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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1909, p. 1

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If $.Oa year in advance; $1.50 ta Unitedi States. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, TIIrR$DAY- JULY 8, 1909 VoLumu LV, No. 27 M, A. JAMES & SONSPoritr ~21~ 2UiEZ~ ZJNEZ-~ 12E1L Classes le Beekkc eiîgArtbmetii Wrin ,Soîam.lypawrîlting and kinded iticosw-t . onineduring thxe aummer mocilua Special rates of $6.(o pr month or .ue0,,fe for e rhe outaJuly an.d Augqar., will silord au exceellent opport- unhmiy te gai first-clama inatruetieux au Smuîilceai. Ciasta bîrs froin 9 te 1: e~ok. Fn"rter rpartitu'afrs, 'phnàe Colg,2771, eall or write thi, TO O, CA, - Ca.E. Smttihl. UT. F.,Wright, LAWN KMOWERS SHARPENED AND) REPAIRED,1 P.~cput cff ge'aing your Lawi Mowar aharpouned Do it now, so !h it if wli be ready when vanu need it' I use3 the Ideal L'rwu awe Gln Orich bai given snch goQdatifcio i thspsA f-ii w-filonic -otn of ils supaiority o -ver others. Orders promîpf!yafndtt. BICYZLISTJ.S TAKE O:LE San i ng raIýl SAnda ti"fbII c c'aOearn.Blgru whei l sd hve t ut u ood runiin oder MyprcFsar ieymoeaem. ý BANiK:0F MONTREAL Establihed 1817 -_ - Iloa ,--$2oOO i SavngaBank, h-eaJý Off ice, Montreal J. A. MqtLELLAIN, Manager, Bowemaniville Brr.aich ~Royal Bank L UPs OF CANADA - Pay. spefia Attntio tc +fia adc func ~j INCORPORATED 6. eA ® Mauy tak for sour paIro- (î nage in Seeds Ibis Sprnog,. Have sf111 on haud somae S Dwarf Es8ex Ikape SHave beCen vge busv pauvî,-ligp® Ideal Fence- Ail kinds o!foneec u bau.. ~jDa' for-get "Bug Deatix for (-î ~youn Pofafoes."',If wIlgrahy .0 increase fhe ylald in fia Crop A Agreaf variaI-i of Pauýtry Food Peter rdreocili Toronîtoi, Ont. Cad'Greateat, Ban d -MoitSees Iti Collages 0Our graduaesi edl P- etnil i'yment. Let tus edai-ate yenufor pt') lti(ins wortlh froni $35 te $100 a month. W know lîe. Write for magmilrceîitct- logne te 'Iay. Cor, Yonge aIxd ladr DePal Wîth Us, SAVE MON EVl 7'me,. Warry andTrouibi Kep yOu mny iruatnga hornu by buýiug au .Dus CRIten?t Mlm >i ci MHE CORNER? PHHRMAGY 111 week w ieyen besides rere-.1. 3 )tt! cf ý' 'le a p00ci 6~~~~ bxiMthl' ImîHlo illa for 1 i h'CO"ti ivrPll S I os0 Dit tis P i I').1 SLr ' 0 Dcut P-ge i'~ ~ cHauyEToreigt Couch, Johnston &Cryderman Areshwn a be-autifufl lot of Dress ,38Mulsli js, Silk and Cottcon. Mulis, Ginghams, Linen anci Cotton Suitings, an,--d Wash ZýGods of nds, ALSO Macle up w hS irts, Suits and PrîIn-cess Dresses ail new ap)-toý-date,perfect ftiggoi and the finest stock and best value in L'awn and Linen Blouses they have ever shown. o ALL Ladies' SrigCoats eligOff at grem-atly re-- duce"d prie-es, Couch, ohnston GIROCERS' DUE Biills TÂAENA ls CASHl. I I EDITOR TALKS Fortunes arý e saldom made lu pmiliniu offices, but tha opporfnuîlias ;we alil f0 pass f0 amass millons ara numaerous. Tweuty yaairs ago w-a Lest ahosar dollars; whiohàif loanati at 5 per cenît instead of being ise in a speonLafio. w-ould have amlontaed iow- to $00af simple intereasuîd a-cmondintr wonld have axuounited te a nnh great- or sum. Every dollar of if weuf aud never came back. The lassostaCtan- saction taughf us ias nover beu for- goffe n sd w-haneuw ppoition reachas ua uird ofrom nxfinxg Our mental vision and w-iipes Doli 't bite" ," So inithe yradofteptfin thaf havea ornein our vway"1- ry our forune" ve have reiigoniyadheraf aur decision of iwen;y yeaqrs ag. W ,w-il not gambie l oin rs or !bny miîxiîx shares. We happei ta kuow miji w-ho havei beaux dabblig in stocks foeyarsý, They havesmtissw-on, w-eunnrtd Our ihonesf conivictinis,, rîghtly or! wroughy, thaft hey haîva oflener bast. Few maxi feai proud euough of a s lfa stock-gambling ta fellif roundhaine, =0 w-e do not expeaf fe be îufarmad w-han a friea or citizen- buys on maargin sud clis s4ora close f0 the scalp by hmok- aora or CinJ1anciaI sh-arlba 0f sekînd. Wa araea a -r.Ylong w-ay frorn beîng riol yet the road is long and rough ini plaes -ît miuny obtalesfretard f0e fmudga ion01g "-)Y fie odfrhoe w-ay of w-rký, earlud ltalways u t ithan tO invet iii s-aled gi-it-edged1 iuvastmet tat ara bound t o yiald anarousdivieud, wLiih obbrighli in prospectus butlike the pots; oË g-id at the eudof fia rlxbw tog chiasad by ïiiaày ha-va navaribeen faund. To-day a very emtig ater campa fe us-a private a-dvance ,-ýoffring-felb- us of la mes%- excellent îvsmc. 'fie w-itarwrites: "We hiava hioughit so w-ail of the aniterprise f thaf w-a have antered infa if rathar heavily lu, a fluancial w-ay ourse-veýs.""Farfher on ta tampf usîmarýe sfronàgly the letterj soya: "Ounee r asalresdCy roportec'I f0u: i5 moaf nfhuIýasticahly on the pos- siblites f t alrine sud !basasrd us fiat the proparfy cam unqnestinably psy ale asft (walve Per cent a year aud probably a greaf dea more." Thon wu Lue offered fils stock af ouly $0par sîar. ow oaa a mý llaxi ba expted -'îte r siafsnba amp "î ýbon U bny n ýfes huudrad shaLnre"s inm Uha sure and large dividîeud pro3duca,ýr? To make th dma! vey easy for la w-e ara reqnesed fa suno uony j i'gu fie applica- tion for so Iman2y sae whcgiva s rus f-fil fake saveral m-ore en2ineers'4 reports "manst entbrxsiaýsfically assuriîxg 1 unuestionably" thaf t ablasf 12 par1 cent dixidands aili ha pauued ont befoma w-aecau bc indnced ta fakea ashare lu this or any other uuîîing propositionx. Thora ara tlxosaîxds c0f mning sîxarks inf-,ixe big cities constaixtiy preyiug lupon thea "easy marks" tbey lied ont iii thej c,-ounnry sud country fowus, Two young ladies frarn famm homeIlis w-ho have fakan a course lu appua býusiness collage w-ara discnssing pas fortf nînig fapracticalacun -a t f beir feacîrars bad tangbf iers.Bofhx are accomplishedboaîepmfar ouhytrained lu promes fxsu' homes sud wonld grace sud diguy aîxy1 ordlnary homre îasw-f or halpar. 1hi fixa faw-snsud ctAls of Guiada are thouLsands of Lhomes îraaodinig fese cxap-! able ongw(omlen astiw-il gladýly pýye thiem from $15 "fa $'20 am anth sud aven 1 inare, for, bath uara good cooka-..The i queston that arisas in aur imd ase awa2its a safisfacýtory anmsw-ar i v fieew-niome, tfaauflay of 10ae and six onti fime, shonl rae o)ffice 11f e ta luoie life? 'Illeadomaestie servanIt problem ee naow sdwiicniu apr~bue wivas. If ave-ra prassed fora favor- able solutionr oË thfe idlfficult problim 1waould say fiat fixe mîstresses are3 mnaiîlyto blame. T;i>hisaav fx iu ationi presanfif lseif to us. Refariug agafir f0 the fw-o fmxr'daughfters1 -ha- havaetaol biuxass collage training, tbey ara hotu mernbert of large families-ery respct-abla ud aadiug famiiies iu thai eieu neighbor- hoods -bof b active xxx Cixurcix, Sbai lýSchiool, tempetance sud fl otier social orgaixizafions. Botb smoremenbers of the churci sind iu every respect worthy -of the confidenca and est eern of Mixabust people lui Torouta or many oîrrowîî or ctýify u hi evce r ltwne simd ambitions fa spend tiroir days min- lesl, ace fhey sa,* ontaide o cpa flou, sud taemlîxtaf i thelr soial sonoxd Ang or for this and otixr rossons qxîifyi f 1~ ) xx c k t; I - I flans lu a ci- one as mother's hielper, ftha othar a ls clark in a, mi liiry store o as booký-keaper. , Wbày shonld tfe cldon ha placed oaia ibe lane scsl ththa ha otherO anasiester mnaie s1 doctor or Iayrii teîiy sud do3x bon ow-u i iousasIvork :brut, mayas Llxiead- inîg soia ircles, w-ieleier sister, in averysassa br equai, leav-s ,flie sauuu farrn hborna sud taies w-bat la ,calied a gnrlservants position iniiiacorres- pondlugly prominent home on the sam stree,IWMhy doas the uinmarrle sif a noý tî' tkei nesocial positi'on atfhe rmieid sisf ? Tbay w-are equîa! ini teluIprents' home, JULY FIRST AT IIAYDON, dont SbahSoblool w-as pariapi ana of fixe bas iii ilshisfory. Brei siimce fie Dom1inù(ino! Caîxada w-sa ýorgsxxizad ùile a confederafiou]r idy ba-s beau Ioyally celebrafed haroe. Auid. fiaugi unaxxy snd varieatI hasber u the cpersan- uel of the Snday Sholw-ora rof tis -place, oaci decada Itigîrciselast bass lu numbers hlis nofbeau boss lu i ambition sud zealijor fIxee thay beiievad in snd w-orkad for. lance yaraf er yaar tfils eoveuifbas beau pleanie b thse vio fbavo eîoe ont frorî is ,churci asud a choolsund ift bas beau at day of hrooigt tose w-ha fai tuuiy ya aferyeaýr bdo theirý rie" w-a tey bava succeeded jbas beau reorded as the years hàave gone bv. The atoudace bs beau ,soj greeat filat for ~ ~ ~ !iý ',uayar le hav ad te use the cauivas tant orAl anulversai casos Tlhis yea aas ne) exception sudsccs baýs xuamked fia avent again, Rev. L. S. Wightf, B. A., B D., Briglit- on, s foriner popular pasi ,or, aras the preachJer ou Suuîday for fthe fiftli tfse almoat lii successionx. Sa popular la ha w-fh flue people of thia vicinify thaf uuany goiuxilestf0 ear himîx. Very isnga audencs reoed lmSnxday affariroon zsudé oviàig âsud w-ara rewarded by lisatin t axoeiulygood sermons. WIls disoursas w-are very arxesi, obear bis avards avwitiat beiug e and lnspired to leati a botter Aîfe,.Te srîgixg y luescxoo uitichirunderi ofader ,11%0f \V... .reepar, spr inadu vilir Aira, Sas'rewin as orgaiaf w-s god. Spec,îilmentioný muaIhe mtieof tÉe duefLx thi e iaveu- iug b)y Messrs. Wý. IL, Crceper aurd John Dominion Day ,services w-are some- avhat chaixged for fuis yaar as the attemnoon programi by tire achool w-as dispenseti asitbl. Thia w-as a dîsap- 1 pointaient to souie and we LI p HAMPTON CELERATION DOMINION DAY Y l;y Cnmowis AXaIVS RV O' TfEE DoMINION0ý ionDaydre aoutas arguacr>tOwdfs Ciiesdesýerted the town eThursday -zens wee kept busy frnal yMMnUlg by train th)Torouto Port Hope sud preýpariugý for thi(nru,-sh fteftro.Courmgdrwa cowd. Wchy got at *The villatge haidbeentiiid up ambt-adfwcm anil o h-L Au h vvery flowering plaut waspessedinlto favorie rasort aiho no specilaation service in miaking the homesattractive. Cas there other th-lin atr A few The church, where the first pormo lhd other bathedl, imore eniga;ged i the day was given, was veýry 1tastefu ]y bo:atýg the. lakie heing fvobetili decorted a pwNfuQh1 of flowers !wieinu abené five o'clock when the Cvnd bleii, evidence. mdJ1id gaýle fronm a wseydrcin jaly in tha, forenioon HvlckFo-Thoý greater crowd visited, chattýed an)(; r hall team larr ived at Lkeie1seenjoyed themseives piaieinu Mr whlere they found aicoforabl ahoe Alan Eust in handling a canne got, away fom hom" one ofthe beat fur-la duckigi0the harboq, adChaer(o, ished, best ordered and comist temper when about to convey à4rs Faulkner -ane loost ofudi n ilg nars otewetside, zalloW0ved hier ,to, tho Prvice "Fhe boys areloudij n p Ilunge into the lake. BotLhweîe res- thei piise cfthohostsudhosesa Mr uedwith nutibing lmore than god uC1k. taiod hm5 lhlday, lieut being lssintense that n o The chrch uditoru wscmfî-sa aldy oius Citizes wh ably fil, femaies aulostexusvyh1ehossndtse hocudira juimprising the udenetohuarti i gdrvltt aptn lsdno spledidprogam f îeitaions siging Necasl where fhere wehm lydoîngs. etc., givenby tce cdren yhsihcd ben Te ltte v llg.ot being undor klca traind isinàging dchoussby Mb. Irwin optinaa ted nma crtielement who L BrownMisses Itoacliand Nouawne ozebsdsinany w et to Ebm, su :td inèth e:ecitations by Mrs T the sports Flags werele as hi H,.1P. Anderson, Roatch and Etlxi, evid"eukýc han oitsmeFormer July lsts. îJohus and Princpal F. J. Groat. 0c peopl do n t cemebut in as pec-. Paestor Anderson ofliciated as cbuixnian taclar a amnner asour Amleikjan cousins ini is usual pleasant wuy, raakg a chief do acrosstue-border Fore crascr ad openingspeh Three girs sang a larger firevors worc liardy thcght oU wdm Mec mn og uicey, aud ;t intervals 80 quiet wausile own operor usiness coiuses xeraitalldy rnee.Rc-section aftorel mrigmiswr ttOnes lwere i-n-eryail beiug distribcted thKing Stieet mîghr hva excedîglyellendredoo as ollws~beon used a a Ciferange had it beeýn Loue astingys, Nobody Kow;Albert stiught euug. arly lu tho dal;y ]C'de, 0crui ag;LucillePeers .Lsta ciidalenme f uooie O(pportiinity; Wli Wakeley, The Btoy wbi7zzed eastwerd, m-ore tlian on any cf the Faily; pMorley bastings, A single (day ;"ooe. Port fHopeuraces no P>atriotie Boy; Miltoný Avery, Mry Rid doubt a trscted nmesof theý city Hîilton Peteras, This ýQuer Oid Worldj; 1 people. Two irinks cfbowlers wett h Frank Osborne, Theý Boy; Francis Clatý- try the finst fr-iendcly atch of thle seatsont worthy, WVhen Mammna was a Girl; Willie ont cf town. White. Animais; -Ruth Johius,Tra; Frank Crydormani, A Boy's Be40e; J oc ENGLISIIMEN IN ALASKA Edgerton, The Crpntr an. Ilotip- ton Good Choeer Band sang a preitty - tu (eu foQueblec iast mionth Mw chors. 'iVat itte GrlsCan Do"!met on the ti thre Devoians bouict wuss reistgbyulCe little girl; Ruhfoi'DugaAlakjM.Ellis Sto,,l W ilh ie dErnat Wind a sang ario, jof Tiverton, Devtou1shli, ivrîtes us- 'O caeful" Tweivoalitl rls W'ounf'om Dotuglas City, Alasha, lunder date grea apipause in a CineseAbMoieoSour of e c tl , aViug: "\Ve three oy clvenes. Three littie grssang a weil on June 3 WeIhad ct yover at 1Ilsh a-Bye s nd utn pis a Suîî- oattieCfnMa cc to get a steamer to "Weil song both exta god Pnumrs.Aisaka. Soe Ai a geatit sn, lve, Liste opinimo f înan ththe his pin-modem ctS fuilfavellers. We saw grasn was a littie the best given &CrYer.alot f p>iwet1rnlife, sud many c WVe mih explain why the men dbd the sigbs cF a big ciy. which wer nomw not heur Itisprogam tdau they weî'e and immtersog to a hunch Of country spectatoî's of the Midland Football lads. League-fhubl- mt bteen-Lics-riin tD1ls-woi-ok--- and Bowînanvilie teains, both wiuners i n tisudsLatud in next day. Lt may itrs their respective districts, wbich vaus in yo)u teIolîcw that vwu sie woîking 9ftO foct progress ut thxe saine time in W. Il. Gays codiuer groud in a gold mine u 3a idayý pastrît deldà Score 3-2 in fax ci'of the at ulthe work is net as hard as wo did lxi ettnterners, nln for 15 Shillings a vek TesL was ser yod front 4 o'clocl; on the should net came f0 go back touevnsie church lawu ami the waitcî si were kolptf0o ot for the oid Nwage. I wuld ver$ busy fUi.a a to hur.ILtwu a a urallier w'ork undergrounid thun olntop, cf fit for an epicurean. Hmtnladies the pit It was a nowsesto gin aie excellent cooks as wa;ts evidenced byî down sl aud up in fthe cage ut Li]tibut we the odibes prcvi so abunduutly sud ute gettng ucustcmed te the nwex- scrved 50 well. Drintnhcusewives perience. have a high repaion for% cuiinary It %vas a sr triai te leàve oe accomplisbment, ind the fact is well frad sdntieln , bt the vyg known, judgîng by tic vmry large nunc-feimlnvepool te Qummasgreatl b)er who supeedutVmpon onthe ejyeL The ominon int S.S. evening of J UPLyA t Dm nio s oui mrinie homle for i- WVhen al had", beîŽn satisfled u te ays , dwe maude many aqa etanes tables the cvoncing pîoi'a.n cpencd at 8 1The 1 ndia riin rins aie mr o' l u n h cýl. .'i lies. Il. 1P. cooforfbi n cnvenientthain thzcy Anesnpresided ius Chairinu. Thel!are iidear Oiid FngLand. Canrýýaa ws a artiats of the occasion were 3Miss ,Etl surprie te )us-he scenery wie-,a aciful, Bicheil nid Misslanche Wulteî, icf1sud the homesfsthe country foiksud d Toronto; Miss AdaL capatM. Pate, lrefarctuildns oca rou srpi aud the rFleiniig lBrothers,, Oh .te us. 1ifhought h!,(>%v h botU1r if Miss Etlhel B hei as a beautifil clea. wocld ho e ',al of iman lat lhome if they toued, foll sud tehi tsoprano oiceasd camtie thisnexv xoîid. Ifthiey are sang tethe delifof the itudinco threc ablhe sud willing (to w o(ik thlis is the coun- s lcin,.Illtlie Vale'," The ,Little try ýfor themn. 'e'tic wi lUs e aarcmoreý Jrish Girl," 'iaad cf Dreains." 1Wldeanesd give Mmor orkasid0s«owwmor last sdetionwias iartduily beautiful life. The people ai-a sociabl)eaisud -eey- anti w-ms eucrd. Miss &Ad1apils sud bdy reemls ready teii)s strumgei îie Pute, siolinists, gave doisduits info it ion sud advic. sund Miss loups two sOoo. Heisle ______ tien was warînly uaiplauded at i aprci Prof. J. B. Reynolds. B. A., in h atcd. The youug lads, the FlemiingOnftario, Agriculturai College Rve Bioheocf Oshawa, cmttied te eatsfor June, in a capital ïarliîde on 'Stýa- of the audience wàih their rlîrecec- dards of Oouutmy LiUC'wàrtes thés sa» tiens.Tlier isa bîipn ît fut uy befr îuth.Sa far as conditions on the fur(- thes'%, boys ud=y buevpycted tebc are coucerned, xnuchilain the xdao hieat, r frin intheir line oi uefunetparents tu cojitrol, To muake saçes of Mpiss lanhe W'tR, bas a splendid boys sud girls by assigning tas'.a thlat appearne cm fhxestage andi mvAhixac cîarare imuch too bard sud laborious, that carryiug veico dchiglîed the iaudience fr11 their hours fromn daylight to dsrklai in th~ elections, "ThliCW ,srndivo Bat,: to engemîder 1" early and teýnder years a disteste for: the work of the famm that -Dû Lt Agaiin, -My Wiqh" sud eue by si&xiehlm to seak ýmore Congenliai the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~aa lueD.Drmîîd "eSee niisexalctng occupation w-heu the Pip bi. MssWaier -a wel m- ime crnesfOr them f0 m ilake a chlea." ceived sund sncredu. m.e ali, orgîxiast cftleMîcfS.M oia violinistasud Fleàig Ilmoslwbile Mis year thuaf tha former practisa will ha anumd idail will ha shlow-ad fa(->bear thie (blîdron recite anti sing. 'fiera la m:o part of anuauxiveraary of greater vaine thaîr this. Durixug the aftemucon sud w-hile tesavwas be-iîîg serveti a gaune of hasebali avas phnyed betw-eeuî Saleun sundCortrtie.suad w-ile boti afarfeti ont tado goot w-ork, wlien fixe final surmnu p came if aras foCUUd ie-1 Courfice boys hat i oîrealngw-ay abouti, score 24-10. Dm. II.C. Iuie Brighton, w-as fie nrnîire. Latar s DarliîîgtouLeangue gaine cf football w-as played batweau Tyrouxe sud 'f aka- ('on. Thie former proved f ha botter 'of Tyrono. M.Ca.WJuxs ow- say flesupper aras au aexce(Lbeif u oery resp)ect i s pittiîxgitJmiitIly 'fIxae tabasavre icely decorateti, ieîpfingly sprtýastiHi good thingsansd the ser- vicet i laI 'couid ho tiesirai. 'fie strui (i udpatiaîca of fie avait ara muaihavebeau faxod ftî the tntxuosf so great avas f ia c rowti. Afer-Il irati p!art akeru týhatables avare cleared t sd eývery avuilabla fuicîx cf spawco usati for fixe aveîlîug cancert. 'fixa Sherlockr Quartette of Toront o progranm. 'fxahecto irer ythxese favorite singera w-a(ý re ine auît he pracbiafl of o! sIýinbor hy tiemaild- inig anoe. As ru varity Messars Slxcrlock, Dxoî md 7McK-eîxtmy esci sýan]g sloudth two lte a duef. Mm.% Hosvitr gave sereral hurnorous pemfo'nned huier ltitistatimiire-bly and reidemed a fixa piauxo solo. Miss Clama V. bayuîes, Belleville, exîder aimd elocutionisf, tii w-ail ini lier salectieuxa sud( recaiveti elcores oueauci appear- suce. 'fie conîcert vas pronoxincetI hby ail teha, v-ery sut isfuciery, Pastor bI. S. Spenxca, B.A.. B.D., madie s'xme3 auionncorî tfsathixaclose and sîafed GoiSava týire Kiujg'ieafiy ag by aI cost antoilier 1;u5cat succ?îsaf auîve rSr ocas1ion i ii pAe. ON' LAKE ONu JULV 2Î, Wexluaaday J 'y21 wiii leaohe big day ai,- ampioj. A matmol b plonhec wili boha haIt ignming aI 2 p m w)-ha n PMo 0 Wl rfhy0; airch icf N'or ix A1menas ëtJ O cCaqh A 1L Pascoe. G WV P. Mia ýor MaiS on, r e S ldeuit minis- -ers a 1 i EthaV Publ 1ie S; ealmýers-Ii (1elivon0 add reas e S. D 0O & P 0-C a Bau0 wiIlM7,il frrihmaAffor fIe speechesý Coutie udSk4lem ïIbasebaîl tem's wîIh engagii in ïions 0d5 combat Alter teaý in pic uc fashiOjan pioU n d Taxinbon foo)tb-all teaime W-lit ay a ZgaIq2as lh siiuld ha plawedl. E'.er>bod)(v cam-e I brlg bskes ieIl fliead and ba4va aR ,~l octd afferu' -i. Clecinfor iexp,ýi--s. Hel ant uti w)d er zUPPl!ed

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