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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1909, p. 1

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ana fan t ateiux.aûjî $.Oa year in advance; $1.50 to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO% TIIIRSDAY, JIJLY 22, 1909. VOLUME LV. No. 29 M. A. JAMES & SNS rpieoQ i. X _____ 1r ~ ~EUilflIrEL~ 1 1 B3ANK O0F MONTREAL Established 1817, Uapital -814,400,000 Beîàt 6 12,000,000 Total Assets $183,169,159 Savinga Bank Department. H-ead Office, Montreal J. A. McOLELLAN, 44 Manager. Bowranville Branch. Royal BankI OF CANADAI INCORPORATEBD 1869. < Pays Special Attention to Capital paid up $4,600,000 Reserv Fud $5,300,000 Ti TtalÀ Ast s s,53,000,000 .~ F , J. Mitichell,I Classes lu Bookkeeping, Althmetî, WVriting, hr ad yewriting an kindred subjeris 1111Tcotinuc d.riug the oummer moutli5, Special ates of 86.00 oe mntsor $1000 for the two mouthsý, nJulyhsud Augusi, will afford an excellent port. uniy te get llrst-class instruction at smkll rosi. Cla-ze bouts fruni 9 ta 1 o'clork. ver fariber partirulars, 'phone College 27, rail or write the Remington Business College, 269 College St., Cor, Spadina Ave., TORON ro, c ÏN, IChas. E. Simith. Shorthand InStruetor I FARMERS Many thanks for sour patro- nage ln Seeds this Spring. Haye stli on hand somao Dwarf Esýaex B.ape SHave been very busy pultiug p 9 Ideal Fence Ail kinde of fence on hand. Don't for-get "Bug Death fer Sour Potatoes." It W111 greatly î ncrease the yild in the Crop. ® A great varlety o! Pôuitry Food® Peter Murdoch T, Ficpal I Troronto, ont~ This sebool la anquestionably 0: e of ICanada's Gretatest, Bent and Most SuCess- jfui Coleges. Our graduates readtly secure Iemplc;yment. Let us edtueate you for pcs- jitîons worth from e35 to $100 a month. We Iknow howr. Write for magnificent cata. logue to'.day. Cor, Yenge and Alexander SIIARPENED AND REPAIRED, Oet It At Doa't pu off gettIng -vour M TC IL nan 50iH bw iii uu n d o i M TCUL U yeunueed î%. I use tise Ideal Liwn Mower Grînder whlis bhas gîven sucis good sa tlefaction ia tisepafit. A trIai w!!! convince you of iRa superloritY over otisers. Orders promptly attended .to. BICYÇLISTS TAKE NOTICE. I amn doing ail kînds of b!. cycle repairing. Brlng you wheel ln end have lt put la good runnaing order, My prices 7are very moderate. A. W. PI1c KA RD Blacksmitll, Corner King & Ontario Streets. AND Save Money. As we buy our goeds with fi! ty otiser druggists we are ln a position fo offer yen Patent Medicines a.t Toronto Prices, suoh, as tise following: Castorla....... reg, 35 for 25o Peruna....... ,.$-s for 85c Sarsaparilla.... 1sifor 75e Little Liver Pilla 2 boxes for 25a William'& Pink Pille 3 Il 44 $i Be w!se, Deal with us. The llandy Drug Store on the Corner. The Qualty fDruggists and Opticians. Our Graduate Otiean tenO eyeS correetly and makes no ch arge. PHONE 92a. NIGHT Cé&LLTS 92b. Il 4OD H~te ~orrirî, J"TE BOWMXAN LIMITED. _______________________WIIAT BUSINIESSES TRIS COMPANY'5 PROVN\CIAL CIIART-ER ALLows BOWMANVILLE'S NEW HOSTELRY GAINS HiGHi FAVOR Il TO CARRtY ON. FR-om COMMERCIAL MEN. The Charter granted to Bowmanville's new hotel company is a wondt rfal docu- !ment containiug the Great Seal of the ed Couch, Johnston &,Crydermnan Areshw rn.abeautiful lot of Dress Muslins, Silk and Cotton Muils,' Ginghams, Linen and Cotton Suitings, and Wash goods of al[ kiuads. ALSO Made-up wash Skirts, Suits and Prinoess Dresses ail new ap-to-date,perfe et fitting goods and the finest stock and best value in Lawn and Linen Blouses they have ever shown. ALL Ladies' Spring Coats selling off at greatly re- duced prices. . CWouch, gJoh nston &Crydernian GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CASH. LAWN MOWERS GUESTS 0F IIOTEL BOWMAN. These persons have registered at Hotel Bowman duriiw, the wee-k: W F Strong, Belleville A W Stephenson, Toronto Geo W James, Bowmuille Victor W Legge, Norm S9 B James, Chas W Painton, F Whatley, Oshawa W H Hewitt, Oshawa Alex Whyte, Moutreai F J Macdonnell, Serantona, Pa John L Bridge, London S C Wilsonr, Winnîpeg A Highfield, Toronto J Morrison, J C Bigham, a Tackaberry, J Root, Montreai R A Gorman, Toronto John Cooke, Orillia H W Livingston,Cour T E Craig, Toronto Il W Ewers, D Casey, Geo Ramsden, Mont reai G Harold Perry, Toronto G Lindsay Graham, Toronto S GRandall, S H Meyer, S J Bluker, Brockville Thos Pascoe, Hampton Mrs Pascoe, 4 Chas de La Plante, Orowno H J Sims, Berlin Mrs Sims, I R G Baird, Oshawa Mrs Baird, Oshawa John Stewart, Moutre--ai Hion R Beith, Bowmaunviiieý T Johuston Stewart, Toronto J M Leachman, Toronto Wmn Beattie, Toronto R J Maxwell, 41 W J Pearce, Detroit T Wickens, Toronto W A Wood, Ottawa, J Kerby, Toronto A Kerby, Toronto -R A Greene, Toronto M R Johnston, Montreal A E Herny, Toronto L N VanfHomne, Toronto Albert Young, -iCe>nsas City, Mo, J C Phillips, Toronto G W Brown, S A Thibaiideau,' Montreai" B, W Morrow, Port Hope ý J Eliiott, & W J Da'vidson, Oshaýw. E W Thwaites, J Hollandi, Port Hlope 'W J Faim, Berlin W T Mickham, Toronto W P Drysdale, W J Commea, C T Puilan, A Fogler, D H Mackey, H W Hubbs, D S Wright, Brockviiie W Donovan, 9 J H McMutry, -Bonrnuiilie J E Bennett, Toronto G Miller, Brantford G W Woodland, Torouto W H Nay, Montreai WMeePicein John MeClellan, Bowmanvillej W T Pearcy, KeudalJ John Loweïy, Kendai Geo Jones, Clarlie S E Salis, Toronto Rev Bl ugh Muuroe, Bowîmanvilie W A Ford, Toronto J DHay, B MacBride, A Whitling, Hl T Armstmong, Toronto J T Oldfield, N Nowell, Fred J Mitchell, Bowmauvllle Mrs Mitchell, Bowmanville J R Phillipa, San Jose, Cal Mrs Phillips, $ Edward Hastings, Hampton Chas Hastings, Hampton Thos À Reicl, Toronto Geo W McKim, Miiibrook Arthur B. G. Tesdair, Brantfordl Mr Clark, Toronto W H Swackhamnier, Toronto J N Rosenburg, Peterboro J D McCarthy, Toronto EDUCAIION NOTES. A..Ooombs, B. A., principal of Newmaarket Higli Sohoo!, has been appointed to the saine position at St. Catharines at a salary of $1,600. J. A. Freemnan, classical master of Lindsay Colegiate Institue, has resigned and wifl take a position on the staff of the Hamilton Coilegiate Institute. Principal Dale cf Newmarket P. S. hoids the record at the reent entrance examinations out o! 31 pupils who tried ail were su ccessf ni, 21 of Whom obtained tisai gratification cas scarcely fail te bc feit aitishe success o! tise Canadien marks- mon ai Bislcy. It is perisaps teoecaniy to indulge in tise full measure of rejeicing becaure tise gresi reniest-namelv, tisai for thse Kings Cup-is stili iii its initial staýges. Tisai is ilhe crewning glory, sud am~st sucb a multitude of crack sisets tise expectatien tisatiti wili fali te fthe lot on ee of as infinitesmal group cf twenty 1 must be very faint. But puttirig thai aside, fise feam bas aiready done mnarvel- leusly oieil Tise capture of tisa Mac- Kinnon Cup, tise Kelapore Cup, sud tise Jubile Cup iii feani matches, sud thse Prince of Wales prize, tise Wimbledon Cup, tise Daily Graphsic Csp, sud the Birminghsam Munitions Cup in individual matches stamps ibis ycar's teami as a parficulariy sfrong sud successfui oue. Tise result caunot faýil f0 prove a great encourage ment asud1ili5ncotive te rifle- s-eotinIg Inibis couufry. This is thse pricialweek sud a-ebete bave soe iiîntere t ng e rert iu next 1 ' ELL OTT "Bowm.auvil nover had a botter ho0tel tisan Hotel Bowman," remarked a citizen aftier inspocting this unew hostelry last weok, "and yon directors have got thse ight man to mun it, I Be6 this itisonls opinion right or wrong, comumercial travollers are de- lightod with Hotel Bowmian aud two of thema told us last week after stayiug at "Thse Bowman"' that thoy should say a good, word for thse bouse and tise 150w management among thoîr fellow travel- lors. One o! them told us aise thiat heretofore hoe pianned his trip always tea get ont of Bowmsnville at uight but after seeiug the flue, barge, airy, uowly furished bedrooms hieshould arrange his itinerarySo as to stay over night hom-e, We aaeiiforrmed by bu-iness mon in otiser hls thiat timmýýrcîiabtraveliors whohav clbe o thnihave said al kinds of good things albout Ts Bow- man." Commercial mon icýameL to this house last week beforo itý- was roady for guests but Mrs Moon sudà( Miss Moon served good moitis to thoni aud sent-2 thora away satisfled with tise table service. New tise office, diuing-room, MiR. D. ALLAN MOON, bedreoms, parlersaiand smoking rooiss are eady aîsd this week thoy are good- MNGR op HOTEi, BOWMÀ,ýN, and-ready fer ail traveilers aud table guesis. Wheu tise local option campaigu was started a Citizeus' Commlittee set te dining reot is one o! tise finest looking womk to provido agaiust auy exigency aud mosi attmnctiveiy furuished te ho tisat might arise regarding propwe isotel seonr auywhere ini tiis part o! tise Prov- accommodation and at a citizeus' mass inco in a towu of this size. Susal meeting a guamautee subsoiptios lisi tables prettily laid with cbeasi liîîoîs, was started and very iibemlly suhscmib- new cutlery aud sîlverware, and a pretty ed to by those present. This fund wss bouquet o! flowers ou cacis give tise deposited su tise Royal Bank in tise room. an invitiug appearauco. At ulgisi names o! five trustees -Sonato.-ReBoti, wheu fnlly illumiuated it looks excecd-, C. M. Cawker, F. H. Mason, J. B. iugly pretty, tise ligisi coming fromiI Mitchell aud M. A. James. Additions! small globes attacbed to tise ceiiing. subsoripiions were obtained, sevoral Miss Moon, daugister o! tise manager, is farmers centributing ,tîseir quota te tise presiding spirit over tise dining- express their appreval o! tise action, rooni sud sue appears to uuderstssd lher Local Option was camied lust Jsnuary duties oxcelieuîly. Hem fine presesîce by 42 votes over tise necessary three- and ladylike appeamauce command ad- fifiha, tise vote being 456 for and 233 miration and respect. Traveilers and' agaiust tise by-law. Thon as May drew citizens who have pstronized the dining near it was learued tisut one isotelman hall express- great satisfaction with wasý going to leave town when local meals amd service. Mrs Moon w-ho bas option-, came into force sud no satisfact- a goser-al ovorsigis gnves porsoual atten- ory gurne as givoni that tise other tien, te tise kitcheissud tise culinary h,ýp-tonhoe wudbe properly m 1idepartaimeut sudreport sýays lber reputa- sOeaio than tako any chances or ho3 tien as a cook is not surpassed ini any ai tise mercy o! people opposed to local bof ci in ibis part o! tise Province, Snch option, tise Citizeus' 0C'ommittee got istise cisaacter given hem by commer- busy iin au effort to get possession of one cial mes wbo have put up at their isotel of tise hoteis resulting iu tise pumoisase in Stirling. of tise Bennett House. Quickly as they Iu tis connection we publisis an ex- ~got legal possession they set to work toerc rmsbo ! 05pgsette get a Provincial Charter of incorpora- "Pioneer Life in tise Bay o! Quinte.' tion as a limited stock company wisich Rfrigt h onFml h te bieng tiseBonan Liithed," sketch says: "In every comraunity compaveg"eBwaniie, there are isotols tisai contiiute to after John Bowmnaîî, tise fonîsder of th is oy hyaemeigpae o h town. Thus ih is seeir that ne man pieoryleyarfe meegle forie kuows to what use bis name may ho peopesu oie apreer, rtons ofe appled ongaftr h pasesfro. te ilocal celebrities sud tise unwritton re- stage o! action. cord of current evenis. Every travehler -T-chie! prolmthat has-siuee-- th-rogis-tise -Bay of! Quinte--region lbas gaged tise attention- o! tise promoters hourd for many pasi yeaî-s o! the Moon was tise securiug o! a mliable sud Hotel at Madoc sud today tise Moon proper mari to bosse tise hotel sud rus House ai Stirling is no boss justly colo- it strictly as a tomperauce boeuse. Sncb bated. Lyràas Moon sud wî!o seitled a man after advemtising lu tise Torouto! in Madoc in 1851 sud estahlishod tise papers was not fouud. On ecommenda-! Mous Hotel whicis emained iu posses- tÉon o! some commercial iravellers cor-' sion o! tise fnmiy for, 46 yesrs and all espourleuce was bcd witb Mm. D. A.o! this time was eue o! tise besi kuowu Moon, proprietor o! Tise Moon Hause, hotel s in Hastings couuty. Stirling, tise result beiug tisat tise coin- mîttee decided toemiss tise oteb sud D. Allas Moos tiseir second son is at engage bim as Manager. A board o!f present propriotor o! tise Mos House, diectors was elected ai a gone-al meet-I Stirling, sud hns a reputation as abiotel- ing o! tise shaeholders consistiug o! tise Ikeeper second te noire in Estern fohowîug: President-Joisu McMnmimy, Ontario. Hoe bas had-tise besi o! train P. M;, Vice-Presidnt-M. A. James; iug sud experieuce in tise hotel business Secrotay-Tressrer-F. A. Haddy; !mom bis boyhood to tise preseuttfinie." Directors-C. Reisder, W, B. Pincis, F. Sampberoons are ample a nd no effort C. Vaustone. will ho spsrod to make Tise Bowman in Tise directors have spent between evemy particular satis!actory f0 commer- fhree sud four thousaud dollars in im- cial mou. proving tise bouse sud promises. Tise Laishvnt e froe.Te old fumniture was' coveredby chaîtel Lde ae.o esfrgteTs momigage in faver o! Mm John Durcis uicest parlor is set aside for thoni sud sud as ho aud tise diectors could set been dsiutily papomod aud !nrnisised by agmee on tise prico, it was sold hy suc- conifortable Mission fumiture. It also tien. New fumniture bas been bougisi coutains a piano. Os tise opposite side for tise entire building, oxcepting a few o! tise hall usssairs is a large, couîfort- pieces that wore good as uow. Tise ably furished oom for gentlemen witb mooms bave boon painted sud papered, a large table sud writiug nsaterial sud complote systeni o! elecîrio îsgitiug spleudidly ligbted. iustalled, now campdts sud ugs laid in Tise iotel stables sud slieds have becs parlors, bedrooms, halls, etc., sud a repsired7sud a trustworthy man eugag- thomougis dean-up has been gives tise od to look a! ter tise public. Tise charges premises. Tise odor o! tise former isotel for stable sud feed will ho tise omdinsmy bas quite disappeared sud tiselbouse rates. Sheds will bo free as usual. tisougisout is almosi as sweet, clean Tise rate per day is $1,50 wîtis 50o for sud tidy as a private resideuce, Tise sampie roonis. Province of Ontarjo and is -igned by jHOn J. M. Gibson, Lieutenant Goveru- e r, HOn. J. J. Foy, Attorney General, and W. J. Hauua, Provincial Secretary The frst paragrapli reads: Edward the Seventh by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom. of Great Britain and Imeland and of the British Dominions beyoud the seas, King, Defender of the Faitb, Emperor of India. To ail te wvhom these pi esents sball corne greet- îng: Next follows the citation of the pro. visional directors.-John McMurtry, Postmaster; John Hezekiahi Hans Jury, Druggist; Frank Henry Mason, Implement Agent; and Frederick Alex- ander Haddy and John James Aason, MNerchauts, ail, 1of the Town of Bowman- ville, ini the County of Durham and thse Province o! Ontario, and any others who have or may hereafter hecome sub- soribers to the memorandum of agree- ment of thse Company and their succes- sors respoctivoly, a Corporation for the purposes and obje4ts foiiowing, that la to say: (a) To purchase, erect or otherwîse acquire an hotel or hotEls, cottageg and othier uecessary buildings and works, and to use, couvert, adupt nd maintain the sanie to, and for the purposes of an hotel, hoteis and maus with their noces- sary adjunots. (b) To fit up and f0 furuisih thse same and to carry on thse business of bote! and inukeepers and livery stable keep- ors. (c) To carry on thse business of hotel, restaurant, refreshmeut room and lodg- ing bouse keepers, purchasers and vend- ors (and if necessary manufacturers) o! aerated, minerai and artificial waters, and other drinks, purveyors, caterers, coachs, cabs and carniage prepriotors, livery stable keepers, ice merchants. laundries, readiug. wrîting and news- paper roonis, tobacco and cigar mer- chants, and agents for railway and shipping companies aud carriers. ,(d) To carry on the business o! a steani and general liiundry, and te wash, dlean, porify, scour, bleacis, dry. wring, iron, color, dye, dinfeot, renTo- vate and prepatre for utse ail articles o! wearinig appaýrel', household, domeQtic and other linen and cotton and woolin goods and ciothing and fabrlcs of ail kinds, and to buy and seil, hire, manu- facture, repair, let or hire, alter, im- prove. treat and deai in ail apparatus, machines, materials, articles of ail kinds which are capable of beiug used for any snch purposes, (e) To carry ou thse business o! ware- housing and cold storage and ail the business necessary or împliedly inci- dentai thereto, and to, further carry on tise business o! general warehousing in, ail ifs several branches. (f) To issue certificates and warrants, negotialeor nhrie t esn warohousîng with the Comîpany, and te nînke advances or boans upon the seur- ity of snch goods or otherwise, and (g) To carry on or undertake any business undertaking, transaction or operation commonly carried on or undertaken by- warehousemen, The corperate name o! thse Coinpany to ho The Bowman, Limited. ' The share capital of thse Company te be THIItTY THousÂND DOLLARS, divided into 3,000 shares o! $10 eaoh, The head office o! the Company to be at the saîd Town of Bowmanville, Dated April 26, 1909, at our Goveru- menthouse, Toronto, and attested by John F, . 0.Jssher, Deputy Provincial Registrar. PERSOMAL NOTICE. Our 3lst year and the financiai year of James Publishiug House ends on J uiy 31st. The business being now carried on by thse firm of M. A. James & Sons it is speciaily desirabie for obvions rossons that ail accounts agaiust tise firm except time contmacts witis local userchants, sho -uld be rendered this montis and ail persons owing the firm on subscription, advertising or printing account are urgently requestcd td settie the sa me befome August lst. Prompt attention to thisiniatter will very greatly facilita te the wiuding up of the year's business. Lütte Soldiers lu your blood are the millions of cor- puscles thalt defend you against attacks Of disease. To make and keep these little sol- diershealthy and strong, is siînply te make and keep the blood of thse right quality and quantity. This is just what Hood's Sarsaparilla doffl-It helps the little soldiers iu CANADIANS AT BISLEY <Lieut, Frank H. Morris, 46th Durisani Regimieni sud meiner of Bowuîanvilie Rifle Association, bas se far ruade au excellent record et, Bisley Camp, Eng, sud bis namne bas isad several honorable mentions in tise despatches. Tise Can- adisu victories Up te this date have been: Teani Prizes lsi-VacKinnon Cup.' 2nd-Kalospere 0Cup* 3id-Jtibiiee Cap. Individual Fir Prizo 1sf -Prince o! Wales, N.R.A. Badge snd $500. Sergt. Blackburn, Winnipeg. 2nd-Wim-ibiedou Cup, Seîgt. Bayies. Toronto. 3rd-Daily Grapiei Cup, Sergt. W. A. Smith, Ottawa. 4tis-Birmîsgisam Munitions jiCup. i,,Sergt. Blackburn, Winîjfipeg. Ebdîitorîaiiy Tise Toronto Goessys ýLl4%

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