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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1909, p. 4

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Farm Tool1S We soarch out the ~ best farm tools of 'every sodî and ma-te it Worth your -while t[o corne to us for whatever you- want, We mean that this store shall be lhe best in every senise- f whatever stock you kturn to. We*ve been here long enouggh to know your needs and in a measure to deserve your confidence. You can judge this entire store by the way we seli farm and garden tools. Phone 6é OpostePost Office. Cî> *e ý4 Yu gctadlctefaoe T e 25 ces ivsgencraî e aisfct'u Yn an get î; iblacký, green, or mixed. nTe C TE)aiS UUequaleàd Ft4 (/~t oprie in fact'it is equrl to my 50 es ieGen4 *Fruits lAre 0Our1,s'Oecia 1 * utOrse~n aaaLmnPnapean ai, l Fuit *A kSn12ap îil VnnrSets WUw5eufofnaeenough 1tb have a few Diîunrr ets arrive * wlh anunusni e-centage of breakage acniiOt replace the brokn pices o thse who eanuEe tbem w,%e wi scÀthem eheap. GrocriesCrockery Fruits * F~, A% HD DY 4AÏ t The,-Srloii f There, fo1re B e uiy Bake cf the Orient, f Weown and have for sale 1M0,0 ce of choice Farrm L,'ando in he etbrigedisrit e SnthrnAberta at prCes fi rangir2g from $OO o 2.0per acre onr fiEaSy Tr of Payment. 1 l Thes,,e lands will rduefrr 30 to 6M bushels oif w fiwheat par acre, 2ý5 te 410 b ashe7-, cf ,pring wheat, 50 o 9 bushels of oate, 30 toi60; bushels of barley per acrýe, NUow is the time to buy S a Suuny outheru Alberta farm iwhe fi they cain be had CHlE iP. No lards wilI be ebtainable in pt fi the course of 5 years under $50,00 per acre. Bay a farm ý I now for your sons and lay a. foundation for their futýure e 4j wealth avd comfort, You are under no obligation if yozt s ask for information, so write 41Î(IE0. 1t, LAIN09 Bowvma-nville, Ont. S'vE M ýheAAUrerta Realty Exchange. Box 254,U Lethbridg, Alta, fBi Classsm okln gArîimzetto, Wrxting, ShrhhudTypwriinga the Dimmr month 14.0for the two monfs, Jl n eimati costi. Cias Lheurs rcmi 9 ta For brImer pnrltic'rs, poi Colleg-e, 27-i7, eau o r wr-ite tie TO RON TC, C&it. Chas, E,Smtn SBlo tlanld Isrc T, F., ngt P'lincia v ISmmier Term 0-ensJ ,, c t i Dpa mnt c ICENTRAL Business College. I ' Meoo tudnts, ilor Teacherp who W.11e I, - ri cial. b U,ý ci ntre a n L tod e dCuÈ,o the zLiî stiErcit sipJ sua' easan a B' )MA-l,'ýVLLEJî 14E 2 , Uflt Meiss Clara ý!iiottî ie hlida3ingat hE home lu Muskokra. Dr D S Heoig lias a liandsoemo ne' MoLaughllu auto. Mrs Chas Mundy lias beau, spend L13 a fow days iu the city. Miss, M Lloyd visiteil at her home i ies Eclth Tallng lias gene on trip te the Pa cifie Coa;st, Mise Florence Grojse, Toronato,,visite lier parents orr uuday, lire Wm Steveuson lias been visitin the Misses Ring, 'foronte, Miss Jessie Rae visited fnieuds i Bowanvhieover Sunday. Meeýsrs J O Henry and Geo Pediar, ji haïi handsome new MeLaugi-iin Laui MrCea and Miss NeliloBiekol BowmauviIlo, are vîsitiug Mre M WL tins. Mr and lire John Furser and ehili Toronto, visited Mr Robt Fursey ovt Sunday., W B Doidge ari wLfe and Vers Toronto, visited J MieRachran over lb week-end. B M Lawrence, manager of the Sut cliffe store, has leased Mr Ait Fursey pretty residence ou Lloydi St, ilss Dasy Patte lias gone tD For lobe, Oregon, te spend thie summe with lier sister, Mrs Rai' Steele. Miss Pearl Wheeler atteuded th funseral. of ber uncle, A Hl St Germais Bedlord Park, >Toronto, Morny, Mir Nflson Byl&nd, of! Mfolseu's Bani Teronto, lias been promoted te maýnaïge c'iý li- nxýew bra- h e-ýt L ambow u le MT 'is Mabel F. Bo,(ddy, Toronto, lses homwo for a short lUme prier te loavin foir Muskdka where she wiii spend th summer, Tie marriage of Mn Leman R Ra] muans, M A, sou of lMr W Haliman cof ,1 low,,n, aud Miss Eibpie Cardelia T-,ouglo onBRïampton, is auuounced for JunI Rev Jars Hodges, B A, gave at ver, eannestandîheghý Msermon ou Il Tb mast V9ouar sii la the worjd," naut el IngrtitueiL the Pnesbyleriin churci Mrs O'Brien, Misses Llewelia and Ivi Everaon, ana Messrs Chester O'Brien I Howard- Bradloy aud Gao»rizv attend cd the, commerncementexriefOL at Wh>b Moudiay eveing. Fey;EC Hal, Mi, N Y, bas boesx aPPoilted -past0or e! theChristian churci We underaîtandIlie preseut passer 1 Roi C E Fçehie, ,v7l ,i reFuime bis studios a' Melaster University, Toronto., The annual meeting of Oshawa Frui Growers. Limlîed, wae hOid Jane 12 Off icers elcîed: R W Grierson, Prost denî; W il St&aton, Vice PresideDt: Elmer Licit, Secretery-TreaEurer and Manager Mr J C Eaton, Toronto, bias subsenuli- ed s5c00 tewasds lhe new $20,ûoc Y , ullazing. Mr BebIMcLaugi lin, FreELdent MecLaugifllu Carniage Co, OShawaý7, was tie tiret tegive $5000 aniýd the Wliiamzs Piano Comapani' $10.r M-sses Ethel KlrbyaidEilihBoI!dand haéve pasýésed with honore thJein inter- medlatgeEam in piano at lie Cen- servaztory (cf Mmdc, Toorto Bti are r p j' sole Miss Bambridgc fand w hi tr.acer are t w e ho cgratulaîed on their lilgi sta!nding, having- obtained Ehlrd hand fifth. places on the lisIt. Large crowds wencled themr way te the cemeteniv Suntday a f ernoeri, il being the annual Deceration Day, wien the varions lodges decorated trie graves of :lieir deceaïed brelliren. Rey W B Tuceo, B A,,13BD, eoridueted the sen- i'icos, îîud the Ëlriing wae led hy a choir with Mr M Salmoud presiding at lie organ. Messrs Howard and Arthur Pol,'sons3 of lins Ererett Feit, are soon le open îp a jewelfry business in Barrie. They ire pepular , ou ng mou) and thoroughly acqualuîed wîth tThîs lino eof buïiness, HIoward bavlng for anme lime beon employed eýt Rsnie's and Arthur with Felt BroCs la Iown. îTieir many Lied vishillw tla vcr"y uccees. IEs Z, CîRASE VOUa nocTR? For vur a gecration Dr, Chase lias by seans o! hie fameus Receipt Bock and pret family medicines, been wlnning ue coýnfidenice ard esleem cof lie people f ibi continent. IVE Kîduer-Liver C11eOitmont, Norve Feod and other Medieines have long sinc.e proven theîr zxeptionjal merîs andte-da'y are telie muncin uhle boat homeseorywhex-e, Viiy net let Dr, Cha3e be your doctor? Thursday lie membeDrs andaiber- ots of Medeaif St Mehoie hurcx stemed paEtenad amir Who lave, iortly for Nonwaod. lMr A Gcyne 7ry abil' aeld asý chairman, cenduct- ag a s:hort prograin, allihe Close Of 'lAi Mn RFarsey nead au address, ind ou liehai f o!the cougregalion Miss [auna present ed lire Tueker with au lulograpi quilt, Mn W E Sci(' a suit se te ,Mr-Tueker, and lites Aiverda Brown a silvrtcnp, suilably e5ngraved, ýMaster Albert. lMt Tueker made a zery feeling repfy ounlichaI! o! himself tud family. Refresiments were served ndl tie cempani' jeined hands and sang Qedý bo with ycu 1111 wo meel agaluý ýbie weddlings o! the season was salem- izein tri SIGeorge'sebchiWodnesday Aleïnoo, Jane 16, wben MISS NiTas. cuise Rernc sceuly daugilen cf Mre lic; Krisn wae utd umr ago ',V7-MnHerbert Edwari Sa;lli i le MllebleoffceStaff, Rer J 11 teiend o! bbc bie, Tebride, 'ho was brcaghl lu andgiven awaS y ýr nclM T Crselws ind- itinwllhbbc usloaryveli, c-ie, n nrle rSes",and hly cflivae 1lnsmade a ciarmlug atnat be grobw,7 predlvMn Cha Scboffled td li siere er M till, Tc rantc, S ad lin E gnVLau- ir. Duu,, t he siguug e! teregister 11s, Ba Ce rsweîi, acousin o! bth yod, I le rn :,Aller(i -e e rîýîLiT retiuwas ield tallie eince e îrsell SîeceSI. Mn and MrS ni ti o Ihe SclektaIn fer a- p ;I acoeLI oder, the bid tavl ag cu a% c uasto UrsuItw',h li ia 'atch au an ab n.7 ra Lr nit ca pli Ou anu insid3e page we,7 repýnblih frr T'.he Oronio Newe several poiuted Ps graphes about he D, 0, B.'s outi' The Newe gave a capital itory oft day's doings.. Bore ie a sentence frq The Newcastle Indepeudent-Editor B, Davideon. The Orono celebrati wae easily the greatest aud most joyl lu the chronIcles of the gatherings COlarke's Ca-pital, certainly noue mc home-like and inspirin)g in the 'hou comnings of the OounDty Association, a poseibly noue more enjoyable andi vigcrating iu the aunais ef the lentiir et Our counties GoC-,erum1ent, for evet thing iu air, on sea, ou lard, seem conspired te make,ê the eveut do t Township up' proudly, the Coun c.reditably, and the -United Ceuni honorably, Primpt relier iin- Fck hea3ache, zz!ness, nause;&, îpain'in the side, gug auteed te those isu.- L arter'LiIl Liver Pills, One a dot)e, Sciail Pric M INISTERS AND CHIJRCHES. t. A fine new $1400 pipe organ made ir Woodsýtock lis being Instalied lu St John'a -ty Strawberrios aud cream and orbei r Lr-od lhiugs added le a goed prograsx a' lhe Mthodiltchanci Monday July 5 *ê, Rev Chas B Brooks, Graflon, gave ni Da cau Vvednesday. Ho also called ai Rev W E Carroll, B A, and Bey E Hinde. Rer, W, Harris, WcifoColoege To,,rjrto, pece r t onaChure] Si Snday morning an.d Rr.R. Hinde là t heeveuIng. ReEr. John Garbult, pastor cf lbt Methodîst Charcli, i inhiepulpii udanad will preacili aIbolli morniug and ev ening serviïces. Tho open roview Sa'nday atterneoxi lu tie Methodist Sundclay Sehool waf couducted by Misses E a Trewin, M. E. JouessaudMr.P.C.Treblenel'. tastez 'Y Normxan Williams gave à r(eettatiOn, and 0Miss Lottie Thiekson sang a sèoo. Rer. W, Ernest Honoy, B.A,, who bas neeently grtaduatld ln Arts froiz Victol;ria Universily, a son cf Mr. Thos HoEzny, Maiposa,, preached willi great aýceeptauco orin ad evouiug ln ;Litulo Bnitain onfrnce Sunday. A gardon punýIv under auspice-ýs cf Ladies' Aid of St Fuechurcli wi:li l nheld on Tueeday 3Juie 29 ut the rosi 'douce of Miss Fairbair;à, Elgin Street v Tuat sarved !rom 5 lew7 p m. Good mus- !cal program wiLlbo girovn. Ali are cordially îuvlted, 't The ladies of tlie Chanci cf Christ WEIilhcld a lawn part.y ualtie home of lirs James Gilfillan, Churci St, Tues- da-Y eveuing Juiy 6c.leu iecrtam and culte wiIi be served whie lie Organ aeryBaud wIll give a concert, * l crdlily ivle. 25-2w. Rter J E Moore, P-h B , w1ho lias boon uta Litîle Bitalu Mthe isChurch for the pliet thrce years, lias been slalloned aI Marmora, The church ut Littlo Britain bas prosperoqd ander Mn Moore'8 pasto;rale. Greai cre-dIt le duoelire Mýoore fer ber zea!cus work, ReJ. P. BorB ,fenmerly pas- 1erou ampea breitand orie e! Dunhm'4ý .s cd9oen sons, huebeen trans ferred fomLangdonl toHigi Riî or, Alla.,, where leie l Chairman of lie District, The change Le a uxest desir- ab o eue. Bis many Durhiam rionds wiiIlic eglad le boar et hie preferment, Uer. John Garbutt, pastor efthle Methodiet chanci, gave a geod sermon Snriday morning on "Publie Worship" making Pome very plain, practical statemouls on tlie ne,ýd of more love, reveronce and adhor enee l e b liuse of Qed, As Lieut. F1'. Morris and lire, James Saundors,muembera o! thee chanci, and Mn and lins D Davis sud prrty, cilîzens, werc on the Atlantic rot aging ho lie BritshIsJlon, Mn. Gar- baIl aeked lie congregation 10 join bearlllv lu singiug '"For these lu peril on lie soa"-a praser for Ilueir safety. lu thec eveuing Mbe pastor spoke on lie greal CougnesE o! Womeunew being held lu, Toronto, paving fine tributes te Iliese educateir aud citîured represout- alIvos freux nearl 5 every nation in the worhd who areedisceu in.-îneliigetly theovais and uoeds of maukind. 9pPrie' elpal Ellicît assleled Lu lie devotiunal exorcises Boîter resuilîs tilcw 'trsom lie use of Millor's Compon oPille ( n IîjSt hanl from any othens, Suld by R,. M. Mlitchell & Cc. Drugaisîs, ENN IS KIL LE N. Recent visltors:lMis Annle Devitt, Mâount VernonithMîPseC Snesn Mre C Pascoe le eninylng thoe Macklinac home; Mrs F W Vl ee aud Mn, Juo Mqr- tIn at Courtîce; Mi,- rs WmTreln wlt lier daugliter Mirs Il Coilacutî, Tyrone; Mr Gernet Sanderson, Cartwright, wîli hic moîlier, Mr E1JLis PasEoti aud wife ati Wm Trewin'ê; Mr Allient Stainton and bride have returned froam thetr liouey- moon lu Barrie and E!m 7ale; MIsseMar- garet Stewart witli friends luneeliac M[iïssE-Viftue Ilu ariiglit; -Mi and- Sire Tamblyu, Orono, visitingr thaîr dauglitere Mrs H Werry and Mrs e W J 1 Staintonlire WightNew York, viil. ces tothose fIrom horo who are writing on EntLrauct xaeatBoml'll. -.No servifce leeS-tidaýy Liglit on accolut o!Haydu ui'ersary.. for 3.7 houns Saur'day h rot'sL7dt ing. _JIf 'tfý sou wish ;t.e fve ,a day 'ust consut tlim s.w te hve ya good lime, Ili waterwaspefetthci grounde" worce mnstivirFting,andevorye-ne (1cr ed thecy Unçtrveýr ad s uaoui -L nt ure W TT-rwv C)A 1 ana le ra th,~ ,oi rfu ior ani ne4 thi di ttll Ice Cor he 3n Ill Of1 ed Ms A.0 I 11 ati tr f av (r bxS Summe Dres FabICS Dotîed Swîss Muslius very cool and dressy for blouses etc. assonted spots, prices 25, sr5 and 40e a-yard sïigne dico e quality pics40 aud Sc a 4.yd. Serpeuitine Crepe A very fashionalile7-, wash aterial suitablo for blouses, dresses, kimonas etc. ïýtast coos, the patterns are very pretty andwell showui au the soIt crepe finis, -i pi',e '5e3y d. Apron usl lstroftukspial forý apreus at 25c, yd, Children's strawhmats with wide linim and coiored bande just the tigfor oîigand holiday wear, pricos '18, 20, and25 each, Beits Summer belle in assorted styles some very pretty embroidered patterus witi white, buekie. Speciai value at 25 cont. Boy's SUitS Sboys wash suite lu linon and slnped Galatia cloîh sites from 3 bo 7 yrs, at e$1,00 and $1.25 per suit, Shirtsî Men's Negiigee and onting shirts a very comreeneverange o!th latecet styles our )atteuns fare nctyup te date and the work- manship of the hýigiest order, aIl sites in stock aIt '7 5c2a nd $1,0 0 e Wchb Memý ni' s inuweeds, navy bîne and black serge good qatesWe1-1, made and furnised lu Ai1 style just the suit you want lor the holiday at $7ý50, $10,00J and$10 Let us Collar Y OU We make a specialiîy et mon's colla',rs our stock le well a6sorted lu the newest eaes yeun ugel bere just wliat you want, Strawhats If -,-ou have net yet got yeur new straw bat we uau supply your wants aur styles and shapes are uew, you eau have the b est styles at reasountble prices. Boot an-d Shoe section Women's White Canvas Oxford shoeî Blachor cut mediumn soles high or 10w heelsne Iat zhapes very good quahity well furnislied per pair I, 25 Chldren's white canvas oxford shoos low hesasaperior quality very durable sizes 5 tc 10ý per pair 7 Je Meu's Bowling Boots and Sices white canya-i with solos o! white corrugated ru bber and porforated leathor insoles per pair $1.35 and $1. 50 Boy's Blue cauvas 3runing shoea Sizes 8 te 10 per pair 50C 11 ltolS13 1 taeS5 600 750 Mctlurtry & ouited. BOIAIJNi ~ INXIILLE. ,MER COTTAGE TO) REUNT- Port Bowmaniville. Wtil rent by the ur or the. seasonl ai a reasonable ïprice. ýhanses ta rentina town. Apply Io A. LiA mS, Bowmanville,21i ,0STUNED AND REPAIRED am p repardt tune your piano and put ' %oter square piani, that will be gold gain. ALBERT F. Cox, Odell Street, 34, BoWmnanville.20t LAWN MOWERS ÀRPEN El)AND EARD Don't put off gtigyu ru Mower sharpened. Do it V, 80tha.t-itLwI]I be-rEady w'rhen- Lneed it. 1 use the Idesi nMower Grinder w hihlas ast A tialwOI couvInnce of 5ts su>perlority ever - bre ire promptly attended te. "Y"ý'ISTS TKEOIE ilng 1 oAe K pice a re moderato, I 1: a I, -t .1 51 s, 31 j A s a e [t '4 3< I F Il MEUNS. lubn olotar t diffieulîy uzmfert and wear wiIh gondch )s, For insance, thoe aoliI st Andi on tliellier baud, ti, shoos ugl y , ant cljums-y Pappocaîraný uce O5Ir leaders are Sevriu l1',v ic -'u Qllecn Qualà iti,24nti V iel la cs b her aremSd wili h li Obj'tfem nn-î~le,cocm fo,î W locoîntts Lad wa Mae 1c, ûs baren co lsac r îCI fcet n.lunay wal Tiee eu ed iuns&Hitle now- sthapes lu boots anti OXfvrcve red R. Poey, I7 lPadrrShoe Store, s*awcaujhle I 1 RO illE Rks iK BUSE FOR, fü miSALE -wia ater om , 2bardnintwater I nddor. i kindis Of fruit tre-es, býaruj, ben, r.. boseballf mile west of Osbawa, HOWDI& MAW% , Restate agents, Whit by ont. 2S -F JI USE FOR SALE-On i te seauh de cf King Street, Bowmsnvill,,rm I cve, qarer cr lad.Apply ta D. Ci M. GALATH, Bowmanvîlle. 58-tf DROPERTY FOR L-Fute A.acres, lotSO, con 1,Orlgtn miews of FEbenaezer chùrci. on whichi are fr.amye koSe, stable and good barit, goad weIl, 1I acre orQnaard, satfruits Plouýghing possessiou!i inl, Imli p)ossess3ion jn Spring 0of 1910, For ,ermlusaP-,!Y on the premises ta Jolis BREX'T, COL:rtice. , i .. ' t c. , ' ,c h f s ~ week, This s a ET ALEN I er Kin&nîro tees ......... ............. --, ...... .... - -.- Get Vour HolidayNeeds AT- West End flouse Yoil wili probably find that there are some ar ticles which you need for the coining h,1i- day. We cana show you a very ehoice assortment of seasonablegoods. Our, prices wil yol,. ni étaluma un nia zareweiL te their 1 M P i l

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