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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1909, p. 1

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ana i $1.00 a year in advanoe; $1.50 to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TH!rrRSDAY, JULY 15, 1909. VOLUMEc LV. No. 28 M. A. JAMES & SONS Poreo~ ~Phe J~rïe~ Pper~ VIit1Thrty-fie Hurir=d Ho es Wz>k1y. _ __ 1EUE~ c ........... 1- BANK 0F MONTIREAL Estabiished 18ï7 Capital 8 14,4001,000 Beat $ 12,000,000 Total Assets 818311691159 Savin-ga Bank -Departmeflt -- -- lieai Office, Montreai 'J. A. MoULELLAN, Manager. Bowrnanville Brrach, ==TiE Royal1 Bank, 0F CANAI)A INCORPORATED 1869. Pays Specli Attention to Savings Accounts. Capital paid utp $4,600,ONO Reserve Fusd-;,300,000 Total As~e S -53,000,000 liaaer4B'mati. he Br1,h SOIMER S8llOO1 Classes in Bookkeepiug, Arithmettc, Writing, Shorthaud, Typewjriting sud kindred subjeett viii continue duriDg the summer montbs. Special rates of 5.10 pe .moth or *.00 for the tva onta Ji nd Augest, viii afford an excellent apport. nntî1y ta get Siret-elamss Instruction ai eM,î cast. Claie lionrs f rom 9 ta 1 oeock. For furtber partiefflars, 'phono Coliege, 2777, eall or write the Remington Business Coliege, 23U Oollege Bt., Cor. 8padtua Ave., STORONTO, 0CAN, Chas,. E, Suith. Sho0rthsnd -Inabtr-uct-or t. _F,Wright, LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIRED. Don't put off getting your Lawn Moirer sharpened Do it nov, s0 that it vil b. ready irben yeu need it. 1 use the Ideal Lawn Mower Grînder which lbas given snob good satisfaction ln the past, A trial wili convînce you of its superiorlty over others. Ordors promptly attended to. BICYCLISTS TME NOTICE. 1 arn doing ail kinda of bI- cycle repairlug. Brlng vour wheel lu and have it put ln good runialng order. My prices. are very moderato. A. W. PICKARD Blýacksmitlu, Corner Kirig &OtroSre Many thanke for sour patro- (Î :nage In Seedii this Spring. H ave stlll on hand Seine Dwarf Essex Rape R) :Have been very bnsy pu!tItng up AU Aiknds of fence on hand. Don't for-get "Bug Death for încrease the sleld in the Crop. SA great variety o!f oultry Food Peter Murdoch Toronto, Ont, This sebool la uoquestlonably one of Canada's Greatest, nest and Most Sueces.- ful Colleges. Our, graduates readfly secure enployirnnt. Let us edaeate you for p 3s- me.on worth from $85 to $100 a month. We know how. Write for magnificent eata- 10gn to-day. Cor, Tonge and Alexander W. J. Elliott, Principal Uet It At MITCHIELL 9s Quality Drug Store Save Muney. As we b uy our gooda mith tif ty oCher druggists ve are lu a position to offer you Patent Medicines aI Toronto Prices, sucli as tie !o]oving: Castonia ......... reg. 85 for 25ý Peruna------------$1 tom 85- Sarsaparibla ... 1 for 75e Ltle Lîver Pille 2 boxes for 25c Wiiliurn's Pink Pille 8 "l "64$s Be vise, Doal vite us., jThe llandy Drug Store on fthc À The QaiyfrugsadOpiians. Ou r "lt %radua.te itilnte v's PHOýNE 22a. NDb LUT C -LLS 220. I.,' POSTPONE ail engagomLenla untll FRIDAY, JULY l6th Join tich eTe lareat o! tle Dbg Dllbo Rlbr ohJffy BOWMANVILLE, ONT. HAMILTON Employées* Excuzgiou te Hamilton,1 Ontario, on FRID.AY JULY 16. Speclal Train wmlilouve :o-T'ie-Rate BOWManviiie for TQrGntcýFrïday.cO, m. $1.£0 Oshawa ý', 81.10 wbitby 5S a. m. t1.10 Oidren from 5 te u2yeaý>rs o! a, bait fare. The beaulif ni new bonI "Tumbinia" ivil leave Tornto, mil t', . mi., returning buave Hatmlton f or Tr onto at 5,30 p. mi. Rate, frorn Torouto 50 cents, Roturn Special trai baves Toroato for Whitby, Oshawa aný,d Bowmanville at 8. 40Op. m. The boat tickets will bo good re- turniug on boat lEavàing Yaraîlton at 5.30 p. m. Friday Jul lth. Aiso on ahi boats leaving Hamilton- for Toronto on July l7th. Railroad ticke3ts will13,o good ro- turning from Toron;to on S pocial Train leaving Toronto at 8.40 p.rn.oon the lOth and on ail trains on Sturday July l7tb excepting No. 4. Stanley Milîs have kindly off ered to have trolley cars at the boat landing so that the oxcursionisas wil1 ho givon a free ride around Hlamilton, McThe Maple boa! Amusement Go., Managers of Tiei. Maple Park, have agreed to honor theo3excuarsion tickets for admsson o aple Leaf -Park. Thoy also state-dtnttheywol have an excellent bgand in attenDdance, with a free, grand stand promne both aifternoon and eveniug. Wlill aiso sup. piy Hot Water and wiU. ssstyou to entertain yoursolf àIn every way pqoss- ible. TheDrhm ubr onav Baud wiii aooecmpufleecurihn TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS This paper wil ho sent to Ganadian nov subscribors to Jan. 1, 1910, for anly 25 cents, Seud ilta your frieuds. E. C. S. JIUYCKE MADE JUOGE Coboerg &ntinel-,Star. We heartily congratulate our towns- man, Mr. E. C. S. BHuycke, K.O., vio has been appointed bv the Dominion Goverumeut to lie position o! County Judgeofo the Gounty o! Peterboro, ta succeed the late Jndge Weller. Whibç vo rejoice in the success o! our tovns- mn, vio by training sud experience, veil deserves the honor, we regret his promotion viii remove him tb Peterboro, whore he wdbl reside, Edward Cornelius Staubury Huycke, B.A., bb.B., vas boru in the Township of Perey in 1860, sud commnenced his education in the Campbeilford Public and High School, passing to Victoria University, Cobourg, whcre he took the degree o! B A. iu 1883, sud s! terwards taught Giassics in the Cobourg Coibogiate Institute, -IIulestudied-la-w-with tihe -ate Hon Wm. Kerr, o! Cobourg, snd vith the firin o! Smith . Smith, & i(le, Tor- onto. Ho cammenced practising lsm lui Cobourg in 1886, sndha been succesa-. f ui. A short time ugo ho vas appointed Junior Judge o! Habdiniand County but for private rossons declined the appoint- ment. He nîarried Rose Meredithî, youngest'daughter o! the late J. C. Field, ex-M.P.P., in 1887. Lu poitica ic bas been1 a Reformer sud aided bis psrty on the public plat! ori n sd in canipsign work. Ho vas a member o! the Town Council for seime yoars, sat in tie Goun- tics' Council, sud vas Mayor o! Cobourg for several years. He is a mernber o! the Methodist church aud was Superin- tendent of the Suuday School, aud ho bas lieen active in aul matters o! interest to lie tovn. The Senlinel-Star visites hlm every, aucces in us ne*,position sud trusts tint himself sud family msy lire many years in ieaith sand happiness. I Pmpies a na 1Botchies Are flot the only signa that a blood- cleansing, tonio medicine is needed. Tired, languid feelingýs, loss of appetite and general debility, are, other sig.ýna, and they may bere signa. The best blood-clu-ansing, tonie medi- cine is Hood's Sraailwhich acts directly and peculîry nth lo ridding it of ail foreîgn matters and building up the wvhole systema. Thie statement la verifled by the experience of thousands radically cured. Over forty tho.-usand testimonials re- ceived în two yearse, by actual count. Accept no sbtiuefor nu nhaving Hod'. et i to)day. Sol eeryhee. 00doss ne dlr MOTEL BOWMAN OPEN. ilotel I3owman was invaded hy travellei-s Tuesday before any announcement was made that it iras rcady for business. The house was formerly the Bennett House and will ho in pretty good shape by the end of this week, aud business, will ho in full swing on Monday and thereafter, As an indication of the popularity of Hotel Boirman wo publiali the naines of gucats cntered on the rogister during th<l first t wenty-four hours, F. H. Maseu, Bowmanviile;I Perey McGill, Janetville; Miss Mahala McGill, Janetvîlle; Miss Perle MeGilI, Chas Thompson,, London. Dr. B. D. Gildings, Niles, Midi; Mrsý Gildîngs, 6 * D. C.ý Bette, Bowmianvile; Mrs. Gourtice," A. P. L. Dramn, Gaît; J. IL Morrison, Guelph; G. S. Kidd, London; S. G. Gibsou, Hamilton; S. J. Hambro, St. John, N. B; t C. A. Moorehcad. bondon; R. B, Noil, Toronto; G. H. Shicld, Peterboro. I Lz tt T tO, k'I W. K.Debong, Oshawa. W. T. Fleming, Belleville. THE EDITOR TALKS. Ocean travel is again at ils higi i-"n boli directions. Steamers eatbon ýdo! late have been full, and- il is surpriï ng hoir many people are c=nigfr6m Europe. For instance th.e peso! Brilain of tie O.P.R. S. S. bine, a! mhici M. A. James is agent, 'lauded last week at Qnebec and Montreal 196 first, 327 second and 912 third cabin passengrs- 1435 sonîs. Florence Nigitiugale's pledge for Itrained nurses is beautiful, plain, point- ed and pactical: -I solemuby pledgo myseif before God and in the prosence o! this assombiy to pass my lite in pur- ity and to practise my profession faiti- fully. I miii abstain from minatever la deletrinus -an nischievous -and -miii nat take or knowiugly givo any hsrmfnl dIrà,gnaInmiii do al la my power to mantinad elevate lie standard o! îuy profession and wiii iold in confi- dence any personal malters, committedl to inykepiujg and ail famiil_ affaira wiii I ondejavor ta aid the physicianlu hie work suad devote myseif 10 tie wel- fare of tiose cornuitted to my care." Few public mou in Durham county were botter known or more gonerally respected for honorable doaiing in pub- lic miatters tian William H. McOalluni, wio diod ou Jnly 1. By is passing awny me have loat a personal frîend. We heartiiy endorse The Times' tribule mien il enys tint il is doubîful if any mnan lu lie township o! Hope hled lie affection of so many people as did Wrn MeGaîluni, Jovial, eveîî ternpered, and aimnys ready wfth a good word for anyone, lhe late clerk a!, Hope had n un= eplace to f111 lu the aunais of lie tuhip. Ho mas conspicnus in lie lownsiip's poliis and kuew everybody. *e Devonshire continues ta attract al classes 10 see ils pastoral scenery and ils unsurpaased moors. Thoir Royal Hligi- nosses the Piuce and Princess of Wales recentiy madei s tonring visit lirougi Devon, of hilci lihe Plymouth Daiiy Mercury says "lie trip has been one long rolling cieer, ancunbroken experieuce of respeelful affection, The Princess showed s markod prefereuco for Devonshire croamanad rernarked tint'saiehad a suppiy sent overy ather day, no -malter lu m hal parýt a! lie- kingdom aie mniglît ho staylng." We shall iu future think miore o! Rer Rayai Higliuess-beesutse we have tastes in common. Lt les sonice 10 ho ike n royai princese. This fondness and preference siomu by H, R. H. for Dovonshire cream should greally popu- larize luis luscious produet o! lie dairy lu future, We flud one o! lie greateat pleasures o! oditorial lite mien opporlunily offers for saying a favorable mord o! tie good menuanud omon mia have served their God, lieir; country sud Iheir febiows fafthtully and successfuiiy. Il la mien ntompting ta pay doerving tribute la lie veteraus o! our acquaintance Ibal me long for sbiiity and gifla as a irriter liat me may worthily sud lrurhfully give them lie eredil and praise tint are theirs by virtue o! thir useful ser- vice sud heiptul ives sud lie good influence and inspiration liey have shed among al miti mhom lhey have associ- aled. We mio are younger wiii nover ho able ta estimale lie boeofit sud morti o! lie lîves o! lie men and wmnn mo bore lie burden sud lie heat o! the eariy days, o! lie pioncer days o! tuis part o! Canada. Tic tva generatiaus wio have îîenriy ail pnssod ta their eteruai honmes, mrought diligontly sud hamd te cboar up, improve and make comforlabiy habitable this country liaI me nom enjoy. Wien driviug over lie roada mili our covered carniages sud autos iom littho vo think cf lie binzed Irails lirougi lie moods, the corduroy rondis, lie axie-deep mud sud numerous mairos, lie ioneiylilfe of tie setlers, lihe hrd mark heming out lie tumber for lie firsl home, cioppiug domn lie gianîs o! lie forest, loggiug aud buning off lie failoms, lie long, Iodions jour- neya la mail] or market, etc., ail o!mhilci lie yýounîîg pofa!ta-day kuom noli- lngexcpl s altra ! islory, Yes, me ove- very muci 10 lie pianeers o! tuis beia-uful coüuury me nom i ýniabil -jusat iam mmuci mUshh nver kuair -hence, mien mee au sny a good ml ord for hm vo shah do il, ENTRANCE EXAMINATION8, BOWMANYILLE-ON-THEFlà'AKE The resulta of the examination; for WEST SioDa Bowmanville Higli achool ani affiliated centres are given below. Successful Win Mathaivyo bas his cottage for sale. candidates are arranged in trecass TeGln hrhr ree 0f according ta standing. Glass I eClnas h yln hrhaeeete 0f ail who obtained 75 per cent or more of the whole number of marks, Glass Il Flshiiig thlas year le the best that bias tho8e who obtained 67 per cent or- over, beei fer morne Jars. - and ÇJas4II ail beloir 67 Per cent. Miss Jean Dams Vislted îMtis Mary 'BOWMANVILLE Woods, Base Lino, iast week. 1. Hazel Mercor, Ernest Bottreli, The Oliver Mowat arrived l th anotho Orville Hondersoni, Mary Cole, Ruperta 2r boad of co-al Saturday eveninz. Barnes. Mir Clarence Meath and vite and Mrs II. Madeline Stephens, Ella Wight Clarence Mason and daugliter and j 8ci1 Albert Morris, Olive Bickeli, 'Jora Col- leath are spending a couple ûf veeks will, Leta Bragg, Esther Stephens, wlîh, Mr Fred Coucb, 6'Lakes Breez-3 Douglas Barton, Vera Pennington and. Cottage;' and Archie Moore. Ed Calder and Ueo Williams came, III. Elsie 0ke, bonis Philp, Herbert (romn the drty Saturday and spent Sun- Foirler, Muriel Calver, Ethel Moyse dav wlth iheir familee la Sunsec and Ettie Brunt, Herbert Foster, Leon Uottage, Mrs VN illlams returnlng icmne Dumas, Greta Richards, Isobel Bird, vite her bunband Monday Glaude Ives, Nornman Jollow, Guernsey The Presbyterian S8S8tieid their McClellan, Everett Hoar, Kate Foster, annual pienlc at the lake Wednesday Alex Haddy, Johnà Avery, Ida Bennett, atternoon. Sports vere e ugJaâed l, Florence Dilling, Russell Williams, amoe whach was a game (Pl base baIl Mildred Martin, Greta Jackman, Verna batireen the sehool and the Wýýarph JTewell. Rats, the score being 18 te 16 lu laver of SOLINA the Rats. Tho e d iurs oN the garne vas i. Jas. Aberuethy, Jonnie Taylor. ~snainlctl yAtu ukrc __the sceol team. IIII. Wili o Wstlake, buta 8Smilh ,,,ami Gertrude Psscoe, Cocil Bush, Enri BLACuSTOCn 111, Glifford Reynolds, Helen Gars9- caddeu, Olivo Gowan, Wm bywood, 'Roy Ferguson, Eva Bruce, Vers Jack- son, Norma Malcolm. -. Ouoao Il. MabelEdmards, Frank Knox, Fiossie Miller, Rita Garveth, Annie Thoruton, Gara Bryson, Nota Spry. Ill. Vera Jackson, 0tto Goathani, Mamie MoNeil, Sybil Henry, Feru Ghapmsn, Gertrude Gobbiedick, Nonie Hooper, Gordon Powers, Tillie Tebble, Miltan Tncker, James Moffntt, Florence Thonipson, Amy Boyd, Mildred Smitb, Vilda Goman, Pearl Finlay, Lawrence Poster, Winnio Wiiliamson, Constance DoGroot. SIJEMER WEDDINUS. MCCGLAIN-FitEErANri. On Wednesday, Juiy 7th, at the resi- douce o! the bride's brother, Mr George P Freeband, 168 Indian Rond, Toronto, -% quiet wvcdding took place, wien Miss SemiaryMas~,tle eldest dauglîter o! the late'Robert sud Mrs Freeland, ferai. erly o! Bammanville, vas unitcd in mar- riage to fr Albert Suyder MeCiain o! lie Berry School, Rome, Georgia. The ceremony vas conducted by Rer Alex- ander Leslie, Elmvaod, uncle o! tie bride. Mr sud Mrs McClain wiil reside in Rame, Georgia. SROLSON-LAW, Wednesday, June 30th 'aI 5.30 p in, a very pretty vodding took place ini the Presbytiiau Clîurch, Oshawa*,y ien Rer James Hodges, B A, uniled lun iar- riaffe Bestrice Helena, daugiter o! Mr sud Mis W b bawr, Oshawa, foîIucniy o! Solina, aud Mr Frsnk W Raison, South- ampton, -son o! Mr Jos Raison, Bowman- ville, Tihe bride, vho waa giron svsy by her fatier, vas unaltended sud mas gavned prettiiy in vitlesud maure satin, lrimmed vîth claver boa! lace, sud duche-s satin ribbon witi pearb trimminga. Her hair vas mreathed villi orange bbossoins. Her 11111e sister, Idra, scted as flomer girl sud vus dressed in pink sibk, trimmed viti Valenciennes lace. She csrried ashsephet d's crook o! orange, blossoma. After the ceremony lie company. repaired ta lie resideuce o! the bride'&--parent-s, Albert fe-t,--wiere lhe receplionansd dinner vas servod among beaulitul docoratians o! orange blossams sud boughs, mwhite peonies, palmsansd ferns. Amaong lie medding presents ta lie bride vere a decd o! bouse sud lot i lovu !rom lier father, s substanliai choque traine motiier. a silver cake plate froin lie brides companiaus in tie Rosy, Rambier camp at Osisma-on-tie- Lake,' a greal quantity o! faucy china, sibvrn d cash. Among thie pretty gomus 'il lie medding mas liaI morn by Misa Inez Lav of pink ailk mul sud Mra Ivan baw in paie bine silk mnuil. Mr snd Mrs Raison wîil reside aI Southampton, for ici lovu tiey lftI on lie 5th imt, lie bride being govued iu a travelling suit o! navy blue Fre nci poplin, tailon umade,j viti balt tematch. Maple bef CîrclB No 143, Compan- Ioue of the Fo: est, Bowmmnvilie, hed a very pleasant and successful lawa social aI the residence o! Mm. Hembeit IL. Dllling, Ontario St., Wednesday, July, 7. The lady membeme o! the Cirel- beautifuly ard artisllcaiiy decirnd~ the lava vîih untiug, banneq'sud Chineso lanterne, sud the tables vere preltiiy laidanadeorated wIth foirer- lzg plants. Lt vas made a very attracl- Ive and cosy retreat, aud as darness came on sud the lanterna more llghted shedding s vurloîr o! ccbored shades tie bain preEcuted the appearauceocf a miniature ftirnlad. 'Tie Durhami Rubber Baud, ret, D Momnîson Direc- larfuruished a cupils. 1 musical prograin durlsg lie eveniug. Thbe ie cresin stand did a rushiuoe business. The tablo service mas prompt and lie edi. hies par excellence Great credit ia due Sisters 8 Rndd, W. Duna, E. Li ge, C Goodman and Misces May Mullon, Muy Diliing sud other members for the lunaqualified succese of tie funclian. Tickets were ouly 15c, but the proceede mii ïeaci neuarby 810 Pale cheoiýs beceme rosy wien Mil- ier'a Ccmpcnd Arn Pilla are takein. -f-, dosýes 25 ceat"s. Sctd by R, M. Mitchell h o mugss WL1 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Are showiug a beautiful lot of Dress Muslins, Silk and Cotton Mula, Ginghams, Linen and Cotton Suiings, and Wash goods of ail kinds, ALSO _Made up wash Skirts, Suits_ and Princes Dresses ail ne w tp-to-date,perfect ftting goods and the finest stock -and best value in Lawn and Linen Blouses they have eveir shown. ALL Ladies' Spring Coats selling off at greatly re-,. duced prices. w and farnlY at 1Fred Couch's; Ernie Blackburn and v, ses Annie Westavuv and Maîry Woods ait R Dumnas'; Chao Cox, vife and daugliters, Arvilia and gertie, at Guis Bouneaii's; Robt Green- fidld sud vite, Hetb Babcock, Norman James, vîfe and chuîdrev, Mis FI MasnadErnie Scott, Toronto. John Grigg, wife and daugliter Edlra and grandaugterMuriel Decli, miNi STERS AND CHURCHES, Rev. E. A Pearson, paster of George St. MethodIst ehureli. Peterbore, Wvas presented by bis congregation with a rurse o! gold prior to hie Ieaving on a trrip to the British Islando and Europe. . 1ev. Rufus Garrett vas ordained for the vork o! the mlstrv at Belleville Monday, July 5. by Rer. B. Greatrix, Prealdent of Bay of Quinte Conterence. Mir. Garrett cornes frern the Society o! Rer. A. J. R. Strike and familyv leave to-day on a couple ef veeka' holidays. Next Sundav ho viii preacli annIyersary sermons ut Fraserville Ris pulpit here viii be cecupîed nt bcth services bY Ber WN. J Wahîii-anbi!r Eleraïd. Two ang ladiles were receive a Ie the Methodiet Churoh through baptirEm Suuday morning Partor Garbutt's. morning therne vus ThibSBwernlty :of God'sud the evenlng "The bla eo Profanitv" Bath sermons coctaiaeï very plaluly Epoken truthe. On leavlug Little Britain Aire. (Rev.) JE Moore vas preseatcd wIth a certill. cate for l.ernebership by the W M 8 aud a beautiful addroe Rer. Mir. Macore va presented by th. junior, lance vith an addresa and a case of niitlary hair bruahes, expresslng the hîirh esteern Mr aad Airs Moore are beld by their Little Brîtain friands. The lavn sr'cial undor asr ices o! the ladies o! the Disciple Chureh on Airs James (jilfi iaa's lawa Friday e vealng vas avery pleasant affair. The veath. er vas Ileui for au evenlng o! this k: al and the ice creain, caudy, ctrairberries, etc, served by the young ladies vas a! the best. D 0 & P Ce baud rendered an excellent programvhich ver. great- iy enjoyed, by ait. Their maay Iriende lu Durham viii learu villi pleasure that Rer, W. Kon- uer aud wfvit 1jute 18 for the West to visit their chlîdren la Manitoba. Rer W Kenner vili celebrate while avay bis 79.h birthday, 55th anuiverssry ef rnistry urd SOîli anilvermary of hi@ mf rrlagee. Tht-children, grandchuldrea and ailier relatives and friencs viii meet ut Pipestone August 183 b celebrate the jubile. of their wedding. Rer Keaner vas bora lu England iu 1830. entered the rninistry ta 1854. married 1in 1859, camne to Canada la 1872, snd ls nov sreuding the evenlng o!. l!. vibli lis sou, Principal H. R. H. Kenner, B. A, in Peterboro, The maay friends of Rer and Airs J P Berry, !ormeriy of Hampton, vIii be pieased te bear therv ere so generously rernerbered by theli, people ut Lang- don, Alts, before rernoving to Higli River- Airs Berry vas presented vlth a handsome sllyer te& service and tray beautifully inscrlbed ad a caeof silver kalves and !orka and Air Berry vith a w ell-filled purse. It vas, lndeedk làvery w orthy and niuch appreciated gift f roua ,4he cougregu lion atter two 3 esra'service Iéisong thein, Mr Berry la a son o!fAMr la n n West Durhamn andby rnany cthe Bay o! Quinte Confereuce. We eolce te bear that hie labors in veEteru Caaaare belog se mucli uppreclated. DEATR OF MES. F. W. ROURNE W. regret to report the death on June 15 of Airs Bourne, vîdoir of late Rev. F. W. Boumne, a minîster vho vas vldely kuavn u ibue West o! Eugland as oe of lhe leaders of the Bible Glristian Connexion. She had gene 10 Wiudhes- ter three veeXe provlousiv to vieit onie oi ber nieces, aud vas apparonlly cn ber ususi heatth until June 8. vhen shc vus siîte ith s paraiv tic stroke, f rom the effects cf which she never rallied. At lier express mi her tg- mains vere ibtorrod 6v Ithe side of those of ber husband in the huriligrourd nt Lake. Shebbear. '.11hofunern al vuo Priday.-Plironth (Eug) DallY Ver- cury. It wiii be vilhlu the muernry a!t raine cizes thut 'rs Baumne visiled Bowmanvllle with ber dietingitlsbed husband lu 1891w»ith or Bible Christian divines vho had _been tattend- legthe Ecuneal Conýfence laInPhul- r dephia, U. 8 I Couch, Johnston & --Cryderman GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CASLý ts-.- W.--fxviAý -w- i&ww. -1 ýwilfTid eT ---â R ]UMAKWI 1- t4 -T-iý ý"fflMMy leomllwte My kuow*edue in the m-ac- i 1 T-1 ýr -y a .-L LL wi r.-- - 1 ---, - à sy

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