I4 14 au hand.-$182 34. .Expendttures: Expeuseas of meeting $117 75; salaries and Officers' expenses $53 90, posGtage $5, printing and adver- tisiîgi,-eeturr'sexpenses $7 50,, fat stockshow 85.detegates' expenses, 8450, granotto Womeu's Institute 810, sundry outiay $5 20-total $142 85, Cash on baud $89 49. Grahtfa were givn o al olowp. We8t Drtrham A.griculturai Socleti-8100, Fat St.ock Show, Guelph 85; Womzaný'S Iii- titte 810-1 President $10, Secy-T-ïrc-ao, $10%aditors $1î each; Teachers' per centag'e ou excursion $10. The election o! officers resuited as' follovis: Prestdent-A W Aunis, Ts roe. Honoratry Directors-G J Thornton, KI P. Ktrby, J1HDerltt, M P P, Black- Darlington-Thos Baker, Satina, R E Qaborue, Goirttce', IH G Har, Hampton, W', E Jeweil, Bowmaanville, M j Werry, Tvrrue,Jas Lesk. iTauriton. Bawanvlle-AE Beilman, M A James audl Jas MehLean, tawn. Cirke-Fr&ank Allin and J Gibson, Newecste, TosCowan, Orono, Coi John Hugh-es and Thos' Moffat, Clarke, John Stewart, Keudal. Newcstle-A A Coiwilt aud L B Davideon. Cartwright -Davtd Malcolm and Peter Wright, Neatleton; A B CrNder- man und JohnWright, Biackstock. Audtors-Frankir J Groat anid Wm R Afinu, Rampton, Loss of Appetiteë La cemmerin buthe bleod rneeds puni- fying sud nicbing, fer thon ithe bood faits te give the digestive erogauns the stmlu ecessatry for the- prepen per- formaqnce of theru cios Hioed's slasaa illa te pr-emunl iemedic"ine te take-. IUimakea ib blood pure sud,-',icb, sud strengieue att the dligestive organsq. apnng medicîne and flnd it eclln.My brathe-in-law nsed Ut forblicesounif face, sud wats !U3c ycne.ohas Inet been treuibled snce" AItOLD PÂtrFia, Hùood,'s ÏSBarsa parill1a 13 thzat' ret btou-cdpuierni tenta, 100 dose* i ollr WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, RzcoPDs PRESENTED AT ANNUAL MEETý,-j: ING SIew A SATSEAMcroY YEAR'S WOaiç, The annual meeting cf West Durham Women's Institute was held in Sons of Englaud Hall, Hampton, ou Thursday aftennoon June l7tb. The President, Mrs. O. N. Ruse, took the chair sud the meeting opened with singiug. The President gave a short nddresa in whicb ashe reviewed the work of the year as being rery satisfactory. One new brandi had been formed at Orono. She aise thauked att for tie hearty sup- pont giron lier during her term of office. The Secretary presented ber report showiug that the total memnbersbîp o! the five Branet os for the year ending May 31 was 141; total meetings 49; papers sud addresses, 40; total attend- suce 787. The new Branci at Orona opeus with a promïised miembersbip of 24, se tiat the outt,-ookz for the cemniug year i- Very euICauraging. 1Bownýviileand _Hamfpton Branche's sent detegates te thef ProvincialCnvn tion at Guelphi usai Decemîber sdNs tletonï, Starkritle sud Orono -e,yste by, the Gorerument delegatea this snm- mier. The printed prgrama as preçpared by the pnogram cemmittee hiad been welt used by the branches and pnotty fulty canried ontf. The Treasurer's report for the District shoed total neceiptasi ncluding balance of 819.94 fnOUI previons year te ho $79. 24, -Expenditure S54.87 ; !balance on baud $24.,37. The District and Braricl treas- unies show total receiptaicluding bal- Iaces Of $, 15, tebe$171.57. Expendi- Boti reportsre eciv d dadopted. L wasdCIded On mot&ion te re-eleet theý throe pincipal offcers:. President- Mrs. O. N. Rutse, Hamipten; Vice Preai- dent-M-Irs. S. Shortnidge, Solîna; Sec- retary-Trieasurer-Miss E. E. Haycraft, Bowmanviile. Directors: Mirs. Tics. .ittUfl. Ut/LIAI Xt±t.14115i>h1, St AkMte ; Misa Ida Malcolm, Nesibeten; Mra. A. Petera, Hampton; MnaJ Sparliug, Bowmanvillo; Mrs. ,A Powors, Orono. Auditors-MIesdames gram Oormmiitee-Miases R- A Walsh Su E Cowau, Oren-o, sud Mesdames Edwi Veae, eailton;O3JKeratake, sud, A PtnHmtn; W Ta-.ylIor Satlinai, E. R., Bounisait, Bowmanville. A dsuso followoýd on arsblt o! thie Diýstric3t frigprizesfoceti ily o! te rhes !aý à,trordteieu t O acut ! st etbeig op batie it-ws-dcidd nt t doauýytbing chia- On otin grnto! 15was giron tie Secretarny-Traurrsu35 te the -]reiientfor services 4d urniltie pasi year. Refreshments were served by the members o! Hampton Brandi sud a very social heur apent. An impromptu program was giron aitie close censisi- ing et music by Mra. O. J. Konalake sud Misa Margaret Pascee; reciation, Mrs A Petons; roadinga by Mrs. John Morris mat. fl.Li>i>flajt.Laiu. n. Y VU flUtlL 1,3 V UVU of thauka nsoved by Mrs. J. W. Sparling and seconded by Mrs. J. H. Morris was accorded the Hampton ladies for their generous entertaiument and for the pleasant social time afforded the visitera. The officers of the Branches for 1909-10 are as followa: SOLINA: President-Mrs. S. Short- ridge: Vice Presidet-Mrs. J. T, Rundie; Secretary-Treasurer'-Miss Effie V. Tay- lor. STÂRKVILLE: President-Mrs, , J.3, Reid, Otarke; Vice President-Mrs. J, Mullgan Strkville; Secretary-.Treas- u-rer-Misa E. S. 0owaý,n, Orono. NEFSTLEToN: Peietlr.Edwin Veale; Vice Pr(asjdeut--Mrs. J.' W. Emmerson; SoeayTesrrMs Eva L. Malcolm. H-IrPTON--Presideant-Mrs, Alvin Peters;- Vice Presidebnt-Mrs. 0. N. .LýL a; JoULumna - J Lu --ei-->J1 -'. -- BCýwMÂNvILLIe> Presideut-Mrs, E. Belîman; vice Prsidnt-Mrs. J. W. Sparliug; Secretary-Treasurer-Miss E, E. Haycraf t. ORoNo- Presideut-MissR. A. Walsh; Vice President-Mrs. A. A. Powers.- Sacrtary-Treasurer-MissKate ColvitIe. MIleér s Grip Powders Cure. Sold by R. M. Mitchel & Goý Druggtsts. BIGH SCHOOL NOTES Entrance examinations are betng held. Principal E Iiott and lnspector W E Ttlley are tru charge, 53 pupils are trytng. To Form 111-E'aie Bragg, Fred Gryderman,' Harold S'emon, Ruth Squatr, Edua Stuples, Olâa Tod, Vida. WýVorden. Two members cf the staff will net as associate examinera at Toronto in July. M!ss Ward wtli read French and Ger- mari and Mr Gameron, Matricutation' Latini Promotion examinutiona for the lowor forma were held lMonîday sud Tuesday. Foliawtýng were pro)moted on their record for the 'ýear without wvrïlig ou ny subjeet ut the final exams: To ForiI-Ehe ochiranse, Mar- jonc Ktniig, E!ite mannîing, Hardy Nie- olis, Dorothy S aandeý1 ro, i, rbd BIdwoi, Tueker. A moIre comnptete reportwtll e dy fer ext week. The compeitinfrth, rnta' prize bu nreadibg was àheld Fridy ftr noon. It was open te utmb2rs ai tuet iolwersholand etg-ht cme ~D dA. S Tluely ard Rev J, GazbutDwbt two e er of! te staff Fscted asý jtdeLilttau nBouvsuat! udBessie Waish auked qual for firatplc, n tho pr!ze wtlbe divtded amoug them Double Excursio VIAGARA FALLS AND TOROUT9 B XCURSION~. THURSDAY, JULY Smu A double excursion unden auspices oi St. George's Ghnrcb, Grafton, Thur- da1Yi ulyI8 by G. T. R. special trant To.rento, Niagara boat ta Leýwisten sud Ï-orge Lino te Fatîs, Ticke ts gmod ne- turnîug July 9th. Time sud 1fanerose fellews te the Flîs Nwcaatbe 7,10 a.m,$2,00); Toronto 81.3J0; Bowmaut ville7.20a. m, $1.95; Toi-enta 1.0 Dartinýgron 7.27a. m,, s$1 -8ý5;Torontuý Avrery quiet wedding tokl plaeut Sherbourrie St Methodiat Ohurch, Tcbr. enta, ai 3 30 p m Wednesday alrno Jurie 16, whenri Miss Jessie M1ay P Dýik- sou, ouly daugliter of tic laie W,i Dickinson, Bwavtai r.Dtok- inson now(etCollege Sireet, Torante, wss uitfed lu marriage ta Mn. Arihux Dudley Brunaiikil, second sou of the laie Dr. Thr>a. Br,,nskilt sud Mrs, B3ruus-kill Glon Avenuýe, Deer Park, The cre mouy was pierfo rmned by Rer. Geo. M, Brown. The bride, wbo -was giron away bier brothler, Mr. Walter Dickii son, wý,ore a travelling suit o! ailvergry rajah th bait to match. 7Miss BirdLie Dean actod as bnidesmaid, whio the, groom w-ý,as supparted by bis brotùher Mnfr Poncy R. Buakl, Mn. sud Mrs, Bruuailb onauthe 4.40 traIin for, Detroit sud teWeat., homo oft rides parents, thebap couple being May A.,youugest duhe of Mr. IsaacChpm! , lot 30, conce,ýssion 7, Ctarýke, msud Mi, Joýhn 1,Horis elt so.i >n of M , - W, j]no Mrrr- e0 ob same twnship. hobride ws g Liron away by ber tather sud vas un-. attended. The cenemnouy was porformed by Rer. W. Limberi on the lawu under iu tie presence oetfthe meairl- tives 0et the bride sud groom. A fienlie Usulcngatlaiosticphte epie te te diiiigbon. wiero u eaborate weddliiug suppor u as prepare0d. The brie as the eecipient etfnumrouIs choce ud alublepr('erits. Th iautifl raoîfnYeetMn.VW.T, Gibiard was the seno o! a Junemwedding u Wenesday uîoring. Joue16, when Mr. Giblbard'8 lda daugiter. Ms rfllLiai f1lLU(Ite Uvtailewle Dri tJtat iviUA. Maîley R. Crydertuan, Edmonton, son of the late Mr. Michael (Jryderman, of Bowmanville, The ceremony was per- formed in the spacious drawing room of the homie by Rev. W. H. Emsley, 'pastorý of the Western Methodist churcli, ini the presence of the immediate reatve o the youngcoupleand a few of the bridle's sister, Miss Florence Gibbard, and the groomsmlan, Mr. Wili Campbell. Of King- ston. The wedding march was pý11layed by Miss Heste r Gibbard, younýgest% ite o the bride. The bride looked camn in an Einpress co.-tume ofwht liberty satin, trimmied with chiffon lc u and hand painted medaîhions, alsoth custLomary bridal Veilmand orangI'ebos s amnsd shower bouquet of rose su l ,ly cfte aLey The bridelsm;id',s co- tumne was an Empres c'gown 'of pinkP, cretpe cwtDlty pýIjai ford and bouquet oýf pinkL roses, Mrs-, Gilbbard's costume was oef ge kvîe mauve hat sud mauve rchda.After the ceremony a weddingbrakasvaae served by the bride's girl friends, sud. the happy bride and groom eft foi their future homie in EdmontonAa, where cii"vie A large niumb)er Gr gifts were received b)y thie bride ýfrom frienIdaý and relatives inapaeKingstonx, Brockyille, Bowmanvdle1, Tronto and Edmonton. Mr. CGibbard's gift to his daugliter was a furnished h ome ai Ed. mouton sud a substanitial! cheque. The grooni's gift to his bride was, an Emerýýald dlrovp with chain aud fringe of bou peairis, te the bridesmaid s ring with s, Saskatchewian gold dust nuggett i, Tiffany setting, to the groomsmn s njuggett tie Pin, sud Lte Miss Restei' Gibbard an Alligatoi-r kînmusic rolwith gold monogramn A number- ofcorau laoy telegrams were received duimng the ceremony snd breakfast, The ieue of towul guests were Mrs, C. N ue Il4ampton, sister of thegroMs 14eConnachie, Boliil, u rsu ýMrs. Challe, W inc iestcr, i. -Napae AN XPET'VEUDIGT The3 beat businesis paper pubtished !m the iitý3eets of the farrla tho Weekly Sunj of TrOnto Ani edita;rlti the marget columu wof q reveut issue read us fotiow:-,,Ir the ýfactery âsatem 0f but- termaskiig wýeo ltroduced ail over Ontarbo,3es'wives would b3 sared the laor o btermakirlg, thero would bo vaatty more uioxnt uquulity ot poutp!aced Con the tnarket, con atîmptbon w1u,- ho iureaïaed, sud the addtin tte ave!Rage price per lb, ,vouald a GO DEAL MORE than offs3et the 1ceat of maktIlg ng uteatr Wje have otton ade (ïsimilafr state- mSeula, and our re-tuirus reaer patrons qutte ju.stify us l in ug 5'; 0 If SO. ouare net ulroady ou our lsa ec'ýulhad botter dropa ino for aolco 1ta cýaILi Couch, Johnston & Cryderman A-re slinrg a batfllot of Dress Msis Silki and Cotton tMulfis, Ginghams,Lnead C,)t ton Sit-iniig,,, and Wash go ods o 1 al. kiV.ds, Ma-Lzdo up WiIE;l Skirtsý, sand Pica Dresseas alilnew ap-to-date,perf eût fittîng goods And the finest stock aad bs value in Lawn and Linen Blouses the6y haýve ever shown, ALL Ladies SprigCseling o-ff at, greatly re- A GROCER'S DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CA.Sl. i -~ j LAIK ý!î4,dr - 6 m 1 a 1 9 i a l ý-L er eL ý r -L -t Ir m la 1 -1,11a bu -lisl w Uri lu 1su w Luanvittu c"In- 1 1 ýT ý-L ff si ýi -r -1 -r guoa plu uý -A 1 ý-L 1 : -L LL ' -IUA 4
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
Questions or comments? Please contact the Library by calling 905-623-7322 ext. 2712 or by emailing info@clarington-library.on.ca.