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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1909, p. 7

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EC(ONOMICAL 'DISRES. ilommadeSausuge.-Uue gallon 9D ;ro0nLn perle (use beef vitb if if yen hike),a huactii et grounti ahîspice, c 1(ovýes, ani wihohe mustarti seetis. >e pl)em anti suit. File-t of Bseef.-Ruve somne filet C-Inuf inito- alices about an inci fiick;) ieif a pioce ot butter tie size of an ýgg in n saucepananti put in fiat tfi mut sprinkied uiti saîf -anti ppe.Lot if stand in tic butter oeebom thon put flic sauce pan, 9\ver a quiick fire andt humn fie meut -ou oaci aid, laitýe thi euat out und kee,,p it wxas-sn, meanwbiho atit te fie butter n tubiespoonful of fleuir; sfýic it smnoeth; put inbait 'a ,pint cf 'bouillon, baif a pounti cf musiroo ainreatiy peeleti, wushed, anti cnt up if tee large,-anti lafly Iîp meut. Cook iutil fie musli- rt'u ae doue. Ath fe juice cf iai lemon anti serve wifb fie mr.eut in flic, conter cf fie tui, fuie imxuirooma amounti if, andtihfe gs'avy pouretiovr Potphourri Ron-sf.-Cicp flue wstb rniucinMg kuif e uuy leftv-er monts (bee, vaipork, pouitry, or gaime). 'fo abIouit fourî pountis cf moaf take bOuti six eggs, eue uutmeg (gmat- Oel cup cf'goct butter, piece et heeL a fi eieppeti fine, --about- twouptul cf breuti crumba, oe qui-of miik, sait sud popper te tukýe abo)ut tbree-fourtis et a cup- rfuýi mt goocd buffer, mub te a creanu, bfir info tuis four eggs, bout in oe a f ia- for a minute, atit n liffle fineiy cipev pnrsley, about two cupul e breuti cu-umba, mix tuis s il1 lgfyati weliLtogetier, ve h fiauts anti fake a teuspoonful cf tu.s utý a tîmne, rcii lightiy into a rounmd hall1. Yen tien take hait cf fie repaet eutnti luy about r t J irii tiiikess lun amediiumi iizti roýa.sfing pan, but putpeo sfbufranti huit -et in pan ho- tome;ig in meut; uow place a lu, oer etf dunuplinga on fie meut ut basf an ci apari - as tiey ssveii iii c-ýookig, tien ai-utîer layer ot metý on tus, duc vsith a littie fleur, lc pieces ot butter ou top, ieake- In a -uchel heateti oven unt il darkbrosabut buste etten witi ifsý cun ctîipping. Serve vvitm crisp lefmmc loves (dippeti in sulteti vvuec)cm piaffer urounti iat. Aiia cuptuil cf ccam on miik te bcs ,io a fesv minutes., LHOj.MbiADE CANDIES. lîmrkisbf -Noiigat.--Two cuptu-Ils auar uit cnïpfu ni ter, hait cup- tuh cer symiii. Put on te houl unt- fil if ferras a so4ft bulliwien put i-1 tvsae; stir' if infe two beuten wite if eggs, tien pumt in nuts, pie lpe, or catiieti cherries. Put ii a littie rose, annu anti sanlillu 1w-eFutige Recipes.-Tu-o cup- o f sugar, eue- tOi6_Lh cuiplul et ccam, fwe squares checol(,ate, eue fublespoontîsi cf but- tom. Bo,-il seven minutes, thon bout ani apreai& in buttredti in te cool. Tuecpfuls cf brown sugar, cac- hiait cumm cf cream, eue feaspooi-' fii et, v'auiiiu, eue cuptul et cbop- pet iIunuts, butter size cf egg. Boil, ten nuinutes, ti 'en beaft anti por u op cf tutige alreatiy us Boit on Everfon loffec. lys cup- ful s eti bmwi sugar, five tubleapoon- fuiso eti bttes', tu-o tublespoontuis cf -wau ,- u ablespoonful cf vine- gar Boil fiftteen minutes anti do nef stir.Wbenccoi cnt in squares. BonSugar Futige.-Twe cnp- is etf îlii hrown sugar cr oune oufu f turk brou-n stîgur anti oee emîtu c white sugur, eue cupfui et creau, huitter hait size cf egg; ceok uniî ii reatiy te o boubeton iuie cocoutofsdge anti udt cîmp VWutluuit anti Fruit Cak.e. -One tuIli cf sugur, oee alt cup- overit and let it t;ol. USEFUL .L{lNTS. Any met that is net breaded bodbeboilcd rather than fried. The beýst f rying me-diurns are butr, olive cil, drippings and pure Use drypaint brush t11 o dean When cuttixg eut ini;tial allcwV whpdcwn. strog pilowcase. Tis ,suves much wea"r and tearli. mc iiifom xxoeut lineni T mak piecr.uýt a batfn broun wet iiu t hh milk just be-1 Clen coL fodin dean covered T dean Ipainted wuls or wood- turentne e ee)ai] of walrm ,&fte sowing rassseed taký,ete cane goca buck into place. Paint stains that are dry and old eau ho removeti from cotton andi woollen gooda wth chioroform. It is a good plan te fist cover the spots with olive cil or butter. 1A littie arrcwroot encl osed in a mualin bag and piuced in the watem in wiicb sndkemcliets are hoiled wiii givo the latter a faint and ag-reoubie scout wben ironeti. iWheu, you'me î'eudy te buy a new eilcloth for your iable take your oid cia-e andi cnt it up for aprens. Rave it cever tie ishole front cf youm skirt and make a large bib. Chiltiren who bite their nails muîst ho treated mcm neromsnesa, andi neourount cf scolding, wbip- ping or ceuxing can overcome the fanit wlîere t is a physical break- down. To brigluten tinwure mub ith n flannei w-cil soapedto te mmve al stains, highten it wth a dry flan- nel dipped in whiting, sud finish the procesa with chaiiVois leather. For sick beaduebe: Tukie a tea- spoonful cf finely poýwdemed char- ceai in a sanal glass cf vvrm wutem. It absorba flic guses produced by the- fermentation cf undi-eafed f ocd. Tie lid et a teapot sieuld aiwuys ho ieft se that tise air' may get in - slip in a piece et paper te keep it open. Thia prevents mustinesa." lTesanmeule applies te a coffee pot. As a -pros entative agaimuat moths fakc a pioce cf linen weli mois'tened wif b turpontine and put it in the vvudrobe or chest cf draw eîs for a single day, tsso or tbmee times a yeur. FINDS T{~1OAGElIMS. Berlin Professor -l1ias Fond Gernîs, of Dread Eye Disteuse. Iu tihe dread d-isesase of tracho- mui, the docters liasve been ut son 1,,more than a century. Ilb--n Nýýapoiecu w-nt te Egypt (1798> witb uian my et 300,000 men ho vasi forced te retucu te France becaase these men weeuttacked by at - iible eî e diseuse, w hidi bindeti a largo number et thoîi and rendes- e ail unfit for service. If bas bcon long helievedt hat the geruxoet b - s Egyptian eye diseuse svas iroughl' oe Europe by thi army et Nupolc on, and tint this awult plague w,3s truly "impeited." Soîne hase e i"d thut fie geria existcd in Europe pros iously, andi peint te the fa 't flhntsvr1ux-n le Yj_ïrk Amiym.p w-us in Eastern Prussin in 181f it w as endercd incapapie cf secs-sec l'y the saine dread malndy. Be this as it may, the gomas cf fie diseuse bus net been disceverosl Up te tic present time. But cv Prof. Richard Greeff, director -f tic Eye (Cinie-cf-the-IUcîverstLy cf Berlin, Germnunî anneninees fiat ho bus found the lithoe germ et taciorna. If is not a bucter- rum, as some suspectoti, but a reul littie animal cf greut power. The rrasen thut if was nef found ho- fore was fiat if is very saial in- edand appeurs only when tic meat pos-erflil mcosoeis used. Prof,. Greff lbas fiov-dtus >gerux freuxifs vYeu bginnig te ihfofli exil producii ing mtif, shewiug in eIgit dliffer eufpitu thfie vuicua stages cf ifs dveiopmeontmnis if aý't Luafmedyte do ifswostand ntIultiply Ilhe diseu"se for tr'anýsmis- Sinte ethers. Ti i la eue t f iho iuet notable ef lute diceveries andi means fie beginning oethfe entI et truehomu, for i. tich ic e o ffie germ anti fie svuy ifmunltiplies, tboýnext sfpopistie discevey et ticecific, Nwifehmus't foliew sool- Mms. Grumiercy : "Wbat do wef need for dinner?" Bridget: Sîsure, mumn II triippeti over tie cmau'Msvo n"ctia new setcf dAMh asb sifter, put in black dirt,, and sift over the grass seed. Then roll and water. Veal cutlet or chieken should ho f i edfrat her stdwl1y ont h e1-UCickii Lite steve, aitvgtietfltu LoUk through. Arsenic, in powder or solution, sprinkled on. curpets or muga under-, heax y furniture, will keep away moths. If a lumpý is upset and the humn ing cil runs over do net throw water on il, but throw on fleur, earth, sand, or ashes. A little lime iater poured inte creum or mnilk after a hot day, will keep it all right for the next mcmn îng's coffee or tea. Should the smeli cf turut wood permeate the bouse, immediately put vinegar on tu boil and the odor wýill bc conteructed. If yen fear the souring over night in hot weather cf yonm sponge set for bread, a cvîp cf lime wtcr stir- red through will keep it sxeet. For humas make a paste cf cein- mon baking soda and xater and ap- ply -promptly te the-humn. It wili stop the pain and check the infiam- ination. When hemstitcbing wears ont take serpentine braid and stitch it across twice on the sewing machine. This makes them look neut and last a long time. To muko chioken broth with eggs, beat one egg well and pour bot chicken broth ever it, stirring con- stantiy whiie poning. This is de- licions for the sick. If the cane seat of a chair has saggcï-tcrrn - itp-s(i -ddwn, -soak the undersicie of the cane with bot - f X5 nmïe OUliver, Jyluevale, visited at Mr. Thos. Littles Miss Maud ltedges, Toronto, is visitiug at Mr. r. W. Juýckson's. .Miss Lena Moment is home from New York. Miss Leta Noble bas returned fexNormal -Sehol, Peterboro. Miss Effie Carscud den, Pontypool, is visitîng bier cousin, Mrs. R. C. Cowan.1 Mr. and Mrs. Meado-ws cf Can- ton, visited'ber inother, Mrs. John Chapmun. Mrs. MoRu%,e vmd son bave return- ed aftem an eijoyable visit in Mon-ý treul and viinity._ Mr. Robert Moment is expected home shortly from New York. Miss Julia Moment, Raleigh, N. C., visited ber people bere en route te Muaskoka. Kutie a-d Elma Cùlyer cf Novuar, Parry Sounid district, are visi iting thir aunt, Mrs. R. Rooper. Ui.. Thomas Dus ey, Toronto, isted utMr. ÏR .Kuox's. ýMr. and NMrs. J. E. Richards and d -gtr, MissOlic, viitdat Mr. ili FakRlsAntiocli. Misses SexsiLthand Brook are, spending their holidays, the fermer u t Port IHope, the latter at Boys- manville. Mrs. Peter Corîneil and furnily cf three children, West Toronto, s isited lber brother-m -lau-, Mr. Jas. Connell. Rev. Father McIFadden, Peter- bore, and Mr. uýnd' Mrs. Williami Kenueflck and son, Newcastle, re- cently visited A. Leigb. Mr. and Mca. Andrew Shurpe v isited reltiv es in Clinton, and other points. One uncle w hem they visited is 92 î cars cf ago. Mr. H. Moulton visited his daugh- ter, Mrs. J. A. Mc-Arthur, Vancu- ver, B.C. Messrs, Arthur Milison and R. Rogers, Durlingtcu, uand Tom Arnold and party of Toronto, visit- cd frienda bore Sunday. The Iriends cf Mr. Robert Aluin aire pieused te sece im buck from tie Soutb, improxeci in health. Miss Beatrice Foster uttended a few cf the sessions cf the W ornn Cocýt--iess in Toronto. Mir. James Belsvood, a one time weli kueun furmner cf this township -vxben lie owned and werked the, furm novv the propery cf bis nep- hew, Mr. Milton Poluard lt3,4tb concessien, is here on avs it troi Virginia te lold friends and cela- tives. M r. R. C. Bowen bas bought the Wood place) ini the third concession, freux Mr. Geo. Dus îdson. Mr. John Roney bought the Rampton factory flrst cf June cheese, puying tho higlîest puice 111 cents. I 11ECIY F IRCLS'able religious ceremonieq andl Ppl cf ýEurope te attiuct crowds of pil- TROUS ANDS OF PILGRIflS) MAKING TRE GIROTTO PAY. SBÂBY'a GREAT fDANGER the hot eather than at any ~ eother time of the year. Diar- ~ 4rhoea, dyscntery, choiera in- *j 4fantum, -and, stomacli troubles - corne without warning, and vihen a medicine is flot at ~ j~hand to give prompt relief, J.Z Zthe delay may prove fatal to Sthe child. Baby's Own Ta b-j 4lets shoulil be kept in ýevery 4home where there are chul- Sdren during the hot weatiîer ~ m rnnths. An ýoccasional dose +' eof the Tablets w i prex cnt d eadly summer complaints, ~ 44or cure them if they corne un- I44 -54 expectedly. Mrs. O. Moreau,~ St. '44 ~ tTite, Que., says: My+ baby snffermed from a severe 44 .,o-attack ýof choiera infantum 44 ~but after giving him Baby'sq, Own Tablets the trouble dis- +4 .~appeareil, and he regained +4 health splendidly." S-old by + mdine dealers or by mail + Sat 25 cents a box from The 44Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. fBrockville, Ont. 0OI IN b. (Froun the New s.) Mr. Lorne Jackson is home from t the -cit.y. 7Mrs,. Rooper, snr., is visiting friends in Oshawa. MEET EACII YEAII. Certain Forais of Disease Ravle, in Many Cases, licen Marvel- Iously Cured. There, exists on the Continent cf Europe, within a tw-entî -four hours' journey of London, oeeof the most astonishing places in the world, a sport m7hich is revered as a sort cf '<'Holy cf Relies" by millions of our felicu creatures. Such is its 'mag- netie influence that every year half ai Million pilgrimis corne te it from every corner of the eartb. It is the Mecca of Europe, and its namne is Lourdes. THE VISION 0F WHITE. Lourdes is situated, in a position of great natural beauty, at the en- trance te the linge niountain chain ùt the P1 renees, which sepa rates France from Spain. The town isi built at a height of 1,200 feet above sea-level, in a valley betu cen a Lroad torrentiai river and hilîs which risc almost perpendîcularly eý, ver 3,000 feet. Until 185s, the tuwn was an insignificant borough, which mereiy uttracted the atten-, tion cf passing tourists by its pic- turesque situation, and its frexxn- ing old strongbold, surmounted by hcwever, it became suddenly fam- eus owing te certain aliegeil mira- BuldUp ARereNo -Now, hie your earning power is good, why not convert part of it irito a Cash Reserve that will, later on, yield a competence for Old age? You cat. easily do it by regularly depositing a part of your L Incomne in Established 1873 0F e-QCANADA 77 Branches The local clergy bave turned the Loudres grotto jute ene of the most prospereus- business concernasu Europe. Close observation enables some writers te mnake approx-,imute estimates cf the revenuè derived from the grotto. The priests have reserx cd to themselvos the sole right of selling the xater in cases, andl ef fulfilliing orders by post from ail parts cf the worid. Last year, it' us stated that net lesa thun 600,000 cases were put on the milwuy. Eacb case is estimat- ru ate produce a net profit cf $.o The priestsalsaiselsi'blse' candles teo the pilg.rims at pr-Iices vurying fmrom 6 cents te $10, accor'd- ing te the size, for thousanda cof candîca are kept buruiug in the grotte day nii igbit by the Faith- f ul. Then, again, the priests re- ceive orders by letter for cundies tu be burnt and Masses, te be si Many'foik ha1ve leftArgendow- ments te Lures Te owstes- timate places fthc totalanulrev-, enlue fom the ,sale ofLoude water, cnlethe saying cýf Ms ses, thte sclling of besdbal and images,, etc., andl the interest on endowmentu moncys ut between $2-,000,000 and 1 $2,250,000. The work'ýing,, expenses, however, are consideruble,, for there is the1 upkeep of the park, with its ail- night electrie iighting, a large staff - it wouemn.)xuutdee,-a nd-otl-ier-,- the wine, wafers andl linen supplied free te the thousunda cf pricats whoi or be 'ni- oni BE culous occurrences. --a-rnnufaly corne o 1bdu e csay An ignorant littie shepbecdcss, a Mass there. StilI, the profits ., named Bernadette Soubireus, uged mnust be great. ýtý pction. How abouta new coi frurteen, allegeid thut ene day, PILGIRIMAGE 0F THE 600,000.,« that cannot be Burpassed, whilstsbe wus with bier sister.and Scores cf sbopkeepers have made Udrtkn rc1espo nuother littie girl, picking P PiBeces fortunes out cf the sale of cundiesUdraigreevapo Cft vood neur the Massabîclo Rock, easstus, acdpiur or night and we do flot make ai "hosudeny u-- aviion l-erosaies, or beuds, euiieetc. vision uppcured te hiem from a niche 1ven botols sou trnkt and PHOK in the rock ever the neighboring ".charm." Â A T E grotte. Itsvas that cf a boanitiful Ludsàece tehg-wtrtu V.1 young awoun, dsseoud atlhinwitemark of its renosvn last ucar - the Ç wib bnesuilrondtu wiS.Jubilce year-when over 600,000 Phone 58 The vision svus snmounded with piîgrims visited tise grotte. In the// a luminous halo, and, ou seeing it, nsenth of August alone 90,000 pil- Bemnudtte fîl on er keca uu drawn frorn ail classes cf se- emained iu a state of ecstacy un- cýet, cre conveyed te Lourdes iu til the vision disuppoured. This 1'30 special traies fmom ail parts ocf lixis peeket some newspaper was ii ebmuryiît, ad wen urope. Se greut was the rush thut cuttings-lîis peetie outhurats in the cbîld reluted what she hud saccu,, on ee occasion, the Ron. Renry eal prînt-and handed thora te her she was teted as eue whe sufer- White, Anserican Ambassador in wÏth oeeof Lis new weil-knovxn ed frem hallucinations. On the ii ,, Paris, vainiv offemed $60o foi' a asmiles. The lady teck tbern, and pad telt h iso gi p night's iedging ut Lourdes.-Lon- read them thmough eue after an- pore.don Answers.ý other. Then she turncd te liercx- TRE SPRING 0F REALTR.,I___ pectant nepbew. - Vil,"- she usked For the ýensuiisg fotn'ight Borna- enuoceuntly, "do they print these, dette centiniued te visit tu, gr,ý)oe 1r -ESNAIL PÂILNCRAPIIS. thinga for. ncthing w-hen yen send and to e sc the visýion. She iiee Fu'Iteeiig Fut Aot DE izaeh lckclte i thut the myitî ieus ladîsaidAeobei amen.ngst othering,"rs o i el onpeoflc', neer wcnsan doctor, is one cf the sînners! Go and ýteil thjprîests jhe Mui!k Tuain sa ngmoat remarkable cof living wen"'n. te) huild a chupel )on this spot. LI and srugî,gîswsaem-rn She hud almost insurmountabie ob- desire thut people shaîl cern,ý e hrc lon before hoe hac becomie kneun stadles te evercorne betere abo couid i procession 1" Bernadlette ise te the public, a lady cf Lisaucqulaint- become a fully qualified doctor, but ulleged thut the vision said, "Drink, ance suw lina one day utths a cîgar- shle tmîurnphed over aill, and ha the waters of the spring mlsicli uon box ur.der bis urus locksng mood lîved te see the "'Wornan's Move- miii find bore beicu'! Wu is !tY01-r il y inte a shop window. -'M,.Cie- meut" eue of the moat important self ut tise spriîsg!Euýt tis grass umons", she sasdt reprcuchfullv, - topics cf the tîies. The stcmy of1 vsich grovvs at the sping ' AI alssays sec you v,îihnaelgar-box how Dr'. Jlackwell'determined te spcîng, w hidihud nosor been knowl n uîder y our arm. I amrn urud tisat tuke up medîcine is a most inter- te exiat ut this spot, is suid te have yen are smoking toc much, -I estîug eue. A tmîend of bers, whe suddenly made its appearance at1 isn't that," rephied tise hunsorist vvas a coniri-ned îîîvalîd, firat put tise foot of the rock. wîth a sud amle; '"l'ai iniovîn" the idea iuto hem heud; but she uas Bernadette saw the vision For the agaîn 1 ' fam tee tirnîd te go in for unythîng lat time eot March 25tb, isen itl (onsîidpriîsg the tact tîsat ho se nerve-trying as doctoring. One î' saîd te hase roxealed its idientity1 oee et tise nîs oure sn day, hoeseer, sorneone jokingiy as tne Virgin Mary. lauthors, it is reniaikable tîsat Mm.,t'reught bier a ceekohater as a sue- The s tory of tIsh paiinJM arel Is u ftcma ofrdsection , and uttor a spreud w itis extraorcdinur1cnp- rodcst ad rnge o. h struggle vith lber emotîcus AMiss dity, and pious f oîka beg-an1te a-I saî thut lhe ï seldoisi seen te siînsie, E3lueku el consontod te "eperute.' rise iin fiousands at Loudeste, tact wiich hie once explaîneil in Frorn that meuvent she toit horsoîf vie icthe spot. Then. suddey.like1ic-.feîlowîng ansusîng minier: a diffoerent wemian, and, bus iigoc a, trai t oflire, tichepotspreaidj', lheuî 1 uns a boy"- ho sai, "j conqîîered hec tîuidity, she mado tîtut cur-es cf a sîipemniatural charg* ta prizo ut school ihci n cixhm e eoieadctru acte-r \vore tuking place ut the very disasti-cîsresuits. 1Ituns anycot sp'cinig iii the grotte.audd by the girla o eti , 'oCj he idea that Toistoi the R ussian This;c:aused uan extraordi'sar. sen -in plebîscîcte tictheoy , ihvi dthonos\ ehîst stîll vvrks us a peasant i5s sution uuxeîîgst Roman Cuthiolica in.' -,Leteqt srnîîe, andi I won it Lise qite erreneous. It is niaiil v(years ail couinfries. crouds of unfortn- most alarmîng thîug is, limeseor, sîsîce lie nmade boots sas an inde,-or ixate people, striekeis uiti somle et that that e-voîng mnv sauile disap- occupation, arnd ît is aise utilat the most auful aiidloathesorne dis-I peaceti and lias nover heeni seen fitteen years s'nce hoe did muitcli cases wiiciî uffliot iumnnity, ho-silice.- pioughîug or outdoor ugrienitumul gun te arrive ut Lourdes. te puy I is nef geneiraîly- kîown that woîrk. '1-ere svas a tirne, houever, tîcir respects te the Virgiiî of tise Mr. William ÎL.'lTatt, tise prosi- lastîng fom more tian ten years, Grotte, and implore bieriîemc - oîî f the Uniîted States, lias aiscien se devote th ie greater part s'on. Alas !tic vat ma.oirft vc strong pochec veri, and in bis:oe each suîmrte dcing field work dcestinedti t go back as tiiel carn- yenunger days le nsed te wite quste sncb uas the peusantîs de. One leur uncnred. a lot cf verses toc the Atiieiricais 1 bo sas cd a p-oir pensant ssoman SUif iis acknowledge tiï e ~r~Jonah P,- pnff( -ijs, ïfi ciii dîi strosa b dem t oc ber the_ fruerdinucîý cases etsf onh ana aunt et lus w-olie vd 'tam freux - wock she ssould othecuise have ha2d ing do occur ut thoe gro(tte. 7 ZoL, the maclding ercu ci on an open- Ite bîre a nman te do. lie ulsoe on- in bis great bock on Ludecountry tarm. Aller lie lsad dis-IdE,>a-oDs-te gîve bis servants, as lit- speaks o e i nustorions 'ukox 1Clssat t le-Ilh' aîinevie trouble as possible, aund doos as power, magnotîsîn et the (crowd, 'itise future Presîdent prcudly dresvcnlu as bie eau for hîmself. Tel- Possibly, tic hypnetic inf.luence c, f ___________________ stcî esvns ne propcrt, Lav iug 'trians- agetmass of eoplci-ccrrd xl ail te lis ss sto and chli- ACOZY CORNER a loureing. placetïo delightfully original lat partake cf the ýenta in ii cme way. J IING YO UR WARTS 9 TOUS.' Our full lnes of e are WaWtag for your in- ach ? We hiave a line at 66.75 mpt and personal attention day iny- extral charge for- distance. ZE 5 8. IVILLIAMS, BOWVMAN VILLE. yen did't," repliedtheti Jew, "but yen bas-e gîven me a brîlliant idea !'" Theme vs a charming sfomy teid ceucernîng the mauner in wbich the Duke cf Portland first met bis wife. IË, is te the effeet tint the Duci-esa, -vvho before hem marriago was Miss Dallas Yorke-was ou a alway station platform, and the I)uko, whe was wu tîng for the -same trai n, w-as ssfmuk wtb hem beugity thoti lie fell in love ssîth ber ut fiî;at sîglit, and pmenuiýpti *-,sccu-cd un in- * lrodni,'on Vi1haftes cr f ruth thera mray ho in Iit- ic stc,,if la a w-cIl- kuowu tact that the Duke pcefeî-- mcd te rnurry for love. Amogat the rnany spleîîdîd jewcls posses-sed by the Duchesa is a set cf diarnon-id herses, sviîch have beca gis ou te ber freux tîme te time by the Ouko ou tic occasions et b is sueceses ou, fie Turf. lie Luke ha very sfmong oýpinions, whîch ho expresses most frunkiy, on the absolute folly cf beftîng. Alt tic moey Lia Graca makes in mcîng is-devoted te build- ing ulmsbouses and seheela, and Wehbeck Abbey haý a model çstate, in se tar us it is entirehy self-contaîned and self -provîdîuýg. If coutaîns vorksheps ofet eery> vdescription, tmom n me a iryte a fire bri- "MUýke If a Million"1 is fie motte, cf fi-1 Cnuia Na:tionnal IFaim, To me)nte, tua yearand theyre ak- ing tise world for eibt an t tractions that -vilmuk.e amiln people pas between thve tm ie hetiveen August 28tb and, Scptem- ber 131h. IDENTIFICATION BY VEI-NS. New Prison ilLehod Suggeste(d by A nesv metti ofidnicaone 'piisners bas been de(fviseti by means joiof phtguttkw te-in-w- Pon fe bck f tbe. au. Prof. Toniassia, un Italian roeser ie inenebuses bis imetioti onic obsem-avfien fiat ne o pe)rselvaî bus-ae 1fie seins on tise buck, cf tie h aud se muci alike us te - illow - - ' e y1 !otrso Trasrrof thue Preshytomîaîs v îdl t oiges,-r Uses -6eî- ,-s îi oscore gt s----------------------- Iî'cnsurer anti excitement, muy pi-edmîce exta' 'I h1dm ualia e u-ants, buît uic trist invihfuo ns chrc i Cnaa, preacîxea d.inte c-iayat eefcaTfhh c sta îfea osii.l rale prisouom's baud ils helti down- Phrshytei ancuc Snai'eo.crainitidiidîmulcaes sîsseeplibie I Iii e.I 5LU f Misyerary Whihusn, N weeniertai cussîiore xîfuene.Bil laqutese potat1a a in f ood, aimn ail other respectsvs-rd for several minutes, or tie iisMryWlinioNlsn ohyntuýI rsIare1lie ailus ut simplieity. pulse oethfe wrisf is restmuineti, and M..', ~ iiigbrgstftoCaîl if sviut .ou wl uo ugsigatric juicea -in the proces ai' i-,lUn a joumnel fcom Vieuna te ýSt. fhe veina are tien pîvotogrupheti, Mc .P. Wiliiarnson, anti ofier tien, faifi-lii alin h-sio.PtrsugM.ftatCubradTihhoorp, rf onas friontis. Rcm fatlier, Mr. Tics) oi e,î ra îy e Ol >fssmx c ttr nbrad bspoompPo.lmsi njts - ilis heo îd doub int cor- Witboîît bile hrtalîfe i. s'ishort; for, iefmulf odr netint i ss ili aiwuys ho uvailablo fo r Wihimonlft Orono 27 years 1 hI huh-edr ntrandhssy,ý tain tonus c f isseF,,,, ile lastens iflic paLussage of the food fcii'îwp assengers by gnessîng their exphîeîf ,proof', w bereascrimna a o.' h i eicýal -ience bas buit se aougthe alinientaryescl.tii,-,,ights. Une et the fî'avelloi-s, a au'utictat fa wfwu 1dn lhe fofat-fie ü)!'t-a vs' oscresu 'lerai1 il povnu ise ermntation of f oot 1'iew. Isho (n1too hfe svoeuc uzjJfeycn1praeou their fei ie Womeu's tinthetond :at gSkehie aeiieun-css Town Rail, Orono, ut -2? Every Cnett il lt pigat ijeshort, is Natjre 's cathurtic lad i m iedte ttndsuieluc gete t oudestîer cissu- uk'-dil sud taintains a rogniat-sud huîflhe fh oiicismou îîoîs afm tf lue fingler ,print boyenti site ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o wîho t jinorne. ueiel (sfi pecf of dig-estion and of eiisinCmeiidacdt e herqust' hace'fitintfcuios hureai.meu ofvs-ai ater b, way cf thbeah.jani seagte hîee t a( cke uafefngrtp smr AQUEIER DISR. Il leinesigtegieobeeactie dd iishr i ofi-, icEAgWyCises tndteptrhae eeist tseexPic.'II.s" pens uf eiya ot Ch1inese boxes, n m e r tiLýamu fuse te a, , e-';n-l( - ti uuy~ 12 '~lto '~b _________ ciicken, ckîeîvou* a pieîo,,uiake ieu fi ieo wtia quaiji, and', fie holigit fxelnt sînial-mttIe ivini î' 'uetic a'x- t utti"eu ut eftre k- t ux i !1îîgei isiii'i, Bc in cdV n.CideNee quali witha ba fic, tie amahleaýt _Musabielle rcailad i ut 'i a'v .îv. i u .ys o ihb tre uihedt itdse, IktladBor o-y e. biird known e.xcept the IhnmL-1ing- Uý U park. lbey bîilt 1 a e11,!. a vr~'r(r~'s rrir s.-nr'i- e umiu, îsoî'oa nlITd fA o-o .tess bi:rd. Tie, luibis rase over ' a u o oti pthuerei -Tr ',ý2 ac mrP h <-c,'jPic$l-bxifo$.Pav ipeas i I gsueieti î OUiàthoî'ghts, eh 1" Se, 'îserly Winditor" TerontoIlOnt One Dollar andi upwards opens an account, and w1ith sysicmatiè, savig and Compound lnterest, the fund wxll rapidly accurnulate.' Begin to-day. '72 BoQWManV*Ille Branch: A. N. McMILLAN. BlacRtocl<W. J. WHITE, Actiimd Maxnader. ]Branches also ut Newcastle, Newtonville', Orono, Oshawa, Whitby and Broolin. ýi 1 1 1 1 ýt , 1,

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