itt Liv r lus.- M~uet Bea SignLture Of Toy SmeU aitoand ouycef Cfioü:tlakey , ck Eigatret I V NNFORTPILVq so RZONOARY R CONTATOF narir oilitorand Co ve n. rcO f 74r.-BIeale lock, Kfn1 ing toreetll dy orne t.Po ban7,1. re10o1 H ONORAY GRA OT.0 Ontarto V t etary C llae.OfUcnl e rs M . WTlljansfo; rnur ears tre Ca anË Siered d lay t Mt. Carnel 58. 10.1 Ofik, ad RsidnceWel I gton St. 'ft V,'UICE2l .&G ALBRAITH. Bae!'1Sere Soltcitors, l6otartes Publie WILLIAM W. VcuERs D. G. M. GALBRAITH, (forlnsrly ot Bowmanvillts 77 York St., Toronto. SThe uractt-s formerly carried on by Mr. Galbrai thtiiBcwm ar.v;l e wî1 be onined by thse new ttrm. Mr Galbrath wili ha tii Bow raanvtllo vr Saturday and aiso durlng thea ,ne k t! re ttt. -t Vwpgneers and othets whoreale he dvisabil- etl ot aving- their Patent busins rasce by xperts. elmaravcfr.Chgs 1mederate. Oaur Ivao' di etao I..,rea. and Wasiegtoii. !.C., U.S.ýa. OAL mItintg ight or' tise Dominon, in ï .knTerrtor is jbrt.West Terri týries and British s Oaibt-. busheeasad for of i anacr. Iot 'er than 2.560 acres wilt bu .eas td ta ,,Ine applicaLi. APPlicatiOn for a lease must ha mades te the Aget or ucO Age thet district le wtitcb tise riglatsapplted rare itnatett. Irn surveyd tertory the land nantbe des, erlbed hyeedt.rions, or lgal atis divisions cf sectioms, au n nnurvayaed terrltory the tract apil dfor 2abc estaked out. aehapplicatien muâitSecaccmpanied isy a Itas 'f $500, which wil be rcnunded if tise righti§ plted for are nc t available btaipnt otherwtse. A rayait y sisal bu psitt on tise mèrehantahie ortpnt or thenMinle Attise rate of l vs cerits Far ion. KvarY lars'4 s cf coal sinÎng rigisis wich ara met Seng operated atiail f7ireli tbe dsrc agent of Dominion Lands wlth a sworn tate- Mest te tisai elVeci ýî easi once ite asciiyaar, Itieae wItl Incînde tis alai mineg ights buyis~tish? Ls-eee may be permttîed te pur- chsewbataver aývialeI surface rigis may bcCie icidred aeasr for tisa wrltng of the auine ai tisa ýre of 810 an, acre. Foar ml nfrmtin pplication houiri ba laade to the SeJCretary cf01tisa Deparimont of tise lteior Ottanwa, or te' any Agent or Suit- -Agent of Dominion Laeds W. W. 001W, Deaty mJnister o! tise Interior. N.B.-Unantisonizad publication of' ibis adt- verttsament wilnot ha paid for, 3-6mi £YflOPsls of Canadian Northwest Land iegulations A Yperson sîho ls tise sole head cfa famlynorany male aven 18 yaars oid, Mayisemesîesd a quarter section of avail able Dominion landin IM., idtba. Saskatcisewan an Aliseria. ,Tisa applicant mi appear in par- son at thas Dominion Lands Ageixc or 8ul- Agnyfor the district. Eniry hy proxy May b.r ade I ay agancy, on certain conutens, Iay fathan, nitiser, sou,, daugister, brother or' £Jeter o! îite;, dIng homessader, PuÎ@m*-SIx ionihsa revidenca upon andt culivatton cf ltae land ltie acisof ihre ysar@. A homesteadgr may tive withtn nine Miles of tis bomestes don a fan mof at east80 aree aciely owned and cacuaped by bîm or by hie tolher, niotiser son, daughier, brother onraiter. Iii certain districti a hajiesieattsr In 1aot stan6ing May r-eî1tùa&qoartar.sectiou a o..g aIde blsuhomaatead.ïPica 800 pen acre lDiets-Must raside six mantisa !ana eS of six hears frtin date of Somnesteact entrs (inelutotug t h tme raquirad toeaarn iaomatead paient) and cotivaîs fi. ty acres extra. A isemésteader who lbas exhanstsd bis hea stead rigitan d cannot chiala a p ne sîmin mal taes a purvisaseil bomeriteadin a ea talin iticts, Price e8.00 par acre, Dutias-Musi r-e toc-six menthe ina saabof iL-as yeamns caîluvate it acres and areci a bouýse wonib teP»ty NMaistan o! ftheleîrir. N.B Untorizad poiaia f this adt- vs. tisaient oetitDno. ha psitt for. S6 Firs Buriar"I Étackel 'Che rosi- anythiug U'ý CURRENT TOPICS. a ttendantCI', Lupon ilthe xi ý'r C,'uk ofthe ileulea few months ago appear to hav-e been present in the case of the- Siavonia wýrcck recently. Thie cIl for 11 helcam-e fo u fthe dakesatmdih. tae 130mieaayenqukrepne Its cus sa hne si atn dC tote- ei, f h vCesel on thýe roks is ngne sndngitain at h hýighesÏf'(-'t possible r ate of speed. Another st ,eamer joined thiie race to save human if e. Ail the passen- gers were trnseredfrm ithe iii- fated ship iithout accident. The crew remained on board for some hours, until driven ont by the in- coming w ater. That they were able to do this lessons the probability that lives would have been lost had the friendly a,- ssistance of the other vessel)s not be gix o:n at the time of res-cue. Thle tact remains, nover- theos, tatmo)re than 400 people on theýir xay o Europe, have been resced rom ditrosingsituation becuseof uic acionon the part of theofier adcrw of other staes cmn othei;r relief. Ïollowing close inponth beaching of another seamrfrom xshic-h 526 pass-engors wr tknby hife a av- ers, it serv)es as a shàaYDrp reminder of the dangers of the deep. Eveni with ail the caution of the navigator L and the improvomont of machinery the peril of wreck faces those who go do-wn te sea in ships. The importance of wirless ,, p ment for every vessel whchcrnes passeungers is again emiphasized. in the familiar paths of travel many stteamers go. The wirele,,ss aîmînons is quite likeiy to, be answ ered in time to save life undor ail but ex- traordinary and exceptionai situa- tions, The wonder of it ail bas passeti. The wireless -method cof communication is accepteil as au assured tact. It. uses in daiiy transactions no longer attract any attention. The sensational rescue offected through it or the trans- mission of some news item of great mom)ient arocîles special inte-rest for the moment. But eývery one q (uickly aksthe c men, "il%', 1 els shout[ld ha1va the wi'rIess equip- menýt," and what is cf.ital import- ance to those who have eoxperi- enc e in a -wreck p)assýes iîîto the eategery eoftRe cenventuonul and expecteti. Tho happenings cf the lest tom montbs have proveti the value ef the wroiess telography in servicoe t sea. Prudence anti gool business jutigment iii commneuiài ta vess el omnens as au essentiel part of the> rogular oqipment of the passeuger fooî,t cf ail linos that appeai for public paitronage. An Englisb authanity -on physia- logy, iu au ai ddress et the Rayai Instittin,î he1 s "vindicateti" the canibe sietifcaiyiri payiu and sl oene f the more cîiiz- -d races.Acriu ta ite proper ,feoi')j for mnkinti ix man- chomiistry et species, ant in ucon- saming ene's amu ).kiad oee ets ex- ectly the igbt staff. Thus dog f ed, wiî.h dog is able te do uith e mach smaller queutity eof pratein, and, other exper-iinents -are reterred teO 4as tending te show that if man Jthaagbt et nething saxo physical 'heaith and stnength can nibelismn weaold stihi promu lanti ho regard- r'd as a niaturel and sensible tbiug. Bat, of course, ns the lectarer gen- eiausly edmiàtteti, ail this is acarce- ly mithin the field etf "practicai di7 eties." Humenity bas eovhet ande risen, a-nd nom it bas other peints 4't nimwthan that oet economy et peii.Meraity eoûSts u'Is some- t1iig, but it bas its compensations. We ne langer imitte nature, "mati mi toouth andi clai," fer w-o fend that syrnpatby, beneoleace, gentieaess, brothenhooti, "humenLity" in, short, canot ho dispeuseti mith saro at the expense et individuel and so-, cial bepipines liomxerthe namldgetht in retnIin;ing troin aigfhorha- vtn e arescifig a physiola- gicel atixantaee mat gxo somea no en se ettheioirtue1antitheir irth. Thet xiii hoqitito ames tudseîniyan.d "nltin"At ton ilthespa etlit, uitbcane, 15 reasanebiLyPI 1tong, nd ex"perts tel i v Tfhauýiz ho Tck"Fri-i-ia And fras furi W ~Tro)uble. 1ibcl falig ensmih constaînt painii ii ihebare sd focf my beoy a aUl doua2 leg s. Thotra uas a boav discluig 1,athibs made ime ui, e elele , ss aend mlsenabie. .Often 1 a olgel te ho In bc -1for a imonth ai t ne I mas ire.aid by several dooors buliejr ineaie'):,nt d001 nue ne permnntgod, A few mcnths age , 1 waspecde te try "Frult-,a-ives." 1 tecksevra boxes, and froni the ouiset nf this treatmeni I w'as better, the Constipa-- tion was cured, and. the diseharge lessened. I teck, for the paieneas, se'v- eral betiles cf the Iron Mixture as i-eccmmended in the "Fruii-a-tives" bcok, but 1 feel thait t was "Fruit-a- ives" atone thait curel nie. 11 (Mrs.) Eliza LeveaclUe. TIaite Mrs. Levesque's advIce. Take "Frutt-a-ttves" and cure yourseif. 50c ü box, 6 for $2.50; trial box 25c. At dea lers or from Fruli-a-itiveia Limited, Ottawa. most etf us. And do-es net Metcbni- kofpredict stihi more wonderful progres? Are ive not assureti that a tune us comuung wheu at the ege cf 100 men and women wili ho cou- sideret ini the veuy primeofe lite, w bile dleeth at the agcet 125 wilI bc deplered as e celamnity h Verily, ue are daiug mou ns a species iu spite et the abandoumeo c nnui- balism nnd other "naturel" prec- tîces.' The moral asceut et ma in- volves ne tremoendous sacrifice et vigor or benuty. heur. TLhe chrm c a beauitul nien d oterealize thoettrac -eions tbey pessess beeuse they do net givo pi-opor attention te the ar et the heir. The u-omen et the "400" are fanmed toi- bein benuty, net hecause tbeir tecial features are superien te these et ether vomen, but ho- ceuse tboy kueir iîixvta koep youug by supplying vigon, lustre, andi stre1îgth te the hein. Up te a tom icans ago Parisufn Sage ceid ardly ho obtained in DAmeIca Btnom'r this digtu bair resteý-rn i ca ain every scdIit idn Bîvxexiefr .50 cent s e a te ladie giuaeutees it & Lo' ý veil mii iv yu yurmoe backl- if it t ails. THE TELEPHONE GIRL. The telephene girl sits -diii in erchair eud l2,is to ta vaics roni oo-mbere. Shje ee1s i he gos- sipaý, she heers a i henosshe j kacus irbo j()is lappy nad mho lias- the bluies; she kýc,îrs al aur sorroîvsçý(,,1s1 o uuilcr joys, she kuiomuevr ginl uho is chasing the beys; site kom e cr troubles, she kuoma etYuirtite, she -kucrs ovory mac mwhu is meanute bis ite; she kuoma every tinue me are eut with the boys, she heers the excuses eacb falloir empioys; she kuiws every maman mue bas e derk pest, she kueuws every man mho's iucý,iineti te, ho( "test" ; in tact, 1teî-e's eL ilîn quettieunelooinggirl. If the elehoaegir meld tel!i ail 1shekr, id umad tam hait aur fectsinde ýbitterest tees; shEe ucuti ýlsew e sineil uuîd that meuid s boch a gale, enguit us un trou- ble ianti"anti as in juil; she could Il go) a story (wbich geiuing in force-) w ould cause hait car iros te suýe for divorce; she caulti got nil the churches mixed np in n, figbt ai terri ail our days ie sonteir- inig niglîts; in tact, she coulti keep thewole toma iu a stem if stic teýli the tenth part etf the thiag ihet she knemv. Nom does't il sunke yeuir boduinl mheea yen -tbiak v-uýt yenu e te the te lephene girlh l~otpeopla îl de as k-yoî us îe isb os. i-1 laUW g-F ,-) buJI aci -ganse, niamme said. 'Thero's-Hoe-bert comiug for yen, and yen may play tli six a'cleck.") 0O11 NEW FRIEND.' ti We have a nom playmnate et eur bouuse irb camnes every eveiug HoL began by quietly tnking a seai un1 the corner hy the began;i.)pots. lie bcd iotbiug ta aay, andi as 1 arn ýu lmys a uitile shy about talk- ing te nyod ho makes ne me- anks h,,ý iiisel, me set in au inter- este sienc thou a e hale een- îu.Theox ngb, henî ie cerne eut tramjý sappo, homas in the sanie cc-rue, ewaiing a. This time the chiltiren mno t fhome. Tbiey trie4I te gt b ta talking, but ho eýu1d ansmer oua afteirustos The uxt me wing e toud hini in bis uaccustomeà seat. "Lokbre, aid ehap," sati Jack, r-ather boldly, coasideing the vîitcr's, digaified manuors, "au-en't yen hugr hIve neyer seen you ont a bite yot. Cun I hning you somaetbiug troni the s-'-ta 11~1 l" At this aur sulent tilt _Ad uoveýd This is onie of the frst sig-n, cf s tom- ach meaku,ïess. Distress afier eating, saur oructutions, sîck beadache, bul- icsconditions arne ai indicative thtit iýs thestmc that neetis an( strength by tkn fo"r thyaeasonc.exyth.t 11E-, ea iapons Te quick- 'y anigntyuo the edigestive onganssireetil theconeai t b stonuacl, cet-i- ùff-theCuisF ri ui the Wbe t ellrag t ailymes sdudyii bad. Hasopei e is Se[ Stuoyweu igbt ou mitb: "B-a-wm, baini, b-e-, boa, han- be0; h a-m, .baco, b-o-o-s, becs, bamboos; - b , cectuao; c-c-b, eche-s, ees, eho. Heshut 1bis boo)k. Ho mas sure Cici ery mod om, cuti mamma bcd saiti !1thatlho migbt go ont te ýPIay bail as seauasis leotc as kleneti H rau t'p-stairs to, got As hops nt amma's îoem, lho unir that luLi le uister Hazel bati uneifreinber uap. "Tauney I Tancy! Tus back! she criedi. "O dean t' Steniey seidti te im- self., "WhJ1anvr mcdo bier make uap jast nomý, l'Il keep stihi, anti pîrbups sbe'hl go ta sloop egain.' "Tanney, Tam hackit" The lit- dia voice mas vory pleadiug; bat Stanley tii met te ge anti play ball. -He bcd eanueti bis play bosur, nd ho tiid net like, te give id aup. "P'ease, T anney, taxa back 1" This was tee mach for the hittie bretber's ioving herîte mîwth- aeanti, anti in a moment hoe mas lift- ing Hazel frenlber crib. "Tell 'tory!1" baby cocuindeti. "Tell 'tory!1" persisteti the littie "Well," said Stanleay, "mbat shaIl I tell yau e story abo-ut 1" " 'Bout doggy." "Well, once there, mas a do)ggy-" "G'eat, hi g b'ack doggy," put in Hezel. "Yes, a great, big bleck doggy," agreeti Stanley, "end ev-ery mcmr- ing ho mwent-" U n' dot 'o, paper," interrsupted HazeL. "Yes, ho got tho peper et the corner itou-o anti braugbt id haine t"In ho meut!' cried liazel. Stanuley leuîgbed. "Yen tell me the story." "No, tell 'tory 1" pleadeti the lit- tic eue. "Weil, ho hnougbt the paper borme iinbis rmon)itb ta bis master-" "Au' ho tt 'e paper ont lho r-îout, an' ho pat tiaggy's bond, an' ho sa-y, 'Dfoati doggylt' Nec dogý-gy lie damaw on p'czzu, anti do Stanoy rasnoi.t'rdrougb luî'gh- uugwinmaimma cameup-stnuns. "hilaputiq, yen ivereon 'No, net" cnietiHzel, tiecidei- noever a muscle. But teour Li'Sur- pîsa m7iute atten, eut cf his nouth derted b is tnuand that very isata fly that had been, .. osting can te neret egania pot ýIuddeunly dspend "11e meant thýat for an auswer! He auswered mae! lle's beginîng V, get eqantd1cried acju- pedte d2o thatthn j sitii{ the saume ton-ýd tha vsbr h ether nighit 1 ra njte the huebirassea euwith smtigi i at "Co,ýuld Ihave eue et youn oil' ban ibbons, please, Pluth l Our tniend's skill at catchinýg UieS uns centaînLy remnankabie. As seau as she couid get, hon teïs- uineted eyes oatthletoa's Iti s;wiftttongue, Ruth huntet uýp na'bit c ( blue ribbau out et bher d"oîl car- niage. "Sec naw!1, said Jack. "ý Thiis mb- be,ér baud is seo sott thatit ca' ib1urt him. Anti it is't tibtIe- Fore it get ta bathering hI iet ail.! itý waýuld break, yeu sce. ll ier an enld et this nîbbou te it adput it round bis nock for a coller. Hie wan't mmnd." And ho dîd net. Hie tunned up, crevat and ail, the next eveung,9 aud bas visited us, every uight smc ee. The chiltinen "'helpb T-hey maove him up and down, fram place te place, xherever bis sik tLongue eau find gead huinig. It vil shoot ta the left, or the-igt et straight up, se quickly thbat we eau seencely see it.-Yauth's Comn- penion. A BALLAD 0F FORGOTTEN THIINOS. Charles F. Lester in July St. Nicholas. 1 I kuow full many a baled quai-nt and many a meving tale, Tc ceuse your teeth te stand an eud andi make yaun bain turu pale; So listen naw uith ail yaun oIes; you'Ill ike my seug, I'm sure; But 1 weut ta gîvo this wannng- my mneînary ispaon. The teirest name in ciar is that et Count Sebedieux; Ho, vas the boldest goiter thut kaighthaod over kuew; 1le made bis wiii, then started eut teo golf, eue fatal day- Nolet me see; wbat bappeuedj next -I cnn't exnctly Say! The cbildreu et thetCe.nt Slha- standing au bis bond, Becanse 'tuas unitten upside doiva. I've forgottcn irbet it said. A very pretty but quiet wedding wns soIemnizeti et the home cf IV. Prof. anti Mrs. Etigar Xesuen, De yen kuow the stirrng tale of Sautda, Coloratio, U. S. A., on Don Jase de Peppergnatis. Timnsday, June 10, wiueu their The Baady-legged Banditfe the Ha- daugbter, leýbecca, mas united ii kipoki Pnss i menniege et, bigh noce ta, Mr. FlHow ho ceugbit the Royal Baker Henry G. McClain et Tlelu-nide, ad ae theRoa Tarts?- Colo. Rev. G. P. Wil-s- ofet te lwisb that I cudtii--but Methodist chnrcb oromigt'le tergot just hem it sat ceremouy.- The attin aschr acterized by simplicity nt eegnc ,niy im'rnmediate memb.oris of tbei 11rid thore, mas yugApe& faiybeing prosent itoee e- cetothat of bridsit-ii anti rb ra ewy tom ome Close tnienti, Miss Irene Parks- I (fe bd t do tbag het bymd, he ride mas-ettireti in un, 0101- and hat et Course, uns gn lark bine traveling ýcostume, Cao ayupane dsentahae, h wîh btotematch, iard icarn-et e fone ai anron cbaest- 1 0batquet cf bride rosesý. 11cr brides- Oh, pshîr! Itsat pnoveking maiti moto a iovely costume cftde'ep Oh've foî-goten il tens! crem,, ith e black bat, she aiseo I've forg tten all he r s !cauryîag e huge bouquet cf cneem v~. nases. The bîidegroem mas attireti in ceux entional black antimes utý- Ihe inlg -of Bungnra.o, one day, tendeti by hie brother, Mn. Donalti uiîine orest dira ,MeCiain, cf De3s Moinews, Ioue. Fejunti a lien -ribe uns leoking tari Iineetely etteth, 1e c.moya sonne coete play witb hixu; lot-elybrakne nws sne rein a Se they, had a gie tcbeckers; table clecorateti artist-icaliy with e anti the lion got a kiuýg-- beautiful conter pîice cf Cluny It's a shemeý, but atteri that I catn't u1pon wbicb resteti e lage boquet recal a sigetiug! et light antitank feude lis, n favorite flowen cf the,, bride, in ttiat t n the foirer et' the fnatoruîty Tbat's an ve ry uhgtoon ttete wlicb hshie biçugt ile a stu- sentimental Guîmp dont et 1th1-Un11\ierity cf coloa, Who spetî,ýt a ycar ee.cmpesing 1hi5 trom wb0lich she ier gratiattii "Snit ta a Pump"; ooa And wminthe Qu0.ecu et Fainy-lend ,l The paecad 'eedinye- beta rndt1iat one iîogb ains pateiinteseedeiae lel hri~ Ipe ymm esîgal. The2 ide) oom Mr. H miung ngieerndi clsaro- ViIIT. pnil oiinmt te Lj ierty lu a dîkandiglmpsbvlly1 BllGlMnigcmpnÀf el WVhich one as heuti b te n wrt nt itgnty s ig ghost1s cf HclbryPe; epceiatreteo yal At 12 a'clack preciseIy bydcm it ngtftreaatn i gidg B b h, g!i[at uetTe bride is oua ýcf Snida'smu dlitiM 1sîmpl clet recali. 1tey iteicicbmngynglds Ieg el>eft augbta, r of u 1 et rX. fdarKsnrospeitcd'i f Sautescbool, tcmenlycf No Ne[11,I cel rkepbsunanemsktsn- ~dPreOeu rhyre amnî~mîn lager tîl, On. ler ite as een ceuti turn thoy will b)e et homin Te illuC- ride. Sal;ida Mail. Mrs. Kesu-er is, cousin cf MÎs.M. A. James and Mrs. John'Vnet jr., Bow.mauxile, Ont., a1tiunsa visiter here some monthsago The Amneican Institut.o cf Pnn olo-gy,ina-oad18,b pe cial Act cf the eo Yr egj a ture, xiliion tbnt esnth firstWdesainSpobr u- Phys' ilog, A-omyLiygienel 1.Pierey, Secreta.ry, care cfFo- 1er & Wells CO_1 at 2 S. Noie Yrk N. Y. IN -TiE AW The C'int-How mc ilyu opinio n be worth ini this ai The Lawyen -FI'mto rodet t sny. But I eatell vu u iwhaLt)c' going te charge yen i for it. Fresb Su-ýpplies in D.emand- WheàýretrD. Thomas,' ElctiO bas been introduceti iïtcreascdsup plies have ,,been ordert, shewira that wbýerevor it gees thîsexlen Oul improsses its power uon the cpea- pie. No matter in what latitude i t may be founti its poency isnoe impaired. It is put up in most po-1(), able shape in botties aLnd can, be cr 'nieti witbout tour of bre aege. Tardy ,Arriv-,,aic inrParty: 'I'n tratiI'm tee lete, dean M'_rs. Smiu.';Î11' Mrs. Smith (effivoly):,.1ý "Oh, mv dean, you couit nve coetelate 1" bacco areconumetayor The vastmujority cf Mxcaseat neoute of any CLEANNG ad DinGý; Eveniurgenne rnd wastsas stn nd a , tis lme dgir draeris,îusA T J,1gE teCL'scANhER et.,ec j S bosedtoSistlir nw isystems are lnvtgerated; att dratns cease-no moere vital waste from the system. The Varions organs become nterai and eiaely. Yeu f eel ycurself a man and know bar. rlage eannet be a faiture. We invite ail tue affieted te consuit ns eeefidentially and free of charge. ncn't let quacks and fakirs rob yen of your hard-earnaed dol-ars, IW NO NAMES USED WITHOUYT WRITTEN CONSENT à VMTHREATENED We,éTH PARALYSIS Peter E. Suiemers, of Kaleanazoo, Yltch. relates bis epertence: "Iwas -nldwth Nevos ebility for snany years. 1 layi it te indiscretton and axcesses te early ycuth. I became wy des ..skt and dtdn't care w bether Seke r net. I imagieed everybcdy a whe loeked ai nie gnessed my secret. Imagtnative dreamis at niglit weakened me-my baek e.ehed, had pains te the back cf my head, hands and feet were celd, tired je the mereiig poer appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes bsurren, hair leese, memery peer, etc., Numbnesi the lingers set le aed the deeter toid me ~ he feared paralysis 1 teck ail kinds cf Medicinea and tried many fini celass f hysicians -Wcran electrie hait for aEOfE RATEN ree montia.owent te Mft. Clemens for AFTIER TRE grutar bath, but reeeive-d ltie benefit. Whtie at M. Clemnena i was induced te corsaclt Uns Kened & Kennedy, theugl1 Ibad1les attl fatth ie dctors. Llký a drocwning mcIr commncedthe New htkthcd Tr taieni and it saved my life. The~ imorovement vwtlk mgeIcould fret the Vigorgcu tbrougli the nerves. 1 was cîired mentally ïnd iàiysicalty. 1 have sent them maey patients aed 'iiicontinue te do se.' CURES GAATE OR NO PAY We treat and cura VARICOCEL e STRICTU RE, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BL OCOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KINE NF BLADDER DISEASES d I Disefls euieriar to Mer. CONSULTATION FRE. 800K5 FRE7;7EL. Lf osia ate cat1write fora Bakfor Hor. Treannt A BEAUTIFUL 110131E WEDDING 1 1
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