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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1909, p. 4

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_______________ tOWMNVLL, JL!22,199. Local and Personai. CIVIC IIOLIDAY PRESENTINIG BOIH SIDES à --Lightning Fhattered the rldgeboard a Local O)ption is getting intcresting in on Mr. Thos. Tod's store Frldav sendlug s obe submnitted nex2 January. To No otber damnage bas been discovered. E X U U( 15 ifeumuni i the blic of its workýingî sm avicat'ion on Lake Ontario is belng of thZnewr ocal option towns The Tor- oerousiy interfored with owitig to heavy e! nto~es bs sntont two staff report- wInds On Sunday the steamer Arun. er to iit thesdry towls. One is fav- dell, for Olcott Beach, near Buffao, hadPeeror forable t local option ond the r to put back when à%fI~4i We are showing a very Select range of Suma aga inst the measnre, and their letters are 0:r. The North Ring, lar Cob- i sie bysid in he Nws.ourg and Port Hope, Ontario, aiso had a4 fiImethsoepaiuartm w ihisuetone thIis onvstcd.ita ratumu, and the Aiexandrla's Mont. ethsso e atcl dry but not a local option town. The real tphdt eaadnd ai flrsýt letters appeared in Satnîday's issue TheUollingwood Bullet-u ceiebrated BurleighFal Summer season is getting shorter we have sho and make very interestîng reading. 0f Its 39hb birthday Juiy I5th and bas course, as mnight be expected, the one in thorefore entered upon îts fortieth eSr, A xuso ilb uudrteodrt aero o u hsim ns favor of local option contains the best of During the past twentv-three 3 ears it auspices of Bowmanville Lawn Bowling TOU Sthe ý'i! leves-itte -dubt-f- bas bean controiied by the present pro- Club on Cîvic Holiday. FA M T O T ieagmn-nlae ites.outWofprietorp,-essrs W-. -Williems-& -Son- niadlokwehryubyo L!,u:eso Xitcýrnerncp i The paner bas euiarged as the business MO Cre adDokA'ehr ou u are eagerly loýki ig fo, the Bowmnanville of tha town ha s Inereised unti It is nowN ion for reiiabiiity with evcry- the two reporters wevre here for saine Ontario. thing it selis. The mania for days wvithou treveaîing thh; îdentiîy to The Durhaam Rubber Compan am- AUiJ "L S ?l 2'nd M s e '5 itSp ca I n' cheapnss ha encorqged anyone., No doubt îhcey a and heard plo3ees wlth nmumber of friends u-M s e ' 'zr pai l1ln5 cbeapess ias ecour ged enough tn write good stories for their beriug about four hundred, et jayed bct fPtroo aeil n scime manufacturers toe heap. ,journal. _____their annusi excursioa to H mita urligh ofails b spc aia ldtrand o-Mse'dessîrsi wesa-Ngi nthi prdtsan weand Toronto on Friday The weather îows. iss rs krsi wesa-Ngie dîstlnctly avoid goods that we THE NEWV HOTEL was peifect and the sail on the lake know 10be infrior, rom Terouto to H-amilton end retura STATION TIldE RATE sorted colors and patterns also some szsI4.t If tavelin mbearesinere n teirwas most dellgbtla1, Whou the party Feterboro Lakefieid A pp y ~ ia f ct 0Ifrm ex r es ins , aprci a t ýin oac m i rt eic e h i3 t c e e t nfr W ht by Jet 6 0 a m $1 $ 10 p la in M e lto n clo th in n a v y b lu e g o o d b z s 1 î t rachdth ct te wretke fra sasjet 615 100 110 street car fridetroundmthepretsiand efter.iDariitgton 6of et c0mio30 and garden t10018 and epend abie "home froii hom e, hepromoters strcarln dame rounte andthrugnteBomanviten 630 1 00 110 styles well made. Reg. values_ up to good full size your money where yonu anu f f1otel Bowinan have great reason for klndness of the Stanley Mlis Co. of that Newcastle 6 â 1 Co 110$3O get it again îf anything is ogauaofo eeycmeca s citv. The band accompanfed the ex Port Hope 7 so ûp80ie 5 wrn.Tereal excellence with whomn we have taiked, who lias been cursionista and gave a fine proR'ram of Cobourg (Local) e 47 85 i1 0 wrong. Tre uest of this public hostelry, has been mui ne ietonc rf .Mr raîton 614 1 00 i10511 ofwl ehv ~fe oud in praise of its equipment and scr- Tison. This annuai outing is becoming Brigbton B15 louse PèatJLter à- shows ai a glance the minute vice. If those who use it niost are satis- very popular e-ery ' ear and the Mati. CHILDREN OVER FIVE AND UNDER yoen make comparisofls. fied, who ciscshould complain? Certain agers ùf the Company were certainly' TWItLVE YEARS HALF FARE il it is that tiavellers have patronized it very klud and thoughtful ln lookine Tickets ta Peterboro front Whtbyt m riee lue ptenMens sti GoId Medal Binder Twine very generously since it opened. alter the eDmort and eei ment of ther Grafton inclusive, good for one day Emriee losjatrs 1Oje a Pound. I is a new expeticace for the business emplovoes. only. Tickets front Coîborne and made of fine quality lawn,. with mat very neat pa men of the town to be s0 entbttsiastic Arehie Tait wants ait your butter Brighton and ail tickets ta Lakefieldfrnad over hote-kepin -they volnt MiyR eà ogsand will pay the highest price good ta retiu'n tlie following day, embroidered srn -n traps, enough welm-, i ein niany cases, subscribed to the guaman- I aho rd.Specilïa-In leaves L-akeffeid6p~ material -in- eacëh pattern to make a tee fuand, and aow tbey are proud, justi- - __________ and Peterboro 8.30 p im to connect with Phne66fiby oto, ose wata penid CIIHIOLIDAY AUG 2. main line train east, full blouse. Rieg. $1 15 Sp'ecial 58ec aus pt hotel- bas been evolved ont of the oldest, ___________________________________ __________________________largest and înost convenient hostelry la Bv proclamation of the Yavor Mondav have been made ta enable those who Bowimanville. "Will it pay ?" is the August 2 las beau proclaienied Chyle desire ta enjoy a delightful sail through question on many lips. Why shonld it fiolidav and all places of business wiIl the unrivalled scenery of Stoney Lake 1 not pay? No other towa in Canada of be losed as by order of resointion cf on steamers of Stoney Lake Navigationaw its size bas so few botels, hence one that Counchl. Co., calling at Young's Point, Juniper is s0 popular as Hotel Bowmiaa bas Island, Mt Julian and Burleigil Falls. already proved itself to ho, should pay EXCUESIOhYS TO ROCHESTER, BOAT TICKETS :-Adults 40c andWo esLngLseG veint ,b]kad handsome divideads after it is completed Cildren 20c. o e'Lng iseGO sintebac ad and in fual swing Fully 75 per cent of M A James, Steaamship Ticket Airent, Ail excursionists will have an oppor- Perrins make, silk finish. ....... ..... leadîng mercbants bave taken stock la it will sell vou a ticket ta Charlotte, N Y, tnnity ta inspect the wonderful Lift -and are gîving it their support. Several Port cf Rochester, froin Port Hope or Lock at Peterboro, the largest in the ieading farmers in West Durliani are Cobourg, and raturai, good Friday or world, -.. subscribiug for one to ten shares of $10 Saturday ta Mondav inclusive, fur only A Bowling Tournament wiil take B isC id e each. The ato stockholders, the more $2 95, by Str, North King and Caspiau lc IPtroo per sonal interest, ofcourse. A numberunatil further notice. The rega ansingle paea eebr.C lsC id e of ladies bave also sbown their accord fat e oe way ls $2 25. These week-end witb the enteiprise by takzing shares. It trips should be very populan. AUOTION SALES Summer wash Beits very fine A big cie reqire fuly 2,O0 oreto eetth quality with iieavy embroidered de- hats wth wiî present obligations anti fully eluip the HIGH SCHOOL NOTESWEESAUL -M.Roriinsadw tep rib kes straw and ph ~9jbuilding througb ont as it sbould be and rDNSAJL 8MsRoetig adw tep rlbc e. as the directors intend that it shahl be. Cniae h asdtercn Young wilh aller for sale by aucîlon h25 Stock bookis are still open, and any pler- abe adncCtrSreBw each 5 son feeling kindly disposed to the Ion- Entrarce examinations at Bowmanvilie manville, ail ot lier furnture end taeolnrnntes her ymary R may get their certifiscates frein Principal household ef tects. Sale at 1 p i,________________________ tur cai anies thirsymaty i aElîhott. Those who wrote at other See bis for panticulars. L. A. W. This Is the seasan of the year practical way by taking a few ahares. ceteswuecietirbvmlT ,autoe.N w Dr s Go dN w whenyenneedlîgt fotwer. -~-The naines of the studonts obtaining Nalaher is se coinfotable or C. P. A. PRESIDENT DEAD. the hgetmrsI h ujcso h e r s o d bi s becan se popular as Tan or bgeimrsI l ujeso l Oxblood sbees ins lot weatber, N---ar Entrance Examinations ia tle digtrict We have Thte keep your feet cool, dry Weaegrieved to announce the sudden connected witb Rowmeinville High BOWMAN'VILLE-ON-THIE-LAKE ie hpedspaddesod fnw si and comfortab'e on the lbottesi sum- deatb of Editor L. S. Channeli of the Sebool are iea below: New quSîtes ed lidd size che c a r ey sr mer day, Sherbrooke Daily Record, at bis suamer Writing-Vera Pennington and EUs WEsT EhîsE double width, prieck 5e y. ts rie Hot weather is net sa unhearable esidence, Noth Hatley, Que., on Sait- Fair, equtl; when Sour feet are kopt cool, uday evening. He attended to business Spelng-Muriel Calver;dobew th res2 an 50 y.iisp cs7 More fot trouble3 are expert- the day previons, apparent ly in bis usual Artmetic-Louis Philp and Claude Severai nice pike have beeu caught enced in aummer titan at any other healtb Deceased was born at Stanstead, Ivseralm~-aCl; during tle week. season. - u. and was eaae atth elyn GamrMyCo; Miss Leta Maynard, Toronto, was And theducated ts areesleyalyGeorrapv-J aies Abernetby and homne for the week.-end. duedtathe sestroulsearge ol u c He eîîbered journalisni as soon Orville n derson, equal; VD r eS S 1 u s 1inV d ue t £ e oes worn Pinas be'left college and lbas conitiuued ia Compostion-Emnest Bottrell; IltHughes and family spent Sunday oui woln'c etr ouble wltb pain- tat profession ever since. lie was ef a Litarature-Hazel Mercer. ln their cottage ait th beach. elgn, Invictus, Queen Quality or quiet, etirîng disposition but was bighly________ Sid Morrls and O Wilcox, Toronto, IFn~ m riee rs uhn nch Victoria sîces, respected by the new spaper frabernity vsted at "Floradora Cottage" Snnday. Jac mrîee desm sisi plain cl The shoes are made concave, to tbrougbout Ontaî-io and Quebec. Be MINISTERS AND CHURCHES, Mm P. and Miss Mara, Thos Brttraîl,an efctvslcooe ptt sfie her ak conforta tate eshape of your beit, su was a regular attendant of al meetings andfefeatdveaelfix wero guesrns, aI "Rosalieak neyer blister or chafe aud they iccv- Of tbe Canadian Press Association and Mis. (Dr.) William A. White 0f New Cottage" Sunday. or sag or bulge at the sidesý took a iveîy inberesb iibbc proceedings. Yorl will sing in the Methodist cdurcI Samn. Oke, wife and fatili spent evening Wear. Regular value 35c .... .... Our styles and prices wl please Last Marcb at the annual meeting lie rext Sunday morning. Sunday wih ibmî son Walter ai the yen ~~~~~~~~was elected President-the bighest posi- By r okî iib ncag etedCtae tion in bbe gift cf bis brethien. Bis cf île Mtropolitan pulpit, Tomante, MISS Olive Osborne Is epending a few 5 ~ Udeath wili ho keenly feit througboubthel during July and Angust. days ai "Moonahine Cottage" guesi c .79 realîn of newspapcrdoun in theDoliinion, S le EotPa is durciading tas Ms Aiotnqegeadbrh urenmMMi t y&C and deepest sympatby will he exton ded Mm. ECv Mloti ~ciîn sMisVoe i'slIh Parlor Sboe Store, Bowmanville to Lis widow and family in the sudden absence of Miss Tamblyn, Hirmio1, and with ber famlly IsBO AJV ANLL and severe bercavem ont which bias corne Msàd rwn sitdi l settled lu their bouse-boat, DU %ý ' ,_1 tewstbe. Mms Candoîl is knwn c'to ""aY -dethodist choir Sundar asening and Cecil Ocborne. wife and daughterare __________________________ ewsape nin ad teirwi'csbavagsang Pa solo 'Eîemnaî Rest" very nicely, spending a few days at 'The Bun 3eîned in several outirces et the Press g_ By)G~bt fliae fii galow," guests of Clint Luitney. ____________________________ Asocatin, _________entiy ai the organ in ihe Meibodist A new boat cf the Dinzly type came ~~UilRJ1i -[fi ~ -urch Suaday-tu the -bee-c-Ms nen h fryeEdynight,î,or - B - ~1 LOSS --Cawker, organiet, Mr Geo Grant, le having sold his cîber -OTT WA-Oriliaantmoble wuer hae aree reovaed ncl ihlbe e-oene nei Crl a;nad ntuned a Tnono Cud, oînion& Cydemanlav '1 Brooklint Metbodisi churcb bas beau boat te B Dumas. nettous th rad onWene days.wben Bev, J. J. Redditt, Monday witb «co. Grant in lis auto bought a lot of muslitu blouses ai a greatd This is donce so that farmers wîo lv Sept. i th to I 8th herseslt e haviîdtoIe e a-Tomontte, wlil preach. Grand teeamiwt lna. îi adM d. Calder, bargain and tbey are seiing tem oûff ____________________ chines maybeable te o t îo'n on concert on Monday. wbo spent the' week-end witih lis famlly ai-le,1 p-àe aOE DLLR ccI that day withi the kuewiedge that there Bey Henry Montgomery, MA,,tle ai "Sunset." They are easily worth frein. Si 25 ta Bigger and nBtter than Ever. is at least less lîkelilood of meeting newhy.appointed rodeor cf St Mamk's, Rolly Sinclair and threa cther soung 815), euî auâowcbsoeek. hm u C P,.Sta e New Firepreof Grand Stand trouble than ou other days cf île iveek, Port Hope, will bc indncted Sunday by men came dewn frein Oshawa Saiur day ___________hs weÉ seating 12,000 people. Bowmanville auto owners do not fhnd Rey. Oswald igby. LL.D., principal night in tîsin canees and siepi under Frein Mentreal Fno suob limitation nccessary for tle herses of Trlniiy College Sebool, Port Hope, ib en îlte sand. Thc ain et nîght ~ ISFRlEaiQee Liverpool Magifeet igt pe au- in this locality are beccming accusiomed ______dld not make ivery pleasani for 11cm. Juiy 24 Lake Erie July 7 lar'Sege f Sbasopo - e ticwhi wagns cmak l elWIB RSYEYThc 11gb w;.A -1nday.made .tdffi Jas Jeffe..R, Q-nar mknga Fnnl 0 mress of freiard ,ly16 -- tus îwu. Ttis -cpcited tlat ileir de- Mr W. T, Pearce, B. A , of Kendal' OAvS, white if .......... 0 00 iIVORCE. r&MPiai.........Atig 7.........Spt. 4 Carwrgh twnhipfames rethebestrostck ecnty laed n ononan Oks il, eprtJl nTOewoLONDON...... 00ie 7 ( LNDO va vHare - m utrle lu Durhamn conunty ta tle market neted $3,600, 00ad this money beingdue in tIai mission field. He BueawHIMAm11.............000 'l O 0 -NOý TICE IS IBEREBY GIVEN blet ieillian-------------...... Sept. Il metier cf Standing Fielti Crop Cempe- is te go itottc Niagara te Ottawa ne-w wss opeful thai tle field mîgît Soon PEAs, Bîsekepa, P busl., O O0 0O -- George Robert Bmttonhaw of the town CeiIln........Aug*14*,.-,.Sep.-2 tithan. '"'Under auspices ef Cartwright lina ilat is tu tap Bowmanville aud al l e able ta laya a permanent minister. il Canadian Beauties 0 90 t'i (0 o f Bowmaîîvîlleien thecoCuuty Of Durbam inri nh .......Ag 4... .Sp.2 Agricutural Societj ilese fat mere lave northehome towns along Lake Ontario. op5m e il) 0V 86o thee Provinçoe of Ontario, sandt cutter, wiii appiy Rates 01 Passages _________________to thec Parliamerit of Canada at the riexi session ettered île 'competitoietn cals thie Ib is saidthte Canadian Nortbema will Bluet O0 0G il O7-5 thereof for a Bil of Divorce from hlk wife codnt Semr lieason; 1B, J Parr, Isaac Wlitfie'd, jas soon ho busy on Ibis hune, lu tle face TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS CLovua Suan .......... 4 50 Il 5 50 Rosna Maude Rorn Battonslcaw otihe clty cf is. Çlase.....e67 50 e-..$77.501..... $87.50 andi up. blalcolm, H-enry Mouutjoy, Fred W of ail these lopef ul indications the oit TimoTuy SitEn......... 2 26Il 2 75 Toronto in the Courty of Yorkirisaiti Province2xcd ..*. 80.... $4500 .... .47.50 andi ?50.00 o n the grouri4 of admktery anid desertiori. .'rd '.e7.50 . 2.75 Tai 1r, Abraham Beacock, David eliable Grand Truuk continues te mun BtlrrEiR, best table, V lb.û0 O0OU 0 .1O8 Datetilat Bowmariville afoesald July Sth, 1909, For parilculars of sailiugeanad rates ask Malcolmn, Richard :uzu~gitt, John James on regular sehietule lime. Intacdthîe Ti prw e sn oCaainEGGS, P doz......... -. 0 0 O 20 D B SISIPSON-, M. A. James, Parr. Wi WiiEoa, Melville Trewiz5 service was nover hetter than it las new subserihers te Jan. 1, 1910, for onhy POTATOUS, fP bush **.....O0 00 i1(CO of Bowman2vilie aforesald- soieiter fer the ilobI Pbilp. JA9. PARR, Secretamy. been for a ycam or se, 25 cents, Send lbt to yoar frieuds. BAI' * ton ...Z.6, .. 5o..8 0 9 001 applcaut,. i8 14W FAllan Line Agent, Bewmanvhile Ll S( mer G0od,E rest you.1 ortened son or- flot, 05hirt ýe shirts nr 16 fast colorî es. Special vý bylish suvm atterns with wilI- 4lauim $2e on sale 1white extri -.Special va i's Strai -aring of chî ide brims, fî tain colored, inig at 12 Flannel ejust receiv 'ting flann( ieff eets extr îto,15 cents lrings with suitable fi ),LEM eaeh depart- Now that the me prices in Special tice patterns -s plain fronts raine 50e eaeh r Vests cer wash vests p earl buttons ry --perfectly at $1.0 Oea:Ùh ýa fine quahîty due 39C Pair, w lats. Ildren's sti aw wacy colored banda clear- 2,cents each, lettesf ved a nice lot Lelettes very ýra good quai. s yard., à very neat or street or ,ale price 220 nited.' ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LAIURENT1_CMEGANTIC Izipo Scew.Twin Serew Largest and most modemn steamers on St. Law- rence route. Latest production of the sblp. budera' art; passengers elevat lr serving four decks Every detail of coMnfort and luxnry cf prsrtday travel 'will be feund on thcee Montreal Queblec Liverpool Laurentin ul 24 Aug. 28 Oet. Doiu0n July B St ept. 4 Oct. 0Meanie. Aug. 7 Sept. il Oct. 14 Otaa A ug. 14 Sept. 18 Oct, ~ aC& :::n da Aug. 21 Sept. 25 Oct. â0 The popular steamer "CANADA" is also again seheduled to, carry iliree classes of pas"eges While the fast steamer "OT- TAWA"andthe comfortable &teamerDOMIN- ION" as one class cail steamers (called Second Glass] are very attractive, at moderate rates. Third eiass carried on aà steamers. Sec plans and rates at local agents, or Company 's offices, Fur aIl information apply te M. A. JAMES, Agent. The Popular Route ,Principal Tourist e Resorts includiDag MUSkoka, Lake of Fays, L1einagami, Georgian Bay, MaganEfta- wan hiver, Kawartha Lake3, etc. FaIli Summer Service now la effe4ot; Excursion Tickets on sale daiiyV. Alaska Yukon P'acific Exposition Seattle, Very 10w rates-F4 st Tir'L via a' tr: ;ct- i e Toutes. Daly uritil SeDt, 19 9ý Returu Ilmit Oct,.tllst, l19u9.ý F l Iformation and.tcktsfrein, ay Grad runk Agent, JURY "-&1LOV-ELL, , . ,Ageuw, Bomuvle ................. ................ ........... ................. .......... il 1

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