SALE, BEGINS Saturday, 'y 3r d AT 8 AM., Bowmnvile'sOldest Merchant -Retiring Po uies have decided to, wiud up my bines--!-,s career of 55 years Ïn Bow,,man.ville by one of the bgetcern-u sales thje t'ownhsevrse, h oloigpicswl gv u asi of thie bargains wenc are offering; eýau andý see th goods, and compare the pie with same quality of ,ood, elsewhlere, 'Piices have been eut to the lowest possible notch for a quick cleaane Red Hot Bargains M, Purs.ý ==ARecord B3reakiný,g Sale of Gents' Purnlishling-Sc, 75 Siff Rats. regniar $1.PO, 2,0,and $2,50 tror ...,-,... .258 150ý 8tiff Hats, regulir$2.00,82350 for ..,.,,,,,,,,.75 250 SËI CHas, reguiar 1110, $2.25, $2,50, .,.....,..... ..$1,50 V'50 blek and eoiored fedara hats, styLSh" reg, $2.25,6$150 for, 0= 1 50 blaek and coiored fedora hats, styliishereg, 63L:5,$10P,$2125 for $1,25 100 çomuStr-W bats, reg. 15Candc 0 or .,,.,.....IO 50 linen hais, reg, 50e, for *. .....~.............,,,.37e, 50 meu's staw h fais, reg. 81.25 and $1.50 for ýýZ69e 50 boy' traw as rog.5cand0efod.,,.,..for-., _19,C !50 bys adrnEn'speakeapareg.oreg.r,.,,,,.,,,,,,5c SU bo c'ekep, reg--,25<,35o,%and 40o for '.".rnr......9G 100 whlite lauadrled shirts lail iza]reg. $1,00, 61.25, $1,50 for - ..630 25 whiie unlaundried shirts , reg. 75e,ad $1,00) for..-,,,a..e 49e 50 black and wht sripeshrs, reg. 75o .e .......e.. 3 2 doz. meu'sb9 Iatlhng sits, reg. 61.00 for ....,,.,,,,,,,3 doz. boys'ihlng trunka, reg.2e ndj )c ,,,,,,,,,,; 50 silk puif îles, reg. 50efor_.......29 50 allk hookonî Les reg, 2tcfor ~17e 50 four in-handîles. fiawiîng endao, regp 50C for,...,,..,..,,, 9 50 99 îles, reg. 25c fo- ,.,.. ..,,,,,, . . .7 1001- fancey shirts, wiih or wlthouî cufas, reg,. $1.00, 11,25, $1. 0 O !r,,,..9 Ail glove i a big' redtietion. Al under-wear ai big redvuetions. 1-ATS ihes ede s erve s p ceia me2ntioin Uur Stock cmrsstelts e signs an.d thec bargains wc a re fe in.g wili surprise you, Markus Hatter and Furrier0: layer Bowmnanville. If ou ontmpltebuying Furs 25 per cent by pirchasig now. à4 Sllffl4P lo'P IllOllOlîOlOs *' 2 + Time Files and Fly Time. Im.-a possible to stop elihern eLU halM~ 4c possible to evade fly t1rne hi l3 betie to conîro1L the utile pesta anrd 1kzee them out by dhe use of good sreena, ih won't cdo)to0 use old fand po sere3ns whýer, you *an buy te e cheap Sprý- ie-ing t hSuggestions.-yý we ca n supply yen fronaexHr i&WI Rkesware Dprmn~ la wn ShearsSpayr ~f Gardeil Forks ML al Lawn Mowers 'Ik ana S Garden SpadesbieSon -jGrdnTrowe]ls - -i Ou aa Foitry Netting WaigMcie SPORTINGGOSü No nee-d of going out o' town foryo srtn ý Oods when we carry such a large stock of the famous Spaulding brand. We ean supply: Base B allas Foot Balla Base Bail BatsShnGad Catcher's Mitta Lâcr- resù tSzc78 S Catcher's Maska ens aLi lel ~le r ýÎ,- G V*Ia T EiI PneBail GuidesBeyroeor If we haven»ýt what youwn we wil.7 get i ~~r fo e nshort order, Or toc i the agt 'nRtowY pe n~a a i on r for spe, Ctcs dcses km 5eJnry & LDOvaL, Goîng a Eagand? ai-ud taik I oaer wiih ' -1 e oxS-c bsaii J ul y2 twhib a s j. 1 uyWesaItiktsb aIl ieashl Lies, ut bIslaEn ex- cepioaaly god hauntas;ee ail Eugland, L'aai snd aîada vu J rsïpi ïur oei day Sholwill beiýd asfo, os:On Sunday 7na 2 srmons ilbe preach- ed ai 20 and 7 p ni by R ey L S Wight, B A, B D, Brgh:ou., CollectIon ai both seorvices luaid ai Suuday Bechool. Ou Thursdïay Juiy lai ai 8 o'clock there will ha a basebali game between Salemi sud Caurtice ta be follawed by a football game, Tea wfill ha served tramf 4 o'ciock. A Grand Conceart wIll ha given L ihe eyening ai 8 o'clock by tibe fallawLng bigh eases atista: Sberlaak Maie5 Quartette, Toronto. and Misa Clama V Haines, Belleville. Tliea will be ana af the, hast concerts ev-ar given ln Buvïdon -Admission. Tea and Oonceri, adulte 40c; blidran 26c; Tes or Concert M B CREEPoR, THEno OMUNTJvOY, SupenntenentSecreiary, Milier's Comapouud Iran Pilla, only 2.5 cents for 5cO dosas. Sold by e.M, Wicel&0'o. Drugglatg. Misses Maggie bnd i Mnnie Lindïiay ara halidaylng ai home...Tyrone wap. wailirepmessutad ai Long Sault pieute Saturday. Our boys were wîuners lu aevaral ai the games. In a football match hatween Sauli hoa ansd TSrone juniors the score was 1 tao 0lunlatter's favr..,, Ntxi Sunday evening's ser- vice la withdrawn on account a! Ray- don S B anniyersary-..Bing a funl liamper sud al the family ta Tyrone S 8 piaule'nazi Ssturday la B Hill'a waods nazi Saiurday. A gaod timie la antclatd .. Sacasta aur P S puplîs Who are writlng on the e ansce exzaaiis week ,,,. Snd eveulng about 50 me.m,ýbars of Long Sauli L O L attended ser vice, vwben Bey H S Spauce. B A, Ri D, adesdthora froni 1 Peter, 2, 17, 11Hanor 411 man. ,Lave the broth,- erbood. Fear Gad. Honor t18 Klug." Personai rearapousibiliiy ia ihe 'brother- aod of îaunklnd sud the lear of God lu the home lite were aleamly shown ta be essenil qualitieo af gaad and layai citizanship sud necessamy for devaiop- ment of Christian charactar. Aitogether the diacourse was mosi ear-test sud haipfui, SilE COULD NOT IIOL)ZD A TEACUP1 But Dodd's Kidney Pis cured Mrs. James H1. White, They took away ber backache, cured ber urioary troubie and made ber1 a well worn. Preveil, Gaspe Ca., Que., June 21, (peal 1AlAter suif ang for yeas aud bsing treaied by a dociar wbo failed ta gve hiem relief, Mr&. James H, White, a !srmem's *Ifes living nearÀ bore, la again a Wall woman Dodd'a Klduay Pilla cured hiem, "My trouhie stamied froi a strain" Mrs, White staies 1"I hadaMpainualwayst semais my back ani a sieady pain lun the back o! My neckr, sud I had uarlnary trouble wblcb aausad me s great dealj ot anpn) VancO, su)d the dctýor I aauultad did net do I could Lot hoid a cup. "The I tarid t use Doýdd's Kiduey, Pllaq, sud I1gi r n4eeffrai ta tari. Tbre-, boýxes currAdme compleieoly, To day Iamn a woii w0asu), troublas, Sa Re3tbc troubles of aine oui o! tan af ibe suferlng w ea f Cana1da to-day. Thai la wby odd'a3 1, at11hehome of 1Mqrs Wm -Taylor, "Mýaple Corners," -ait2.80 rp ni. Sub- jgcts. "Value and Use of iEggs,," by MIra tJSoueh; "Seitlng the Table Attracti ve- v," 'bv Mrs John Pascoe; 1'Salada" by Myrs Wm Westlake. Ali members re* queaied ta bc present. Everyone In- vited l No matter how deap rooted the cornt or wart may be, Ilmai ylelcl ta Balla- way'a Carn Cure iJ used. as dlrected Miss Etbl.e Byrant, Detroit, has re- 1turned home fronm a pleasani visit at Wm Taylor'.~..Miss Eff ie M Brooks la home f rom Belevile for vacation... Mr H W Meredith la tickled over be ad- veniof a son, fnd hefr, _..Messrs Norman ReTnalda, Chaas Seu. and AIU Dewell are off toic --. , lection of offleers ai Divsio ibs wek;eyrybody be there MIsJeïsIe lisYs, Toronto, le ylait- iriecp .b-r_.Mr Wm Taylor Ia renovating bis hoUûsé3and sEld ....Miss Georgie Lang-maid reuî passed her b Tronto, 1la visilug mt Rooeland.I vale.... Me Fred L Bray, EnfilM, andJ niece Miss Sidella Werrsvivsited ihoir a.unt Mra 8 Cole, Ma pIe Grove, Sunday .... EntraLce examinations are heing held taea his week. Principal Groat, Hamvton, presldlng ...Messrs Chas Blanchard and Paul Williams atiended Cassarea anniversary Monday. Atts ofa choIera and dysentry corne quickiy, there s&idom being any warn- ing, of the visît. Rem3diai action muet be taken just as qulokly If the patient le ta esse greai suif erlng and perma-, nent =nrvta the iinIng membranes o! the bowels, The r.oadiest preparation for the purliose laDr. J. D, Kello-g's Dysentry Cordial. It can 'be ga'i amali cast ai any drug store or gene3rai dealar's, andill aiff.rd relief befare adocor ean be eallea. (TOo iate frlast week Mir sud Mrs Hotbi Pye, Oshaw-a, and Mr and Mrs Jamesi Curtis, Tyrona, spent Sunday ai Mr John Pye's. ,-Mise Belle Cowle, Saunja, at Mr Geo Argue's -.,Miss E L1, s spent the week-end ai Mrs Fred Smt',E .fil. . .Dr and Mrs Wasan, 'arento,-Ylsitedai Mr Chas 0 S".is andorson Sundayed eai Cadmnua and Mrs John Slemon aiRusydon .... Mrs J A JeweiI yl:ited friands ilU Lndaay Rad iPeterbofa .MaWiii Staînion 1and ablidran vlsited ai Orono . _,.Mr Walter R' anton, Toronto, was aM homne... _MrJames Siainian la moving mIat the bdorIk real- dene formerly occupied by Mr Charles Willams.. .,,Miss Lauta Ranion la vis- ltlug her slater, Mrs W Virtue, Toronto . ...Dr W E Tilley and Miss A Devîti hsd a delighifut viait at aur sehool Tuesdav afiernonn ý..Citl;,ýne en masse attended the bain ralsing ai Mr JA Werry's, Swaln Farn. _.T his com-- imunity wapsled on suaday MorrIng- wp'hena a telephona message was racel Ved that Mrs CJephas Mauintjaày, Peterboro, bad passed away baturday evenlnig. A.ithougjh asübai been aling halt for y ears, % et thgeud came as a greait shock. Tîswas the home a! hem youib and most o- bar married lU!e. It wag liera thai ber cheerÉfuiness and har patience und(ar ber afflitio were axeni- plified. The remaîý..ns were brougbi liera, Tuesdiy marnlng, and a bervi,*ce was held la the cburch. Bey J A Jewehi ~akng or is axi"Camwe sitar me."' rbe ~ ~ ~ ~ a inemn wsmd iHamp.ton eeme'imy. The floral iribute8 fromj ?rtehusbanOd,-paretýas andfiad were beauiful. The -sorrawlvng laved ores tha tenmderesi avmpiathy a ail, n thair ser)reavmnThose tram adistnceae who aicended tho funeiral, ,Vrï Fail, Mrs Asihoni, Miss Tbompsoni, md Bers Trouo;Mrand AMrs Hý EDoubt, Myr and Mrs Nathan x9er, 0Port ~emr; Mrand rsau], Janeville; ~lr WBari, Carmat:Mme W MIT s i Ree-nt vialtora:Misa Gregory, Wind. eor, ai Mmr E Moore's; Mr W111 Ciarketý Wirnnipeg, ait T J Clark's; Mr audbMrs Ward, Graaubank, and Mr and Mns Thiea. Salter, Mimico, ai Mr Theo Bal. iar's,. . .Mra C N Ruse attended the wedding oi ber brother, Mrm. Maniey Cryderman, ai Napanselast week.... Rey. Wm Limberi, Or-ono, wlll preach hero nazi Sunday mornlng and aven- Ing. Don 't f urget iheà date'... 14r LeVI RabbIns bas a u'ew wira fence e3reeWd lr front of bis homae wbIhîeadds very pmuai ta the appearance ...Dr J H Ellloit's many friands offer cangratulations en bis baving been appointed associis tu medicine and clinîcal modîcine lu Toronto University ...... Mra S Short and ebhldren, Mis Sarc, Mrs 8 Drinkla, OaIiawa. Mrs W Jobuston, Woodforci, were recent viiors wlib friands here. iN AQ-îo-\y wiTii i,Ls.Mr. W. G, Coirnel, wlib the 8haw Miliing Coa, Si, (Jaibrînes, Ont .wrItes. "For six years 1 was avictim of itaing, proimuding piles sud was la dreadful agonv day and nigài, L I99tçro wee unable tg belp nie !!!d 1 was abouit as misamrable as any arature cauld ha. My drugglsi advleied me to try Dr, Cbase's Oluiment, whlcb J1 did and ohtined relief f rom tbe firsi box and camplete cure with the second, This ainimaus wauld be cbeap ai flfty dollars a box, Iu vlew of whai ibey did for me, A nnivorsary services o! Hampton Sabhath, Sabool wdli be beld as follows: Oa Bunday, June 27, sermons will be preaehed 10.30 a m and 7 p m biiy ey W LImberi, Orono. Siuglng bF tha scboffl undar leadership of Mr 1 L Brown.- collection in ad09 sehoal funda, OnL Tbuirsday, Jufly 1, ait2 K0-p mFa aoiAE pragramiwiiI ha gim'eu by the achool conjslsioe oaisiging, rctiiu dia- logus. tc.Tie served ai 4 p in The final MdadLeague football gama wiii be piayed ai 4 p u, Bwmanvlle vs Baveiack, and an exhibition junior game, Bampiýo vasaslins. At 8 P m a grand concert wifl ha given by salas and elecutionists tram Toronto; also maie duet, Miss Ada Heaps, violinist, and an assistant fram Oshawa. Admis- sion:- adult e eansd concert 40c, chlid. man 25c; tea or concert aduita 275c; ablidran tee. Protruadingles Mead tho vieno hat thia distrese- lng aiment la curecdby DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. îSema people fiid it hard te belie-ve that anythinDg short of, a surgieai op- eration will cure'. protruding piles. The doctors have brought about thia belief. There is aiiy amount of proof that Dr. Chase 's Ointment is a positive cure for ibis as n'ei as ail other forma of piles. Capt. William Smith,. Bevelstoke, B. C., writes- "It ia witb mueh- pieanre T ata that 1I-have used Dr. C 0se' intmeint for ithnprotrudirig pilesot many:1 ycrsisanin"g, and i bs olet]-ely cuedan. adpe iouslrid laanv1 goo. wnl Itrongl eeommn tis ri~ett hs ufrn rr la scoresof wnys r Ont tratmentofitcigsi ie~ f, is rob abliiith oly tr"nlme ta ot e beraxpoiet vl eicdaupon Tei nd p'ot-din ieu,.11 c at,. aox,13 'iail3f oae r o Emansn, ltis Co patte;borx, ineat at,10 alb hoake3. L,- iy e)%lryanrppy no';w' Jur-iY JAs a vermmicide theme laune prepara- t ion ibai equals Mothh-r G-ýraves' Worma Exterminator. 1L bas maVed coanlesa cblldrea. IMms Lawrence Woad, Sicese, la viait- Mng ,ber father Mr Jacob Steveus. Misses Maud Gilbank, Leakard, Gertie Gilhank, Toronto'. wlth Mrs Fred Hec- km.. ,MisEditb Kimbv, Ohwlie Airs J D Stevens, su inad the anniversamy. Are frea framail cmude sud ïimnliiating matier. Cneim dmaýdicin6 ouly. Carier' Littie Lîver FP1,1V y mall; easy ta take; no pain;,lia purging. Thoe Groeat Clothîng I DARL1NGTON continuies yemy iii. Doctors Ululeir sud Baitliarnputated bisleg last week .. Mm Elmer VanCamp, lea ith the 1,,I Prince af Walea Draoeoons ai camap ibis week.. .. Misa Clama Gaode was la Tar- onte asat week ,..Sorry ta lea4m af ibo deaaibof Me eny aux,, twn, S'la was an aid resiîdeàt cf ibis 3plaIce sdî v-amy bigbiy rseîd If you Re tired ialtiu tbe large oMw fashioined gniping pllas, iry Gartier's Little Li-er PUlis aud take sa om omt A man can'i stnd everything. One'- Oti'y eightý days mure, Don't miss this oPPorýý tunity. Geaebrgistaeer Wje eptd te have a BiSale, b;ut this aeKeed urgattepe- almas Te uantity of clotbing solt ha-zs bevormiotÀS, b t itkes a ý loiteOf selling to dlean eut $5,000 Worth of clothlig and dhin museail go by Jely lKt Tise big enti of Our selling bias been in t he cheaper lànwu Thece bave bpeea protry vwell soit et.But saoMtetwecW Irh e to.ceterthc e cthat we ad vortisetiWCehave reduceti the RBotter inosa u gsntiaruelig unm teLower Pcs thlis mensgratr aingsa than ever - Salpr5e 0 cnt. Great Shirt Barga2in ,Soft front shir'ts ha ml th new noon regular$1 25 ani 1.00 m cal ce 7yc, Mlexis' Sulits 40 goada amrvîeable Tweeds;, ahi coloraý regeuler $7 50,FieSl price 4 45. 60 up-to-date Suits, Grey, Brownj and Nixeti, reg $10 00 - 6 253 50 stylich Tweed aniWod cits, cut iri lateat style, fency pýcki fLsp~ fancy cuifs, peg-tep panta with le or ùu;boît and fiapa on hip pockebs, reguler $12 50F%=eSaleopa-e 7 25. 90 BoadntilWerted and fâne tweed cuits, made andtilniired i lu e v lateat style, regular $15 00 Pire SaI'ptice 10 910 60 of the beut matie cuits uperior taecustoma tallera' werk, iail thce new shades, ,Brown-,, Ureeri, Ge.-mk,-cingle and-doubhei atripel, the newlLv.lasdo strîpes andi hcs ingle andi double breacted beautfuhy linet andi trimeti.ý Regular $20 00 anti 1S 00 Fire Sale(price 12q Youth's Suits Sizes 33-347-35 Long Pants 25 Suite regeler. $6 50,FieSlpr-e...$45 35 " " 7 50 " " ,..4 45 30() 10 00 (i ... 25 20 " 12 50" . .2 15 " 4 18'00 andlSO15 00 .125 Mlen's aincoats and Toppers 42 regular $15 00,12 00, amid10 0 ... . . . . .,.,..,..,..,. Pe Saleprico 7 P6 - - ý1Stuut tenVs ,5uits -Aboult 25 cuits dark worceds bard finish forMet mwist ppee ame wa:at umaure as breaci, cize 4 0, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, reg, $18 00, PireSaepW c 12l , eelr15 Ci0ifo 00 Boys' 3 Piece Sui ts 50 seitacnge and doube bret eilgt antiddam, reg. $4 50 IemSale price2 40 " ' " "green, 1brownr, ,greY, , 5 0 " " 39 25 " a lordlke mon'! cuis, reg. $6 5 " " 4 B y'2 %ice SLlits l25 laye' 2 1ieuce cuia, lght medem antOtPk, reg. $2 50. FAireSaéeprnce 1 7L,, 75 " "24 tu83% 8,~,,,~ 4 5w 6 ~ 29D-- THUE GREATEST SINAP 0Fil ALL - 150parmespetTed anti Worcis, e tripecekge d lcca 0te 4s, regelr $8 10,.5, ni2 00 ieFAL Ice, 1 6 BD W1AN VILLE I IdIe ' m MAPLEGROVE,