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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1909, p. 4

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square feet of roof surfaèe and allow for full Wree-invh laps. Our special large-heeded nails (which do not reouire the tin caps ordinarily uged with ready roofingi), liquid cernent for lapa. and complete directions for leYing are furnished free. These are conveniently vacked inside eech roll. No apecial toole are required. With Anatite there are ne extrae. Yeu do not have to buy a lot of jt.hings alter yen get the roofing. It le reaily ready te lay, and you do net nesd skiiled labor te do f I the job. Sample free. i Rice Co. Phone 66 Opposite Post Office EXCURSION -TO- I00 SLANDS -ON- WEDNESDAY9 JULY 2 nder the auspices of the COBOURG CITIZENS BAND. Speeil train service and rates as fliows: Whitby Jet Oîiiaw a Jet flarlington Bowmanvile Newcastle Newtecvîlle Port Hope Cobourg eraftin Cothrne Children under 6.30 0.41 7.04 7 12- 7 17 745 i-oc 8,13 8,?5 12 years Rat.- 3 5 2 25 215 1 85 185 170 o! age half lare. From Kingston through the 1000 Islands on the Palatial Steamer Caspian. Returning spec- il train wilI leave Kingston 5 p. m. Ail Tickets good to retura up to and inciuding July 22nd. Oitizens Band wiii accompany this exeur- Sion. 28.2w, IHE foofiWFRR Oll NEU MF ,Thie le the seaaon o! the ysar wher Yeu noec ligtt fotwear. No leather le se coinfortablo or has beccŽme se popular es Tan or Oxblood shoes ln hot weather, They keep your feet cool, dry and cemfrtabe on the hetteet suin- nmer day. Bot weatber le net ceunubearable when your foot are kept cool, 1Moesfaot troubles are experi- eced in Eummer than at any other soason. And these troubles are largsly due te the choese wert. Ycu won't be treub!ed wlth pain- fui, swollen feet if yen wear Bover- elgu, Invictus, Quesu Qttality or Victoria shoee, The shoes are made concave, te cenforni te the shape o! ycur heel, se nover blister or chafe and they nev- er eag or bulge at the eldes. Our styles and prîces willi pleaso Yen. Fred 'K. Foley, Parlor Shoe Store, Bewenanv*Ie DENTISTS' HALF HOLIDAY. Dunlng Juiv and Augu8t the dental office o!Dr G C BoennScaotle a dDrJ C Desit wlil hboe ed er eery Tîhursday lion 12 s8J p n.251 BOWMANVILLE, JULY 15, 1909. TEACH AGRICULTURE. We hope to live, to sec very mafly more Ontario Public Schools tanglit by male teachters than are so taught now, thon the conditions so well referred to in an editorial in, the 0. A. C. ]eview will be met. The editoriai goes on to say that it is a good thing for our teach- ers to receive a course ln Agriculture. Agriculture as a prof ession is at the present time the greateet profession in our country, and is receiving much at- tention, but we are confident, yea, very certain, that it is, destined to become stili greater and will receive the atten- tion of every class of mon. What btter stop cail possibly be taken then, than to put the boys and girls of our rural echools ini the way to receive instruction, hints ana icens winîcn willinterest i Linin this great calliug. It wiil no deubt show thon possibilitios of the soil o! which bofore they nover dreamed. It wili at loet be layiug the foundation for a fnrther study o! the subjoct for which a desire will have been formed iu early life. This we beliovo is the tino te be gin to educate the bey to the farin, not back to the farm, be cause if ho begins the study lu the ight tino he will not be educated away fron it. Why sheuid net our country beys begia right in the public sehool te receive instruction which wîll botter fit thon for their life work. This can thon be foilowed by the- -~<ntia n in iithe Hioh- Sýchool. What botter traiaing fer a boy who is te be -a farmer than this? Edu- cate hiim lu the work ho is te foliow, net in tbings which wil nover be of use to hlm. To those who have charge of the boys and girls lu our public schools wo would strongly urge to put iuto practice, wherovor possible, the lossons learned at O. A. Ccilege, and give the scholars a stroug-tartin-the-right drcin VERY EXCELLENT JUDICIAL A PPOI NTM E N It would ho well if ail judicial soe- tions made by -the Dominion Goveru- ment wero as wise and propor as the appointment of Mr. E. C. S. Huycke, K. 0., cf Cobourg, to the County Judge- ship e! Peterbero as successor to the late Judgo Weller. If complaint were permiscable in this connection it -would be that -Mr. Huycke is worthy ou meit as a prominent and exceptîenally successful lawyer and from efficient service to the Liboral party of a botter office than even a Oounty Judge. Hic Honor .Tudge Huycke bas few if any superiors among the members o! thé Bar la these Counties and as a citizen le of the very best type. Ho bas for many years boon active la church and Sabbath Sohool wvork, being at present superntendent o! the Methodist Sunday School la Cobourg. At the last Bay of Quinto Couference hoe delivered aý very helpful antd instructive address on the Laynen's Xssionary Movement for whicb be was heartily thanked. Ho is a gentleman of many parts. having filled nany pesiiions cf trust and re- sponsibility by the expressed confidence of bis fellow citizens. Cobourg bas nover bad amore capable and popular Chief Magistrate, a position hoe held for soine years. So that this promotion is popular net oly froni his highly sac- cessini and brillïintcareor as a lawyer and especally as a pleader at the Bat- but also as a good citizen and a Christ- iani gentleman. We join bis thonsauds of frionds in this Province in incereet congratulations on the Federal Govern- rment's recognition cf hie monits as a wortby momber cf bis profession and express the wish that hoe will long bc sparsd to hionor the imuportant office to' whichhe ha.e been appointed. DARLINOTON COUNCIL Councli mot at Town Hall, Hampton, June 26 ch. Almexubers prosent, Alex. Wight, Reeve in chair. After'reullue, Ctbunleb'« Clerk informed council cur- rent year'a rates for County purposes art: Couniv Rats850(,0, Debeurure and Sluking Faud Rates, $775 85, Publie and Separate Scheol Rate $297 55, Total $6ü72 90 Assessor's report on reqallz'ing a&szsment of Union Sehoffl S.ectous for F5 ýearf3 wa.î receit-od: S. S. No 1 Dalingion, 68 per cent; Clark e 82 pet cent; S. S. No. 5 Darlington 93 pet ced,; Clarke 7 per cent; S S. No. 22, Da ngton 86 ver cent; Clarke 61 pen cent; S. S. No. 23, Dalînzton 21 pet cenl; Clarke 47 per cent; ýManvers 20 per cent. E. Treceuth & Son wore in- structed te manufacture a quantit-y of cEen eculvent tils. Reeve and Ceun. Courtice wero appointed a commitice te ,mate lurther Investigations rsgardlng Mn. PicIeell's dlaim Reove wae auth- erizod te grant ordere as foleows: I L Brown, exp Unio n S S . $. 9 00 Saw3er & Messy, grader repaIra 8 50 0 Wiliams, frelght and cartagZe 10 E 1 Monsheep damages ....... 8 83 Mre Lano, of Fred ...... aO00 Guanantec Ce official bond,...., 7 50 R G Bîere, cedar peste (hall) . . . 2 901 McClolan & Co, lumiber......... 14 20 G A Stophons, lumber.......... 870 J j Ilubbard, gravel (bal!)-...2 10 A Beech, gravl ....,... ..... 8 10 A Gibeon, gravelý .... .......... 8 60 W Virtue, worle et gravel pt ...-. Il 10 E Treueuth & Son, ile ......... 41 87 J Reynolds, bonus wire fonce. .., 1 65 CA Biglow "..2 40 T Smale ... 62 S Hoal " .-4 55 AFHFit gri .,4 05 F T itzgrald4 50 W Heudersen ",,5 OM J Snowdoun ..5 0 F Hecksday ~ 7 25 j Scott .,8 62 W RCole ..8 75 W Tonnant ",.9 87 *RT Slopens il.. 150 *MLvmor dé .... 1750 1 Gallaghen " - ....19 80 H Elliott, saary ....- 80 0 Toacher's salary S 8 No 10._.. 100 60 îS SNo 20 .. .,135 00 S SNo5ý ...165500 S SNoI9 ..225 00 Mre A4na Brooks, Seool Deben- turo No 1. S S No 9,l..$204 89 Scheol Dobeatune No 2, 8 S No 8,......... .......... 280 62 Couneil adjourned te Saturday July 21 et 10 a n. H. EwCo-rr TownaL.lp Clerk. 9ce A.. B mTc» m- 3r . Berete ,.,eh8Kifiîd Ha Atways Bougli -1- - --f_ 25 Cents FOR States m-'an TO Ne-w --Suthscriber New Years 1910. That stcmnach troub'e wlil 0c598e if vou FÂLL PAIRS. wil use Miler'@ Compound Iron Pille One after each meal. Sold by R. M- Bowmianvll'.............. Sept 21-22 Mitchell & Co, Druggiets. Blackstoek........ -........~ 28-29 ________Castieton .................." 27-28 OBITUARY F ...........-Sept 28, 24, 25 OBITUARY Oihawa ,.......* ......,. Sept 14-15 orono..............."1617 DR, RATCLIEVN~, ST CATHARINES. akwrh ........Oct 7-8 Dr. Wn. G. Rateliffo, culy son of Rer. Dr. J. B. PR te ilife, p isto f Firat Preebyterlan Chu!ch and eue o! St Catharh. os' mm4--promlnent pnysiîîlane, le doad alter a ew days' Élusese frein acute tçphold foyer aged 35 yeare lie was marrled enly a short ime ago to a daughten of W. C. MCOail .Dr ,Rat a Inuapparoutîr of exceedingly nobust health up te a day or twe ago. lue father le well kuown te, many- lu Dan- lingtou and Whitby townsnlpe bavîiug lîved when a boyitaEEset Whltby eonth- west o! Enfiold and attended McKeazie's echeol, BAnRY WILLIAMS, CAMPBELLFORD Mr. Haéry Willliams, au old and highly respeced reeldent e! Camipbell- fond, died jnly 5 alter a long illnese aged 65 yeare. Decoased had reslded lu Uampbelferd about 40 years, hav ing come bore fron Bowmanvllîe. For maniy yeare Mn., WlllIams was eugagod iu manufacturng pumps. Ho was a nembor of the village courîcil fer saine years and fer a long tume chie! o! the tire brigade. Ho waeu active, indue- triene man, a gond citizsn and always nespected for hie honesty and lntogrity. A famlly e!f ive cblidron survive. Mrs, Willians ptedeceased ber husband about 15years age. The funoral was cenductel by Bey. A J H Stike. REv. R. B. LAIDLEY, NANAimo, B. C. Dr. Jeff ers received Juls 9 thoe ad intelligence e! the suddeu death et Nanalme, BOC., on Thursday ron a paraly tie streke of Rev R B Laidiey £he deceased clergsmaii, who was a superannuated ninîster o! tho Britigh Columbia conferonce, was aboestune etatiosod et the oast ward church, Lind- eay, and aIse at Oakwood, and his many friends hors wlll regret te, hean of bis sudden death. His brother, Henry Laidley, nesides at Omeruço and anotheor brother at Mount Horeb. Mre Loidley, wi!e o! the deceawed Is et precent su[- fering f ren a -paral3 tic troke whfch she recelved sonie twe yeare age. She le a sîster o! Mrs (L)r) Jeffore and Mre Johueren Elîle, Linusav. The lato Mn. Laldiei wae a z salons and devout clorge nan, and the wîrk ho accom- plîshed in the Masten'e vinevard wil stand as a monument te ble devotlou and eneîg-y.-Llndsay Post. Decoaeed was a brothen-ln-law of Mrs W R Knlght of this town, Mre Lailev being a sisten, MasB, ROBEnT EýVPRSON, OSHAWA, Af ton a long and veny painfual illuebs Mns Robt E;ersea dled et her homo in Westnount, Oshawa. on Wednssday, July 7, at the age cf seveuiy-ene. Decoaeed was boranoan Eontzern l Darllngten, and ived thons untîl 1881, when sho moved fren tie old homo- seoad te Harmony, where she reslded titl about coi-en 3 cars ago when as meved te Oihawa Hon naidon naine wae Mary Ans Courtice, and she bo Iogdteeeo the oldest familles in Danlingtcn d was weit known and mueh boved by ail whoknew hon. Ber huebaad prodeceasod lhon about eloyen yeare. Mrs Eveneon wae o! a retlnlxig nature and her principal place ýwae la hon homo wlth hien chldren, whe now meurn the lese e! a kiud and lovlug mother. She was a memben cf Medea!f St Methodïst chunch, and Rev, A, R. Sauder3on, B A. aesleved by 1ev H. T. Lewis, B. A., conducted an impressel've fuuenal service Thursday a!tennoon, wben aho wae laid te rest In Ebenezen Cemetery. There are two daughters, Mre A Bale and Mise Evelyn et home; and four top daughtere, Mrs George Harris, Oshawa, Mr. W Hl Jackson, Newcastle, Mrs Jas Countîce, Darling- ton, and Mre Aloi Fowlor, Moorefleld; Two tepeons, Mn S Evenson, Darling- ton, and Mn T B Everson,,Oehawa. Messrs Robent and J ans Countiee, Ebouezer, are brothere, Ail baye thse warneet s5mpathy of the communlty lu the hour of, thoir affliction. 1ev. Jos Barnes, B A, Countîco, and Rev T H P Anderson, Hampton, weno proscrit at the Internent Ameng frlonds fron a distance were Mn Jas Knîght, Brooklo, Mn and Mna T Gec Mlason and M A Jame, Bowmanviîle. Dycentry Corrodes the Intestines and speediîy sate away the llnInx, brlnglnig aceut dangorone conditions thet ma.v cause doath. Dr J. D. Kellog's Dysen- [try Cordial cloare thse intestinal casaIs o! bbe germe that cause the inflammation 'and by protectlng the llulng. fron furthen ravages rostores thon te heaith condition. Thoso subjeût to dyseutry Ehould nmt be without tile simp!e yet powerf ai nenody. Bean, ditlieKind o Rave Always oghl %inature î GO1CDW1TH THE CROWD Excursion to. Hemi.lton _by -Durhamu Z3ubber Co. Friday this week, je goîig to be well patronizecl. weather belng ansplicne, homame se few people coin- paratively have been to the Ambitious Cl- Astckeae-uodo--od.v5 lb will b. a chance te make a nievIiit In Hamilton or Toronto or both. Ail particulars lu advt, Only $1.70 for round trip, Local and Personiale Mise Ethel V. Tabb, Stratlord, is home for boliday's. 24 persoue teck dinner at Hobel Bjw. man 3 esterday. .Mre. Geo. Maynard, Toronto, le vis- iUing Mre. M. M. Linton. Mrs W B Gay and two daughters of Hampton, visîted Mre W Lymer, Yaple Greve. Mrs. C. Smith cf Jimes, Ohio, writes: I have used every remedy for sick head- ache 1 cnuld hear of for the past fifteen years but Carter's Little Liver Pille did me more go than ail the others. We regret te hear that cur worthy friend, à1r. H. C. Hoar, has not been lmproving lu bealth vers much the paît week. He le receling, every attention at the home of hie sister-in- law Mrs T. 1? boar Saturdoy's r,, was the beavest ramn- Eall in thie boca, fdor maury yeare. las not been exre, !d lu at leasti tbirtv 3 arp. Rainfall &titalied 2 46-100 luches on, the îte.'el. Thiâ le equ4l to 2e,6 eue cf water for every acre and ou a Ï60 acre f arm the ratufail would total 41,216 toue. Chie[ Jarvîs is leeping an eagle eys over thie town te ses that neIllleit Im- portation cf epiritucnA lîquors takes place lie bas captnreJ a f6w cascs, but very lîttîs lîquor lo comlng into towu now and the few topere who stairted golng te Newcastle and Oshawa are gradually getIng to fiud that they ".pay toe mueh, fer their whlstle." Mr, Joseph Harrison, Toronto, the new preprietnr cf Southi Park. Bow-, manvîlle, who bought this fine geutle. man 'e reeldence and -ronds frein Mr, Hector B itb, has bud a gang cf meu ar worit for eeme Weeks putting the grounds lu order, Impro -.Ing the drive. waye, and gîvinig the whoe premisos a thorongh dlean up. Theoeld stables have been removed and altogothor ai romarkable transformation bas taken place. We undercitand that important improvemants are to e hmnade lu the residence. Mr, R. B. Andrew was instrumental lu brluging Mr. Harrison te this town. The week fiutterlng heart becemes stroug and regular whcu Miller's Com- peund Iron Pille are takon. Sold by lR. M. Mitchell & Leo Druz<iests, COUNTPIES' 00 UeGIL PuOCFEnîNGS OF'JUNz SEMION SUlînAn- IZED FUOM COBOURG SENTINEL STÂR'S June sessicn opened ou Tth iust., Wardeu Power in the chair. Sorne financial matters introduced by Clerk Neil F. MacNachtan. Amiount reçjuired to mneet debentures $8219.08. Public Schoolsý $2502. Expended on roads ia Durhamî $800, in Iý orthumber- land $600. For Bowmanville lligh Sehool for County pupîls $1153.4ý6. ileeve Tole -vas granted $25 to paint registry office iu Bowmanville. Joseph Quinney, Darlington, and W. Lynch, Cartwrîghit, were granted f ree pedlar's licence, Equalization Commiiittec reported in favor cf 1908 schedule. which was adopt- ed. Total assessment $27,581,531. Equ.ilîzed at $26,500,250. High School grantsw~ere approved: Omnemne 11ghSchool........ $ 126 67 Bowmanville High School,,,,, 1153 46 Norwood High Schoo ........ 160 67' Coîboruie High School,..... 778 52 Counties' debt is $890,000. Geo. Plunkct's tender for coal-$6.50 for bard and $5.25 for soft-was accept- ed. Port Hope was granted $500 to assîst iu rebuilding bridges. .A grant of $100 was mnade, to Cobourg Horse Shý-ow. Couancil adiourned Thursday evening taccept WardenPoes invitation to Orono 1next dy Bi,-nature 2 B a B I 5 7 B BUITS FOR MEN. Jos Jeffery & Son are naklng a epe.- ciaity cf firet class guarantsed enits 'fer mon and boys at very low prices--black anxd bIne wonsted suite for $14 te $16 Satisfaction guanenteed le style and workmanchîp. Calet Thse Star Ions., Bowmnville, and sec 1h. matenlal. 'Me supply ail the wante o!frasa la gente' furuishiage et pnices for tce lImes, J Jefery & Son. WILL YOD ASSIST UlS Ncw le thoe sason-or et leaet il le near et band-when yonr'fionde wlll ho vlslrlng yen, on yen willl hovîsiiug your fiende, and we weuld like tei chronicle the caine In the coltins o! Tho Janes Papers, but as yen ans awane that we are net Intln'atoly ao- qnelntod wlth ah cof thon, yen cas be o! mtenlal assistance in helplag ns te asoortaîn thelr ceeng and golng. In doing thie yen are asiting ns te bave a good personal coiun. If lb is impos- sible for you te cail at the, office, on noti- fy us ou the street, drep, a card la the post office. We wiil do tbe roit. I DOWMAI¶VILLE MARKETS. Correeted 'ecdiTuesday FLOU, fl100Ibo.. ...$2 9â teo$2 0 nal § Faîl, buh ...... O oo t2 087. er Spring ,.,, -060es 1)82 il Goose .,,. OOr00tg082 BARLÉY. , Ybush, No. 1 ... O 50 'r 0 55 OTS, whIze u............000 go 05 F' Rru, ............0 t 0710 BUOKWEAT te ......,.....OOO os8) PusAs, lackeye, VI bush., O0 0 o () 'rCanadien Bsauties O 90', CO i.Snali r 00 ,05 'rBlue 0 O6, 'Q75 COoVER SEED ,......., 4.5,' P550 TIMTHSIEI.... 2:5"2 75- Bu-nij'u3 betable,. t&lb.. O005O7 EGGs,YdoZ'.......... ù 5r01 PoTàAroE, rYbrsh ... 0 0~o HYPton u ,,,,.9 O00ev10 oo -, -- --- , .1 .11 - --- 1 % -l ýA- --l -- t1ï - în 1 IL Il lqmmw v v The Popular Route To Al Principal Tourist Resorts lncludlng Muskoka, Lake o! raye, i'emagan, eeganBaMagai eta- wan River, Kawartha Lakos, etc. Full Summuer Service new in offeet; "zExcursion Tick.ets on sale dally. Alaska Yukon Pacifie Exposition Seattle Very low rates-Fast Tine via attract- ive routes. Daily until Sept. 8th, 19.9; Eteturu unmit Oct. blet, 1909. Full Informatlonand tickets !rom ani G.rnd Trunk Agýent, JURY k LOVELL, 1. 1P. & T , iAgente-, i Bownavi11e. Allan Line Steaomers ST, LAWRENCE SAILINS, TO LIVERPOOL. Taniian ..........,... July 16 ..-Ag.1 Corsican .,.,....._July O,.,,, Aur. 14 Virgicuan er........ Autg. 6 .. . .,ý Spt 7O GLASGOW P, Jia..,, .1.,uy 17..-, . A ug. 14 Heeperian .....,july t14 .,,,. ý- u. 21 Ionen .............Jaly 31 - , ,, -' A',L' Grampian ......... Aug. 7...- - Sept, 4 TO LONDON vix (Havre) Poeain.......Jny1.,.,,Aug. > 8icillien....... ..July 31., ep.i Rates of Passages According to amr 1 s G lass....$67 50 ....7, t 57.$1 9and cp. 1 ia ,...40U ... o ... . 47.51 and 3t 3rd ' e73.17 For particu1as ýof satlings ndrates aie M. A. JaWmes, Allan Linoent onni -UT --f .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . .I.. . The West End 1Ilouse, SUf1MER ANNOW"UNÇéýÏeErIENT Sàeasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices. Yen can get just the riglit kînd of goods here, we study our customers need'a at a Il times se that you xnay have confidence in making any'purehase youninay contemplate, -%fLè n-, MOTTJ xv 8ATISFACTION-_ _ Men's Departmeut, We carry a very comp.ete aseortment of the newest styles in men's garments. Yeu ean get just the suit that will please you, they fit well, wear weil, and look weil. We would speeilly recommend yon toem»e our range of suite from 89.00 to $1 1.50 per suit. White Pants. Men's white duek pants, ail sizes, go od qualîty duck, well tailored. Per pair $ 1.25 Aien's light weight summer pants, made oEfifnequality fancy sotriped tweeds, mediuni shades, with beit straps, and aide buekie attacliments. Per pair $3.50 Men's sof t feit and knoekabout hats in great varlety ef styles, colorings of browns, greye, greens, etc,, from 50e to $2.00 eaeh. Bowling Hats. Very good quality bowling hats, ail &izes, now's tlhe time te get them, while our as- sortment je complete. $1.00 each. Children's straw hate, plain and fancy straw, a large assortment toe@liooe froin, Prices 15o to 50c each. Hfaif Hose. Mon's plain and fancy heMf hose, you eati have the very latest styles and co1oringsd Our large assortment of styles will be sure to please yen. Prices front 12ýe to 50o a pair. Shirts. White drese shirts with or without enifs, superior qualities, ail sizes, made very fuili. Prices 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 each. Men'e and boys' fine negiigee shirtea very large assortment of patterns and Uoloringe, also plain white and eream, assorted mes5, fast co1ors, ýîiees from 50a to $1.50 eaeh, Wash Ties Men's new wash tics inlateet eoiorings, plain and fancy, 25e ecd. Women'e and ahl.idren's cotton veetî, plain or ribbBd, with or, wihout siseves, ai sizes. Prices 10e to 25e éci Women' s and Children's Cotton Hose Oar assortnient of wonîýen's and ehiidren '8 cotton home is compiete and up- to dat We have them in, black, whîte anid tan, ail] sizes. Prieces 15 to 25e a pair. Special V alue, Women's white underskirts, asre sizes, with rows of lace and insertion. Extra speeil 55e each. Another Big Parasol Sale On SATURDAY. JULY I 7the DON'T MISS Il?. mOW AV N A IV1L LE. Li lWhite star DIlMillion' r ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHII'S LAURENTIC, MEGANTIC Triple Sorew, Twin Serew Large8t and niost modern eteame' s on St. Law- rence route. Laiest production of the sbîp. bulders' art;, pas senîers levat ir servîng four u v dec!ks very detai uof comfort aud luxury of present travel willIlie fmund on tbeso .P s e ne Montreat Quebee Liverpool From Montreal Froni Mgan c.. A ug, 7 Sept. Il Cet, 14 and Qnebec Liverîooei Ottawa LAug, 14 bepr. 18 Oct, 23 Canada-» July 17 Aug. 21 Sep&. is Julv 16 Kuipresof Britain Laurentîc.. July -.4 Aug. 23 Oct. 2 j uly 24 Lake Erie ..J ul y 7 Dominion ,. July 31 Sept. 4 Oct, 9 Juiy 30 Empresa of Ireland' Juiy iii Thie popuar steamer "CANADA",;, u" LkeMaiob Jl02 also again scbeduled to carry three classes of Ag aeMntb uyC passengers. While the fast steamer '>OT- Aug M5 Empres of italu JUly 30 TAWrA"and the comfortable steamer-DOMIN.- Âug. 21 Lake Champlain Aug.4 ION" as one class cabin steamers (called Second lass] ae very attractive, et modera te SpecliSummer prices for parties at rates. Third rclas carried on ail steamers. ou July 16. Cali and get our new pamp,,hlet. See plana and, rates et local agents, or Ail steamers carry third class. Company 's offices.,I'rices amiparticulars from tue nearest M. A JAM S, A ent, Toronto. M. A JA ESAgrnt.BOWMANVILLE AonN re.

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