[VIDIEN CES 0F RELIGION Its Fruiits are to beseeni Noble iLives and Kindly Deecds VYe shall know themi by their raise ideals, suppiy motives for fruitsý."-Mautthew, vi., 10. high, heipful conduct, and amelior- Back of the now genieraily ac- ate the conditions of living h Does cepted statemient that you May it imake life, richer and more reason know each mn's f aithby the f ruits able' of bs daily living lies ancthier truth _-Th aple__irce -in Your oTd oc of nt less importance, that th le only ard may hav e had many a missbap- safe test for any faith, for any reli- en root, many a feeder under the gion, is in its fruitage iu the lives soul that twited and turned arouuid ofý peopie and in the conditions bowlder or stump, but the twisted w hich if produces. roots neyer interfered vitb your Any ýystenl of religious principles enjoymnent of the fine, ricli fruit. and ideas bolds anthority for us, not You judged the tree by ifs efficiency, becanseni the wonder elements in in doing its particular business. its historical or legendary begin- You conld enijoy its products even nings, but because of the pow,-er if though mucli pomology remained lias to win our admiration, to a mystery to you. aro__sýrbettr pasion, an t Men suifer and sacrifice because stir us to noble endeavor and to t~~aeseen Të vision of1tLrat be-tter living. A faith lias to bc which is higher and better tbani jnge by its prestnt fruits and not case or profit. Many are giving by- its roots buried in the dark past.tM'il o, efficient iives in service We do not need to worry oxer the of their fellows beoause they bave history of a faith in ifs beginnings; learued to, interpret life in the we,- need not allow tbe legeudii that termis of religion, of self giving hav grown up to account tor the LOVE AIND SACRIFICE. wondiuerful characters of'some of its Ta cs ftehge auso ideals to stand in the way of our Ta es ftehge auso appreciation of its present values. life, that consciousness of the ends Many ,vpersonis are seriously con- of living whieh makes us more tban cernd ~sto rligin. Tey kow ay, that faitb in the eternal right- that t artmelio.ter others ness of the universe that makes it and1 fther s; they fQel 'it ouglit to- evidiently better b.ing good than rnean somnetbing definite and vital bad, beîng riglit t ban wrong under to thetu, but tbey cannot force, ail conditions-tbis is religion, and themselves te believe every man may know its fruitage in bumanity and judge it th.ereby. TH1E LEGENDARY WONDERS You must not judge any tree by and the phlosophical absurdities itsorhrbitoneorb that seemn to be inseparably bound the crates that' its fruit is packed up witb religion. in. You have- no -riglit to -ignore re- Is there not a plain path for us ligion-because of its legendary ac- ail here, to take religion on the cretions of its present day incid- evidence of its real, present values? ents; you must kniov if by -its es- If if is true that you cannot afford sential effects on the lies of men. to stuitify your mmnd vith super- This is no academic, philosophi- sttoif is ýequally truc that you %cal inquiry. If is a matter for us cantafford to allow prejudice to all whether vve will live by the ro\our life of tbe tremiene.ous direction of sncb motives as these; conýtribution whicb religion has to whether we will take life in the mrake to if. termns of ifs biglier values; whether We may test ýevery faith wholly we really bave faifli to follow this by ifs fruits. Wbat is if doing for hîgli vision that shows the pafli of tlie wvorid What effect does If living for the sake of the full, fine, bave on flie characters, disp-osition s, ideal life, and find the full fruitage deeds of tbose wlio follow ifh Is of life in folloving our own best any commnnity the better for tbose f aith. who hold a certain faith h Does it HENRY F. COPE. ýas if a go iciai sbould insist upon s le ncîng his owu guns. At the same tijme tbe ever must le vatched are! kept in check, be- cause ths sort of fight is cailiug for un imes otayfom fhe system, and a raging fee nof only burus lip bacteria, but it feeds upon tis- FEVER. sue and blood and ail if can fiud A cinical thermometer is probab - &s any one can tesfify who has wafdhed or lived f hrough a conv al- ]y as matter-of-course a household esceuce freim oue. convenience in most families as is \Vhat is true of fhe ever of a a stcp-ladder or a broom; and it eradsease is false alfogether in i elthat its use and tIe general the fever ecf surnstroke. In tbis significance of its disciosures shouldcaeteLvritcdsae. I unaiderstood by~ these in author- is not a regimeut of infantry, but ityv but.fussiuess and constant re- a. conflagration, and it must be put sort to if and continuai discussion ont as quickly as possible, andi by ý,f terperatures are to be deplored. ail the menus at one's disposai cold TIc olti-fashioned wxay of pliacing latîs, ice-packs, ice-xater, any- the Iand upon the cîld's bodiy and thing fIat xxi lent if down. annonncing that if "feit feverish TIc character of a ever is a great <r "ba.d a ever," without any re- aqssstance te diagnosis in many cas- gard te niathematical accuracy as. es and tbis îs why a physician te degrees and fractions, worked should always be askedti t sit in ilust as -well andi perhaps letter than jutigment on it.-Youth's Compan- the ne w-ashioned way, carriedt t ion. A nervous extreme. At the sanie time a -risc of teruperature always ineaus something, andi it most de- cidetily menus the caiing lu cf a plysician if if does not go tiown cf îitelf or yield to simple remedies. W heu the. temperafure is faken bj1he mouth the thermometer sbndregister about uinety-ight anti ý .*ýe-cn-teutîs, although thîs ma)ui ar at different times dnring ic- day lu perfecthy well people., Wlbeuii i registers ninety-niue de- -rc~,or uinety-nine and fixe- tentî-s tegrees, the person is said te, be feverish. Anything below ) inety-eight degrees is suluormal, and, anything over one hundred andi Live degrees is calleti hyerpyrexia, or igi ever, Iru man1y cases a ever is a sort <ibîLessiuig lu disgnise., These are the e Lvrs caused by the toxins of býacteria, cf which typhoiti is a type. Tac whole system is then engaged in~ a figlit against flic germs, and the battle is waged te more adanut- age, apparently, wben "flie blooti is fighting bof." This is why, ai- though thc ever eau be beateni donu l, y the application of cold andi the administration cf tirngs, if is oiften poor practise te snppress if in fhis way. Oetting fIe ever- donwn may be a momentary satisfac- tioni, but if does nething te help cuire thc nnde-,"ring cause. If is r EG~A fîn well. Afia HIEALTH HINTS. Ti a fluger las leeu pountictior crusheti, plunge if into water as bet as cas be borne., This will re- lieve fIe pais miore qnickiy flan anyfhing else. Hoef lemonade xiii break up a coîti if faken ut tIc stait. Make if- tIc samne as coiti lemouate, culy use boiling wafer insf-eati of colti n7ater, anti use about oue-halL as mruel sugar. Te Prevent Coltis.-A simple wyn te get warm affer exposure te colti i'ý te fake a long breafh with fIe metI firmly ýshut. RepenttfIls severai times unuil yen legin teo eel tIc lent returuing. If requires n very short fime te de fhis. TIc long breatî quiekens tIc puIse anti tIns causes tIc Iloo t t circulafe aster. TIc bleeti fiows int o al parts of fIe veinsansd artenies anti gives eut a gîcafticeai cf lent. If is stated flis methoti cf deep breafî- ing prevents coltis anti a great mnny otlvcr ailments if begus in fime. Hlot culonns, aceorting to a French y.lysician nie saici te le, a sure cure for pnuumeuina. TIc rcmnedy is as foIlýcva: Takle six or foui 'onions, ne.- cerding fo size, anti chop ise, put ir, a large pan cveci s lice, timon addj the sanme quauftify cf îye meai anti vinegar euou'gh te makie a thiek paste. lu fhe meantîme afin if tîcorouglly, 1h'efting if simmer for fic or fen minutes. Thon put li a Cottes bag large ceugh te cever the, hungi'.andi -pply fo "lest as lot as patient eau lean. Iu about rteni minutes apphy anefler, anti ftins continue lyuelvaiug fIe poul- ice ,lsinii a few heunirs tIc pati- ouf eil le elutof 4danger. Tmi simple remedv' ,lsanerfieif tur ti"teeofenfatl4Uldy Co., lad two OINLY ONE CURE jiter iachi FOR A BAD STOIMACI1 Paiuno, a a-,rge gafleri eue hundred Indigestion and Sirilar Troubles rnn was MuEst bu Treated allrough vas served ci Executive1 t113, Blua , pital Auxîliai Df Mis. John Indigestion eau be tr'eatcd uv rSoburn anti mauy ways, but ià can be cûureýd l iive counsci ouhy One way-fhrough the hiood. ilev. J. H. Tý Purgatives caunot cure indigestion c'l"wan, J. I -By mrain foî-ee--they- mceth-o- -I1--n-ry e-- - ou sf iii îndig-esfeti. That veakent Ou motion thc vholse systein, uses up the na- and Mis. Tý furai juices cf tfIe bcd1y sud leave 'ewauJ. 1 the stomnach and oieis parcîed cnry were anti scie. It is a cause cf indigos- cemmitte, tien-nef a cure. Others try pic- J. D. Storie digcstcd foods sud pcpfonizecie d. drugs. But drngs which digest tIc "Yen Wou! food for the stomadli ieally neaker, Capt. Dr. Je its powxer. The digestive organs hyn, in spcnl eaun neyer do thc work propcriy unu Oshawa n lu1 fil tîey are streng enough te do if Monday. "A f nrtIe-sedes~~tiingosn~lue---w-o>nd-erfuî- tIe stomacb fIat poWer bufflhe uew, in fI-sir appE rîchi, red biood se aluudantiy sup-' Gipsies lai plied Iy- Drý Wiliams' Pink Pis. daiy with 45Q Se fIe reascu for their snccess ils Alany, N.Y plain. The Ieaili of tIc sto mach Toronto, wb4 depends upon the blood lu ifs dcli- a gipsy v ilà ente veins. If that blood is veak imits during sud watery fIe gastrie glands flou. Chef - Iaven'f the streugfî te seciete flhe cf Canada's1 juices which alone eau digest tIe Sunday Mi food. If fIe bhood is -!(ide-d nriî hîmsvxrc dý impurifies if canuof abseil tIcheGond le shied, aiU froni the fcd nîcu if is digested. af Mi. Rýobei Nothing eau stimnîste tIc glands, on Simices and nothing eau -absorb tIc nour- out cf fIe ishment but pure, reti Ilooti. Anti Williams yen nothiug eau gixe fIat pure, red Williams was blood but Dr. Williams' Piuk Pîlîs. Mis. Wîlianr Mis. Alfred Gallaut, Mill River, P. lad eut in tl E. I. says :-"For sexeral years, Mi. sud IY prex ions np te fixe years ago, I suf- homne vas t]. fered centinnalhy frcmn indigestion, surprise Jur I couhd nef es-t enongh te keep my woodcun wedd sfrcngtî, sud wlat itle I did caf, ard vvas appl ne maffer what kind cf food, caused C. Sturgcss, greaf pains, se that I lecame muel worded addrE reducet iun flesI, strength anti hoim, Whitlý euergy. I conunted several doctors tien cf a pal sud teck uvodicine from fýhcm lut chairs, car vxiîouf any benefit nîstover. On sud msuny ci the ad ie cf a frîend I began te priste articlE take Dr. -W.ihiams' Pink Pilis sud soon good results vere ncticcd, I cou]d slighfly increase fIe amount TEhL TRlE cf food day after day, sud suffereti ne incoux enience, until affer tek- ing feu boxes I could caf auy kind TIe foilon, cf focd sud in a short time gof back -LUDS., thre te my normalstate cf health sud Ms avy týee fIat Dr. Williams' Pink Pis aMis. iarvthy hlave surehy curcd nme cf as moîf addstînt f sfuîboru case cf indigestion." gn1 Yen eau get these Puis from auy 'Tell the b, denier in medicine or fhey nl l e 'Thecse the sent by mail at 50 cents a box or- clear, six boxes for,$2.50 by addressi'ng Whiie wneg tIc Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce, Of Our dyi Brockville, Ont. eTel1 thc b 1C'hrist i f OSIAWA NEW S. (From flic Vindicafor). Mis. Manneli, Toronto, is visif- ing Mis. \<mi. Jacoo. Mr". Normas Wleeler, Toronto, spent flche ek end at home. Miss Mari-c O'Conueîl is xisitiug in Westminster flhis wcok. Mi. Osnald Wilson, Toronto, vîsmfed at home oeci Sundsy. Mi. Herb. Gerrard, Toronto, spent fhe week end af home. Miss Olive Irvin speuf fIe week end witb frieuds lu Teoronto. Mi. 1H. Williams, of Valley River, Man., ýs bome fIls yeeek. Mi. Perey Kirly, Smith's FahIs, yen" visiting at home a ew days fhis wcek. Miss Barbais MeDuffie, of tIc Oshiawa Post Office staff, îs vstng af licr home, Woodviile. Mi. John CeeIran, wlo bas been ill with pueumnouia, lad a relapse but is again on fIe nmend. Simce street Mefîodisf, Sunday sebool pienie will beld at Rose- bank, on 'July 15f1i. 11e-v. H1. T. Lewis, B.A., Oshana, delivered fIe grsdudtiou addreýss cf Whifhy Ladies' College at tIecoce- mencement exorcises. Foley sebool pienie yens licid June 19. If yens vecl atteuded by childien, parents sud friends. TIc weather n as ideal. TIc after- Doon was spent iu gamies sud tea. Jno. MeMillan, monider, East Whitly, yenas fin.ed $2.00 sud coats by Police Magistrate Murton on i <'fI June, for being drunk on tIc sti-cet. 11e ailed te appear for trial. Miss Cars Toplin, Novai, la guest If Mis. J. O. Clifford. Miss Mollie Horphy yens in Riug- ston, af the gîcaf military bail. Mi. Maftýlvcw Watson, Greenock, Scoflaud, is visîtiug lia sister, Mis. Jomes Ronald. Dr. E. E. Adams, Big Platte, Arkansas, yens gucaf cf Mn. D. E. Moore. Mis. H. Toms, Kexe Beach, To- route, la with Ilirmefler, Mis. Charles Rinlueard. Gardon party af Port Oshawas, Jniy 6, under auspices cf fIe OshavewaiHospital Auxiliary. Misses Edlfli Tailing aud Daisy Pattcý, Oshaxva, sud Miss May Von- mcii, Troîto h111geP o a tt flic Coast, sud xvilvisit fLi-ida in WiopcVaucoiveýr, sudclPort- Mî~ R \ilemo f Wi-1a'spiano Dfiugers taken off in flie bie June 21. ýge A. L-cnsk'-s home, as tIc scene cf a, yen ing June ;8, whîen over 1guests xx-cr, preseut, af famiiy picnic. Thc af- sspeut in' games. Tea )n tIc lawu . Committee cf tIc les ry met at theu residencc n Balles June 19. Drs, Kaiser ivere present, tc 1sud aid lunflic work ale t and Messrs. Jýo!à ). Storic and J. CG n cf Mis. McLaugIii!. ralbof, Messrs. jol- D. Stýorie, and J. (O e appcînted a buildling Plans prepa-ed by Mr. nere carcfully inspcct- ddn't know fî,emn," saio7 rames Moore, cf Brook- lking cf the boys fromn tIe Niagara Camp on1 A week's drililbas made saraucu aded in Oshawa Tues- souls. They came from ï., aud n'eencroute tùu cie they wfll establish lage onitside fthe city gtIhNaioalExhili- llind xaudthem ont r. and 'Mis. R.S.Wi rivmg h-e~r er ose, idise rhrttr steet. VWieu ,npicked vehiclei's tiebris Mis. s uncouscý(ions sud Mr. ývery badly shaken up. ms ailse eeo c a very Lhe h.eadi. Mis. ChaîýIlcs Sfurgess' ,e scenei cf a genuine ne 22, if leing their ding. Mi. Chas. Biandli- pointcd dhairman. Mr. ,Torounto, resti a uicciy ýess and Mis. J. Sîciglit y, made tIc presenfa- Àr cf ladoerocking pet n-,epr,'pictuies ýher useful and appro- les. BOYS 'fIIE ANCIOR ILOLD S. ring poemu is given for -ugh thc kiuducss c f ycfLoo, Ont., who ie antîer i 's J. W. Ben- boys th,,a, or holds,' wored, I'c, whispe'ed boys fL anchor,[' ds <ifhf ni te biis nord; lu cioafh's heur cf gioom sud terrer By thee stands thy 'risen Lord.' Cher us- Gloricus hope in death's dark passage, Jeàn's streugth tly iorm enfoids; Faitli tnlumpliaut mouds fhe mes- sage, 'Tel fIe boys tiîe sncor boids.' Tell fIe boys tIc ancîvor hoida, Fiee salv ation throngl the biood, This tIe safefy of flic seul la tIc midst cf Jordau's flood. Tel fIe boys fIe sncor hoids; No vain fable is oui faith, Peaceful rides tIe littie barque On fIe swelliug tfides efAdeafh. 'Tellich boys the anclor hoids,' And a smile cf rpuedecp Liglited up tfl Ippy iface As le gcntly feu asleep. 'Tellich boys fhe andhor holts,'- Se flhc woids for cevermore Seem te echo, f aint sund sweet, From tIc ai-off Ieavcuiny shore. Thc Fîicud cf ail Safferers.-Like te "the sladow cf a rock lu a weary land" is Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrie 011 te nîl those wlosufer pain. If liolds ouf hopefoevéryoeeasd realizes if by sfilling suffering exeryxehere. If la a liniment tînt bas fIe bless- iugs cf halL n continent. If is on sale everywhere sud cas le fouud wherever euquired for. THE GLASSI STARE. Iu a receuf railxv-y accident an citi Irishmami was severely injur- ced. For some fime after fIe acci- dent le nas leff uniattend ticit, I-ut af ast somne symipaýthefie hock- cas-ou picketi him upii)anicarrieti bini o e estation waL-iig-room unfil tIc arrivai cf tlIctioL1ctors te officiaii-v prononce ou isý condi-, tion. By anti ly as srgeoni bustîcti lu, looketi at lis prostînt e Lform asti palliti face, asti tIen exciaimeti, "Tînt peor felloxe is dncfor,im afraiti." TIen h l ict dwliff- tcA up an cychiti, anti sax a dm11, cxpressiouless orl. "Vry ast. Hle's as deati as a do n1 Take tIc peor cîi elew aa ," .'ex- ciaimedthfe medio. N- sooner lad le spoken, loxeeveflan iii fIe sup- posed coîpso egae4 m1 iiov-e lis lips. TIe starfietidoctristeni, suid fIls is nhat (,le hearti,: "P- visloeking 5f." 1-ï-111' -i 1~. I WOMAN THE WAITRESS. "A woman," remarked the wise widow, "is always waiting for a husband." "How do yen figure that ont V" quericd tbe intcrestcd spinsfer. "If she isn't marricd," answered flie w. w., "sIc is waiting to get one, and if she is, she's always wait- iug for hlm to come home." You cannot possibly bave a better Coecoa than, A delicious drink adassann fooad. Fragran,ntrtinsand economical. This excellent Cocon Maintains the systern hn robat, health, and enables àt to resist Slb y Groc i!rs -- toeepers -".b.ad lbTinh ISSUE N. 2 -,. series las te do with fIe servants' aparfmeuts. '-A Moutl in fIe Maine Woods," "Living in an Automobile," sud "TIc luterior of the Summer Camp," slould make a speciai appesi te those, people wlo like to getfbar away f rom thc haunts cf civilizatîcu turing fIe summer s eascu. Thc Jniy nunvber la especi- ally well illustrafed, an attractive feafure being a double page cf pic- turcs entitled "TIc Good Olti Sum mer-time, from fIe Feminise Poiut cf View." Suburîsu Life, Harris- burg, Pa. EverybcI)dy remuembers fIe specta- cular i iif cfhlicKaiser to luis e- iMajesty "'Abdul fhe Damned," as Mi. Gladistone once called fIe Sul- tan. But if las ieandfoi E. Alexander Poxwcli ccniiy ail American consul in 'furkey, te show juast xv 1sftflic empcîcr'a hiffle, gamc e raiy xasd nivaLcame cf if. LuiTîeFighf for theiligI- wsy cfNton,'Jauly Eveîbody's, Mi. Peu cilvery efisuu deseribes lo illim c Geral] Iu iha uc t he uue serO a cocesiontît lrud inrli cf 18600 suare ie fTiks from worry=-want-debt-humili, * T gives one an easy mind, self-col Iln sa advantage of every opportunity ta FADS AND FANCIES. Drapeti waisf s are p ' pular.hng Establ<ihed 1873 0 CAr Trimi cravafs are again thetic g .nisheti wth stlckpiivs. gives Saviugs Depositors, whether Peifor ated tips are seen on mnany the Mosit courteous service. ,À rIe smartest puinps anti one e e- Make a beginning ah once lot fies, more, in Our SvnsDprmn good many cigîfeent h centuryDearnint ruchiiîgs are being used on neye 20WManl«Vl'I"E govxurand wcidjs. s11ciso& 'TIe pointeti xaisf line is a novel &C-S0 cy aflerfthc straîgît cross effeets Branches aino at Newcaý cf ft-e empire cnt. Oshawa, Wb.itb3 The silk skirts arc tigît fitting te ____________________ tIe kuces; tIen a full sun piaitiug .. -.__ is useti as a finish. Hatsf .yles tiemanti that the laur le fiat af the front, witie af the î sid --futttll at-the ack.- Some cf fIe newest anti smartcst C of sklîf anti coat costumes are le- ting made -aithunt tsieu'es.I Linen flîîeh eliais, witî two rows of Ciu.îy lace anti an etge of fIe samne lace, are exceetiingiy pret - - - V ty, anti they launtier xx li.% 01dti fasioned broocles, inclutiîng » fh(, gt-o f oui grarc-lmotîcis' ( dla, wthr ifs messie centre, arem e tIc leigIt cf fashign. Boofies for liff le folks matie of y lhuou anti embroitieret inlu itîer fIe < - - ' satin stifel or cyciet work ar-a dlaiuty as 'they are ýscîvîceable. TIc ativamice styles show f hat the » skirf matie wif I tIc suug fittiug 'l,6pcý.ion. llow abouit a new cou ycke will e asîong fIe smartest « that cannot bo surpassed. shîowu in fIe uexf few mentIs. // Empire anti princess cffecfs de- Undertaking recelves prom mandtihfe soffer anti more sheer or night and we do nof make ai mou sselin-es, batistes, muslus, tIe cottes voiles, erepes, anti oflers of 2>PILONI similar texture. I A car i nw wrnAN M .'l -dei linos fIe scaf suoLor over fIe sleultiers anti nef throwu Phonie 58 off on te tIe anus, as las been fIe fashios of late. Ychiow is eue of fIe smartest col-% ors for tIc separate blouse. Those _________ cf Isutikerchief linon snd frimmeti JULY MAGAZINES. wifh lace tiyed te match are especi- - ahly fetchiug. HS ALS C TUE MD Cotten Iedforti certiis teo lc ladIYSCAL'S CULTUR D ini a witie range of coîcîs. ît is SME UBR sîmihar te pique in appearale, but TIc slogan "Save fIe Cliltiren," differeuit ciougl te appeal te flose wicî las boen raised lu tIe at- nIeýh like n change. ilfempts cof reformers' fo remedy tIe Claîming lingerie Liedks matie cf exils effen threafening, chiîd-life al over eubroidry ,xv-iiil e woru lu fhe'louve, mccl sud factoiy, fhis sumuver ox or coiereti silk slips fiuds riugiug ecdc in Plysical Cul- vil girile sud touches of sf siîk fuie Magazine for July. Berur ci satin te match. Ma'efadden, fIe edifor, makes somne The fashicnabic plumeie s thick streng and strikiug statements. Hie ai dcurîs cxci at flic fips, se fIat accuses tIc goe rument cfevadiug fwor cx cn fhîco, of fhe olti kinti ifs respcnsibiiity i5net assuring te null le requiredt t protince eue of 1:exery cîild fIe enviroument sud tIe proeut vintage. adxanfages niecessary te Iivg ifte ýý Charmiug arc fhe noe bafhing vigereus aduhf lufe, Iu lis opinion suifs matie of Scotch plaid taff eta,e vcî-Iy mofîeriess or f afherhess child lu suldueti colors, tfrimmed vil shouid le educafcd sud eared for bauds of plain faffef a anti weru by tic goverumout. This issue aise nbifh bafîiug alees cf fIe plaid ma- adds iîipetns te the curreut erusade fcriai. againsf cousumption lu an enligît- TIc polonaise is a growiug fash- ening discussion of tIecocesumptive icu, asti if is more flan likci.y tînt gcîm, and mefhods orf resisfiug if, a gooti tial of if nililec seeni next sud supplies n series cf remnaîkable faîl. If Louis XV. styles are again remedicalexorcises for flese sufer- maferializeti if will be sure te crop ing fromn weak lungs or incipient out. consumrption. One secs ueckties now of white- hashble maferials, wif I the MOue- TIc Juhy Suburban Life is dis- grain of tIe nearer donc in coI-ors. tinc'13-au ouf cf -deor rinmbcr, wifh Thc letters are samaîal anti come just Inumereus vacation suggestions, as xvlcre thc scarfpîn weuiti ordînar- weil as iuteresfiug contributions lih. tehiug Iow toecnjoy fhe summner af TIc separate waîst, flougl wrif- home. TIc leadiug'article, ly J. feu ont ly fasîien scribes as regu- Horace MeFarlanti, is eufitied, "A larly as fIe season changes, asti as Sunmnr Lake Caruival," sud fes brougît in by the manufse- ougtot prove of unusualsng- furers in irrestille styles, continues five valu-e te every vacation com- te fieurisî. muuity. "Diviug s Robust Sport," The gauze muff is lunge and ti i Ic tithe cf au article'witb won- anti is usuaiiy trimuveti arounti wif h thc reopng paifigs c ~îderfnlly strîkîug pliotegrapîs, show- ati is xvincru aitigooti thai z,",ing an ex pert -diver in mid-air. ad is paricarîy î brtesaitis. -Almost a Noiseless Feurtî," is au t nsnaîy atestual ybIc 1s c.specially fimely article, sud "A Me's uew umatchnsosstthcf a Boy sud Ris Father," ly Truman sohiti barcof oîins lest luftaeA. DeWeese, is s lit of icallitera- sold br o god, o bnt n te fuie. "Layiug Ouf a Private Golf' middtle as te Lorm au obtuse angleC orrespeutiiug with the natural Course," "Pîsytime for Suburlan angle formeti by fIe juxtaps Yiu ouug People," sud "Enfertain- cf fle cuis cnf tc cif s asqfîy.cx- mg Ont-of-Doors," are valuahle for oid lime 'Drummer" into fIhe modemn higî saiaried "Travelinig Salesman";;"How Thie ves Liv-e," a sfudy in tIc social s.Lcte o(f criminals, ly Charles Somervihll, and tue re- mpaîkahle photograpnic articles. TIe firsf of t ,lese latter, by J. B. Ker. foot, tIc iferary rei icer cf Lif e and Lx',erybody's, descriles fIe ex- citemeut cf going for wild gamne wifh cameras iustead cf guns. The illustrations thus sccured arce a val- ubie contribution te ouri knoxvldge cf animal hIle, anti Mr. Kerfoot's <inn clean, deliglifful style mnikes fIe whohe work an illuminating pro- duction. The ofler pbotographie article is a collection cf pictures cf childien who work, wifh a brief iutroductory paragraph by Charles., Edward Russell. llow any manu- facturer nlso ~thesc pififul baby faces, aged ly natural toil, can continue te profit f rom dbld haler is oeef efli puzzles of aco er cial age. Addrcss, Eveyod' Magazine, New York City If la enly Lair te warn peopie wîo prefer fiction cfflihe gloomy,, risque, or gcnerahly liorrible kind fIat tliey xiil nef le3 interested in flic- Juiy, Lippincotf's. Nof fIat tfIe contentýs are eutirely 1frivolons-flere is, as flere sîould le, a leaven of serronïs- ucas; but fIe general feule is J0y- ous, upliffing, encouraging f!Ie reader te cheer up aud view the worid ':fthrougli rose-cohored glass- es"as did fIe naive liffie -Icroine cf the complete unovél-"Coiors of Rose," by borothea Deakin. Like ahI wrifers', this author's n'ork var- ies in quality, but noue of if lias ranked vcry Low, aud some of if- including tIe present story-de- serves a very liigb place indeed- There, are halL a dozen clever short steries in flic issue. Another im- portant feature isthe firsf cf three rapers wîich unuter flie generie tifle "Tbose Nerves" discuss nervous disorders, real aud imaginary. The paper in tIc Jnly Lippincoff's bears fIe sul-fifle "The Human Sensitive,- Plant." The' departmienf "Ways cf fIehe iur" contains brief, but uotworthy articles ly Thomas L. Masson, Elhis O. Jouies, Minnia Thomas Antrim ,ând Phîl Coilom., Some sparkling epîgrama by l",ina A. Rocyall; poefry by Thomas E. Buikeo, Sue Jauss Bieber, Wiiam, J. Lampton, Robert Gilbert Xeish, Luc LefigxrllCaîhe, aun Cia feu cohaid;sudLippinrott's fani- eshmîesdepr',fmeiut, "Wal, - nuti fs audWiie' LIcmpît fIli 'um- 1' A,1drcssý, cicotsMotL 1Philad1eiphiaý DR. A W. HASES Ù, CTRHC UR E.. l etrc t h dsae Save Saves Tou !tion. A comfortable Bank Account >nfidence, andthe Dower to take zt cornes to better one's position. N'AD A 77 Bace ýr their accounts Le large or srnali, wi.h a Deposit of One Dollar or 73 inch~A. N. M~ILN *6 W. J. 'WHITE, * ActIng Magaer, astle, Newtonville,Orso Dy and Brooulin. or a îounghng place to bcdelightfully original à nist partalze of tue or e nall scme way. TO US Our fullUnes of new éà and up-to date farniture . are waiting for your ini- mch ?> We'have a liie.%t $6 75 ipt and perso'nal attention day iny extra charge for distance. ;E 58. IVi L LI AMSt,15 BOWMAN VILLE. ~ooks CotoifRoot Cmon d The getUeieTne n - onySaf e effectua Moathly Rdegulator on uwlà h.women eau ,. deend.Sold -in thre degreea o~ f strengili-Ne. 1, $l; No. 2, lb 10 degrees stronger Ç3 - Ne. 3, for speclal caSs e 5 per box, Sold, by ail di-uggnt, cor sont propaid on reepomf prie, Freespamphlet. Address .THU COOKc MrONO.TRONTOi. (for.. lz, Viadsori ~,2