BOWMAIiILLE STATION. GoîseN E AST Gm~Na WEST ..44 nIxrs..4.22 sam rexpreau........,10.,S . ....743 i'asenger... .,SI p.m, Passenger.... 148 pixn Local . 649 ,, 'segr .74 4MRfl ....:*.9.55 P.rn 7Daiy, Jz'é, LevELL, Town Agents il i Summer Term Oiens oJane 5tUt luanl Depimeuts af CENTRAL' Business College. of TORONTO. Sý.pecùial pr i r fnSenior Rigli .cimatudeuts, ail for Teechers wbo nia>' wish ta pename for Commercial epeciatist Examîoailons, Patilnans seat free on requesi, W,.1a. SHIAW, Principal. - ~ I Wallpaper ClÇearance. 111GH CLASS Wall Papers print-, ed on 21 inch stock, 'ýery suitable. for parloss and dining-roome. grounds. ceilng to match. Rog- 0lanly 20c and 25e .for ...10e j50Se ROLLS odd ceilings in var-1 îety of iigbt coloring@ and neat designe, Regularlf 6,ý, 8c, and 4 -do10 for.... ..... ...e 500 ROLLS, gilt, ombossed glitl i*",and glimmer borders, q anld 18. inchos w!dein ail colors. Single- W. T.ALLEN Blig. 20 Bookstore LAWN MOWERS. 41e ni eials on deck again and oudsolicit ycur Patronage as in the p>ast. 1 weili guarantee ta sharpen and iiepair jour Mower to gire entire satis. fýaction. I have the latefit improved -deai Grinder ccupled witb a very large experience, you ean deaend on a good job doue. Also ail odge tools ~ground such as kriiveq, rEissors, etc., *saws barpenod, and ail general Jobbing .done witb neatness and strengtb Thanllng you ait for past patronage. Tlhe West End Smltbyv, Klucg St,, l3ow- ,ranvilie. lI6m W H WILLIAMS. r>WErT CREAN. WIIEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY and LOVELL G4rnzdates of: Chicago, New York, Detroit ana Toronto Optical Coleges M10âMà W 0nks â ncpbewe Anthai. ,-Lo oftheprim reqisandIEs rold, Toronto, epeut LDominion Twa c thoprim reqItes in the Day witb relatives beme. tPo tof o eweet creant are cleanli-. Mr. Thomas Stacev andI son Tommy, messant io tenreatuesif tihe Bluevale, weme vuîtlng hie brother Mm lh4 bt made moderately rlcb (about Johnt Stace>' on the holiday. 20 perIcent) andI kept clean antI colt Miss Young, Miss LItîle MeLean, andI thee wllho itie iflcuty xferin-Mies Frances E Couiey are attonding osd. Of course sweot cream for city ureScolaChmnPrk tade bas to be deilyemed In sucb cu- SmirSbo tCenn ak diÎtIO aS wflil cause It toaIEMAIIÇ SWÉET Mr T b MeCready to4t Monda>' for for a', least1 a day or two. We do noS Letbbrldge, Alta, aftem a pleasant visit iprotend to ho able Sa campete with, city with bis mother Mme A E McC'roady. -west creamn pricos, but So larmoesgo Wheme dii sou gel that sweil bat? sIîtuated st'cobe unable tocater to thîs wby aS The Mason lothirg Go's, -sreclai trade, we cfer the next heet Thas wbene they'keep tho ulfty stuff,' proposition. Miss Maggle Jolliffe bas resumed ber ;ZIf vou keop cows ar.d are within former position lu the drug store o! bier ieasonable reacb o! one af our collectore hrother-ln-]aw, Mm A C Denike, Have- it wlll sunely b,3 ta your advaussgoe loek. rPbyslclally ta sýîy nashing cf finauoiallY Dr. J. Fieding andI son Konuetb, t0 cammauMeate wlth us. We bave Norwich, Eogiand. are visiting bie motb Bell antI Rural phone canne.-tion. brother Mr Robertr Fielding andI Cher OROMIDW CRUAMERY MO, rono, relatives here, ý lm 0Mn Wilt McKennedy, Miss Mabol ZEXCUIRSION TO OLCOTT-BEST EVER W bale andI Messrs Bjron andI Chare EIaddy. Toronto, spent Dominion Day aS Mn F A Haddy'e. Another o! these populan annuel JMme, F. b. Gooeb andI family af Cres Excursions under the auspices o! tbe 'cent RostI, Toronto, are eujo-ving the Sons o! England Bonefit Society, Sus- holdavs aS thoin sumcer residence, sex Ladge No. 5, Whitby, The AncienS Lakesîde Park, Pont Bowmanville. Order of UnitedI Workmen, Wbitby IIsMrae ilthr eopne Lodge No. 97, aud the 34tb Regimentat byMe Mar Eart Flho, sec ofmpaie BandI, Witby, wilit ho mu SuOlcattS, yMse adAgisno ug _N, -,_ on july 1-3,- 1909, per Steamer Angilu, Toronto, are eDjjinog their Argyle. Steamer beaves narthshune eupmer vacatIonwttb herm inther, Mne. ports as f!oilows: Bnwmanvîlle st 7 an, ]os. Fletcher. Osbawa et 8 a ru, Whitby at 8 45 a tu Meesra. Jas. and Ernest Brown, Rýound trip faes-Adulte 81 00; Cbi'd- Tortnto, Mr. W. J, Farrow. wife and mon over five andI under twelve jeans fcfelidren, Oshaawa, andI Miss Ethel age 50 cents, The heautiful largo park Spencer, Newcastle, spent the hollday eS O!cott le an Ideal spot for pienlekens; and week-end wittbMme. Brown. ail kinde o! amusements for the young Mr. R. A.' Walks, BA , Kingstan, en foîke and. thoebhlîdrea, miniature rail- oltI Brooklu boy, bas been, appaintedE sa, wings, mlien bowlers, etc,, etc Inispec.'or o! Sebools in Not Ontario,1 B11asting andI oathlng may be IndulgetI suceeseor Sa Jmes MeBien who bas1 in aS, the beach Evrone rome andI heltI the office for about 80 jears. bave a jolly good holiday away !rami On Tuesday eveaing Rev L S. Wight, the heat. Arrangements bave been B A, B. D, andI wife, accompanied by -matIe with the Eleetnie Reilway for a Mrs.,Maybe, o! Picton, toak tbe train chapround trip fmom iuQcott ta Lock- for Toronto preparatory ta stamting for pont, Adulte 50c, cblîdren' 25c; Bifalo tho Secattie Exposition. Mn. Wight îs '5cents; Niagara Falls 75 cents; ciiltI- oneofo the speakers aS the convention mon to Buffalo andI Falls 40 cents Four o! Loaguers ta ho heltI durnug the Ex-t and a elR! Stafive bours mev ho spent et position. Mm andI Mrs. Wight will visit ýheso piïnts. Rituintg Steamer Portland, Vancouver. and other parte, eaves O:cot t aS 6 p m retumnîng a&bout the miiddle o! August.î F,. I. BLW, % W . MVAN VALKENBOURG, We j1in Witb their Mîny frleneslin 26 2 Scretamy ,hWbiby, Chairman wishinz them sa pleasaut trip.-Brighton Somo edo nOS1liKe-bttomilkbut 15 iS fsiu a tesýte that le nat bard ta acquire, andi It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i le a met ef4s%,g dinkforsumer c.A *rýL 7" . nutmtt"vc sud a's uxenîe Miss E M Brimmoîl wbo bas been the past two seasons iin)the Diog-man mil- linery, baq metiirned ta bher home ila Llndsav As a mitîtuer sheo bas given sixcelint isfcinand ïber depamtire fram Bo-,w.manviýli lepetIvy egrtod. She bas b Pn.a-Wlued meberaithe, Methadit coir andI bas gour, Cbe r! ssîsarco in ather solcieslu a mul ial way, Sociatuy WCsoEue Cte yypopulan BOWMÂNVILLE, 3714Y 8.11909, Local and Personal, Mr E!mo Stapies spent Dominion Day lu Port Hope. Miss Olga Tod bas been vitIng rela. tives in '10rontO. MIss Boa Jonees, Dzoeronto, is holi- daying at hoinp. Mr. Chas. Paintonl spent 'Dominion Day in Port Hope. Buy al Sour boý 9 good kats, for little money at Mayer's Mr, and Mrs. Fred Osborne spent the holiday in Toronto. Mfr. and Mrs F. J. Horne visited friends In Port Hope. Mr James McDonald, Toronto, spent Dominion Day bere. Miss Mabel Dickinson has been visit- ing frionds at'Edviile. Mr. Edgar Adams, Toronto, was home o% er the hoiday. Miss Florence Gouter, Toronto, spent Dominion Day at homte. Mr Jo hn Ovens. Toonto, spent Sun- day atMm F A Haddy's. Mr. Atx. Walker, Toronto, visited bis aunt Mrs. J. J. Mason. Mr. and Mrs G. W. Grant, T oronto, visited at Mr T. C. Jeweil's, Mr. Bd.- F. and Chas. Weekes, Ter-, onto. wero boome over Sunday, Miss Emma Bail, Toronto, spent the holiday wit bher aunt Miss Heal. Have a look at ou', Baby Carnages and Go Carts. L Morris & Son. Mrs. (Rev) Geo Warren, Toronto, is vliting ber sister Mrs A A Sutton. Mr James Kerr. Port Hope, bas been appointed a bailifi for East Durham Mrs. H, A. C. Jackson, Montreal, yisited at ber father's, Mn. R. Adair. Mrs R C Short and daugbter. Marlon, Tory itarLvstigMr8 T Nichois. Vrs. F. A. Philp, Coîborne. spent Dominion Day a% Mn. C. L. Munson's. Mir Harry Waiker bas been yisiting bis aunt, Mrs Irving Gooper, Edville. Mr Fred McGiung, Flushing, N Y, Io ziiting bis mother Mrs W McCiunx. Mrs T E Knowlton,. Toronto, spent Sundas at her father'@, Mai W C Klug. Mrs. E. and Mr. Neil McGratb spent Dominion Day at Mr. Thos, Bottrell'o. Mr W.1-. Courtice, Ottawa, le visiting bis father, Mr W. E. Courtico, Courtice. Miss Ethel Bartiett, Toronto, is visit- ing ber grandfatber, Mr. John Helijar Mrs. jas. Bellamy, Wbitby, yisited ber father'o, Mr. John Hoard, eeently, Mrs W. H. Garrett, Welinugton, le vlsiting ber daugbter, Mrs S. S. Edsali. Mrs W Norris and Miss Ethel Norris, Rochester, N Y, are guests cf Mgrs C Rebder. Mr. Frank Hoar and Miss Isobel Ratellfe, Toronto, visted at Mr, J. D. boni 's. Mrs. Deikie and, Miss Frankie Wiley, Toronto, spent Dominion Day at Mr. McInt3 r's. Miss Vealo bas returned home t London alter a very pleasant visit wlt&~ friends bore. M13SeS Ednarand Hilda Hamley, Oshawa, spent Dominion Day wlth Miss Lottie bamleY, Mrs. George Sandercock vlsîted ber pister, Mrs. James Bellamy, Whitby, Dominion Day. Mr. Geo. Brttnacombe vlsited bis son, Mr. Frank Brimacomba at Roebiester, N Y., overSEunday. Mr. and Mrs. A Tait spent Dominion Day witb ber parents, Mr. and Mme, L. McNýali, Port Hope., Mr. Alex Paterson, Richmond bi11, hes been visitlng bis sister Mrs. W. Eý William3, Liberty St. Misses Mabel and Helen Bray. Tor- onto, are viitlng their uneie Mr. Freý Fosten "'Norwood Place," Mayer's bats are popnlar. *Hammocks and cro.çquet sets aS Nich. Toilot Sets from $1.50 up, at F. A Haddý's. Mies Wilson, Toronto, ls visting Mis Y Mae Shaw. Mm E G W Bell, Guelph, spent the holiday bere. SendI this Paper ta, absent friends-25c *to end of 1909. Special patterns cf Wall Paper at P. C.Trebilcock's. '<GoltI Modal" TwIno only 104e par elb aS Rie & Coli. Fresb relab.e gardon antI fieltI seeds a at F. A. Haddy's. Mr H Gordon Mitchell, Toronto, was il homo for the First, Mr Frank Wright spent Sunday ai ýbis home In Queensviile. F. A. fladdy bas on sale somo large andI luscions watermelons. Miss Inez Mason te vilting friande ai sNewmamket mnd Queeasville. 1Cail aS Luttrell's any timo andI get a ýrefresbing ice creain sundae. Mm. T. R. MoMurtry, wife end famlly, Osbawa, were ln town Tuosday. Miiler'é Grip Powders Cure. SoltI by S. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggiste. Mrs Jenninge of Buffalo, N Y, le visit- long Mrs A Colvîhle. Prospect Street. Mies Editb Bennett recently vlited hem uncle, Mr James Maore, Haydon. Miss MautI Luxton, Toronto, apent 3 udywitb ber cousin, Mrs T Nichols. be ave ait sizes and prices o! mat- 3tresses antI spings. L Morris & Son, Haddy 's Ideal Tea 13 stili the stan- 3dard. To be bad only from -F. A. Haddy. k Mrs H F butchineon andI daugbter, Toronto, are vi8stng ber father Mr P G Trebileock. Mme (Rey.) T. W. Jolliffo and Master Rog-inald are vlsltîng friends ln Aurora and Toronto. ,Ladies' Spring--Coats-selling off-at- reduced prices at Coucb, Johnston & Crydermans'. Footballs. shin pade and ait sportin gonds et Trebilcock'â Wall Papen and Stattonany dopot. Do not forget that J B Martyn is aýgen aad head-quarters for Dr Wllhiams'l antI Inseet lDestroyer.Fk Mr H Robinson. ledgerlseeper tif the Standard Bank, bas been transferrod te the Brancb at Ottawa. Citizens travelling ont o! Bowman- ville by train ebnn1d consuit the new time table ln another column. Miss Loe, s.daughter of Dr. F. W. Cr3 demman, Detroit, Micb, le visIticg ber unele, Mr J I. Cryderman. Miss Ethel Doubt'e "Journeying ln Engiand" wIll be read witb intomeest by ber fiands. Sec Inslde pages, Mr R J Phelps antI wlfe,i Ban J ose, 1Cal, are visiting bis uneles, Messrs J B and A Mitchell and other friends. 7M-C WM Found tacently vîited ber grandparents Mr and Mme Wm Lctt, andI other friends in Osbawa, Sen-ator Robert Beith bas bean chosen ilfor judge on Clydesdale borses at the O'ntarlo Winter Horse Show aS Guelpb b'LPatersan, Mme Thos E Osborne and Mieîý Olive Osborne spent Dominion, Day bolidaje at Mr T S Branit's,Whitby. We are sellilng lots a!ofuri2-. _e__ JeIt any wonder? It would bo good value at 80a a lo, Have you tmied it at Archie TaIt's ? Can't eat ? Take MIlier's Comvound hron Pille for a few tInys andI observe the results. SoltI by R, M. Mitchell & Co. Druggiets. Miss Martin's latter about the Davis party le on au tuner page. Mr and Mrg Davis, Mrs. Saunders antI company ha~ a pleasant voyage. For the finest stock of musiins, gtng~ bam, linon and cotton, statinge an, wash coode of all kinde cali at Couch, IJohbnfop 4 Çrytiermanle. No ipgtt çr wbat your neede may bc s-"--goï patent medicices you wlil ini f.-_ R~~~oultetwest alwaye find tûe prîte3 at Jury & Lovell'e, Mme E E Wallace, Campbellford, le ',lsiting ber brother Dr. G. C Bonny- easile Also Mme Chas Rainnie, Van- couîer, B C, loe enjosing a visit there Wall, 1 tike those Rot Sox. Ibot yjo dldti'& get tbem lun thîs town. les. did, at The Mason Cîothing Col&s. f you want up-to date gonds, that's t1 place. Coucb. Johnston & CrýtIeîman show a very choice stock o! Men's -'ay-tou- Wear Clotbing, bought for cash from the beet antI most rellable makers In canada, Some people look upon tea as a mare drink. It ail depends upon the ton, "Salada" Tea, le a deliclous and refresh- ing.bevemage. Sold only la sealed land Children's straw sailors andI lirien Sants mn variety, Some Extra Specials. Ladîes' white muslin blouses reg. 1 75, oleclal fer i 25 Ladies' chambray dresses, embroidery t-ý lm med r eg. 5 00, special 3 75 Ladies' black cotton hase reg. 20e pair, special 2 pair for 25c. v 'i 5moved 1HOUSE FOR SALE-On the soutb 0hnI2e pca 0.sidc of King Strent, Bowmanvilte, nmne Ladies' veste, miii le S o-vers, reg 0 n 5r pcg Moornesand batbmoom, ncw Pease Furnuce, îam tdEecimie ligni, stable, alit cc.ver.lcoces unden E. 2 for 25c. GavCoer, quarter acre land. Appi>' : B.G M ehtig QLuaniu. Bewnville. L3-tfesailor made Y ioth suits, 4 only, reg. 1û O for tamiles90i CR It FRM- meiebl !an ot14 GO andI 15 0O for iO 50.[J - 200 acres, foc sale orto eut, belng ihe Z etesoutti halves uf lts 2and 3 coICession 4, ,East G ns'FMis i0 A. JAmES on JOSFPR L.NeusAIu,r Boi;rnanvitîn,ID Drlando 27-5w, New fancy 1 hose in lisie, cashmere andI cotion, 7orouto rfEACHER WANTED For 8 8 No.5 Tics lu latest Amerîcan styles. TDrlgoDoties mn commence aften eadoîu'sits aet h iue bloildiiys Une holding second cIass profesmiouîal ni Negiigeean n gsitup t ae b ta ia ganIzed cetillicate prefenced. Sae1r>' f4O, Allca lte a's - o, Gus tions eceived up to Aîîg. 7. 'Applt wth refer Very laes n sraw, stifi andI soIt fe.ts, u:nen aul 100, ae ncs o Wm .Iuvite 27 -ifrïý'e boxd as cs10 W B. usanie, cmta 27Tmcsuem boating hats and men's and cI ý'cape. M 1100 ARED) BRICK BOUSE FORMc' andI boys' leather be!r.s, erseys andI sweaters xgtr ALE-watem work3, bard and soft watem,ana ope asrt n iblÉg n .uhte ot: sud coid upîtair baibrooni, umorm n dowsanIaopltasrmetlbarga adfl E halgazidos ail-kintis of fmuit trens, barn, hen wool shirts antI drawers, kan lf mile West of Oshawa, llowrF harlie MAW, ut e~a agets. 'A bit b>' ont. 23 -tf[J )asa FARM TO LEN iP-131 Acres oa! Goesdebt ainn a 0w lu luIn gooti State Of cultivaf tioMlt (,COu. U0d ar Drlogo Goibuldlgs Pug-bingp- se ssion !L tbe fall; pull pu lu Apnil 3, 1-10 ttgFar fol pactîculars appl>'ouen pensnt Mas. W, .,JEFFREV. noili of MeGrvo :isy etat Elkli est u 1e>,cnann ÏK7e Sie ivii o)ucg--ai eleu 1n1e- oo o ted,,lalX Bwmî eit t Lun- dolar u, ome siraii à! l u edi. 3 ii tî li er , sC F ootball boots at Fay'es.NE iBCI Ps_1 2rtçc ký Lady 'à purse iost. Bee advt. This paper will be sent te Canad an 901)7 Dinnen sets ut neduced pnices at F. A. new subscibers eoJan. 1, 19ý10, for oniy 'f fHaddy's. 25 cents. SentI it tc, jour fî_i3Jqd. 5Ice ream supiplied luanay quantity cns eahP en. ~ure iflapie >Syrup. at Lutmeil'o, Notices Of Blrths, 25 cent@; Karriage.,4 BrgtnU ihP .Teicc' eîoWmnfuneral carda are We bave our first sblpment of this season's PURE MAPLE Wall Paper. Irlflted ai thi, office, Insertionl frela SYRUP, the kind yon always get from us wbçn we advertise pure pescmto, ioa-n OISs ue2 t rad~Ssrup. We waat yeu to test its qualltyse8 do not fail to get mme wlth fo 2e t .A. Haddy 'a. L, N.ý Gerrnond. a daugbter . youm next order. Plymouth Binder Twlne, ail brands, EnIsoNBoS-In Oshawa, July 5 ta M. and ~r d " - very ebeap at Rica & Cols. t4'1wr dosn o,~JII~ u a rLeave vour order for funeral designs DAn-!n nowmanvlle, Juiy 3, ta Mr. and ,2 ýarnes H. Darch, a naughter. Wle have the choieest of al emoked Meate, cured for our own at SJ Jackmaa'o. Phone 80. nAAGG- At Dawson City, Yukon Territory, ' spocial trade, 1f you bave net used them, do se andI get the best. A dish o! Luttrell's e cream on a June 7, ta Mr, and Mrs. T.G.Bmagg, a daughter. Choice Smoked Hains ............,_17c a lb. bot day goW great, Try one, ELLTOTT-Th1 Belleville, Put>' 2, ta Mn. and Mrs. 8Sklnned Backs................... 20c a lb. Miss Lîllian Fisher. Newmarket, lias Osbawa,] a danghter, Enghlali Breakfast Bacon.......... 20e a lb. boon visiting Mrs D S O'Brien. R' oit Bacon .......... ............ 15e a lb, t Mme J J. Pbllp, Winnipeg, Man., i MRRE»Picule Rame .................... 1c a lb, vlsiting ber, Mr E. Botiman. ToDuHAm ANDrtEwf-Aî fthe residene of Mr.Frnft age........2bsor0c W. J. Quinn, July 3, by env. John Garbntt, Mr.FraotSuae. ....2b fr0c Cati andI get a free sample hotie o!f'ranklin George Todghom and Miss Caiharlne ' Bolonga Sausage................10ec a lb. Furnîture Polsob. L. Moirls & BorAdrews, bath of Bowmanvlle,.F re li rtît See ur ow imoga sockpattrn z-LTT~ar.--InSt John's chssrch, t Se or nw Lmogs sockpaternBowranvilie, June Soth, by Rev W E Carroll, y- ln China, F. A. Haddy, China Hall n A-, Mr John Cor>' Rodge, Toronto. and Miss Wo are offerîng the firest Califomnia Naval Oranges at the !ollow- Groer. !Eva J, daughterofMn Alex Luttreli, Bowrnai3- ig pnîces. GrceTit'.sa ville. 20oe............. 40c ............ L0ea doz Arebt Taitwantsail our butter ELIOTT1"-LTLE--At l'Lakeview", the resi-GrpFui. ........0ecb and eggs and will pay the blgbest price dence of the bntde's parents, Puneeluth. b>' 1ev GaeFut...... ..... o la cash or trade. John Garbut, Mr Robert H Ellicit, Toronto, Lemons ................ 20c andI 25e a don.: î Gao A Stephene purchased the ha on Miertrude, anielol r n ye , Pinnaps........... ......2for 25 cmop on the new faim gmouneîs Saturda ý"CiiAI'MAN-BALL-At thue esid-encûe of lthe î aans............25- dz evenlng for ffl. bride's parents, lot 5?, 6 emcesslou, Jue 30, by Highest Prîce Paid fr all Farm Produce. Rey. Wm. Llrnbert,Mr WWm. Chaprnan ansd Miss Mme M. A. Jeweli andI gmand-daughsoar Isabelle, younger daughter of Mr. Edmuond Bal THE * e~ Miss Helen Colhbledick, East Toronto, ail Of Clar-ke. i'oFuLAR .t1. 0 are vleting friands TAMRLN-DEAaiNEs-At the residence of G OEt A rch ie iai Do'îlzrmw ou nlgbo'spaenthe brde's paren~ts, Lonidon, .Iune 30, Margaret, G O -R6 when a new subeemiben can get thie ta Dr. W. F. Tamblyn. soit of Mr.,W. W pRper for 25e ta Jan. 1, 1910. Trrnblyn. M. A., Bowmanviiie. ROLsON-LAw-In Presimtelan Cue- Thos Roberts, Weleome, bas beau Oshawa, Zune 30 by Rev. Jas.HoesMn appeinted Clerk of Hope township ln Frank W. Raison, soutiiniiptou. son or Mn. Js os n place o! W H meCalnrm, deceased. RoIson, Bowmanviile aud Miss Beatrice Selena, second daughter of WV L. Law,Oehawa. Mm John H. H. Jury bas been eleceod repesentatiye cf District No8 b,'13On-lD tarin Coliege of Pbarmacy Concil. . RODM&N-On Seugog Island, June 23, Mr Risegin 0 fnend wil h gT&~oWra. Rodman, native of Wiltsbire, Engiand' bîeatha o-t M n .C. oarle l cave ALEXRND,,U-IO Coilingwood, Pal>'iPiip 1InnTIl'EfE bu atM B.. orl oals- tepiens, reiiet of tile lae James Aiexinder,Su ne' eing nicelt7 at MmeT RRoar's, Betheeda. Bowrnanville, aged 73 jearks, Farmers! Bing ln your hinder can- CRAWFORD-Oa Satnr-day. July 5. at bis laie vasto 13Maryn' hanes 'sop na esllene, 6 oswell-avenue,, Toronuto. Cs1tin ~a t BMrtne anessbp Ant W Craçfard in lits Mth year. Intenred ai +* *ç9qlç-l amv-eit-propemty repaired.- DU 1 T NOW Boçwrnanvillle Monday mornIug. Ms jaor A E MeLaughiin rotumned from MCÀLLr-On Pal>' 1. at bis laie residencei _14 camp Satumday. Reat on nme Dale.1Port Hope, Henry' MeCailum, ]aie elenk Il ýun iner tonship of Hope, aged 64 years. pag wata Pteboo ppe sitIabutGOODâIAN- Suddenly in Oranireville, Jui>' 2, Time Fl,'es and Fly, Time. lm- Rev. John Goodman, aged 77 years. Mme C. W. Murdof! gave 'a recoption EDF-In Toronto, Pul>' 6, Minnie E. Stace>', possible to stop either, Sirice it le lm- Monday afternoon lu bonor ef ber beloved wife of P. G. Ede aged 26yeans. daugher, rs F W. attiEonTor.Iutenned et Bowmanvilie.posbet vdflti ti etr tIaubter Mm F. . Patinon, on.COLLS-At 521 Ossington Avenue Toronto,posbeteaefltmetis otr ente. July 5, Ida Ma>' (Maisie) onI>' .aughten of Polio to control the littie peste and keep F. L. Bragg accompanied hem aod artiaClstnnn>.fOba gditbem out by the use of good sereens. brother, Mm R. T. Hooklni borne to jens. saaJl , ayAý Winnipeg anti 71vlttviît reiativesi h u ie rie r theosIn aeobe 7 ry Aun ,s,,. It wall't do to use oltI and poorsecreens West. aged 71 jeans. e o abu tems hp Co, untîe. meto bt 3p .Tsaie Baen Eesowe o a hms A grea ebnce, don't miss it, o5.oea t5p .Tusa'Oi'5t u M. ver's great retlnlug-from-lbusiness Ebienper Bnnjing Grond. a sale ni o ear3thlnd in the store stck, See adyt, last page, Lest We Forget GentlIemen who appreclate a perfect-E..BO SAL fitting, well-made suit of etotiles shouldE.R ONAL leave their order now at Coue, John- DesignerJsd Deaier l eton & Cryderman'e, Monuments, Tabletm, Mankens, etc., ln ~ <~ Wf . U T N ~ 4u Wait for the event of the soason-- Granite and Marble Bowlers' Excursion ta Peterbomo, Stony BOWMANVILLE, CNT PHONE 74, Lake or Rice Lake on Civie Holiday, -~4 I ~ 44 monday Auguet 2. Partleulars later, M 4ë 4 Hîello Bull! That le a prettty nobhyj FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1 4 4~4~4 4 4 ~ ~ 4 4 tooklng shirt, wheme did jon - get uti This la juet oneofo! the fifty patterns that jL MORRIS cg SON the have aS The Mason Clotbine Co's.I Mostiet mplete equtprnent se McEarchan, B. A. Giencoe, wha Srondtla>' ndèdigtai _____________________________________ 1as been teacblng ut Deserouto, bas j pnntytece o Scbool Board as Science Teacher at a Branches 0OR_______________HAMPTON______________ e1atary o! $1000. 'ý"'7_id senube 3 for Se, [SySEAupFOaSAL-H po-ia phosphites 49e rogular $1,00,. Beef, Iron OS AEFRSL-ot andI Wlue 50c, Parie Green 25., lb, second band baise rake for sale, cbcap e Seott'e Emuiston reg 81 00 for 70e and Aîpily ta JACOB POLLASu, Bowix anvilie. 27-1w otr ent rm& oeies. aS EMOVED-Dr G. C Bonnycastie pnis t Jry& oveiU lias cemoved bis office t o oors upsti nsan Youg ldle ofthi contywho werO lu Luttreli s new block, Bownvillec 25-ljr sýuccesul_ at the Normal Sehoot exame are: Permanent Second GClass Gertifi M1ONEY LOST-Oa Kinar Street), e q cates-Misees Una F Riteon anIAm AL BOwmanv'l1e, on 'Saturday evenng lait a1 Thomas: Jnterim Second lass-Nellie offie adfrrtc 1 u ITSA GGould, Bese Staples andI Sarah A. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Moisa,. Limited Third las-Olga Hoar - OLLIE PUP STBAYED - Colmm ni ý Florence E Morris.C black, about tvo weeks F go f rom' lot 15, Tmamiage cf Mise Emily Agnes con. ,prtnîu.Snenmm taS .Lades parasols in euhk, linenA and gloria. alto çhildren' Westwood, oniy daughter o! Mm. ani H~v apo .O2-fîu",,,,e~' Mns. ]Benjami.n Westwood, to Mr. TT OUSE TO LE i'-Thedwing- - Willtiam Howard Darling ton, o! Chf-1 situated on Concession Street. ummediale cago, Ill.. native o! Bowmanville. will pssessîon if.required Appi>' to W. coilars and coilar andI cuti sets, anuaa ~~~~~aka~........ 5l0 uetya hormsdnc,9 ousv awavle large -vairiety of other styles, al8o jabots, IScarih Roa, SUl!ACPTer-HE WANTED-One ghalding I t di&s' beits ini waeh eilk, elastic andI fancy. 20. - - s o",ir dm n7en. soay sfo-erb 5 o 1Tallored shirt waists, the very aewest, eliVaus Mn'1-lr"itt - artnit RGER.S, aunto4~0 n. cmn ,allies en attenudlng the Ladie ,ý,Collegeat___________ SacvlleN.Bpasedbe mulei OR SALE-A gond sow ad, Sev ' Wash dress materials lalrenaitya o1~ca exami!nafioýËw î lu Itermediate Theory Fyrvn_ glso oe week oid'aaisosanie choie I uta the University of! Toronto. beiiig the bred Berbeires sÏx wi'eks olà. Appiy ta H. S. prîcet. anIy taklng FineS Clags BARRIR, Con' nestoxi St. E flowranvilc 27-2w,' Ladïes' whitewoar, ail kinde aS ieading valuces, HonreMie BatletigratI-aug Y. EIFER EqTLlA-Y-Came an lot 25 Ladies' veste, ail prIces fromn 10o to 50c. er of Mmr andI Mre John Hellyar, Bow- LIL con. ?, DariicgtCal about mniddte of June. i Manville, wbom she ecently ii ited. may bave saine b>' pnoviig piropertyLdes gielog rshr u lak vtbt r ______ manille P. 0. 2i5 3wcoalored, seuh or hlinl lace or plain, rO RENT-Wekt Side Cottaqe at the Ladies'hosiery, alkinÊtfi antIco'ors, laceer plain at B(-WXANqVILLE-ON.THE-LAKE --A lake (formeni>' own ed by Dr. Reid) piano, i rowboai and ic f cr al eason. funius'el popular prices. _ (By Wireles9 frûm our Marî;uc pondent) WEST SIDE R Dumas and family are oce their cottage, "Kenora.," p-. Hambîr spent Sunday at den," guost ot Geo Grant. Jack King, Oshawa, andI Arehl visitod at Roger 1 ishleigb's Sund Clint Lunnoy and famoiiy bave iâ%O th eir cottage, " 1he Bwxgalo Carl M ainard of the Ladies' We Toronto, le spendtng holidaj71s at Ed Ceiders and Roger F spentbte bolidays witb ker ËhveEdsalI and biE& ýInj up from Port Hope Eun day inaà g launch. MisisLeta Maynard and Mr fý Wilenx wero bore Sunday f rom i-C at1 Flomadora Cottage.', Our Police departmont 1,.rrg with FredW Couch as poile Bounsaîl as tidgeaË- GMj magistrate, Mrs EtI Caldýoar nnd t7o daq andI Mrs G I Wlliam2,an. deÎ ,r e &, " S uneets , zC ottuzage a ar j À ily timo., Gen WGrnt weand son, ci Misses Alilc Swift zant Jessie D, and DunCan 'Eterecame tId tbeir motor car rom Trnoa,. zomofortabiy settie-diî in thsr Co "Drumden." Fred Pattinson antI wile, Ti: Oharlie Heai, Moî't Mldo Muriel GulIanI WInIIeGa Murdofi andIBlesetSn ~TbeBunglow, guete f Ch "Drum- le Tait day. DILLING, Bowrnanvilie. 2.f-tf J B ROOJII lLOST-A goli eri crs- JUcent sornewhere Jetween ,Bowinanviiie and Newcastle on eitiier Kingston or Vmd con-tE cession roads, Reward for relUrG to STAIES MAe- Office, ilowmanville. 27-tf FPARM FOR SALE OR RENT-100 A!acres, baing p.irts nf lot,-30 and Si con 6 tow ush p c D a rllngto n. G ood farr, excellent IE '7iling, iougbng p. iveleges this fali; fuit possssin Mach st, 1910. Appiy tb Tnos. BAbE. Soîna.27-8w* ,IIM l 1 - --- ý ý --- - - --- . - - 1 - -- 1