Weak Throat- %eak Lungs Cold after cold; cough after cough! Troubled wîth this taking-old habit? Better break it up. We have great confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for thîs work., No medicine like it for weak throats and weak lurags. Ask your doctor for bis opinion. He- knows ail about it. His approval is valuable. Follow bis advice at al Urnes. No alcohol in this coughr medLicine. f .Ae 2. odl as Ailwayskeepaood laxative in thehouse. Takeadosewhen yourcoldfirstcomeson. What h h etlaxative for this? Ayer's Pis. Ask your doctor his opinion. Let hlm decide. 41 The BeRt Jnvestment on Earth is Earth Itself Therefore Buy 9 Ladsin SUDny ,Sollthornj 41î SThe'SîrIoin of Canada and the Bread Basket ab of the. Orient, 41We own and have for sale 100,000 acres o! choice Farnt Landes 41 in the Letùbridge district af Southeru Aberta at prices ranging frein 810.00 ta 8215.00 per acre on 41 easy Terms of -Paymient. 41These lands wiM produce froint 0 ta 60 bushels o! viater 41 heat per acre, 25 ta 40 bu)zshols cf- spring wheat, 50 ta 90 4î hushels of oats, 30 ta 60 buehels o! barley'per acre. 41Nov is the turne ta buy a Sunny Southern Alberta far m while 41 they can be had CHEAP. No lande viii he obtatinable in 41 the course of 5 yearsunuder 850.00 per acre. Buy a fart f rt ov for your sons aud lay a foundation for their future 41 valth and coinfont, You are under no obligation if yen ask for information, se write 41(EO. Il. LAINO, - omavil O V Tha Aberta Realty Exehange, Box 254, 41 Lethbridge, Alta. ~ I Spring Suggestios ibThese are only a few of the many articles you are needing at this season of the year that We can supply you f rom Our Hard-. Lawn akesware Deç artmeLt: i Lawn akesChurna Garde HcesSuiphar S Lawn Moweregaiiùn S Garden Spades Ule Stoo S Garden Trowelu ?ainte ?;bnd is Poultry Nettiflg Washing lMaC!iaIeS, _145PORTINGGCOODS, SNo need of'going out cf -town for y olr sporting S goods when we carry such a large stock of M -the famous -Spaulding- brand.'- W-e eau suppiy-, Base'Balls Foot Balla + Base Bail Bats Shin Gaards S Catcher's Mtts Lacrogse Sficks Catcher's Masks Tennis Rackets Fielders Gloves Tenn,$ Balla Team Uniforms Fishing Outfits If we haven't what you want we will', get it Sfor you i short order. Our.1stock û~ the_' largest j. Be MAâRRTY N BQWMAN VILLE. 1 You go. ýa delicate flavored Sgrati ving cup of te& when 3ou L drin Ilcal Tea, 4 The 25c Tea gives general satisfacticn. You can get It î4 ln black, green, or mixed. The 'tOc Tea la unequaled at4 the price in flact t la equal to xnanY 50e Teas. Black, Green4 * or M'xed, Fruits Are Our Sýpecîaâî Prauhefsa ,n Bananas, Lemons, Pin2apples, and ail Fruits A Snap in Vinnier Sets We were unfortunate enough ta ae a IlerSt arv j w rth an urnsual percentage of breaknge and Cunnot replace the 4 broken pieces To those who oaaï use tbem we wil seil tham cheap, Groceries Crockery Fruits _________________________M M ;l 1 alIa. A rz <U.,au, mUrand Mrs ivre A 1-ezelvood and Mn sud Mrs F f«Il cY, Orano, Ur Fred Gale sud Hellthave beea vietlng relatives le ial, WDIP.hitby, vlsitad Mr Thos Van. the clCy. amp. Ir John Meteaif shipped a Misses MePhaden and Mabei Babcack, cariaad ef fet cattle ta Toronto rocently Toronto. have been vIiting Mns Win ...Mn Bort Goode soid a youug driver Babcock, !amly plcsic vas lield at Qahava-on- W Atubrose Luke, vile and danghter the-lako Monder JuIy 12.... .Eiva Van. Milliceat spent Saturday- vith relatives Dyke, puplI af E F Willoughby, sud at Bamllton,. Mary and Semuel Woods, pupIli of Miss Mn David Crùvhurst attended the Eva McQ4IU, have beau wrting for the funeral cf Alfned Cnovburst at Port entrâti~es m..,,M e o n aVa-Hor'e TUesday. I b> Ub$E558ARY rÈOat veÊËi Iî'AMLY. Ifhealtli is te hc malutsined thore muet hoe t hand lu evory hcusehald a nodicine vhich cen be relied upon ta regulate the liver, kiduey aud boveis, Dr. Uhase' Kldney-llven Pille have provea thoir rîglit ta firat place ie this regard sud alneadv liold e secure position ln the najonîty o! homes, SOLIINA. Safins Wom1en's3 InstltUto hald ttein -mext meeting ThundaYI uget a2e 2,30 p n et Mns Thos Baea's, Ail ladies are cardially iurited te hning baske's for the picute. Ever-voea l expected ta assist vlth musie, recitation an sang an vlth the subjecte fan discus. sien: "te worny vorse than vonis ?'"sud "Canning sud Picklieg. "Home-made Candy," takan by Mns Chas Werry. Good cnovdexpactead da good tino fan ail io atted, Comae proparad to halp,.. ..J G Laugmala bas punchased a, pretty pouy fon hie deugliters ..... Messrs T Bakier and A L Pascae bave,, neturued frein a pîcasant boat sud rail trip through Nov Yaork sud Massa- chusatte.... Mn Arthur snd Mies Fief'- once Osborne, Cauntîce, visited frinîads haro...M is Annle Tink, Brooklin, vlsited et H TIuk's,. . .. isLena Tsy- lor re~v4 q ~grgga i% ay iu ho abmubce ef Mise Mobe Vce, ai~lls ....MIsses Miaule sud Vers Bs4sr- vlesed Oshawa sud Tarante necei týy Quarteriy meeting et Zion Eunderv, - August 4.... Prof j B Roynaidsz, vile and family, o! 0 A C, Guelph, ara sun- mening hy Rosalaudvala, Ho has cou- santal ta address tlie Elda fi congrega-I tion Sunday altennoon. Travelerls Grip The means by which ho cured a very seveyo case of piles. Very rnany traveling salesmen know what it is to sufer from itehing piles Mr. W. J.' Saunders, saiesman for the Sawyer-Massey C'o., and who lives at Killarney, Man., states: "After hav- ing sufereti for three years with a very bad case of piles a friend recornnended Dr. Chasels Ointrnent and I cannot now apeak too, highly of saine. After hav- ing nsed two boxes of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment 1 <ean truthfully say that I arn cured o! piles, and cheerfuIly recorn- rnend it to anyone suffering fromn this complaint. 1 arn neyer withotz abox of thts ointment ian my grip."1 1It is impossible to dlaim too much for Dr. Cliase 's Oilatinent as a cure for every forai of itchîng, bleeoming andi protruding piles. It seerns to have nu rival in this regard and the record o! cures ies smply wonderful, N'early aay druggist cau tell you of scores o! cu-res that have corne to his notice. Somne o! these effecteti even after surgical operations had faiied. 6ü0 ce<nt-a s box, at all doalrs or Ediuanson, Bates & cO., iToronto. Mise Mata Gregory bas re[urned fran Chatham vlieresie h is been attending business collage. Misses Mincie sud Edna Kerr Sun- ds.yed wilh thein cousin Mrs (11ev) C Reynolds, Baud Bead, Mrs Jas Reasan and daugli ton, Coium- bus, vlsited lier sister iu-lav Mns James Gnegoty aven Sueday, C H Armstrong, viseansd. chuIdren,- Deelson, Texas, are gue8secf Mre W M Lavrence, Lloyd St. Miss MeMlian,, Miss Claaeran sd Mn E Kerr, East Tarante, vere recent gueitof -be Missles Korr, Mn McKeînzia Panfoued lias sold ies bouse sud le golag ta take up fsrmieg agala ou the aid lionastead la Darling- tan. Rer A C Hall, the naw pasten a! the Chistian church lise purcbased Mn MeKeezie Penfoutd'e nosidence on Athol St. Mn %ud Mrs Narman Lauchland, Montreal, Dr snd Mrs Lyman Laucli- land, Dundes, wero necees guoste af thein fathen. Mrs John Kiereteed sud dàuglitors Anlie snd Goidie, Brantford, are hli- i~ daý log vltbhan rparente Mr sud Mrs Wm Byan. T H Melurtry bas gene ta Montrealj vitere lie vilI canduct s manuaterer's agancy. Mre McMuntny sud fRmXly wili remuai2 qm srafQnth Corpé are esureci by the pressure ai tglitboots, but ne unoedbhotroubled with thon lonz- vlin se simplesa nemedy1 m~ Bolloways CarneCure le aveilablo Oving ta 111lieslli Mise Audia Smith bas been ohllged ta nesige bier position as stenographen vitb the Willilams Piano Coansd vili beava shartly for lier homo At Simcoe. David Hepburn, formonly ef Win- han, bas been appoluted manager of1 the Dominion Bank haro. Mn and Mns Hepburn (nee Miss F Couithard) ara velcomcd taelion home tovu.ê 11ev. H. T. Lewis, B. A., preachod ex- cellant sermons lu Simece St Mathodiet chncl Sunday. Mn Lean RiceaifNov York Cityr, sang so!Os at hetli services te the deliglit cf the lange congregatians.t The tavu dlock in the tover a! the Tovn Hall building vas destroyed by fine Friday, haviug been struck bv liglitniugdurinz the severe alectrle etorm that pased aven liane about non, In Mrs Robt Evereau's cbituarvy,t which appenred lu this papar lest veek,c the nana o! Rer W B 1ucker, Non-r vod a former passar, vas laadyen-c tantly omitted. Be came up hv request te cauduct tlie service eut the bouse, but havîng te maka train connectiones i1 unable te go ta tbe ceuiotany at Eben- oer. Rev A R Sadersen preached very impreselve sermons te large congrega- tiens la Medcaif St Churcli Sunday hie meruiug subject helng "The Boue af God" andîluthe evanlner "An Unex- pectedVIiter." MiossEthel Bceal ef the Beverley St Baptist <choir, Toronto, sang Onea Svaetly Solema Thought" sud " Dry Those Toane",in asweeet sud oowanfui soprano valce. The anthemi ,,Ouvard Christian Soldions"' by the The Best Overails, Jackets anïd workiÏng Pants tlade.â MAPLB GROVE Mrs B J Gay sud two chuIdren, Tor auto. are vIsItiag lier stster, Mrs WJ Sînowden .. . .Geo S'tephensou and wil( and Norman Thiekeon, vife and daugi ter, Oshawa, were recent guasts ai Joli Snowden .... Misses Neilie Hlggîason Oshawa, sud Berthia Higgiuson, town speut Suudav ut home .,,, Mies Violi and Master Hlarley Mlason, tova, ai visitinc their cousins..MISS Nosi aud Master Willie Murphy, Coboung are spendlnz vacation at B A Farrow! ....Miss Eva Saunders, town, speni Sunday at S Snowdea's, sr. To Hâvid A BEAuTIFIJL siciN. Abau, cne sIxtb ai ail the vaste natter dls charged4 front the human systom passe out through the pores ai the skia. , lthe skis> is ta be keptbaaullul the poreE muet ho kept Ia a heaithy condition bj batbIng snd by use ai Dr. Cbase'a Oint. ment whlch avercomos ail chafing and Irritation of the ski and cures pimpîri aruption and the many formeai eczama HAMPTON. Hampton Leaguers are praparing for a -ood time et their Social Wedinesday July 28 Thtis le the date and place af lest gaine a! Darllegtoe Football League whea Bowmaavihle sud Hemp- ton wiii try conclusions ut, 6.30 p. m, Guod literary and musical program le the church after whlcb abundanceof barries9, cream and other good tbings wiii ho Serve&, Admission 15c; Chhldren 10c; lady and gent 1,5c; gent aud twc ladies 25c. Ice cream extra..Mii,î Mande Reynolds bas gene ta visit lier brother H. E. Reynolds, South Roxton, Quebea. The transition from winter'a cold tc summer's heat frequantly pute a strain upon the system that produces Internai complications, alwaye paînful and citen serions, A comnan fcrm af disorder la dysentry te, whloh many are prona la .the epring snd summer. The very best remedy ta use le subduing the painful alIment le Dr. J. D. Kellogg'e Dysontry Cordial. DARLlNGTON Miss Winnle Power la visitIag frIende at Denevilie, N Y ...Miss Mary and Mlr Jas MeMillan visited relatives et Buffalo, N Y.... Mr n dUri A L Pasece and daugliter Gortrude. Solina, speat munday et Ueo VanDyke'e..,. Mrs Wm Wîtheridge sud son F{ugb, Palmereson, Is vIilting Mrs Jno Wltherldge ....bl ls Ethel Rundie, Oshawa, le hoal n a ~1dedY, Juy 2th. vryê; ,elcome. Miiler's GnIp Powders ýCure. Scid1 a. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists. Mr F B Prost. B A, sud famiiy are olidavIng at Mr Joe VanCamp's.. OSHAWA choir was partlcularly good. A bîgli class concert was gîIven le W_ Other Oshawa news appears on inner Simeoe8 St Methodist ehurcli Mondav J paes.evening under auspices cf E L C E, J pages.whee Mr Leon Rice of New York CCity e, Miss Mabel Whitney Ici hoiidaying nt made bis first appearance before an lu MW Lound, n s ol Oshawa audience. Ba possesses a >~ M WmLauhlad ihohdayng with powerfl tenor voice of remarkabie 'Madoc finonds, range whieh ha lias under perfect cou- ni et Miss Thornton, Toronto, la gust of trol. Among hie beet numbers were e Mrs Robt Dillon. "Song' of a Sailor"l, "Juist A-Wear.-iu' a Mrs A Brimacambe le vlslting rela- For You", "He's Sucli A Li'i Trouble", g, tives ie Newcastle. tThe Holy City" and ,Nînety and ris Nine" the latter two by request, while sRev Dr Swanson, Lima, Ohio, vilted his sweet tenor voîce was lieard ta ad- nt his parents recently. vantage ln "My Bosary," Mrs Leon Mr. Russel Bale let t Friday for Pork Rico exc8lled as an accompanist. ut Rapids, New Ontario, L'hosie assisting on the prograin were ýs Mrs Chas Wagner, Toronto, Io guest the ladies quartette, Mrs Mare, Misses es o! Mrs'L N Swinsrd. Francis, Luke and Keddie, Mr Robert es Mis grajne, otreal, le reaew- Pate. violinlst. and Mr H Bateman, )y îg od aquantaces.coret olostallnumbors being well ~ recaived but speciai mention must ho t. Mrs Wm Courtice, Bowmanv'ilie, Sun- made cf IlThe Lo8t Chord" by the ladies kd dayed wlth her sIsters. quartette. Misses Dillon and Francs Be John Cruimb spent the past week with snd Mr Gao Henley acted as accoin- la relatives la O wen Sound, panios la a highly satisfaetory manner. Mrs F Tuttie and chuîdrea, Detroit, Thle home of the Misses Coraar, 851, are vlsitlng relatives hon.e. Brock Street. Kingston, wvae the scerie Mn <(Dr) Morris, Toranto, la at lier ai a very nr8tty bouse wedding Wedries- father'à Mr Wiltoe White. day morning july 14,wlee Grace Louise, )r Mss oxTornto Isholdayng t youingest daugliter of the late Mr and -y W E O'Brien'b, Westmount. MaJmsCuowsuîe nmr w getrlaZO with William Walker Swanson, i Miss Ethel Bickeil, Toronto,wages M A, Ph D, farmerly of Oshawa, but as of Mrs Harry Gray Sunday. present Professor of Folitical Science at Wm MeDonalci and wife are holiday- Queen's University. Rer Dr Meekie *Inq wlth relatives at 011 Springs. officiated, aspisted by the groom'a brotb- SSamn J Bah., wife and son Willle are or. Ray Dr Swansoa, Lima, Ohio. The .8 visiting'hie father at OranL'evile, bride, Who wss givon away by ber a Mis MayMacke, Ne York Otytle brother, Mr. Harry Cannor, worea iss May Maki-ser NsEw MoHenry bridai gowe o! white slik daiutiy insert. sitGao eWrnser MrsnE Moenty.ied adwith white lace and carried a showerE r Geâ aerae Moua are visltedbouquet ai white roses aud maldenhair - hi~ ftherJoh LearneSunay. f0ru Mise Jessie Connor, sister of the Miss Lila Stainton, Taunton, le9 vis- bride, was bridesmaid ad vore a be- iting ber cousin Mibs Ada Stalaton, camlng froek of pink muli over plnk Mre E Bly aud famlly, Toronto, are siJk sud carried piak rusies. The littie viising lier sister Mrs 0 W Ventress. niee sud nepbew cf the groom, Grace Miss Palmer, Detroit, Micb, was a and W illie Rowe cf Oshawa, acted a3 recet ues aiMrsWm cCuchee. lowr irl and page. Mr Norman Bas4 recet gust f Mr Wm cCuche eet8t, Whitby, was: best mnuDr aud 1Mrs T S Humpliries and two chiîdren, M8 wanson la1it an tht, nooa train for Tornsa rcenly istedfnind boe, the New England States where they Miss Aikeus, Hamilton, is guast a!wof spe the rest cf the summer. Mrs A R Sanderson, at the Parsonage. 7,10n=theirrture they wiil reside le Mrs Duthie and Miss Edith Duthie, Kingeon. Mr and Mrs Geo SwanEoa, Toronto, are vîsîltîng relatives la town' Mr J-0os sud Miss Swason and Mr snd Miss Florence Newton. Kingston, la Mrs W Rave cf titis towu attendod tht, visitlng lier frieed M is Veina Kennedy.wedn. ______ Miss Pearl Laureuceecu, Port Hopea'~ was rocent guest ai Mise Myrtle Bran. ruipalt ton. Mrs William Hainasud chidran cf ailt â eoe. Detroit, Mich, are vlsItIng relativee eDe InoLite ns tava, At the first lga of Ilîness during the Mr Lunn s nd son, Toronto, are hot weather manthe give the littie onts isltlen- at Mr Il E Morphr'sl West. Baby's Own Tabiets, or ln a lew houis 1tbQ cil ha~~l be ooncI eurç, T.bçee Mises 'iorerce Groge, Tronto, le ablots vii ptèiént Bs ès'ëf omplàl'u, ependlng tvo veeksaa tion ier If î procaiampîy curetheswetrleshIJ paensIf they come uuexpectedly. For thisT Mies Violet Webb and Master Armor reascu Baby's Owu Tablats sbouid a!. Weekee, Toronto, are visiting et Mr H vays ho kept lneaverS home where thene Park'a. are Young chîldreu, Mrs. P ...aroch y. '1 ILes Fonds,Qae, gas, -: Last summon my baby suffered severeiy Iran etomach and boaa traubles bus the prompt ad- mInistration cf Bahb 'o' Ove Tablets brought hlm tliraugh spiaadidly." Sold by nodicine desions or by mail et 2,5e a box fron the Dr. WiEiamb& Medîcine Co., Breckyille, Ont.I j EBENEZER To ' 9 cf Ebonez( f church l 80, A basebaîl game miil ha piayed al 4 p ni, after vhlch hennies, crean, anc atlier gaod things viii hoe erved b7 thE ladies on the church lave, ta ho fol- lovod hy a first-class musical sud liter- ary progran. Admiln 20e, chl!dner 1.c. E .orsone corciail y invited, DISTRICT IIEWS. BDrîng viii be commenced ie North Moueglien for naturel gas. Peter Rlay, se eld pensiDnen, dled ai the County Bouse cf Refuge. Peterbao b--as ac-eptod$25 000 Iran Audrew Carnegie for e new public library. Banks are on 1ookaut for bad bille on Tra ders Bank In circulation hoaring fais. signatures, Shipuient o! box cans fon Canadien Northern Raiivay wes made frein the Crossen Car Works, Cobourg, let wock Oua ai theemnonest complainte ai Infants le ovannsd the Mess affective appicaionlaMtlier Graves' Werm Graham Brothers have soid t hein 200 acre fanma, formunly knove as the Preston Fair 1 arn ta John Chaelice of Cavan. 'Tihis le oue cf thehest fgrms in Mauvers, The voek fluttering heant bocomes s5tn9ng g d Jç.gar whea Miller'e Con- pounid trou Piiiiar8 tîsguii.Soid hy X. Mi. Mitchell & (:o. Druggieîes, A fatal accident happeiled hear Wick- 1ev. F Diamoaid wes returning ta Coihorn with a ioad of mataria> wheu ha el fou mhie vaggoe through a epa ing hreaklng-. Muett e hconfoundad vith common' catbartlc or purgative pille. Cartere Little Liver Pille are eetineiy unlika then le evary respect. Oe trial wiii prove theîr Eupeori.iy. Friday,'s thunderistorm vas varv se-, vae near Elizabeîhvîîle, a colt valued et $100 beiongîng ta W H White vas struck by lightnlng sud kilied Robent1 Morton'd harnu vas aise struck but ne damage.-Gude. Have no equel as s eromps and posi- tive cure for sick headacite- billouseesse constipation, pain lu the sida, sud ai Ilver troubles, Csrter'à Littlo Liver Pille, Try thon, Ontarnie Fiaeeies Depansmeut le ai- anmod et the destruction of deor snd the, pormits ta kîli tva is iikely ta ho citanjged ta ane. Carcasses cf deer car- ried bv expreés campanies, open season of 1908, vas 4,387, aains 8,886 iu 1907. Beaue the elhi ind Yîî Have Always Bougit Biguature dm A. f m > -z Bers 1the l,,, e îKid yo HlaAwys Bow ht %inature 1 , c- o! ýc We have Seenred for thie district the agoney for the cel. ebrated, "PEABODY OVER- ALLS". They are vithout doubt, the strongest. largest and best made Overallin uCa.nada, for aither fariner or mechanie. So strongly are they made, that tva men cannoù pull them. apart or start a single stiteli, We guarantee,, every pair ta bo fast colore, and aiso guar- antee te, give Ten Cents a Button and Twenty-five Cents a RIP For every button that cornes off oeeof the Ra-U Road King or Meclianlo King 0veralls we wiii give yen ton cents, and for ev- ery rip lu a seain we wiii gve yon a quarter of a -dollar, within 30 days froni, date o! purchase, W.vi âre Auen for il,, Celebraied LOT dy'Q erls épinc~ L o~ 1 We have them t lu ,lack, bl-ae, bine vith vhite stripe, drill,brown andgrey covort cloth. Ovýeralis>ý, pante, and jackete, $1.25. Ken, tUckyJean, body lined $1.50 1 We simply aek you ta g-ja thein a trial. T overails wv'i ido the reet, high-class Men's Furnishings CANAIANNATIONAL EXHIBITION T'ORONTO Augu~t 28th 1909 Soptomber I 311u Greatest Iàve Stock Er.hibit on the Continent. ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES IMRZSFORD vi officiate et opening ceremonies on Tuesday, August 1sAt Model Camp--Victoria Cross and Wrestlinýg on Horseback Competitionsb- tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery-Artillery Drive-Musical Ride, etc. DreanougtsGREAT DOUBLE ILL F FREWORKS 10 o in THE SIEGE 0F KANDAHAR l laai-Btta BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA Unfm WATCH FOR REDUCED RATES ArD EXCURSIONS.- For ail information Write menacer J. 0. ORR. City àal, Toronto. ENNISKILLEN FALL FAIRS. Recent visitors: Mrs, Wm Trewln, Howmanvi3 ................ Se Pt 21 -2 Bowmauvitle. at Dr. C W Slernon'd; Blackbtock............... '2-239 Miss Margaret Stewart with friends ln CobDurg ........ .........<223 Lindoiv and Peterlboro; Mrs Presto> Caseleton ...................72 and chlldren vl8ited friends ln Lindsay; Lied@ay ............... Sept 28, 24, 25ý Mrs H Rogers home again alter her 0Oshawn .................ept 14-15 long stavrleSarala and Port Buron;1Orono ............... 61 Mis Paarl Ranton with Mrs AlbertWrkoh. .......Ot - Morris, Leskard; Miss Deboisa, Lind. ______ say, with ber aun.t Mrs Chis SteW&rt; Mrs Wm Trewin with ber davgbter Mrs H Coiiacuittî rosie; Mr aind TYRONË WQ-1401d a 'i 1 e irdauzh. ié î. fred tiHeddon, 'ColumbaF; Miss Miss Etta Goodman Is visiting ber Lena Broad, Mrs Wade and Miss Wade, brother Mr Luther Goodman. Dud'-'a Toronto, at Sitas reuiri'e- Mrs Chas Mr Leslie Falliei, Toronto, recenîiy Tanner and daugh*er Marçe, Lkefield, ;lslted at his uncle'o Mr El Virtuie.., et the, Pars'onage; Mrs Fred Rogers, Miss B Diekie, f ormner teaciter a, No 19 Whizby, visitec> ber son Mr F W Lee, recently visited friands bore... Jhft Mrs Atcheson, Sutton, with lier lathOr Lindsay, Central Business College, Mr P Maroney. Toronto,is holldaving at hme...FIo"Ra That stcrnaeh trouble wiil ceseif vou Rahm, Whitby, recently visited heïr will use Miller'a Comnpound Iron Pille pareql.s .. ..Miss Ethel Curtis entertain.- One af ter each ineal. Sold by R. M, ed a number of young friands Tuesday, Mitchell & Co Druggists. evening a be onor a[ her auest M~ie Mftv ýVisitons: Mn sud Mns J Phip, Wluul- pog, Mrs C Johunson, Chatham, Mrs J Anderson, Aurore, Mre (,Rev> Coak, Coboconk, et the, Parsonage; Mne Dykie, WFaehington, reneving nid acqualiît suces; Mn suad Mrs B Dickinson, Hlope; W N Brovn, Toronto..., Mn John Wegt aay got hadiy hurt Saturday hbrae bcd af hay upsetting on hlm ..Th, vent a! the seesan cama off Salurdey whee lht, Young boys sud girls af the village hed a select pienia ou "Wllev Point" .F.Oe Friday llghtning struck thse barn e! Mn W t Clarke sud sp'lintered soveral boards... Mn sud Sire C J Kersiake sud Mn sud airs J G Bures sud dauR b- tan took leaIlie excursion t a mnlloýn Fnldey sud had s vanr ejayab!e tino.j ...Mr n d airsNorma Bannant snd Mn Franki Baunan, Toronto. visited thair nmothen Mns E J Hannan receutly1 The woîl kuovu strengthaning pro- perties of tron, camhined vith tonies sud a mast perfect narvine are f')uad lu Canter's Iran Pille, which strengîlieni the nenves sud bodç, sud Improva the bcoed sud complexion,1 ant'IT nt,..Quarterly sar, rameutai service la- Tyrono churcI., Lunday s n August lot Pale chepko hecone rosy vhen Mil, ler'd Compoud ran Pille ara taken. 51) doses 25 cents. Sold hy R, M. MitcheU & Ca Druggisîs Fariners! Brng lu yeur hinar c vas tei J B Mantyn'a harnes sha ave it poperly repaird. DOIT N0ýW, ASSURANCE Whule market quotations fQor butter are no& as firin as va ahauid liko, va ventura thie assurance to Orana patrons, that the prîce fan July erean vitishow su advauce aven lest meonth, The hot voather moîntl s la a trying perîod tua sbusy h1àsotse vh s Struggliug avay with thIe [atmnvorli nud tryiug ta make butteras wei.Botjq veathen conditIons "cul no ie lu the,3 the Orona Creaneny. Oujr butter storqe noo n le- k apt tiv a d-e gree s bb y fnat e zýing temperatune, Toli uS about sour friand vlio r2ally ehoudu' ho hurlugthî ia s i) sîhp n Prove Ibis proverh: '"le p8rs te pat.- ranime the OROï)NU cEMRY For sale hy m TUE MA SON GLOTHINUGCo. J. MASON CHAS. H. ANDERSON âe Men's Store, and Headquarters for up-to--date Forty îndustr ies HAMPTON. 1909 - september 13th