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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1909, p. 5

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BW.êVILLE STATION- Gmai . 85 a.m.ý 0 Exp11.440C ................10.10. Mixd, .,.....8 p.. Pssege .,.1 48 prn Locl. 69 , t.....7.44 ~~Mall~.9.58 mI 1LovzLL~ Towla Agents. M«auaJR and LOVELL tel0,Oicago, New Y, rk, Detot SMauy thanke for your patro- aesiLnhand some Jowleyour time te get ycur ' ,Turnlp. SAgoodsuppivof Swede,Jumbo, ' Canadian Gem, Rennie's Prize,> eave vour orders for Ideal ~ SFenuce - Our car le nearly sold eut;> A Dotther shipment expected daiiy, Peter' Murdach{ XAFLE GROVE TEA. SuDYEeHOOfL ANIVE'ýrPSARY A GREAÂT SueCrns. Fine wab.large uiecsand interest1Lg' servies, ail couduced te enakng MpieGrovo anuiverssry a splendid su2cees E unday uatternoon Bey H T Lewis, B A, pasion cf Simeoe St Mehdechurcit, Oshawaý, peacbed an excllent sermon ta1kiPg for bis 'heme "ýCaptal " In the evenln)gRv H W Foýley'I, B A, B D. Bobea-ygeon, an old Glreve boy hom everoneewae de- lihtd tû meet, gave a gc<d discourses The sing-ing by thoe chool wae excellent, undolen direction ef Mr Chas H Snowden wilh Miss Elva Snowdeu, organlel. Meiss Ethel L VanNeet, Bovwmanvills, ing a solo "Ms'y God and Father, Whlle I1& tas' at the eveniîng sý_ervice. Bey Jos Bannes, B3 A, paster, asslsled ai beth service,,. Menday atteoon a varied pnogramn wae givon by the echool con- ,iistlng of addresse bv Pastor Barnes, har ansd Bey H W Foleý; eia tiens, Ivison Munday, Ra-, moud Snow- den, Rets Power, Cccii Jeffery, Getie Ls'ur~Peu Adswrt. FedWoods, LoneStvesViola Stevens, Llo yd SuoWden;ý dial,,ogues, 'The Seasonb', Vhe w 1 nrds" sud Aunt "Jem- imss eue";duels by Lena and Ma1zy Uigglne,nsd SBella and Stephen .efIr; soogby Willle Rollineon Dnrod Edua Snowdeu and a uumber cf select- ions by te techool. PMr Leslie Snowdon veroseLtod te eecretary'e report sud Mr ,mnesi Foley tho treasurer's report, batht behng very esýifaetory. At te close a veiry excellÀent tesý was served bY wiling geed Iîngs. A football match between .engaged 15e attention oethlie crowd for u heur lie gaine endlng in favor cf Bowanvlleby a score et 3 1 Ail eeing ewre held luntsecanvas-'sited buligwbJeb gave muct btter as- eemmoationthau cruld oiherwlse have beuprovldod. Ail who asÉï-ted in maigIbis auulversart' s succees are de6serving of praise. The commitîe thtai ed tt tle eues fer te liter rnen'thiou, ine Jean M Ted, teaster zud Misses Pearl, Gladys,, Shîrlie and !ilva Sniowden and Eva Foisy. Pro- edeabout 6133.1 MIDýLAI4DW FOOTBALL LPAOUE BOWMNVILEJUNE 24, 1909 Local and Personal. Mihss B Morrow, Brighton, le viiting Mîrs Fred Rehden. Mn John Roacb, Fire Depi, Toronto. '8l bohdayingst home. Miïss Florence Morris le home frem Terontg «Normal SBonol. y. A.,fiaddy bas ln sale 5sef3 argc ami lslous watermelou5. Cal a Ltlrhle ns time sud gelai Have Fa look ai tCur Baby Cannia gros a nd Go CarIs. L Mo Crris & Son. Mise Grta Bond, Oshawa, spont Sun- day with ber unele ai Lamne Villa. Mise Oram, Ternto, le vistinx the Misses Osbornne "Whoailand Farm,"' Dr. sud Mrs. J. S.:Semers, Toronto, speut Suudpay with bis f ather Mr John BewiaanirU1.e elclizeus ationded Maple Greve naFlergary-services lu --large numbers. -The- wreck -ai 1,Newtnvil1e -aT- -Wedneeday mûr-anl-4elaed the--mai train over tweû heure. Mr. Cephas Monder sud Mm. Mary Fraser, Toronto, speut Sunday wlth their lather Mr. H. Meaden, Mr W Fiavelle, Lindsay, bougbi aIl the new eheese offemed (1108) at the oh-eese board Mouday ai 11Î cents. Mnr and Mme, H. Moader sud son Cephas sudû Mrs. Fraser, Toronto, enent Suuday ,,7th Mrs. Jas. Caoswell, Zien, Hope, Messere Grant & Pinch, paporbangers, 1wbe aeassIsing in the zsevatten cf the Locial Option hotel, hung 80 rellIset pspere Saturday. Mme J M Wilkiinsen, Mise Winnifred Wlkinsen sud Mis Gadys Eekardt, T hoto ave beenà Zu*ots of Mrs (Dm) a byj-law preblblting pla'çing et0grama- pbones tron9 100p m te4a m. Thtis le evldeutly a blow ^at thealorlurn musie . çCompanles fcite 43140h Regimeul leftt fo r Port Hope6 Tucsday in charge cf Capt Fareweli sud Lieut bMcLau.ghlnu, wtchýre tîhey wiil senDd s.terîbnigitiunder !Oe and 115c a bar; cob i or 25e, w th0eàcaeb; funtalu synînges sud bot waten bolles afi sp-.ecia1l!dcounls, Mr3. BrîmacOmbo sud f fmly desirar te ex-,press te hebýateli ihauke te ail tite ciizens sud frieudd who bave ecx- londed itheir kindiy svmpathy lu ibis Iheir heur et dezp sorrow M. sud Mme Norman E, Wright and daugittor, Myrtie Laverne, and Mis Florence VauNest, Blackstock, spent the week-end wit ber mother Mme. John VanNest. Ma4jor A. E McLaughlin wltb ergi. Eimer VanCamp, Treoper Lou Piquette ud Cook 1 C Dudley lefi M.ouday moring for Peterbvro wheme lte r Pin1e eof Wales Drageone ge inte ciamp for tweive days. Mr. lDavld Irwin, Blacksiockited croesing litsocean again siliu oe Saturday by lte,"Dominion" oet lite Dominion Lin,.Titis Ilte te tnth lime tie bas been beoked by ibis office for the Emera:Fld Isle. A band of Mexican gypsies, somo 60 men, vwomien sud chitdren, taI b as made a record titough VictorI a Couuiy, were ouuded up noar Petemboro byv Provincial detectives aud are being tried, cbarged with aIl mauner efthief te Principal H R H Kenuer, et Peterbeme Cehieglato Inetihute, was the beet ai an enjoyable littho banquet Friday even- Ing te members et Femm 2B, champions et tite Cllegiato Inten-Form League, efficers et Athletic Assecation sud umi- efnle W Kenuen formeriy cf Tyrone circuit. What two sieler lowns show sucit keen jeaicusv ae Cobriurg anxd Port Hopep Tte othfr day a Cobourg youtit was [fired 85 for sweaning la Port Hope. A Kitchen showers Mai eiohols'. Dînner sets gai rdi4prîces aet F.A. Ice Cream supphied lnu&]Dy quantity Spe3cial patterns cf Wall Paper at P. SBeautiful carvlng sets for the June brides ai Nicholib'. Baflad of Forgotten ThInge le a nice Young folk'$ peem. Twe columu reort ef Durbam Qid 8010 le on another pageý C&uneà peas, Corn ana tomatces, 8 for, 25e at F. A, Haddy'o. Hadpair'ted Japanese china for Mrs (RFeV) S. T. BarîletI, TorüitoD MIr Alez McBride, Calgary, Alla, ealled on Mr Jas ElliotI Ibis week. Mrs. John Beacock vlsiied ber son, Mr. J. E. Beacock, Myrile Station. Mr. W, has lmproved hie flue reasidenace. Elgin St., by painting A. Mre. A N. Mitchell. Torentc, le vis- itiug 'ai ber-fatier'o, Dr. W. E -Tiley,,- ---Call-and--get a reê -samnple -bottle of Furniture Polieb. L. Morris & Sou Serofula cured by MIller's Compound Iron Pille. Sold by R. M. Mitchell & Ce, Druggisto. Mrs. Johsn Down, loe ejoying a visît wlth ber son, Mr. Sydney Down, Rocb- ester, N. Y. Wai t for the~ strawberry social ai the MethodIet cburch Menàday July 5 ai 6 p in, Good program. Misses Vers Sisson and Vera Bowles, Betbauy, bave been visîting ai their uncie's, Dr. j C Deviti. Mies Nelie Gould, Normal' Seheol, Peterboro, le home, accompanied by ber cousin, Miss Violet Steveus. Mr Thos Perey showed us a stalk Of,' rhubarb weighiing 2-Z Ibv. The icaf wýas8 5x53 inches. It wasa mamnmoth. Tite Ontario Goverumeni bas )lE it cd D. H C.Ehioîtet obongofficiai examiner etlunstielu titose Uijtedi Mms. (Dr) J. J. Hamiiton, Beihany, came lu for te football game ",,aturday sud epeni Sunday with hem sîsten, Mr@. Thos. Poney, We Lare seIlig lotsC'f Our 25e tes. Je it auy wonder? l wouid bo goi value ai 80oca lb, H-ave s'eu imied iai Ameie Tait's ? Coeoumg in erchanis have declded te close ihein plaes et buisiness on Wed- ueFsday flnen during Jqiy, Angusi GnlmnWho approciato a porfeci fitting, weii-made suit cf loînes sbouid1 leave *theiýr order uow ai Coucit, John. sten & Cmsdeman's. MrmVW. E. Joweil bas sold bis titane- bred hpeknev stalllon Tbeid Saxon te John F. Fisid. EFq., Coboume. We undcrsisnd te pnice was aven $300. 1 Mr Fred Goodman. near Bunkoton, found a purse contaiulug u»oney sud like an honeet man bcughti hte titIs offic ndavrt 'dIl se ltait te ownom ea dlaim il. Lieut-Col P,-,j Rwsuet Mme JC URo0we,PBewmna nvl-iîle, le luceomaLn d ocf 46t hoalReimutlucaa i %tPerij Hoe Pak Caýmp exi n fre June A meceting etfte',DireelorG (et We5ýî1 Dnrbam Agricuhtumal Beciety -wHil be held lu Couneil Room, omavllon Saturda&y, June 26, at 2p,mra. evision e1 prize hsis'Y etc. Time table aud ate scitedule et Str. ArLryle appears in anotter page. Trav- eh lea impreving, about 50, Bowmanvlhl- hans taking Tuesday's trîp. The beat le maging good lime ibis season. M.E. G. W. Bell, aceountani cf Bsank of Montres], bas been trasslrred te Guelpb Mr Bell has become vers' popular il a bs15 moutits' iav hite, 11r D C Beùtt,_Stitling, succeede Mr. Bell. if sou want patent medlCclues oui eau get lowesl bl aep icesaiJury &j Loveli's.]nug Store.Be t atieLIver pille, 2 boxes for 25e. Par'- (recu 125e a lb. 3 Raud Scrubo S5C. Casthle Scap 17e a bar. Un boJvurg ppier p aav.î,,yy scumasicnti -a-qusin tpî Bcwmanyihbs 1, Beltans' 1 te muethadulge lli tebad babil ho hnzle queioncf"SE èitou'dJromtain ai home sud givo itistins .uhed, " Bow-arvlle qualifled for ewthen tcinaalsibeefi. estest tes value fýor the int oThe n tcndLetheufinania i beueeit. e bas preven Bethaay on ,iem own grounds 1-0 and Cnevaoint ui n oot, h pdkdl ir-lighi lesr àaheiu1,item on iuslocalheroundS2-1. te pupîls sent up by Mise Luttrel e eeoefe day -1,thu wiuiu lie nm - this towu were succesaful, an follows.. A 5OPv of te The teame were evonly matcited snd Miss EdîIt Lockwood, Kirbyv, passed in Malaysia Confemouce cf 'liereu was deubîful unthl te whistIle Iaiermnediaîe Piano. Misses Derots' itod lu Singapore, Sîmaîti blwfer thwe. Ttc fir6t Ion mluutees anderson, Marjorie King dFea ts been mreceivod for wti 'athVIde ae eed gmB*t cli're lu junior Plane, Miss Dootby Cherry, Superinieudeni ~ayiavlag lite besi cf il, but before audereon lakiag honore. This le lug House, hue our sincet, hali t lme liteberne te&m bad stnuelr a exceedingîs' gratifyiug la teacher sud Messr-s, -John Ayme & '00àod peo sud W88 keepîng9 Betan-' puphîs sud te ail concenned, Bowmativille. hbave pur Ihebal re lreensu mee ue tck Mr. Thomas Weslawas', of Brad- Hereford Bulih tom Mn.' cf bis fainusa corîr scew uas îrom worîhy, Devonsire, Engiaud, who le Oshtawa. Titýes' aise pu centre fllà, pýas5d te wbolc defeuco vîihilng M. Richard Wetaway, tas Heeord cow frota M. S. aud à'andEd bahl between te Betit- provod iimself lo ba qulte an expert We shall expoot te h ans' poste. Thisý was te tillant play' fistemman. Fnlday tie visited Bicse Lake camying cil seome pr-ises e .7the da&,py. Stor-tly-- befeme haiftlime aud 'landed ffts',nlue flue pereit sud Faim, BuLon taok a nîse drop kick from --oe --U5 dxft eenexl" Mn.-J- BMtehtasip wlug wbich caugitî James uap percit but as usual the targeet one gel fluent verandits lu iewn ping sud oliled past hlm tam a goal. awsy !-Port Hope Guide. Tem's Bow- sud noutit sid c- f Lbis com mauville triendes oagratulate hbim ou resîdeuce, cerner oetFEgli Ttc s econýd halI wae faston sud a hie piscatonial persuaeiyenesesud d ex- sîrecîs. Il le beiug grn baler game tg aetc, eaedy mu cuteru8EaS lu manipulation cf ttc mcd sud Mrs. Mitchell 1is rece- ttE fopoi wccrk1liitardsu andeiuand lins. . ulaîhous ounlte great la bIsl Wpeneý nstettc imht Sa soln sddWe cougmahuite Miss Belon lice, 4ýer toms. Ade me un1E puaniug e upeasplendie daugitten et Bey B H lice, Moncton, 'Bralhieman Reade' wita goisi. Bradhe'y was sîways lith, and N B a former B C mînisier sud wehl i tree mont.lis lit e en wvith amnsd Gimblotounte eft Énewu lIb is vlciuitv, on passiez lber t e Spie Assizes [or tne e;lng epi- Btbany morsetan busy. exams at Mouât Allîson Ladies' Cel- sauslug lte deatit cf two C Frise La goal worked overlirno sud loge, Backvile, N B. The Ta.srpflsitamer. wae mlossec rmade c.enegood saves fer hie team. "isBlcwnama "., Clcf I dretýumned 10 Iom ýiMîh, Borsd Wory, te Bewman- scholarsbtip etf825, stands first la Eîigkleit ttc fiïer. Bis sentence 'Jl atbacit lino. played their meai and physese and second lu Froncleà, ud over tweuty dave. gsrd gansd kept lthe eppesîng fer - aise Wenscn e et sa Ii ! Thte Kawarlha LakesES -eanzdItïfluomdOiug muet damage. given subjecIt SUsRIcase a iulce of (titird annual sesson) CI Svoli Br n sd Carter weme titere , Mr W E Pollard sud Mrs F Bizea ear Peterborought, Ju1- ',wth thec gode althe lime. BowmanvîIIü.e' 19o9..f or thettidv oettlits ForBclany Pîcelu ea plyed~ A god enîertaiumeat -as. g7'rn aud'methotis of work, uyn daultîes gae. Meton sd ris r riday ennag lu ttc1Opera Bo s eln cf lte Bay' cf Q -a trd almle ues Ban i aI ,ý under auspices cf Vicier BaEebai lub. EpwortLeaguecon liai ca'I e tet, hll Dr.Bamito Tie jpogram wasevaried asud kept the grammes sre uow oi fsdBipescmloearteg at akaudince lu good tu~nmr rongitout. i cn.S ousudK e scu were ttc %,I. Banold Blc, piano soloisi sud F r Rclins'eer'-SU sbaig iite f ie Blavfrad coptitriade a meel favorable DyndFui fJi Uslon, Brreto sudCealer aec hvi iere i n sud erformed bis part meetExusotiks 25 salefictniy.Mr. Bert Barvys' lie tnp, g 17gigJue3 ,=w ocieýss ca anersd cotaic songe pneved a e suttrtuancl laie -he rietere was Mm.,W.D. Bnae ~elntuenialuer snd use rtcaled 1Pc? te "oni Kiga, ,e Toman--te Leagn-e, Ho !Sle ieoh ac pernc-enimewe.Dal'sriepscit wa'. beLnithe busne15ss tfii.,ttLbasc b eeneisùeu risssMblsu1ol hepre frolm -M A. James, agen boLre ton a lnglme E pt t i n~avf &programrn o avaniets'cfinsîr - Booiurone_ Îi, g3.Maaes r CDtlcnsabeotneieevaeumu rsRchd Mooe ,a su 9 esak r rn f ierta lsnioi es' doens.Te'atuddteOdD gam"o willi tepla da aatnAnl r eh ograhtou pzovilg K.ybe tarne. teoi 1v(emssrtY Ji'it i3pr,.B hetotui u xeln etraaen.,t e ie'td r n e Cee iý e s t;ine Ice -- titen, ailu NscEtelm rtesc easieu elit ehz Bev. 'W. T. ofth b Pbhsi 5Sonc, wesi et Petased a fue rcitssed a fOi 5SnoWeu, jr. bear of tienâ -hIutltoreerdtbýi tfortable brick1 In sud lHneree, sealy sd-mîrpn SIvng coipgt't- îpro.veilet o~ was sentenced iuuiles gaol at egleet cf duly CP Rtrainmou. doen SFsturdqý4 Suzrm3er Seý5"oo de lte sur ilse Coerence Ilîtoos.Pro- ai Roheeter, ton tite round nr tban Jui C Secumoticets nt. iZt tea hlb ait ecP iJmes9 7,GeeMoeGhîl, tud Mins Banna bain Bois and etwn wek7bey A and a verv mg wiit mapy nu for yewr, gode i5ati rebilcock's Wallh P-apern su Stationiary depel. Mr. Fred R. Foies' assiste oni te p mogrm mof a iawn eocial ui Groeewood tiis (Titunsday) evening. 1. iMisd M. E. Blgbet M A., Ph. D.. Elm2ima College, N. Y., is toidayhngc, witit item motter lu Cobourg, Mm. BiJ Hall bas eturLed trom a vemy pleasaut vîsit wltb tnd2 lu Grand Rapids, ani.,sd otiter placeýs. M.WJ.Clarke, VWluulpeg, Mn. vlsledtrindelu towu sud gave tisý journ'al afmlendly cbAl Salurtday. Bie 20 l1fooke jproepereus whitrà'a iuewly pahabtd rtuu%, aietchljfnlstûd -lu golden oakî by Mr Jerry Westaway. Mme. Harry Baskenville and Tie I na, T,,oroute, are viitIag Mre. John Cartis and otiter elaivssasd frieude berem Dr. W. T. Willand, Dundas Stmeat, West, Toronto, hae esumed 'practîce atter bis rosent iluess from tiypbold foyer. Mm. J, R aneock, V. S., aud Mme, Hauceckatendellte Dumbam Old Boys demonelmtia aut (ra.Clon E2ter prise. Mm. George lenuceck ,aud 1Mm.Pee Laing. Clarkre, saileýci oaI n e bre u *a hile etur-nhng fom vsiîuý ire ne u ort Frry.7ý Focr te flun sýtcek et nuli ï gns wah îdeetai kîde cýUad iai o1usit, Jobueton &eCrndemmau's a ves' hoio socke-fMen's 1Re&dy-tu- W%'ean Coting, beugiti for cash £rom lte be u most roiable makers lu Canada. Mr sud Mrs W N Tilles' sud dLuý7h- tors Dorotits'asd Marlan, Tcoonto, Lave gene oua trip loEngiand. isMns ie lu voor itealti sud ihile bopeit litehe trp wihl greatis' benefit ber, Te regular meeting of Bowmanville at me.E.Behmaus n Sturuynexl aI 3 p. m. AIl membors aud tem I trieuds pieuse attend P2rof. J. B. ReSnolds, B A., a' Durham Boýy, ncw a losturer et OutarJo Agri- su1tlu.ralColeZe, Guelpit, delivercd a vers' huterestiug sud hglsi stm-uelive ndrssa E. Victoria Farmers' Instl- me s sLndsay Post. Tit AgyleTeoono trip frTcacs- ay-; , a'-is-c naetleé,T-ir um wii;crry a rEpeclal excursion tramn Newastc, owiauvhle Os aau *~~~ ~~ -1tyhoOsti ., uud Buffalaou vslled bi ýS siste-, Mme. 'WV. Diekensonk, o! Bewanhll, fw days ago, sud oaiea aiteud:ed flicconvocaion of theoTcoouto * uvmhy on Fmlday hast. wbà3eo item dagteMise Carne Dunuett, wrls op fke graduates.-BrigittouEnslg n. LiutrPank H. Morris, wito brouigitî suctLi-, toer te bimsecf sud Country aI tse Bisies'matches llute O.dLand ast yeam:, sailed Friday witlte Bhley 1168M con S 8, "Tunishan" for England. i ý!toewuBr-lecultC am st;1-be ocmînioRifl&e Association hati Ps, wc sitahi auoclfavorable reortseoet blm, rnm i LSle titis vear. REPRESENTS CANADA KnRW N7, TX L rLEY TGO MPEAII BEFORE - LAGÙE -TRIBUNAL Mm em iTilley, oethlt egal' 'ecrdvfr Enghaud te prepare lt 5550 fo.- aad udNewfoundlandl.ý-uAd lu lit abitalonproceedînge etr Ttc BaPgue Tribunal, betweenl,-ite3 eî UntdSates ounlte ottýer Prier te ti- fdepartu-re Mr. TLes' bd othe berhg u tccase,aua WhLI speud;bi lim iitie case le taken u, someù geln ovr aahlbbematerlal lu ]Brtain. -G-lbe.Mm.7iles' 15 yugelson ol)ý Dr sud Mme W. ýE. T i',ey etlitre xcwn and e asurcsefl Dutamboy. Fer nfans anJ hiM'Àu FootbsIl bonis ai Foleýy's, Strawbrrieu re on sale. Lawu abow Ing bao îguu,. Hiýameekg anD croquet sets at iclo- cills'. Toilet Sets [rom 8.0up, at F., A. Haddj 's. Local merchantsl had' a busy trne laSt wveek. Teiepboue Girl-regd of ber on an ianner Pag-Q, Wali Paper. Send this paper te absentfred-5 te end of 1909, Tc field, ob rwas ini tOWu Tuesaday; Cut glass for June weIddi.ngse, Î, 406 âne at Nicholle', SFresh reliable gaiden a ild see38ds at F. A. Haddy'6. Mr. Harrv Walker recenitly visited friends at Edville, Mr. Walter Girvin, Norwûod, recenPtly vîilted friends here Nearly a week luRchmer eex-j eurelon ann6un-ernenït, --Lernade--sets, cheze -variety ler weddlng presents at N1cbdlla'. - A dish cf Luttrell's tee crearn on a bot day goes great. Try one. Mr. N. J. Morrisey, Helen nnd Fr6d recently visited bis mether nai Pickeriing. Mr. Jos VanCamp, Dârarhingon, was a membercf tbe Graud Jury ut Cobourg. We bave ail sizes and priees of -mat- tresses and spring3. L Morris & Son, Miss Violet Dudley sang a solo in 13t. Andrew's cburcb, -Coboýrne, Bunday evening. Ladies' SprIug Coats selliig off at redaced prices at Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman's. Arcbie Tait wants aIl 3your bnUer ,>d eggs ara will pay the hlgbest price lucash or trade. FilOO, a legaey loftiby7lte aIe Bey1 Croseles' for needy patiente aI Muekoka Fr" !Henpitifer Ceusumpti vos. Tihe 'ce crerm social given by Sellas Sueet Temperaneeon Mr Aifred Urz ogati'a awn Tuesday sveniug was hagois'iened The, football game betwea Bomauv nclutMiVernoni [wca nthlie bonI brand et football by au n man oe C",0-O.Refeshmut s voz ýcesudneai good prograsnglfVeu Prcede e î;uver17,,$G00, Prfh. G Keener, son of Fret. Eig'ar KseSuperînTtendent Cf! eooe Sahda Clo wtoCama x0ferom ilurea- spoli, Mie, 10attend the r3riage cf hie~ ~ ~ ~~J (7,r .eecleM MýetUlain baessiortly for L.alifornhs, witerti ha wll bLe on lite laclittv c!et lt lte Uni- versi ut Berkteley', lu clvii engineeinyg1 deparijentý A report ef ttc mariagîqe a'ýppears on au luekle page. DENTISTS' HALF HOLIDAY. Duriug Julv aud Augue'LtElte denal offie Dr G C BVunysastleadD ftSom 1 P m. 2à-loi -TTRLL-111BowaLnviiý-hie]Jun22, fo bMr. aru, Mrs. DavisLuffrell adaghter. UFDoN-ELLIS-In Oshawa June 23 by 11ev f. Lewis, B A., Thonmas Cecil Wordon, iHazel Mari on Blles, Oshiawa, ;YDESIMAN-GIBBàAED-At the residence of bride's faf ler, June 15, by 11ev W, H. Ems- ,Manty LtCryderman, Edtnonton, Aiberta, 1Lilhîaa Blanche Gilibard, elitsindughter [r. W. T, Gibbard Napance, oRuis OHApmAN - At the renidence of flie de's, parents, Junc 16, hy 11ev, W. Llmberf, John H, Morris and Mary A. y.ongest igercfinr, Igaac Oaapmnan, or. boili of 3RUNsKoLL-DICKsisoN-In OlierboumneCf,, bottaI Chnrcb, Toronto, June 16 by 11ev. 0. M. Browin. Mr, Arthur Dudtley Bounsill ci ee May' onis' daughter o!fithe lafe Win. 'kson, Bowmanvilie, andiMrs, Dickinsion JSiÀOOEF--I Bomavhlejune 17,jobn urs ISimacojuteagit59 ymo, &TCEF-At Poi-f Granby, Jnne 18 Elizabeth ie, Brfglitwell, wlf e of Mr. William Payne, ad 41 yrs. >LLARiD-On J,îne 17, 1allier lafe reoidoece, nrave,, FanRichoctVirginia, Anmie ceent, wif e o! Auýirew lPoliard, fonmerîs' of ýrie townIship E LERBOUSALT O; P Tl0Gn Er Gnd DeN1er i 0n~eT -Abit r er B s e., I -" G O riteand srbetCEnl bnay and niWt cous G ~ ~ ~ tet OOiTRNmOYWNed t learobakig. A p 0p M tOD , 11. elderly I i rson preer.yired. M-, rA. J. R EMOVED-Dr G. & Boncie in ~ ~ ~ S Lutrei' nc hck thmnvle, 2-myr Ws F.A ie n t11 C.esionSt. owai- Mn. Frank Short, Moeilgave Us a sali ibis w8tIk. SýSestr Baud, LiudSay. wFas granted 830by the town concil. mAninie Hopper, Knadn,.l visitlung Mme Thos Nicels. Eigbl rigs, wilh forty-seveu gypsies, passed through town en route fer Tor~- Reserve Mouday July 5 for the straw- berry social ai Mlethodisi church, 09 program. See eur new I~be stock pattern lm Chlan, F. A. Hszddy, China Hall Mliss3 Ela Jollow ruecenfi Vsied!ds ruat thQ MotbQdist 1Farisonage, Fruit promises a geod etop now, but 111le tee early t6 base calculatlons. It bia s tarted well. Meuday was tbe warmest day yet, tempDerature hevering between 83* and 9V~. Heat was general over the court- Itry. Mayo76r Masou and Mr R R Lescembe, K C, are on a business trIp te Washing- ton, D> C. ReeVe Totle acgtisIg-Màyer during iheir asne ewather for crompa bas prevailed ibis mouth, net tee warm and occasielnal raires. Grain crops sud meadowse are leeking flne. The Sir Argvle brought 60) excur- sioiste from Bowmenvlhe Tuesdr#Y.- PT1>-osto Globe Owing te fog on, lake Ontario the boat was late returning. To gei tbe new 8 of Durham Ccunty. subsgeribe for enset The james Papers. On' comparison it wilhl ho ound they coutaîn twice as mlicb West Durham news as auy other paper., Rev and Mr8 W Hripkin, Barrie, are reLewlng acquaintances here gucets cof Mn IRID Davidson. Mr Hlpkiî le suifer- ing from a nerveus colaptse and is slewliy regaining sirength. Mrs. Crossley and Mise Cressley bave, NOt only cdme it tfke flonger- to put poor paint C'ading tha good paint, but you hiavc to do it oftener. Divide the c4ost of izg your building int threc pa 'rts and two of then go bth le painr. rTie t1hirdi part pays for t1hr pairnt', IH.o gel paint that w'ilI las, é, year you can afford 10 pay more for il thanï for 'paiffitlthat Iasts but 2,. Sherin-illims aint is t ig hýestuliyand moxý at saiSfac tor y paint made. We con:trol the rmost imrnPtantý raw rùztcr-'A'fs frOn whih i ismanfacure, ake and ref--ie our owA Insec otnd in cost more pr gallidon than m rany cheap and ýinfei rp-aintzs buLt demn-. strateir eooyo h o ycvrigmrloigbte n Iaeth)g lne.Akyu elrfor Nid. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 MnCnd f'iv#u~ 1araTruo< 1GBE i UII The2,isWHek at @J Conlre d es Mlnstfncy AhitevressMlin splais rfacy 12hite V aesigs s ort pateils h poairn2plain 25d fancyl 52 doz Laises, Vlests wrth 5ecuaoh for5 2Neoz ac Ctt eose worI,,Iýý h 20 r doz s "nýVtswrtWfor ey Lui ~New b filtsteica-Mý-D n syle New beifrS mn and boys,-i( £, boy vs esy dswtefomnad Y 1 IF! ~ ~ 4kft% .,iI,4~$ Groces du bUi takn ascash Nexi Door ta Sandad Binh B wnierlà, Pur e flapie Syrup. se have Ôur first ablpment cf this seasoe u PUEMÀPLF. yd 9YUP bek'du layet from us wben we advertise pure __ SYrup. We want yeu to test Itsj quallty soe onet fail te get Seme with ' yeur next order. AXlSu4gar CreÏV-ea Y ~"We bave the cboiceest of ail f moked Ments, curedl for cur ewu special tradce Il yen blave net used tbem, do se sud get the beCt, ChieSmokedHas,,, ....,17c a lb. Skinned Backs.... ......... 20C a lb.,' EnglishBrafs Bacon , ........ 20e a lb. Picui Ham. ., .... .,. igea lb Frankfort S9augage,.,...... .2 Ibs for 20c. 1flelonga asg ,,,,...,. 10e a Db, We are ofeithe inesùt Caifeornia Navel Oranges at the f-olleow- lgprices. 20 ae...i....0.......Ocdo L emzo ni;..... ...... 20e and 25e a dos. Plneppe...............2fer 2Mc Higlxest Price Paid for ail Farm iproduce, THE A '. P~ POPULAKjj. ~U i HN GROCER A, r he T6.5 IT r -U n T -L -1 11 mie 1UP

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