OBU-FELIOIN T CITTCMAT1 O I 0 -Ll 011 AL Tlri_ nirat iIdiuns nd ut en aUPoe onas ieauceti as" . CuLttehli 2nd ato's r apnBoýx 1an4 us weil as sbe oves-a, ct wlPi] condtionfonuextwiner, ouM "That wi-i ti," thuntienetics Manufaturer in Toronfo; Jim tMc- sieep well and feels fnlýy setse.Ip w o u l d e g i n a k i n g t n e ' , m in s t r a L e . " S e v e n t i ny s ! A n t i o n c i e o s a p e u e m r n s i f e h t m w t w s h n l t Tu"Ake na utie mldmiluk C or wet era wdue nr-Me he y wsO m1 ; 1; off~~~~~icstake a hist(cf hose num es Chant jin BownvuiiHeAd. Gunis. eD.CuesNreFc.l0 00C. and $1.OOci c'c .. Tsun s aiah, aadu mei edigot , 6bxe')r*.0,u aldel MY-aq rm er luig:M .a lot . - * ~~~~' ut in a New Yurk stui; in ~ '~PLs& ehrue 5 *tion of a violin for the piano for 111.FRANK PROCTO-,R, D. D- giving the ime te thse installing of- Ë-%1ý G.~,.AND SUITE OF fcesan heetire ceremony was performed witb milita ry precîsion PHOENIXLOI>GE, OSIIAWI, and wiLbout the aid of rituals, 1_NSTALJ4 NEW OFFICERS AT Great raise ixas accorded Bro.# Proctor and bis aides fer their uni- JIOW'iIANVILLIE. form pnoficiency in the ritualistic 'ork cf this attractive ceremony. Thse isalaio Tas performed just flopp)Jy Social Hour 'iii Speeches a littie bettor than in January last, aadRefesh is l Lege and this is saying much. A round cf happy Speehes noie given attbe A BtASKET FULL Dining hIal, cloeaie wîhthe, new Noble c ean, sweet-smeln Grand, Bro. Chas. H. Anderso-n, linen Is obtained witlx hall Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. entortained the broîbren inth- the . flo and hall thte time (XI.0.0.F., in thse jurisdicliti of banquetting rooin te strawberrme if .Sunlighit Soap Is used. Ontario, was oen fete Wednesday and cream, bread and utter, and Sunlight shortens thec eveni'ng, Jnly 7, for thse installation cakes of varions kinds, with icuion- da'wrbuentes fthe newly-elected officers. Roc- ado.t etthe lodge-room was renovat- Thse newly installed officers, edec- Follow directinns. The Nem e. and now electric lighting system t'ive, and appointed, wit thse work- _ ýins'talc-d ith satisfyîog effect. With ing comuxmittees for thse termi, are: thohigts Iltured nthearts- Noble Grand-Chas. H. Anderson tic effe.ct cf the celer sebeme is very Vice Grand-E. A. Lovohl. Thse abovo cnut represents thse roar ro-,nonced. Possibly Bowmaaville ON.veofaprinfthnwgad mnay fairly dlaim te have in thse Past Grand-Dr. J. C. Devitt.ORNvecfaprino Iee.gad Bieakley Block two cf thse pretti- Roc. Secretary--J. J. Mason. (From TIse News.) stand whichi at a cosE cf upwards est lodge-reoms in the Ontario Dis- Fin. Se crétary-Harry Allia. cf $ýs0, 000 is being erect ed in Ottawa tvict, occupied by thse Masoas and Treasurer-Markns May \er. Mrs, TIses. Doncaster, Toronto, by thse Central Canada Exhibition 0dcd Fellows.> Suminer attendance adnW J.Jfeyisvitgfindhee Association, is one cf thse 4flnest r5 eyer as large as in Faîl and Cnductoar-.J. Burze. Mr. Tom. Batten visitod bis sis- structures cf thse kind on the con- Winter, but a goodly number were Isie GadChs agal er, Mrs. John JolI, Hampton. tinent. TIse Work is rapidiy pro- psntWedn.esday evening, and OtieGadja.Jhmba Mr. and 1irsid Rutherford, crdinarybuieswspttà,g R.S.N.G.-Ed. J. Osborne. Toronto, visitcd bis father, Dr. buinespa oalw putioug L.S.N.G.-Albe rt F. Cox. Ruthrford. Leigh is a manufacturer in Victoria, ixnmth espeb mnti .ahlowgodtie .,S.V.. -N. S. B JaTïmes. Mrs, BeacoM, is visiting ber fa- B. C. Dr. Fred Truli, cornet, Bih foýr the emnyte fGrandLSV.G-Herb L. Creeper. ther, Mr. John Fittaîl and other W',ilson, tenor; Byron Leigb, basse, FrankPrcole mnd1h r- Righit S. S.-Wm. P.ercy. relatives in Fne oTwnship. haepsdtetegrtbynd orswitb great care and found 'Left S. S.-Harry L. Martyn. Mr. 'and Mr.John J. Giifiillan ci ery dýsfil in excellent form, the Chaplain-RicI. Allen. are enjoying an outing at Tereeto - q___ bok aigbe l uie y Orga nist-Cecil H. Osborne. and Niagara. '7CL GE3A ST TIN Br.T . Jin een l, Caian f Fi- Marshall-W'ilbert J. Hoar. Mrs. Ed. Cobbledick and daugh-ANL-E AN ST TI . nance. The,oxpenditure tIse past Trusteoes.-Thos. Buarden (Chair- ter, Miss FIera. spent Juîy îst with 1 - term bas beei exceptionallîy large ,mani), R.- D.DaisJueRc their cousins, Mn., and Mrs. Nelsenlily1 Chas. M. Bice, Denve, Col. owýýing te thse ontiay in remodeliing, n-igk.CbedcaToot. This is thse "glonions Fourth," rcniovating and refurnishing tIse Sick and Visiting Committee.- Misses Jeanie Hughsen, Edna Amorica's ever recurring great lodýcge-room. Two deaths Iaving oc- E. A. Lovoîl (Chairman), John 116il Moon 'and M. M. Moment attended National Jubilee day. Indepenid c.re-Bo.Daniel Gilbert and yar, Jr., RicIs. Allen, F. A. Haddy, Summe-r Sehool at Chemong Lake, once was hemn 133 years ago te day, Thomas i,3Topson-the drafts on tIse F. Burden, T. Wesley Cawker, the former as delegate from tIse Bp- when thse agod be1ringer sped tIse sicýk and funeral department were Clark Benn.ett. woIth Leagmie. iig hc tl coaon h lag.The balance te credit cf thse Property Committee.-W. JJf- Miss Janet Carpenter, Fruitiand, wmrdngs wh c stîlieho aound tin whworad. Amenicansicelebraee it in Iogein cash, bonds, stock and fi ey (Chairman), F. F. Morris. Wminh as. beMoentvbstn ber aunet, London at thse embassy, and with etdher assets exceods $10,000.00. Thse Edger. e. Mrsa N.wMoentHbspibeen aettIse hearty ce oporation cf British )rieent membership is 210. Finance Committee.-T. C. JeIw- a e in coreosta e arpo o ficials. In Paris and Benlin thse The Installing Officers wore all ell (Chairman>, Harry R.e, Jn esa renar cursec td frpo day is fittingly toasted and ,mcmn- ii4,embers of Phoenix Lodge, Osha- Hellyar, Jr. fessionlnrse. sa r .Ho-o]lze.Sizradcfcal e Wa1, and were :-D.D.G.M., Frank Membership Co'ite-,F. 'sr.Adersontripsat Mln. . of p bout.Siteladcfiill e Proctor;, Grand Warden, lRobt. Pethick (Chairman), Hamry Alunom ate atn tcrean o aou1onzestIe ay.An evn win Sprouie; Grand M-arsbai, J. Hel.- Geo. Stephens. ald ealehe usbrn in retisede- pn IeJpns on wt brn rn ertrPryA- London the lesser bas reason t l se oreua oestisfled rsidenttAe rcas in hantRe ined; ,Grand Fin. Secy, W. ihomp- feel prend that two cf lber sens bave nMi.bPCanada. Ln o itltpbi.oftIeugrea Afomnican Re- _Uon; Grand Treasurer, Thos. Knox; Iscen bonored by election of thse Mm ,ercy H. ong ef paintsantaepubic. t re planfor cf g Grand Chap., Fred Manning; hisghest offices in Florence Nightin- Saki iiigbsprnsadensn r aii necdn n other fiends bere. Ho is weil monarchies, and everyxvhere, auto- rad Guard, W. Goodcild; gale Lodge cf Odd Fellows--Cbarles1,a ihteWs.caysyelnghove rlu-t Grvand 0. Guard, TIses. Northey; I-i. Anderson, of thse Mason ClotIs- pest ibtIeWs.c'yd5yednhoee ut VilnsT. Goodman. ing Ce., and E. Arthur Loeol, of Miss, Tena Ferguson, who bas antiy, to thse temands of tIse pee- A iiew eatre ws te sbsttu- ury& Lvell drggits.taught Antioch Sechool for seme ple for greater liberty and freedom, A nc fe tur ix s t e s bst Lu-, Jur & ovol, rng ist . 3ars past, bas resigned te take bie r andi for a w ider participation in tIe - home sehool at Crooked Creck. matters cf governmont, ever since1 ~~ sugar and starchy foods should ho Miss Edua Stapies womntIse Pro- the United States set t6 xape Ireducod, their place being taken by fieiency prize, Second Ferm, Bow- But whiie tIse d..y,-sngets theset non-starchy xegetahies, such as nanville HigIs ScIsool, an Isonci' she thoughts, it is nor rmy pui-,s in IIF LII pinacb, canliflower and saladi. Isas carried -off tn o y.oars in suc- this loUter te extol thiis coutnybh- 1 à!..TIse foods te ho avoided, or tak-en cession. yond others. My eep soictin 4in great moderation, are those Edit.or S. Cutteil, W.* M., Oreno for tIse welafre cf my native land, whicb ceutain much starch, such as Lodge No. 325, was appointed de- andtihIe mother country equals, ifc ri:ce and potatoos, and ail sweets- legate, to Maseonie Grand Lodge it doos net oversbadon', my concern FOOD FOR THE FAT. pies, puddings and candy. Tea and which convenes in London, JiVny for this, my adopted country. Lt is possible that the actual pro- ccffee shotulti ho taken withont 2lst. Thse journais, and press generai- b portion cf overfat people in thse sugar, if taken at ail, and choco- Mr. Simon Pocteous, thse veteran ly, in thse Unitedi States have Isad t enripopulation is ne greater late shoîld be omnittod entirely. cornet playor, assisted thse 46th rmuch, te say recentîy abotut thse now than it ever ivas, but to tIse Bread is fattening, but for most ilegt. Baud at Miltary Camp, Port Angle Germian situation, andti etIs oýbserver wbe, bas lived many years vensons it seems an' indispensable Hope. premature alarm of certain English s 't seoms as if thse number cf per- eutiLche ef diet. Its amnount can, Mr. H. W. Renwick bas gene with Army andi Navy officiais, anti gev- .,onis one meets who are noticeably bewever, ho limnited, anti it sbould a survey party which null oerate ernment nepresentutives. o; erweight had ncreased greatly lie tousted. in Manitoba, soimewhere north cf It bas been written up anti cari- it i:n mcent years. aecnetwt Fats are less barmfnl than sugar Winnipeg. catured, ad natmîeam, fnem coast s Seme large olkaecntn i anti stanch, and may ho ailoneti in Diectors of LIse Orono Faim, de-. te coast, andtihIe writer bas been a tiieji: lot-nearîv ail are joîîy, yet mucteatien in tIse form cf butter icided te change thse date cf Faim much concerneti te know just how ni there are many wbe neulti give and saiad cil, tu Sept. 16 and 17. Canadians regarded thse embroglie. nismch for every peund thev ceulti The belief that thse tiinking of Rev. W. Limbent preacheti a Se far I bave net found anytbing h< thirow off. ivater makes fut is orroneons. If patriotia sermon Sunday evoning in that mnight ho considered as tmuîy ji There arc a number cf dietari eue eats juicy vegetables, andtihIe Metbodist church. TIse aItar expressive as Canadian. sentiment a, s,,stemS in vogue for redu-ciug esecially tIse lois sîveet fruits, ixas decorated nith handsome red on thse subjeet.b ,,(igst, aimost alefccos if s-cb as apples and grape-fruit, and roses, and thse minuster and mnem- There is eue aspect cf tIse Angle- ef strictiy foiiowed. but rit ali safe, abandons tIsemse of sugar, there bers cf thse enoir eacb worcâ, rose. ermar. u-easin-es sîalayspmuuîuul- ToniginaL_"b, -gsy -1 " fr--i- l o1anaural mduction t i - egat+1, saem t li-,- yu-t ~ih wich ne Engi-sU n eapein wlîicb the porion is re- amount of nater taken, but eue don cof Mr. R. Moon. writer seemus willing te grappie. Io stn>icteti te littIe more than a bean- sheulti drink all tlîat is needed te William John Henderson, bro- TIse Englisb speciai correspontionts io meu îdit, i5 net to bc recommemîd- qtîencb thirst.-Youth's Compan- timer cf Mr. T. Henderson, Kirby, continually affirm that tIse basis cf SI ;dMad onie who practises it, un-on. and Mrs. Jane Miller, cf this vil- tse difficulty betn con tIse tîvo cm- n loi uder constant niedi cal super- -lue pasdaay etruyt pires is purely economi-.. This is iinmay do inefirprbeBWWMN A EP EL Tuiemeen City, B, C., after a statement cf tIse trouble i5 bar.elIy am.No one biself irceanable An10W WoMEN MAY KEEP WatELL lengthy llnesshaîf true, andti tey wholly -side- ri appicale e sste, ideei, Anautoniy uon ll attrs Miss Walsh attended tIse golden 1step t other haîf. They tclk ab)out ti toail cases, for tIse coumecteti iitb physical training xedding of M-r. -and Mn. JTohsîston tse-ueict fGra nu-L coie15not ahways the -same, and-says-that a nemran n--he stshes a PrtHoe n u1 lt.traia oucion, anti Graoutntsea- ti "bt nY bh suitable bon eue fat kecp wcll anti in geeti condition Quite an enjoyable time was spent, trialed Englih defcenaib tisr _esn my net ho at ail nlîut an- sheulti sleep nine heurs cf tIse tnen- labout 80 guests being ps-osent r istber neetis.vd t at ll t-four, take old at.r btbs, ex- i rather remarkbe that hs i gard, but nver once do tey put Pl. IL s opialybelnvtith ilesciso for five minutes eachî day t'etidglenwdigi r their finger onwbat, to my mmnd, is cri fatt porions are gress- feeders, but vith iigbt dumnbheihs, drink a c up Bheatty' s faole-twocfhinMr.Engiund's greateit weakneEs, naine- G, his i net true; iideed, thse reverse eci bot iquiti before bekfat yi5r bs-e-,inataI ln ioften tIse case. Obesity muy ho sponti haif an heur ovcry day mn . s aving ce!obrated nî0t onopoîusts. c aL disease, on rather a preminent ctio xrie nk Iebs fannm;raye hi e1ddlf, Afwfcs a ebi6 ie syptm f ue Lsetrulebeîî bd arais niabveah, h-aniaise tIsetedin M-c. Bdieys_______of________ grecssing and will ho completed in good time for this yýear's big Exhi- bition, Sept. lOtb to l8th. Con- strâcted of solid steel and concrete and absolutely fireprooof, the new stand ivill be ovýer 500 feet in lengLIs and xxiii provido seaLing accommo- dation for,12,000 people, along with Le.. make fthe peint clous-. Britair is perbapi tLIe mest landlord-cursed country in tIse civilizeti world. Ire- landi ias, bat thuf day bas passeti Acces-ding te LIse Dom.esday Bockl quoteti hy Fredcnick C. Howe, the land cf Britain, inchuding Eng- lanti, Scotianti and Wales, is o'ne- by 31,550 porions.'TIse rmembers cf tIse Heuseocf Lords civu over oee fibtIs cf tho sou cof Great Brifain. Cross Lb-e Nos-Lb Sou, anti ie find f uaL Beigium, ivitIsoniyoeeeigbth of tIse population cf Bnitain, bas oxes- eue million baud cnors. TIse landomds cf Britain puy but a modîcun; cffIsttaxes. TIse iholo National tax securet brens tIse ianJ cf Brituin is ouly $3, 750,000 per yoac, anti tIse uand bas net heen me- vulueti on appraiseti since 1798. Part cof Lon-don, ncw denseiy peopleti, anti yieiding roufs ivhich make a princely incomo look sick anti pale, i5 on thse fax bust as n hnnting (if ate, anti psncfically ex- emspt fs-en taxation. Bien ciLles as-e nable te get t tescdocks iîtIs ont payiug enormous sm te tise their civa insatiable cupitiity. Rails-cats canuot ho bnilt ivithout, exorbitant concessions te the-se amonopolisti, n-be aise Ilsctseu in Pas-hument anti therehy exent a dlouble bics-ugo in admiuistcningte theïin owu insatiable capidity. TIse city cf Sheffieldi itfs lanti- lord, LIse Duke cf Nor-folk, $2,500,- 000 for tIse privilýege cf holding a market. TIse lust cf sinsilar un- ceuscmouuhie exactions ceulti eaîsily bc -extenieti, titi space permit. These are tIse tbings that as-e îandicapping Engianti in tIse indus- nril race. Hem people may ho defi- cient in fechuical induits-ml educa- ti.en as cinimeti, but they wvouldi soea acqui-e iif I given prope- ac- ou Let tIse lanti. TIse English race is ýstill, nIsat it ainnys isas been-oeeof tIse sturdicît, steudie if, stubb.orneif, and most nnbreakiab-e breetis cf ian tIse iverît bas produceti. English, institutions, couccdetily, ave, been tIse mainsps-ing cf ortioreti avenuago Englishman bus heen de- airreti anti excîntietifs-cm tIse soil _f bis cwn countr-y. If Ise eau geL xit cfth ift alitcviii but px1 roI othe texcihluintieis 'e, butpr- )ndfexclsaion onmean the dee- ationtof bis embitio, and then naeet of nbios eries, andther eam n esto insrillutstrip im inaheindutinandstrucglu. is emancipain aynd eognied ht to these lqand may ft et -the woeprestfourrhtween a theoi voala wmiels, r hti partpoit caul anfs eaindsthri, but i )le i nsmintonheandlspe;o-. e thscban ambitison ndpatrotc .thusaysituasnvud as oimae e rany"situ aor takefnot ie." ,W bare rthankfuin for th e e ig y appearing. The last session of 3arliament passed a law imposing bsmall additional tax on land, vhich, thoughi not much of a step, L was* a step in the right direction. fthis ýwar scare will resuit he British people access to the Apples, oranges, pears, peaches, and, xve will owe' a deht of grati- lemons, strawberries, blackberries, ude to the German "Jing-es," and r-asphorrieas-in fact, al h tIse ari ývy leagne iDcomparably greater eous acid fruits-are exceedingy han ah tthe iDreadnoughts that whelesome in charaeter, and are nild bc built in a, century. Let capable of furnisbing a very large agland emuilate the examplo of far amount eüf neüurishment in one' s vay Australia and New Zeaiand, 1 aly diet. Strang"e as it may seem ýd give fo ber hardy eomaniry t beaerg nuidaams ccess to thse land, and, no nation on ani oeeof these fruits, lernons ex- arth coul i resist 1,(r in war, or cepte d,, wuld fuly and completely urpaIss hier in t1eIart of p(e. nourish thse beOdY fur a prolenged D e n er, C e ora o, J nl 4 19 9. a n d eve il a un t o > p el-io d , il De ve, ee were for an; sea o e led tsecure nourishmnent entirely frurn Relief for the Depre0sod.-Ph1oi bd cf this character, altheugh ot al and mental depression usulI[yc'sr -it xxeuld require a consid- .vc, their (- gin i n ad "cdrd 1cr'tble period fer the organs of as- bate o 1f tile- nc n lca onlt-e eaqioti.ehait cf ~ted TriParel~es Vget ble1 tie ns mae. rm Jul1 Phy- !ls.Teueixe h ie xe i lClue ciabemate tiiuing halls anti other accessenios cf fIse mode-rn fuir. If wili communti frons ahi sections a finue vie-wcf tIse spectacular pro- duction, tIse featurýe cf tIse uigbt entertuinment, as'mwehl as tIse races, anti vanietiattrantions cffthea aft-er- neon ps-egrumme. Improvements be biggor anti botter than ever. nu NATIONAL ANTIIE.1 AMENDED By J. W. Garvinl. Goti save eus- gracionskig Long live Our no ble king, . etio save tIse king! 1 Sent i bisvictoriens, s-Happy und glorieus, Long to-reigu oves- us, Goti sa;'e the kingi1 Geti save cur Canada, .s F air, loyal Canatia, Goti save tIse king 1 Streugtben Imperial tics, Lot hon tniamphunt rise, Strong nation, ereat anti wise, Goti save tIse king!I Goti save cun brothers brave, Dwell tbey ou landi onriave,' Geti savo tIse king! Guard TIson our Motherlauti, Guard Thon oun Empire graund, Hold in Thy Mighty Hauti, Goti save tise' king 1 IMIPORTANT ANNOU-NCEYILENT. Jury & Levehi desire te an- nounce te tIse rendessof West Durham that Lhey bave securedth Ie agency for Parisian Sage, tIsa marveicus dandruif cure anti de- lightful hais- dressing. Jury & Loveli are gladti t stuf e that Parisian Sage is a nigitilu gu- umanteeti bain restes-or. IL cures dandruif in tn'o weoks by kiiiing tIsetiandruff microbes; iL stops balling hais-; if cures nl scalp diseuses, or meney huck. IL is a most pleasunt hair dress- ing, especiaily for ladies, as if makes thse bain sobt anti lustrons. TIse prico is oniy 50 cents a large boffle ut Jury & Loicll's, ors- mail, ail charges prepuiti, fs-cm Gis-eux Mfg. Ce., Fort Erie,>-OnL.t , -Al - BAD EGGS ON THEE MARKET. i (Fs-cm Canadian Grocer.) Owing te tIse lus-gem perceufage cf losses thmomîgh bati oggs, buyiugi prices in tIse country are- loîver.h ThIe percentage of hati eggs is aboutc a dozon te the case, ivhich megmusb ov es Cc-t.u S iz SS ien of farmers and some country store- keepers whicb should becbecked. The loss is a big item, and the farmers have no rigbt to obtain money for- uselesss eggs. In ail fairness and for bis own in- terest, each merchant sbould candie ail the eggs wben be takes tbem frem the tre. i htemr chants would do this, farmeirs would soon learn to be careful and the quality of the eggs wouid im- prove. When people pay a higli price for eggs thev bav e a right to expect good ýeggs, 'and any persen nho seils had eggs, int.ontionaiiy or tbrougb carelessness, shou[d bc dealt -witb more ses erely than-they arc at the present ime. in America. on an extensive seule are heing car- rieti ont in tIse, groundts ant iiild- ings, including a Proceis Building wbiclm xiii show tIse pnoduct of many bactonies in precess of manufucture; tLie pnizo list ail round is increasoti, many new feutures added anti gen- orally spcakiu' g tIse fair of 190!)xii YOUNG FOLKS -LITTLE -WATCHMEN. BoIse issure that grandimotber's gardon istIse lovolicît guntien a boy ever playeti in. Ou oeesida a white pieket fonc-e sbmîfs -off tIse gas-ten fron tIse street. Iu tIse conter is 'a star-shapeti floxver -bcd, anti a"il the oeLses-bos fit in a, pa.tl-rn round this eue, sepus-uteti fom ut by nun- row pathi. Wbcn 'BoIse visita gruntimothor in tIse summer, ha fintis tIse gardon a pleasant pluy- grounti andtihIe hloxx oss deligbtfni pinymaf os. "Mothes-,", saiti Behe eue day, "I shouîld like Le play in LIse gardon thîs affes-noon. "Bobo," saiti mother, "yen muy play in tIse gardon this afternoon, but do net play tee long, for ive, are going te Aunt Mymus tte o." "I lîke Le go te Aunt Myru's Le ton," saiti Bobo, "fo 'r tses-e is ai- wuys a iitL le round cake for mecteo bring nome, becuse I cau'tont is ut uighf. Rcw shahl I knew Isow long toc long iii" "Wheu tIse iittle iwhite bosm in tIeheti dshupoti hike, a crescent m ou open if will bc Lime te crn-e in," suiti motber. "I know tIse moon-shapeti beti," sa~- Bobe>, "but Lime liffle, biossons in if 'are onhy' buts. I suiv Lb-em, yestoctiay mes-ning anti I suiv thons this memuiug ail sIsaL tigIst." "Tbis afternoon," muid mother, "yen xill îsecthens aillopen." Bebe ivnt finte tthe gardon te play. Fis-st ho suent te tIse bcd cf LIse sleepy fioners. "Yomi Lhink becanse yen liî'e ia tIsc moon if is always nigbt! Wake up 1" suit Bebe; bat net a flower Bobo pnslet bhis way amýong tIse l1on es-s that bout Isalb-way over thse waiki, cbufting xvifh thei- neigh- boss. Ho culleti ou tIse oxgiove, roxcomb, lady's-deli'ght, hars-kpus, )ennciug-b et, sîew illiam andi baby's-bs-cutIs, antý, h,,ue locheci to fell bisn lien teogeL rady for "Oh!1" saiti Boboe. "Goudi abtor- ncon !" for eue liffie floiver peorod Lt bis fs-cm a sleepy, Isaîf-opea eye. "Have yen lad a pleasaut uap, leepy-beari t" ushoti Bobeocf an- ýthses- floiver,--wvbich nus b-eginniug-- to streteisspeLais. TIscu, as lie' watcIsed,ho suiv tIse hiossomi slow- ly, slowiy open, co affe-r another, antie oknew iL ivas Limre Le'go iju th bouse te et soyfer ton ut Lunt Myra's, ivbere tIses-e is ulways alittIe round cake for a boy te take home. "WIsy tidtihey sleep so long anti ake se haLe, mothen hV' askatiBobo. "Ahi hast uight LIsey vutc-hetiin fie garýdon until tIse mornip-g glories anse ountiaty briglit anti early in Lie nsorning," 'suiti mother. "Ail ay te day tIsey îlepf, util four cioýck this ubtes-noon. Because ,bey always ,wake ut four o'clock ,bey are caiheti fou- o'ciock's, anti îoy are tise litile nig-ht n'atchmea fî the, gas-teu."-Yoathi's Cons- uanion. A usagnetia speaker is uatarally W c locton CS al fi i;'ccpy.i MO~AX E CLLANýýR 30 AdedadeSt. W.,Toronto CENTRAL CANADA FAIR. w Grand 'Stand Béing EIrected One of the Finest Big Exhibition Promised. tIl -t