mh geat UT7rne Toite, andj '~onY af e effectai Monthty Renaorni bwmncan dePend. Sold Su tredegrees of tregtbNo.1, ji; ,No. 2, 10 derees tronger 83- No. 3, for speciat cases, ý5 P'er boL Soid b ai rggasts, or sent gPa onroelept cf price. -ee pamphlet. Address: THp CGw rrnINECo.TRoiîo 0T.(Iermrli, iindsor> NeMrrhvBulletin of Real Bargirspr must îldsr-dnailedri ere; we pay ~y.rR.. fr.E. A. STROUT CO., Btook C 1. 269 Colege Si., Toronto, provides superior courses tn 13o.îkkeepiosr, .Shortktand, 'T -,ý wrii-g and kiondred Stibj-"ct8 FuIl particu ais on, le rE que-4. ~IB E 8tIlH IF. WRIGHT, ýhiithai d i strueto'- Principal YOUR COlURSnE lint.horthand or Buaine's wtli brlng yon 1 est resslts if takerr at our od-rstabljsh- ed andl thoroughiy reilabie se' v)ol, Winiter terni begis Jan. 4th. Cata- lQge sfree B'ritish AmeriCani BusinessCleg Centr&! Y M Cý A Baiding, Toroiltc. 1909 A4rgy;lel Stealllship Co. TIMif TABLE ---Steamner Argyle- Commencing Tuesrtay. May 251h Kvery Tue day and Friday Buat leaves Newe'rtie 690 a M. Retorn Fare 70e Bnm aI,vile 7 001 70e O haw a 8 . 0 " 60e Whiby 8 45 60o Chbiliti e noder 12 years, hall farte. Arrivtrg tliToroote 11.15 a ni ]Retulr in,. eaves Toronto. Yoege Stret wharf 5 (10 p m B, ck Tieket5-Beokse or tainltug 2) Ore Way conprrnIliealr te obtaitied from the lrirI agents I o;irj-wiîîg rate4- Ne,,,e ,stle and Hwmaii ville, -i 10; Oshawa and Whittly. s) (0. These Frigbt bas died careful'y and prornptly andt at Very low rates Agets-Al Lake Newcastle; F C Pethielf, Bowmanvillie; W HeIryr Osiiawa Harbrrr D J Brono, Oeh.,ýiaTvwn; Abert W Jackson Whitby, F T HoÀteinsioný 12 Stmeoe Street, Toronto, 1'res Argyle 8,, S.Co y. ltf AI T 1MI ED. llail andi Express Service BETWEEN RùogN.Y., - 'Poi Hopea - coourf. St r. North King0) Commencing Mai 8Ist, steamer wlli ieave Cobourg at 1 I3G p. m and Port lu;spe at 2 30 p* M ol y except Sunda for Charlotte, N Y. [Port cf Rochester] ReturnInz steamer Iraves CbarILte ai 9.'-0 a m. daily except Sunday Ful! information froin ail agents E. E. Horsey, Stott & Jury, Geil. Manager, PI. A. James Kingston Agents, Ontario; Bow manville The eauctioneer's liammer bad jost fIllen, anti the littie man whose bid hîîd been accepted smiled joy- - ' *Lat naine, please V' asked the And1É a small voice repiied, "It's Me." 'Qoite so," said the smnart clerk "we are au are of that. But what is 'me's' nameq" '"t's Me," said the same apolo- gtevoice. Oh,-is it " said the cierk, a fine conin his tones. "Weii, even K Iuppýosiog 3o're a fonndling, I rpose sonse sort of namne nas given )-ou -Brosin, Jones, or Rlobinson, 'oit'a Me,"' said the Sad, weary1littie soice. Y',î're sasting taluahie tirne, s,'sadtihe anctioneer, sliarply. ifyon won't give your name, the arilmîust be put np again." 1 liard Iines!" said tlle litle ma, witb a sigh.,'Jnt ecanse mvnine îsn't Joncs or 1Robinson 1 loI a oo, cheaIp table. Perbaps ifI pelmv aeynl like it ho lc is deskas lie bokdthe 4'o provre tclyco, tsafi Dr nd absoint cure 2e ae t. rurrias i tie dtlypreî n É yak yzr uýîgV hies hatthy thNk c i. 7nause0ta. i HEALTH i GLANDERS IN MAN. Glaidera is a dlisease of horses, but eue f romwhcuftuaoy humanbeing are ot entirely e empt. Formcrly cases of hunsaniI glanderis wore tnought to libced iagiy few and far betweec-n, the statisties of the registrar--generan Engiand, for example, sîoiga mortaility, of' only one or two) a yeair. Latterly, hou ever, withipov- means of diaguosis ut our commiaud, it bas been proved that many per- sous have had glandors and died cf it w'ith the real nature cf the dis- case nnrecognized. The nicers have heen diaguosed as tuberculosis, as those of typhoid, of amailpox, or of some form of blood-posioniag, and they have been treated accordingly, with, of course, fatal results; for glandera is a very dreadful -sease, the cure cf which depeuda upon prompt and radical measures. To-day there is ne ýexcuse foray failure in corre ,t diagnosis, becaus the special bacillus cansiug gland- ers-cailed the Bacilîns maei-is peculiar te this dl0ease. It is natorally those whose work keeps them in close contact ssith horses who aremost in danger cf 'glandera, and lit bas also been linon n te attack soveral members cf a fami~ly wlsare the father worked in a sI abhie, an d eue case lias been reported where a washerwomnao cýauglit it fremin ifected ciothing. Glandera may bce ither acute or chrcome. There may be a slow suc- cession cf abscesses attacking the muces i criawling along the lymIphatis sstbîem Ifor ImontbsI. Some- times, surgical treatment, these abseesses will héal, and there wili ho ne further symptcms; some- timea a slow chronie case sill sud- deniy burst ont into a violent acute ci-re, anti deatii ens Lie.------ --- - Other cases are acute from tie first, and may bie mistakenË for biood-poiscuing f rom some other cause, or for an acute speciflc fever until the terrible -eruption appears, tee late for auy troatment te ocof avail. As te tîeatment, there la littie that la cieerfni te lie said. Tierougli cutting ont cf tIe local sore is tise! eue -anîd -o ly ti on n iicis- te pin any faith. Attempta have been muade te get an antitoxie serum, but se far tise, hase not heen siiecess- fui. Thc best fight against glandera las been in tise lineocf eadication cf thc disoase by menus cfti mallein test oui ail suspicions uni mais. Any herse vhicls reacta te this test is at once kilhed. Iu Eng- land-it is-new l"mie fetlat-imot cf tic largo stables are rcgulariy test- ed siith mallein. Stabloînen and ail peoplewoku round herses slionld he tauglit tic salue cf leanlinesa, aîxd especially the need of grant cale sentrul led wlth aniy abrasion cf tic aluni or open vonnd, honever amal.- Ycutls's 'Comp anion. WATER AS A NERVE FOOD. If nervous nomen nould only drink more swater tbey wouid net lie se ners ont' Ncarly every physician wili recoînnend a wemaun lie la snfferiug from nerseus protration or ners euis exhaustion te driklt cf nater bctneen meals, but mani'y women wIe do net come under ai doctor'a care nouild feel btter and looki btter if they wonhld drink, say, a quart cf n ater lu the course eot thc day. Water la nerve f-ccd. It lias a distinctiy soething effect wieu sipped gradually, as oeecari test foi oees self. Morecs or, tic hygienie effeets cf pure natcr are not cou- fined to tic fenînie sex, fer, as a matter cf fact, monnsvenld bc ahi the botter if they iaibibed more cf it. POINTS ON SWIMMING. Wby are amateur swimnîers, evon xxien tiey have good exanîplea le- fore thm, se genoîally unsueces fnl lentiscir endeas ors h h la trueý that there aie aise people in plenty nh li nal, rua, er stand Induy, but tiose things are learned la elarly clildiood, and are not, as is the! case n iti s ssisming, tVie reanît cf miatuire effort, and tiey are net se likly te ho a matter cf ife and deati to tiec exploiter, incee theydro oct, 111e swi rmmng and opien-air bathsiig, cairm hlmi into imniediateý dc:anger -i Plysical dshht is net thec cause, sinýe [ile(' s enerof1 ssvînîning seldýom f'ail te carry isec pupil at least conisiderably beyondý tle peint whiîichlie w-tld reach without sncbhîeip. It is ea:zîly pos- ille tînt a largo nuraber cf drown- ing cases mnylie ratIer due te la- efficient instruction tian te total lac- eJ irstructioni, buit, uevartie- l-s, tic posetie sximmer is'ould o1!ei[te lacfimacîf un- der( t i ame cfa cemipeteut mati-ne- toi, raIier t1ianý attemipt to acquire FroniJulyPhyscalClture. Tits i gongte lbfýie iltary year at tc Cnadan ational Exisibi-1 tie, Trene. A Medel Camnp, Musial RdeMusical Dr-ive, Artil-, loi-y Driad Ceertîiang aise 111 a miitary neý wif)l lie on rir8ll cf fare- . Miss Barbara Leask, Toronto, is hlave -Ten -15.5 Ineh «Guns.' territory, naturaliy they display! vîsiting at beirhorne, Taunton. produets and photograplîs -ef scenea Mrs. J. Miliu, Hamilton, lias At tho reccut' naval resicw at in that country. The Grand Trunli been visiting Mrs. W. L. Law. Spithead, England, for tic Imperi- lias a neat little building noar the Mv. ~ ilLma, -. Temite,. ai Press Cengresa it nas remarked Dominion bidu n h aa visitiug Mr. H. E. Morply. tia luticfoo-t the famrona Dread-I dian Paîvifie lias haîf cf oe, aide Mastei Guy Becli bas taken a nouglit nas already geoeraily re-1in the Agricultural building. The position lu the Dominien Banâ. fcrred te a s tic "old Dread I uoolwork is of native nsabogany Mr. -I. . Mcpiy a reoveiugîîught," Exactl uýhat the new' and birc's oye mapie, whici makes fr. H.E. do b ite irecoe cd. ees, orders fer vuh isvll proubali ' a very attractive front. r. Frhe doFitef4movetie ed- iy lieplaced in No mexiibIMonday, Jonc 14, cpeued Britisli caîf street Isenuse cf Ms Martin cno e esî,btte xi Columbia week, witli many visitera te Celirsa street. ho heavier aud 1tlien gnla ilI le f rom the North iu the city. Oshawa Orangemen ssill cchrate i earrauged adcnennl they- Probabýy tic f rat exclamation cf the Battie cf the Boyue at Port Mjîl hob igerships. every vsiter te the World'a Fair Hop, eain o tc .2 am. Tlise -uew- Dreaduionglts nuvil have--bas heen astouisîmeiint-at-tise beauty tine, evn nth .7a..ton 15.5 guas inenuted in pairs,, cf thc grounds and the naturai Mriss ae.fHaitn as one pair forsiard ou the centre aeeor. Miss Fargto f *Broon viitd pairheou thepor o saroad "MoaýtBeantiful" lias this Exposi- Miss arlotraîoft "rkinaiser]. s i -nte otorsaboardtien rightly been called and with Mrss oespillSut Eli ndamily side forsvard or amidahipa ln u scbthec cenpletenescf its exhibits it haxc en t Toerento ricr tend ak iy position as will enabie tic m te will romain in Exposition history ,hav goe toTorntoprio tot ho fired in cîthor broadsîde. Tise fer years as oeeof tic, leaders. îng îesidence lu Barrie. nx arwllb nteoposite Wnie ilhv owr adt Saturday, Jnly 10, the annal snext oair ih ho on the l iauh ol Fi nSate oirting cf MeLauglilin factory em- two pairs wiii ho, mountcd aft on Canada is te play an important picyces sill take place. te Niagara tic centre lino. paît at the Exposition at the time cf Fg.lls and Toronto. Tie fourtis pair will ho meunned thc Live St,3ck Show liere in Sep- Snnday evcuing, Rex'. James se as te fire oser thc third and fifth, tomber. Bleoded stock from many Hodges, Presbyteriau Churel, pairs. The positionsý of tic fourtlî Canadian ranches wi lieb on exhibi- spolie ont fearlessly against the vile and fifth pairs ou tic pr-escut shipa tien and Associations cf Canada attaci made uposi Rex. Dr. John are on the samie level ou tic centre haveptu rzsomeacp, Pringle liy the Reformer. - lino. Tic aow arrangement will and pt pprzsafseah.cua 1u St. Georke's Churci, Suuday, permit ail tbiee after pairs te bc ai Jîily il, Rev. J. H. Talbot sili ftred aft. Tise arr-angement cf thse lR-LGTISTUE preach a sermon te tic members cf funneis and structures amidab,ýipa HEOsTISIUE L. O. L. No. C)86 and Royal Truc nl bhave to ho altered.ThAeianIstu oPrin Bines No. 55. The guna will he of 50 calibres. The Amriatitut86, cf Pîe- Miss Fsankie Honîden, teaclier at The sielis ssill weigh 1,500 pounda ooeg y, ucrcrtd 86 p tise Sous' Hall, was preseuted on oaci. Thcy xiili e 67îces long. cial Act cf the New York Legisla- Friday last by bier cas cf girls Tic gun breech illbiii h early fieturc, will open its next session tic xîtts a beautiful large gilt framed f cet in diameter. The slips file first Xedu-esday in September. Suli- pictnîe. SIclhas resiglied. hase iucr.eased leugth and beam. jtcts embraced: Pirenolegy, Piy- Wedneaday a delightfui society but tic measurements have pot yot aiooy, Etoy, Ps>-diiog, éent transpired at Oshawa-cn-the- treen given ont, isooy naoy lgee Lak wlenticCernaien Clu Te nw sip, wiehwil lc cp-Heredity, Anthrcpology. For Lapeen ithaea irnatîcîrnewlublTe cf flrig ton guna l apgleterms and particulars, apply te M. opeed itha hn ngalew. e breof d fir 15,000 pund na sinlleIL Piercy, Sccretary, care cf Fow- quartera in a neat bnao. odieo 500 o1s )i1I e er & Wells Co., 13 922d St., Liccuse of tic Commercial Hetel quire practicaliy ne, larger crcw New York, N. Y. here was transferred from tIe namne than tic prescrit slips. 11lti cf V. B. Woodmnff, te Mrs.' Cooper. Punsa 'ich are now centroDlied WHAT WAS DONE TO GEORGE. Mr. E. Nauce-Kival las se iveil hydrauiicaiiy or by land power will Teha fabgfr fcn recos'eîed from .receat accident te i bo electricaliy centrolied, se that The ies ad cfaigfrmunofhe ce- go te Manitoba on Tnosday te visit Iwhen tic guna cf oeebarbette tr.ceraastowaling roundve re- ils son at Ral.lia. cover the barbette or gîus cf au- misead'cpdt ovrewt Mr. Wili Somners spent tiche ll otier pair the eIectricity wiii ho old George, a stableman. day iu Port Hope. sxitciod off, makiug it impossible "Well, George, licw goos it?" bli iMisa Ida llodge visited Port tr firo thoîn. said. Hope friands ovro the holiday. Tic size cf the sînalier guns eau- '"Fair te niddlîn', ir," George W. B. Walten, 'Denver, Col. net certainly lic given as yet, but answered. "Fair te middlin'." visited has sister, Mrs. J. A . Se- tlic presont Dreadnutghts and St.I And ho continuiel te mb down a Feld. Vincents arc, cousîdered weak lin' ure vil h thrluo Mrs Wm eak l viitig lertlis respect n'itb tlair fouir loch- on in silence. "Me and tuis 'ere mtMrs. Marlon La i vine liPr era. Tic new slips miay have a hoas," George said, snddenly, "has hi11., battery cf six inci gu,ý ns u aci worked for yen sixteen year." Mr. Jamne,, Peirc~e, Darlington, breadsidle. - " Well, well," said the master, lasa nw eLagiin utmoble Witi the improx iieeut, already tliuking a iittle guiltily cf George' s hanewayla vithin i aogbler gîeat, in prepellera and tic rapid- very low wage. "And I suppose yen Mrs. Tiempaca, Ganianoque. 1>' increaaiag discovery* c f the sec- are boti pretty highly valued, Beastiul aieMales he lai.,retotf iaving pleuty, cf stearningt George, eh?"' Best1Face Irrsialy Ate.ePlin-.power it la expected tiat tIc newl H'm!"',said George. "Bofli ef es Auy weaneau h tave catife.l1slips are suire cf nmaking twenty- us-nas tooe l 11last week, and they aInd luxuriant hair liy uaiug trekos ebp oe uaieget a dector for ticeioss, but tley Pa,,risian Sage, fthe great liair tonlocf ii i ao ulisîl t t';a eke ypy and dlandruif cr.Smiaii but Potent.--Parîneiee>s Pa risiani Sage la tic favorite Hair i VeýgetabIe Pilla are arnali, but tIc> Tonic cf roflned people, and since AN OBEDlIENT MAID. ae effective lu action. Their fine Its iitreductien it lias met with Msrs-Ws, rdewa qualities as a corroctor c tmc sacceqson-e'ai th areyen doing sii all tise troubles are kuîown te tîcusanda Ifvi yenat beantifullsrn rkndssso l ndtliy are lnuconýstantdsad haîr thiat will1 lie the e>ivy tyn rigt"bre y owideveryvwhero by tb'1ose xvo lnoîr friands, go te the dril-gnun storeta aif ail4cf1)1('r Juy Lvilan gta etiec m Inas te epae-vryoe ~sla aoadsmi eeyt Suryi\ý Loellanc geý al) ) ttare 'Tleyuee neinitroduction te Parisian Sag-et-dyand use it foi bek!"t hseacnantd w)-Lieubt à, week. nti los xiay net ko in Ifr &b thic end[ cf a week yen are Lve oîers, 1'oont , l en1d ule-ly are pcetdastelstp- not ü ife that Parisian Sgeis fo aeo hi aosPlan ti iparatio ntImalitfr io *.liep most de ahfliad refre'ahing tciiet opi ynInit) ths paper ors f isestmai f 1 y LiNGERJN G WEAKNESS FOLLOWING D15EASE Dan bo Banihd by the Wonder- fai Tanîo Puwers of>Er. 'Wil- liams' Pink 1PUIS. IIew often it la that the sictima cf dîsoase--foyers, niensîca, la grippeoro any otber contagirons ti-ouhies are neal and niiing, eosoni after tise disease itseif basdîsap- îrîared. Tliey de net pick up strengtli as t' ey oniglt; , -emanu i'atess, tired and discouraged. Tic rensen for tîsis la tint the bheod lkaa been impoverisied by tise ras- ag-es cf the disense tîrougli which tie victim hbas passed. Streogti xiii net icturu until the bloed la enriched. Tise blood eau ho on- 'rîcied by ne other medicine as cuiclly and as sumehy as by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pilla for Paie People- ti ),enrici the blood and streugthen tic norves la tise wliole dnty of these pilis7-thousanda lave found them henrefi-lal in hîinging strength nfter disense lad left tlem xeak and rua dowe. Amoug these nIe -owc good heaith te these Pilla la Miss Laura Hisco, New Ross, NB., viosanys: "Followng au attack cf moasies 1. waa Ieft greatly mun dewn and suLiffemed frein a had cough. I uns avsdte use Dr. Willianms' Pinki Pilla and procured half a dlozen boxes. Before tbey were ail gene I hnd regainod my streugtl; my coughl lad disappeared and I wnas oco more enjoying perfect healti." The exporionce cf Misa Hisco is tînat cf many otiiers. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla maIe nesv, iel, mced blood. This inw blood strengtiensj t1so nerves and banishes sucl iali-1 monts as. rhenmatism, neni-nîgia, lumbago, dyspepsia, etc., and brings the glow cf henth te pal e J ceksk. The Pilla are soid by al usedicine dealers or at 50 cents ail box or six boxes for $2.56 fromn The Dr-. Williams' Medicine Ce.o rok O SHAWA. (From TIc Vindicator.) Hair Tonie you ever lud, take itj CA1NADA 1T SEATTLE. back and get youir îmoney. Parisian Sage is gutaranteed to Seattle, June 26, 1909.-' The cure dandrif, and stop falling hair. Lady of the Snows," is sghown to It costs only fifty cýents a bottie be a misnomer when applied to at Jury & Loveil or by mail charges Canada, by the borintifulness of lier prepaid from Giroux Mfg Co., Fort land as illustratýed in the Canadian Eric, Ont. 1 < buildirg at the Alaska,--Yuikon- Mayor and Mrs. R. Il. James i Pacific Exposition. "Lady Bounti- diove ont to iHampton on Domin- f iil" is apparentiy mucli more ap- ion'Day, to sec thse Bowmanville- propria*e judging fromn what is to Havelock , foot-bail match.1 be seen in the building. Brock was b--fore Magis- Althorgh in one of the smaller trate Murt-on charged with receiv- buildings, the conunîssioners have ing stolen eider. Case was dis- so arran-ed the exhibits and the chsmissed.11 data relating 'to them, that the Oshawa Foot-Ball Club ran a pro- visitor cannot help 'but be impress- gramme of sports Dominion Day, ed with the fact that Canada occu- tce a meagre crowd. Oshawa beat, Pies an important place in the W hitby at basebaîl and W'eston at world of commerce, and supplies fcot-bail. Citizens were at the lake much of the necessities of lie. in crowds. Three large cases in the centre of Jos. Langmaid is offerîng bis 200- the building show what the country acre farm, -ont Taunton. way, forj produces in minerai xealth;- exhi- sale or to rent. George Blair, wbo, bits of nickle, asbestes,' tin, 'corun- -wýas killed by a borse was living on dom, and of the common ores, gold, à1. It is an excellent farmn. silver, copper and lead are to- be Oshawa dental offices will closel seeti. Tablets îinform the sight- Satnrdays at i p.m. for summier' seer that 67 per cent. cf the world's mo nth s. 1snpply of nickle and 90 per cent. of The 1-2tb will be a great day at , the snppiy of asbestos is prodoced Port Perry. The niaging- cominCanad. There are tablets re- mittee have as, latest information. ling o veyexiht nth bi'l tl!at the wboie Cartwrîight district ng Ri e. J. .estmanand Mis At the farther end of the building Re. .Eastman ardfoMis cf from the entrance is a large pan- Eastan, eafrd, ormrly oforama depicting scenes characteris- Osbawa, sailed on R'. M. S. "Me- tic of the country, fromn a farm gantic' for England on Saturday.1 scene to -forestry and mioing. In Geo. J. Goksima, a Syrian, was te oerudaenneoswl e.ned $20 and costs for assault on the foregrond ianumderos tie Grace Potter with xvhorn lbehad awnmlscncin nieao9h dispute, and $10 for carrying a re- 'sport that is to be had and also volver. Gaa of the value of the fur trade for Robt. raa was given three which the Dominion lias been not- montbs in Wlitby gaol at hardi ed siîîce thd, days of the' pioncer labor for a brutal assanît on Mr. trappers. James Cinnamon, Lindsay, a for- A long th sîdes of the' building mer Oshawa citîZý'n. are other botbs showing Canada's Sergt, John Farrow pleaded guil- produets and activities. In one of ty before P. M. M.urton to helping thes' is a mountain and river scene himself to six ten-dollar biîs, in with liv ing beavers in the fore- Capt. Earchman's room. tiestitu- gronnd. This. exhihit fends color tion was made and hie was ]et off to the impression that every living on snspended sentence on bis own thing in Canada is bnsy and recalîs recognizance of $400. the phrase "bnsy as beavers." In Chief llind cbarged five men with the saine booth is the display of hathing in the town minus the re- 1wood pulp and the processeis guilation ï-garbï.--AlU n- ere -fined.-I through which ià.must-go before- be- Names witbheld. îng turned into nevispaper mater- ____ __ _____ial. ______-Relating to Canada are the ex- THIE NEW DREADNOUGHLT. hibits of the Grand Trnnk and Canadian Pacifie railways. As À. Terrible Fightiug )lýaehine-WiVll their hunes tap mostly Canadian s1mzat $ar n la r .,nMoitie d r Mimr Aperfect Remedy fer constîpa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convutsions,17everish- aess andLoss 0F sLEERp FEac Sirnde Sînatttre of EXACT COPY Y RAPP!B. 1~HU CCNTAUC C*MPANV. CZW VOR~ C~TY. CLrEVER YOUNU WOMA-4N. She1 -Sets a -itecord aÜs a SiWdIer- in Paris. Theý young woman who a few days- ago got a, good luncheon at an ex- pensive hotel in Paris, France, a complete trouisseau and a motor ride ail without payiag a cent, and ahl within four heurs, estabiisheýd a record in swindiing. She wasclarmiîîgly dressed and seemed te lie about 20.- She àrrived FRON 111E WIDLE -WORLU TINGS STRANGE AND NEW AIRE HAPPENING. Facta That Concern Men and Places Everywhere-Inventions and Discov cries. at a fash-Iiouable hotel o he Avenue I_-Tise- Ceylon yellow ik pde de i'Opera, said she -as the wife weiglis aine ounces, cf a Frenchi army officer, iviose ý Maryland produces _over 1,000,- namne se gave, and engaged thc 000 pounsîdofc honey a year. best suite cf recms. After an cx- There w.e;rcr795~ cremationa in. pensive luacheca in lier apartmeuts Greuat Britain lat year, exceed- she called for a motor ear-"a car ing the record et auy previeus without a taxi, as it looked botter.' ynr. The car came with a respieudent JIf a homan hein g coatnued te chauffeur anîd she drose to a dresa gîos at the e as hie doos in bis makýer'-s, -boree she or-dcrcd a -quai- firstyear ho svemutld. ce 68sottt tity cf clothes te ho ready in a few at the, age cf tan. ho urs - Work on nliat ssiil be the largest From there she went te a lingerie slips aflat, two 860-foot steamers sliop and ordered a pile cf garmoents. for the White Star lit>0 was begun These were brought te lier lictel, in January. wliere she weat tbrough rliem, re-. More tiiesu e-eighîth of the fires jecting some. liasing selected what in Now ork City last year were she wonld keep she went downstairs directiy traced te carelesaneas witi "te get change from the porter." matches. At the door lier motor svas stili The pain cf, a mosquito bite is waitiug and ahe placed the lingerie due te the fluid whicli the, insect in it and dros o bacli te the dreas- injecta te make the blood thin maker's, enougli for it te swallo-n'. There she put ou oeeof the new The È.aliaa army will have eigh- gowus and liad the others packed taon steerable airships te assiat up. She offered the use cf lier car it in its summer manoeuvres, while te the dressmaker's son, wlio drove a yaar frein new it nill have forty. off in it witli the bill te preseat te An Italian lias fermed a company bier hnsband, whlo, she said, n-ouid to recover $120,000,000 frein the, lias-a arrived at the hotel and would Spanîsh galbeons sunli duriug the pay it. Sice hersoîf teck a cabi with battie cf Vigo Bay. nith oeeof the dressmaker's girl The United Statas annually ex- assistants te carry the parcels. Ports more cotton.ieed cil than al The dressmakrr's son on reaching the other cunutries in tie worid the hotel found oaly the lingerie ccmibined-42,000,000 ont of 52,000,- ahop messengar, wlio was grcwing 000 galions. uueasy. Tie twe men hurrîed bacli A recent aarthqnake in Mexico te the drossmaking establishment, made the harbor cf Vera Cruz so svhere tliey- breathied casier on shallosx that vessels dra-wing. learning than an assistant liad ac- twenty-foui foot toncli buoom i compaaied thie custemer; but tic places. girl came bacli alone, and creat- If Yelowstone Park lic left ont fallen. cf consideration, California ranks 1She had been sent te buy a box as the firat state ia tie Union in cf candy wxhile the lady waited in respect te the number and variety the-cab, When she caine ont tic cf its aprings. cab iad gene witli the distinguislied Milli is new sterîlized by expeaing youug lady, wlie }îad thus swiudled it te ticý ultra violent raya cf a a dreasmaker, a lingerie shop, a mercury vapor lamp. The ciemi- motor cab compaay and a hotel cal composition cf the milli is un- keeper betw.een luacheon and tea changed by the treatment. timne. The Cals inista cf Switzerland -- -~e- ~-.will ereet a handsomc astone monu- ment in Geneva in expiation for TWICE PRO-NOU-NCED DEAD. haviag buraed at tihe stake the emîneat acientist Michael Servetus, Woman Titotiglit Dead Came to Lite Tiec enireat year-book cf the for Sort ime.Carnegie Institution shos that forShot Tme.during the past 'year $636,300 was A rensarkable story waa related diatributed among neariy 500 par- îai a Wolverhampton, Eugland, in- sens engagýed ia conductîng scien- qucat recently, on Mary Walkei, tiflo researci. aged forty. Tic mill eccupying the moat It wsa stated that she liad a northeru location iu Amorica is a series cf fits, aud tsvo neiglhors fleur miii at Vermillion, 700 miles svho sverc cailed in said aie waq uorth cf the United States bonad- dead. Wiile tic- neigibora werc ary, and xxîtîin 400 miles cf tice 1i1-Ying eut tic bocdy the hushand Areti cle 1neut to a doctor and ohtained a Ther'e i, tielcu ueoser ceriificate cf deati. ýOu tise fol- tiAp, but ti1crecordeevation lowýing day a ourse called at the in tbis respct eaat e the oneand saw iliead cf the sve- LntdStatea, thelre beinyg a ine at n,annimove. Sise alled in tueneigi Cm id o, wils1,0 bora, andr a lucck;ing-gla-,st 'sfo bv h e e i piaced over tise meti Ton ia;Is Atrciesrliyothsret xver ma~, ad e eac ocasio cfViena îca'-y am! ilad a liailf Threwa uoiture ou t'ic ls. og prtsxit csal- A seod dctor n'as ale i, htgl tisntexetd htit The md YouHv Bears the %inature . ..... ... -, s" Use Thr Yer