~ .,r R R. ~r.E. A.SRU O.Bo l YOU CORSE hi >Ihortbsnd or Bisnes will brirg ou t est:slt8 f taken et our old-eatabii'sh- art andi tboroughly reiable setiool. ~',trterinibeglus Jan, th Cata- loguie tres British American Busine ss Collegre Centrai Y M C. A BuiltIog, Toronto. 1909 Argyle Stearnsh ip Co. TIME TABLE Steamer Argyle Comitcncing Tuesday, May 25th Svery Tuedrhy andi Friday Boat leave8 'Newp4stie 8. ' i,' . ttua Fare 70c 13owmaý,v1Iia 7 0!) 700c 0-hawa 8.(1 ro Whltby 8 45 603O ChLidý e'ý under 12 yearm, liait fare. Arrîti, g la ToroituittJ5 a in Rettir -Ing, leavt-s Toronto, Yorige Stre, t wharf .00 P. m BHrnk Ticitete-Honir, contairdig 2-1 One Way Coup-no cet be obtalnied froni thc loci agent, ,)t lolltowtrg reeNewcestie anti itowina;i v ilte. $qCO; Oshewa and WbLîby. $U00. Thes,. titke.tn aie gond cubher way during the stasii) Fr, gh t hm, dled csreful*iy ard uirnmptty and At very low rates Atge! ta-AI Lake Neîweqssîe; ilC Petiîiiek Bowavl)e;~W Hery, Qehaga Ila!bor D 3 f3ro'.n, Oa ,wsTwü; Aibert W Jacks ýn F ' Iiclqon 12 Silicoe tireToronto, "reg At8yeeS, sCe'y. lt 11 I IT E10. IlaiI and Express Service BET WEEN Hai8tr . Y., - Pori Har]o -oo Str. North -King. Commeticfig >1 318t, Steamer wMl leat e Cobourg att 1 3J p. in and Port eu3pe at 2 30 p* r iotly except Suuda, fir Chariette, N Y. [Port cf R-ochester] Return inz 8ti-amer leaves Chari. t 0 ai 9£0-a mi. dail', except SUnday Ful information froru ail ag-ents E. Rfl orsey, Stott & Jiury, Gen. Manager, M. A. James Kingston Agents, Ontario, --Bowmanvil-le- PORT HOPE. Mes.: Chas. Wilmot, Beliex"ille, is .staying with Miss 'Murphy. Mrs. Currys and son are visiting lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. -Burnham, Dunbarton Hall. Miss Emily Wade, Moose Jaw, is visiting hor uncle, Mr. Wm. Bell- amy, near Rîce Lake. Miss Mary Trotter, oe of the meost popular public school teachers in Poý.rt Hope, has resigned. -Mrs. Grenfeli, England, mothe 'r of Dr. Grenfell, the "Unerowned kcing of Labrador" is guest of Ms Gre-enshields. Six {trunks faced the court on Tuesday, and were fined for their vigorotis work July 12. A featitro of the day, hoxtever, was the mark- ed absence of disorder and intoxi- cation. Mond'ay, St. Paul's had 1,600 for dnr,223 for supper, receipts 33;Y.M4.C.A. and St. Mark's Church. hiad 515 fo£ý dinnor, 211 for upont rosuit $184; Salvattion Army, had,( $145 of business. Mairriage took place in Medicine Hat. July l2-th, of Helen A., d-aughitcr of late V. A. Cole-man, of îtijs to-wn, to Mr. William C. Llewl1cyn Lloyd, eldest son of the late Captain William T. Lloyd, of Palaeberg. County Limerick, Ire- Renv. If. E. Abraham writes from EdinbrghScotland, July 4th, that the tnLlp o)ver Was pleasant. Father, _Nieptune provided an especially quiet Eea. He and Mrs. Abraham ailready feel good resuits of trip. Thiey--intond leaving-_ shartly --for London. Death of William H. McCallum, latc Towvnship Clcrk, remninds one_ of the early days. The family carne here forty-nine, years ago. His fat+hor' owned thse prcperty known ath,- Boyce Woollen and Lîîmber Mlsin Dale. Now not. a particle reminïs to indicate that a building hýaz o;nce bren on theý spot. Not a toeromains on the oid Mc- (ai«;îmi- homcstead either. IIowl qikydoth one generation succeedi A BIT PREVIOUS. "Anîd what is youir last name,i ceýl gil? et1drsq it OUT 0F DOORS. 'Castor Oil.-If a couple of table- spoontuis cf castor cil are put near tUe roots cf an asparagus bouse foýn it xxill causebte fore te senti up near items or brancmes seener. To Make FrsGroar-_To make plants anti f-cns groar aveu, w at-en with coldt tee instead of n'water. TOeIRaiso Beans.-To pnea'ont slsning-beans ,,frosu bas ieg those dank roîity spot,,hich. speil tîseir flaver anti retince thein nmarket value, do net Uce or tiistunb tbem xxhile cev- ýeret aith de-w. Wbatevr touches tise green> poti causes it te rust anal decay. Tlentier piepiaut.-Wlhen the pie- -lent isgoelttii19gtQpgh strip it of al largo leases, knock boati eut cf bar- rei, set it-os'er roots of plant anti te net doyen; this prea'ents soin frem maing plant tougb anti yen cen bave tbc saveet, tender staîks up te frost. For the Porcbl.-You mey have nuge anti cishions for your pondU for litIle ceet . Ask your grocen fer bbc Cîsinese maLitting which comes anounalthbchoests of te-a. Press it by wetting aniA oovering it avith a Ueaa'y eight. Cu,, tbc tesireti size anti bhus. Stencil corne gecal sizeti ceenitýtildesigu upc» thesu, us- ing a goot dye'iý, a întiprosesviith bot troui. Make cusieus and table dev- ers in samýe way. Uarnet Hangîng Basket.-Take a lange, carrot, cnt eut tUe conter. The emali ent yooî cot off. Ternit upeide ticavi, rn a string Ibreugli oach citie te bang it up by the avid- dow. Keep it fihledtiih avater anti un a littie avbile yen avili se-e it spront anti groar littho fine leaves, making a fine vine. Aavning Ilelp.-A gooti idea for tiiose have axa inge. is, te bave bave bel-es boreal tbrough tbc frame cf the ecreon Ibrough w hich the taxo cords ef the awnieg are tiancv. Thus the aavning may hc naiseti or loavencti îthoult opening the sereoit. BREAKFAST HELPS. Delicieus Breakfast DisU.-Take ta r on hree lamb orvyod kieys, eut in siali pieces, place te sait w aber foi- baîf an heur. Wasb anti prît in dlean naler te boil. As soon as it beils pour off avater, thon cep or grne a large enion fine anti b nonn b Iutter, atia a cup of houl- înig n aten put lhe kitincys in this --anti boil-gcxxtly- for half ais hostr.- Sait anal peppen te teste. Ton minutes befone corving adal a spoon- fui of -temato catsup anti a littie thickening. Do net houl kitineys bard anal fast as tUey xxiii hecome tisugh inste-ed cf tenter. Getting Breakfast.-Do net ho, tavo or thrcee ouis getting break- fast ea'eny mernîng. Brush bbc crumbs frosu the supper table, avash anti nelay tUe, needeti dishes, out the use-at, anal propane the vegetebles avish for bîakfast. Baketi pctatees are nice anti aili cocU in icîs then an heur, e-von in bte meîning.- Yen en bake gosus at the saine lime if you watcb your fine. If yen hUke bot cakes stir them uBp et nigbt anti put un a litIle yeast- Adal tUe sotie in the morning anti sec boar light anti tender your cakes are avith neither eggs non creýas. It avili cave many minutes in a aveek te put a haîf bushel cf potato-es in a tub cf avates' anti vash thesu avith a breosu on stick. Lot them'n rp in a basket fer avbile, thon remove te a box containing sticks te Ueep pote,- tees f nom tUe bottous anal you base a suppiy ready et, a minute's notice. Yen yull 'fut that it is planninig aheeti as ta li as quick ste-ps tUat brings meels on lime, as vieil as other tbings. NOVEL EGG DISHES. Te Cook Savise Eggs.-Take tare ounces cf butter, Lotir eggs, taxe tabiespoonfuis cf nich oream, anti some thine coef cheýeso. Spree.d the bottous of the baking pan avith the butter, cover this vibh tbbc cheese. Break the eggs on tUe obeese viitbeoît breaking the yolks. Seas'on wt sait and-pepper,--alsoe a littie reti pepper. Peur o-rer this tUe ereani, thon grate cheese exer the top, and bakle fo-r bon minutes. Garnisb axith paîsiey anti serve avitb fingers cf dnical toast. This rocipe is frosu Australie. Eggs a la Martin.-Eggs a la Mer- tin makle a fine lunoheon dues, easy cf accom plishusent. Poacli the de-I sineal niumber cf eggs (one toeach persen> un muffin rings, drain cane- f uily, ant ci eur over themn a str-ong cisiokeixor bee-f stock anal put on the ice te banten.', When jeliieti ne- more fnom lise rings, placing an egg on a roundi of cliceti boiletibam, cut tise size cf tUe muffin ring, arbicb bas been prcviously propareti on indiaiduai plates garnisheti hiberal- iy iibl aatencrees. Eggs a la Geldenrcd.-Boil eggs bard. Separate, yolks anal arites; chop axhites; pour over arbites s-t camusue Place iu serving tiish anti put tise yolks through petato ricer andl sprinkle ever avbites. icaîri sau e ict taretablespeens !)tr-sii tare tablespoons fleur Oui ~5 low17 ee ntione-haif sos-ttiol îsil. T i isa tainty- TeBadi Impure';)lood, offensive breath, heavy hecad, shortness of breath, bilions attacks, fitfiil sleep, loss of appetite, feverish conditions, ail corne from -,one cause-Constipation -. 7 The Good remedy these conditions be- cause thejy remove the causee ~TIié7start the bowels, work thse liver, sweeten thse breath, cleanse the blood, tone thse stomacis, clear thse head, lm-. prove the appetite and bring restful sleep. The oldest and best correct- ive medicine before the public is Beecham's Pis. Sold Everywherc. In lBoxes 25 cents. L-AUNDRY THOUCHITS. Sera iceable kîtchaen apron is made by taking white table oilcloth and cutting it aften a large front gore of a skint pattern, se as not t'I mnake any fullness; binal xith white tape ; this is usýed for those, that arc inclinedti t splasb the water wbile wasbing dishes or at the tub. Wasbing Lace Curtains.-Shak-e ont the dust, soak in cold atater, and bave ceady some suds, by boiling up some good cbipped soap and atit onough aater so as to cover cun- tains, adding a tablespoonful of borax; dip curtains up and down, until dlean ; do not rub cuntains, as ît will te ar tbem; rinse in several watdrs, and they avili be beautiful. To Save Hoîîsebold Linen.-On a windy day folti shooets anti table- clotbs and pin, te the lino by the corn-ers anti they avilI not whip out. KITCHEN TIME SAVERS. To Prevent Fat Sputtening.-The objectionable sputtering and fiying of the bot fat xx bn eggs, hominy, apples, and like tbings are droppedl mnto it to fry mpay be preventeti if a littie flour is sifted into the fat just before they are ndtted. Wh-en lToiin -g Mik.-If the pans in wbiclî milk, custar'ds, and salad dressings are te be boileti are final wipeti eut with a cloth greaseti xith lard tbey will netither. stick for scorcb. Lýemon or Orange Hint.-Wben makiîîg lemon or orangeade, pool the fruit anti run thnotagh a mieat chopper. Less trouble and more jîtice. POTATOES. Old Potatoos.-Old potatoes, peel- eti and loft lying in cold water for several heurs, thon w iped, rubbeti all eaer in melted butter, and bak- cd, are more meally anal delicieus than the bigh priceti new petatees at this tume of year. Rules for Cooking.-Pare potatees tim te save mineral matters. Boîl potatees slowly so they will net wear awaay. Bake potatees rapitily. Lot an olti potatees stand in colti xaater one heur beforo using. Nevcn lot a now potato stand in cold water before using. AFTER TIIE IIONEY. N'otific9 Natives of Africa Whcre Iloney Mlay be Fouad. Oneoro the most sagacious cf birds is certainly the bee cuckoo -or mnoroc, a littlo bird very like the sparrow. It is feunti in varions parts of Afnica where axilal becs aborînti, and, bouîg unable te belp itsolf te the bcniey -wbicb is its favorite foodi, ît rýesorts te buman aid. Having discovoetid a swarm of beces,- it flics --te- the nearest habita- tion and attracts by its cries cf ."Cheer. cheen. cheen," the. nItre- tien cf some cf the natives. It thon flies off in the direction cf the nest uttering its cry, and waiting for its folloavens te overtake it. Shoulti they bo tardy it returne te rneet tbem, anal stems as if trying te urge thom on te greater speeti, the natives anseoing it with a low whistle. 'Arrived at its destination it is silent, waiting patiently oný the bough of a neighboring troc while te human friends dig eut the neet, a gooti share of the honey andi the comb, centaining the-bee maggots, )oing left by theni for their feath- ereti guide. The natives nover injure the bird, and always prevent travellers nrom sbeoting it. i fb DIFFICULTY. "Everybotiy eught te marry for love."' "Tlat's al nigbt in Ibceory.," "Weil l?" The trouble is that mccl cf 'lus can'b ffrdit." ORO-NO. (From The Nc'ýws.> Miss Annie Topo visited ne- contly frioends inrt HriýCope.' Miss Kate Coivilleis 18visiting lber sister,1 Mrs. Ev ans, Yoixerton. Mns. W. H. Chapman bas re- turnod home from PItochestet', N.Y. Mr. R. MomentL, P.M., has ne- turned from o York and New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Ramer, Mark- hani,-are visiting Mr. A. A. Grains- by. Miss-es Edua -Hall, and Giadys Bradley, Noewcastle, are guests of Mrs McLeod's. Mi sses V il da C ow an and Mar y Armnstrong are visiting in Port Hope. Mis. Graham and f amily, Winni- peg, are visiting lien father, Mn. Joseph Campbell. Mrs. T-ollisoio, Toronto, bas hen guest of bier friond, Mrs. AIf. Cbap- nian_ Mr. John Morrel, Peunsylvania, is visiting bis cousin, Mr. Isaac Winter. Mr. and Mns. Bort. Andrus and son, Walter Kneh Bowmanî ille, visit;ed friends hbrrr, Mr. Ambenson GJerry and Miss Gîlli..s, Guelpb, visited bis pareýnts bore. Mr. andl Mrs. John Chester and daugbtýer, Toronto, are visiting bis aunt, Mrs. Mary Viciters. THE PHARAOUIS' PALACE-SI -a - ~ - - - - - - - - ýEXCAVATIONS CRIU O DURING TEWNEI Professer Fliatiers Petrie Finds Chain Armuor and Pottery 311 dcis. At the annual meeting recenti.y of the Britishi School of Archaeoî 1ogy in Egypt beld at University col- lege, London, England, an inter- esting accott was gîven by Pro- f essor- -Flindeis-Petrie --of--the ex-- cavations cannied on du ring the past wintor at Rieulphis and also Thebes. The great find cf the yearç was made at Memphisa. There the explora- tion of a large moîînd 6ÔO fet bigh, broughit to light the romains of the palace of igA ie eP±r ao~io3earfeniah. The building, 400 feet long by 200 feet wîde, wasý surounded by other buildings ýwhich sorved for enter fortifications. Between these andi the palace itself ib a space 30 fret1 wide in the mitdle of wbich is a dee p fosse which appears to bave been crossed by a draworidge. Travers- îng t..e palace froin South to nortb îs a broad v.way 1]6;foot wide. STONED LINFD HALL, Mns. Chas. Axade and children are On the east cf th1le palace woneA bclidaying in Tycone with lber par- stone-linet ihalls, se-yen of hich STOlPV OF PflER*NSae C'I , ciinthe nit ish mmd, ar c-ïntia_ e ents, Mr. anal Mre. C. Hooper. ill ref1iai1. On fearis the otive pwer forenon- d Mn. Burk Feston anal bride, To- ketil romai. Othira es rethe eus exertions. Genmany is, thora- e ront are visiting bis father, Mr. tainend wth he -repacesut ill fore, te blame for these giantproý- staningana ais ti grat curt100DESCRIBES STATE 0O' PORTS- panatiens whîch are aimeti at us Wlihfn etr etst quare, tho Stone columas cf mr teuul hnee.T, e Miss Katie McKa is spending bol-xxhi-b axeru over 40 foot bigb. On 31OUTU DOCKYARD. mr teuui hnee. T cidays xith bier parents at Under- thw ot sa tl agr orisovencomec them seerns almet u- 0 wood, Ont. furthor cuti wasbeti away by the thinkable, but the goal jeinkh Mns. Thos. Willis, Caruduif, beavy nains. The colmue cf tbis GemnSy oiganti approachable if vie work te-, eSask., is visiting honr mothenr, Mrs. court muîst have been over 50 foot ~ Psn as 31anîne wards it, se te stnengtben our s- d Jas. Miller, after 18ý years' absence. h igb. Among the debnis was founti Paintei' Obtaiîîed Admtîission poaxer te-at tc dostnoy us even by at 9 Mcc. Scott Wbalev, Gnafton, a large quauîity cf scaîe cf iren eywe. Pyrrbic victony woulti mean ener--y niece cf Mrs. '.1v>Limbent, dietl anti bronze, evitiently the romains Evowec us lees te the English. Until thenf -Suddcnly from paraliysis last week. cf chain-armer tbrown away by the The strange story of a Gorman we muet axait, xvonk, anti net ti- f Mn. Frank Long is home froin foieign.morcenaîxes cf the King, spy ab Portsmouth is publisheal in pair.e? Retilanals, Cal. Ho reports, Mn. anti still more important, a silven a Leipzig magazine calleal 'q-ian- sand Mrs. W. L. L0ng anti family, fittýigo aaqi aiga t e.1 AN OLD BELL. excellentr.adthr. FakSt ncentrepiece a bust cf the gotitess The spy, xvbo tescribes lîimself excllet hcalh.Rat ber, the face being axonketi in '"Nucleus," tioscnibes the state cf Mas Seven Ceaturies Bcncathu the Miss Manning, daugliter cf 11ev. golId anti the bain in bronze. the tiockyarti xeny accurately. Ho Scas. H. M. Manning, Wbitby, a collegle 'Ontsido the south wall cf th(, wa presenit at the inspection cf the associate cf Miss Mabel Limbert ils palace avere feunti a number cf Fleet by the Colonial. Premiers in A great Corean bell which for 74)(i guest at the Metbodist Pansonage blocks cf stono, apparently cut for May 1907, ant ieh was aIse presout years-bal beenl lying 20 fatlîcms h- anal favoreal the Epworth League building purposrs. On being put at the lalancb of the Dreadnougbt, lew the wavos off the' shore of Chi- avth an interesting solo.tct.rtespovite cpas anti las some commente upon that kuzen province, Japabs us Mn. E. P. Saundens, Fort Worth, cf a great gateway, tOfout bigb ship. been raiseti throngb the efforts cf Texas, a former Orono boy, visited anti 7 foot wide on either sitir, antiHo> met a Genman naval Staff a Japanese antiquanian anal new, bis birother, Mn. Sam Sauntiers at cana.et witlî scieris reprcsenting officer in mufti et a Portsmouth crusteal as àil s with the cea wasto Leskarti. Price was bore eigbhe npctio fa îg h otel 'much frequenteti by Englisb cf centunies, it stands on exhibitionD years ago, accempanieti by bis wf rec f tisgteayat te officers" (presnmably tîte Keppe' tanasi tShe dieti cf yelcw foyer in Olal fact that the foundatlionîs cf the Heati), anti there hoe poseti with bis According te tradition, wiîicilî is Mexico in 190l7. Ris son accompan- palace xxails go dcxxn it, an immense wif.e ns a marine painter on bis enly partially bonne ont by ancienfiýý iS M-i-e D.s-fr as-1 T-e frouto. of eptp end colon te tie hope that iUemt Yon ac-uted spctr ies ag,,Cere-a o- M rnrn to . D qCnamby, frmerscfon Ibis site mey hoe founti the suc- ADMISSION EVERYWHE11E. cidi sevenl centne g ta Ononae omTo onopna riersecessive palaces cf the kings cf the "In taxe andti hree iax tndrýea' oîalsna fÉngtke'f, PanradeDoin'ion Dy,li axas pnizo de- anlier dynasties, al the funciteuns contiectien vutb eaercf te ekecan n1u lixery herse "Pto." 74hanses POTTERY MODELS. thi great review, anti by the slipsven estc h suhrnil w-ere in the differ:ent classes in the A funther exploration- cf the cf the Dreadinoughts axe mieuc - diS fJKiuhi.. H-o ciderealts ea parade. ~~~~Temple of Ptah led te the fingjoyeti the iirony cf the situation, that 1bl e ne1"8ayanlepetu - 4-__ - cf more cf those pottery usotels cf aewr oduttirudb o-itiijose days, te cast a bell. beads avhioh axere cf stîch interest stable who bati ne idea wboni ho Tbe dimensions were o te h eseî, NEWASTE. as yer. anauswit th cokeaxe giding. heîght, 1 te 6 sîsaku; in dianioter, comb bat descnibeti by Hecetiotus, "We foundth te boatman anti 8 je 8 sbakut 9 sun; anal a circum- Mn.Elvn ialileonlia g n grees, Sardinians with the Span- dockyard workmnir approachable fotence cf 2 je 8 ehaku 7 Sun. The Mr.Elvn iddeto bs gneish type cf face andti orbaneti anti quite bainde.: e people. It w'Its bell aras successfully cast anal aas Mn. Asa, Prk n obar, ufaloN Afghans aith the thin bridge of cnly the officiai-iavbo wone dis- icadeti-on a nîammoth junk at the is Asaing tcM.had eual, NY.,the uose anti aide nostrils of their truetful; boit the 'mannie-painLîtr,' Corean texan cf Masaino. The ijunk On ctain bMreohDou12ls'.u dedrn descendeurs. witb bis sketch-bcok under lus anal a fooet of conveys saileal fer the turte ncenty xvilefisbug.Durnîg tîte eariien part, of the nrm, axas accondu t admission exeny oast of Chikuzen in Japan, axhen Mn. Aîf. enLakie lodis a cargoseason befere the aeatîter matie ohere, even in places avbere no al of the royal augoîrs bati agreec Mr. lf. ake nloaled caro x'oîk at Memphis possible exten- othser strangers w cie adinitteti." tîpon an auspicieus day. The a- Mn. B-uns', orS rKt He, antie. ciao excavations teck place in andTi heospies xxeie prosent both at guis xveie not up in their business, anlMrs. Ruon ot Adap, Ban- r arounti Thebes. lu one cf tUe dosent the attack cf Mhale Islandt andtihte foc about Isaîf a exile off the Jap- vile aaina Mrs. oe t . anock' - valîcys an untochoti burial (if the torpedoing cf the Dreadinought anese baxen the gift of the Corearsý Mn.ill, haries anti MissT. entie s.XVII. dynasty w-as founti. Placed wviicli marketithe sisit cf the Col- King plungeal mbte eea. J r hre n isGri aroun thelî coffin axere stools, rces onial Premiers. No ationspt vias msade rither bf:, Britton, Toronto, arceixolidaying at kets, a chair avitit a strnîg seat anti "The attack o-i the great battie- tho ernissaries cof the King or the,ý Mn. Johnx Douglas.' a number cf rases xxîtb th, silîg hip, wbich -avas tîxe imost important reteitiers cf the Prince cf Hiet t i ien loM , gh ayrle senîe sv a s - nets inc ia'cb they nee cai-ied for ls, 'ae aiatchual fom a rowing fisli fr the bell. Le t y a it va 1 t rnati tM r.oha les. ri's is stili intact. In te coffin aeie golti boat . . . lying idon beinti that Ya mnoto K k t r , a m c c Meun eTomarontaue s o abangles, eanî-îîigs, a necklace anti Neiscu's olti nocen fagship Vica' calth ocf the province anal devo vacaT o onia n eia, ar r o a a giîde evitenty a copy in golti f try-" d t t e coh iu , v a stintn e n s e ma i nwe. ie N ubien leather anti seed xok. A s f tie Dread ugits ' occ î" objects, began e o i'bbo)tt Mel s er s ilinitha n Roe nt. C em Iis is n t ite tom b f a royal per- las m any stairling things te Say- a n ient bell. Ibr.,ug tue , f ,iche-_ esars. n h aag n o osnage Professer Petrie wiili ho al- CALL DREADNOffUGHT FAILL Ë'sc s sceda nioaigi f loaetiisytheegetiaiauitoitisv'slmotlsei.oonseTuDee-i el- long effort anal dix orsraisei it lowe bytheEgypianautorites 'I'e mcli-isesset Drad-t'othesurface. day, brothers of John anti Jonathan te bîing its contents te i'.nLanst. eotîgbt À a failte," hoe says, 'mis- Tebl isbe laelc l C lemence. bgL-ýlfo o oSen h ella encendo t Mns. W. *i. Mallory cf Bowman - ----- eoc-ific o esoe. orreding mxass of barnacles andl ville, bas taken possession cf Dr. FLOWVER SALAD FOR EP"ICU1RES This slîip is net north the money (s Iut't O cstili xxhole. ît aili ho - tlisas cost te otîulliIer- armer pieteýs taken te Kyoet iere te o bcheg Farncomhe's olal betel building, aI oehrwr uridI n ae the lake, for the summen mont ss. Fd N oety alsOelessîx- put in. Tley xxaîi 1teth sîsoax'temle JonU Ugloav brought home aibh ltdreti biais 'cgo. îoafe sycoiibilti ctushiow bim fcom Pont Hope a hantiseme The primnose saInts, cou-slip 'l'ise esiilt ils that the slsip is con- COSTLIEST WARD11OBE. thonooîgh-breti buif collie Ncrweg- custards ai other cimilar fierailjtiîulyi dcyidbad,-i1 ian ptîp. delicacies that are noar beîng sorv- nsust bc dookei fr-eqtiently. lu t In setheccsthewaîPobe.injtU Mn. F. J. Lancaster lias neturnet d e t certain fashionabie restaur- engine-coosu ýantid tklillste wollbsg1ote oe t 1 Ileote conîpeýs îi te avei- dIfîfer- mains for a mocre prolonrgeti visit amengst those arbo cen affoidti t anti fans. Adelighitfu ot cungstei- tut garments eachs daî c f tUe îcar et bier fatber's, Mr. Thcusas Deug- pay tUe prices csargoti for thent,1 who bcd be-en le ngagedti n th(, biid anal moîtrfeheiM. arPe'ametr4lm labids fair tb heceme the gastrciic ing Jibronofti c ev of1"" xxliiîh rpare etoa. thrPe'e listtsik Mn. Seltien, representing lUe faal cf tUe season, aroil have ceeneIncit. SUe wnul aie aî s bein r-e.- j whllcais ear cf tI slies ofk Massey people, axas in tUe valliage stituteti ne noveity te out fore- pair, sir.' Tilef days latti- the G ue l ii rboieedsipeso ,xprsse hislef wel fthes o a handed E vlvet ai-o gorgetis te beiselt. St[Il recently, aa xrselbmcfvelftesc ntc ans i eciel Staff ini Berlitn kirewtitis,budt m oret i 1 ai-e bis glea-es, msade of pleaseal aith the progrees tUe con- back. lit was oel' ii 01 mnthe later thsît ' ieue] ili-doo vith fine tractons axene making avý,itb the In those tiaîs foavers w er egu- tisle confirmation cf itriespite the a cil, Metisodist church. .laoly useti as a foodi. Indeed,eoîî- Secrecy of the' Admtr'aittvappocîctl i l lijîec i>ibod f tfy sîepis lkept, Mn. Alex. MoLeoa l is ncpnosýenting imodernaverti 'salet"i' s dot-us etin the London newspaîseis, aith fuliliosahc i a~ xîîe a' Durham Lotige- A. F. & A.M., et dire-ctly from the oldti'muse 'sal-et," details."mnsc"'rîacord Tesi' Grand Letige, etLodn J. K. arbich axas a mixturecf sviolets, LuINES NAV AL. OFFICERS. Ipcscec ie ectvJthelo Allen, Esq., P.M., D)uo-hem iiLotige, coavîlips, mansh-malIens, cldeî-- xiii ise attend. tops anal broom buts, saltoti, antid Ntlu, sgoiosog eLea u îeln Aelt 'ap 170 tickets avero soiti at lUe depot catoîx colti aith a sert cf top tiresîsatseiuti îtihncc fies ilsgs'ltdll lassfos o boreýc for Pont Hope on tIe!il,(,oricus ing of sour ccam. I emasnsalui te i ntuof TvoîLItU, anti a large number -ytcck Primrose pudtiding nec enoisor aie nîcue quiet anti I I train et Neartonville te attnl U elca(,ant eie n ihien !tcoutxit îpasse orange celebration et Port LHope. xiii Le founiin the cooko 's!o cksi Luat- ý-'t OMEAG In Miss BeTlie Riokard aith .a lady iuseti by our giueudmnotil(i.ns, antil](,\ se i- tcd eîtcaeet1u fI .ottipfe eyet fnienal who bave Leensenigva- boilcal toses as a seeak ectoulx tstIlc-nski'ic a itwoaliL U ueis ' cation aetlhon fatlser's, -Mn. Goo. P. nitit the gri 1d an isenpccttstthaLp slwlch,,a(Ocll ct.,se'Ttuta cu opniiag~ Riokard, returneti tetie ity lait cd. fts iloax rc.unth mone' week.-Ncax's. Su.ntRievoens a (aen Es i cwiboeI sed~tlictttdcio eI___________________ ___in Rcisa e tti xîyde1 Te f) voucs us~l rg t;u Laiîga COfi~ni acur. inticeti, eteet reci- he t l- i, at i ir ftrdjT ii ABOUT MN.patetie nosc bmaebltt4-ic ioutlxtssiiobrdnasporinpla Many a meci otîia euoefoutiidatei î tct e-ot i-tiai vskn p tmniltsalcsads'uu fren s-n iiX i l foet cniln-aly !bas. -th lit ts nsîti ot5î igb.ado peîAitics ax ha-,e crýu-ted ttx O , hasc' O nt en ~ï 1xeeseeamiindicreonaarathtà cause of more sorrow andii eufing tbau ail other d!ceeses combined UWe see ttOc ,fctima of lb! vctoushabit. on averv band-' the saIlow, pimoied face, dark circleti cyes. stooolng, form. stunted 'leveiopment, Oatut melan "itor' cunte and i tub bearlng pro dima to ail thec world bis foliy and tend to bîlit bis existence. Our' treatmellt I?sitiva. IV cures all wealr men> by overcoming and removIng the effects of former tndiserctioris ..9and excesses. It stops aU dralns and quickiir restores the victira to what nature lntended- a% lleaithy and happy man> with pbyslcSl, men> tf,ailenrve power complete. F~ oi over 20years Doer$. K . h ave -Peaed itiltheresteetstiuceose ail P1ciaeases of nnand womn. koworry andi a menace t o ur bealth consuit Sold estabIlshed physicians who do niot hava to Imn nyou. S Weguaranteeto cure NERVOIJS DEBILITY, )INEY AND BLADDER DISEASES Consulta. * 'nFe.If unabIe to eaU, write o a Loctedlu u, wnOffce uilin , question Biank for IHome ýTreatme-nbl. Cor Michgan Ave. and Oriwold S1,;D oî5Mi