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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1909, p. 7

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ILUYALTY 1AND. SELF-INTEREST lt would deligbt thé hcarts of lots article to your home after purchas- cf city people if the heautiful stori es ing iti rom a merchant in Bowman- told in &omne mail order catalogues ville and find that it is not the ex- weetruc; that is, if they couid oh- act shade, or shape or size you de- tain the wonderful prices we Bow- sired, it is very easy te return and mianvil1o people are supposed te excbange it for seuîethinig suitable. getý, and at the same time get style If it co mes hy mail you would proh- an.d quality. The mail order bouses ably prefer te -put up with some imn would net need te spe-nd money jperfection rather than go te the n catalogues or ad\ ertisiig. Tbey trouble of repacking, and express- cul1d selI the goods right at home. ling, and then waiting for days un- Dild it ever oceur to ou,. citizens ýtiI it gees tbrough the dismai round thtwith style and quality iaeking, of red tapism in the mail order àt wuid not he wise fer these frms bouse, througb dlaimns departmnents, tshow tbeé cataloguo-d goods in the perhaps uiecessitating considerahie city i heir customers would b ave ro~espeneoènce, in addition te the n opetunity te examine hefoU certairlity -of additional mail and pi ,celasiig. Is it netý possible that express charges. kz1eeof' tie low-priced goods have Hlave you ev er eoesidered how been offered te ity buyers-thatmny ir'syuhv used, your tbey have beén weighed in the local merehiant as an accommoda- b;alanuice and found waniting; hut tienj How often be bas extended tbat a cileveriy-wo-rded description credit te ven or bas helpeci yeu te andjL pessibly an enticing picture ohtain perfect satisfaction?] H1e irmV hýeexpected te gt id ef theehis emk our property valu- oýtberxv-ise unsaleable goods te eut- ahle, te support the h'azaars and of t,- , h uyers I missions, and geflerally centrihutes WVe de net mean te insinuate that te social events. Are these tbings it is impossible te get good mer- net worth anything? Is it net truc chandise frem mail order bouses. that uniess tb.ere is a very decided lbat weuld net he truc. But we, advaritage in dealUng away from de si y vthat the better grades home, it is yeur duty te spend will cest yen just as much and semne- your moey in Bowmanville! birres more than the same quality We certainly helieve tbat we have wouId (,,st you rigbt bere in Bow- sbwn net only that there is ne ad- InaniiIe. vantage in dealing away f rom h fome, ment, that notwitbstanding city çcx- ages-. -We, uiercefore, ask yeu te he penses, taxes, rents, etc., the mail fair te totwn a la s 11ýqte yeur- order bouse ceuld spîl as cbeaply self. Ceoert itb thie other as yeur local merchant l Even rin geed peeplecof BewmanvýIlle in mak- thiat case weuld it net he betier te ing this a hetter pla- te live and buy bere, wbere yen cen sec tbe do businiess in. Be loyal Ite Bow- goods, knew exactly \xhat yen are menville. Buy at beme. gettin.g, and pay for, instead cf be- f ore you sec tbem i If yeu take an Copyright, 1G09. LITERA.RY NOTEýS. j "W,,hat We Wome-n of thle )World Find ý.-lOut," by Gabrielle Stewart ulira New York lawyer, is an ariticle wbicb reeders cf The Design- er for Angust will findlextremely in- tere-ýsting, for the writer de-es net hes.itate te criticize the weakness cf beýr sîste'r women. "The Etiquette cf The Wbite House," by Mrs. HlnCornnue 1Hamhridge, wil he fordmost illumineting hy those wbo b. ave ne'rer bad occasion te cal oni the President. Other features À flthe-montb include: "Veur Bey and b e Y.M.C.A." "Wbat My Cour1it'Work Has Tac ght Me about theHom,"and, "Letters cf an Atbl~c Grl " mmrShopping inNeYrk w7ill temipt shoppers te brave beat n?( sun in erder te obtain the har- gains andc study tbe new feshiens described by Mrs. W. Harrison Black. Tbe fiction of the montb is cf a deligbtful quality. There is a new serial, "The bouse on the Hlli," by Theedosia Garrison; and "Polly cf the Circus"hy Margae't Miiyo goce eriyon. Twe short steries, "bsLast Circus," by Bertha Esterbrook Goodier, and "Tbe Vio- let Lady," by Naomi Harroun, wýill be muncb enjoyed. The American Review cf Reviews fo)r July contains tbe foilowing in- te3resting articles:- Record of Cur- rent Events, with portraits; Seme cýf tbe Ecrut Cartoons; The Na- tion's Playgrounds,, by George Otis S'mith, m Ïth ill,îtretions; The Alas- ka - oday, hy Alfred H. Brooks, itb maps and other illustrations; Special Crops of the Pacifie Coast, ib, Clarence E. Edwords; Tbe Rail- WayI Situation in tbe Nortbwest, PyRay Morris, witb maps and other illustrations; Wbat the Visiter Sees at the Seattle Fair, by R. S. Joues, Ji., witb illustrations; Dr. Edward 'vere4-, Hale, with portrait; Dr. -I.ale'§ Busy Carcer, by George Perry Morris; Oliver Wendefl Hlolmes, hy Edward Evenett Hale, witb portraits; Leeading Articles of the Montb, witb portraits, cartoons and tber illustrations; Finance and Bus5iness, Edwand Evertt Hale asMan of Letters, with portrait;, Mci editb and His Message, witb portrait; The New Books, witb por- traits. Address, Tbe Amenican 1Re- view of Rcviews, 13 Aster Place, New York. Woman's brime Companien for Juiy is a summier fiction number.1 There arc eight steries in this is- sue, by Cyrus Townsend Brady, Marie Van Vorst, Alice Brown, Mary ileaton Verse and Albert White Verse, Annie Hamilton Don- iiell, Aunie Werner, ani Eupbemia bekiden. Most cf these are love stories-of the kind tbe wonld and bis -wifc like te reed at this time ,À year. One of the moFt cbarmi- on f tbemn, hbowever, is a taie ef ai-, orLittle belpless Ting,", Îli whicb a wee baby proves îtseif the strongest member of the tam- ily. The stony strikes an ansiven- iîîg chord in the expenience of nîauy a iong-suffcning parent. Especially tinîely are the articles mn this issue oun"Jniy in the Poul- tny-Yand," hy Kate V. Saint-Muin, "TheV/emau Camper," "A Char- ity Cate Chantant" and "Tbe Pi-c- nic-Basket." Kate Douglas Wig- gin bas a winniiog pensoneiity, anti' jt never seenis se evident as wbiea slie is et homne et"Quilîcote-on- Saco." A xvitcn lu this issue bad the good fortune te sec ber there anti tells about it in a most inter- esting steny. Ideas foîr summer pil- iews, enochting ideas and niew suni- nier necipes, ahl arc opportune in thîs issue. An article on the mak- ing of long sîceves froni short -ili be welceîùed hy many a ivoman. Ia addition te ail this, thene are the r'ýguian departments: The Fashion Drpartment, the Ententalument Page, Margaret Sang-stc's Home Page, Sam Loyd's Page et Puzzles, advice te the, girl xvbo carus lber ewn liv ing, mauy suggestions, for fancy-work and ceokery, anti sev- eral pages espeeially for the chul-j dren. Address, Weruan's Home Companion, Metropolitan Annex, Madison Square, New York. IID SAY. (Froni The Daily V/enter). D)r. G. E. Gilfillen, et Uxbridge, was in town lest evening on husi- 0OSRUVA. (From The Vindicator.) Miss Pearl Dixon, Taunton, spent a fcw days in Pont Hope. Arrange wxith yonn best girl for excursion te Peterboro, August 2. Mns. Hyficld amd Miss Bynia Hy- field, Broeklîn, spent the weekenid xvtb friends in towu. Mrs. Charles Xaggouer, Balmy Beach, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. L. N. Swinyard. Mn. David Hepburn, receutly fîem Xinghem, entered on bis -duties as Manager of the Dominion Bank.- 11ev D. M. Mibell, wbe bas bor)n pester of tbe Baptist Cburch bere fer over twe yeaî-s is presently liv- ing in Toronto. Mrs. T. C. Goodain, 204 Adam St., Rochester, N. Y,, bas sent an eriqniry to Oshawa for the addrcss cl' bier brother, V/m. Leek. Wednesday three rinks et the Oshawa Bowling Club met e like number of East Toronto,,Bowling Club on Oshawa bowling green and defeated the visitons hy 22, up. Mnr. J. R. Lavis saiied for the old land by V/ite Star Line Steamer Tuet-onie. Tbey land etPlyîneuth, but Mr.-Lavis' permanent addness xii belgrave Mews, Terre, Ton- quay, Devon, England. Executive Bo)ards of Oshawa Drixing Club and South Ontario Agn1-iculturai Scciet[y met in Secre- tery Sinclaîr's offic-e July 14 te an- range triais ef skeed at the Oshawa FTi on September 14 and 15.The bill errenged is oite cf thbe best ever effÏered by a country fair in this P'rovince. Chiief of Police Grassett, Toronto, bas sent notification te police cmr- dles for arrest of John Alfred Gra- hem Anderson on charges -of fer- gcry. He, is described as being years efta.gc, 5 ft. 7 or 8 in. highî blotehy face, rathen duli eyes, w cars cyrgiasses, and was fermcnly employed as clerk iu the Bank of Montreal, Toronto. The McLaughlin Company are figunîng on building duning the yertr. 1910 some 1,500 automobiles. As mey be. snrmise-d fromn the notices wbicb bave appeared in this paper frin iete te time cf the great cf- ficicncy and iuereasing populenity of the MceLaughlin-Buick machine this demandwes to bave bren ex- pected, and with their wel kuown cuterprise the Company iill meet it. V/ho says Oshawxa is- net me'v - ing ebead by leaps and bouinds. First officiel meeting cf Oshawa Y. M. C. A. Provisional Board as appointed by the Provincial Secre- tary, Mn. J. W. Hopkins, teck place in the Publie Library Bozrd I{oom July 12, wben these gentle-aïen were electcd officers:- Roht. McLeugh- lin. President; F. Bull, Vice-Presi- dent; J. A. Scbofield, Treasurer; Chas.' F. Senviss, Secretary; F. L. Fowke, C. A. Joues, J. P. Owens, A. G. Stone, E. E. Cooper, T. b. Eversen, F. Whately. Over 600 panticipeted 'n the Me- Laugblin Company's empieyees' ex- cursion te Niagara Falls and To- rente. The trip on the Palace Steamer Ceyuga wes much enjoyed as w as the ride up the Gorge Route. This excursion looks, likely tei hcid the record for attendae this year, a result attained by the indefati- gable work -of the cemmnittee, of whieb Mn. b. H. Cook wes chair- man, Mn. W. B. Nott, secretary, and Mn. C. A. Simmous, trýeasunen. ness. Rev. T. Snowdenr andi wife off Jeuýetviille, ivene xisiting with towu The Boivels Must Act Heaithily. Drepustoy-Mnite-eIniwas emost aliments the finst cane et Depty-initerof ail-ysanti tbe medicai man is te sec that the Canais, -Mt. J. Entier, arrîve ine how ris are ýopen anti fnlly perforai- Lindisay V/ednesday eviig ou the ing thein functions. Parmclee's Bessie Butl-er accompanieti by Mn. Vegetabie Pis are se compouudcd J. H. MeClennan, supeintendeut that centain ingredieuts lu theni aet et the canal. ou the bowels soiely andti tey are Mn. J. F. Coliig, formeriy oies- the very brst medicine evailable te sicai master cf the Lindsay Col- produce bealthy action et the how- legîcte Instîtute, but nexv principal els. Indeeti, thene is ne othen speci- cf Bellevie Collegiate, is in toivu fie 50serviccabie in kerping the for a few ticys i-enewing acquaint- digestive organs ie healthfn ace- anes. tien. The capacity of the ozone filtra- tien plant is te bc eniangeti se that WHAT'S IN A NAME? it will filten 1,200 gallons etfivaten a minute. The original contreet The new patient bas been put te calîs for 700 gelions of ivaten a bcd. Uperi waking up lie inquireti minute, but since aieu a new elec- "Pbwat titi ye say the docto's trie punip bas berri put in, anti this name ivas l" "Doctor Kilptrick," pump bas e cepecityfer pumping was the reply. "Thot setties it,' 1,200 gelions of ivaten cveny enieti the sick man, "thot man wili minute, neyer get a chance te openate en Mn. D. A. MeeKeuzie, B.S .A., etfmme!" "V/hy net l" asketi the nurse. the Department et Agriculture, bas "le is a goodi doctor.", "May be adetiit anothern flxios weed te bis se; but net for me y sece, my already lange collection calieti Bled- name 15 Patrick." tien Campion, very common ti Ma vers township. It is e mnch tireati cd iveet, anti the trern-rs shoulti Some men neyer think et earniug eradicate it. Mn. MeeKeuzie- pro- au houest-lix iugunutil they accident- curetioeeoetthe wectis xitb a noot aliy get e gooti, liard joît lu the on it 29 inches long. le dit net ight spot. get it al eut of the grounti then. ___________________ Yon cannot possibly hxave TYNDALL AN D THE MINTES. a better Coco-, thanl Most readens kuow the icte- Prof. John Tyndalil only as a biliant an ilJ fascinating w'iter anti lecturer on physicai sciencecuti ativemture iin the Alps; but he hatirnîany othen s io to is eheracter, anc cf then mot incre'tiug et w hioh is ilîtîs- trtt ythe r' cent action of bis c 'i d m rstuin 'riimihdm Au delclsdrnPant alu. tinhi fJt, Fragrant, nuritions anti economical. This excellent Cocoa ma Gliste system i iirobuist health, ani eabe it to resis!t Aod by (rCm rs anti Storekieepers in *týi.bani k- lb Ti us. "though yen were Lete, you shouLld baiv r couic in by thef gate."' "Plaise, vyen our, aid Murphy, "Iwas afnaid c)f wakling thie sen- mloud. +Fashi'on tHints. FADS AND FANCIES. H-esiery novelties include stock- ings ef sba-ded siliç. Overskirts of soft ruaterial are modish and are bere te stay'. Fl'owcered muslin sunhonnets bave favor for SUMmer ,,ear. Valenciennes lace, neal and imita tien, is in demand once More. Cluny lace is as great a favorite as t wes a seeason or twc Cge. The ametbyst stones, from deep te ligbt, arc in the bcight of fashion. Folds and fichus over the sbould. crs are quite a feature c f the suni- mer ex ening dresses. Ail of the ncýw eutîng bats, as wel as tFe fluer straws, show a decided roll et the brim. The scarf wbîch matches tie gowu is becoming one cf the familier features for the light wrap. Foulard fecing fer the 'smart revers sounds a ncw note in tailor- ing and dress combinetioris. Linen end pique outing bats, trim- ired wiLb a sevcee band of patent Leather, are popular. Iu miilinery there is a decided teste for the combinaton of baeck_ and ffarll, puürpiiawbrbie.- Smart bats continue te be huge in size, but tlxey have improved in line witb the edvance or suminer. Next te the populaý,r. amethyst colorings, the favorite of Paris just uow is a fadcd ligbtý greeni. White wasb braid vith a dasb et colors an exceedingly pretty trim- ming for a young gir 'l's wasb dress. Morniing robes and tee gowns are appeering witbout sleeves, except as they are made of contrasting materiai. The parasol matches the colon cof the gown witb whieb it is carried', or cisc it toues with the accessonies, wbieh at preseut include the gloves. Slippers and boots are beiug made of hengaline te match gowns, and ailse cf eravenette. Cravenette leots have oftcn bengeline tops of the same&color. .Collariess gowns xxill neyer ro- main ie favor for city xxcar, but the fashion is e deiightfuiiy comfortable onie and heeoming te the majerity of young girls. The bats of the day- give a "littie girl" loch to the d4ihutante, be- cause the(-y are worn se ýlew (on th(, head that ail (or neýariy ailoftb hair is hiddcu. For fashionabie res>taurenit wear Paris is briuging ont e gocdç manv shepes that bordler on~ the Gains- borough style in coiored straw, trimmed witb feathiers. A DOG EXPLORER. Fox Terrier Trarecd Mith Ris M1aster Over 10,000 miles. A wonderfui record as a traveler bas be.en achieved byv Dash, the smootb baired, fox terrier, which accompanicd Dr. M. A. Stein,,the arebacological explorer, tbrongb- ont bis great journey cf 1,000 ~miles, undertaken on bhbaif of the Indien Goverumeut throngbout Central Asie into Chine and beck. Though the agne-ate of the marches amounted roiighly te 10,000, miles in two year s and eigbt months, tbe actuel distance cover- cd by Dasb, taking intoj acceuint bis canine habits cf progression;-, May he 1estimated et weii ove', 20,00 miles. Dasb made that jonrney on foot practicaiily the ixhole we, x- cept wben he werit "pony back" for short distances et times (if great b-et. V/bm in the Takiamakan desert, Dash, like the rest of the party, bcd bis xatcr illowence strictiy limited. It camne from the snpply carrird on cael-es in the form of ice. Desb went over muountain passes as high as 18,000 fr-et a-bove sA. TUIE LATE ItOUERT WINTER, OROINO. Buried Witb Masonie Ronors. Mn. Rcbt. Vinter oeeof the oid- est residents et the village cf Orono was called away by death Juiy 7. .He was a iifeleng memnbeT et the Methoclist church antd for many years' acted as Truster and Circuit Steward, and filled other offices by whicbh e was honored by the chunch. blis pester, 11ev. V/m. Limbent, spehe of the loyaity he bad always manifested te the clïurch of bis choice andi bis 1faithfuluess et al bier services. Fifty-four yeans- ugo Robent Vinter flrst camne te Orono, thaîî e young man cf 20 years, making the~ jonrncy on foot f nom Darlington wharf, uowý Port Bowmnanville, whene lhe landed atter a most tem- pestueus voyage across the ocean, having in cempanry witb 650 fellew passeugers experienceti the penils et sbhipwrcck, harely cscaping a watery grae-, the ill1-fated sailiug xesse-l "Loch Leven Castie" in whieh lbe set sail froni Liverpooll eanly in May 1855 atten bciug -tumbîrd about on the Atlantic for a full moutb was thnown on to a snibmerged rock andi smasbed te pieces, the passengers haviug receiveti timely rescue by a passing brig hound for Quebre. bis flrst meal in drono lie took et the- hospitahie board et the iate John Miller. For ninre years Mn. Vinter vonketi --aaih7r-ciug wiltU-Mr. XYF. alIl; then wcnt into business for bimiseif. Ou bis retirement Mn. L. Travelie succeerdet i bein bus-ness. be,was twice marrieti, bis finst wife bcing Heanueh Thompson andti t theni three ehildnen were hemn, now de- ceased; bis second wife, Sarah An Thrompson, was a sîster. Masonny for Mn. Vinter had an especial channi,,anti for mnany years he was an active wonkçer in bis homne lotige' -iitb sncb well-kncwn mcm- bers cf the craft as Tbos. Veunen, William Thonipson, aud the late William Pningie, anti others. V/i in the past year hie was made, an honorary i-emnber cf Orono L-odýge No. 395, and the funreral Friday, Juiy 8tb, te Orono cemctery, untier Masonie auspices -wes iargely aet- tentird' BesideýS the members cf the home lotige several members cf Jerusalem Lodg-e, Bowmenvilie, anti of Dur- hemn lodge, Newcr-stle,, were pres- eut. The Masonie huril service ,,vas taken by W. M., Bre. S. Cnt- tell, tîhe procession to the grave bc- ng ourler directcn caf P.W.M Býro. Thos Smith. T'r paîl bearers weesix Past Mastersý: Bro.T. W. Jackson, V/m. Aruîstroug, Neil Col- ville, M.D., Jos. bienry, John Waddeil and Janits Hunter. Relatives fron a distance wrre-. Mn. andi Mrs. F. P. Wiuten, Toron- te; Mn. John Vinter, Oshawaa; Mrs. Roantrer, Toronto; Mn. John Mer- rel, Penusylvaula, who witb the sorrowvýing -widoxv, andi other r-eie- tives andi friends mournr their ie)ss. -News. YOUR BOY AND THE Y. M. C. A. Let the Big Organizetion Ilclp Johunie Recause it Under- stanîds Ris Needs. Onie of the funny tacts, about boys f'rom pressure,, says e writer lu Out- is that îîîcst et the things they real- ing. The juguler velus, boivever, lý ivant teutic are ceesideneti rz'pre- are' quite near the surface, anti- a lîcusible by many of the gnowaups, 1gtdgecoprsuepo hm seys Annie Menton MacLean, Àgbt dBigree tipnedue thpufnothom The Designer fer Augnst. The lad 'sîog t meeth lw c et erion iveve ant temek ablooti aiay froni the heati. of tn o twlvewant tomak. a This retention ot bloot inluthe noise ueanly ail tbe tume be le awakc bheati is a frequent ceuse cf that unless be bas sometbing iîitcnestin eaticepclaebtiete teù do.' People forget this, anti go hcr the beaceis a ompwanieti on, generetion atter generatien, byfuhnfaeadfelgofu- sayîeg: "-Now, Johunie, sit do vii ny fush i face anti eeingthetcfui- anti he a gooti boy." As if auJ )cy Thescontdi tbionsing in tpe ens.i cortîtibe goti Sitting tivîî *. hThispcodition.savy peci r mothing te te! J shouldti tink e No tr tioltncbn n h might et heant hecome e brigaud,' Ngt o the tig prtsuekbntuat h a. pirate, au- ararchist, a rexcîn-ihtclermk p.snejs tionst-uytingtieserae, u tct.oxer the jugula-,.,xeius. anti se hy Pcrhstapsyn bave spaiitet t n -preventing tree escape et blooti b.P Peapse deihatesayithagein Yen fomthe lîratiotten produce beat kbo. he isen't a i aiknow be beadeebes anti othen disconifonts as înwi sn't ba t nbe Iîî owh--well as atit t the risk cf hbeat pros- be snt pepbutae wif overieîi.:gtration. The ineckbanti et tbe snm- buee s fbeopge eti. ert gmer shirt the(n shoulti be loose anti he ouug Mu' hnsta A '-t-becoller low anti easy fitting. ciate-e knows ail about this, anti s 'i 1oo11 ig eut for boys like ymi SAVED 99 LIVES. You know wbat tbe Y. M. Cý A. is, et course. It is the higgest anti Ceai Porter Ras Recýord Nurâber most wendenful ýeung 'nen's cl 0) in ofLesoRiCedt the worlti. There are in thîls (.0ile try alone two thousanti associa- - No fewer then niuety-nine lives tiotîs owniug about seven humîdi--ti have heem saveti by Tbomas Jack- buildings vainaet et fcnty mi: sou, e ceci1 porter, cf V/histon dollars, -andi ail for beys-iittlc fol I Street, blaggerston, Engiauti,ivho lows who play prnks on th e nei'eh gaie evidesîce et a Betîxual Greena bor's ýcet; kalf-gnown fellows w-li inquest. wonk ail day arit get tisceurageti, bis breast ives coveneti witb anti big f eliows wbe arc men wîth mietais, crieetfwbîcb b-e reccîveti tlîeir own probienis te ment. frn the Lontioners' Club, Ans- -Pcrhaps yen live on a croc.7-ted tralia, anti anether tram bis fnllow- city street, anti youn boy gets itowonkmen et the Shoneditcb gas mieie1 s on sbecrnshoewerks. He bas receiveti 17 testi- tnýom.sehool. Yen cen't keep inimmeniais froni the Royal bumene lu hecause he is s-o neisy, anti be-1 Society. sities yen bave ne tume to ou fee - Sevnnte"ýn chilt ien have bora with bum, so,-he piays on thesnet saveti hy hlm f romdiung in the -anti some day shoots passens-by With Regent's Canal, aniaong the & ivater g' un, on tbrows stones antfioten places i here e assaveti bits some eue,-,, anti then yen bave t, live-s are the Victoria Park 1 lakes, lots of trouble. Or penhcps yu Bournemouth, Sprnrg 1, cutian bo)y is of a ineebenicel tuýru, ani b astinýgs. kepe sw'crnying yon becensceW, ha b He hopes seen te bring the nuiim ne0 tee ls or place te work, ber c birY-us p te [0Q, anti as There re 1lots et boyslkv i e eisel 0'ti i thi anti th,,i' Y. M.C. A. is mai, or xey ph .iiÂy i~e e iî a tbcmw, foýr it knwstbeýin etsr4cmis et khue-w ail abOUt Lboys ar 1! hi-L0 tedru an1 l For Infante anti Chiltiren, ion Soueabreprtolr ness and lLostinnefr Bea~ithe SîinatuLro [LseQ MARJORY'S SHOP. Marjory hati seareheti the mead- ows, Manjory hati seanched the ivootis, andi Menjory's sbop ivas ready for customers. fier sbop was the lattied arbor et the end of the box-bordened garicîx patbi; the seats aiong "ne sides and the sei round table wenýe the counten nt sîmelves on-i whicb the shopLheeper displayed ber stock. Ail the -,vanes stood in dishes cf watcr, for thcy w-en-e blossonis anti berbs and plants thet Merjory bati pieket inlumcmi- ows andi woods. Aunt Sophia came doivu the box- bonde-red path te tlîe anhor s-hep. She rang the bluebeil fastened ta the door-post, anti Manjery put on hen most hospîtabie smile.. 'Good morning, Miss Sophia!" she saiti, as neanly like the teal shopkeeper as she coulti speak. "V/bat eau 1 seli yen te-day 1" "V/bat is there in the manketi" inquineti Aunt Sophia;, discreetly- "Fneshbubtten-and-eggs, just in au heur ego," suggesteýd Clr Marjory. "blow fontunate 1" seid Auni Sophia.. "I, have only one butter. cup icft et home. Some mustanti, please. Do I realiy sec fresb vegetables blooming in that ching mugi") Clerk Menjory laughed joyously, "Heaps et wiid carnet, Miss Sophia, and white lettuce anti Indien cu etîmber root andi one Indien tur nip." Aunt Sophia botîght for diuucA wiid carnet, white. lettuce, Indiar cucîimber root, the crie Indien tun nip, lauib's-quantens for meet, and for dessert hioncysuekie. She alsý suppiieti henscîf ,witb sassafraý neot, carcwey, baim of Giiead leaves, bloo-dreot, ivintengrecu, spearmint anti boneset, cli et wbich anc goodti tehave on baud. Clcrk Manjory recommentiet the boeeset. 1"I knoîv personaiiy about it," she assureti Ant Sophia. "V/heu Dol Caroline broke ber arn byfain eut of the siveet-apple trecenojte a rock, I applieti boneset cxtennally -as well as glue internally,-au4 ber recoveny w-e,,s marvellona- Shah I1 charge the gootis, Mis* Sophia?1" askled Cierk Manjony, pelitely "No, I1ban )ye," neplieti Aunt Sophia "IT ii aynw." She teck a-all ox ,froiberp bag., anti Marjo(s eys tinced1 with intct we sesw wbat it angos1ýttre,"siiAutSp Waocl~ Php 1 4iW i c (ri, i u'î iere bvToosanC xv xh ,îer -~u sys o . mixke Qae LCT copy o? VAPPEB. THg osrn'sum cesPAoeY. ftDW VORS cri,?. ÇLEA i tîNG a 7d7DYEIN andi la, oic lums ad iova-1 drap rs uta OB, nim' scile?, ' Otutdt ouiiA , sili sC xpErin -men who baven't forgotten thiat tbey tee once wantcd, more than1 anytbing cisc in the world, te pull the curîs of the girl wbe, sat airiad. Methers Value This Oil.-Metbers wbo know bow snddenly croup may seize their cbildren and bow nec- essery prompt action is in appiy- ing relief, aiways ke.ep at hand a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oul, because experience bas taugbt tbem that there is ne hýetter preparatien to e, head for the treatment -of tbis a ilment. And they are wise, foer its various uses render iL. a xaiuaile niedficine. TIGlIT COLLARS DAINGEROUS. They M1ay IIclp te Cause Prostra- tion in IRot, Weather. One cf tEe mest cemmon causes cof bot we ather discomfort, and dan- ger tee fer thet matter, is the tigbt neckhand. Passing, up and, down tb-e sides cf the ncck are two ve ry impotrant arteries, the caritids, and two largeveins, the juglar veins. Tbe caretid arteries carry hlood up te the hcrad, w bile the jugular veins convey it back te tbe b.cart. As cisc wbere in rixe bodly the ar- teries are situated under the musc- Ios ana so rar LAtiv%

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