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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1909, p. 6

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butrteferte forits at; trT A R DÀ.. E TO TEL J TIETRI TIIiito thelique in the kettie, lieu uip and ipeu oerte irs Don't be auei WAIR WEAILi DRIKS. ramin SCrushed SrmbryWater-A Sunshine an' cloui B e vvat xou îseiieve and Put Y urCreed iplicieus drink nmay be made frem Aiuefthsbdossona9 crushed strawberries, mater, and Sweet frem1'1 the g: > Ino C ndut a d C aratersugar; this aise clears thse ccmpiex- An' there s us ion, acting on hivuer and, bowel. "The truth shah mLake you foc"an ieaandîthose 1ta etiieit. c hbr tisieisie o nDo't. lie a-knecki -Jhviii., 32. Soe rew_0, o trutli coes te tbe . e al u in a quan r cf maer, str, Lf pyu One ocffthe greateso imutisin first tpeaudit simdaeyadjiecin odsugar et's sw l theant votetaste oafter it is cold. relig-,ions thinkiug- is that its e-pkdawyini preeiseiy tise form Cherry Drink.--Mash twfeîve or Sing it -mith y pianations tend constantîy te lie- in ici i frîuppcared, It eau- flfteeu seur cherries, stone and ail Look at tharos tIl Come its laîrs. It is bard teo keep net li caned it mnust either stay in egasshpurmatr il th gas Its tliosght flexible, vital, nd,!sel a my r leutte-riy shattered. is tiro-thirds ful; add sugarl te jus-t as thoul deveioplng. Every age tens e ha md makes, sucýh a form a sittihe bastellymns of thanký setti -e back on the descriptîiýonscffiieiCurrantadîer.-i.Press the ju1 tise vision cf the age before it and The -other type cf ammd reccives fo iecrrns tan t nl e'tleanci declare that nothiug may 1lie seen truth a LS ailiing; 2:t hini its ideas are pint addie poudcf ýiesta -ihecSason m in'o beyond. oer developing; enéis vision pro- sugar; add ivttu atsran ediean'ba The, creeds are but tho definitieus misecs larger vioms. The exýplana- asnd botti, and kep col God sez 'twill a and analyses attempted by the past. tien that seieQs te satisfy teiday 1.5 Jely ae.-le eunve Look at the bhoem:ý1 They a, re accounts ef irbat mcn hehd as tentative aimnys; it _must ion' ioaingsileraie e ppy So fic were ablIe te Seeanud tell of their groir in order te expiain the larger cf any frulit yen like, sree and Listen 1 Tbirdi ýiS 'ooglt f the wnys cf the influite fact1s thiat open ip te-morreir. dissolvec in mater, keepluna eci Leoki the,ý amo7,ng imers.--Tbaoy dfrd ui ha~ind--neyer ias- ceeri-Saye- pinae UeoVWen sce.thr ,ougIr- cause ne tir emn ean ueccupy pre-%Sa, a matlter of E A rnnt cisely the samne Peint cf riewxrl'But1K A.Biîý) th itelecunl sotfL qiky TEMPODRARY R1ECORD. WIAT TO SA\VE.l Angeles, Express oeized sncb descriptioS arsd set These tire types sehdem nundCer- Save inside scap irrappers toeu them urp as final; they sared thons stand ue anethier; thley nosver sy- irons on irben ireuing.E0 N Vie lalior cf lecking fanther into pathlize. They areamost ýýSure te Save cohd coffece loftý freim breaik- OO trthmcasudt1ise Irst m,-li denounce fast and use instead cf mater on (Fr om the Osi Evey ccie lis. eenat emethe second atis'ýe teceosforc eiycur feru. tietie rnnkest kind cf her.esy. b~ rut!). Ourteloia battles lib Save ton heures, rinse in cohd Mn. Bort Db omved its vîtnity te that fncýt; irliu lietirýýenl these tire - pesof tikigwater and use on tise carpetirhien village Sund-1ay m ai mn reable te speak mci fbtientoe o hm rt sde meig te hny tbe dust. Mr. Sid Rutheýrfe it ilin ileau chanltt it miVtho)ut ied in seaIed, niraall Save old tootis bruishes te use centhy. eusnit -enses te have any p ier-pckge lad toefeýr o it Pasto blacking to sho-utiu rs. JarvisJai It as emoiesbut ne0 vision;i breakés eut in langer 1meaniug ceyfluer te cheanu u iet enole and vîsîiting M1r, T. Jac reitsisitory but it offers ne d ay. upper. Mr. A. Odeil ancý prophecy. Yen fiid those tie yps vey- Sae any surplus cohd starcli, ah- ed bis fathier Sn THEN NEW H-ERETICIS AIE ri-ere in ife. N,0oree ned-s avu1 emit1e1et1e pour off maýtpr, lot Mrs. Tho. Rain They are the mu o rletehlI net iritte su'ggest irhicli is morle nbedy n it mnylieused agnin. visiting friends berE their fathers sw btibtte mi1 teafar c h mrdibil as gg eore breakingr and Mr. Sams Plain, C are tryiuig te sec for thelcnsseives. liaýs made pessýible scientifie dis- saxo-,tishelîsue se-t-le coffee. in tewnrcn-y Tleydae e e-i -b trub f ody e y and its adcaptation te human Prot:eot-dngro table f rom Mr. R. R.-,,,d( Ia t-e fers !to-day. Weee ofrsaud us,ýýefulness. Tise' boýt di!es 0ypiac na asetsTrtwasom yudare te do thatyen. may lie cen- n te whom ,truthli s a iîrsn1g mtt-eodsaytî simdoes Mr.Tises. Vno tan ou er !u ,oi tiing is the ma iro viii steaily usd 1tli kt-cnlndr a cd friends bore.ýp tanttsa n rtss" oekteapply truth t lf t) iaï .f1, il oe -L..j.71Ï S those irliese saors are istuarbed t if edoh, su "ee '1 n .r ugse liy thesenei soudsit- liv-e. dîsis. 3ffli et.Bu No ir wtrutb" is at first meicome Tbtapietinc liing truî'ýtb e-iMs erb a te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e may laesmi in tvital tinsis t-be ýc11 import[autds totinction.OIt- is that irhicli m m st JAPS ÂDT ilCZA U S 31 J: I'is bas iougtuest of ' bitrylecause it seste theflnc ueed t iee earlyi materscf ne- ol o a po iihjtM4loaeBo t-bikig aoer igain, and uar m uale tnceittt-indng t ign.Tise great t-ing is te taeDfint eRaiei vi.siting bis uni ly tb1ey arVe teecld or have scl'ntttdeterliiosPrti r olàu. lon fihn utcftie abt f hik-that me shahl sec eeyvso as Ameng erir geoinigiertise Mrs. J. MeR ne arc ïuig te conp t tbt-pocs eauingý somethiug ranil, livable, as Japanese, notising is msei u eet etel miis auy poasure. Their folcirepnig ruisteusony s em- if ail andi averyt'inig Ltoey endea- spend a feir days w ,crs simnpiy eciso their larms lie- thing te lie realized and lived. ver tecxtract beniefit, says the Miss Meotta Loi. cause tbcy qare told cit-hon te odo s Truth saves as it- is iived. Life3Kisarbin Vyestuik. Thus, for ex- Miss Minnie Kyle,' or lie damued. discovers untrnth and revenis t-be ample, during the Russo-Japane-.e frierids haero. Tisero ar',e tire types cf mmnd pomer and glory cf tise true. - W'ar t-be Japanese, secureci more Mn. and MNrs, Je]i eveymerethsetiat crystalize HIENRY F. COPE. t-bau ,0,0 roubles' mertb of daugh-teýr, MssEd __________________________________________________Russian posta-ýge a nd roevenueritetindhe stamipsaaaoe by nisý in vanieus MnadMr.W ndd oe e leten c;-g te one-hialf cup- post-efie,,banhe hereef, and tia dauister, Ciý fui mlk, and tam ;, into the dry su- sundry othorî establishments. INeio tM.N.F îI' gre'dients Ui akîing 'a soft dougis that the euterprising Japanese are try- 1 u oahnv onu li andIed. Addo- ure miik if, in& te dispose of t-hase stamtps te, sbbs io O M e nfcc-ssary. Tat-mion a aloredi aents, ube o rffer t-hem te RussianatSfaDoie ioard, toss iigly, ndroil ontt-Oarriaisfor ,lii tir value. A Mr.floasI -~tbickuess cf cebincih; cteiu tain aucainuaisecf n o et neerto * *~ *** **** a iscut ct-ten; ut it c buteri trpnsig tra finci, proceec- t i bhird ea ecent-re uc eneis rund, and fbld ep- 1od t-oJpa o bsiesouuai. GOD OEINRECIPES. pe)sitce dgos te meet in con1te - tereci euf tiLss aensal, Ycke n.Chs B. Tbl Gormaiiin Sand Tarts.-Ten ceggs, Brnsb tops mitis milk, and balte in hainaý,, auci1, tempteci- by easýy gain, tais, s. Cahiend tire cuipfaLs of sugan pomden-ed, quick ovçen fiteen minutes. bouglit varions stamps valueci at-Tiso'uton, vste eehi-Pound butter, 10 cents' Egg Biscuit.-One quart fleur, ' ,200 roubles for 1,000 roubles oniy., Mr. W"cs. Thso("rton. menot-b cf sireet ahmonds, oeunuce three teaspoonfuis cf baising pc-e- Tise stamps mono suceesfully con- Miss Florence lie itter aimends, oeateaspeonful- der, pincli cf sait. ene-tisird cupfui veyed te Viadivostock, bat unliap- at- Grace Hospital,7 each of orange and emon flavrng, sugar, piece cf butter size cf au puly t-be agents cf the det-ective dnying at bier faîhe: euie pound potato fleur, oaci to- egg, mix mit-h ene cupfui cf milk te force got c ld f t heaff air. Hunter. speonful bakiag powder. Bianscl a scft dougli, add tir elai beaten One cf tiseseaensvisited 'tise Mrs. Emma Cnxr and graVe tiste aimonds, lient t-ho eggs, mix and roll eut and C'ut- in Caucasian in t-ho guise cf a st-amp at Mn. M. L. Trave yohks cf t ise eggs and butter te a small biscuits., bakeý in n qaick purclinser, andi in reranont t-e Fred Bailes and esé-ste, ad sugar and lient for t-en even . ronce suspicion aud fer greater Oshawa. minute; aadd nimucs and petate Delicieus Gingeýrbread.-Oae cap- verisimiitudelaid sesu,)e meuey ou A brandi cf I fleur a ienbot- t-broughiy.. Boat- fui cf mlasseýs, en-e tablespeenful tise table. Wli.nle" t-ho "endiant-" Phone o.el: ci-on mteceggs t-o a stiff fret-h and of butter, eue tablespoonful e! lieu- left- t-be neen for tise st-amps t-le lietireen bore ancj fohd in uit-h oue tenepoorifui bnking sng mater, t-me and eue-lai cupfuhs signai mvas giren te t-be ambuscade Cmayla ie po 1o, tho(n add fiavening. Bake cf fleur, ouea teaspoonful ca O f ac eseonar lad t-be ciner n 1e- Mn. A .Cr - su ~ ý0 a finy o v. TIs'e above inger, clavas, cinuamon, nd soda, tuýruec t-t t-lie agent met is rO- J70sGiho1nK cnogb er -megced ize cakes. asnd isaif a saitspoonfaýi cof sait. v ire ii aud andi arresteci him on'0o1drxer1~ Orient1ailea na 1_s-B'reak wirte Puttho0 htdbutteri-t-o a lieu t-ha spoýt- mit-h bis îf e -and confis- afrmrnc hi e!eu cgg --iii a 1om, ndd oc table-audnddq oasses and spices; dis- cnat-ha t stasnips. Wiscn it appear- passecui arysed spoonful cof sugar, bin i'a somenLtl-,sIve t-be sodaL in al--a boiling ec th-athtie st-amp, xrere really Rus- -obeFi7 o and t-heuao ddoeetabies;poonful cf mtrand Put it- in naoXt;: laienSian ut-be pnýisone-r ma% reheaseci af- 11r.Wes. ugla setndbutter; lient te the thick- t-be fleur. Bakte ini sWa1'Cir tins t-ouroccy'dot-cntion, are visiin ier bnct 44ss cfeans. Pour a tespoonful lincd ivit-l buttered papýer. for isaf It- is reportî--d t-bat t-le nsor'ey ilauke, rieu Lesai ,!iate io t-le reverse sieof a aunheur. nl liebc, uredt-e lins,bat -at liecem pomnet lnebaking pan, siiglîthygras H ai Muffins,--Tire teaspeonfîsis t-býe stnîs iii nensain for t-be boee-t-le Toronto c Poli-ef and mit- b ack of speen' spi-ead it- cf bnkîag poseder sift-ed mit-h eue fit cf 1t-be eechsequer. It ius saic n.ToIGl n lut-il it is about four incises in dia-i pint cf fleur; add eue egg, iveil tîsat- in th-eo of a b.ig byUrfolrsdei-ctbs me-n nl ainsost- as t-bm as tissue l-iene, co cupful cf sireet mnilk, thoses-apst-ie Japanes."ofert- township, 'abotb paper. Balte in a mederate ovea euet-,nblespocnfui of sugar, pi.nci of landibiesae u n Bussiano terri- Greuod ii ut-il broumnand whiie stili mars at Stir In eue cupful cf finely tcrý u-,ý,h bis boty, in a torpedeO rono ahid- 0 1 rei renda ulig tik.coppcd ram bans (uit-h a litticof boat onspaciai steamer, bat irbe- fume narBrn Dut-ch onion Pia. -Slic sixt-be fat), bake ttnt-y inuites in a -ber o net1-bis et,,-fe se-- arm er aud M;i;ýn. J ,ay cnu pin can sln.Lyo aipic mh epciaeltleEgi'i r c i- ' ise :_Uero do it it eeda elpenu~n saî-, ai pepjsmoiroh p and Sot-susn,mi kep t-eSaa-hxarsud :Res tieitt tr'g rieoieutred ee oh~ î~ -, idWm i co ' Oa cu ne. u pe tb i St - Ir A sîci si uis si mn n,-ossec L u , r as rim t--'lo- n nligr~~e; ?Umi th hi e sesne- nsionu cirn anîo u hpeoioc la the est h nitt-le nd mii t o- Wîeo ni risi, eigb i ,-i ,nu tho ot- !tlepstv Siake 1 lu Ras511-1oosonoikrr wats Gc 1tU slbotteo.;Drg 1uer12r m u""J ' xe i n' g-ïîy bUmbrouia s -bao î Ii -e We eUt 30dqelO a e ftCr hmson Y i-n't i fura ris et- Fuar; ani - oisc o s~ Y'î ae carry ice te keep their heade from bursting. I won't cnt any more dynamite, ne matter irbat anybody else bas te sny about it." '1' flusband "After ail, Ils îîîra tien has its ehawbevks. Peeple in the savage state zeldotu get il.' Wi2e (sueetly) "I sonder if tbat's tIse IonIen y-ou'rc se heaithyl" r IT IS A DYMAIC DO Z1.0W DYNAMIITITE IH T AKEN TIuE PEONS OF MEXICO. Ail Ot her Drugs &Said Wte hFeel in iheir Effetscomae "Opium, marihuania, mrh and cocaine are al inspicdru ix len it cornes to dynamitýefrt induction of a really enjoyab sleep," said Hienry Bexter, a meýa driver who h 'as been engaged construction w ork on thse Paci coast, to a Me icajerald repo: or. "I tied t, ad Iuess I Lkno, Dynam,,ite s acoie ora do) Iwas ico re om easago Meicans mployd ilo I'ading po, derhoesonrail!road constructic w or. Amrîcnlave long knom the he-anh AprIdu-cin- powd er- nitrgyein and have dreadý the handiing of 5iowder in a: shape or entering places where e plosions had taken plaoe before t. smoke hiad been cleared out. tiny bit of the grease smie.aredc the nose wiii produc.e a nauseatir headache which wsl ast three day e But it remajned for the peons1 find ont that DYNAMITE WAS A LU-,URY. ."Dynamnite eating it commoIn0 the Pacifie siope lamong Indiar. whoýl have workeat upon the Sontl eaPacifie IRaiiroad constructio orThey take a small grain( it, thie size of a tiny pili, and diý oheit in a glass Of- toquili Srcngout a cool, shady pInc in, - which Ihey are not apt to be di: turbed forîý)j at least twenty-fos,, hour thy dinkthis down or sevel ai drin-,ks ikit, aco dngto 1ho faàteyhae dvnedin the !hai lit, and rol over pnlteir baeke in the shade. When .tey a -ty av aheadaulc th 8 is m deroýus, rand many pretLy tugh ,-,figli: have reslted frons tuornucb n duilgenc(ýe in dynamite. But whi] theyslep they enjoy a demtha the thousand and one ut o thse Arabian Nigis tales could ne11 bav e describ-ed had they ail seit t, work on the one theme. "I took somne of the dope on wag'er one Saturday niglit," Mr Bexteri went on to say, "and as bý midoglitI nas only more awiaieý: th 1ee took two more largý drnk. ias stili l aeSunda pornng ad feeling exrco- Mnj iiy exhi )lartdand wdawk.Th, f-ý c httedp e would no mai me r Sipanoe me, and I agaîî "As he taf net dixnthe 'las tie il heard ad (r eposonfa I huks yhead had exp-,;',r-Id Ion], thouglit this one intn.foi the next momnt ias deep in-l tb bo-soni of Morpheus. I uns 1ad1e se soundiy that a drop off a fiftj meter bridge w,,ouhid net have wok me up. "Dreams begin to puli off theiý gaine like the last performance irbex the actors have te cateh a midnigh- train te beave town. The first im npression I received mas that mas a locomotive engineer and fire mnan, aise doing the work cf con ductors, andbremn on foui express train ru-nninog Mde by side pulled by double hacersandpush cd behind with extýra locomotives a1t vunn -g n a fou Iace'lo lino.I tid back tie whistles, drorýv ýin wegs tehold the tthiýIties md A cpen ad began t sv0 o l it one baud and punch ass ig tctswith the other. e mer riin or Our lrs cujrve an turned inte a niglit blaul ouïnlo a 10 per cent. grade. J[h, pasengrswere drinking cham- pagne- and eating ck and wanted Me teG join thons, ad h2 faet that 1 had tee much business te do at the time te keep the ùtrain-s from hit- ting the sides of the tunnel and Opxuntable Pin e rti rý) ~OT NA0 T 1IC, A'ýperfeet Temedy for Constipa- tion. Sour Soncirloa For Infaànt's and idrn Bearsth %inature oxAC-r COPyer WEAPIJII. - l~O~OMp~r~y, ~UDW~atTV. le &t mUCLKI USSED, 't- e 1aderewski's Expei-ienee la Austra. lia-Mark Iliansbourg aned t-he OH Lady. y T yJýL enia-yceeoceurreici.mTo cai - n pieiia sit-beaudience.irooglt 'y t-lut-,ornst-b oc]e we is cf -bein- e nst-sed eeria cf-sii P eld ui n an, mou a hin i mn in a bcd1 s rang fros ths lent aucuh c- - a ast-y re-ne nt- t-ebcs dren 1 up rocs, misere o mf oehlc fcrbba n hosamit- mah c iieauit saec i o- ark .llape ambourg andlex-pi p nist, hii atheîianriexeeene y, Weaon _OMr.Gatuiheioentpar- o utdeLndon)oanRaie, m YenSce lelaoftbeehs iasiscfae ider- r tiy nlad tbte spmaug fnîra icatscip sinsseif, 1enly 5t-ro h1 pcuscc upohen by ,Ldne poe o sn,-t-i -ll mioe ol uo y îimpot-unitios hoL l-ý haryesapc, pting anelc- r hausen:i,e int t-be\art-crocs. - hen MlnG ma, t-f dlie mvent a- i Dc (Lomdousimniant-gr, asin ce e lrelimatc s i beon stsae nocce- e siienf tIshLngion oBHr tes-o r t-se t, wassedinly suarroieci b eaiicky t-lh ponbnî- ing bieas up- p - onsehenci, clicets, ad?-îbudsun- e tîl thte eiy let-at-o riir,anbsci a eny.d ho nus rkiese.yM.Ve e ye fromaein bis imis ent paru. Mlle bd-ca rs sne, onthe occ-, si en c hinaoBn e1, cu -isa ix, mmnnin arig ýaati-uoat- Yeeuot f-rat-ou fckpt-nBlo s~ ~~~~~~À joky boirsbt is ys ud - uni negbe bnrhy sxteighti- poscs n urosdc yIas o drdÏ fs'eoib uhc i ~oo Re Co om MooisCom o;tn - ofllys fe efetui on ¶ 10 degrees sjtronger3;so. forspmocia aes, 5prbx SoldI by ail druggis<s or sa Prepai Sireceipt of pio rea pamphlet. Address:Ti people. These, at a sigh-it of tise young Prince, couici oct nestrain t-hen'i oyalt-y. A crond cýf lde once ecamet-le clijeet cf apret fusillae e! ukisses. A Sure Corrective cf FhutulenoyýII. -Wien t-be undigesteci fo-oi 1ics lu t-ho stesaci it- t-linon s off gases, ca surtg pais nopprte-so fth s r o p a ce - i o ira - o p - v n table Pille null do t-lu. Simpled-I: ruetions go mit-h oaci a ýcourse cf it-heintkasos-'stt cally is certain t-e effeci cre 110W TO MAKE DLIIONDS. 1Leraeiîe, t-le Wizard, 3Makes t-be Formula Publie. Lemeine, "tise dîmnscc ale, mise ias sentencaci ly dot-aîltsm tise ugo te puy a fine o! 1120, fo)r fmaudaheuthy obt-ning largesin f meney fres Sir Julias Wes'nher an i otet-cis brepnese.nting ttha bncie iscý,ovaree a nmet-bcd cfua- iug dimede s baca gra,)tad a i,'svwtrial. At t-be bearing on -b .e lirst day cf tbiretr-ýiai !iPais, France, Lmii admit-teýd tha- -b fasions formiua deposi-ci miIht0-be Union cf London andiSeth ai iti London iras morthless froue t-be scient-ifle point cf vnom, ard Iha mi; purposehy put it- in tise ter he bni se t-bat- bis secret suigit-ùno b'-2 neveaheci. "Where are yoar daosI e'sted t-be Jcige, anci tiche'i sephiec t-bat lia moulci t-cil sy t-bing if t-le cousrt ircuicigrat- is a fire uminutes' adjournaseutý- TIin ne quest mas grant-eci,andi on tli. ne- sunîption Leiseino îremaî'ksd ta Lis expianations moolci li o! 'c erýy scientifiecliharucter." JHaE c-. -tinueci "I as net- uoineu, but ans chs t-o sound t-be det--linll -of t-ho- înd"Holding upap npi te e'; piain t-be construction et-cis t-- no e, a ent-on:r'"Tiseaprtc - os net incîsîe a racuh. Tis arc, combisiec." (lit III! I III il III jUil jjj{jjiljj il iiiiI,~ i

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